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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 470 KB, 1178x1200, 90b0188de7dc4a30a27c25c2f8f31c64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6204399 No.6204399 [Reply] [Original]

If you're on a break after drawing and feel like sharing what's on your mind about what you're working on, the industry, things that excite you about art, or anything that frustrates you about drawing or the process of art then grab a cup of water and chill out here. Remember to keep the discussion on-topic as much as possible

>> No.6204407

im gay and my dick is small

>> No.6204410

rec a jav

>> No.6204422

I don’t think there should be porn ads on here eve if half the artists are coom artists. I hope my brothers do not fall to their traps. Keep your eye on the prize, lads.

>> No.6204440

miss the /vent/ threads

>> No.6204464
File: 854 KB, 1680x1188, 1647926074818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to draw shallow meaningless prettyshit like pic related to be honest.

>> No.6204480

>shallow meaningless prettyshit
No. No you don't.

>> No.6204487

but its what the internet computer people like

>> No.6204509

i picked up a fighting game for the first time in my life(being home-schooled and an only child sucks) and I can't understand how people can time long combos in milliseconds, I have no idea what the fuck I am doing

>> No.6204523

Someone out there can find meaning in anything. Even in the generic. Especially after a few decades, when that which is generic now becomes a symbol of nostalgia for a simpler time.

>> No.6204527

You'll always be mid in comparison to the autist that is passionate creating cutesy shit. Sort of like people who think they can just stroll into the furry community and make bank soley only to find that it basically goes nowhere.

>> No.6204531

I'm currently doing a multi work project bros. Currently 4 artworks in, I've already gotten the details of the 5th image and has told the client that I'll send in the rough sketch. It's been 5 days since then and I've still yet to start on it. I think I burned out bros. ;_;

>> No.6204542

im guessing you just watched evo, they just play a ton nonstop, for years and the top players probably have some genetic advantage in terms of reflexes. hit confirms (you manage to hit them and follow it up with a combo) are the craziest to me, requires an insane amount of muscle memory to 1) know youre going to hit 2) instantly follow up with a combo 3) not drop the combo

>> No.6204552

has any of you bros managed to get coombux? I'm working hard, but I have no idea how long it will take me between the moment my art is good and the moment I start making decent money out of it, and I like drawing this but sometimes it feels like a long road

>> No.6204556

I tested out the midjourney AI, before I had a more negativ mindset about AI Art, but now I think it will help good artist get more inspo and build their visual library, while bad artists will probably use it as a crutch. So it's nothing more than a tool for "passion" artists.

It will probably take over a lot of corporate work in the next years tho, so theres that. But as someone who loves art, i feel more positive about it now.

Also normies will love the unedited ai pictures, like they love those rendered pencil drawings and stuff like sakimichan's pictures, a lot of AI art looks great at first glance, so it is perfect for the people who just scroll past images without really stoping to look.

>> No.6204561

I agree with that, Some of the more abstract images I've gotten from Stable Diffusion have really got my creative juices flowing. Has me thinking about art in new ways. Painting on top of an image is like the "Fill in the shape" exercise, but the image has lighting, atmosphere and texture already.

>> No.6204574

Who came up with the retarded name for these threads

>> No.6204575

I want the shills to leave

>> No.6204579

This is surprisingly good insight for this board

I'm an abstract painter and I honestly start most of my paintings by scribbling with one or two colors of oilstick and then I use a soft brush dipped in a little bit of turpentine to blend and create an underpainting

>> No.6204590

does anyone else assess things and events like "how does this help me draw better?" I have no interest in making friends, meeting girls, or anything really that doesn't help me enjoy drawing more.

>> No.6204607

Idk if you're prone to having your mental health affected by this but you should deal with it sooner rather than later just in case. You can make yourself very isolated and also physically and mentally sick if you constantly evaluate everything through the lens of "how does this help me draw better". I used to be a lot more social but this figure drawing class I go to I literally just zone out and draw, I didn't even realize what I was doing until I went with a friend and he pointed out how everyone socializes in the breaks while I just sit there and keep drawing. It was like being snapped out of a daydream or something. And I'm not trying to put on some creative loner persona here, I'm very far from the best artist there just to be clear.

I think I've developed a pretty bad anxiety disorder from this mindset. Like I will eat certain foods and be like "what if this somehow makes me worse at drawing in some neurochemical way?", completely batshit drawing-themed hypochondriac thoughts. I also lose a lot of sleep because I get anxious about losing sleep and how that would affect my performance. Not to mention the atrocious headaches I get from being tense and sleep deprived all the time. And generally I don't enjoy drawing anymore, I used to be passionate about it but now I do it because not doing it feels even worse. Honestly I'm considering anxiety meds for the first time in my life because I just can't relax. I think th ebest way i can describe it is like that feeling of being at a job interview but 24/7, no matter what I'm doing I feel like I have to perform at my best.

>> No.6204626

Why can't the AI shills fuck off? They in every fucking thread now

>> No.6204627

I big name artist of my genre commissioned me to draw their OCs :3

>> No.6204651

I did.

>> No.6204671

Why not just do it?

>> No.6204690
File: 234 KB, 712x534, 1659803912154523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lack a sense of aesthetics

>> No.6204694

Jesus also lacked a sense of aesthetics, yet he was able to paint the the sixteenth chapel in 6 days.

>> No.6204696

Do you think there's a subject about art that's irrefutable? Something that can't be brushed off with "muh style"? I'm beginning to think anyone who can't do color theory has no leg to stand on about colors.

>> No.6204708

Maybe stop trying to put others down.

>> No.6204720

totally, it's fucking wild. I regret not picking up a fightan as a child, at least to play by myself but I am determined to git gud at fighting games, at least to not embarrass myself while playing online.

>> No.6204724

vent was deemed offtopic shit that got massed nuked by jannies and the only way keep it going was to make this thread seems more about drawing than complaining like a bunch of faggots with not frens.

>> No.6204773

AI Containment General when?

>> No.6204807

you can do it anon. i know times like this are hardest to get motivation and people start to doubt their skills, but, it is precisely times like this where you need to trust yourself the most

>> No.6204864

>people who think they can just stroll into the furry community and make bank
You can though
You have to be good to make bank from commissions with normal subject matter and selling characters you designed, but bizarre niche porn commissioners have way lower standards

>> No.6204876

Stop being crabs. Crabs begets crabs, so in the end you're only hurting yourself.

>> No.6204888

>implying they aren't self destructive to begin with

>> No.6204893

That is why there are no good, young modern artists. This priority that all art has to be young anime girls that are cute is disgusting and warped. It's fast food. It's Walmart. It's Tik Tok. Empty. Empty. Empty.

>> No.6204953

is being completely apolitical online destroying my job chances? Followers seems to appreciate it, but if I want someone to work with in a game or in animation or something I can't find anyone, nor am I reached out to despite my art posts doing pretty well (1k-2k regularly). Even my explicitly right wing friends can find someone who wants to work with them much easier, and it's always from other right wing people. Does someone who's not political, or doesn't post anything personal in their art account raise "suspicion"?

>> No.6204958

personally I don't think it's so much about politics but rather about the personal stuff.

in the age of parasocial relationships, people aren't really going to care about your content as much if you don't also mean something to them.

I think politics showing up frequently is just a coincidence. but I think it happens because it's pretty easy to talk about right now, and most people's actions give away their political alignment to some degree.

>> No.6204959

i hate this general i clicked on it by accident but i would fuck all 3

>> No.6204967

Can someone explain why so many young men get into art to draw exclusively the most generic anime girls possible? Like they spend years grinding shit just to be able to draw something so generic and soulless? Is it because the only form of beauty they've been exposed to is anime?

