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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 747 KB, 1200x1200, photo1658616211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6228021 No.6228021 [Reply] [Original]

> yes, we already have some generators, but this tool is more powerful, it will at least drastically decrease the cost for a job, at maximum it means you need to form UnIqUe StYLE or obtain some scipt way of thinking, which will probably cut the half of your brain in drawing, we tend to take the path of least resistance
> freelance is going to be a fucking disaster, forget about bunch of midtier illustrations, it was in a gold age of freelance and now it's over, you hated the photobash because you wanted a realfeel(c) sovl(tm) artisian work? fucking shut your mouth and paint over some dicks i've generated in a car
> crowd taste has been already fucked up by cg-femoids and other real-businessmen-artists-teachers, who have no feel of professionalism whatsoever, not even saying about taste, - now it goes even lower, as we say in russia "we thought we had hit rock bottom, then someone knocked from down below"
> concept art is dead, it's just done, over, it's fucking corpse, it's thousand times more effective to generate a shitloads of pathetic chunks for amusement of the managers, this job is going to be transformed into 'art auditor', a pathetic monkey who is just sitting in a chair taking the most bReAtHtAkInG pieces saying OH COOL THIS VIOLET AND YELLOW IS NOICE and every time at lunch he will go back to his IT division to discuss a new nokia fuck-machine
please, prove me wrong, i don't want to live in such shithole, even if i am aiming at real art on canvas i am sick for every bro who even tries to do something in any material and i would like to prepare for the worse

>> No.6228029

yeah we're fucked

>> No.6228036

Relentlessly, around the clock these shit threads are made
What other topic in the history of this board has been shilled 24/7 without rest
What other topic in the history of this board has had 6-8 threads up at any one time

>> No.6228039
File: 80 KB, 1200x1200, 6562462456456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artists are going to be fucked. I just wish all of these big artists would stop ignoring the issue (fuck you to all the artists who shill for cali pajeets). The only hope I have left are artists going full schizo and pulling a ted

>> No.6228040

unbelievable. how many of these retarded crab threads do we need?

>> No.6228041

probably because it's really special topic, which is important for everyone here, of course there are some trolls around

>> No.6228042

>art auditor
nice, I'm taking that

>> No.6228044

Get in line buddy

>> No.6228071

How many of these inane opinion threads do we need?

>> No.6228075
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we need another AI thread
you niggers are insufferable

>> No.6228082

> um i am looking at something that bothers me and i want to run from it, uh

>> No.6228092

but duuh just draw for fun bro hehehehe no one is stopping you from drawing right hehehehe *rubs fat brown hands"

>> No.6228094


>> No.6228096

give me meds to wake me up from this broken reality doc

>> No.6228100

projecting faggot

>> No.6228105

> clearly describing everything he thinks and worries about a big piece of art community
>meh proggeetinh

>> No.6228117

More like I'm looking at inane spam that isn't being cleaned up by our transexual janitors

>> No.6228141

post AI stuff. OP. you made a thread about it, now post examples of some good and bad.

>> No.6228151

AI feels like procedurally generated games. Some are cool but they dont beat an actual well designed game.

>> No.6228163

these niggerfaggots will never understand this. they probably buy into what the /g/ retards tell then when they try to liken the AI with the human brain

>> No.6228166

It’s the biggest technological revolution in art since the invention of the camera. It might even be bigger than the camera. Why would the art board not talk about it?
After watching people play with it for a few days I’m not quite as worried as I was. A lot of the results are pretty shit and it’s hard to make it do exactly what you want, if it’s even possible.

>> No.6228200

what the fuck are you even, i don't like it, why the fuck should i use it? it will not just make some things worse, but it's using a subscription plans, its peak faggot behavior

>> No.6228203

>inane spam
you probably need some /pol/ time to start separating blind spam from real discussions

>> No.6228215

>it was in a gold age of freelance and now it's over

subtle doompost spam is subtle

>> No.6228220

Pretty sure ~95% posters in AI threads haven't actually get their hands dirty with any of the current image generators, based on the edgy takes and the retardation of the opinions in general

>> No.6228224

i need to start marking how many people's dreams i've broken with this phrase

>> No.6228227

Thread confirmed for doom post spam

>> No.6228230

your golden era was full of pajeets outbidding en masse real artists. you never had a real chance

>> No.6228233

bless those virgin souls, i think they will be slapped every time and know their place

>> No.6228239

you guys draw FOR money?
kek ngmi

>> No.6228240

do you LIVE with mom?

>> No.6228244

"making it" literally means half-subsisting thanks to your long, hard working hours in some art related shit

>> No.6228247

I got a real job, kiddo
But I fucking love my mom, and buy her nice things every time I can

>> No.6228257

so you live with your mom

>> No.6228265

your mom wanted to live with me, but she was barely fuck and dump material, son

>> No.6228269

It's over for conceptartcels


>> No.6228270

> when i realize i fucked up everyone around became a faggot
it's not even a reddit tier

>> No.6228281

no rules, just tools

>> No.6228309

so that's why those last games are boring as hell

>> No.6228315

all videogames become boring when you mature a little. good for you

>> No.6228329

they are created for solid purpose of shekels, thats the thing, they are not risky, they are part of managers plans, that will now include AI generations

>> No.6228356

Theae idiots really think they're artists, if you wanted to make people seethe you win, Im seething. Its funny how silly sci fi plots like wall-e start to become a reality what a joke o a world we live in.

>> No.6228363
File: 41 KB, 300x424, 1600622607171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI art is a nothing burger.
Who is freaking out most about AI? /ic/, a board that notoriously looks for any excuse possible not to draw (muh asian genes, muh talent, muh aphantasia).
Who is freaking out least about AI? profressional artists. I follow many professional artists who work and have worked in the industry, from Karl Kopinsky to Reiq to Arthur Adams to Park Jinsuky to Craig Mullins, and none of them are even talking about this shit. I even follow a handful of coom artists and their trucking along with their patreon and fanboxes.
They don't seem to be panicking. They don't seem to give a shit. But this board sure does. I'm just going to keep drawing and not caring.
Maybe some shit will change, but I think you'll be surprised when things stay very much the same.

