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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6189836 No.6189836 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread to discuss all kinds of digital drawing hardware: non-display graphics tablets, pen display tablets, portable tablets and more.

Why you should not trust youtube shills:

If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

>I'm thinking of getting the Wacom One, should I buy it?
Fuck off retard. Ask a better question.

Recommended tablets:

>Intuos 3
Best screenless tablet. Look for one on Craigslist or Ebay.
>Intuos 4, 5 & Pro
Also good options. Will burn through your nibs.
>Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
Budget portable display tablet. Very solid drawing experience with Wacom EMR tech, but a small 10.4" display area.
>Used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9"
Best option for a display tablet.
>Galaxy Tab S7+/S8+
Good premium alternative to an iPad Pro


>XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand
Poor build quality, lackluster pens, broken tilt, struggles to register light pressure, horrible customer support and the displays are not calibrated. All Chinese brands are basically the same because they're all centralized. Check out the webm to understand how bad they are. Also watch out, Chinese companies shill HARD on /ic/; they do a lot of samefagging and frequently hurl personal insults.

>Microsoft Surface Pro
The N-Trig digitizer means you will always get wobbly lines.

Bad drawing performance because they're not designed with art in mind.

>iPads (brand new)
>iMacs and Macbooks
Never buy this garbage under any circumstance. It's a locked ecosystem with rubbish hardware you can't upgrade.

Previous: >>6170384

>> No.6189837
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, XP-Pen is Trash.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Webm related.

Remember to never buy garbage like XP-Pen or Huion.

>> No.6189888

I have a huion and it has been great to me, currently on 2 years. Is it really that bad?

>> No.6189890

The only person who insists that is OP. Just ignore him, there's no need worry about it!

>> No.6189936

My intuos 3 just broke after 5 years of usage. (It was a second hand tablet I received which had seen 10 years prior to mine.).

What should I replace it with? I'm on a tight budget as well.

>> No.6189996
File: 3.44 MB, 2560x1440, ULTIMATE DIGITAL ART TABLET BUYERS GUIDE (I bought 10 tablets) 1-5-8 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artist buys and reviews 10 tablets


Tablets Featured in the Video:

Wacom Cintiq Pro 32
Huion Kamvas 24 4K
Wacom Cintiq Pro 16
XP-Pen Artist PRo 16 TP
Samsung Galaxy S8 Ultra
iPad Pro 12.9"
Samsung Galaxy S8
iPad Air 4th Gen
Wacom Intuos Pro Large
Xencelabs Pen Tablet Medium Bundle

>> No.6190024
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>> No.6190027

don't worry about it, these threads are made by phone/wacom crabs

>> No.6190139

>almost 2023
>still no pens with bristles like a brush that let you control like a brush

>> No.6190154

Huion inspiroy or kamvas
Biggest you can afford

>> No.6190174

With some recent events making the commercial future of digital artists uncertain, is Wacom finally going to fall and be replaced by cheaper Chinese brands? I can't see a reason to blow a fuckton of money in the industry-standard Cintiq anymore since you're unsure if you'll ever get the investment back. And it gives diminishing returns compared to, say, a Kamvas which just good enough and way more affordable to justify to yourself that you'll be buying it to draw for personal fun.

>> No.6190178

Shut the fuck up clueless fucking retard
Just go kill yourself now if you're worried about a non issue like ai taking over.
No seriously. Just end your life.

>> No.6190204

>this seething rant of the wacom reseller
Funny. People mostly bought these overpriced screens because everyone said it was the norm for industry professionals to have one. Now more affordable brands will be the first in shelves as it always should have been

>> No.6190225

Why if you can just buy a brush and a paint?

>> No.6190227

I support buying cheaper brands. Fuck wacom.
But fuck you for your retard logic. I meant it when I said you should kill yourself if you're worried about ai "art"

>> No.6190232

Have you actually tried looking? There are a lot of brush style styluses.

>> No.6190241

In this case pipe down morbid schizo, I never said that artists would collectively be filing for mass unemployment, what I did state though was that the future of this craft is left uncertain when faced with the undeniable paranoia that's rising from such topic in art communities, which is more than enough to tank expensive tablet sales even in a scenario where nothing ever happened subsequently

>> No.6190244

>the future of this craft is left uncertain
It's not.

>> No.6190281

kind of a neat idea

>> No.6190359

it already exists.

>> No.6190492

Another intuos 3.

If you buy Chinese trash you're retarded. Shills have already locked on.

>> No.6190512

Do they actually adjust size/shape based on how you press the brush on the screen? Just like a real paintbrush not tilt/pressure I mean.

>> No.6190546

>buy this objectively inferior product because uh
>just do it, okay??

>> No.6190558

nope. op is a fucking retard who thinks that dumpster diving for garbage tablets is the only way. also checked

>> No.6190633
File: 144 KB, 867x999, dtgsurvey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tablet survey results. As usual here is the link to the poll itself:

>> No.6190749

>don't buy chinese trash
>instead buy second hand chinese trash that I found in a garbage can
>instead buy some shitty android garbage with a screen for ants
can you post your work by the way?

>> No.6190755

How exactly it broke? Pls write more, I fixed few of those. Usually it's just USB cable that need replacing. Literary 1 dollar fix.

>> No.6190756

>t. Liu Zhao Bei

>> No.6190760
File: 1.07 MB, 536x706, d0e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>t. Liu Zhao Bei

>> No.6190789

>Chinese companies shill HARD on /ic/; they do a lot of samefagging and frequently hurl personal insults.
>and frequently hurl personal insults.

Case in point:
>nope. op is a fucking retard who thinks that dumpster diving for garbage tablets is the only way. also checked

Angry Chang can't help himself lol.

>> No.6190801
File: 105 KB, 600x562, f6b8b99a3fd932329962accedfa3f9c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Angry Chang can't help himself lol

>> No.6190813

I have an XP-Pen Artist Pro 16 and it exhibits all of the behavior shown here >>6189837

But it is honestly not that big of a problem once you are aware of them. The tilt issue can be configured around in clip studio, or you can just be mindful of the dead zone at 90 degrees. The wobble in pen pressure... Just repeat the stroke, or correct it. It does it like, 10% of the time, and it's only noticable on thick lines. How often are you drawing a line that's a hundred pixels thick? It will be a minor annoyance, but it will not stop you creating good work.

I would sooner deal with these minor annoyances than pay almost QUADRUPLE the price for the same screen size on a wacom.