>> No.6204976

because floating anime girl is peak aesthetic

>> No.6204980

Probably the same reason painters spend 20 years painting bowls of fruit

>> No.6204984

Who cares.

>> No.6205002

This is just /ic/, and those artists will be the first to go when AI becomes a bit better.

It's almost comedic how people in /beg/ will not care when an established concept artist posts, but will write "Z0MG NOT BEG UR PRO" the second someone posts a frumpy broken figure with an anime face.

>> No.6205008

I just like drawing anime. Why would I draw what you want when I can draw (badly) what I want

>> No.6205009

>A lot of young men watch anime
>a lot of young men start drawing anime
wow, it's almost like there's some sort correlation. one might even think people get inspired by the things they like

>> No.6205085

I haven't gotten to that point yet but I dont see the point in socializing or interacting with people face to face.

>> No.6205099

generic anime just replaced the "beavis and butthead" style of beginning art.

>> No.6205114

I'm not even going to lie, I'm annoyed when I see artists with solid rendering/perspectives/effect usage have a shit style. I'm in a discord where someone's art is brought down by the fact that faces look like nose-less fetal alcohol syndrome survivors despite the rendering and colors looking nice.

>> No.6205145

Every year I get invited to this secret santa in summer thing in an art server I’m in and I just learned the server owner has been taking bribes for people to get me as their santa. I feel offended, objectified, and extremely flattered all at once but mostly irked that I haven’t seen a penny and thought we were all friends drawing for friends.

>> No.6205168

As you get better, you'll realize that drawing is everything. Rendering will fool the average person but good drawing is really where the rubber meets the road.

>> No.6205180

For the last 25 years?

>> No.6205191

They're obviously doing it because it pisses people off. Best you could do is report it for spam.

>> No.6205262

what if nightmares are the traumatic memories of your ancestors passed to you trough your dna.
like if you met sus person and your ancestor did the same and got the near to death expirience then dream would warn you to be cautious and prevent you from dying (like in time travel movies).
that would be specially useful for children since kids are retarded and the powers from the "The Shining" movie would incease their survivability alot.
it's like in avatar legend of aang wisdom of all monkey-furries ancestors passed to you when you sleep

>> No.6205264

God I'ld hate to be like [successful businesses with mass appeal].

>> No.6205273


I think this but with night terrors or "old hag/hat man/figure in a hooded robe" etc apparently everyone (who gets these episodes) can see the same exact description. And yet SCIENCE comes up with some bullshit excuse. These things are there but we can't see them naturally. It's suppressed through the DNA.

>> No.6205281
File: 2.70 MB, 1088x1665, AI anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's frowned upon to post about it here and we've had AI schizos and spammers for months now but after seeing what stable diffusion AI can do, I'm actually genuinely worried about this hobby of mine. It can generate backgrounds willy nilly just using a prompt and it'll come out perfectly usable.

Of course, drawing for yourself and creating your own stuff through your skill is still very important but someone somewhere with zero drawing and painting skills will take advantage of AI like this and make a living out of it and that's what bothers me the most.

>> No.6205284

I find that getting very angry at my own ineptitude propels me to work harder than anything else. Just chiding your past self and keep chiding them as future you propels to greater heights. It's an ongoing dog-eat-dog loop where even the future, future you chides the future you that chided the past you. You don't need peers, you just need to break yourself up into generational constituents and constantly one-up the last iteration.

>> No.6205285

AI is a scam to sucker in investor money.

>> No.6205288

Then give up?

What are you even looking for when you post self-defeatist shit like that? How are you not ashamed to have such flimsy self-esteem? Do something else.

>> No.6205292

you're gonna love this buddy

>> No.6205313

>remake pixiv account
>post drawing
>close tab
>open it a few minutes later
>giggle at the notifications
>clear notifications and close tab
>repeat a few minutes later
Hehe heh

>> No.6205332

>notifications stop
>giggling ceased

>> No.6205337

It's why I must move on to the next drawing.

>> No.6205361
File: 19 KB, 464x315, c60e3cc9e1998b4633fff9bd94ec4d7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found something to draw that I'm good enough at to satisfy my own autism and now I'm genuinely excited about it. We're all gonna make it bros.

>> No.6205460

Based, a wise man wants nothing more.

>> No.6205466

Coombucks are easy so long as you don't try and compete with the entire internet. Get on discord and telegram and start drawing rule 34 of furry characters, and do it in smaller servers. Every single anthro character ever has a small but ravenously degenerate fan base that will pay you pretty handsomely for coom. I warn you though. This path gets depressing really quickly.

>> No.6205470
File: 2.15 MB, 1000x2676, robintue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting commissioned with a skill level of this and I get to draw my own preferred fetish. Making hundreds in a month, been drawing since last year. I guess you want to brand yourself, let audience know what's your thing and let the people into the thing find you

>> No.6205518

Holy fuck I just burned out on art for a week. This was the worst experience of my life, I was suicidal for 7 days straight. christ, without art my life has no other meaning, and no other escape
how the fuck do mangaka and japanese animators keep their mental health in check

>> No.6205675

you ever come across an artist where they do a breakdown of the figure in their way that lines up with what you’re doing but the solution is so clever yet simple and for some reason you couldn’t even think of doing it that way and it makes things seem so much more sensible? talent, man.

>> No.6205686

same, but how do you acquire this power?

>> No.6205718

They probably have been drawing for much longer than you. That said, where can you find artists' drawing and constructing process? The nips I have seen always start their stream with inking their mostly perfect sketches

>> No.6205722

You don't understand because you're ngmi
Check >>6205361

>> No.6205728

i just come across them randomly on twitter

>> No.6205730

if you watch interviews of mangaka many of them look like shells of their former selves, completely hollowed out from their work. Pretty sure they're all running on pure adrenaline and pressure from their editors

>> No.6205731

I see a lot of Korean artists doing Rockhe Kim's construction lately.

>> No.6205758

I’m skeptic. Why can’t /ic/ just replicate that and get good then?

>> No.6205765

Yeah. Which is the point people who criticize manga's shallowness and weird structures keep missing. It takes a whole year to write a book but you can do it at your own pace, while western movie/comic/ cartoon directors don't have to care about quality and job security because of nepotism anyway. Nips have to constantly draw and write a good story. Five or so of consecutively mediocre chapters and you're axed. Mangaka are just insane

>> No.6205774

I tried making a comic chapter in a week for that webtoon contest, god damn it's actually incredibly difficult to write and draw well under a week deadline. It kind of made me realize how superhuman those nips actually are, I don't think I can ever complain about a bland story/art ever again kek

>> No.6205935
File: 626 KB, 738x466, 1641323019182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me. I'm just glad people like the results of my effort enough to click on the bookmark button, it's what really keeps me going.

>> No.6205953

i think ive lost all my creativity that i was bursting with in highschool that made me really into drawing. i had ideas but couldnt make them because i was shit but i made some soulful, abstract stuff that absorbed me immensely.
problem is that i was a drug addict for a while, so that probably had something to do with it.
anyways, i think i need to do, and have been doing, is just draw realistically. maybe ill get creative again

>> No.6205964

You know the answer to that.

>> No.6206071

that's why my only motivation left is to make my niche porn

>> No.6206078

>draw anime
>bullied by obsessive realism permaints
>draw realism
>bullied by obsessive animenigger permabegs
>draw pseudoanime tumblr tier pseudorealism
>bullied by both
I hate this board.

>> No.6206079

what is this general

>> No.6206153

Stop caring what /ic/ thinks. Care about what you and your target audience think. And no, /ic/ doesn't make a good target audience.

>> No.6206170

Only the first two are true.

>> No.6206173

>realism permaints
More like /co/ permabegs. Real ints don't care what you draw, only permabegs do

>> No.6206320

Likewise I keep seeing Japanese frankenstein the pillow method.

