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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6221170 No.6221170 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to balance learning art with learning another extremely demanding skill like learning an instrument or language? If I really want to be a great artist, and say am in a place where I need to "make it" in 1-2 years, should I just give up everything else and focus on drawing?

This is for pros only, hobbyists need not apply

>> No.6221361

Attempting to learn something else is just procrastination.

>> No.6221364

>This is for pros only, hobbyists need not apply
Then leave your own thread. You have a severely retarded way of thinking and you won't be making it past the deep fryer.

>> No.6221373

Drawing is much much harder to learn than an instrument or an language. If you focus everything on it, like super autistic about it, in 2 years you MAY get to pro level with a language or an instrument, but not while doing something demanding like drawing. Becoming a pro artist in 1-2 years? Lol, lmao even

>> No.6221381

Honestly this. Drawing is one of the hardest hobbies, maybe only surpassed in difficulty by sculpture.

>> No.6221436
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2 hours a day of study gets you proficient in any European language in 10 months, stop being retarded.

Also, most people are only able to learn 90 minutes a day.
Mentally strong people might take 4.5 hours of learning a day.

Setting a goal of "5k hours" for the sake of estimations, that's 9 years at 90min/day and 3 years at full speed.

But "becoming a pro" means nothing if you don't have a specific goal. You can be a "pro" by learning how to make shitty vector art and working for some Google Doodle globohomo shithole, or you can spend 50 years drawing 12h a day and still be a slave to a publisher like a mangaka.

PS: I'm not a pro, but I did learn Japanese, which takes 3k hours in a span of 5 years, but it actually took me only 1800 hours because I was a smarty-pants. So, do the math of how much free time I still had to learn other things if I had the willpower to do so.

>> No.6221441

No one posting in this thread is a "pro"

>> No.6221460

yeah. as someone who learned guitar for a year, for sure. just too many things you need to be good at simultaneously to make something wrong

>> No.6221475

>In two years you may get to pro level with an instrument
No. Fuck no. Two years will get you to a decent level, but nowhere near what's considered pro.
Maybe, mayyyyybe if you have dedicated teachers willing to spend 8 hours a day training you, and even so, that's a stretch.
(And you wouldn't train 8 hours a day, it's actualy really tiring physicaly too)

Source: I know music teachers who are teaching their kids properly. The kids are pro level, but they've studied many hours every day under their parents tutelage. And it took them 10+ years to reach what's considered pro level.
And even at those level, their best job option... is becoming music teachers. You would have to be very good AND very lucky to get a place in an orchestra

>> No.6221668

>If you focus everything on it, like super autistic about it, in 2 years you MAY get to pro level with a language or an instrument
/ic/ is delusional go outside dude

>> No.6222162
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so neither of you can speak another language? Must suck

>> No.6222659

Not necessarily demanding, it just takes time, but not all the time in the world. If it's a language that's close to your own then you could probably get away with less than an hour a day and still become proficient before the end of the decade. If it's something like an Asian language that's vastly different from English, the same thing could still work, it would just take forever.
Honestly, it's almost the same for instruments. It takes about 8 years to become decently proficient at a school pace (~45 minutes <6 times per week, t. I almost decided to go to a music uni after just playing normally through middle and high school because it was a viable career path)
However, if you want to become a professional for anything, you'll have to relegate everything else to "hobby" status or lower, and devote the vast majority of your time to said thing, in your case, art

>> No.6223421

I'll add to your comment:
Being at a "pro" level in a language doesn't just imply knowing the words.
It also means being up to date on the current cultural zeitgeist where it's spoken.
For instance, no matter how well I speak english, I wouldn't be able to follow a discussion on australian politics since I don't know anything about it

>> No.6225116

additive sculpting, clay for example, is fucking simple compared to drawing, subtractive, like marble, is fucking hard regardless of skill because it takes retarded amounts of confidence.

you only have a few hours hours of true focus in you a day, use that 1-2 hours on art.

for an instrument, if you just want to play and not create, its relatively simple and doesn't demand the same kind of focus, just repetitive skill, though though games like rocksmith, you can clearly see where you are getting better and better, then taper off, for me its about 1 hour to 1 and a half where I will just get better after that I gain nothing, coming back the next day, im now better than I ever was the day before.

everything, literally fucking everything, comes down to meaningful study, not a 16 hour a day grind, if you are doing art in the learning phase, you cant learn for 16 hours a day, if you hit a point where you can do art for fun, learn for 1-2 hours, then draw for fun after, fucking seperate the two otherwise you will end up treating your fun drawing as work and your ass will burn out.

>> No.6225128

>in 2 years you MAY get to pro level with a language or an instrument
define "pro level". I guess by today's standards where most music is shit and you can just autotune any mistakes out, sure.

>> No.6225140

>I wouldn't be able to follow a discussion on australian politics since I don't know anything about it

for the sake of translation, you don't need to be knowledgeable about what politicians are doing, you need to be able to correctly translate the sentiment expressed to the language you are translating too.

I know this the best, and most people on this site can probably understand it, kuso, its more or less a catch all swear in japan for anything like 'darnit the pencil lead broke' to 'FUCK, HES BLEEDING OUT, CAN ANYONE COME HERE AND FUCKING HELP ME'

one of the best cases that people here would know of, or at least be able to find, is naruto, the first assignment where they met up with the guy with the sword and the trap, narutos friend is believed dead, at least in universe, with naruto saying kuso, most fan translations have it between shit and fuck on the scale of severity, the official translation was darnit for the sake of lowering the age rating completely fucking up the translation even though it is technically correct, just a 1 on the severity scale it could express.

THAT is what you need to keep up with language for, knowing their slang, and how to properly translate that to someone who may not have a way in their language to express the thought. another instance would be schadenfreude, everyone knows what it means, but I think only germany has a word for that so that word is adopted in most languages, how you translate 'pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.' would be the challenge for languages that don't adopt the word.

you don't need to know the deep political affiliations of statesmen unless you are yourself trying to read between the lines of what they are saying, and that's not your job as a translator. you job is not to take 'Anthony Albanesen is a cunt' and explain why the person you are translating thinks they are a cunt, just the sentiment getting the sentiment that they think he is a cunt across.

>> No.6225143

being able to make a living off solely playing the instrument.
this is what most people call pro level, you make a living off that task. hobby encompasses everything up till sole living off it, including having it as a side gig.

>> No.6225178

technically you could make a living off playing an instrument from day 1, just be a hot girl and stream it.

>> No.6225240

not a chance in hell, and that's not making a living off playing the instrument, thats being an e thot.

I will put it this way, not a single person would ever listen to you till you are month 2-6 of playing for your playing alone.

>> No.6225242

one of my friends became a camgirl and said she wanted to start playing bass, so one of her obsessed fans(?) bought her one off her amazon wishlist, and people would pay her hundreds to shittily play it.
Pretty sure it was just paying to see a naked girl holding a bass guitar, but technically she was playing.

>> No.6225251

she wasn't selling her skill with an instrument, she was selling her looks.

I don't believe that johnny sins is a professional plumber, cop, fireman, doctor, ect ect, he is a porn star.

your friend may be learning bass, but she isnt a pro bass player, she is a camgirl who is playing bass, granted with time she may be good enough for people to watch solely for the instrument, but more likely she would transition into entertainer rather than pro bass player, at that point, her job is to draw people in by being entertaining rather have people drawn in by her skill at bass.

>> No.6225257

fair enough, I concede

>> No.6227553

Have you learned a foreign language to fluency? How long does it take, and is it compatible with drawing 8 hours a day as a pro?