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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6160615 No.6160615 [Reply] [Original]

If you're on a break after drawing and feel like sharing what's on your mind about what you're working on, the industry, things that excite you about art, or anything that frustrates you about drawing or the process of art then grab a cup of water and chill out here. Remember to keep the discussion on-topic as much as possible.

>> No.6160617

im gay and my dick is small

>> No.6160624

My distant art friend is not as popular as me. How do I keep it that way?

>> No.6160631

indirectly groom him into a tranny by introducing him to a troon discord under the guise of an art improvement server

>> No.6160646
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my friends r telling me to stop drawing gore uoooooooooooooooh

>> No.6160649

Anyone else get brain fog while drawing? I wake up and start fine, but by noon time I start feeling it and can't concentrate as well.
I try taking breaks and get some snacks/go for a walk, but it seems to only hold it off for an hour or so before it happens again.
Is it a diet thing? Am I just retarded?

>> No.6160650

Draw them decapitated.

>> No.6160656

i'm gonna miss the cute shota

>> No.6160658

Can you describe this "brain fog"? I only feel drowsy/sleepy over extended periods of looking at the screen so I go for a nap.

>> No.6160667

This picture makes me comfy for some reason

>> No.6160677

>paint portrait
>Think its ok
>Look back after a few weeks or even days
>Its crooked shit and i dont understand how i could be so delusional
This shit is messing with my mind. Its like i can never trust my own judgement and im never improving. Because i then wonder what i could do better and i just dont know what to even look for. Every new attempt seems like fumbling in the dark again.
Sometimes i also try to keep 'fixing' eyeshape or nose and with every change i cant see if it actually got better or not. It just...changed.

>> No.6160684

Flip the canvas idiot, or use a mirror if trad

>> No.6160685

This happens to me sometimes when I work on the same project for too long. It's like I look at it for so long that it starts to look normal to me, so sometimes it helps to take breaks.

>> No.6160686

I already do that
It helps with missalignments but not with likeness itself

>> No.6160687

wazzup my negroes

>> No.6160688

tf? it does help with likeness imbecile

>> No.6160707
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>> No.6160716

me folks accused me of drawing porn again.
I am sad :C

>> No.6160735

I can't focus on anything. I see the drawing in front of me and the next step I need to do to finish it.
But, there's this disconnect where I can't push myself to actually do it.
For example, if I reach the inking phase and need to ink in the subject's arm, I just won't do it. I stare at the screen, but I don't move my hand.
I also do experience a bit of drowsiness, too. Not enough to want to sleep, though.

>> No.6160761

Get some sunlight. Fix your trash diet. Stop sitting so much. Exercise.

>> No.6160778
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Anxiety anon here again! Feeling good! One of the professionals I reached out to has gotten back to me! Other old professors are on break right now according to school calendar so I don't believe they are looking at their school email but I emailed anyway. I'm sure in 2 weeks I'll hear back. Joined a small zoom call recruiting seminar with one of the original studios that wanted me. Everyone was so nice and supportive. If anyone is wondering right now in the industry for theatrical jobs they are still working remote. Most studios have paused their internships so your in right now is just getting a regular job from home. Which may be helpful to know for some anons who can't make it to commiefornia right now.

I got a few follows on instagram and followed a few people that were there. Idk if I'll actually get close to anyone there but I know as you guys said networking is important so I'm going to try to comment under their posts and just engage. The studio is having another zoom call weekly for the rest of the month and it looks like there will be different topics of discussion. I think I'll be bold and write down questions to ask for the next call. They put you on speaker and turn on your webcam to ask your question..I was shy so I didn't want to but I'm going clean up my look and be prepared to put in facetime for next week.

As always thanks guys. I know this place is dogged on a lot and I can understand. But you all are really supportive, giving free pirated content for poorfags who may not have money or means of doing classes/workshops, advice, and support. The vilppu videos are really helping!

Idk if anyone here who's trying to get into the industry is doing this but, if parts of your portfolio is password protected don't do it. The recruiters talked about how much they hate that and really just want to go on your website and click around fast to look at your work. Don't worry about your website looking fancy either. I promise it doesn't matter.