>> No.6206324

this is the only way to reach the summit, dont let anyone else tell you otherwise

>> No.6206406

I already do. It's more just frustration that I'm not at that level of rendering/color picking yet. It's fine, it just motivates me to work harder in grinding.

>> No.6206409

Care to share any such artists or videos?

>> No.6206478

I feel like /ic/ has a sort of measurement system that determines how good your work is, without us realizing or acknowledging it exists. But I do so here's how it works:
Your posted artwork has replies and they're laughing at how bad it is? /beg/ tier
Your posted artwork has a few replies but they're redlines with constructive feedback? /beg-mid/ tier
Your posted artwork has no replies? /mid/ tier (note, this doesn't mean your piece is boring)
Your posted artwork has a few replies and they're saying how great it is + giving constructive feedback? /mid-pro/ tier
Your posted artwork has tons of replies ranging from blog link requests to nit picking unnoticeable shit? /pro/ tier

>> No.6206489

I have 3,6k followers on twitter and live entirely off comms in my shithole country but /ic/ ignores or nitpicks my work (NEVER anything specific for crits, always just "soulless" or "its unappealing" or "ew tumblr" but they never say anything specific). Ic is just 1 part of the art community, you generally shouldnt use nodraw animeshitters who will never make a dime off art as your barometer. Not to mention Brian Cumfarti who makes a living off trad paintings is hated here because he doesn't draw anime.

>> No.6206502

I remember when BBC Chan was here once and people shat on him. I like to think this place is more of a reminder to enjoy your own artwork and not try to appeal to anyone other than yourself.

>> No.6206507

Lol yeah there's also ortamaw, marmalade mum, simon/tealbrush, all good and even pro tier artists that would constantly get shat on and bullied by /ic/. Ic only likes mid tier anime drawings, anything else and you will be shat on or ignored.
>reminder to enjoy your own artwork and not try to appeal to anyone other than yourself.
Yeah I can agree with that.

>> No.6206529

Is the "people only shit on my art because it's not anime" the new "it's muh style"?

>> No.6206530

No, it's an observable phenomenon on /ic/. But sure, you are better than Brian, Simon, Ortamaw and the others because of your soulless anime doodles lmfao.

>> No.6206536

I don't even know who those nobodies are. I only see people being crabbed on indiscriminately on this board, hell, even art from pros are crabbed on. To say not drawing anime is the reason is pretty stupid when at least half of the thread on this board are console wars between trad and digital, western and eastern autists. Stop being butthurt because someone crabbed on you once

>> No.6206546

Back then when I tried to redline people I'd get shit on telling me not to redline. Now people don't give me shit and back off. Guess I got better.

>> No.6206640

Any recommendations for chairs or anything to help with back pain? I forgot I’m fucking old now and my back feels like I fell off a 20 story building just because I was drawing for a few hours straight last night.

>> No.6206648

I have chronic sciatica which can be different than regular back pain, however I find that standing helps a lot more than fancy chairs.

Learning to draw on an easel while standing took some getting used to but it was worth it.

>> No.6206665

Herman Miller is supposed to be the best chair to work in but it's pretty expensive.

>> No.6206707

nta but most of the crabbing about artstyles on this board is effectively rooted in not finding it appealing and most of the time the person giving critique does allude to it not being anime enough

>> No.6206837

successful artists draw what a lot of people want to see

>> No.6206841

All the successful artists from this board don't draw anime though. Literally nobody from /ic/ who made it is an animefag

>> No.6206882

ever had the feeling of wanting to mog your arthoe friends from your social media due to their pretentious /beg/ works even if you're still at /beg/level yourself? sometime i try to make that feeling into something that drives me too improve

>> No.6206888

no, sounds betaand cringe

>> No.6206898

Yep, Dalle was plain bad, Midjourney was repetitive and kitschy but this shit is going to be a thing.

>> No.6206931

stupid question probably but how tf do i find smaller servers- all the big ones i joined just have art threads that no one interacts with

>> No.6206935


Good. Defeat your art rivals even if it's head cannon.

>> No.6206960

There's a ton of high tier animefags on /dad/ who have "made it"

>> No.6206965

>tfw perma mid tier
some day i'll get a reply.

>> No.6206966

I like to post in /beg/ threads for an easy ego boost.

>> No.6207036

I drew today AND I had fun AND I'm starting to see progress.
That is all

>> No.6207096

i cannot think in 3 dimensions when drawing faces. other body parts like the legs i can build blogs on top of eachother in 3d. but for faces i have to think 2 dimensionally, where i think of the forshortening as how far apart the lines are on the page like image these are eyes
|--< >-|<>|

>> No.6207157

AI is only as good as what you feed it. It will only improve if there are more human artists to feed into its training data. Also, the US has already declared all AI generated content effectively public domain by default.

>> No.6207267

Haven't slept for 36 hours, but still drew a bunch of stuff. Lack of sleep definitely messed with my ability to plan a composition before sketching, and the longer I'm awake the more that foresight suffers. Going to get some rest now, but it was interesting to see my brain stop functioning in real time.

>> No.6207363

I tried making friends on a discord of some popular artist, I posted a glitched webm and they just banned me. It was a dancing cat that changed size. I'll admit I am a bit sadge about it because I was beginning to make art friends.

>> No.6207366

That's hilarious and sad.

>> No.6207370

If it helps, I'm trying to make friends on an artist's discord and I'm just mostly ignored and I'm pretty sure everyone hates me and I mostly just post art.

>> No.6207372

Damn your dick is small bro seriously. It's not mogging if they don't give two fucks about you being better than them. Besides anger is fleeting and can't keep you drawing for long.

>> No.6207375

>anger is fleeting
it can be rekindled

>> No.6207389

in a way it is funny but like damn, they legit could have deleted it and ask me not to post lol oh well
>>6207370 I mean it sucks in general when you are not the best with people. I fucking suck at talking so I try to ask silly questions and joke. All I wanted was for people to laugh. idk if I was you I would just comment on people's work and reply to when people say hi.

all in all, I am a bit bitter about it because I never was toxic or mean. I uplifted people and even helped some.

>> No.6207401

I need a mental health break so I told my work I had covid and I hope they don't ask for proof or anything I want a week off to do shit this summer

>> No.6207406

Honestly I'd just like a decent art discord that isn't full /pro/ or /beg/
Just a nice high/beg/ or /int/ discord where can just casually talk about art things and share art. But without /beg/s always talking about how they're totally going to draw this time.

/dad/'s discord used to be good for that, but its dead now.

>> No.6207407

Lmao why can't you autistic fucks ever just take a moment to read the room before making a complete ass out of yourself?
Not when what you're angered about is just 'grrr stupid arthoes grrr', it doesn't last.

>> No.6207424

sorry you are having a bad day but go take a walk

>> No.6207430

>Not when what you're angered about is just 'grrr stupid arthoes grrr', it doesn't last.
My grudge has lasted for years and will never go away. Not until I have complete victory.

>> No.6207463

My day went fine actually, teasing isn't always malicious you know.
You didn't even win yet and it's been years like you said. What a waste of energy.

>> No.6207480

Ive been getting complements on my paintings recently from classy art types which feels pretty great, but im deppressed and therefore burnt out so I can't work on anything no matter how hard I try. I thought doing shrooms might help with this but it only made it slightly worse. I think taking commissions would get my brain chugging some but I dont post enough to please the algorithm, if you want to com @dr_sammlerin is the ig. Art block is hell. HELL.