>> No.6190824
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whats a good wacom screen less tablet that doesnt have a shitty delay to my strokes and doesnt have an unnecessarytexture that eats away nibs so fast
cause holy fuck tablet hunting is the worst

>> No.6190825


>> No.6190857

Intuos 3. You can literary draw at Barry Allen speed, and still not destroy your nib after yearbof work. Perfectly smooth surface. But you have to buy used. So make sure spare nibs are included. If they are it will outlive you.

>> No.6190868

The extent of his work after all his years of shilling for wacom is some floating loomis heads

>> No.6190953

>2 people own gaomon shit
>1 guy actually uses a mouse
also surprised the surface is so nonexistant. I used a surface pro 3 as my main tablet for like 3 years. It was sorta okay.

>> No.6191030

>check the ppi of the HD22 for printing purposes
>the screen is 21.5" according to official Wacom specs so that means a ppi of 102.46
>get thing printed
>it doesn't match the size on screen
>decide to actually measure the screen myself
>turns out Wacom specs are wrong and the ppi is more like 104.2
Thanks, Wacom.

>> No.6191052

>do things the dumbest way possible
>they don't work out

>> No.6191054

why doesn't apple release a 24" ipad equiavalent for drawing?

>> No.6191101

What's the point of listing the size of the screen if it's not accurate?

>> No.6191119

I have a feeling you probably just measured wrong. 104.2 vs 102.46 is like .3" different.
I don't get why you wouldn't just look at how big your image was before printing it though.

>> No.6191129

>104.2 vs 102.46 is like .3" different.
That's not a significant difference to you?

>I have a feeling you probably just measured wrong.
If you create a 30cm wide image at Wacom's suggested ppi of 102.46 and place a 30cm ruler on the screen, the image is quite clearly about 5mm shorter, while if you create a 30cm image at 104.2 and do the same, the image will match the ruler.

>> No.6191195

So yes, you measured wrong. Good to know.

>> No.6191197


>> No.6191202

No. If you create a 30cm image at the ppi of the display then that image at 100% scale should be 30cm long. According to Wacom the ppi of the display is 102.46, but if you create a 30cm image on it, it's only 29.5cm. This means that the measurements Wacom provided are not accurate.

>> No.6191207

Guess you should've bought a huion

>> No.6191213

Are you ok? How do you think people who used HD 24inches eizo monitors worked for years designing things for top quality prints? I'm starting to think posters here are elaborate trolls

>> No.6191217

>How do you think people who used HD 24inches eizo monitors worked for years designing things for top quality prints?
How do you think that question is relevant to Wacom providing the wrong specs regarding the size of one of their displays?

>> No.6191221

>get thing printed
>it doesn't match the size on screen

Here I'll let you figure that one out

>> No.6191228

The problem is that it should match the size on screen if you scale the image to the same ppi as the screen. And obviously it does if you go by accurate measurements of the screen, which isn't what Wacom provides.

>> No.6191241

>almost get free xp pen tablet as part of a collab
>deal ends up falling through
Fug. I know they aren’t that great but I wanted to try a display tablet.
Is it worth buying an iPad for drawing if I don’t plan on using any of its other features? I’m tempted though I’ve always wanted a cintiq

>> No.6191247

The iPad with Procreate is the most natural transition from traditional to digital, mainly because of how smoothly it allows you to use your fingers, be it for canvas rotation or smudging.
I recommend getting a used 3rd gen pro.

>> No.6191253

I hate wacom's drivers so. so. so. much.
It's gotten to the point with my Cintiq Pro 13 that I don't use it anymore and just use some small huion basic tablet. When I DID use it, I had to pin the services app to my taskbar just to restart the drivers 2x per session.

>> No.6191396

Can someone tell me how cintiq pro is better? Idc how expensive it was I just need comparisons to other displays especially huion

>> No.6191403

It's like comparing rolls royce to lada samara.

>> No.6191430

I have a problem the surface sheet of my Intuos 3, it has gotten quite scratchy. Is there any way to replace it?

>> No.6191460

I'm new to digital art and kinda have a shitty computer so I'd rather get an actual tablet. Is the 5th gen air good/better than older pros? I really only plan to use it for drawing and maybe dabbling in whatever 3D software it has.

>> No.6191519

Get one for newer model just bigger. Cut to size. Take off old. Place new. Profit.

Or get any other tablet protective screen foil and just slap it there

>> No.6191540

>if you scale the image to the same ppi as the screen.
Why are you scaling to ppi rather than just sizing your image to the measurements you want?

>> No.6191542

It's not. Every review comparing them says it's not. The only person who will say otherwise is the wacom shill that doesn't even draw.

>> No.6191545

>t. Liu Zhao Bei

>> No.6191547

Tab s8+ good for drawing y/n?

>> No.6191548

Post your work, wacom shill.

>> No.6191554

In this particular instance, it was easier to check it against the thing I wanted to match its size to. This way I could scale down the image to the ppi of the screen, place the item directly on the screen to compare, and then return it to its original ppi by undoing the resize and printing it at that larger dpi if it was correct. Measuring different sections of the object with a ruler and checking that they were correct by then measuring them again inside of photoshop would have been more work.

>> No.6191573
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I've been looking to buy a screen tablet, but I didn't want to buy a whole new machine, and would much rather have something like the cintiq which connects to my computer. I noticed the sticky doesn't mention any periferal display tablets, is there a reason for that?

Also, is huion really that bad, or is this an ebin mayme? It's either that for me or a One, and the one doesn't even have shortcuts, and has a shitty pen. What should I be looking at if my budget is ~500eur? I already have a pretty beefy computer, and wanted to use the tablet for 3d work as well as 2d, so I would really prefer to avoid things like the Galaxy, iPad, etc. Any other brands I can look into?

>> No.6191574

There's no way this many people are so fucking clueless. No other general has people read the OP and take every word for gospel.

>> No.6191579

How about you post those floating Loomis heads, Chang?

>> No.6191582

Got it, thanks

>> No.6191583

I was just asking, and my question about peripheral screen tablets still remains. The huion 13 is the one I'm looking to buy right now, but I was wondering if there are any other options for my pricerange that could be better.

I have wobbly lines with an intuous medium (it's actually a fair bit worst than what that video shows). I just thought that was something you had to deal with when drawing really slow lines.

