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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 127 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6205640 No.6205640 [Reply] [Original]

Are u better than a random 10 year old boy from nigeria?

>> No.6205641

Did he draw himself eating? Topkek!

>> No.6205648

It is, some people born with it, others develope it through the years, just like that

>> No.6205651

I'm not but I larp as a South American fabela girl to sell my commissions

>> No.6205658

xeroxing is not a talent. he literally cant draw without technology and tracing/grid based retardism. a monkey (like him) can be trained to do it in a week. cant create art. cant draw.

>> No.6205659

t. /beg/

>> No.6205662
File: 39 KB, 640x628, 1632544483349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>larp as a South American fabela girl
Nunca seras una Mujer, y nunca te sacaran de Latino America...

>> No.6205664

Dragon ball z taco burrito

>> No.6205676

I did that at 9 but social media wasn't around so I just got praise from my mom. I used a grid and spent 100 hours meticulously copying each grid. Then I got a playstation and stopped drawing.

>> No.6205680


>> No.6205689

Common misconception about art. Nobody besides noobs obsess about technique, for everyone else its the result.

Kid gridded and he's doing bettet than you lmao.
Stay mad, permabeg

>> No.6205695

No and stop asking me this

>> No.6205712

of course, i know how to draw i'm not a glorified printer

>> No.6205713

why are you on this board

>> No.6205819

lil nigga so hungry he drew himself eating in hyperrealism

>> No.6205861

do it urself then with all the technology if it’s easy
realistically u dont care what technique they use, ur just mad a kid from a race youve convinced yourself is “inferior” to u, made something u can’t.

>> No.6205862

show us o.o

>> No.6205864

me watching cooking videos at night when we’re outa food ;o;

>> No.6205907

Even if it was pure tracing, the picture has soul and the rendering is on point. He could probably sell that piece to a Westerner for several thousand dollars.

>> No.6205920


>> No.6205932

I started drawing again.

>> No.6206127

Post like this is hilarious considering ic has twice if not thrice the age, resources, and life experience as this 10 year kids and still can't fucked to draw anything of worth. Seethe on retard, seethe on.

>> No.6206147

Starving artist

>> No.6206149

It's always nigerians doing stuff like this. I feel like nigerians are the only smart niggers

>> No.6206152

The photographer of the reference photo is unironically more of an artist than the kid. There is quite literally zero creative input. Can you honestly say you would want to buy that drawing?

>> No.6206176

It's very impressive for a kid his age, the problem is he's not learning real art but photo copying instead, and while this type of art is popular nowadays, it's completely creatively bankrupt.

>> No.6206179

people who arent real artists or have zero creativity think photorealism is art

the act itself has not an ounce of self expression and ur just copying a reference as close to 1:1 as possible, its the most retarded thing ever

at least photographers have creative input by choosing the lens, the angle, subject matter, lighting, editing, etc.

it would unironically be more creative if he used colored pencils that represented his country's flag or some shit, because at least that way you can spin it as a political societal humanitarian piece

>> No.6206181


>> No.6206198

I already work in the industry but ya im sure a perma beg like you would know better right

me and thousands of other kids were drawing photorealistic shit growing up and it did absolutely fuck all except improve hand dexterity

the age is the novelty and when that wears off they will have nothing, even worse considering he will prob only know how to copy references in 10 years time bc thats all everyone gives him praise for

>> No.6206200


>> No.6206201

fake cope story
mogged by a groid and seething

>> No.6206247

pyw, save my comment and pyw again in 3 years time and u still wont have a job

keep seething retard

>> No.6206250


>> No.6206281

morphs 101% of /beg/

>> No.6206289

You need to go back

>> No.6206292

U need to stop being a bitch and just accept that it just good art

>> No.6206294


>> No.6206296

> ngmi

>> No.6206300


>> No.6206301

You're either trolling, underage, or have a low IQ walnut brain

>> No.6206302


>> No.6206303

You're dumb as fuck if you think this can be considered "good art".

