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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 869 KB, 2994x3304, 1659146600413313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6187984 No.6187984 [Reply] [Original]

>Be artist
>Corporation steals your art behind your back and using it for their own brands without your permission

Is this the future of art?

>> No.6187995

this shit has been happening for ever

>> No.6188002

if he put watermarks all over the picture on the left be would safe

>> No.6188055

This is why you get AI to scrub the web to steal their art instead. Then you get the ‘original content’ based on a measurable 30% variation or whatever that threshold is.

>> No.6188116

He should have let them use it for a few months to make sure Activision was raking in the dough with his skin, and just as they’re enjoying the fruits of his labor, he hits them with a multimillion dollar lawsuit claiming copyright infringement.
A lot of cutthroat lawyers would have been happy to represent him with a percentage of whatever he/she wins in court.

>> No.6188120
File: 34 KB, 600x600, Naamloos-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's why they call it a tracer pack

>> No.6188121

>multimillion dollar lawsuit
You know absolutely nothing about this

>> No.6188124

Enlighten me, then, o great one.

>> No.6188134

You really are a big fucking retard, aren't you?

>> No.6188164

holy fucking kek

>> No.6188166
File: 21 KB, 239x208, 1655482641757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6188264


>> No.6188265

any background info on this? was the artists design related to the game? was it already a fanart? i couldn't find anything else about this artist. just curious.

>> No.6188267

noooo theyre stealing from chinese creators like chinks have done to the western world for decades

>> No.6188312
File: 311 KB, 1920x1080, Call-of-Duty-Anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't actually win those when you're some rando on the internet. Activision is notorious for tracing whatever they want and telling artists to go fuck themselves, about half their weeb packs contained traced assets

>> No.6188354

Is it really Activision doing this or the artists behing hired by them being lazy motherfuckers??
I can't really expect a CEO to go verify whatever the fuck artists are making?

>> No.6188408
File: 101 KB, 1200x675, crux of fate plagiarized art header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to be a millionaire just to eat the cost of a lawsuit even if his cast is open and shut. Best avenue it to attack them on social media and get people to rally behind you until it gets removed and someone get fired like with pic related

>> No.6188711

>multimillion dollar lawsuit
Unregistered copyrights are limited to provable damages, with no punitive. Since it's a design he likely posted online for free, it will be an uphill battle.

>> No.6188719

You have inherent copyright when you make an image regardless of where you post it. Theft is theft.

>> No.6188771

>Is this the future of art?
Yes. It's also the past and present of art too

>> No.6188778

Kek no one's gonna steal your shit

>> No.6188786

This is what happens when big corpos hire contractors. Not only do they bank on being able to steal ideas, they've got an easy out of the contractor being the sole scapegoat, so the corporation is also a "clueless victim" in the suit.

>> No.6188811

>Art guild
>Shining again

>> No.6188822

nta but... you're too stupid to understand basic legal principles and that's why your comment is missing the point

>> No.6188916

I don't see it

you can't copyright an animal
you can't copyright clothing/gear configuration

>> No.6188922

>I have reached out to activision for an explanation/compensation

>> No.6189172

there’s no difference, the artist is part of the company, the company’s the one distributing

>> No.6189176

“unregistered copyright” is not a factor with archived works, that only matters when you have a typewritten manuscript in a drawer and similar muddy cases

>> No.6189186

wow a soldier with a dog head, super fucking original

>> No.6189190

Good, this is reality. Sheltered groups like artists should get a dose of it and cure their mental problems

>> No.6189201

>they stole my artwork of their copyrighted character!

>> No.6189212

they already pulled the image from the site, dunno about the game
they’ll probably pull a smoru konpani purizu andastandu and rework the skin with minimal effort

>> No.6189235

How can I copyright my artwork?

>> No.6189242

Register with the copyright office.

>> No.6189247
File: 177 KB, 756x1148, comicMilesThor1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take picture of a russian
>put dog head on it


>> No.6189497

More like Astroit.

>> No.6189696

Asgard looks like shit now

>> No.6189806

Damn they got drug dealers/gang members in Asgard? Why did they draw shoes on a powerline for?

>> No.6189929


>> No.6189930

it's all so tiring

>> No.6189932


>> No.6190004

damn we wuz nordics n shiet nigga
my great great great great great great great great great great great great granddaddy was a viking nigga his name was Jayquanson Vikernes n shiet with dat yee yee ass haircut

>> No.6190342

>To encourage copyright registration, Congress mandated that statutory damages are available only where the owner registered the work prior to the infringement, or at least within three months of the work' first publication if the infringement occurred before registration

To be blunt, much of modern copyright law is heavily influenced by major corporations to maximize benefits for them, and minimize their liability to individuals. (This is why, for example, they can issue endless takedown notices without penalty, even when they are in the wrong.)
The best thing this guy can do is to settle the matter privately with Activision for a reasonable sum. Since this is an "upcoming" game, this sum should be small enough that Activision would just pay it instead of holding their ground, or removing it from the game entirely.

>> No.6190636

>But owners who have not timely registered their copyrights are not left without a remedy: they are entitled to their actual damages plus any of the infringer' profits attributable to the infringement, which, in many instances, far exceed the maximum statutory damages amount.
literally the following sentence
do you understand what “statutory damages” means?

>> No.6190693

And you didn't read my post carefully. I said since he posted it online, it would be difficult to prove actual damages. Determining what portion of the profit he deserves is difficult, and the legal cost will absolutely outweigh it.