>> No.6207513 [DELETED] 

Oh, but I did win. I didn't kill myself, and that makes them angry. I'm still pushing graphite on paper, and that makes them angry. Me being here makes them not post here anymore and, quite frankly, that makes them angry. Like you said
>i's not mogging if they don't give two fucks
Literally by default, I win since at all times they're thinking about this

>> No.6207738
File: 5 KB, 645x773, 1644754214894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've singlehandedly filled this board with so much toxicity, disinfo and shitposting all because someone crabbed on me once, I'm actually kind of proud. Literally seeing people in beg regurgitate my own sabotage advice all the time and doing my job for me.

>> No.6207746

>Literally seeing people in beg regurgitate my own sabotage advice all the time and doing my job for me.
based construction drone

>> No.6207766

>nodraw moved the goalpost to crabbing when told he wasn't going to make it
Sounds about right, good im /int/ else I'd be really screwed.

>> No.6207775

I'm int as well, I got crabbed by nodraw begs for stylistic reasons but I've managed to sabotage so many of them so its fine. Every time I posted before someone would write "lmaooo what is that pointy elbow design" and the like, I even started stealing actual pro work and posting it as my own (I'd chain reply my posts so people would know its me posting) and I would still get the exact same bizarre nitpick comments.
>inb4 should have just ignored
No lol shitting on people and making them feel miserable about their art is fun, you reap what you sow and I have zero regrets about getting your batman mega taken down multiple times.

>> No.6207782

I don’t get it. What do you mean it’s glitched and changes sizes? Aspies can still make friends.

>> No.6207854

I bought a new wacom cord because it kept disconnecting and now the pen pressure randomly stops working, and I can't calibrate my computer screen colors to match my phone, thinking of either taking the tradpill or killing myself

>> No.6207866

I believe you sounds like some shit an eternal /ic/ mid would do. Forever stuck between /beg/ and /int/ seething when mogged, and crabbing at fresh meat.

>> No.6207879

The popular artist Discords are the absolute worst servers to be in. I am in them but not for any real art discussion, just there to snipe resources.

>> No.6207880

can i ask what platform you use to do commissions through? just paypal?

>> No.6207883

you're a piece of shit.

>> No.6207903
File: 17 KB, 340x367, 1596473699661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe & cope.

>> No.6207975

How do you know there isn't? What if there's secret DM groups that you aren't aware of because you're not discussing?

>> No.6207988

tfw I am even aware of a secret group, but got kicked out due to inactivity. I'm still mad after all those years. (2 years)

>> No.6208382

The past 3 days I had migraines and depression episode. I have only drawn circa 2 hours each day and didn't study. Very frustrating and I feel very guilty

>> No.6208483
File: 57 KB, 640x722, t5iu7e2mgp671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both me and my dad got diagnosed with diabetes this week...

>> No.6208491
File: 33 KB, 699x564, 1623398236845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop consuming anything that contains wheat, oats, barley, rye, booze, bread, pastas, anything that is related to or a product of wheat and consume more animal fats and limit your carb intake.

>> No.6208496


this is my worst fear
that or blindness

>> No.6208512

Absolutely fucking embarrassing reddit thread.

Bring back /vent/. "Water cooler talk" is fucking cringe and embarrassing.

>> No.6208518

go to /r9k/ if you want to vent about how you stubbed your toe you fucking faggot.

>> No.6208521

YOU'RE the one who needs to fuck off back there you worthless idiot. Your thread is a fucking joke, piss off you worthless crab dumbfuck.

>> No.6208529


>> No.6208538

It's because he consumed 2 gallons of corn syrup a week, not because he's eating too much oatmeal.

>> No.6208557
File: 208 KB, 770x998, 1559605814199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't drink anything regularly besides iced coffee and a fuck ton of creamer and i only really indulge in weekly ice cream runs as far as snack go, but besides that it's all bread and pasta and fried foods. If can put it on a piece of bread i'm slamming that shit back right then and their.

I have to get my eyes tested for blindness in the next week, I unironically nearly shat myself while the doctor was writing the referral, and i cried as i shat in the bathroom because this shit killed damn near half of my dads side of the family.
I'm terrified right now.

>> No.6208558

damn good luck

alao, do u have a hard time focusing?

>> No.6208559

my dad sorta reversed his diabetes by going low carb almost keto and walking a lot

>> No.6208563

te lol lmao sta

>> No.6208567

Jesus Christ, wish the best for you and your dad, anon. That shit is no joke.

>> No.6208618

>this shit killed damn near half of my dads side of the family
If you knew this you should ve been going to the doctor like every year for checkups. Anyway I don't know much about diabetes but pretty sure it has several degrees and types of severity. My wife's dad has been living with diabetes for like 30 years with little issues while my cousin basically became a cripple at 17 because of it

>> No.6208679
File: 49 KB, 640x640, 1644863004952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, my eyes feel fine besides mild bouts of eye strain every blue moon,and the occasional headache from eating too much salt but that goes away in a day for me when I would eat better. I can say certainly felt better before I went to the doctor than I do now lol.
I used to walk everywhere until covid but now I have no choice but to take up the hobby again.
thank you.
I lost my job because of covid and I didn't get approved for health insurance until this year (America healthcare am i right?) and I only went to the doctor so I could become my dad's home attendant who's still fighting with cancer. They believe it's type 1 but they're still testing me and dad to see what's what. It's all up in the air at this point.

>> No.6208780

today's my day off from the wagie job and i wanted to spend it drawing but instead i've wasted a lot of the day doing nothing of value.
Quite frustrated with myself.
I wanted to do some new stuff and I think I've psyched myself out over fear of failing.... only issue is that if I just did it I could have failed 10 times at the task by now and improved.

>> No.6209014

Really sorry to hear that man, it's rough, especially in the beginning. For what it's worth, I've had type 1 diabetes for seven years now and I have no issues at all with my vision, the nerves in my hands and feet, or my kidney function, and I know people who've had it since childhood and are still in good shape. When I first got it I thought my life was ruined but looking back things really haven't changed much at all, eventually dealing with it just becomes second nature.

Frantically googling "holy shit I'm diabetic how long do I have to live" is what everyone does I think but it doesn't give you a good idea of how effective treatments are now; with good management we basically have normal lifespans and can avoid most or all complications. My ophthalmologist at my last eye exam was talking about how thanks to new surgeries even people who don't manage their blood sugar well rarely go blind anymore, and managing blood sugar well is easier than ever now with continuous glucose monitoring and smart insulin pumps that can adjust dosing automatically based on your current blood sugar reading.

Sorry for the wall of text, but tl;dr diabetics are not necessarily doomed anymore and I recommend getting Dexcom as soon as an endo will write a prescription. Good luck anon.

>> No.6209035

Why is this board so goddamn slow? It feels like a ghost town.
>inb4 "they're drawing"
(you) and I both know that's not true.

>> No.6209070

man i wish i knew what my powerlevel was in relation to what normal people think

>> No.6209082

I'm done fapping

>> No.6209093
File: 260 KB, 1700x2400, Illustration58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk why its actually so dead now, its kinda depressing.
but 4chan in general feels dead these days, more so than it ever has been.

that said im totally drawing.

>> No.6209102

so slow even the fujo twitter shitters have begun flooding with useless threads
and no most arent drawing, 90% of /ic/ doesnt draw or is beg
its a shit board only good for the resource generals at this point

>> No.6209104

there it is again

>> No.6209106

even /dad/ is dying and they’re a 3rd part offshoot that had a lot of activity

Almost feels like the rapture has happened or is being rolled out slowly.

>> No.6209110

We are just returning back to 2014 levels of speed.

>> No.6209113

ive been here long before that, can't remember /ic/s speed but /a/ definitely used to be faster.

>> No.6209125

cbsg draws :)

>> No.6209133

I was on /ic/ regularly since 2013 and remember it was very slow. It was only when we started getting more generals and accepting anime did it pick up slightly. Then 2015 came and we had google hangout groups and discords which brought activity (mainly from drama). By 2016 that’s when /ic/ started surging with LAS.