>> No.6191589

Your best option is the biggest and newset huion kamvas you can afford. Xp pen are okay as well, but huion have better displays and pens.

>> No.6191608

What about kamvas vs kamvas pro? Would I be better off with a 16" screen, or would the 13" pro be better? I've never used a screen tablet, so I'm not sure how much screen size matters, but 13 inches does sound a bit small for 1080p. Any thoughts on that?

>> No.6191610

I fell for the biggest meme but found myself only utilising the center of the screen to draw

>> No.6191624

Unless you're buying a 22", get 2.5k.

>> No.6191657

What's the quality on Amazon refurbished products as opposed to getting it refurbished straight from apple

>> No.6191721

What's the point of a 13" 2.5k display?

>> No.6191766

Wacom intuos still works perfectly fine after i cum on it!

>> No.6191801

>what's the point of having a less pixelated display?

>> No.6191809

ya but im not gonna make drawings in 2.5k

>> No.6191811

I have a 27" QHD monitor and I can barely see the pixels if I try, 13" is very fucking small, my dude.

>> No.6191812

You sit much closer to a tablet than you do your monitor. Even on a 24" tablet you can see pixelation with 2.5k

>> No.6191814

Gaomon PD2200 is good
Change my mind

>> No.6191850

it's probably near identical to the xp pen and huion 22"
maybe a bit worse screen than huion

>> No.6191890

Do you start panicking after seeing a pixel? Lmao

>> No.6191907
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>> No.6191941

Just got 2021 iPad Pro 12.9 in 128gb…was thinking of going for the 256gb one or completely returning it for s8 ultra. Thoughts?

>> No.6191944

>You sit much closer to a tablet than you do your monitor.
I seriously doubt that's just a fact of the matter. As someone who has drawn on paper for a while now, I never am right on top of the paper, so I very seriously doubt the 2.5k is worth the 200$. Now in a 16" I can definitely see the appeal, but that's outside my price range.

Right now I'm just thinking of getting a huion 16 (not pro), because 13" seems a little too small anyway. Most people seem to agree it's the best entry level one. The only thing that worries me are the colors, because I've seen some really garbage displays colorwise, and I have PTSD from it. Seeing reds turn to orange from one screen to another is not fun.

>> No.6192057

If storage is a concern just get a ssd? Currently trying to decide between a pro and s8 and the only thing I can think of being a pro for the s8 is the screen and being able to use it as a second monitor for pc

>> No.6192059

just go get a 720p cintiq if you don't care about resolution. Higher resolution screens are just objectively better for drawing, but I won't bother trying to educate you on the benefits since you don't care.

>I seriously doubt that's just a fact of the matter.
You're wrong unless you sit way too close to your monitor. Average monitor distance is 2-3 feet away. Try drawing on your monitor where it currently sits and you'll see how fucking awful that would be.
Have you ever used a 12.9" ipad pro? they're 2700something by 2000something, which should give you some idea of what a 13" 2.5k display would look like.

The 16" is definitely a better size to start with, 13" is too small. I'd personally opt for a used 22" or 24" over a new 16", but that's just me. I know some people are weird about buying things used.
As far as colors, it should be okay. I've never used the 16, but the 22" color range is phenomenal.

>> No.6192069

> I'd personally opt for a used 22" or 24" over a new 16"
I have 0 experience with second hand products, and am kinda scared about it. When you say used, do you mean refurbished from the vendor directly, or bought from a 3rd party?

>> No.6192090

either. I buy a lot of shit 2nd hand from a 3rd party and rarely ever have a problem, but again I know some people aren't comfortable with that.
you can get a factory refurbished 22 plus for $370 on ebay, or a new 22 (not plus) for $330
I don't remember the difference between the plus and normal.
I'm also not sure how huion's refurbished products are, I've only ever used their normal products.

>> No.6192206

My 1060 plus's pen is no longer applying pressure. What gives?

>> No.6192221

>buying chinese garbage like huion
lmao retard. Enjoy your janky lines.

>> No.6192222

even a janky line is better than the no lines you produce

>> No.6192225
File: 88 KB, 645x729, 1516746442351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>help me /ic/! my cheap chinese huion trash stopped workinggggg!

>> No.6192238
File: 1.11 MB, 2186x3086, GRAPHIC TABLETS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6192248

>t. Mingze Yuxuan Haoran.

>> No.6192263

and yet in this very thread someone complained about their wacom breaking

>> No.6192264

>cheap useless plastic surgery chinks who whore themselves out to the lowest common denominators 24/7
>reliable female acquaintance who is always ready to lend a hand and cook and clean for you

>> No.6192269
File: 47 KB, 380x360, wacom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6192274

>t. Chen Huang Xingming

>> No.6192277

I'm making the next thread. fuck this schizo faggot OP
I know he intentionally makes the thread several posts before bump limit just so he can make sure he's first to it, but I don't care

>> No.6192297

huion hands out free pens if you complain about them in the support

>> No.6192299

Do reflect on the facts listed below:
>Huion is just as good as wacom
>Huion is cheaper than wacom
>taiwan is not a country

>> No.6192332

>the support

>> No.6192337

>taiwan is not a country
I mean 50 cents have been deposited into your account chang

>> No.6192351

Their official site, but that's only if you bought directly from one of their stores (like the aliexpress one) and not from a reseller. Also you'd rather contact the seller first and see what is required beforehand so as to not waste time writing another support ticket

>> No.6192445

Huions are good but only get ones with the PW517 pens. All other previous gen pens have a noticeable offset to them when you tilt. Generally, the newer gen it is, the less offset it has.

>> No.6192452

>I'm making the next thread. fuck this schizo faggot OP
Nah, you're not Chang.

You tried this already before and failed miserably, multiple times. Not letting you shill your garbage.

>> No.6192455

If you fall for the chinese shills telling you to buy Huion, you are retarded.

>> No.6192459

> t. Someone who hasn't touched a wacom device his entire life

Of course the jewtubers are gonna say its the same otherwise they're not gonna recieve free chinkshit devices to review

>> No.6192496

>everyone on this website is the same person except for me

>> No.6192498

you still never answered the question.
Why would they care about continuing to receive chink brand tablets if they're so bad and they already have wacom?

>> No.6192504

>Of course the jewtubers are gonna say its the same otherwise they're not gonna recieve free chinkshit devices to review

The only youtuber who doesn't get sent chinese garbage is Aaron Rutten because he rightly pointed out all the design flaws. The comments in his videos were also filled with the exact same kind of schizo rage seen in /dtg/ threads like this directed toward "OP".