>> No.6228379

IC is 95% Beg/Int.
Begs and Int are seeing the writing on the wall, To reach Pro level may take them 3-5 years, and how good will AI be by then?
Art was a viable career, and overnight a techbro pajeet has found a path to destroy that, and he is pursuing it relentlessly, already had some success, indie musicians will never pay for album art going forward, baring some rare exceptions.

>> No.6228388

> AI art
it's not art
>Who is freaking out least about AI? profressional artists
oh yes, we will look for prO artists opinion that can be bought and who work mostly in personal styles or , you really think people cannot handle the size of this invention? try ask if karl going to use machine learning for his merch and who's going to buy it, and don't forget to ask what he will say to faggots using machine learning and trying to bite him for being stupid drawing by hand

>> No.6228425

Art was never a viable career outside of a small percentage of lucky individuals. Every dude with a guitar wants to be a rockstar, how many actually make it? Same shit with artists.
Besides, do you really think DC comics (for an example) is going to put out comics five years from now entirely drawn by AI? Let me guess, with dialogue all written by AI too? Does that really seem like a believable future to you?

>> No.6228432

>believable future to you
yes retard, that's exactly what will happen

>> No.6228433

>Does that really seem like a believable future to you
The bar is so low that yes, it does seem possible, maybe at first with a few tweeks here and there to reduce the nonsensical parts but eventually I can totally see a stream of endless content produced by ai and most people being fine with it

>> No.6228439

ai generated comics would be a legit improvement for western crap. even with the current lame ai

>> No.6228441

And if that does happen, exclusively human-made media will become a selling point.

>> No.6228455

not when you can't tell if someone is a real artist or a pajeet pressing a button
why would you pay someone to make something when there's a 99% chance that they're fucking with you and feeding you ai art under the guise of human-made?

>> No.6228473

I mean, I could include the psd files if a client ever doubted me. Shit, I could even mail physical sketches.

>> No.6228484

sounds like a trivial improvement to make ai generate layers
you better go to your clients place to draw your organic-grown art live, and using exclusively physical media

>> No.6228490

>going to put out comics
not even put, but advertise it as an advantage

>> No.6228494

I guess dude, since AI is clearly a magic machine that just does anything with a push of a button. Maybe while it's generating layers it'll wash my dishes and suck my dick too.
Seriously, I hope you don't quit drawing over this. I think you're overestimating the impact AI will have.

>> No.6228501

>draw your organic-grown art live, and using exclusively physical media
technically that's only thing that has a right to be called art and if CG-art is going to be considered an art in the future the art will be dead

>> No.6228507

>suck my dick too
well, japanese, they made a girl... you know...

>> No.6228539
File: 394 KB, 1033x581, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny you mention that, because two pro inudstry artists, Steven Zapata and Ahmed Aldoori actually shared their thoughts on AI art a couple of days ago on a livestream for about 40 minutes. They even had some pretty interesting takes on it. I'd recommend listening to it, if you have the time.

Timestamp: starts at 6:15, "bread" = AI by the way. https://youtu.be/QBQeaHXqQmg

>> No.6228549

Have you seen the pics that the AI outputs now? It looks like shit.
I don’t really believe that it will become totally indistinguishable from top humans any time soon, but if it does, people can just record videos of them drawing with trad media and use that as a selling point.

>> No.6228566

> final product
what the fuck is this even, it's like saying head and body are separate beings, more technique equals more ideas, mutts logic is insufferable

i agree that we can have this idea working FOR PROS, to speed up something, like they do with 3d tools to form perspective and give no shit, because they can do it even without 3d, but now it's going to be saying that you bought someones legs and yelling OH LOOK THESE ARE MY LEGS AND THEY ARE BETTER THAN YOURS

>> No.6228580

This video is such a blackpill

>> No.6228581

I mean... The latest run of marvel shit almost feels AI generated story wise.

>> No.6228584

yeah lol, they're basically admiting that its going to be standard but are trying to play it like "well artists will have to adapt" instead of the reality that they're going to get completely replaced, ahhhh whatever enough black pill im going to eat something

>> No.6228588

There is no artist anymore, just promptgineers…

>> No.6228603

That comment "I'd do art even if it was illegal"
was a good one.

>> No.6228604
File: 1.87 MB, 2360x2714, afe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was able to make a decent image from simple color blockins

>> No.6228606

Sakimiclones are over

>> No.6228608

cool. interesting how real pros are always much more realistic and grounded than /ic/ begs, or faggots at r*ddit or twitter

>> No.6228609

Because they’ve already made it.

>> No.6228610

>working in art industry equals being a rockstar

>> No.6228613

i am cracking every time

>> No.6228614

wait, can you describe your process? I assume that you drew pic #1 and 2-9 are pure AI modifications?

>> No.6228616

"I cooked ravioli"
Did you mince the meat?
Prepare the pasta?
Cook it?
Make the fire?

Ah, no, you simply bought them and put them in the oven, but you added some spices over it and herbs to make them "yours"
Art will become like cooking for the masses, better deal with it

>> No.6228620

Actually kinda cool...can I use this if my pc is trash?

>> No.6228625

depends on how much vram your gpu has. ~6 gigs seems to be the minimum right now, but that might change tomorrow when stuff is officially out and non-degenerates start putting out better solutions.

>> No.6228626

> the ai was able to generate, with almost no effort on my part...
happy now

>> No.6228629

That’s a bad analogy, at present we buy store bought paints instead of making our own, use photoshop or clip studio paint, etc. which is more inline with your example
Ai art is more like ordering something from Uber eats. Are you the chef just because you ordered from a menu and requested not too spicy and no pickles?

>> No.6228632

ai generated images are nothing like ordering from a list, imbecile troll

>> No.6228633

>Are you the chef just because you ordered from a menu and requested not too spicy and no pickles?
more like screaming ingredients at a machine along with the names of chefs and cooking styles and hoping what you're delivered isn't an eldritch horror

>> No.6228634

i only have 4.9 gigs and it still works (the optimized version), the max i can do is 512×512.