>> No.6209140

i think my first time here was 2014 but i had my pre-beg spergout and left.

>> No.6209145

dumbass nodraw

>> No.6209258

What do you guys put on in the background while drawing? I usually have Heavy Metal or Excalibur playing but I'm going through my movies to see what else I can throw on.

>> No.6209260

depends on the day.
the week or 2 its been food/film/game theory. i know im basic as fuck but its pretty nice background noise.

had some horror/crime documentaries going before that, but i got tired of hearing about murderers hiding in peoples backyards

>> No.6209271

Film theory sounds appealing but I feel like I would be too interested and get distracted. I've never understood the true crime obsession, after reading about a few crimes and seeing all kinds of fucked up videos on the internet, I find that there is nothing to be learned from all that sort of thing beyond some people being crazy. I guess it makes you appreciate how good you have it.

>> No.6209285

well to be fair i started watching them for the horror part, since it was talking about like spooky ghost stories and creepypastas. but she also happened to do a bunch of true crime stuff. some of which could be fun, like the russian dude that turned corpses into dolls.
plus it always makes me giggle at the dumb shit they find horrifying.
>this dude raped and murdered 20 women! then he photographed them and ate their corpses
>but even worse...he was a pedophile!
happens every other video, i swear.

>> No.6209347

thanks for the kind words anon. i've been moping around the house in a daze all day since my eyes started hurting the moment i mustarded the will to draw anything but hopefully i feel better about all of this when i wake up and this adjustment goes as smoove for me as it has for you.

>> No.6209369

When I was first diagnosed I remember that for about a week my eyes hurt and my vision was really blurry. Tbh I still don't know what that was about, if it was a common untreated diabetes thing or a reaction to some drug I got in the hospital, but whatever it was none of the doctors seemed concerned and it cleared up and never came back, so hopefully you'll be able to draw again soon.

>> No.6209393

To add to my own post, gonna put Conan the Barbarian in the mix. It sucks because I moved and no longer have a tv so I'm limited to what I can play on the laptop, DVD only. I have a lot of bd and some 4k that would be great for background noise.

>> No.6209402

Any recommendations for comfy youtube art channels? I've been getting into Duchess Celestia and webcomic hub, both are pretty decent

>> No.6209489

there is this big artist guy i am hitting off with but i keep spilling my spaghetti and dont know what to talk about and his art makes me go insane with how good it is and it makes me feel like shit and anxious

>> No.6209494

Not one, but multiple idiots thought I actually was my favorite artist. That's crazy.

>> No.6209495

Just talk about regular stuff like a friend.

>> No.6209514

Talking to artists irl made me realize what a waste of time this place is. The difference is like that between a meal at a soup kitchen and at a nice restaurant or your friend's house.

Genuinely just find a figure drawing place near you and leave this shithole, you will meet a lot of talented and creative people that mog 99% of this board but without all the mental illness, hatred and anime pinup obsession.

>> No.6209516

so far my experiences here for the past year have been positive

>> No.6209517

All niche boards have always been slow. Drawing is niche. Consoooom is not.

>> No.6209519

I thought so too when I was /beg/ and had no experience with real artist communities.

>> No.6209524

That fits with my imagination. But I'm too intimidated by real artists who would mog the shit out of a wannabe like me to go there. It's like the insecurity of someone who goes to the gym for the first time. You can say that they won't judge but I myself secretly judge newbies in the gym all the time, I just keep it to myself instead of being an asshole about it.

>> No.6209528

>Wow guys guys just look at this fucking beeeeg
>Hahaha he didn't draw since he was born what a LOOOOSER
>Look look he spends hours on childish shit that a normal person can draw in 10 minutes ahahahahahahg

>> No.6209530

Yeah, that's what I expect, but unironically.

>> No.6209535

I don't blame you. The majority of ints and pros is arrogant as fuck.

>> No.6209568

I've met beginners of all ages and nobody has ever bullied them or been mean to them, like ever. I think almost every artist judges art instinctively, but I've learned to appreciate less skilled artists trying their best because I know how hard it is and I'm sure most other artists in places like that are the same.
It did take me some time to shed all the brainworms from /ic/ though, and meeting younger people than me who are better and more creative made me very insecure for a while but in the end it made me grow as a person and artistically, I'm not as concerned about things like that anymore because I don't have an ego about it anymore. I just ask myself what I can learn from them and that's it. One thing I've noticed is that there is very little ego there at all, unlike /ic/ where every floating anime head grinder is the next big thing and people get offended and angry over everything.

IRL it's a completely new experience, I recommend you try it, you might actually make some friends there too if you don't spiral into insane thoughts like "everyone hates me and wants me dead because I'm not super good at drawing naked people!!!". Oddly specific I know.

>> No.6209591

And yet, you're still here. Almost like this post is made up nonsense.

>> No.6209594

I don't know where to post my art on this board. I don't know whether or not I'm a permabeg, beg or int. ;(
And I do wish to post here from time to time.

>> No.6209596

Lol. Yeah the only real art community in the world is /ic/ and making friends with artists IRL is impossible. You got me. I made this post because I had a positive experience and I want the few people who aren't nodraw crabs to know that it's an option.

>> No.6209598

Just post in /beg/. They will tell you.

>> No.6209599

I did and some said they liked my style. It wasn't much helpful desu.

>> No.6209603

Started doing art about 12 years ago, but I was always on and off and I never finished any projects, some years I didn't even do more than two drawings because I was burnt out or depressed about something. I picked up a new hobby 5 months ago though and it's been a godsend for my mental health, and now I've started drawing regularly again and actually having a lot of fun with it. Only just realized that I've drawn something for 5 days in a row too, probably my longest streak in a decade.

>> No.6209609

It really depends. I stopped getting replies when I got better. I guess I'm not in a "too shit" or a "too good" group.

>> No.6209618

I stagnated a lot as of lately as well.

>> No.6209625

sure you did

>> No.6209627

Neat, whats the new hobby?

>> No.6209631

making video commentaries mostly on old games but just a random assortment of stuff. nobody watches but its a nice outlet and got me thinking creatively

>> No.6210775

I ate too much food and drank too much water with it now I want to throw up.

>> No.6210792

Drawing for drawthreads used to give me some much needed dopamine to keep going. But they're all dead and shitty now.

Do I just need to draw porn for my dopamine hit now?

>> No.6210841

draw a random indie vtuber and tag them with it and watch them piss themselves with appreciation

>> No.6210913

What are the cons

>> No.6210916

Typically you have to watch and interact with them to make it worth it. And most vtubers kinda suck.
Plus you're essentially drawing free art which they should have commissioned since they'll use it for free on their official stuff.

>> No.6210925

Will they name me in their streams? Are Japanese ones more appreciative? Will I get followers from each fan base? Is it okay to jump from indie to indie? Or is there some sort of unsaid rule for artists to not do that?

>> No.6210931
File: 2.61 MB, 1202x1700, 86610552_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will i get named dropped
>Are japs more appreciative
not really. most just like and retweet, a lot of the EN ones will give a little thank you as well, neither is particularly outstanding by nature.
>will i get followers
maybe if you do enough drawings. but you will get a fuckton more likes and retweets/bookmarks because vtubers will usually share it out. (its beneficially to draw the larger vtubers here because they retweet everything even if they're the bigger vtubers)
>is it okay to jump
but you'll get more followers if you suck off specific ones more frequently. and as i said, its more beneficial if you're actually a "fan" so you can draw topical things for them.

overall drawing for vtubers is a win for everyone since you can leech off their popularity and they get free art.
but don't expect to get your dick sucked for it, and most vtubers of any decent size have dedicated drawfags or artists who are probably way better than you are.