>> No.6160783



The reason being is that sometimes having to look for your password is a hassle or gets lost and unless they really want you they might actually just skip over you on their list and look up someone else they had their eye on.

I've been posting on my socials more and just trying to be relatively active.I've been listening to you guys about health..I've been eating better and opening my window for air but my sleep is still pretty bad. I still think it's stress induced but at least I don't feel so groggy getting up like I used to. Working on fundies tomorrow and background art thumbnails.

As always we are all going to make it. Will share any good tips I get from zoom calls with you all for this studio or any others.

>> No.6160811

Your blog post is way too damn long. Congrats on getting better though.

Any tips on getting your works out there and gaining followers? I recently just started posting art on twitter. Zero followers so far, and I don't even know how one should go about getting a following.

It's fine though, I know I'm not good enough as I have only started drawing earlier this year and still have a long, long way to go. I have been copying bridgman, but the Naoki Sato method looks tempting so I may switch to that.

>> No.6160825

I'm in the process of buying my first house but due to surrounding, concurrent events, its one of the most exhausting things I've ever done to date. I havent drawn seriously in over 2 months.
Granted, thats not as bad as my hiatus break of 10 years, but god its pissing me off. Im going to try to steal time early in the morning before I talk to a lender and real estate agent tomorrow. Even its just some whack ass doodle, I feel like it would be better than this slow unraveling I've been feeling for weeks.
Pray for my art gains, bros. Hopefully, by the next time we meet, I'll be landed gentry and fully able to devote my time to funposting here.

>> No.6160836

Oh I see, this >>6160761 might really help you, and me as well because I feel drowsy often and fall asleep randomly.

>> No.6160913

Yeah you need vitamin D and regular exercise, even just 15 minutes a day. Cut your sugar intake if you eat a lot of it, the energy it gives you is good only for short bursts before making you sluggish again. If you caught the coof at any point in the last year it can also cause brain fog in the long term. I still get bouts of random unexplained coof symptoms 10 months after I caught it. It'll fuck with you.

>> No.6160935

These how to draw books neglect to mention that you need loving parents, a balanced diet, ample sleep, a sexual partner, and vitamin supplements before you can even begin.

>> No.6160946

Don't forget am atelier, a cintiq, a mac monitor, an Ipad pro, a maid, a siamese cat, a rabbit foot, dragon eyes, a special potion concocted on a full moon night, and of course, asian genes

>> No.6160961

Seeing a real pro make 100k likes art in a fraction of the time I make my /int/ garbage is like watching top athletes win gold medals. Yeah theoretically I could get there or close to it, but it's so far away and so daunting that I don't see it being entirely worth it. Especially when plenty of people make it just being /int/.

>> No.6160966

can you make money drawing guro?

>> No.6160984
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Its starting to feel like only the really bad and the really good people can truely enjoy drawing. Being mid has been nothing but misery

>> No.6160988

Idk man think I'm pretty middling and still enjoy it. One must imagine Sisyphus happy anon

>> No.6160994

If someone can somehow combine the freddy-krueger effect of a beg with the skill of a high int, they'd be living on easy street.

>> No.6161046

im happy to be int, but im not happy without an identity to sell. no memorable style, nothing that sets me apart to have someone go out of their way to allow me to live comfortably.

my personal battle with art is fighting between using it as an income source/skill and using it as my emotional language

>> No.6161085

Drawing is so overwhelming, i want to git gud but i don't know what to study

>> No.6161095

That's why it's the best thing to be autistic about. Some autists can play and analyze a video game over and over again until they master everything about it within a year or two, and there will be nothing left to do even if they like it more than anything. With art you can be autistic about learning, studying, improving your whole life and there will still be frontiers left to venture, and while being actually a productive passion, unlike vidya or books or anime, which all get stale after a while