Chinamen very angry!

>> No.6192517

ipad air comfortable to draw on?

>> No.6192573

bruce colbow agrees with aaron rutten about chinese tablet brands pressuring reviewers, yet in his latest reviews he says huion and xp-pen are almost as good as wecom now. you're happy to repeat his criticisms about 3 year old chinese tablets but not about current ones, hmm.

why do you think you have any credibility?

>> No.6192577

>bruce colbow agrees with aaron rutten about chinese tablet brands pressuring reviewers, yet in his latest reviews he says huion and xp-pen are almost as good as wecom now
You're drawing this equivalence, chang? You think because someone agrees with someone about something, that makes their opinion on something else valid?

How mind-numbingly stupid are you exactly? Are chinese brains really this small?

>> No.6192579

>yet in his latest reviews he says huion and xp-pen are almost as good as wecom now
Brad Colbow has literally been saying this for 5-6 years now, Li Zhang. It's also never been true.
Why are you even using his review as an argument on the basis that he agrees with Rutten about chinese coercion? If anything, that's him effectively telling people to take everything he says with a grain of salt, stupid Zhang.
Youtube reviewers can never be trusted. It's cringeworthy you're trying to use them to sell your bad quality trash.

>> No.6192586
File: 90 KB, 1005x564, wacomfat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6192591
File: 2.52 MB, 490x396, laugh-serious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6192627

you're happy to claim his opinion is valid for a 3 year old tablet, but not valid for a current tablet, because it doesn't agree with your bias

you were also trying to claim that a wacom tablet made in china was a knockoff until shown otherwise.

>Brad Colbow has literally been saying this for 5-6 years now, Li Zhang. It's also never been true.
you used an old review where he didn't say that at all.. sounds like you have the facts all mixed up in your head.

you're so mentally ill and autistic, you can't establish a narrative that is consistent with current facts.

>> No.6192663

Is the 12.9 actually that much better over the 11?
I want to still use it as a tablet with the keyboard cover

>> No.6192671

>you're happy to claim his opinion is valid for a 3 year old tablet
What? When did I do this you utterly stupid idiot?

YOU'RE the one who tries to shill the importance of youtube reviewers. I have always told people to ignore that garbage because they're proven to be unreliable. Stupid chinese idiot lol.

>> No.6192672


>> No.6192674

nevermind, reinstalling the drivers fixed it (:

>> No.6192675

Firstly Chang, you didn't ask that question to me. I know this is hard for your small chinese brain to believe, but there is more than one person correctly labeling you a shill.

Secondly, tablet reviewers income on youtube literally depends on them getting tablets sent to them for free. If they don't get tablets, they can't make reviews. It's especially important for people like Brad Colbow, who's a bad artist and generates most of his revenue with reviews on youtube. If he started criticizing chinese tablets, they'd stop sending them to him, and he wouldn't make money anymore.

It's not rocket science, chinese idiot.

>> No.6192685

Does resolution really matter that much? Is 1440p really that noticeably different than 1080p? I'm trying to decide between a 22" huion for $300 or a 24" for $600

>> No.6192707

It matters a stupendous amount. It doesn't sound like much but it's 2x the resolution of 1080p and on a display tablet it's something you're going to have close to your face making the difference all the more noticeable. ESPECIALLY if you're the type (like me) to physically move your face closer to the screen to see details better. It'll end up being the difference between seeing colored blocks and a proper image.

>> No.6192710

My bank account is sad to hear this

>> No.6192712
File: 725 KB, 288x280, 1634227863576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me what software lets me use my Galaxy Tab as a drawing pad but lets me view the canvas on my computer screen as I draw.

>> No.6192717

just use it as a second screen and mirror it or whatever

>> No.6192753


you admitted to using his ancient review here, it's so forgetful of you

>> No.6192756

yet he does criticize them... sucks to be you when you're so confused.. facts wrong left and right in every thread, it's no wonder you stop answering questions

>> No.6192798

> T-there's only one person in this entire board who doesn't like chinese brands! I swear!

The chingchong rages on

>> No.6192803

> Also watch out, Chinese companies shill HARD on /ic/; they do a lot of samefagging and frequently hurl personal insults.

Case in point, this entire thread

>> No.6192806

>personal insults

nothing personal
you're just mentally ill

>> No.6192810

Been on the fence for about two weeks now, can't decide between buying a brand new Galaxy Tab S7+ for about 450 to 500€ OR a refurbished iPad Pro 2017 Gen 12.9 for around 550€. The Ipad won't come with a pen, so I will have to purchase that as well. Can anyone help me out here?

>> No.6192814

S7+ wins.

>> No.6192841

>Firstly Chang, you didn't ask that question to me
I asked it multiple times. Don't try to pretend there are multiple wacom shills that call everyone that disagrees with them Chang. No one us that stupid.

>> No.6192842

2018+ is greatly preferred for iPad. 500 euros for a 5 year old iPad pro sounds like ass rape.

>> No.6192925

Guess I'll settle for the S7+. Since it will be both brand new, is a bit cheaper and also comes with a pen.

>> No.6192960

>t. Liu Zhao Bei

>> No.6192983

Any reason to get an ipad pro over the air?

>> No.6193092

Wacom defenders seem to be the one hurling the insults by far. I've been called a retard for considering buying a huion and they aren't even in the same market for the price ranges I'm looking at. Also these people seem to think wacom has no issues whatsoever, when I've personally experienced a far amount of issues
>Wobbly slow lines with no fix
>Pens breaking within a year
>bunch of programs just not working with it correctly
>Absolute god awful cables, and very tight USB ports meaning you can't just plug in any other usb cable
>Laughable touch
In wacom intuos medium tablets.

Jesus, Aaron Rutten is the biggest shill out there and you're paiting this man as the beacon of morality. Truth is, it's incredibly hard to know if a product is good these days, the only real reliable metric is what people are using, and for how long they have been using it. If you really want reviews, my suggestion is to always look for negatives. I always do this, if I'm buying anything, for instance:
>Why I hate huion
>Why huion sucks
>My huion broke
etc. And then, if I see something that seems recurrent between the reviews, or that particularly catches my eye, I'll look further into it. Even then it isn't reliable, because people are idiots and often don't treat their shit with any care whatsoever. I've heard someone say she had 3 wacom tablets in something like 5 years because the pens and the tablets kept breaking. This person allegedly went through 1 nib in 1 month. This is just not normal. God I wish I would find the video.

