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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 260 KB, 2048x1536, A73DCDA2-7A7F-4A3B-B8AE-606547A9A4C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6204630 No.6204630 [Reply] [Original]

That’s it, I’m throwing in the towel.

>> No.6204633

Sure. See ya.

>> No.6204634

I really fucking hate this place with every fiber of my being

>> No.6204638

Do you believe every shitpost you see here? These pictures are quite literally the same shit.

>> No.6204641
File: 122 KB, 1125x1502, F792641C-9C14-4C78-9CE8-EA101A0DB393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except he isn’t lying. This is is first artwork pack in august of last year.

>> No.6204642

If I make a Twitter account today and start posting my shit from 8 months ago and then accelerate it will look like I'm progressing amazingly fast. Or I might just start uploading my effortless shit first.
But yea yea why would people lie on the internet right?

>> No.6204643


Damn, Tommy.

>> No.6204646

For a few hours of social fame? That’s a bit of a stretch. I can see people doing that but that seems like too much effort if your art is already good you could just drop the same “meme” at any time.

>> No.6204648

>That’s it, I’m throwing in the towel.
Implying you ever even picked the towel up?

>> No.6204654

Don’t disrespect the shammy shamwow.

>> No.6204657

It really boosts people's ego. ESPECIALLY by making begs feel miserable.

>> No.6204659

It's like asking people "how long have you been drawing for" and getting "ah just a few months or something (actually since childhood but it doesn't matter)".

>> No.6204660

Exactly demotivation is necessary to cut off future competition

>> No.6204668

It was a soap

>> No.6204670

And what? Thats normal progress for a year if you put your back into it.
Guys sometimes you so fucking dumb, thats insane. Stop whining and go grind, study, etc.
You just dont want it enough to make it. As simple as it is.

>> No.6204672

You can achieve such progress in 3 months.

>> No.6204681

What the fuck should since childhood even mean.
Everyone took art classes when they were 5 where they finger painted some turkies. It means nothing. At what point does it really matter if you're just a kid drawing stick figures

>> No.6204704

>artist demonstrate that with one year of hard work you can become a decent digital painter
>faggot OP gets demotived instead
Proving once again that retards here will make every little excuse to get out of having to apply themselves.

>> No.6204705

When you go beyond turkey finger painting and start dooling during class every day to the point where you are known as the "art kid" in the class while everyone else moved on.

>> No.6204710

I was the art kid and all did was basically draw videogame characters and made paper dolls and story books until i became a teen who went months withouth drawing until went to anime club and drew until i graduated highschool then quit drawing for years until i picked it up in earnestly and consistently later in life. So yeah it doesn't matter because it art was always pastime i didn't indulged in most of my life.

>> No.6204739

>tradfag learns digital in a year
You have been clickbated and jebaited.

>> No.6204745

post your progress

>> No.6204780

>retard gets demotivated by trannime

>> No.6204786


>> No.6204795

wish that was me

>> No.6204906

Good. The weak should perish.

>> No.6204909

how do you learn to render like the right?

>> No.6204914

He's tracing CSP models tho I can tell

>> No.6204920

>normal progress
Post your normal progress, delusional beg.

>> No.6204927

Projecting much?

>> No.6204928

You do realize left could have been done on Jan 2021 right?

>> No.6204936

Just draw a lot, dumbass. You hang out in this place all day full of lazy retards and you will never ever grow.

>> No.6204972

Noone cares about that when the final product is solid. Not using reference is for suckers.

>> No.6205006

>waaaaah, waaaah, why am I not improving as fast as the bugman who practiced for 18 hours a day for a year when I spent 30 minutes a day for two weeks
end yourself, crab

>> No.6205039

This is absolutely doable progress for a year of hard work. Not to mention this person has natural talent, by natural talent I mean a higher sense of perception than normal, because the old works aren’t bad at all for a beg. Lucky for you perception is also a learned skill.

If you want fast improvement actually study from those art books I know you’re sitting on.

>> No.6205047

>Fast improvement
It's money, always
Money to buy a printer, a good tablet
An ipad, a phone with a pen to practice on the go
Physical Artbooks, Art programs
Physical Manga
A good PC, a good monitor
Money to buy brushes and online courses
Money to buy fake retweets and followers
Private tutoring

>> No.6205210


>> No.6205232

t. Richfag with AC and unlimited art materials
Just draw with dirt bro.