>> No.6206304


>> No.6206309

Are you retarded? Art hasn't been about creativity until expressionism, which only really started propping up ~beginning of 20th century.
Almost all art up until that point was about telling stories and occurences, and most importantly, portraits of rich snobs with way too much money to spend.

No one gave a FUCK about creativity back then, it is only in the last couple of hundred years when art turned from "Capturing aesthetics and stories in visual form" to "Conveying an emotion or thought-provoking idea".

>> No.6206310


>> No.6206312


>> No.6206315

> Art hasn't been about creativity until expressionism, which only really started propping up ~beginning of 20th century
> 2022

>> No.6206317


>> No.6206319


>> No.6206322
File: 163 KB, 220x220, 4A86F6B3-00EB-441E-A667-614E94F98104.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your work

>> No.6206330

>Art hasn't been about creativity until expressionism, which only really started propping up ~beginning of 20th century.
Read Vasari and Hobbes you pea-brained midwit bastard

>> No.6206340

Imagine being this confident when your IQ is this low.

>> No.6206343


>> No.6206345

don't tell that lil guy about neural networks

>> No.6206350

samefaggot with no argument keke

>> No.6206354

>no argument
The onus is on you. You said
> Art hasn't been about creativity until expressionism
so prove it.

>> No.6206359

> no argument keke
Anon typed with his engorged dorito dust covered fingers chuckling to himself as he uses his art history 101 knowledge from freshman year college to pwn 4chan.

Neck yourself.

>> No.6206393

>Art hasn't been about creativity until expressionism
It's not so linear as that. The pre-socratics probably believed art was about creativity, but after Plato public opinion changed. Some late-Romans believed it, as did many people in the late-medieval period through the Renaissance. The Enlightenment thinkers reacted against that and were in turn reacted to by Romanticists like Blake and Ruskin. There are many exceptions within those time frames and that's not even getting into what Eastern cultures thought about the concept of creativity. Even if you're extremely anal about the term it's pretty bizarre to argue that it "only really started propping up ~beginning of 20th century".

>> No.6206398

kino crab duel

>> No.6206511
File: 143 KB, 1024x1001, Spitzweg-Schmetterling-neu-DW-Kultur-Hollywood-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reel that bait in a little and save some (you)s for the rest of us

>> No.6206514

its bitch work.
If I was a kid in some shit hole where food is not a given and electricity has more or less not happened again since it went out, yea, I would have the hours of life to burn doing that.

shit is not hard, its just time consuming and I have better shit to spend time on.

>> No.6206520

so why haven't you done that?

>> No.6206521

>when you finally see the rare basedfly

>> No.6206524

my biology teacher in HS was nigerian , so yeah they're the only smart nigs

>> No.6206541
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1614075285705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude, photorealism is not real because kid is black
>bogereau and sargent are the best painters because they're white
Here, actually this is your argument.

>but, but, sargent and boguereau aren't xerox machines, I mean...
No, is the same shit as that kid.
You only hate this kid because he's better than you while being from a poor black country.

>> No.6206555

Pretty impressive for a 10 year old to do that. But being a human printer is literally the most boring art talent someone could have

>> No.6206560
File: 324 KB, 382x417, 1578614425086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's basically any pre 1910 european old master like caravaggio and van deer and rembrant.

>> No.6206561

he black as a coconut

>> No.6206570

>asians mog amerifats
>euros mog amerifats
>even afros mog amerifats
How do amerifats not commit suicide when they see the rest of the world is better than them at art?

>> No.6206571
File: 193 KB, 750x854, young-bacchus-caravaggio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude, being a xerox machine is wrong
pretty much this board measure quality based on how good you can copy reality, bro.

>but photorealism is bad
photorealism and hyperealism were counter measures in XX century to abstract styles, trying to keep the legacy of old realism alive.

Anything you want to teach me about art history?

>> No.6206589

They're not inherently smarter than other Africans.

Nigerians happen to have a cutthroat, hypercompetitive environment in one of the most impoverished nations on Earth.
It also has the highest population in Africa, with 200mil+. On second place, we have Ethiopia, with only 110mil+.

