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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6221380 No.6221380 [Reply] [Original]

how to enjoy drawing

>> No.6221386

by not worrying about it

>> No.6221387

Drawing what you like, studying what you need to learn, having art friends and active audience, smoking weed and listening good music while drawing, dropping /ic/

>> No.6221394

i agree with drawing what you like, studying what you need and listening to good music the rest is bullshit
this, neither brainlessly doodle of grind fundies 100% of the time, try to find balance

>> No.6221398

post your work

>> No.6221399

Stop going to /ic/ and social media and art will become enjoyable

>> No.6222179
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Delet This.

>> No.6222270

draw shitposts

>> No.6222272

if you don't enjoy it, try another hobby. I don't get why people force themselves to do shit like this if they don't find it fun.

>> No.6222350
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You're assuming he's good at it. The reason I started drawing was that I thought it would be relaxing. No, the more I progress the more I am perplexed how I made it this far. There's just so much to account for while drawing. And my fundamentals are wonkey so it's even mire frustrating. Digital had crutches but I Hate digital. I have a 500€ tablet that I basically don't use.

I fucking hate measuring and angles and perspective. I'm sick of it all.

And before you say anything I made fantastic progress in 2 months but I lost my motivation. The issue is simply the shit fundamentals but I can't begin to describe you how much I fucking loath perspective and proportions. I'll try to switch to painting or sculpting to progress and fun but here's the thing, I'm a worthless loser and I'm desperate to be atleast proficient at one single thing. Also fear of nuclear war or just war in europe makes it even worse.

Sorry for the blogpost.

I guess what I can recommend to OP is to switch mediums if you're still learning. Painting with shapes, sculpting anatomy(non-digitally). It might be more fun to practice in different ways. Lines, lines, lines fucking lines are going to drive you insane in the long run. Atleast that happened to me.

>> No.6222369

>I fucking hate measuring and angles and perspective
have you ever noticed that basically no artist that's "made it" uses this stupid shit?
god I fucking hate this board.
You do the dumbest fucking shit that saps any and all fun out of art, then complain when art isn't fun and just don't draw because of how miserable of an experience you've made it.

>> No.6222372

ignore the retard that doesn't know about art, he doesn't even draw and if it does draw he's a permabegturd

>> No.6222555

Okay then tell me what to do please.

>> No.6222557

have fun with art.

>> No.6222562

They don't use it because they learned it by heart. Pyw

>> No.6222580

Take a fucking pencil and enjoy it.
I'm done drawing whole fucking day, now I'll fap my dick off
Luckily due to fucking error I can't sleep longer than 5h per day so I'll fap a lot.

>> No.6222598

Listen to music while drawing.
Truth is: drawing can be tedious and boring, so you need to mentally distract yourself the tedium of art.

>> No.6222624

If you have to ask....

>> No.6222907

>I have a 500€ tablet that I basically don't use.
Give it to me then, you don't deserve that power.

>> No.6223204

For me is drawing with others. Live.
If anyone is up for that we can draw together (mic required)

>> No.6223221


>> No.6223612

1. Don't worry about gmi or ngmi.
2. Don't see drawing as your only plan to earn money, but it can be your only plan after you gain notoriety.
3. Work on instrospection : what do you like to draw and how do you like to draw.
4. Never be afraid to experiment, you're not risking your life. The most you can risk is some of your time and a sheet of paper.
5. Always seek for pleasure but always try to go out of your confort zone.

>> No.6223629

i draw loli coom and jack off while doing it, are you okay with those sounds over the mic?

>> No.6223652

Work on meaningful projects. Something that you actually want to see completed.
If you just have a grind mindset and you’re doing exercises like you’re at the gym then you won’t enjoy it.

>> No.6223670

but i enjoy the gym

>> No.6223680

By getting good at it and getting praise from strangers

That will make you want to draw more and more, which makes you better at drawing, and that in turn makes you receive more praise. The cycle keeps reinforcing itself

just get decent enough to get out of beg, and then do Naoki Saito method

>> No.6225206

by having the skill to not profusely shit the bed, not enough skill to be called a master, just enough skill to not hate what you draw with every fiber of your being... or about 3-6 months of active study.

>> No.6225209

just draw things you like, like anime girl feet.

>> No.6225210

Use a perspective grid or 3D models

>> No.6225222

Art isn't something you do for fun, silly. It's a compulsion that makes you miserable if you *don't* do it.

>> No.6225335

This is how I know I'm an outsider when it comes to art. I'm still gonna make it, and I hope that one day I experience this compulsion like a true artist

>> No.6225347

Nah, you just sound like a fucking faggot addict.

>> No.6228103

Sounds like some form of workolism or obsession with being productive/good at something (in this case drawing).