Thanks for the hint. I'll probably not be using tilt for a while, since I'm still at the solid round brush with pressure opacity stage of things, but I will keep that in mind.

>> No.6193093

>Wacom defenders seem to be the one hurling the insults by far.
You do realize if anyone cared, they could just go to the archives and see how much you sperg about "OP" in every thread?

You're mentally challenged, Chang :)

>> No.6193128

>You're mentally challenged, Chang :)
Like clockwork.

>> No.6193138

Hello, I am 35 years old with basically no artistic skill at all. Is it advisable to start learning on a tablet or should I start with traditional media? If so what is a good learning resource?

>> No.6193140

the art and science of drawing

>> No.6193142

Most people would say paper, but it probably doesn't matter that much. I'd say, as someone who started with paper, if you have no interest in doing trad work in the future and are just using paper as a stepping stone, just use a tablet from the start. Then again, if you're thinking of a screen tablet, there isn't that much disconnect between that and paper, so whatever.

In other words, you'll be fine either way, just draw, and have personal projects to work on.

>> No.6193144

There are NIB Intuos 3s on Ebay for $50.

>> No.6193168


>> No.6193200

To fix tablet wobble in older cintiq on new operating system you need to have lazy nezumi. Put it on 0. Like it doesn't do anything. And just leave there.

>> No.6193240

Just jump straight into Ai
theres a few nft generators out there

>> No.6193262

What are the pros and cons of ipad pro vs galaxy S6/S7/S8 for portable drawing?
I kind of want to draw comfortably in my lap, but at the same time the Samsung looks like it can run Godot where I can futz around with gamedev stuff as well.
Is there a big difference in comfort and drawing quality?

>> No.6193301

I bought one a few weeks ago, honestly wish I've done it sooner.
The only disadvantage is the size, but being able to draw anywhere and not being tied to the computer makes it up for me

From what I've seen people recoend getting a used 2018 pro instead of a 2022air as they're similar in price.
I went for the air since where I live a used 2018 pro was still more expensive than a new 2022 air

>> No.6193524

>personally experienced a far amount of issues
Don't forget nib wear

>> No.6193700

nothing will beat an ipad short of maybe a mobilestudio.

>> No.6193895

Fuck China and all its money worshipping immoral dog and bat-eating people, more disgusting than absolute shit.

>> No.6193990

friendly reminder there's no tablet on the market that's made outside of china.

>> No.6194198

Will I regret buying an xp pen tablet?
They're hundreds cheaper than even huion, and only downsides I see are laminate display instead of etched glass, and lower % color
Artists only, not the weird guy that just faps to the wacom logo.

>> No.6194281

check the xp-pen subreddit, you'll get more useful answers there

>> No.6194346

Am I the only one who can't get used to the iPad's pencil?
The fucking nib on it is really too thick to use I find

>> No.6194364

>Will I regret buying an xp pen tablet?
your question is already answered in the OP.
there's a long list of people here who have expressed buyer's remorse buying that crap.
and notice chang's already attempted to direct you to reddit: >>6194281

>> No.6194371

> Artists only
> Proceeds to consult Chinese salespeople anyway

>> No.6194376

Artists only

>> No.6194385

> The tilt issue can be configured around in clip studio

My Kamvas 20 has the same issue, although it's negligible. How did you configure it?

>> No.6194392

Oh, you're just the same chinese idiot pretending to be a prospective buyer.

>> No.6194438
File: 740 KB, 3008x2000, 1634178584511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a 4 year old intuos medium and was thinking of getting a Huion HS611 for bluetooth, slightly larger drawing area (I've recently bought a 27" monitor), better pen, and better side buttons. Would this be a good idea? I've always thought people were using tablets matching their screen size somewhat, but I've realized that you don't really have many options for tablets above around 13-14". Are there any other alternatives I should be aware of?

>> No.6194452

Get a Giano or KD200 instead. Those have their latest pens while still having bluetooth connectivity. You can also go for an xp pen Deco LW since it's got the best pen for xp's screenless lineup.

>> No.6194458
File: 123 KB, 720x879, Screenshot_2022-08-03-16-43-08-97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.. cont..
Make sure to get the latest Giano btw, since the older versions still show up when you search for them on Google

>> No.6194461

I was also thinking a giano, but I'm not sure if I want to spend that much for a brand I don't know much about. I did notice they had the new pens too. I'll look a bit more into it since you recommended it. Does the pen make that big of a difference for screenless tablets?

>KD200 instead
Shit looks goofy as fuck. Is there a similar version without the keyboard? I don't necessarily even need side buttons, it's just that any other side button design would be better than the abortion I currently have.

Also, are their stands good for screenless tablets as well, or should I find something else for a stand?

>> No.6194481

Those two are really the only ones that have their latest pen from what I can see. You can still do fine with the older pens but if you're coming from an intuos, it might take some getting used to the cursor stray. I've used a PW100 pen and PW517 pen and the difference between their cursor tracking is drastic.

As for the pen making a difference. It made it easier for me to do line art with the more accurate pen.

>> No.6194503

> I've always thought people were using tablets matching their screen size somewhat
You buy bigger size if you personally need it. Not much to do with screen size. You're not looking at it anyway.

>> No.6194512

It's more of a muscle memory sorta deal. If you make a small motion and get a huge line that can mess with you. I know I do feel that somewhat with my current tablet, but it isn't as bad as using a small tablet on a 24" display, for instance.

>cursor stray
Could you describe this stray? I know the old pens have really bad cursor drift when tilting the pen, is that what you're talking about? My wacom has really bad line wobble on slower lines too, so maybe that's the kind of stray you're talking about? Or does the tablet just lose track of the pen position gradually and you have to recalibrate it?

>> No.6194555
File: 287 KB, 1920x1080, pen tiilt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, I meant cursor drift when tilting. I forgot the right term to use lol. You don't have to recalibrate it from time to time.

I only got to use their old and newest pen so maybe other anons can vouch for the PW500 which the HS611 use. But from what I experienced, personally, getting the newer pens translate to a better drawing experience.

>> No.6194586

Thanks for replying, I'll probably do that and get the 12.9 pro then. Do you use a screen protector that feels like paper? I heard they make the color worse. Also not too familiar with the apps on apple, is procreate as good as people say?