>> No.6206599

>They're not inherently smarter than other Africans.
They have higher IQs than other nigs

>> No.6206605

low iq post

>> No.6206610

I'm Nigerian and you're absolutely right, i almost got killed for pursuing art

>> No.6206613

By inherent I meant that they weren't gentically more gifted, mon ami.
Competition spurs improvement, and while it's very toxic in Nigeria, you'll also hear a lot about success stories.

>> No.6206614

20yr old Nigerian here ask me anything

>> No.6206615

It’s sad this boy is better than most people ITT despite the 2TB resources floating around.

>> No.6206622
File: 2.65 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_2295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: retards not knowing that grid drawing is one of the first things they teach you in Drawing 101

>> No.6206639

You always hear about these child geniuses, whether it is in math, sciences, drawing, and whatever else.
But they never get big and famous and you have no idea what happens to them when they grow up.

>> No.6206644

how many white women have you painted so far?

>> No.6206646

That's because they get recruited into the Deep State.

>> No.6206673

No and I'm not ashamed admitting it

>> No.6206679

based nonschizo

>> No.6206804

all the women I've drawn have been white women, fuck the west

>> No.6206862 [DELETED] 

as if I'm gonna believe he drew this in todays political climate. It smells like nigger propaganda, the type "look how talented and skilled niggers are! they're totally not barely human! Look! Look!"

>> No.6206874

This is just pure you know what.

>> No.6206877


>> No.6206883

kvetch harder, permabeg

>> No.6206886

Bruh, this is about motivation. Imagine being a 10 years old and your ideal is eating while water falls on your face.

>> No.6206896


If he came up with the concept of the picture he clearly copied from, he's not creatively bankrupt. The colors, the theme and the end result is great.

You would be right if he had copied a generic landscape or something, but that painting is just nice.

>> No.6207416

Mald less next time

>> No.6207419

It's almost like being away from white people bringing you down allows them to better themselves.

>> No.6207540

see >>6206514

>> No.6207670

The difference between you and that kid is at any time you can willingly go without those things to pursue drawing.

>> No.6207702

the main difference between me and the kid are where we are in life. I live a relatively comfortable life where I have other things to do, this kid probably doesn't have much more than this hobby/potential avenue to a good life, he can sit there for the 20-300~ hours a drawing of that scale takes to do, I have done one of those in my late teens, that is the time frame you are looking at for that size, depending on how autistic you are with detail, that is not fun to do passed the first one you make, because it dawns on you just how easy it was, and how it imparted absolutely no skill on you what so ever. It could be good practice for rendering/learning a medium itself, as in how what you are doing works, goes down, and how it dries, but for raw skill of being able to draw, nah... I would rather do a bargue plate the way they are intended than map out a... on that scale you could go with 20-100 depending on what your sources image is, line grid.

it always annoys me when people say 'well post your own'
minimum wage, and lets go the mcdonalds near me for this, is 20$ an hour starting, yea I know they got that desperate for manpower, so for me minimum wage is 20$ an hour, and I estimate level of detail would probably take a good 50-100, note the earlobe for example, most likely not perfectly drawn. for me to even want to do this, you are looking at between 1500-2000$ for the time alone not to mention materials. for me the time investment isn't worth it, for me to even want to, I Would have to enjoy this kind of copying, but it does absolutely nothing for me, its essentially a paint by numbers but with the numbers being just a bit harder to do.

all credit to the kid for doing that, it takes serious time dedication, I hope he gets teaching so this isn't all of what he is able to do given he has shown he is willing to put the time in.

>> No.6207753

jeez, all that cope when you could have been practicing.

>> No.6207765

Tl;Dr but you're probably right. It's hilarious how much those "photo realistic" faggits cope with reality. They spend 40 hours Minimum at single drawing. And ask them to draw anything from life or imagination and they won't do shit. Retarded exercise in autism.

>> No.6207781

People who act as if natural talent doesn't exist or make a difference are stupid, but at the same time, you don't need it to git gud - it just makes it easier.

>> No.6207907

Yeah, imagine calling yourself an artist or letting other people call you an artist and you can't draw anything from your mind or without using photo reference, isn't that fucking embarrassing?