>> No.6228221

What exactly is "brainlessly doodling" and how do I learn to do it? The only drawing method I know requires intense concentration and constant analysis. If there's a less exhausting way to draw then I would really like to hear about it.

>> No.6228225

this is one of this threads where people do everything, even replacing tables, but not admitting the fact they actually don't want to draw at all and they need to go live a little and comeback later or give it up completely, go draw for fuck sake

>> No.6228228

i've discovered the perfect phrase for /ic/, it feels like creating a monster

>> No.6229464

By doing it so often it literally becomes a daily routine and you just do it just to do it

>> No.6229470

Didn't work for me

>> No.6229490

Just open a canvas and start moving your hand, anon. It's not some mystical art that can be taught. You just open the canvas, and start moving your hand. Thought not needed.

>> No.6229611

Honestly I'm so starved for friendship that I'd have to say yes, yes I am okay with that.

>> No.6229712

I haven’t been able to enjoy it since finding out about AI “art.” Barely touched the tablet in the last week or so.

>> No.6229822

Hey, dumb fuck bot, no one just heard about ai a week ago

>> No.6229840
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How do I draw without pain years of fine-detail hunched over drawing has given me tennis elbow :^(

>> No.6230263

1: Don't be a fool. Your suffering actually does matter to the equation. Don't catch yourself pretending otherwise.
2: Actually try to make things less painful. That means if it is painful, something is wrong, and you need to figure out how to fix what is wrong.
3: Funny enough, avoid such a disciplined attitude. Be free, drawing when you feel like it. In other words, draw what you enjoy (whatever tends to work when you do it that isn't too painful). I'll remind you you're trying to enjoy drawing, you should already know from your own experience that draconian measures don't even work, actually, you'll perform better without them.
4: Don't cut with a dull knife. If what you're doing isn't working, the correct response is NOT to push harder, contrary to hard work grindset nonsense people mindlessly repeat. The moment you realize you're doing something that isn't working, you STOP, REORIENT. Try to find an easier way. You don't break through walls, you stop what you're doing when you see one, and gently find a way around them.
5: my favorite piece of advice; from now on be extra aware of whether or not what you're doing... actually usually works when you do it. Catch yourself if you're trying something that usually doesn't win, STOP, REORIENT, do literally anything else. if something usually wins whenever you do it, do more of it. It's the ultimate troubleshooter for people that don't know what they're doing wrong.

recap: You're trying to avoid expensively and painfully brute forcing things; instead looking for a less costly solution. It shouldn't be hard to see how this might make things more pleasant and enjoyable.

In other words, stop working hard, start avoiding failure. Do what's easiest, seek comfort, and avoid making sacrifices :)
the funny thing is, it's not a joke, I really had to reject everything I was taught, and turn the whole thing upside down just to enjoy drawing.

>> No.6230284
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be fucking autistic, that's my technique
i draw to bring my fantasies into the world, the act of inserting emotionally into whatever I'm drawing keeps me going

>> No.6230413

Because I have ideas that I'm desperate to express, but I have no means of expressing them. I just want to draw so I can externalize those ideas.

>> No.6230602

pay someone else to make them with money gotten from something you actually enjoy.

>> No.6233049

>Needing instructions just to begin drawing
So when you play video games, do you ask the same questions? Drawing isn't for you, stop now.

>> No.6233065
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>draw what you like
I'm too old to fucking doodle sonic characters and flaming skulls you fucking autist.
You'll never catch me liking things like a fucking child. I dont have time to draw what I like, I need to get good so I can be a functioning human already, I'm decades behind in development against normalfags who gets to draw well AND have girlfriends. I want at least ONE thing

>> No.6233165

you calling anyone else an autist is hilarious. you sound kind of like chris chan desu
maybe that's the joke?

>> No.6233449

When you're stressed draw something that relaxes you and when you're calm and focused try improving at something
In sometime you will flip back through the pages and realize that your mind thinks that you're shit but you're actually making progress

>> No.6233455

I like a pictures of a cute anime girls so I want a hobby related to them! There is no much choice.

>> No.6233472

>Luckily due to fucking error I can't sleep longer than 5h per day
What the error and how it affects your health?
>draw a lot
>f*p a lot
Living the dream?

>> No.6233577

you could make MMD with other peoples models
or get a job and commission people to draw the anime girls you want to draw

>> No.6233592
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First of all, keep it scientific, meaning don't do anything else but draw. Note the time when you get frustrated.
Ear plugs, meditation music at best. You should be able to hear the skritch of the pencil of the tapping of the tablet pen.