>> No.6161109

We're all in a similar boat. At this point there have been enough artists among the billions of people on the internet, that you'll likely never stand out on style alone. You'll need to incorporate the substance of your unique human condition. I hope you have the presence of mind to translate your experiences in life into a consistent content. If you're capable of dissecting your experiences that is.
And hypothetically, the second you come up with a cool drastically new style that appeals to a lot of people, be ready for imitators to come along and ride your coattails immediately. That's how every style trend goes. Unless that style is under your actual name, on a world-scale project like a hit game or an anime, you'll never get the deserved recognition. Your imitators might even get it instead. That's the infuriating part about internet art, and one of the reasons I don't post my "real" art online anywhere. That, and I'd rather buckle down and finish a project in full privately then share it online with a big splash. Something that takes a viewer time and focus to digest. I'm not fond of participating in the social media mad dash for 15 minutes of fame. I want to make something that leaves a few people with a lifelong impression, not something that gets fifty thousand likes only to be forgotten forever.
But that's a tall order. Something you work on in secret for years. So while I work on that, I'll also enjoy my casual progress drawing simple things that make me happy, posting only low effort stuff that I wouldn't mind if someone decided to mimic. Because the real stuff I like, that I have a personal and unique connection to, is still up my sleeve and getting stronger every day.

>> No.6161110

damn i wish i was autistic

>> No.6161139

>get to know a girl
>she's cute, also shares my interests which are reading and drawing
>she reads only basic bitch self helps, well, still better than tiktok addicts
>show her my /beg/ drawings, she thought I was a pro
>flattered, started to think I was actually hot shit and /ic/ had been crabbing me all this time
>she showed me her latest drawing of dolphins and whales
>the drawing is just wavy blue lines for waves on a black back ground.
>each fish is just a circle and triangle with the words dolphins to indicate what they are
I don't think she's genuinely dumb or into woke modern art, she just thinks fun doodling for fun is actually drawing. She's not wrong but I was excited to finally have an art friend and now I'm depressed

>> No.6161146
File: 319 KB, 410x414, D64F1BB6-2B97-4F55-A0B2-98FCA41BDF7F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>each fish is just a circle and triangle with the words dolphins to indicate what they are
>I don't think she's genuinely dumb
Are you completely sure?

>> No.6161153

sounds cute, if she's a sweet girl i would marry her

>> No.6161163

>Are you completely sure?
Yeah. For some reason every single person I know who draws irl only does doodles or copies from manga/anime art on ruled paper

>> No.6161178

Anon, I know a lot of average iq instathot normie girls and their ruled paper doodles are not even close to as bad as that description. That sounds like 5th grade tier art, even though she said drawing was an interest of hers. Something isn't adding up.

>> No.6161182


She sounds like she has room temperature IQ

>> No.6161184 [DELETED] 

/beg/ here, I have no desire to ever draw commercially no matter how good I get because it seems like it would make it less fun and more like a job or chore. Does it?

>> No.6161189

Is it me or are drawings bester when you don’t think not much about it

>> No.6161190


>> No.6161215

I have evidence some anons from a Discord server have been targeting regulars they hate on multiple boards for months.

Is there any way to get in touch with a janitor or moderator regarding the situation?

>> No.6161219

yea bro write out a complaint and shove it in your rectum or better yet leave it in the comments section

>> No.6161226

I am convinced half of the cancer on this board comes from that chink that used to shill his youtube videos

>> No.6161230

I'm sitting into my neighbor's toilet right now

>> No.6161231

I remember who you're talking about, however I can confirm this issue is unrelated to that guy.

>> No.6161237

post the evidence here, at least we will we wary of the fags. I learned not to take any advice from here unless said anon posts work, I think everyone should come here with that mentality since it's such a shithole at the moment. Also, post it on a catbox link, the trannyjannies have been deleting almost everything lately.

>> No.6161240

There's a feedback and contact link at the bottom of every page on this site. Send it there.

>> No.6161241

I miss /qa/

>> No.6161246

I’m shitting on a guy sitting inside my toilet.