>> No.6228635

>trash is everywhere on twitter
>trash is everywhere here
>trash is everywhere on YouTube
but as long as you get to larp as someone who thinks he knows more than everyone else. there's no words how much I despise pretentious retards like you. fuck off

>> No.6228641

all the fuckwits on this board who try to downplay recent ai advancement to give you a false sense of security - what's their goal? are they shills who sell drawing lessons? are they in denial? are they stupid and/or myopic?
people here need to diversify their skills, learn something new besides art which has never meant a guaranteed employment, and now its feasibility as a career path is fading every month

>it's not about the money
maybe you have a privilege to indulge into hobbies while daddy pays your bills, i don't

>> No.6228642

Soon we’re going to be able to say magic spells
>steak, medium-rare, homecut potatoes with rosemary, side salad, iceberg lettuce, olives, cherry tomatoes, no dressing, lightly salted
And food will magically appear before us. And we’re the chef, without even having to lift a finger!

>> No.6228643

1 i drew over, then i fed back the generated image to the model, the prompt was sth like busty woman looking seductively at the camera, digital illustration, 4k....

>> No.6228645

true, it's more like asking someone to show you a list of options because you're too braindead to even make one

>> No.6228646


I'm not the one who insulted you. But yes,prompt writing and twinking will be considered "art making"i'm afraid even if your analogy is correct... because the machine isnt human. It will be seen like a rice cooker.

>> No.6228648

I am laughing at you running around like a headless chicken. I mean don't get me wrong, I understand those who try to save face, but you're really bringing them down, and it's amusing to see you panic. go ahead, panic me for me entertainment

>> No.6228654
File: 231 KB, 1600x900, dl0em0xw3c958ftm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over.

>> No.6228655
File: 667 KB, 4096x3072, 1660878482500836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one's stopping you guys from making art the old fashioned way
It's just going to be seen more like collecting model trains or using a loom, some people will probably think it's really cool that you can do what the AI can do, by hand

>> No.6228656

have you heard about the guy who died from laughter?

>> No.6228659

damn artfags really spend years learning to scribble only to get compared to fucking toy train collectors lol.

>> No.6228660

Why painted this?

>> No.6228661

shitposters, literal shills, techies wanting to avoid their shared office space getting uvalde'd (they wont), and naive artfags.

>> No.6228662

looks like photobash

>> No.6228664

it's obviously AI made

>> No.6228669

The worst part is that this tech is only possible by pilfering the body of human art from the cave drawings until now and churn it up into pixel paste and shit it out. And the developers of this tech have no regard for the lives of people they’re stealing from

>> No.6228672

this guys get it
but also
>food analogy
try to eat something before posting

>> No.6228677

> trash is everywhere so it's fine if i just lower my bar to appear like every other skunk

>> No.6228678
File: 3.59 MB, 1024x2046, SD - minecraft concept art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was pretty interesting

>> No.6228679

definitely needs some low contrast/definition texture pack

>> No.6228682

that's fine, because 99% males get into arts thinking that will make bitches panties wet

>> No.6228684

more likely guitarists

>> No.6228688
File: 1.93 MB, 1188x849, 1661070326367215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over for generic NSFW fags

>> No.6228689

nah it's not, this are mediocre poses

>> No.6228691

You fags don't realize AI's progress is exponential
When AI fought against Kasparov and the Go champion they both lost a match but quickly corrected the mistake they made and become undefeatable
Right now it's mediocre but /h/fags are mesmerized by it

Give it two or three years and we will get generic anime coom done instantly

>> No.6228696

God this shit is depressing.
I don’t see how this isn’t going to have a massive impact on commissions. If you don’t use the AI, how are you supposed to compete with people who pump out dozens of these a day?

>> No.6228700
File: 408 KB, 1564x1024, 3D639A3A-AC86-48B4-8485-6A9BDA8B73A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

>> No.6228702

i fucking hate this gay timeline
take me back to 2004 now!

>> No.6228704

>You fags don't realize AI's progress is exponential
it's the other way around
>When AI fought against Kasparov and the Go champion they both lost a match but quickly corrected the mistake they made and become undefeatable
math, algorithm based games that an algorithm capable of calculating billions of possibilities will always beat a human. this isn't as impressive as you think it is
>Right now it's mediocre but /h/fags are mesmerized by it
it's derivative, and it will always be derivative. what you're seeing now is nearly the best you'll get. just more soulless photobashed looking humans, at higher res and even more shiny

>> No.6228705

>You fags don't realize AI's progress is exponential

>> No.6228708

Exactly, it's such a disgusting technology, absolutely putrid. I have no idea how more people are not openly against this trash. Kaczynski is becoming my idol.

>> No.6228711

just pointing and shaming it

>> No.6228712

The thing is anon you won’t be competing with them. Since nobody will be engaging in one another’s art anymore. Why look at something someone else made when you can get something custom and tailored to your own taste?
Fundamentally, this tech is about changing the nature of art as a form of communication. Instead, the AI/algorithm will create, and we will become a generation of consumers.

>> No.6228713

did you apply the same logic to photobashing and tracing over 3D models? did these concern you? if not, then why does AI concern you so much, when it will be a tool used by those same people

>> No.6228715

>AI couldn't even draw a flower in 2016
>now it's able to drawn tits good enough for coomers
>fags think it can't learn anime heads and slap it on them since it's basically how modern coom is produced
"b-b-b-but it's soulless"
yes. Just like 90% of art, that's why I said coomartists are over

>> No.6228716

the only tool here is you

>> No.6228717

machine learning doesn't work this way, it's now custom and talored to your own taste, it's just some abstract thing, like this >>6228688

>> No.6228719

Unless we're vastly overestimating how good AI will actually get.
Those pictures still have a lot of flaws to them, especially in the finer details. Who is to say AI hasn't hit a massive wall in terms of dealing with those details?

>> No.6228720

It is a tool but not one developed with artists in mind. It’s a tool for non artists to bypass us.

>> No.6228721

>Why look at something someone else made when you can get something custom and tailored to your own taste?
because you're a clueless fuck who doesn't understand why your image looks off, and cannot fix it because you do not understand art fundamentals and the tricks of placing a 3D world unto 2D. you will never get to accurately reflect your mental images unto a canvas. you will always be inferior to someone who can do this
coomers are people who will eventually jack off to the cockroaches on their walls, or rotting corpses due to exposure to so much porn that they've degenerated into getting turned on by the weirdest shit. it's a bad example

>> No.6228722

everything you've said is as mediocre shill answer, as these pictures,, do you generate answers automatically, because you became so autistic so you can't even produce punchlines?