>> No.6194713 [DELETED] 

I'll send you a picture of my white cock if you want

>> No.6194715

Screen protectors barely change screen quality at all.

>> No.6194829

Fat Asian chicks do something to my dick

>> No.6194943

How do I decide what size tablet I should buy?
Is it buy the biggest you can fit on your desk and afford?
I have 24 inch 1200p monitor now and it doesn't feel very big anymore. Thinking about getting 32inch monitor soon. Is it same with tablets? But then again you still can buy 13 inch screen tablets and people seem happy with them.

>> No.6194959

I'm in the same boat now, and not really sure what to do. Back when I had a 24" monitor, my 10" tablet was already not too pleasant to use with it, but now that I have a 27" it really feels like I need something else. That being said, I'm not sure if a tablet would be the best choice at this point because you can't find any tablets above 16 inches for less than 500Eur, and I'm starting to feel at that point you'd just be better off buying a 16" drawing display, and just sidestep that annoyance of not your tablet not matching to your screen very well. I'm still deciding, though, a lot of people say it doesn't really matter if you have a smaller tablet than your screen, but I don't know.

In a weird twist, it feels like pen displays are now the budget option for me, kek.

>> No.6195009

best options for a 200-350 budget?

>> No.6195025

Anything not Chang made.

>> No.6195050

A6 Lite

>> No.6195113

which one isn't?

>> No.6195117

They're literally all made in China.

>> No.6195121

Huion 22 plus
Very high quality screen, etched glass, very little parallax, ticks every box you could want with 3 exceptions
1. No shortcut keys on the side of the display. Just use a keyboard instead
2. 1080p instead of 2.5k or 4k
3. 22" instead of 24"

Other than that it's pretty much perfect

>> No.6195533

>chinese idiot still can't distinguish between manufactured and designed
Chinese brains are so small.

Just get a Galaxy S6 Lite.
You are stupid if you get conned by chinamen.

>> No.6195691 [DELETED] 

I offered to show you my white cock

>> No.6195999

I'm just going to buy a huion 22 plus
Fuck xp pen and fuck spending over 2x the amount for 2.5k

>> No.6196033
File: 1.58 MB, 1006x694, drawintablket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got this for $120
im no artist
but it'll be neat
thank you for reading my blog

>> No.6196034

>t. Horang Xi Pin

>> No.6196135

Sound don't exist in chinese. Use Hou next time, schizobro

>> No.6196140

Chang clearly knows his shit

>> No.6196145
File: 44 KB, 960x628, 1643781460188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

沒錯, 我的美國朋友 :)

>> No.6196967
File: 112 KB, 500x667, 1632395605568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I even consider a screenless tablet if I have a 27 inch curved monitor, or is it over for me? I don't have a big budget but I also dont want to waste money

>> No.6197024

>chinese idiot still can't distinguish between manufactured and designed
fantastic cope
they're all chinkshit using the same chinkpanels made by the same chinkmanufacturers

>> No.6197230

what's the verdict on the s7 fe?

>> No.6197312

and you're still a complete moron, Chang.

>> No.6197732

Best matte screen protector for ipad?

>> No.6197936

Alright, bros. I've searched everywhere but couldn't find a wacom surface with a similar size. My version of Intuos 3 is quite big 310x240. What are some screenless tablets I can borrow the surface from?

>> No.6197950

Can you find a screen protector for it? Or one thats not glass that you could cut down?

>> No.6197951

Just coming here to post that

Cintiq 16 color fucking sucks. Update the damn screen already Wacom. No I’m not paying extra for the Pro or 24 Pro. Make a proper 16.

>> No.6197971

>can't stop coping and accept the truth
truly the saddest cunt on this board

>> No.6197982

Depends on the tablet. I've had the 15.6 pro and currently have a 24 pro. 24 pro is nice. The 15.6 pro had a 800:1 contrast ratio and that was definitely the worst thing about it. Sometimes the styluses aren't calibrated properly but you can either turn the screw under the button until it works right, or get them to send you a new stylus.

Laminated display just means there's no gap between the glass and screen, all tablets have laminated displays nowadays whether they have etched glass or not. They do use screen protectors instead of etched glass, if you want a relatively cheap tablet with etched glass you should go with huion.

As far as comparing the color gamut % between tablets goes, you should look at the difference between sRBG, NTSC, and Adobe RGB. 99% in one isnt the same color range as 99% in another. And no matter what the color gamut % is, it's useless if the tablet doesn't have a minimum of 1000:1 contrast ratio.

>> No.6197984

So get a 16 pro

>> No.6197994

Hs611 doesn't have bluetooth, does it? Anyways I don't recommend using any tablet bluetooth, even Wacom, it's just too laggy.

>> No.6198018

The problem is they are all too small. At the very best I was able to find a sheet for Wacom PTH-860-R and it's still too small(around 31x21cm).

>> No.6198022

Or you can call it a screen protector, I think they all mean the same thing.

>> No.6198045


>> No.6198067

It's different. What I mean is you can get a regular screen protector that's a little bigger than the size of your drawing area and cut it to the right size.

Look on amazon for 9x12 screen protectors or larger. You want probably 9H0 matte, not glass. You can put it on top of your scratched drawing surface or you could remove the old one, clean the adhesive off with alcohol, and put the screen protector on.

You could also just get a matte vinyl sheet and some adhesive. Or, you can take your drawing surface off, clean the adhesive off of the sheet, flip it over and place it scratched side down if there's enough adhesive left on the tablet for it to stick.

>> No.6198103

Damn the search is gonna take long. Fucking hell why is it impossible to find a good old sheet for my good old tablet?
Thank you so much for your post nevertheless bro.
A small question tho, do all these screen protectors feel nice to draw on?

>> No.6198609

I'm happy with the ESR one

>> No.6199008

So what is the main difference between the ipad pro and any other of the newer ipads on the market for drawing? I just want a quick run down on them on what makes or breaks the ipad pro by comparison.

>> No.6199071

Ipad pro is bigger
13" is pretty much the bare minimum I would use for drawing.

>> No.6199101

No, not all of them feel nice to draw on. Glossy ones feel like shit, so go for the matte stuff and you should be good.

>> No.6199106

I can't imagine using anything smaller and the primo specs means it runs like a stationmaster's pocketwatch. Otherwise it's a gucci piece of shit that can't even block ads or do real work. Fuck if it isn't everything you want in a drawing tablet though.