>> No.6190713

that’s not how suing for infringement works, and that’s not how damages work, actually read what you posted

>> No.6190733

>Determining what portion of the profit he deserves is difficult
>they are entitled to their actual damages plus any of the infringer' profits attributable to the infringement
>any of the infringer' profits attributable to the infringement
it’s a skin, nigga, there’s a literal ledger stating how much he’s due
>the legal cost will absolutely outweigh it.
the infringer covers the legal cost, that’s why getting sued by corps’ for infringement is a big deal, because their legal teams cost orders of magnitude more than any cited damages

>> No.6191183


The photobashed doghead of the left is glaring as fuck. Also he put an animal head on a human body, wow , so original. Maybe Toby Fox should sue too for using 'dog head on humaan body'.

>> No.6191188

Were you so eager to crab you literally went blind and can only see the animal head, and not all the big ass boxes to point out what was copied for literal brain dead retards? Jesus, you crab are so dumb it's unreal

>> No.6191224

You should have signed a copyright paper in my lawyer study you STUPID GO- art school student

>> No.6191232

Yes. What do think AI shit is? Stealing hundreds of thousands of people's work. Whether it be art or code, whether legal or not.

>> No.6191240

>it’s a skin, nigga, there’s a literal ledger stating how much he’s due
Actual damages is zero because it's work he posted for free online.
Infringer profit is, at this point, also zero, because it's "upcoming."
Punitive damage is zero, because the work is not registered copyright.
>the infringer covers the legal cost
Fuck no.

>> No.6191288

Wow they copied the cloth, that humans use, wtf is this real???

>> No.6191299

Should have known I was replying to a tracer. I have more respect for troon art than for the likes of you

>> No.6191395

>Infringer profit is, at this point, also zero
hence the post you originally replied to stating
>He should have let them use it for a few months to make sure Activision was raking in the dough with his skin
stop moving goalposts
>Fuck no.
Section 505 is routine, so yes.

>> No.6191397

I don't have a lot of respect for the original image, looks like photobashed half-finished shit desu, but it's crazy to me that activision would copy almost every detail of the design, like there's no way it isn't based off that sketch

>> No.6191405

Tracer pack nigga.

>> No.6191407

And who cares tho? Was he selling it, no he wasnt. And now the greedy fuck sees an opportunity. Just like any of us would. I hate artists with all my soul.

>> No.6191418

>shares image for free
>wow how greedy, why isn’t he happy some random faggot is profiting from his work
ok, retard

>> No.6191420

It shows that their art department or whatever has 0 originality or creativity, and are so pompous as to steal an entire design from some random dude's work without even altering it.
>Was he selling it, no he wasnt.
They're selling it though, nigger

>> No.6191428

They are profiting from 3D model they made>>6191420

Cope ching chong chang chi

>> No.6191431


>> No.6191432

But they took the resamblance of ranfom dog photobashed art nooooo
Pepe,. Niggerzoomercrylaught. Jpeg.

>> No.6191434

Anon what if it would ve YOUR work huh?

>> No.6191435

They stole his art YOUDUMBUCK
Stealing png, shoud be in jail
Morbin time for cod devs

>> No.6191436

But they copied it from a visual image that they saw that hetehehe made oyoyoy.

>> No.6191437
File: 19 KB, 200x199, brainlet-titanic-brain-thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6191440

kys retard

>> No.6191443

Im that dog that artist traced, i did not gave consentewvfgwhsje2


>> No.6191444

Troonygger sjw zoomer
You will never be a human
You always be a failure
Give up now
But dont kys

>> No.6191776
File: 84 KB, 680x547, 1633215623932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miles Morales Thor Mash Up Character
>Wears Thor Armor as designed by Nike
>Hammer is covered in graffiti
>Asgard is literally a "bad part of town"
They (jews ruining comics right now) hate nigger too don't they

>> No.6192260

Bro is everything okay? I don't think the dog's the issue, man

>> No.6192725

Do you know if the fan artwork had an original pose or no?
I get what you're saying, but they ripped off the pose no? Although I don't gravitate to furry shit so I can't say if many other dragons move like that.

>> No.6193674
File: 30 KB, 600x518, lol 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6194723

do artists get to claim intellectual property rights with every thing they make the same way architects do?
because then sure, mint your own little copyright and then feel satisfied tht you COULD do something but wont because court fees are a pain in the ass and hte American institure of art wont do jack shit since its not a licensed profession

>> No.6194747

Warcraft and Starcraft copied Warhammer verbatim and yet Games Workshop couldn't get a dime
The only way this guy could of gotten anything was hush money to limit bad press

>> No.6194757

typically corporations hire shitty indian companies to do contract work. if something like this happens they just blame the pajeet company and recycle them

>> No.6195242

how can anyone 'steal' something that you still have once it's been 'stolen'?

>> No.6195603

It should be automatically your work.

>> No.6195611

retard, this man is getting paid. Any copyright lawyer would take this case for free. Easy money.

>> No.6198341

It's literally for this reason that I have stopped posting concept art for personal projects online until the product has shipped.

>> No.6198378
File: 134 KB, 586x553, 460178624971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corporation pays artist for concept art
>marketing team tells artist to claim plagiarism once game skin is released to bait rage click publicity
>faggot nigger brain dead normies fall for the bait and give a shitty ass fucking game and shitty ass artist free attention and advertising over a made up story


>> No.6198449

Yeah this is why companies do the same shit and dont allow concept artists to post their work until after the product has been released. They know other companies will 100% steal shit if they don't work this way and make people sign NDAs.

This isn't the first time they've stolen designs or straight up lifted peoples art from the internet. If only it were just a marketing ploy.

>> No.6201200

No, more like Assguard. As in guard your ass. Not even kidding.

>> No.6201229

He is in the right but at the same time this just exposes him as a furry and it's not like his "work" is all that original>>6189186