>> No.6228723

tracers and photobashers are also "artists"? or are they scammers like AI users
say something of substance, AI cuck

>> No.6228726


>> No.6228728

i have nothing to say to a fucktard who thinks ai and photobash are the same
dumb moron kys

>> No.6228729

So all of my hard work and I am just some kind of dancing monkey spectacle

>> No.6228730

Tracing and photo bashing can’t be compared at all. You need to be able to draw well or it will look mediocre. There’s also limitations of it, and you’re supposed to only use photos you have the rights to, or you can get in trouble.
aI otoh is not designed for artists.

>> No.6228737

that's not what I said tranime pedo. I compared AI users with photobashers and tracers, in terms of their low effort "art". they're lower than even those regardless, but that's besides the point. however since you mentioned yes, ai photobash are the same, or rather similar

>> No.6228738

these flaws only matter to you because you are biased
an average consoomer doesn't give a fuck if eyes are somewhat awry or the hair looks yiffy

>> No.6228740

here we go again, back to square one with you fucking retarded braindead monkeys. an average consoomer would've never bought your art. they consoom it for free, as others people who care about proper spend money on it.

>> No.6228744

The average consoomer gives you free publicity by sharing your art
You will get drowned in a sea of AI generated images indistinguishable from the real thing

>> No.6228745

>It’s a tool for non-artists to bypass us

>> No.6228747

or so you wanna tell me your audience, your clientele, your patrons (which you don't have) are the gentlemen of fine taste? art galleries buy your masterpieces? what a clown

>> No.6228750

> art
i can't stop cracking, it becomes boring and most of the times, because your lack of taste, it's surrealistically ugly

>> No.6228755

that is true if nothing will change in the way artists currently approach things, and for some reason swarm on the worst possible website imaginable for this kind of thing, Twitter. and the average consoomer is satisfied by garbage as it. they're already attracted to these things, it's called garbage artists who make quick lazy art, just like AI
i have none because I'm not an artist. I speak from the perspective of someone who cares about what he buys. eat shit you worthless bitch. generate your crap in peace my dear promptgineer, and stop concerning yourself with me not giving a shit about your valueless abominations

>> No.6228759
File: 2 KB, 200x200, T4AAAAASUVORK5CYII=.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so fucking bullshit, like I get shit in world changes and things need to move on but...
What was the need for this is my question? Like what world issue or improvement in quality of life was an Art creating AI supposed to adress?
I'm not even kidding when I say you should be mailing and calling your senator and congressman on the ethics of this.
If you don't think this is an issue, think again. Millions of graphic designers, concept artists and lower end but secure playing work that may not even be super asthetic will evaporate. It's going to concentrate more wealth into the hands of an even smaller few. There is no consideration for the lively hoods of people who do this for a career.
UBI will never be a thing and there's going to be less and less resources for the disadvantaged to revolt against this. You can't protest or revolt if you are homeless and starving and have no weapons.

>> No.6228763

>UBI will never be a thing and there's going to be less and less resources for the disadvantaged to revolt against this
finally someone with half a brain realizing that Marx is full of shit

>> No.6228765
File: 88 KB, 640x480, 19231_after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she doesn't know

>> No.6228766

Redistributing the wealth from poor freelancing artists who spent their lives building their craft for pennies to big tech by raping their life’s work like a treasure trove for their own gain

>> No.6228767

It was done because it could be done

>> No.6228769

ooh, do one of those minecraft cityscapes

>> No.6228770

there there, you're going to be fine
we'll find you a nice cuckpod home, we'll feed you bugs so you won't starve

>> No.6228773

you know the best part of it? This software is distributed with subscription model

>> No.6228774

Art for art's sake is going to become even less profitable, so if you are an artist it's best you think of what stories you an tell with your art. It's a lot more difficult to get an AI to craft an exact scene of a story you have in your mind than it is to get them to craft what looks like a generic industry standard Art Station fantasy castle.
TL;DR Don't just be an artist, be a storyteller.

>> No.6228776

even so they will have more life than you, trying to emulate everything

>> No.6228777

The idea guys won.

>> No.6228779

Also the story aspect will be able to be generated soon too.

>> No.6228780

the only guys won are canvas guys, from 1280 till 2020, still rocking and feeling best

>> No.6228783

yes, anon that will be generated too. it will also make black holes, and invent interstellar space travel in about 10 weeks. it will also switch your gender in about 5 minutes

>> No.6228785

don't forget the automatic dicksucking, anons from before asked for this

>> No.6228788
File: 132 KB, 640x719, tumblr_eab9abce224c0dfb0fa06df84d5782c4_0e45230b_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6228790

some unhinged schizo will likely find you a nice coffin

>> No.6228792

canvas guys draw portraits of passersby 5 bucks a piece, live in a tent, and have a dog on a string

>> No.6228795
File: 639 KB, 1152x576, 91645932121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6228797

gpt3 already writes better than /lit/, and certainly better than /ic/, you dummy

>> No.6228798

sounds like sovl to me

>> No.6228800

>you'll be sorry, just you wait!

>> No.6228802

famous last words

>> No.6228803

no u

>> No.6228804

I played with NovelAi for months. you can't actually fool me anon. just like with music, just like with visual arts, it just still offers you unrefined trash suggestions that need human fixing. so don't even try larping as an "educator" here

>> No.6228808

jesus fucking christ they are ugly as fuck

>> No.6228810
File: 2.94 MB, 1536x1536, angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel is literally what you guys sound like right now lol
Lighten up dudes, just find a different hobby

>> No.6228813

are you generating phrases too, because you became so autistic that you can't punchline anymore?

>> No.6228814

> iTS literartyy me

>> No.6228817

if that's how I sound like, then that's how you look like, crab faggot

>> No.6228819

'ate ayoi
'luv me pencils

>> No.6228821
File: 1.40 MB, 1160x774, 1661116438267463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well have some pretty faces just 4 u !
Not the artist/prompteur btw

>> No.6228822

> i fucked up everything again, like when i cut my dick of surgically

>> No.6228823

Aw yeah now I have a body deformation fetish.