>> No.6205236

It's only recently I figured out a lot of the world doesn't have AC. DAMN I love being an American and I thank God for rolling the dice of my soul into this country even though I didn't get to be white.

>> No.6205249
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It's time you fucking welfare badger. You spend more of your time perfecting your craft you get better at it.

>> No.6205355

You can get astronomically better if you practice intentionally everyday and stick to your goals.

>> No.6206979

Not to say that better equipment makes you a better artist, but it definitely helps with makeing a more polished artwork
Is very hard to finish a piece using only a shitty small tablet

>> No.6206997

>Is very hard to finish a piece using only a shitty small tablet
meanwhile digital artists before the 2010's doing amazing work with old ass photoshop that only had basic opacity brushes and basic wacom tablets
keep making excuses
actually, pyw, i bet not only are you permabeg

>> No.6206998

if you cant draw with a simple pencil and printer paper or small tablet and random software
then you cant draw with the best most expensive tools
you skill literally doesnt change but keep making excuses retards

>> No.6207033

holy mother of cope

>> No.6207046

>were doing amazing work
very few were. most just stuck with traditional supplies. digital work with old tech was horribly time consuming and was more about making a point rather than producing good art.

People do all types of stupid crazy but time consuming shit, it doesn't make it a good choice just because you "can" produce good results with 100 hours invested in a single drawing.

>> No.6207050

Yeah, I remember people needed scanners to get shit done. Deviant Art was full of scanned artwork sketches. I saved up for a printer and scanner combo back then but my gay brother broke it after getting into a confrontation.

Making artwork digitally was a pain in the ass for most people before 2010.

>> No.6207079

the fuck are you zoomers on about, the Intuos 3 and 4 existed pre-2010 and pirated adobe products were easily cracked and distributed everywhere digitally and physically.

What do you think flash animations on newgrounds were made with? by scanning each frame?

>> No.6207081

are you really considering flash animation to be "amazing work" ?

and yes, i made flash animations with a mouse, it fucking sucked.

>> No.6207084

You're an out of touch boomer or a zoomxoom yourself. The internet was slow a shit and nobody was risking downloading crackware for adojew because adojew packaged photoshop with your tablet FOR FREE as "adobe essentials" when you bought a wacom tablet.

Nobody gave a shit though because everyone wanted to use Sai and only used adobe photoshop elements to touch up their scanned pictures before tossing it into Sai.

>> No.6207105

>The internet was slow a shit and nobody was risking downloading crackware for adojew because adojew packaged photoshop with your tablet FOR FREE as "adobe essentials" when you bought a wacom tablet.

your memory is completely fucked then, I literally supervised distributing photoshop with keygens to kids in 2007 at a summer camp. You also act like torrenting and pirating software wasnt a thing back then, hello? limewire?

>Nobody gave a shit though because everyone wanted to use Sai and only used adobe photoshop elements to touch up their scanned pictures before tossing it into Sai.

yeah all the wow blizzard artists pre-2010 were definitely not using photoshop and wacom to make their digital art, kill yourself zoomer.

>> No.6207216

it looks good but still amaturish
but it looks good is what important
what keeps begs down is their fear of painting even after they've learned a good amount of fundies

>> No.6207229

>Artists puts out a shitty piece on purpose
>Artist draws closer to his actual level
Stop falling for this shit

>> No.6207244

Again, piracy wasn’t needed because photoshop was bundled with wacom for free and did what it was supposed to do which was cleaning up and adjusting scanned drawings. I’m speaking for those who drew anime, not conceptart fags.

>> No.6207261
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>> No.6207284

The shitty phone drawing on the left is disingenuous. The face on that character shows clear signs of already understanding fundamentals, as the features are way too properly aligned. That's very difficult to get right for any beginner. It's obvious this person played up the amateur factor for shock value, and it worked seeing as it now has a worthless thread on /ic/. Even an experienced artist will make a shitty drawing with their shitty fat finger on a phone screen especially if they rarely do it. For all we know the artist was good already and this is a record of adapting to using a mobile device to paint. I don't buy it, even if it's technically feasible.

>> No.6207323

>I’m speaking for those who drew anime, not conceptart fags.
>thinks pre-2010 anime was amazing work compared to professional concept art

youre actually retarded, also no one was even talking about anime in the first place you stupid weebfag. Stop trying to insert your isolated experiences masturbating to anime and drawing loli smut to make comments what was or wasn't possible in digital art at the time.

