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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6222912 No.6222912 [Reply] [Original]

One big advice I get to grow a following is to have consistency, to post daily and post more or less the same niche that made people follow you in the first place.
Another big advice to grow a following is to make art of what's trending, keep an eye on what's currently big.

How the fuck do I reconcile the two?

>> No.6222914

Stop drawing trannime

>> No.6222918

I don't want to draw furries, sorry.

>> No.6222923

>it's either trannime or furries
End your life right now

>> No.6222924

We're all dead, one day you'll realize.

>> No.6222931

keep drawing trannime

>> No.6222937

have the shit you enjoy as a base ad foundation to your body of work
then add a few trends here and there
thats a good midleground unless your personal tastes are very very very niche
i enjoy fighting games so i draw a lot of fanart of fighting games characters both male and female some oc, and even a few mockups
i got lucky that in past few years people been discovering fg characters and they have become amazing bait especially the girls, which offer a large variety in designs to not feel burnt out on same cutesy shit, and this been helping me just get my art out there and get a few comms
just find your own little niche that has some wider appeal or to the middlleground of mixing your tastes as a foundation with some trends here and there

>> No.6222940

its either trannime or furry porn, everything else got replaced by ai already.

>> No.6222941

Lmao just end it.

>> No.6222943

This dude keeps seething because he got jealous of trannime anons being better than him.

>> No.6222948

>have the shit you enjoy as a base ad foundation to your body of work
>then add a few trends here and there
Sounds like a plan, I'm more or less doing it already, but I very sparsely post and don't really interact with anyone. Also maybe my niche is just very broad (game/anime guys, no hetero, only homo stuff).

>i enjoy fighting games so i draw a lot of fanart of fighting games characters
Same, good taste.

Thanks for the actual advice, and congratulations on your success, wish I could look your stuff or follow.

This guy gets it.

>> No.6223974

Artists that always just rush to draw the latest trending meme always seem like they are creatively bankrupt.

>> No.6223980

>How the fuck do I reconcile the two?
are you this fucking dumb?
draw whatever the trend is in your style.

>> No.6224163

why can’t there be a vs 3rd option which is having fun?

>> No.6224169

>wish I could look your stuff or follow.
im not very successful just a few thousand follows but got lucky in pulling some commissioners attention
and id never post my shit on here to avoid the mentally ill shitposters id advise you to do the same and not promote your socials on /ic/

>> No.6224202

people have fun in different ways
i enjoy autistically copying anatomy books and game/animation artbooks as much as doing original art but most find it boring
everyone's different

>> No.6224209

Draw popular characters, but not ones that are FotM.
Evergreen characters:
Frankie Foster, or any cartoon redhead, really.
Cynthia and other poke waifus
Any Nintendo/Disney princess
Baiken, Chun-Li, Juri Han, and other popular fighting game waifus

>> No.6224396

What about Link from Zelda? I have a permanent boner for him.
Do you think hentai gets more followers?

>> No.6224407

post your work

>> No.6224458

It's Zelda so that works just fine. NSFW gets traction in different ways. Generally should be easier to get started with it, but harder to reach a higher ceiling than SFW.

>> No.6224468

What do you think would eventually get me more money though, SFW or NSFW?

>inb4 you'll earn more flipping burgers

I prefer earning a little less while drawing, I'm not vain and am happy with a simpler lifestyle.

>> No.6224483

That's mostly up to how you monetize and how hard you're willing to work for it rather than the nature of the work. Again, you could hit a broader audience with SFW, but you'd have an easier time appealing to more niche interests with NSFW.

>> No.6224719

Flavor of the Month, but it can stretch multiple months, or even years.
Examples: Yor Forger, Bowsette, etc.
Then you have shorter ones like the Clown girl, Marin Kitagawa, Lady Dimitrescu, etc.

>> No.6224729

As for the cooming Link thing, it'll appeal to some, sure, but Zelda herself appeals to more people.
Guess you could do both of them.
If you do hentai, you have to be dedicated to the hentai audience. Know that it will never appeal to normies. Then again, every genre of art only appeals to a select population, so it's not that different to go full hentai.

>> No.6224752

>Then again, every genre of art only appeals to a select population, so it's not that different to go full hentai.
Do you think there's a "bi" population? I sometimes really want to make bi stuff, not really hentai or yaoi, do you think that would scare both kinds of people though?

>> No.6224798

Yes there is.
But it's niche

>> No.6224813
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Draw whatever the fuck you want and stop obsessing over the number going up.

Also your followers aren't brain-dead numbers and will only interact with stuff they like. Mine are half art hoes and half weebs, and apart from a few of them the weebs ignore my master studies and the art hoes don't suddenly stop watching mood boards reading coffee shop AU fanfics to flock to drawings of Chika Fujiwara getting dicked stupid just because I'm behind them.

>> No.6224923

Thank you. I'll stick to mostly yaoi but temper my content with bi stuff from the time to time then.

>> No.6225292

You look at it as a trend that people hop on and do soley for retweets and follows
I look at it as an easy break from needing to think, something I can do in under an hour thats kind kind of fun

jack-o pose was just a simple 'your character here' thing
sailor moon in your style was just drawing a character over in your style

both simple tasks that let you take a break from being 100% at the wheel.
granted i'm sure there are people who ONLY draw trends and current popular things exclusively, thats kind of creatively bankrupt to use your words, but i also don't follow anyone that fucking vapid to being with.

>> No.6225300

don't do realistic birds as the bulk of your work, then toss in a completely opposing style.

largely people don't like the opposing style and people won't like the birds you normally do, so you just net loss after that post.

but if you do illustration ranging from heavily cartoon to more realistic, tossing in a challange piece is just a toss up, people may like your normal work and people who like your work wont be too off put by the tossup.

but don't get a following that hates anime and then jump on an anime trend.

>> No.6225305
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I follow a few artists whose style vary in unpredictable ways, 80% of what they draw is not to my tastes, but I'm always happy when something exciting comes out, so I congratulate them or interact in some way.

If you're formulaic, I will follow you to see more, but I will never like/share your artwork because you are a product, not an artist to me.

So think twice before trend-hopping, kiddo, you might be losing the most tasteful fun you could ever dream of (me).

>> No.6225309

tasteful fan*

>> No.6225336

Its not really that complex.

Find a niche, and draw for it consistently, and turn the trends to what you're known for.
If you're the top tentacle rape artist, then draw tentacle rape but draw it with the latest FOTM girls.