Sensual presence is important. Adjust your posture, change the drawing, but the frustration remains.
This is a literal pain signal to your brain, as with existential pain can actually be mitigated with tylenol (look it up)
but we're not here to try to tame the pain with pills, or weed. Sure, I WANT to draw when I smoke weed, but the drawings are always crap.
So It's important to overcome adversity with meaning, if you can entertain some reason for the pain, just don't fall into the depression trap like "whats the point of this im so crap"

Take a break, breathe then return. Keep track of how long you draw per day. If you aren't drawing as much as you like, examine your life maslow pyramid style, perhaps there are some factors in your health for example that need to be addressed first. Cart before the horse. A dead artist does not make art.
IF you can't change anything in your personal life, like you have to live with your parents, have no friends, have bad hygiene and STILL don't draw, consider changing your perception. ASK YOURSELF THE PAINFUL QUESTIONS.

IF I used to draw and like it, why do I not like it anymore?
Why am I jealous? Why am I furious that I can't draw?

continue until you find the humor of your situation. Laugh a little.

>Drawing what you like
is fine but don't overdo it


kindered spirits

>> No.6233714
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You should have a taste acceptable to others to draw with others. It isn't always possible.
Good post. Not OP but it made me to think. I think that my most problem is inability to put lines strictly on it's places what is critical to art types I like (cute girls and mecha). But I can't spend very much time to do a mechanical skill training. But I'm pretty good in understanding fundies (except color). Maybe I should just move to 3D or use liquify on loose sketches, I don't know. Maybe I should just >>6230602 but it's completely not fun.

>> No.6233724

According to research the more competent you are at something the bigger the odds you find that activity pleasurable and you procrastinate less.

>> No.6233754

you just draw

>> No.6233763

>start drawing for 5 seconds
>body starts sweating
>stomach starts churning
>gas buildup in my gut
>vision getting blurry like I'm about to get into a fight

>> No.6233768

So drawing will become more fun with experience? This was my expectation

>> No.6233798
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Oooops, wrong pic.

>> No.6233906

Haha found the no drawer. They only use it in the sketch phase you faggot. You definitely don't do industrial design work so your opinion holds no value.

>> No.6234010 [DELETED] 


>> No.6234098

I want to draw my waifu doing ordinary activies.

>> No.6234135

"no drawer" or "nodraw"? I'm really interested what is official(tm) name for this sort of crab.

>> No.6234323

so true, I have embraced a near religious belief in beauty. this world has already become so ugly, so why create art that is or even promotes ugliness? as an artist you could wield so much power, but it is a great responsibility also, it's like becoming a custodian of culture. what you make will rub off on people and you must account for that effect. propaganda is this exactly. be considerate about what work you are putting out.

>> No.6234332

>They only use it in the sketch phase
no, they really don't.
>You definitely don't do industrial design work so your opinion holds no value.
what kind of stupid fucking statement is this? lmao

>> No.6234334

same anon, I got too caught up about responsibilities as an artist, not how to enjoy it. your job as an artist is literally to bring beauty into this world. it can be tragic, or tranquil, dramatic, intense, anything that holds your attention. being deeply fascinated by what you're looking at, I think is the very essence of the process, because your enjoyment really comes through in the finished product.

>> No.6234506
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I enjoy drawing.
That's the result i dont enjoy...

>> No.6234537

Id draw with you but im not speaking with no stranger

>> No.6234553
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>if you want to truly enjoy art, commit 1 page of art for every word you post on /ic/.

It's not art you hate, its a lack of community that /ic/ feels, people from different communities that would not be friends nor would ever cross paths otherwise, sharing the same space. You feel me?

It's /ic/ you hate. /ic/ may be right about the "importance" of "fundamentals" this is pure sophistry because /ic/ does not offer you the solution, but rather a harsh dose of reality to the budding art school snob or encouraged hobbyist. /ic/ represents all the worst parts of art; the bitter, snide, depressive, discouraging acid of solution we call seasonal affect disorder. Only the season is always harsh winds, why can't have just have sunshine in the park and be supportive for other artists /ic/ ?

You want a community if you have ever experienced a camaraderie with like minded people, sure, there was always someone weirder, older, shorter, lesser in skill, but you would just constructively criticize each other in a web 1.0 style community of about 20 - 45 people who's usernames you got to associate with certain posting styles, but all in all, good times were had.
Trust is involved, trust one will constructively (and honestly! ) criticize, and trust that one another be treated with respect, and a level of likeability and rivalry.

>Enter 4chan circa 2006
/ic/ nameless, faceless anonymous meat piles of bitter ranting and disgraceful etiquette that the sheer number of fights that happen on /ic/ do little to bear fruit. "But a n o n, surely there is another choice? Not really, the other half is essentially starcucks baristas on their "hobbyist" phase of life, a quite literal whoring out to
>thousands of likes per day
Dopamine much? The mind is not wired for this.

ironically, you come back to /ic/ because?

/ic/ has no friends because there exists no good art community spirit to bring you up when youre down.