>digital work with old tech was horribly time consuming and was more about making a point rather than producing good art.

ur literally spewing bullshit. People were using tablets to draw art from sketch to coloring to finished piece in photoshop back then and guess what? they are still are in 2022.

go ask any professional artist that did work back then, some used traditional media out of habit not because tablet and digital art technology was inferior or "horribly time consuming"

>> No.6207325

The progress is trackable

>> No.6207337
File: 1.22 MB, 2000x960, shitpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your two-image progress

>> No.6207752

beg here , any tips to get into painting in digital? I dont even know how to color drawings

Thought they just stole the right one from google images desu

>> No.6207849
File: 636 KB, 1181x1869, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the colonies of Man lie trampled at our feet.

>> No.6207857


>> No.6207860

progressed from hiding feet to hiding hands.

>> No.6207890

So thats the power of tracing?

>> No.6207895


>> No.6207901

i shouldve chosen a different drawing, i dont normally hide hands.
Not that my hands are great

>> No.6208038

>Private tutoring
If you want rapid results, you NEED a mentor. All these fags that posts huge improvements in less than 2 years have easy access to mentors and schools. And of course when you can actually afford that everything else that makes your life easier to devote art to is already secured beforehand. Dont be fooled anons.

>> No.6208062

I had saved a playlist but i deleted my youtube account that I registered since 2008 (i’m a dumbass) that had a bunch of videos of a private tutor coming to the home of this wannabe mangaka and basically it he just set the camera up and recorded his teachings. I can’t find it anymore because the name of the videos was too generic and i stumbled upon it by accident.

Also, South Korea has this kind of thing where you can walk into some schools and they always apparently have some big wig teaching stuff.

>> No.6208064

His next year isn't so great though...
Another year and he'll be good.

>> No.6208101

>Private tutoring
this is literally all you need. Fuck your ipads and monitors, A good teacher will get you far, even if you're drawing with the cheapest pencil you could find

>> No.6208112

well yeah maybe stop playing video games retard. Every 100 hours you complete a game for could've went to drawing. Serves you right nigger.

>> No.6208204

Youre guys are right

>> No.6208210

Video games help take my mind off bad thoughts and enhances my visual daydreaming abilities. Besides, I still have enough time to draw during the day. I still have time before work and already clocked in 1 hour 30 minutes.

>> No.6208430
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>South Korea has this kind of thing where you can walk into some schools and they always apparently have some big wig teaching stuff.
Is there a way to self delete myself and make sure I reincarnate in Seoul. Thanks in advance anons.

>> No.6208463

Oddly the most inspiring post today.

Thank you anon.

>> No.6208490


Asian Jeans are real, and NGMI westoids will never accept that Yellow people learn to draw 10x faster than Burguerinos, and other retards.

>> No.6208590

nips are poor you retard. They're cash poorer than the US, Canada, and most of europe.

>> No.6208594

if you can’t rent a girlfriend for $50 yen you can rent a drawing instructor for the same price

>> No.6208813

me too. I just want a place to talk about art with actual hard working people. I'm sick of this doomer shit, I'm sick of the people who try so little, or can't even fathom the work they would need to put to put in to be an artist. just stupid shit, unfiltered by uncaring mods.

>> No.6208823

Be the change you want to see. As MJ said, it starts with you. Then others will follow.

But you don't want to do that..you just want to doompost exactly the same way as the very people you're complaining about.

>> No.6208874
File: 50 KB, 677x456, sdfdvdfvdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But you don't want to do that.
I'm already working on improving manga gen by providing a website of resources so I don't have to see posts about basic workflow anymore

lets hear what you're doing

>> No.6208877
File: 6 KB, 225x225, pyw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets hear what you're doing

Also, link?

>> No.6208882
File: 57 KB, 614x537, sdfsdfsdfs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its under a placeholder URL since It wont actually launch until good visual assets are made. Id prefer to have my own manga assets to use rather than siting others work.

>> No.6208915
File: 1.16 MB, 498x389, kiss-love.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx anon, all info is appreciated

>> No.6208962

Neat. I wanted to do something similar for lsg, just never got around to it yet.