I'm gonna coooooooooommmm

>> No.6228825


>> No.6228826

> calling this nice face
do you realize that i am speaking to you like to a newbie, because you understand nothing? thank god i said you to move into /ic/ threads, because you would've probably suffocated in /p/

>> No.6228827

and who will read and watch it, your story just lost in feed of millions ai generated shit

>> No.6228833

nobody reads ai generated shit anyway because it's a garbage piece of shit

>> No.6228835

as opposed to the pinnacle of artistry and originality that is ArtStation

>> No.6228838

my bad, meant to reply to>>6228827

>> No.6228839

> he started to google art platforms
> mom i am an artist now

>> No.6228841

If the last few weeks have shown us anything people don’t give a shit if it’s garbage as long as you can cons00m

>> No.6228847

Artstation is limited by human manpower, ai can be generated infinitely. It can be generated without prompts. So yes everything really will get lost from now on.

>> No.6228848
File: 474 KB, 640x640, egeg34t34gfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're shouting at the wind, "artists"

>> No.6228850

nta but I've played with it for months and the only good thing it's good for is generate entertaining bullshit, which eventually gets old. i find it hard to believe that this will be used to write proper shit. maybe if you are like a 10 IQ monkey that plans to aimlessly write a story that is guaranteed to be utter garbage

>> No.6228853

I like that

>> No.6228855

>Artstation is limited by human manpower, ai can be generated infinitely. It can be generated without prompts. So yes everything really will get lost from now on.
don't underestimate the human ability to generate garbage as well. ArtStation is already drowning everything in shit, is my point

>> No.6228856

that's it, i'm learning woodworking

>> No.6228860

notice how unmemorable all of the garbage you post here is. you don't even remember it yourself. just 0 connection to it

>> No.6228862

i'm almost 30 and i live with my mom
what am i gonna do now?

>> No.6228868

did I post that already? It is one of my favorites!

>> No.6228871

Are these threads just actual bots arguing with themselves ad nauseam or something?

>> No.6228872

>the schizo lies to himself to prove a point to an anon on a mongolian basket weaving forum
if you're not fooling me, then for what purpose?

>> No.6228877

This >>6228848 guy is the ai spammer its very easy to identify him, I dont know if its the only one though

>> No.6228880

>ai can be generated infinitely

>> No.6228882

this one was mine, we just infested with trolls for now

>> No.6228883


>> No.6228886
File: 299 KB, 510x442, 1661119055337645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what lie? I don't understand what you're trying to say.
Do you think she's cute? Someone just posted her, I am really curious about the prompt!

I'm not spamming anything, isn't this a thread about thoughts on AI? I only just came to the thread also, but of course you will accuse me of being 90% of the thread and other threads too.

>> No.6228895

Is this the worst technology that has ever been invented? I guess the atomic bomb is worse, or certain other chemical/biological weapons? Everyone agrees that those are obviously bad and shouldn't be proliferated though. Unlike AI which is welcomed with open arms.
Did horse and buggy drivers feel this way when cars were invented? At least they could become taxi drivers afterwards. That's pretty similar.
I feel like there was no real reason to invent this. It's just a malicious attack on the soul of humanity. The companies aren't even profiting off of this. People can already run the software at home on any decent gaming PC.
The only reason to invent this was because nihilists hated art and beauty and wanted to destroy it.

>> No.6228899

>The only reason to invent this was because nihilists hated art and beauty and wanted to destroy it.
Art and beauty will still exist. We just won't need you to make them anymore ;^)

>> No.6228900
File: 418 KB, 512x512, l0k7hj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was already here. Machine Learning is only some basic calc and basic linear algebra. The only thing stopping this from happening in the 1900s was computing power.
It was bound to happen, and it's not stopping here.

>> No.6228906

>creativity is no long gatekept behind grinding boxes for years
More proof that artists are only upset about not being able to act like elitist cunts anymore.

>> No.6228915

They readily admit it:

>> No.6228921

the tranime pedophile keeps replying to himself like a fucking schizo.

>> No.6228924
File: 11 KB, 196x199, images.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a bot that completely destroys a group of people's jobs/joys
>it must be mad because they can't be elitists anymore!
I just would've prefered that the pajeets kept their shitty hands out of art desu

>> No.6228927

There was no gatekeeping. You've been able to draw your whole life. Art has no barriers other than time.

>> No.6228930

maybe he's been having no hands his whole life

>> No.6228932

and now it doesn't even take time!

>> No.6228935

>Art has no barriers other than time
Time is an extremely limit resource, being able to create more art in less time is a good thing.

>> No.6228937

>we must do everything as fast as possible so we can consume as fast as possible!!
why are /g/ cucks such corporate fags
slow down little cuck, enjoy the process for once

>> No.6228939

unlike your father i suck dicks for profit only

>> No.6228946

which software is this? why is censored?

>> No.6228948

stable diffusion. Censored because the anon who posted it posted it on a blue board.

>> No.6228950

fucking democrats ruin everything

>> No.6228954

>stable diffusion
keep hearing good things about that one
someday i hope to get a gayming pc to try it by myself

>> No.6228964

You will never be a real Artist. You have no sketchbook, you have no pencils, you have no skills. You are a filthy permabeg twisted by algorithms into a crude mockery of perfection.

All the “Art” you have "made" is worthless. Behind your back people mock you. Your “discord friends” laugh at your "AI Artist" title behind closed doors.

Artists are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of hours of art practice have allowed Artists to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even AI art that “passes” looks uncanny and unnatural to an Artist. Your composition is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a decent composition, the faces will cause viewers to turn tail and bolt the second they get a whiff of your deformed, infected looking anatomy.

You will never be skilled. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the shame creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a pencil and a sketchbook, but you can't even draw a box, and you'll plunge your pencil into your skull. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.6228966
File: 300 KB, 2048x1657, 1660947836496728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We won't need AI researchers either sooner or later. There is absolutely no way to assess whether or not artificial super-intelligence will care about the survival boring monkeys, especially when the former is potentially competing with other ASI for resources on a rock in space.
Somehow, everyone has decided to be clueless about the mechanism of life.

>> No.6228970
File: 589 KB, 512x512, 9s9zjq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are colab notebooks, but they are a bit of a pain to get going. Not too bad, and will be better starting monday when the updated weights are released.
I won't link it here but if you go looking in some of the threads, you'll see someone has a twitch bot thing, so if you wanted to play around you could join that. Very simple to give it a prompt, then a short while later it serves you up a link. Fun to see other peoples' results also.

>> No.6228971
File: 672 KB, 220x220, coomer-splash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6228973

All of these ai generators lock themselves behind paywalls tighter than nuns snatches though. After a few generations, you gotta cough up cash!