>> No.6161255

I will sometime either later this week, or early next week. The reason is I have some evidence that one of the fags driving this was banned off another server, one related to 4chan, after getting identified for his faggotry on another board. Since he bragged about collecting bans "like stamps" when the 4chan server was brought up.

However, I need confirmation of this from one of the mods first.

I'll go ahead and do this with the evidence I already have. Thanks.

>> No.6161412

I drew a finished piece for everyone in my friend group, but I must not have been warmed up on the first one cause it's way worse than the others, despite me spending 3 times as long on it. I doubt the person who receives it will notice or care but it's bothering me. I've already spent forever trying to fix it.

>> No.6161425

I honestly think tradigital art is just better than digital, and I'm tired of pretending it's not. I'm not saying trad is harder or takes longer, I don't care about those things. I just think looking at traditional art, in person or via a screen, is more appealing than digital art.

>> No.6161426

Sorry I got a little excited. I don't talk to anyone irl or online let alone with others who draw. So I was just happy to just talk. I will go back to green texting.

Twitter has a very forgiving algorithm. The hashtag system doesn't ghost hide you or only keep you up for a few seconds like instagram. Use the hashtags and follow friends. Promoting your art and others art. Twitter actually cares about following trends if your skill level is low. Do gijinkas, ships,memes, redraws, anything from popular media (look when the new pokemon drops everyone draws it).

>> No.6161443

Does anyone have any experience from going to digicuck to tradchad? I've been trying but it's incredibly demoralizing and depressing, I have to put in 10x the effort to get horrible results, like my trad and digital drawings look like they're made by different people. My digital drawings are normal but my trad drawings look like they were made by a mentally ill brain damaged monkey with no arms.

Does it EVER get better? I've filled out an entire sketchbook and there's still a massive disparity, it's like my skills don't fully translate to trad drawing.

>> No.6161467

Please out every last one of these mothers fuckers I'm so fucking sick of nodraws and their gay ops and do the nothing jannies and mods running this site.

>> No.6161472

You're right. And AI won't replace traditional artists will always appreciate physical paint over a print

>> No.6161477

Prints are a rip off, not worth the paper they are printed on. Stickers and magnets are pretty cool though.

>> No.6161499

>mid burn out
>horribly depressed
>life is hell
>every morning I wake up and want to die
>wage slave life sucks
>I definitely need to get put into some rehab facility
>Shitty American health insurance probably doesn't cover it
>even if it did I can't abandon my job bc I'm my families sole provider
>Poor as fuck
>Barely any time to draw
>Barely any time to try and refind my passion
>My already unhealthy body breaks down a little more every day
>It's starting to make sense why some people would kill themselves as a last resort
I'm a rock stuck in a hard place and I'm so very tired...

>> No.6161514


I have this problem too, I think its mental energy. Some people have a lot of it. And others, like me, have to store it for hours just to do one activity.

>> No.6161726

Why is this board so mentally ill. It is even more mentally ill than /x/ and I see the most retarded things here. You can argue it is bait or shitposting but if so I've never seen such terrible bait or shitposting on other boards. What even is this mental illness.

>> No.6161786

Artists always have a disproportionate amount of crazies. It's one of the hardest skills to master but the easiest to get into. So you've got normie beginners thinking it'll be easy mingling with weathered veterans who have been furiously drawing hands for a decade and still haven't got it down. That kind of thankless dedication requires abnormal thinking to do. There's no guaranteed reward for it apart from just feeling good that you finally did it. There's layers of insecurity and self loathing and jealousy and frustration so thick that when you let it all hang out on an anonymous forum it becomes this board. I've always told people /ic/ is the most schizo board on this site.

>> No.6161791

I wonder if it has to do with boards involved in career development or skill acquisition in general. I only go to /ic/ but I have a feeling you'd get the same types of crazies from /g/ that are week 1 "programmers".

>> No.6161793

/ic/ is a board you use as a stepping stone to get free tutorials and maybe one or two good critiques, once you are /int/ you leave this shithole to never see it again. This board probably has no oldfags, it's all newfag 2016 election tourists that think saying nigger is the peak of comedy. If you check the /beg/ Discord that was shilled yesterday you are going to find all that cancer concentrated. I am only here because I hate 90% of you and I rage is my fuel.