>> No.6208988

This. It looks like someone with an advanced level of skill pretending to be amateur. Whenever I half ass shit on on my phone, it looks similar

>> No.6208999

Not to mention it looks like he had no idea how to use digital at first. It's impressive progress and I bet he worked really hard or had a good teacher or is just a great autodidact, but it's definitely doable.

Drill fundies -> apply fundies to master studies -> try an original piece and compare it to the master -> identify flaws -> repeat

/ic/ gets stuck on step 1 and cries about ayzen beans, the only /beg/ trap is your mind

>> No.6209430

I can't even do left.

>> No.6209445

I wonder why westerners seethe so much. Just go to an art cram school. They'll force you to draw 8 hours a day. If you give up and drop out, they'll manipulate your emotions to think you are a loser and shame you. So you don't actually quit. I've seen plenty of students get that good in 16~24 months. The fastest one got that good in 8.

>> No.6209458

The only thing in that list that makes a huge difference is the private tutor

>> No.6209496

dumbass you think they go to western schools?

>> No.6209532

>throwing the towel because of that
Weak mindset.

>> No.6209656

Unless your life is some trailer trash with no prospects i dont think you’d want that

>> No.6209708

>just go
>just do this
>just do that
With what money?

>> No.6210200

if you arent prostituting yourself to advance your art are you even trying

>> No.6210375

Does anyone else remember using Photoshop CS3 portable back then? Some genius hacker group was able to compress it down to just 50 megabytes before you installed it on your computer.

But I agree a lot of artists back then did use tablets. It just wasn't as accessible for poorfag artists to get started with digital art. The only good graphics tablet was Wacom and it costed hundreds of dollars. And computers were still extremely expensive.

Ironically the cost of a basic ipad and apple pencil in 2022 is way cheaper than it was to get started in digital art in 2010

>> No.6210542

Load of bollocks. Graphire was cheaper Wacom tablet back then, and it was really ok. Better than chik shit today, minus pressure levels but those are meme anyways.

>> No.6210620


You’re glossing the part where computers were expensive back then. You really think the average kid had a personal computer all for themselves and not the family computer in the living room? I was still using dial up until the 8th grade before switching to dsl and even that was a pain because you get disconnected when the phone rings and everyone still used landline phones just as much as a cellphone if not more.

And let’s say you did find a crack for photoshop but it turned out to be a virus. You just got a ticket for an ass beating for breaking the computer.

>> No.6210659

Once again load of bollocks. Computers were expensive but were losing value in a matter of months. You could buy cheap used junk unless you needed new pc to play quake 2.. I mean for school stuff mom!
Also pirated stuff was normal. I never even asked for Photoshop but it was on literary every random cd i ever borrowed so I installed it finally out of curiosity and ended up playing with gradient and smudge tool for rest of the day. There wasn't even any crack. Just txt with serial number.

>> No.6210782
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Reminder that the people who are truly passionate and truly GMI physically can't throw in the towel.

>> No.6210814

ur both not wrong, I think your experiences really depended on your household and environment growing up.

>Ironically the cost of a basic ipad and apple pencil in 2022 is way cheaper than it was to get started in digital art in 2010
no way man lol, unless you're talking about buying used ipad and pencil. A new Intuos was like christmas-gift level price. I also wouldn't say computers were "extremely" expensive, maybe if you were really poor but almost everyone I knew had a basic computer by 2010.

>average kid had a personal computer all for themselves and not the family computer in the living room
>And let’s say you did find a crack for photoshop but it turned out to be a virus. You just got a ticket for an ass beating for breaking the computer.
yeah if you were the younger kid in the family it was prob gonna be the shared computer. Funny enough that finding pirated adobe stuff never gave people viruses from what I saw, the CS era was like the golden age of pirating.

my younger relatives unironically got more viruses from downloading music and clicking through random websites that installed adware from like a toolbar extension or something, was the cause for many hard drive wipes.

>> No.6211557

Damn /ic/ is fucking awful

>> No.6211568

ur mom got that awful stank pussy

>> No.6211633

you got him

>> No.6212184

boy if i know it

>> No.6213161
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Two image progress

>> No.6213546

for me, its the animecancer. how can what seems like the whole of modern culture be under the mass delusion that anime is good art, let alone the thing they want to exclusively consume and create.

>> No.6213553

Got a similiar history as you where I just stopped and then returned to drawing in adulthood, the talented fags are just the people that never stopped and maybe got lucky with having a brain that does well in figuring out what they need to work on to improve