>> No.6207918

>Dall-E2: portrait of african american kid with spoon in mouth. eyes closed, hyperrealistic, black and white, charcoal, 4k
Yep, Talent... really big deal these days.

>> No.6208046

You couldn't get the same results if you used technology.l

>> No.6208212

Like I said, this is probably great for learning a medium, as it takes all the need to think of what you are drawing away and focus 100% on the rendering side, but because all the thought needed to render something properly is done for you already, it takes even the hard part of rendering away.

>> No.6210053

Xeroxing at 10yo is still impressive. It takes time to develop your art statement as it takes time to become a bitter retard with no skill at all, posting stupid takes on 4chan.

>> No.6210285

Exactly I know people in their 20s, 30s 50s etc who have been drawing forever and can't even xerox like this kid.

>> No.6210363

because it takes an ungodly amount of time, dedication, and it's boring as fuck. Kids are unironically the best at xeroxing because they have no life and don't give a shit.

why do you think every time one of them makes it on the news it's always some xerox photocopy autism drawing? its impressive for its own reasons, but those reasons don't include creativity and expression which is the entire point of art.

>> No.6210374

>for everyone else its the result.
Explain further please. Didn't professionals care about the technique as well?

>> No.6210550

Tbh to spend 50 hours redrawing photography you have to be autistic to some level. And I'm not trying to be mean here.

>> No.6210570

Or very hungry

>> No.6210682


>> No.6210914

Absolutely true

>> No.6210920

Amazing realism for drawing from imagination

>> No.6211435
File: 873 KB, 1366x683, 1660221676699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these mental gymnastics ITT trying to undermine this kid's talent
We'll need more of these, boys.

>> No.6211745

Probably fake since Niggers can't into creativity

>> No.6212038

That's why I said developping an art statement takes time and this kid is only 10yo. People triggered by this kid's art are lame and frail.

>> No.6212042



>> No.6212098

>All the talentless whiteys coping in this thread
lmao, it's just a kid. Why are you feeling so threatened?

>> No.6212143

gay, 1 dimensional brain

>> No.6212152

Because he is black.

>> No.6212196
File: 129 KB, 892x1024, 1659897658045586m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threatened? The art industry in the west is dominated by Whites and some asians. Nobody is feeling scared. It's just funny seeing insecure talentless blacks latching so much on a 1 in a million "talented" african kid who'll either starve to death before reaching adulthood or won't even pursue a career in art due to the lack of opportunities in his poor shithole country (a shithole that wouldnt even exist if white countries didn't babysit them btw). Also, photorealism is nothing impressive and can easily be replicated by AI


>> No.6212478

now this is one hell of a cope post
i wonder what all the effort that you put into that post is making up for?

>> No.6212589

Even if knowing how to do this without heavy use of refference is much more impressive, I would say it still isnt "can be learned in a week thing".
Also all the technology you need for this is a photograph, the same technology needed for a refference. or just pen , paper and a still life.

He likely has some pretty good observational skills and is used to spending very long time on individual pieces, hopefuly he eventually learns how to draw from imagination as well , i think he has potential. He might be discouraged from it as most people would only praise him for his photocopies.

Honestly 100x better than getting their attention span drained by tiktok.

Also would say xeroxing is a talent in of itself , might help with imaginative drawing a bit , but idk how much it helps beyond getting out of symbol drawing , observational skills and maybe textures and spending long times on pieces.

>> No.6214220

>quality has NEVER been objective
>no one EVER had talent
>no one EVER had a tutor
>no one EVER studied composition, color, light, perspective or other topics
>no one EVER had knowledge before loomis

>> No.6214229

>random 10 year old boy from nigeria
random? random how
you randomly picked him out of the millions of kids? cause im sure 99% of them dont even have pencils

>> No.6214429


>> No.6214546

keke these nuts in your mouth

>> No.6214552

spittin' fax

>> No.6217102

thrice is a real word? I thought it was something out of the simpsons

>> No.6217208

see this is mainly the reason why my improvement in art is so slow. I can't for the life of me spend 4+hours or days doing 1 single thing. Can't understand other artists having "WIP".