I'd also say it gets less exposure than the typical FOTM anime girl, and there's usually far more people competing with you art wise. I remember drawing something for Selen months ago, and between the start of her stream and the end there were over 100 drawings added.

>> No.6210959

Sometimes I envy people the people who can just draw art for other people just because they like their content so much then the gesture is honest and rewarding. I personally can't get into that which probably prevents me from getting experiences and opportunities that would otherwise benefit my entire life.

>> No.6211086

idk for me it just comes natural.
if i enjoy it i'm fantasizing about ideas for it, and then i want to draw those ideas.

>> No.6211247

Any tips on getting my creativity back after a depressive episode? I went through a shitty part of my life 2 months ago, and I've been depressed and suicidal since. I feel like my brain just can't be creative anymore, even though I used to have a fuck ton of creativity beforehand. I have a non-art related job and therapy set up, I'm also eating healthy and lifting, trying to do everything to get my head normal again

>> No.6211249

which game

>> No.6211320

Just assume you are creative and draw what you want to draw. "A-Am I creative enough??" is unironically your depression trying to fuck you, creativity cant go away unless you had a stroke or something. If its that bad then just study until you feel like doing something creative

>> No.6211524

Anyone incorporate zbrush into their workflow? Worth learning?

>> No.6211530

Got fed up with all the AI shitposting, shitflinging and crabbing, so I'm going to quit this place for good and start working harder to put out an adequate drawing on social media every other day or so. This place was helpful to introduce me to vilppu and krenz, but none of the crabbing ever helped. So long faggots and the five good people who actually draw.

>> No.6211532

arcana heart

>> No.6211802
File: 347 KB, 412x657, 1660395537165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've come to the depressing realization that I'll never be able to retire.
For the rest of my life (that matters), I'm going to have slave away full-time while using what little time I have to enjoy drawing.
I had a plan and everything too, but I was being far too optimistic about my returns.

>Couldn't you work in art/commissions
No, it doesn't earn enough at all. Besides me just not being good enough.

>> No.6211832


Wait, you're able to find matches in Arcana Heart? Every time I tried playing it (steam) I could never find a single person. It's a shame because the gameplay is fun like how an anime fighter should be.

>> No.6212475
File: 55 KB, 960x638, 1566666637515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im tired of feeling tired all day. im missing out on valuable drawing time because its so hard for me to get in gear. i can get up early, or get a lot of sleep, or chug coffee like a madman, but it still feels like my brain is turned off until like after 4pm. i wish i could be a neet so i can adjust my day accordingly and get to work

>> No.6212480

I've had the same realization a while ago, and comprised it with the plan to either kill myself or become a hobo when i can't pay the bills any longer/drawing isn't fun anymore. i have no interest in crazy intense jobs with huge pay since it just feels like avoiding my actual passions

>> No.6212575

People in worst situations have made it.

>> No.6212810
File: 266 KB, 682x1024, GettyImages-942031492-682x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a zero effort Keith Haring knockoff
>His art sells for hundreds of thousands of dollars anyways


This style is old and rancid and has already been done

>> No.6212813

You could retire to Mexico or some other third world country where money goes a lot further..

>> No.6212832

nta but only reason why im worried of going to some 3rd world country is drinkable water

I drink 4 bottles minimum per day and it has to be clean, cold, and fresh. I don't know the water quality in Africa or some backwater asian country. And I sure as hell will not move anywhere in South America.

>> No.6212923

cute, childish, simple, whimsical, appealing, and other various jargon you wanna include on the list. just a reminder that art is sold on appeal 99% of the time
those shoes are so god damn dirty compared to everything else in shot though, man

>> No.6213465
File: 2.39 MB, 1920x1080, eo58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fucking amazing.

His workflow seems unconventional, he draws a lot of lines rapidly to get some shape then keeps slowly hacking at it for hours on end, almost like he's sculpting, until it turns into this.

>> No.6213539
File: 246 KB, 1200x1200, 3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm optimizing photoshit keyboard shortcuts for ease of workflow. How can you change the shortcut for increase/decrease flow? Can you not change that shortcut? If not, why the cunting hell not?!

>> No.6213720

How do I get more confidence in myself?

>> No.6213727

big is beautiful

>> No.6213729
File: 449 KB, 712x1010, 1568466287628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am playing the original by myself. I agree the gameplay is really fun I love how dynamic it is.

>> No.6213867
File: 1.85 MB, 1100x980, 7D74D7D6-3CDC-43BA-9312-E5877E98BB83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wish I could finish a drawing without getting frustrated, I know turdpolishing is bad but I feel like I’m abandoning the person when I inevitably give up. I’ve tried to draw the same person like 6 times now. How do you get over this?

>> No.6214633

Is the catalog weird to anyone else? It's never in order

>> No.6214736

Because most people despite being artist, have terrible imagination, so they default to what they always stare at, which is pinup anime girls on twitter.

>> No.6214918

There's a drop down menu with which to select the order items in the catalog show up newfriend.

>> No.6214938

Never had to use it, not sure why it was by creation date on here its by bump order on every other board, thanks

>> No.6214941

Man, I'm such a failure.
I hate it so much.

>> No.6214951


>> No.6214988
File: 377 KB, 1392x1856, 20220815_071114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing someone who is both beautiful and also a better artist than me just makes me green with envy

>> No.6215442
File: 87 KB, 736x736, 1656608427540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have not had any self esteem since i started drawing 2 years ago, i cant even look myself in the mirror sometimes because all my self worth is based on drawing.

food doesnt taste good, i dont care about seeing friends, i do not enjoy video games or movies anymore. ALL i think about is how bad i am at art and im stuck in an endless cycle trying to fix that. drawing literally sucked the color out of my life

>> No.6215465

I was mostly alone all my art jorney. I really craved art frens. Joined some discord and telegram channels and I fucking hate everyone in them, I swear, artist are mentally retarded, each one of them have superiority complex, anger issues, they brag about how much they earn, their fucking cats, create drama. Am I going to be friendless forever, anon?

>> No.6215499

I’m burned out on trying to make art friends or being the local discord chatterbox. I’m more interested in being the leader type and feel worthless if I can’t hold myself to that standard where my abilities are concerned.

>> No.6215695

Today I redeemed, sirs.

>> No.6215705

>someone posts a great picture by a professional artist
>shading is great, perspective is solid, composition is good
>but I don't like anime so I'm going to call it low int
>only art that looks like old renaissance paintings can be good

why are there so many people who act like this? They're not trolling because they persistently defend their views.

>> No.6215745

It's literally the opposite on this board.
>pro concept artist posts immaculate imagination drawings on beg
>meh, low int
>someone crookedly copies Krenz

>> No.6215748

both correct
theres shitters on either side of the field

>> No.6215758

Are you in either camp? Of course you’re not

>> No.6215802

Not him, but you'd be correct in assuming that there are in fact people on this board who enjoy both art styles or at the very least do not hold a grudge towards one of them while admiring the other.

>> No.6216512
File: 2.11 MB, 330x166, 1545414608957.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had an art friend that was an honest friend. Mostly just a loose congregation of shitposters or people trying to boost themselves with other people's influence. All art friends are good for is a morale boost when they mindlessly compliment your art, then keeping them at arms length the rest of the time. Not even convinced most of these people are sentient humans anyhow.

>> No.6216532

Turns out my chronic fatigue was not all in my head and my kidneys are in the early stages of failure. I don’t care about dying early, but I wish it didn’t hurt so much to just get out of bed and draw. All I really want to do is draw.

>> No.6216542

If it keeps happening wherever you go then the problem is likely you.

>> No.6216558

You have brainworms if you unironically think anything that happens here is positive, especially currently. If it was before 2016, I would give you the benefit of the doubt, but this board has been beyond saving since 2020.

