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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6170019 No.6170019 [Reply] [Original]

Art market's in the shitter, nobody is buying original art and if they are they are lowballing every purchase. You know what that means!? Reproduction market is wide open! Post your studies of famous paintings, obviously the more famous the better. Starry Night, Mona Lisa, Girl With The Pearl Earring, etc.

As much as you all love Sargent, be honest that nobody recognizes any of his paintings. Odds are if you painted one of his or Booger's works you'd have to sell it as an original since it's unrecognizable to the mass market.

So this thread is strictly for things meant to be sold at low prices of very famous work by very famous artists (A tradition as long as art itself)

>> No.6170024
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On average, if you were consistent about making new pieces, you could probably make in the range of $300-$600 a week doing reproductions. The only reason you wouldn't do them is if original artwork of yours caught on that month and was doing very well, but everyone always wants their own version of Starry Night or the Mona Lisa. Always.

>> No.6170030

Surefire sales are generally:
"The Night Cafe"
"Starry Night"
"Men Walking At Night"
"Self Portraits"
by van Gogh

Cezanne's oil paintings of Mont Victoire or his still lifes

The Mona Lisa

The Creation of Adam

Picasso's Crystal Period (Incredibly high selling as the market for most art nowadays is from baby boomers who love cubism)

"Persistence of Memory"
by Salvador Dali

"The Green Line"
by Matisse

"Girl With The Pearl Earring"
by Vermeer (always a hit)

and feel free to add to this list if you've had success with certain other artworks

>> No.6170033

You may also have success doing copies of Noah Verrier's still lifes, as they are trendy right now.

>> No.6170066


Kill yourself Brian

People aren't buying your trash art because it's awful

>> No.6170252


>> No.6171040

amazing how you made them even sloppier

>> No.6171053
File: 488 KB, 750x580, FD4FF1AA-14D9-455C-B817-31B3455F3F65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sold this copy of a Picasso to some snob who claimed he knew all the details in this painting ‘by heart’. Well guess what cunt, the original has yellow lips, and i didnt fucking paint them yellow. Heh, nothing personel kid.

>> No.6171061


What lips? I honest to god can't make lut what is supposed to be lips in this dumpster fire.

>> No.6171351


why are the tits yellow

>> No.6171740
File: 27 KB, 450x355, CD63ED38-BA66-4581-9F13-2449E46AD58F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is the original.
>why are the tits yellow
because picasso, thats why

>> No.6171748

Might be a stupid question but is this worth trying if I only have access to acrylics? I've got some canvases for the first time after painting on paper for so long this would be a great first project

>> No.6171766

Yes acrylics are honestly probably easier since most famous paintings were done in layers, so you’d be able to work through it more efficiently.

>> No.6172162

What awful cruddy paintings. And where are the yellow/not yellow lips? Where on this monstrosity am I supposed to be seeing the difference?

>> No.6172259

Exactly my thoughts. I still can't figure it out even with the original (but I have spend 15sec at best because quite frankly...)

>> No.6172268

You don’t have to like Starry Night to paint it and sell it, money is money

>> No.6172339

I know that, but at least pick the least worst option?

>> No.6172342

jeesus fuck are you blind, stupid or both?

>> No.6172361

Show me the bit that is different

>> No.6172365

This, I'm fed up tying to work out what each bit is meant to be, it is so damn ugly.
Why do people want to willingly look at it, let alone pay for it??

>> No.6172641
File: 508 KB, 1571x1165, s-l1600 (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a lot of luck with "Impression: Sunrise" by Claude Monet, I think this one's going to pop off

>> No.6172690

Can you tell me how much you’ve been selling these for, Brian? Thanks

>> No.6173852

bout tree fiddy

>> No.6173928
File: 106 KB, 591x1280, B79EE3E0-6441-42AC-86FC-CC0B185497FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One ended today at $19 but it adds up and most of the really popular ones haven’t ended yet

>> No.6173938

Have you considered prints? They’re cheap and move quickly. It’s been a hot minute since I made any to sell, though, but I can say people love them. I give them out with purchases of $50 or more to get people to spend more on my granny crafts.

>> No.6173974 [DELETED] 
File: 305 KB, 1280x958, 6AC76588-0DA5-4A7E-9567-FA89B95D65C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need more exposure to do prints otherwise it’s a waste of money. I’m not popular in the internet sense, but I sell a lot of art, and usually for decent prices. I sold picture related for $300 yesterday and made $250 today on an antique painting I flipped

>> No.6174249

that doesn't seem like a lot, how long do you spend on these and what are your material costs?

>> No.6174263

nta but do you sell these on just ebay or do you have your own site as well?

>> No.6174616

Lel surefire is always make lel copy of michelangelos David or the cysteine chapel 1:1 size

Easily $300 a week, $600 if you make them out of actual marble and stonework

>> No.6174624

will the austist care about the original brush strokes that a computer print can't imitate?

>> No.6175136

I spend maybe 20 minutes on one, material costs are like $2 per painting

>> No.6175206

lel that's fucking great, making $51 bucks/hour. Not bad at all.