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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6200402 No.6200402 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any reason for doing non-digital art? Besides making paintings for money laundering.

>> No.6200404

not really, no

>> No.6200407

If you like it then yeah
I love pens and paper so i draw a lot using them

>> No.6200419

Not everyone wants to do twitter commissions of flavor of the month for trannies or work in a studio surrounded by trannies.

>> No.6200422

Why do redditors keep repeating the money laundering meme?

>> No.6200439

All of my commissions have been physical paper final art. I have had no luck with digital commissions. I know some artists make the digital commissions thing work and make a good living off it, but I have been doing commissions for 20 years and physical, traditional art is what is what gets me money.

>> No.6200444

Lack of soul.

>> No.6200448

because it's not a meme

>> No.6200451

oh look, another bait thread to report and hide

>> No.6200462

Superior brushwork. That's the one thing that digital sucks massive cock at compared to trad.

>> No.6200479

I know this is bait, but I see this question asked often in a serious manner. If you plan to do more realistic stuff or stuff from a certain era it is infinitely easier to get convincing texture. I don’t like being limited to whatever brushpacks I’m using or my software.

>> No.6200512
File: 460 KB, 1600x699, Digilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldnt even have to ask.

>> No.6200523


i like drawing with pencils traditionally because i like the feeling of shading shit in on paper. you're forced to be more decisive with your markmaking and thus forced to focus more. its also easier to draw because i can take my sketchbook out in the sun and touch grass instead of being chained to my desk in a dark room slaving over a tabelt that gets hot in 20 minutes

>> No.6201009

Learning the fundamentals.

If you're a beg who can't draw and choose to learn on a digital medium, you're an idiot.

>> No.6201445

it feels nice

>> No.6201458

Surely there's a way to earn money painting for a rich clientele? Did the rich just stop commissioning paintings? I guess the painter to rich ratio is too competitive.

>> No.6201470

So you're honestly telling me if I draw horribly with a ballpoint pen instead of a stylus I will make way better art in a fraction of the time? Despite the fact that my digital art is already starting to get decent? This is a serious question. I just want to improve as quickly as possible so I can start having more fun

>> No.6201475

digital can look good easy with fancy brushes and shit that can decive your eyes to thinking u are getting better when you aren't

>> No.6201482

I don't use fancy brushes, I use default brushes like hard round

>> No.6201486

Ctrl-Z impedes your development.
You don't need to try and lie by saying you don't use it.

>> No.6201507

kys doomposter faggots

>> No.6201515

And if I use a pencil and erase?

>> No.6201519


>> No.6201522

Why not just both?

>> No.6201535

You should be good at both. Only artlets will argue otherwise. If you're not good at both, you are an artlet.
If you're a trad Chad and you're good at painting traditionally, then digital painting is as simple as it gets. there is a lot of market that becomes available for learning digital. Even if you chose not to work with digital, there's no excuse to suck at it.
If your a digitalfag and you can't make art without using the liquefier tool, transformation tool, mirror image, ctrl-z spam, filters, texture brushes, etc, then you are turbo artlet.

>> No.6201537

Out of curiosity, what kind of art do you do
I like painting with acrylics and oil but im wondering if i should just stick to digital to make money

>> No.6201552

I'm dead serious about this. What if I do digital and just handicap myself by not using any of its tools? I like digital because of the convenience, but if handicapping myself will help me improve faster then I'll do that in a heartbeat

>> No.6201572

Do whatever you want. Start practicing in trad won't magically make you better, nor will neglecting trad make you unable to draw a line straight. Just pay more attention and conscious of your lines and don't abuse trial and error with ctrl-z and you'll be good. Even in trad you can make the same mistake with chicken scratching. Chances are, if someone tell you one single method to do things can make you a ngmi or gmi, they are crabbing retards who would rather shitpost than actually draw.

>> No.6201574

You can just cut the convenience on digital. Try challenges where you dont use layers, you don't use the eraser, you don't use the undo, you don't use transform tools, etc. There's no reason to waste money with traditional art, unless you like doing traditional art explicitly.

>> No.6201620

Okay, this is what I try to do now. Thank you

>> No.6201668

I strictly only use pen or graphite on paper. Digital requires no effort, and if you make a mistake it’s easy to just hit a button and it disappears. Whereas with a physical copy, you make a mistake and you either give up entirely because the mistake is so bad, or you have to adapt with the mistake in your work. Also I think it’s worthless because you’re basically playing color by number, with the click of a button you can have a whole space filled. With a physical copy you can charge extra by how long you spent on it.

>> No.6201678

The only reason, and I stress the only real reason I don't do traditional art is because I don't wanna waste materials. It's cheap, and it's great to start out with because of no barriers. Like learning a program, and shortcuts, and if you bought a cheap monitor. There's a bunch of issues with that. In the long term Im going to be switching to digital, might as well buy everything I need so I don't need to at a later point in my life. So I ended up just thinking on you. Pay a big fee up front, and later on it just keeps getting cheaper and cheaper. When I get good enough, the commissions will be the best ROI. (My artwork is not good enough to show, I'm still trying to learn some more stuff) Forgot to mention, if you learn anything trad wise, it transfers. When digital, there's more of a crutch with "Ctrl-Z", and other ones.

>> No.6201686

Post your drawing tablet with timestamp.

>> No.6201744
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>> No.6201796

Because its an ART form. Not everyone wants to hang a digital display in their home. Not every artist want to create content for media to be consoomed. But thats where the zoomer mind goes first. They think art an immediately think of assets for marvel comics video games and anime.

>> No.6201799

Its not redditors imho its most likey incels , redpilled etc. I see the art money laundering on pol all the time

>> No.6202766

Personal enjoyment, but god forbid anyone actually engages in that nowadays without needing validation or asspats.

>> No.6202771

I just cant get into digital. I don't understand the filters, layers, all the effects, the elaborate process. Ctrl z makes my lines look worse not better on digital. The more I draw in digital the more time I spend overworking something and it just gets worse while in trad I can draw fast and get things done. I also don't like color picking, I prefer to choose from pre-selected colors and let them blend into each other. Trad is a lot more comfortable for me and less time consuming.

>> No.6202829

People that care for making a physical canvases from scratch, and mixing their own pigments, instead of the making-compelling-art thing

>> No.6202938

Past 2016 there isn't really a difference between /pol/ and reddit

>> No.6202940

That's completely different and you know it lol

>> No.6202962

Let me guess you draw trannime

>> No.6202967

I'm fast at traditional and slow at digital, only benefit for digital for me is skipping the scanning process

>> No.6202978
File: 389 KB, 800x497, proxy-image(7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime was done traditionally at some point too you know

>> No.6203072

And it looked far better back then

>> No.6203078

akira really was the goat

>> No.6203380

What's the point of Traditional vs Digital arguments anyway? Drawing material bragging rights? Some weird ass "No True Scotsman" thing?

>> No.6203384

Digitial 'artists' are butthurt and try every time to prove they are 'real artists' instead of artisans

>> No.6203422

Erasing can leave a mark it also sacrifices some linework in the process. Ctrl-z just deletes the right lines from sight.

>> No.6203637

literally, no

>> No.6203641

How clueless do you have to be to confuse trannime with Akira?