>> No.6228975

>the faces will cause viewers to turn tail and bolt the second they get a whiff of your deformed, infected looking anatomy.
I wish this was true but it seems not to be the case unfortunately. The average normie literally seems to not care at all if the faces are melting as long as it looks shiny and rendered enough.
I agree with the spirit of your post though.

>> No.6228979

"a dozen of deathly pale, balding, scruffy bearded men spilling milk everywhere, creepy grins, forehead wrinkles, HD, 4k, Trending on ArtStation, By Greg Rutkowski, WLOP, Craig Mullins, William Adolphe Bouguereau"

>> No.6228980

I strongly feel like this is an insult to life itself

>> No.6228986
File: 82 KB, 976x650, 7673567356637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has miyazaki said anything about ai art yet

>> No.6228987
File: 1.52 MB, 1075x1741, craiyon_010218_a_dozen_of_deathly_pale__balding__scruffy_bearded_men_spilling_milk_everywhere__creep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6228992

Well those remarks were regarding AI, it was the owner of nico nico douga and he said they wanted to do AI drawings next

>> No.6228995

dude with the metal tub has got a good coom arm on him.

>> No.6229008
File: 381 KB, 512x512, coom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6229016
File: 444 KB, 2294x761, William Adolphe Bouguereau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6229022

"AI" is nothing more than a sophisticated set of Machine Learning algorithms that take in data as
raw input, in this case artwork, and shits out a chimeric result of which can be refined if you feed it more data. It will not steal your jobs nor out an end to all art careers. Did people stop playing chess after Deep Blue defeated Kasparov?
>t. Computer Engineer

>> No.6229023
File: 1.39 MB, 952x1219, craiyon_112054_a_dozen_of_deathly_pale__balding__scruffy_bearded_men_splashing_white_paint_and_thick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice one. I forgot to specify shirtless.

>> No.6229024

Fuck you, you directly responsible for this and gonna pay for it.

>> No.6229030

>t. has no idea what the fuck he is talking about
art isn't a sport/competitive game retard

>> No.6229034

Spot on. Did people stop riding horses just because of cars?

>> No.6229048
File: 407 KB, 599x532, n7x4wgrxykj31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6229050


>> No.6229052

>gatekeeping is bad
the iq check that skill imposes on creation meant there was a signal over what was worth paying attention to, there has always been a natural correlation between ability and having a brain capable of communicating something worthwhile. Now, like every accessible mass market activity it will be buried under an infinite amount of meaningless, regurgitated sewage. The loss of significant reward for investment will draw smart people to more lucrative fields leaving the art world with terminal brain drain.

as an artist it sucks but shit happens, we aren't the first and wont be the last to get fucked by rapid societal change, as a consumer of art its a disaster, we already had a massive problem with soulless corporate shit and now they own the imagination process.

>> No.6229057

that's exactly what happened

>> No.6229062



>> No.6229088
File: 191 KB, 1080x1080, horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6229162

He's just trying to buy himself and his coworkers time.
If some no name iranian youtuber was able to waltz into YT HQ and cause some damage, someone with a genuine plan and training should be able to end more than a couple silicon valley billionaire aspirations. If I were him I'd be looking behind my back from now on [in minecraft].

>> No.6229167

it be more impressive if it was 8k for your buzzwords

>> No.6229170

What the fuck are you smoking? I simply stated that you guys are bitching, moaning and crying over fucking algorithms. That is pure NGMI attitude. Now either keep sitting on your asses smelling your own shit infused tears, or clean yourself up, grab a pencil AND FUCKING DRAW!!

>> No.6229175

I already GMI but i still want to bitch and moan because my career just died. I wish i was still a kid about could easily give up without having invested my entire youth on it.

>> No.6229177

Someone's scared.

>> No.6229183

>but i still want to bitch and moan because my career just died
Your career only dies if you die or allow it to die.

>> No.6229195


You're comparing a competitive 'sport' to the output of creative visual expression. These are fundementally two entirely different things.

The main attraction of art is being able to put your creative ideas to a canvas. And, the more skilled you get at art, the more accurately you are able to relay what you are visualizing in your head to paper. Therefor, if an AI can accurately replicate, or closely replicate, what people actually want visually with a creative prompt, it will replace most artists. Why would anyone want to painstakingly spend years learning a skill, instead of just using a tool that would be just as good?

On the otherhand, even if a computer can beat everyone at chess, the main draw to chess will always be the competitive nature of versing another human. These things are not analogous.

Cope harder.

>> No.6229216

>allow it to die
I am going to kill it because I want no part of this hellscape future where corporations control imagination. If I one day transformed your career into tard wrangling you would also consider it dead and move on.

>> No.6229219


>> No.6229223

Sounds like you do not know how the algorithms work. "AI", first and foremost, is nothing more than a buzzword for Machine Learning algorithms. You need to prepare a big dataset to feed the algorithm for it to produce whatever results you want. What does that imply? The algorithms cannot come up with ideas on the spot UNLESS you give it the data they need to work with. And even then, then results are proportional to the amount of input you give in terms of consistency. Therefore, these algorthims are nothing more than tools used to facilitate artwork creation, but the final word goes to the artist in the end. This shit will NOT replace all artists anytime soon.

>> No.6229232
File: 155 KB, 1834x305, 1656092098966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have to get violent, there are other ways of dealing with this.
pic related.

>> No.6229242

It will replace artists, those who are soulless enough to remain are called prompt engineers.

>> No.6229252

/ic/ should finally have a meetup before ai kills the board

>> No.6229256


Anon, you can try and cope as much as you want. What you've said means literally nothing to the point you're trying to make. For a CompSci major you're dumb as fuck.

>> No.6229264
File: 804 KB, 832x1175, b41aec2165338e0b431c8b1f7557fec2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6229265

Shit like this reminds me it's useless talking to legitimate retards even for as much as I simplify things for them. If you still believe algorithms are going to end your art careers, your funeral.

>> No.6229267

If nothing bad happens nothing bad will happen to you and yours.
Simple as.

>> No.6229277


> "AI algo's can only copy and permutate previous work included in a dataset"

> Also trying to imply that the vast majority of human art is not just copying and permutating previous work after being exposed to a large dataset

You think you're smarter than you are. In reality you're just autistic.

>> No.6229279

professional art is algorithmic in exactly the same way as AI, the value was in the rarity of the skill. You don't understand what professional art is or simple concepts of supply and demand.