>> No.6199725

size if you get the 12.9 inch version and 120hz screen I guess

>> No.6199923

I see, thanks.

>> No.6200335
File: 1.13 MB, 1488x1159, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck /dtg/, I think I did something stupid.
I always wanted to learn how to draw, and I just bought a tab S8 by impulse. As a total beginner, is it /beg/-friendly? Can I even start with digital? At least I know it comes with CSP, so that`s something.

>> No.6200357

Between the Wacom One with Display/Screen and the Samsung (S7/S8) Tablets which one would you recommend? It has been a while since I last tried to draw something so I'd basically be learning everything again. My last experience was with a screenless Wacom tablet so anything would be an improvement.

>> No.6200457

I just got the biggest intuos 3. Does anyone have a chart for nib compatibilty? I can't find shit for intuos 3 nibs. Are they all scalped up by anyone actually using m? Not even on chinese sites I can't find shit.

>> No.6200585

The first mistake begginers commits is to buy display tablets. There's absolutely no reason to buy an expensive display tablet rather than wasting money on them. It doesn't makes you a better artist, you don't learn faster, ect. You'll get used to a screenless one as long as you train your muscle memory. Absolutely everything a display tablet does, a screenless does it better.

>> No.6200614

Nah, you did good m8. An S6 Lite would have been more than enough but it doesn't hurt to have the S8. Start sketching on it already. It being standalone and portable is seriously godsent for those who are just starting out.

>> No.6200619

Definitely get the S7/S8. Wacom One is shit long term anyways, you're gonna outgrow it faster than you would the portable option

>> No.6200639

Adding to this, display tablets aren't too good of an investment anyways. You might think it's an improvement but after a few months, you'd start to realize it's pretty harsh to your body. I sold my intuos to get a cintiq and even now I still think about how retarded that decision was.

>> No.6200651

Screen size doesnt matter with screenless tablets. You can limit the borders on which part of your monitor the tablet controls via the tablet driver so that it doesn't feel too jarring. Go for it.

>> No.6200686

Thank you! I'll start as soon as possible

>> No.6200737

>Absolutely everything a display tablet does, a screenless does it better.
Are you the poorfag wacom shill or just a retard?

>> No.6200745

Huion 24 (not plus) for $550
Yea or nay?
Idk how well the non-etched glass screens hold up or compare in drawing feel to the etched glass ones. Also worse contrast/color I think.

>> No.6200784

I see, thanks for the help!

>> No.6200960

>buying literal garbage

>> No.6201034

It sounds like the two (real) options are: Samsung S7 + (probably wait for black friday) or give Wacom > $2000 lmao for their pro 24''. I refuse to touch an Apple product because I can at least root the S7 and I think Wacom has unofficial official linux support drivers.

For getting into digital art the $2000 is pretty steep, but I'd hate to buy a Galaxy and feel like I'll need something else in 6-12 months.

>> No.6201119


>> No.6201323

>getting into digital art
>drop 2k on a brand new top of the line tablet
You're fucking braindead. Buy a used wavom 24hd if you absolutely need to suck wacom cock. Or a used iPad pro or galaxy since they can still be used even if you get a desktop tablet

>> No.6201440

That price is fine as long as the tablet is in new condition. And I think their non-etched glass models have screen protectors. If not you can just get one and put it on. Probably worse color, they tend to keep their screens at 1000:1 contrast at a minimum.

>> No.6201455

it sounds like you're an idiot and deserve your bad decisions and their fall out

you're so fucking stupid that you probably think the sticky has useful information in it you dumb fuck

>> No.6201490

Look at this angry Chinese sperg: >>6201455

>> No.6201505

okay, what would you suggest besides whats literally recommended by OP or what digital artists shill on yt - im obviously not touching the kamvas. if i would eventually want the wacom there's no reason to buy a tablet which I'll never use anyway.

> fall out of buying an expensive toy
my coffee setup costs more than this

>> No.6201516

The guy said it's new in box
The differences between the normal and plus are 1000:1 vs 1200:1 contrast, 120% srgb vs 140% srgb, and a matte screen protector vs etched glass

>> No.6201531

Why are you even asking if your mind is made up?

>> No.6201701

To anyone who uses Cintiq 16, can you share your Brightness, Contrast and RGB value settings please? Thanks.

>> No.6201793

I have money and want to get into digital art. Is there any reason or advantage to start with a tablet without a screen?
An ipad also seems nice but you guys are saying to avoid it? Why? Apple hardware is more reliable than any other modern hardware that I've used.

>> No.6201879

Can you not read the OP properly?
iPads are fine, they're just bad value brand new. Look for a used 3rd gen pro.

>> No.6201893

if you have money, ignore the OP and get a new ipad, or wacom.

OP assumes people are too poor like him to afford a new ipad, and that chink brand tablets haven't improved since he last bought a tablet 5+ years ago.

>> No.6201917

Backpedaling on your spergout already, Chang? You're struggling to make sales for your Chinese garbage today lol.

>> No.6201967 [DELETED] 

>Recommended tablets:
>Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
A7 Lite any good?

>> No.6202171

>t. Liu Zhao Bei

>> No.6202555

0 reason to buy a new iPad over a 3rd gen

>> No.6202586

What the fuck are these threads? How long has this guy been at it anons

>> No.6202596

>my coffee setup costs more than this
>For getting into digital art the $2000 is pretty steep

??? maybe just go back to drooling on the floor like a retard then

>> No.6202668

>all the economically disadvantaged permabegs coming out of the woodwork

OP has some friends now

>> No.6202943

OP, did your mom have to give you money again so you can buy lunch?

>> No.6202945

the scroll wheel on my xp pen 13 doesn't work right in Krita, should I just torrent CSP or is there a way to fix it?

>> No.6202964 [DELETED] 

>iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9"
best pens?

>> No.6202987

Is the samsung galaxy tab s6 lite default pen good/ok?

>> No.6203082

Worth it. Imho the difference isnt enough to go for the more expensive one when you have a good one at a nice discount.

They used to be real threads. He's been at it for probably 3 years now.

>> No.6203083

What are you trying to do? For zoom in and out set the scroll wheel shortcut to ctrl+ and ctrl- . For brush size set it to [ and ]

>> No.6203161

Not op
Tell me 1 thing a new ipad does that a 3rd gen won't as an artist.
Even a 1st gen pro is okay for drawing, it just has some annoyances that make getting a 3rd gen over it make sense.