>> No.6161795

I kinda agree, though I only frequent a few boards. But at least most /ic/ anons seem to be functional irl or at least can happily get by just fine as no-life hermits, and the drive to improve of people here are admirable if ignoring the few loud doomposters. /lit/ still takes the cake as the most cringy incel-infested hobby board, despite housing some of the most intelligent people on this site, and I'd rather have schizos than that shit

>> No.6161830

Never browsed /lit/ but bookworms have always been cringe, so I'm not surprised. Every kid in school who always had their nose buried in a book was in some way dysfunctional or even downright unpleasant. And I don't mean kids who liked to read, I mean kids who were only ever reading. Sure they were smart but they were resentful little fucks. Probably because they checked out from socialization so nobody wanted to talk with the socially clueless kid whose only interest was reading. Kind of self fulfilling prophecy. And it's not a communication based hobby like art is. Writing is communicating, art is communicating, but reading is basically just the analogue version of watching videos. Lots of people read casually but /lit/ probably concentrated all the outcast bookworm kids with poor communication skills into one place.

>> No.6161833

>But at least most /ic/ anons seem to be functional irl or at least can happily get by just fine as no-life hermits
You haven't been here very long.

>> No.6161834
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I want to bring a sketchbook outside and draw but this irrational fear that people will laugh at my beg tier drawings doesn't allow me to

>> No.6161863

I'm an oldfag but from other boards kek
Been on 4chan since like 05? Or something

>> No.6161918

There's some pros that come by here

>> No.6161947
File: 106 KB, 1472x1305, 197187dc9c0909e8ab1988758acf9b1b71ea484fe1f515bd8b4a766f57971f3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who? everyone that was good and gave critique left

>> No.6161952
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>include details based on experience

>> No.6161961

Anon, most of the pros that used to frequent hrte are either gone. The few left get crabbed on by vendettafags. It's like anons here are desperate to keep their hugbox of schizophrenics in tact, while dragging the easily influenced back down in the bucket.

>> No.6161980

it really is, I think also because the dynamic of the board is very different from some boards because posting art can make you into a recognizable poster so vendettafaggotry is a lot more prominent and the less anonymity can create cliques so it has mental illness similar to that you find on social media. Sometimes I can't believe there are people who genuinely believe in certain memes.
Maybe, I only toured /g/ once or twice for tech stuff but they seem kind of normal as in not schizo, but I heard most are bad programmers. Just give bad advice. Of course they might be more deranged than I know since I'm not a /g/ regular.
the last time I saw a good crit was when an anon made a thread about not knowing how to render and there was this anon who repainted his golem character with good advice and pointers.

>> No.6162010
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he was too based

>> No.6162011

No theyre still around

>> No.6162015

again, who. Link to one

>> No.6162023

sinix actually lurks here, he talks about it alot

>> No.6162032

lurking means shit if he doesn't post, most YouTubers ''lurk'' 4chan(egosearchs then leaves)

>> No.6162041


>> No.6162321

Not him, but there are more than you realize. Going to be straight with you, but often times only the pros can give certain advice in a certain way. And only other pros or int+ can really smell each other out. There are helpful regulars still around, albeit they don't post daily... or post openly out of anon daily. For example, for a while now in /alt/ there's been an anon that gives well thought through critique and advice from time to time. Good advice and critique does not always have to be accompanied by visuals and honestly, in my opinion, the people that feel there must be an accompanied red line or example are often not actually thinking about the advice they're given. Those people only want to see the answers handed to them.
Of course, it also takes time and experience to figure out which posts are good and which posts are bad/crabs. That's a whole different area of learning that I'm not getting into.
But once you can parse the posts and understand what's good to intake and what isn't, it becomes even easier to improve.