>> No.6216962
File: 879 KB, 1000x573, 8785856878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here ever been to Mile High Comics over in Denver? This place is big as fuck

>> No.6217035
File: 70 KB, 1220x810, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to vent for a bit:
Been looking at old drawings and I'm just defeated.
Months ago while I was drawing these I thought these looked good. Genuinely thought that I was "okay" at drawing. Now looking back at these drawings I realize how retarded that sentiment was.
While some might say I should feel good because this means that I improved, to me it just means that what I'm drawing now is most likely just shit too it's just that I can't see it yet. And when I compare what I draw to the average Artstationfag I sense I'm just nowhere near anything.
There was a time when I felt joy in the little improvements I've made day to day and felt happy that I was better than before, but... this game has been going on for a looong ass time now.
Every step I make the road just seems longer and longer. I've come a long way but looking back how much I've come just makes me feel more depressed than motivated now.
I'm just now wondering when it will end, which is not a good sign. I think I'm just tired

>> No.6217054

Oh that actually never ends. That's okay, though. You'll always be improving. You should only be worried if it stops one day.

>> No.6217114
File: 249 KB, 713x767, phos_stay_phositive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had more time

I feel like that's something I've been struggling with since my mid teens, I'm 23 now
There's so much I want to draw and experiment with but I'm just so backed on time.

I want to write this story, draw this comic, explore that character design a bit more... But I just don't have the time to do it
(posting this on company hours, teehee!)

Unlike many other practices, art is a road you're going to be on for many, many years. Like decades.
This isn't like being a athlete where you're going to get outpaced because your body is breaking down
The fact that you're still improving and that your art hasn't stagnated is a great sign

>> No.6217146

I actually just want to be good enough and draw as a means to an end. I want to be able to look back at stuff years ago and think "man that was cool shit" and then look at stuff now and be like "I'm still drawing cool shit". I don't want to get caught in the trap of always trying to improve and top everything I draw because then I'm never going to be content, I don't want to end up being Jung Gi Kim tier but unhappy because I can't make gains from month to month or something. Imagine being one of the best artists in the field but tripping out because your next drawing has to have some crazy perspective with a figure in some asinine pose and trying to push the boundary like some sort of adrenaline junky trying to chase the dragon.

>> No.6217315

What is my problem? That I want a safe and non toxic environment? And they are creating drama at every possible moment? Also my fault, probably. Lol

>> No.6217317

I've been "just drawing" for a few years now with various levels of motivation through then, sometimes a few hours a day sometimes just taking month long breaks.
Overall I've improved and I think I'm high-/beg/ these days but I'm extremely dissatisfied with my work and lack of capabilities when I want to draw something harder.

I dont know how nma is but they have courses and a structured training regime that looks like an actual schooling so considering how cheap it is I think I'm going to just go for it and go in hard on taking the lessons for real.
I think I'm at a point I can actually make use of instruction and I really want to actually improve.

>> No.6217319

Nta but if you been in 109 art group and couldn't fit in any of then its definitely time for introspection because it's a good chance its you.

>> No.6217330

Can someone explain the meme/joke in pic related?

>> No.6217345

Can’t wait for my retail wageslave shift to be over so I can go home and draw

>> No.6217782

Why do people soft block on twiter? I'm certain I followed specific people, specifically nips, because I keep liking their work but I never comment or do anything beyond that. They get thousands of likes, so why single a random like me out?

>> No.6218225

/aco/ commissions threads were moved to trash where they died

>> No.6218234

>>6217319 couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.6218242

>he doesn't like talking about pets

>> No.6218257

how do you make it big in the art industry as a trans-person?

>> No.6218262

You're already performance art.

>> No.6218487

>prepare entire day for drawing
>clear my schedule, set up references, get drinks and snacks
>staring at pen refusing to pick it up and draw
>would rather do ANYTHING but draw
why is it like this, I can't do anything that I need to do. If someone told me to breathe my body would start holding its breath automatically.

>> No.6218619
File: 2.75 MB, 935x970, 1659482342529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent the past two weeks procrastinating because I didn't want to draw a drawing that I really wanted to draw.

After 1 week, I decided to sketch/brainstorm. It was very fun and I felt even more satisfied with my ideas, now I only needed to actually execute them.

After 1 week of doing nothing, today I put down my pen on my tablet and in 30 minutes of sketching I have a rough version of how the picture is going to look like.

Why am I like this? I'm afraid of how painful drawing is going to be, but once I start it's fun all the way through it.
I've been drawing for years and this doesn't change.

>> No.6218631

I started a Twitter mostly to motivate myself to post regularly than achieve any real success. But how many followers do you think are enough to try and seriously start working on a brand?

>> No.6218636
File: 76 KB, 500x500, 1639159834393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that person looks anorexic.
that's not healthy anon.

>> No.6218724

>typical amerimutt response

>> No.6218730

you’re probably pretty and a good artist. we’ll keep getting better and we’ll all be great.

>> No.6218756

Pixiv Request and DeviantArt Shop

>> No.6218760

I finally got over the autism preventing me from using good quality sketchbooks, but turns out there was a second layer where I still feel obligated to ration out the nice paper by only drawing once a day in the nice sketchbook. Growing up food stamps tier poor gave me some sort of PTSD I swear. I'm this same way with food. Took 3 days to finish a cupcake. I can afford to go through a sketchbook a day if I wanted and just...can't.

>> No.6218765

beautiful at any size, chud

>> No.6219013

i appreciate your kind words and optimism but i do not know how long i can keep going like this. i need to stop being so emotionally fragile but its really hard.

>> No.6219203

you look like a bot account

>> No.6219351


>> No.6219366

it sounds like you have trouble with boundaries and let every little things other people do bothers you, and blow it out of proportions because you don't have more important problems going on in your life.

>> No.6219585

I think I should give up and just pick up 3DCG instead.

>> No.6219830

Never mind, I’ll just trace 3D models.

>> No.6219999

Never mind, I'll just ask the AI to generate images for me.

>> No.6220030

I would never run my waifs through an AI. Die.

>> No.6220703
File: 62 KB, 1000x1000, 6vkvidnhglg01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to fucking god i felt like i was in better health before i went to the doctors. I had an eye and got several vaccines today and my eye hurt like a motherfucker and I've been exhausted ever since i got my shots.

>> No.6220706

*eye exam

>> No.6221008
File: 194 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Already past 30
>Okay skill level
>To little following online like to make a Patreon
>No commissions either
>Doubt I could draw a comic fast enough like to keep up with a webtoon site
>Even if I made the comic and were able to post enough content consistently on schedule, I doubt I'd know how to monetize from it
I didn't make it guys. How about you?

>> No.6221155 [DELETED] 

How can you be more confident with art? I genuinely cannot understand where all the ego people have comes from, it seems like nearly every artist I encounter is completely full of themselves, meanwhile I'm painfully self-critical all the time.

I have a friend who has been stuck at the same level for the last 5 years, but he drew some rei plush meme or something a while ago and got 500 likes on twitter and he is still riding that high, meanwhile I bully myself for not being better than 2 weeks ago. I just don't understand how people can do this. I got a compliment from a teacher I really respect and literally my first thought was that I shouldn't let it get to my head and I should just keep studying. I feel like if it was anyone else they would have gotten a huge ego boost from it but I just feel nothing confidence wise. Made me smile but that was it. Meanwhile my friend is like, living out an entire artist persona thing and calls himself an artist all the time out of nowhere because he got likes for drawing a meme.

I know this comes off as "oh I'm so humble and virtuous" but that's really not it. I'm humble but it isn't good, it holds me back from really enjoying the results of my work.

>> No.6221211

Twitter? I'll follow you

>> No.6221735

>he's in his 30s and he still hasn't learned how to have fun drawing

>> No.6221769

I finally find an organic case of a twitter tranny complaining about loli from a mutual and I want to jump in on the fun but I think I should stay out of it.