>> No.6203286
File: 15 KB, 83x90, migri_crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New XP-pen tablet announced today, it's basically the same thing as Deco L but smaller.

>> No.6203295

Is it the Deco M/MW?
I think that product has been out for quite a while now

>> No.6203306

same exact tablet, didn't change anything except the brightness, turned it all the way down because I'm working in a dark room

>> No.6203312


Actually, I have to check.

>> No.6203314


It was released in July

>> No.6203328
File: 129 KB, 1554x823, wacom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total beginner here wanting to learn digital drawing. Would you recommend me an Intuos Small or Medium ? My laptop is 15.6"

>> No.6203358

Small is too smal for drawing. For coloring, photo editing, sculpting is enough. Just get medium, can buy used shit load of people buy those and sell after using few times year later.

>> No.6203421

>170 EU for a chink-tier intuos

Get a used intuos pro medium instead, you'll never look for any other tablet again once you get it

>> No.6203433

great advice, thank you.
> Get a used intuos pro medium instead, you'll never look for any other tablet again once you get it
Gonna check for a used one. Does it works well with linux tho ? I use Debian testing

>> No.6203458

It's not "linux" it's GNU.

>> No.6203460

>you'll never look for any other tablet again once you get it
I sold my intuos after getting a huion kamvas. Pen tablets fucking suck compared to display tablets.
Also the large is nicer to use than the medium.

>> No.6203464

Is this why this general is so shit? It's a crossboard /g/ thread?

>> No.6203587


Has anyone got around to finding a fix for this? I own a 2019 ish Kamvas model and this video shows exactly what I'm experiencing.

>> No.6203671

go to the huion subreddit and search for "offset"

>> No.6203726


>> No.6203974

Calibrate your damn stylus. Take off buttons and turn screw.

>> No.6203977

Yeah but it's a little too small to hold comfortably. I think it's a good idea to look at the styluses compatible with wacom one display tablet and pick one you think looks good.

>> No.6203979

holy FUCK I can't wait for a new Wacom Cintiq Pro 32 to come out

been using a non-pro Cintiq 22 for the past few years and it's pretty fucking great (better than the old 27QHD I had beforehand, even) but I itch for a larger tablet again

can't even try out random non-Wacom tablets because they all max out at 24 inches lmao

>> No.6203981

It's someone who was banished from there, yes. Try mentioning Lenovo as a drawing tablet around him.

>> No.6203991

No luck in the subreddit, none in the /ic/ archive as well ;_;

There's no screw, anon ;_;

>> No.6204032

>can't even try out random non-Wacom tablets because they all max out at 24 inches lmao
So do wacoms now. 32s haven't been made for a while. There's very very little need for more than a 24" 4k display, especially with how close you are to it.

>> No.6204079

>There's very very little need for more than a 24" 4k display, especially with how close you are to it.

If I wanted an example of ignorant stupid fucking idiocracy I'd ask you to post your work, not give me your random fucking opinion on what I need. Thanks though bro!

>> No.6204093

You should probably post an example of your own work that you "need" a 32" for, unlike those lowly peasant professionals that use 24s.

>> No.6204099

>what I find practical and comfortable is dependent on M-M-M-MUH SOICIAL MEMEDIAS SAY THIS IS GOOD
you're like the people saying you should get an intuos 3 from two decades ago because "it's all you need"

retarded, that is

>> No.6204106

Weird, I didn't see an image with the work you need a 32" tablet for.
You probably don't even draw, and use the lack of a new 32" as your excuse for not drawing.

>> No.6204122

Intuos 3 > your non existing drawings

>> No.6204159

>they say without posting their work

uhhh yikes sweaty

>> No.6204166

Brands don't matter, every device has their pros and cons but in 2022 the cons are so insignificant that it won't hamper your progress or ability to make art.

You can see that with artists who do self-imposed limitations like using ketchup and a stick or use a mouse in MS paint. It's annoying to use and gets in the way but they can make it work, just like how if a tablet has problems you can still make it work.

Generally speaking people feel more comfortable using products that their favorite artists use, whether that be Wacom, Apple, Huion, XP-Pen, whatever.

At the end of the day you'll adapt to what you're used to using, then you won't think about it at all, and that's the whole point.

>> No.6204318
File: 3.93 MB, 2400x2400, wacom schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6204328

So is the 32 cintiq really worth it over that 24? Does anyone who has one really make use of that extra real estate?

>> No.6204329

Oh god you have their worst stylus. I think you should contact support and ask if theres another stylus compatible with your tablet, or if they can send you a new one. There's not much you can do if the new one still does this shit. Honestly if it were me I'd return that shit if possible or sell it and get something newer that does have the screw inside the stylus.

>> No.6204344

We aren't the ones pretending we NEED. A 32 inch tablet, dumb fuck.

>> No.6204348

He's really been at this for over 2 years
And still doesn't do anything but draw Loomis heads
Holy fuck

>> No.6204350

Sorry I couldn’t read your reply because there was no drawing of yours attached to it can you tray again sweaty :)

>> No.6204351

Watch reviews from people that have used both, don't trust anyone here.
I actually prefer the size of a 22 over 24 personally, but am cucked out of proper resolution with one. I can't imagine what I would ever do with a 32.

>> No.6204363
File: 166 KB, 1156x1001, Screenshot_20220808-213613_ibisPaint X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6204417

>this is the art of people saying "nobody needs anything bigger than a 24 inch tablet"

you can't make this up lmfao

>> No.6204467




>> No.6204469

>angry chang sperging out

>> No.6204470

>Watch reviews

>> No.6204472

Worthless idiot.

>> No.6204474


>> No.6204476

24 is as big as you need.

>> No.6204478

You are still a brainlet.

>> No.6204484

Did you start?

>> No.6204589

Isn't it better to look in front of you, thus keeping your back straight ?
Also your hands don't come in your way

>> No.6204981

Using an ipad really has me wishing any tablet manufacturer would make a 120hz version

>> No.6206052

considering a great deal on an m1 ipad pro 11 inch. Is the screen size adaptable for drawing? I'm going overseas and can't bring stuff with me into a small living space. Currently on an XP Pen 15.6 pro.

>> No.6206103

fucking true, its so much smoother

>> No.6206205

Not him, but screenless tablets are just an overhead IMO. It's so much easier to look at where you draw. You can also easily draw on a paper model directly and have the tablet replicate it!