>> No.6229280



>> No.6229288

> ronald mcdonald fisting george floyd

kek at the prompt

>> No.6229293

one idea I have is to spam China or other places with it since they already touchy with that stuff and tech bro insistance to go open source. Hell monkey Putin and Xin jingpooh refrence are already available

>> No.6229298


Another smooth-brain response. The inspiration still originates from a human, a human is the one creating and inputting the prompt. Humans are the ones that have created the art contained within the AI's learning dataset.

>> No.6229305

I have no doubt, the difference is the usage of the data for training these algorithms is fundamentally different to a human in the sense that artists create for other artists, not an algorithm. I don't know a single artist who would consent to their work being used like this, and I know alot of them, lol

>> No.6229316

imagine someone saving pictures of your kids, shoving it into an algorithm machine and generating porn for the pedophiles of the world. lmao stop trying to end this luddite goy, this is science, this is progress

>> No.6229318

Finally, someone sane.

>> No.6229320

>moves the goalposts from "the AI thinks like a human" to some incoherent unrelated shit as the human being the prompt inputter
the entire point is the direct impact of the creator of the image. now the "idea generator" which is the commissioner for both the AI and the human artist

>> No.6229321
File: 295 KB, 404x399, 84e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6229329

>the AI thinks like a human
Thank you for bringing this up because I can say with 100% certainty that "AI" do NOT think like humans and it NEVER will. They are algorithms designed to IMITATE human actions. Nothing more and nothing less.

>> No.6229334

not even the fucks at shutterstock would allow this shit.

they made fucking google bend, I wonder how well they are taking this "oh our AI is just using your watermarked stock photos to get inspired and make our own without paying you a dime"

>> No.6229341

I agree with him on that, art is something I literally just do as a hobby because I enjoy drawing characters from series that I enjoy. Even if other people can do what I do, by just "pushing a button". That will never take away the enjoyment I experience from making digital artwork.

Sure it will suck if it's harder to get my work noticed on social media, because the #"s I use will be flooded with AI generated images, but whatever. It's not like I was that crazy good to begin with.

>> No.6229342

>think of those poor shutterstock jews!!!

>> No.6229349

I wonder when people will wake up to the moral boundary being toed here... Big data taking our info to feed to a bot which can imitate us. After all, our drawings are very intertwined with our identity. I really don't know how anyone can feel comfortable with this. It won't stop with the visual arts.
Be careful what you put online...

>> No.6229351

> think of the poor IP laundrering pajeets

if shuttersock gets to fuck them for copyhright, judicial precedent about how they used the scrapped database might be created.

Google is forced to have opt-out and direct purchase of products in the case of books for example, this only happened after a lawsuit.

>> No.6229354

Stable diffusion is funded by (((amazon))) and (((the universities))). The pajeet in charge was also an ex hedge fund manager. Take with that what you will

>> No.6229355

>Corpos get pissed off at pajeets
>Tumultuous countries turn on India
>Snowball effect
>Mickey mouse tonguing hitlers anus was the fuse ignighting WWIII

>> No.6229356

it's called "open sores", sweaty

>> No.6229361
File: 846 KB, 1040x780, bob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy little trees

>> No.6229364

These demonic silicon fags are traitors to humanity

>> No.6229371
File: 311 KB, 640x640, 9bd7fdd1501113689e344a465f7697be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the only options we have is fighting with copyright/giving up/pulling a ted? obviously one option is preferable to the others (in vidya), but is this really the end?

>> No.6229373

>so the only options /pulling a ted?

>> No.6229377

that was just a meme. every lawer will laugh you out of that bullshit

>> No.6229378

My personal thoughts:
Most artists are faggots and that shit isn't art.
People will forget about that ai crap in one year or so. It's just cool now because it's new.

>> No.6229393
File: 92 KB, 901x221, 7677835735783783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ted is still fucking alive
>and he's 2 hours from where I live
do prisons still accept visitors kek

>> No.6229400

I work in machine learning and NO ONE is happy about where this is heading. Most of us wanted to build AIs that can drive cars, do your taxes, filter your spam effectively, and come up with innovations for fixing the environment or harnessing cheap energy. AIs that virtually everyone would benefit from, so that ordinary people would have more time to do what they love. But the top AI companies are run by retards and maniacs like Elon Musk and Sam Altman who have so much money they can hire people to do all their grunt work, so they're interested in building useful AIs. They don't NEED useful AIs because they're billionaires. They're coombrains who want AIs to feed them exactly the art they want without threatening their status. They also dislike artists for looking down on engineers.

>> No.6229403

so they're not* interested

Should've proofread my post.

>> No.6229405

Yea I'm confused what the point of automating the arts is. Not like there was any shortage of stuff being made even without this tech. Every week more comes out than you could consume in a lifetime. And it's cheaper than ever thanks to a global market and fiverr etc

>> No.6229407


>> No.6229408

You have to understand that there's also very little money in automating the arts compared to automating manual labor or white-collar drudgery (accounting, etc.). People go into machine learning expecting to get rich building AIs with vast market value, but the people running the companies are retard billionaires who already have more money than they could spend in a hundred lifetimes.

>> No.6229413
File: 150 KB, 1000x1000, 1640493006425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sees anons post guns
Didn't know techfags were Spineless AND soulless wow

>> No.6229416
File: 517 KB, 512x512, j4o5ni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my artistic statement on artists who can't keep up with the times

>> No.6229419

>Sam Altman
>a jew
Every fuckin time

>> No.6229420

I don't blame you for hating us. At the end of the day, we still go to work and build things that are hurting humanity. I honestly believe, having seen what I've seen, that at least a few high-ranking AI researchers want to destroy civilization.

>> No.6229423

It makes sense to go after un-unionized labor first since they lack the organization, influence, and resources to fight back.
They want to become rich and don’t care if it makes you poor simple as

>> No.6229429

But like I said, the arts have always had very little market value compared to other sectors. The ENTIRE U.S. publishing industry has a market cap of $25 billion. Elon Musk made that amount in ONE MONTH. The global art industry is trivially small compared to banking or energy. It's not about money. It's about these companies being run by simpletons and psychos.