>> No.6221816

You could draw porn of FOTM anime and make it pretty big quickly.

I wasn't recently looking at pixiv by popularity since I just got premium. The most popular art for any given series is usually nsfw, and anything past page 1 is usually /beg/ tier.
It'd actually be really easy to make it big as a porn artist, with all the memes about become a porn artist I was actually surprised by the relatively low quality and quantity of popular series.

>> No.6221963
File: 89 KB, 354x286, 1655636501084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love drawing so much bros

>> No.6221997
File: 342 KB, 1000x1400, Sketch_157_Bunnygirl_2_colors_resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the guy that guy that complained about not having followers on Twitter some months ago. I went from 300 to 422 this year.
Not sure if I want to actually draw porn.
Another artist said that if you draw porn that's gonna be your career.
I'm either ngmi or gmi by the time I'm 50.

>> No.6222007

I actually kinda like your comics.
How are you advertising yourself?

If you did something like 2000s nickelodeon show fan comics you might be able to pick up a good following because your style fits it to a t.

>> No.6222063

>I actually kinda like your comics.
>How are you advertising yourself?
I'm not. I really don't fucking know what to do.
I've been wanting to make a comic series, it's essentially a generic shonen manga, don't know if I could draw a whole chapter a week and do so consistently. Not sure where I'll upload it and even if I did I still don't know how I could monetize from it.
I think it goes something like this; you make your comic on webtoons gather a following and once enough people follow you, you open a patreon.
There's Lezhin, you send your comic to them and if they like it you get hired and they pay like two thousand a month, although I've heard they are bad with their employees. Also that Lezhin is more for hentai and BL/GL type stuff. And I think the same goes for Webtoons and Tapas but lately I've seen more normal stuff on Webtoons.
>If you did something like 2000s nickelodeon show fan comics you might be able to pick up a good following because your style fits it to a t.
Thanks, I basically have two artstyles, the "westernized anime" one and the "nickelodeon cartoon" style.

>> No.6222342

>A whole chapter a week
not every comic needs to go full shounen burnout. Many comics do every other week or even once a month. Even in Japan weekly releases is on the extreme end considering most artists aren't getting published in weekly magazines.

Honestly I'd just recommend more fanart and stuff, it's kind of lame but people don't just search for random comics unless it follows either a fandom or a niche they're already searching up.
Fanart gets your name out there.

>> No.6222432
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>I fucking love drawing so much bros
>not every comic needs to go full shounen burnout
I think like 10 pages a week seems doable, and maybe that's fine for a web comic. I've been told repeatedly that consistency is what attracts people.
>Fanart gets your name out there.
>people don't just search for random comics unless it follows either a fandom or a niche they're already searching up.
Let's say I start my comic and upload to Line Webtoon; Do I need to have a big following on Twitter to have them go to Webtoons to read it or will people stumble across my comic on Webtoons and then flock to my Twitter.

>> No.6222443

You're not going to see an instant surge or anything, but anything helps really.

What really helps is targeting niche audiences. Its why furries are such a meme, there's only so many artists catering to them so the moment a new (and decently skilled) artist shows up every single furry flocks to them. Its a smaller target audience, but its a starving target audience. and 100% of a small audience is better than 0% of a large audience.

Of course, furries are just the meme. Any small desperate audience works, but choose one you actually like.

>> No.6222631

Bros....I like to... draw? I finally found a thing that I would dedicate my whole life. I nevel feel this excited in my whole life, it's a new feeling for me

>> No.6222663

I have been blessed from the angels God has sent to unlock my brain today. I know what I want to draw, how i’m going to draw it every time, the exact flow of steps I need for creative work, and the best way to practice theory once and for as the final solution without over grinding.

God has seen my suffering and has sent his angels whispered knowledge. These are the stories that get told in the bible. You better believe “ah ha” thoughts are not your own, but nudges from the divine. Like the frog shitters who keep saying they love to draw, by Gods grace, I love to draw.

>> No.6222828

I need a friend

>> No.6222836


>> No.6223060

Had a great day drawing today, like I'm starting to slip into the zone easier than ever before. going to sleep is going to suck, knowing i can't draw more until tomorrow

>> No.6223224

I have a friend who has been drawing for like 10 years and is still beg and I've improved more than him in like 2 years but ever since I started making money he keeps trying to flex on me. We were out one time and when I said that I'd like to do art fulltime in the future he scoffed and said 'you ACTUALLY have to be good though!", then I said I've already been commissioned a few times and he just stared at me.
We go to figure drawing classes and he tried to give me criticism like 4 times in the session which he has never done before and he even scribbled on my drawing like some half assed redline. And a few people + the teacher complimented my work and after they leave he walks up to my easel with the drawing and starts dramatically gesturing like some redditor basedboy caricature asking me "what the fuck is that". I think that was his last ditch crabbing effort. I asked him what he meant and he just awkwardly mumbled to himself and went back to his easel.

I don't know where I'm going with this, I just feel gross and need to get it off my chest.

>> No.6223242

10 years is a lot of time to suck at something and get shown up.
If you really want to stay friends with him try to just let him get over it without stooping to his level.
If you don't want to stay friends you should stoop to his level though.

>> No.6223305

Congrats friend, it's the most rewarding hobby/passion out there imo. Now go to the artbook general, download what you need and get the fuck out of here, never look back, I'm serious.

>> No.6223362

>See amazing artist with minimum 50K followers begging for commissions that cost less than what I make in an hour
>This is a near daily occurrence
>I'm supposed to want this for myself
I think I'm fine with being half hobbyist, half patron of the arts. That's my idea of making it. I'm sorry people get paid so shit for their art. It's not like I just spin in my office chair and shitpost all day at work, but I feel like I get paid a lot more for a lot less effort than the average artist. What a crock of shit. This should be the next revolution.

>> No.6223369

post the artist in question

>> No.6223530
File: 17 KB, 446x473, 1622333542026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so today i learned that the reason why i never cringed at any of my older artwork is because the majority of the cringe actually channeled itself into my old comics that i used to post online. it is actually so fucking terrible, it made me physically ill. on top of that, if it were to ever be discovered today, i would probably be cancelled and/or put under police investigation that i might be some kind of serial killer in the making. the worst part is, i remember having a significant amount of followers from my comics until i deleted my internet presence for a completely unrelated reason.

holy fuck, i used to think i was just an awkward and cute kid until i saw my old shit again. i only discovered this because i was curious and was stuck brainstorming for a webcomic story. at least i know i can't get much worse than that, but holy fucking shit...

>> No.6223618

I’m afraid of typing my thoughts and ideas in these journal apps because they’re probably saving all this shit on their servers and passing it off to god knows who.That goes for Google docs, too. Either a typewriter or i should use an old PC and never connect it to the internet.

>> No.6223621

Especially with this AI shit going on and BCIs that Elon wants to push. They want in your head so bad.

>> No.6223692

>a typewriter or i should use an old PC and never connect it to the internet.
I like how you considered the most convoluted and weird options before actually just writing normally. Typewriters are fun though

>> No.6225375

apparently one of my twitter followers is a kiwifarms lolcow, and they were using his likes of my art to laugh at him. weird feeling, but interesting either way.

>> No.6225507

Just don't use programs that advertise saving your work in the cloud (ie other people's computers). Opt for FOSS apps that allow you to save to files on your own computer.

>> No.6225839

It’s not an endless cycle if you’re improving which I’m sure you are. You should be happy that you care about something so much, something pure and noble that you can pursue with endless joy and zero guilt. You want to be good. You know what you have to do to get better. The effort work pays off if we devote the time and make the effort. You’ve probably improved more than you know.

I’m happy for you, anon. I hope you make some great works.