You gonna make it.

>Shit 335 words? 339?

>> No.6234566

You dont if your goal is beign a professional.
Work is not supposed to be fun, its supposed to be work, the joy comes from the fruits of it

>> No.6234797

I'm just managing to my myself social media follower chasing brain disease. I started posting to twitter just to encourage myself to finish work on a regular basis, and I think it's slowed down my study even if I am completing things to a higher standard. I spend more time on for for fun stuff than practicing things that would make me better long term.

>> No.6235006
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Get coloured pencils

>> No.6235559


>> No.6236172

>money gotten from something you actually enjoy
>Work is not supposed to be fun

>> No.6237301

>St. Mark drawing on /ic/
There's still hope for this place.

>> No.6238271

I just hate doing things that need to be done. If its something I should be doing, my body doesn't want to do it. I can't ever tell people about this because I just get called lazy, but its more like I have to avoid everything. I can be very busy doing things that dont matter just to avoid doing something that matters. The only time I draw is when I don't want to sleep

>> No.6238275

You are lazy

>> No.6238293

Same, fundamentally flawed

>> No.6238297

nice legs dude

>> No.6238321

It is being lazy, yes.
Procrastination isn't entirely bad. You think those things "don't matter" but will actually add value to your life (unless you are vaping or something).
Ask yourself why you are avoiding that thing. Know yourself better, then act accordingly.
I'm drawing a lot more right now because I stopped trying to study from boring teachers I didn't care about. I have learned that if I don't like the style of a teacher or I don't admire him I shouldn't even try to learn from him.
There are artists that do vibe with you, look for them, listen to them. Frazetta is cool and all but I think his drawings are stupid, so I will never do a Frazetta study unless my appreciation for him grows. But that's just me.
You probably, deep inside hate Vilppu's drawings (or any other master) and can't force yourself to draw abhorrent stuff everyday.
You gotta find yourself. Be truthful to you and ignore everyone that wants to force their style on you.

Bridgman grinders actually love him and are amazed by him. But if you don't share that sentiment, just stay away from him and get closer to your real inspirations.

>> No.6239586

did you do the cat in color pencil too? it's so soft, how'd you achieve that effect, was it purposeful use of lighter colors as if it was a painting? cool work regardless

>> No.6239593

well... i actually like it and don't need to sleep more than 5h.
wife asked my mother about it and according to her it's like that since always.
i'm going to bed between 4-7am so my hours are pretty irregular.

>> No.6241487

How old are you? Go read the manga Blank Canvas, the Mangaka's sensei started at the age of 29, but he kept drawing the same busts and things like fish and rocks for hours till he got them perfectly to the point where high-profile people attended his drawings events in person.

In short, just draw everything and anything, for hours, every day for years and you'll get there, maybe not 5 years later, but you'll get there.

>> No.6241508

>inverted triangle
also called dysphoric triangle

>> No.6241721
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Unironically use your frustration to motivate yourself. Spitefully draw

Draw more, care less

>> No.6241857

>I'm too old to fucking doodle sonic characters and flaming skulls you fucking autist.
And that is the problem when you don't enjoy the old masters. Trying to copy their works is "drawing what I like" and that is enjoyable as fuck.

>> No.6242072

You shouldn't do something you don't enjoy, unless it's something you're already good at and you get paid a lot of money for doing it.

>> No.6242201

How about learning? It's not enjoyable if you working really hard, you're not good in a thing you learn (that's why you learn it), and it's not paid or you pay to teachers. You're shouldn't learn anything?

>> No.6242781

Fr tho
I know I'm supposed to find a balance but drawing things I like just makes me sad cause it doesn't turn out as good as I'd like

>> No.6242812

stop focusing on just improving your technical skill and draw something you genuinely want to see a drawing of

>> No.6243288

Learning should be fun.

>> No.6243644

get gud endure the grind, enjoyment emerges from the challenge

>> No.6244922

Say it to teachers.

>> No.6244982

Draw little girls

>> No.6245006
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Sorry I can't hold this joke.

>> No.6245009

Literally me
Metallica fucking sucks though

>> No.6245037

Teachers shouldn't exist. It's why they get paid such a low amount. Nobody in society respects them, since they willingly participate in a system that indoctrinates children. Talk isn't enough for a teacher. They only understand action.

>> No.6245795
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when i draw wacky, i have fun

>> No.6246047
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>Find drawing the activity itself to be uneventful, boring, and not even relaxing
>Get dopamine rushes from normies complimenting how cool it is to be able to draw
>Competitive side of me continues drawing to improve despite not liking the fun parts
How common is this mentality and am I setting myself up for a soulless art journey in thinking like this?

>> No.6246232
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i lost all hope in making drawing enjoyable but i still push through