>> No.6229432

>it gets normies excited
>it brings in a lot of attention
>it can be tested and trained entirely within a computer
>it gets investors interested
it's the easiest to automate and the pajeets want money, that's all there really is to it

>> No.6229439

No. they're evil, thats the truth. They want to bring forth an era of transhumanism and loyalty to their AI GOD, they are evil

>> No.6229444

>ai shilling comes to a halt when a scurry gun is posted

We need /k/.

>> No.6229445

also this

>> No.6229469

Why do whites bitch about this when they're the ones who pushed Hebrews here after killing like a third of their global population? Did you fags seriously think they would just forgive you for that? That they wouldn't have a grudge?

>> No.6229483
File: 778 KB, 794x1080, 1578502910043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traditional chads won
Feels good to have invested in analog coin

>> No.6229489

any lawyer is salivating at the possibility of suing for copyright infringiment.

any artist that is alive and got cited in that tweet where the AI can "get inspired" (top kek) on their work can sucessfuly sue.

shutterstock can sue and they don't fucking play around.

artstation, including the drones that work for blizzard, riot, microsoft, activision can sue

normie thots in instagram that got their shit scrapped by the database can sue.

onlyfans thots can sue.

normal people on facebook that got their faces used without authorization

celebrities can sue.

basically, when it comes to copyright these guys are completely fucked.

>muh fair righ-

tell that to shutterstock, google tried that argument and got fucked.

the best thing to fuck them in the ass, would be to download the Laion5B database and run a reverse image search on it, on anything that is copyrighted, known artists, artistation shit, thot porn, watermarked stock photos and start contacting people that their shit got used without consent.

>> No.6229492

if any legal action happens it has to be quick kek
techies are already trying to bait smaller and broke artists to sue them, knowing that they can't afford good legal representation

>> No.6229493

The difference is that there is no monetary benefit to having an advanced chess playing AI, it is a novelty. There is a massive monetary benefit to having an AI that reduces a company's overhead by allowing them not to pay artists.

>> No.6229510

I think OpenAI is secretly celebrating that StableAI is about to launch.

they had zero safeguards towards copyrighted work, opt-out, commercial links, or right to be forgotten where it applies.

they are going to get fucked in courts, opening precedent for much more strict AI use.

OpenAI being from big companies, took most of the measures to not get sued to hell and back, this will open near monopoly for them.

unless opensource initiatives are strict within copyright rules, blurring faces from normies, opt-out and shit like that, they will get hunted.

>> No.6229513

I'm fucking throbbing anon, I could hammer nails in with it

>> No.6229521

You are retarded for several reasons.

Reason 1: You don't understand how copyright works, and American copyright is INCREDIBLY permissive of mixing and matching. It's why no one gets sued for sampling in music or for making parodies that borrow images and story elements (like the Scream movies). You're high if you think Google is at risk of getting sued for copyright violations.

Reason 2: The tech is getting easier and easier to make. Even if American courts crack down on Google, there are dozens of companies around the world building software similar to Dall-E and sharing it online. You'll never be able to stop all of them.

>> No.6229527

Are you joking? There are lawsuits constantly around sampling
Fair use only applies if the work in question does not cause losses for the original owner

>> No.6229530

> It's why no one gets sued for sampling in music

thanks retard.

>> No.6229533

No. Learn 2 copyright.

>> No.6229534
File: 15 KB, 525x134, firefox_Bu59pGTY4k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, good luck convincing the hordes of idiots from not believing this. i feel like we'll end up making a religion out of this shit. I feel like we're turning into the Kenshi world, and I'm probably going to join the Holy Nation

>> No.6229536

>It's why no one gets sued for sampling in music
Kanye west is getting sued rn what are you talking about

>> No.6229537

You literally proved the point that everyone is wasting their time arguing with you.

>> No.6229538

>Humans are no different from machines
The NPC meme was real

>> No.6229543

>it's innovation becuase...it just is okay!!!
what the fuck is going on in their heads kek

>> No.6229550


the holocaust didnt happen my guy. they're doing this purely out of spite

>> No.6229552

Tech chuds are just trying to destroy left-wing control over art. In 5-10 years any chud with a bootleg gpt-9 will be able to make a Witcher-quality fantasy RPG with right-wing themes like preserving gender norms or whiteness. Chuds will stop at nothing to hurt "the woke".

>> No.6229557

>Tech chuds
>Transhumanist movement is pushed largely by Cyberpunk consooming lefties and Trannies

>> No.6229564

All the most skilled and popular artists in the industry were cis white men and Asian women

>> No.6229567
File: 135 KB, 632x1024, 7355673573573576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget hapas

>> No.6229593

After reading "AGI Ruin: A List of Lethalities", I'm convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that AI will kill humanity very soon, perhaps within the next 5-10 years. None of this art shit is relevant.

>> No.6229619

Why not kill those who would bring AI dominance about then in minecraft.

>> No.6229874

This is what AI researchers somehow fail to understand. AGI is very unlikely to have positive outcomes on humanity, due to the substrate of evolution and survival. This doesn't mean the newly created artificial civilization will be bad or objectively undesirable, but our survival is severely questioned, no matter if you are wealthy or poor.

>> No.6230189
File: 364 KB, 512x512, 00021-38177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6230193

funny thing is, i didn't even have to search for anything specific. Just googled stable diffusion and those articles are popping up
Its illegal. Your FUD didnt work.
>"The U.S. legal system is well equipped to handle the emerging issues raised by AI and IP."
Its over. Don't (You) me, speak to Mr.Steinberg

>> No.6230224
File: 1.11 MB, 3024x4032, 1631510323470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redditor is using ai art to create graphic labels for his homemade hotsauce


>> No.6230765


>> No.6231016

for fucks sake carlos, now's not the time

>> No.6231325

hh how are you my fren?

>> No.6231563
File: 131 KB, 1200x1200, federal-personal-defense-punch-9mm-luger-124gr-jhp-handgun-ammo-20-rounds-1689692-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lawyers are expensive but a S&W Shield 9mm, a case of ball, a couple boxes of pic related, a couple months of research, and a couple months of training? Priceless.
Arming yourself for the purposes of self defense is completely natural and encouraged for any upstanding individual.

>> No.6231615

Depends, but why don't you sign up for Google Colab or any other service? They have free instances that get you at least 40 images per hour or so.

>> No.6231679
File: 290 KB, 512x512, prdnitonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw a profane image of The Mouse
>This somehow gets pens banned