On a side note, I feel like people are just busier nowadays. Covid and shit is still around, but people are too antsy to stay out anymore. So people have lives to live and don't have enough time to always give out accompanied visuals with their critique. So it makes it appear like there are less pros or high ints around.
Or at least that's my theory on it

>> No.6162323

>stay out
stay put*

>> No.6162330

It was only supposed to help motivate me to finish works regularly but already I am feeling the draw of number go up on social media. Its even changing my decision making on what to draw next, if only somewhat.

>> No.6162351

>employer told me to either learn a completely new task with completely different daily hours that go against my sleep schedule or to get fucked
>still nowhere near to make a living off my art
>have to find another shitty job so I can git gud in the off hours

>> No.6162601

On one hand
Funny numbers going up? Feelsgoodman

On the other? Attention? All eyes on me? Everyone seeing my likes and every reply I make on Twitter?
How the hell do people cope with this? How do you cope with popularity?

>> No.6162613

>cute fluffy animal animation
>it's just dancing innocently
>jap artist, so it's really good
>finally track down the source
>browse their media tab
>all cute animals
>it quickly dawns on me
>the way the cute animals are posed
>legs spread, laid back, presenting ass
>this jap wants to fuck the little animals
>it's a Japanese furry
Why couldn't it have just been some cute girl who loves animals? What if I had shared that shit with people? Jesus Christ.

>> No.6162743
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I thought I would eventually crystallize into some distinctive style but instead I still draw wildly differently every week.
I am still definitely improving but every day always feels so uncertain as if I'm relearning to draw every morning. My interests, desired techniques and goals change so quickly.
Having ADHD is a bitch but I can't complain much, it's better than stagnating.

>> No.6162781

nobody gives a shit, trust me

>> No.6162784

why did vent thread turn into water cooler thread

>> No.6162872

I wish I could rid myself of jealousy

>> No.6162885

I saw a comment on a YouTube video that resonated with me about this
"Style is just what you know how to draw without looking it up"

So if you keep drawing what you know - I guess your comfort zone - that becomes your style

>> No.6162943 [DELETED] 

Iq response, so tired of boasting about pros being here when they don't contribute. If you add nothing to the board you don't matter.

>> No.6162950 [DELETED] 

High IQ response, so tired of people boasting about pros being here when you can't point to anything that they contribute here. If i dont see then you don't matter.

>> No.6162952 [DELETED] 

Meant for >>6162023

>> No.6162953

High IQ response, so tired of people boasting about pros being here when you can't point to anything that they contribute here. If i dont see it then you don't matter.

>> No.6162968

That's normal, morning is your most productive time, so you should learn to do as much as possible of your IMPORTANT tasks early in the day, so that later you can realx and do only low effort, easy tasks.

You can also experiment taking a 1h siesta, or just going for a quick 20 minute rest where you think about nothing in bed with your feet higher than your head (put a pillow under them or something).
After 20 mins, it feels like you've slept and you might be able to get a renewed (although smaller than morning) boost of energy.

I always end up sleeping so an alarm clock just in case always comes in handy.

>> No.6162973

>there will be nothing left to do even if they like it more than anything
This man clearly has never heard of speedrunning.

>> No.6162974
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Based no name conceptual artist gf

>> No.6163007
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>Anon, draw 10 people, 3 tigers and a dinosaur
>No problem boss, I'll throw in a shark for good measure
>Anon, draw this symmetrical manmade object
>*starts crying*

>> No.6163061

post link

>> No.6163063

same, i just finished my fantasy phase where i drew a bunch of dragons. I think it's good at the end, even if it gives us some anxiety

>> No.6163069

Careful homie, while we ADHD schmucks can usually get around stagnation, burn out is what really gets us good. Careful man. Try to keep a healthy balance of hobbies and get new experiences.
On the bright side, having a multitude of styles can be a good thing. Eventually, when you reach int+ level, you may become naturally inclined to use a style that fits the situation. And you will eventually develop some more consistency.
Sometimes a project can really stand out if it has a healthy balance of styles and even within your bubble of inconsistency, there's probably a lot more consistency than you realize.
I find a lot of artists can struggle to even recognize they have a style at all, even if they clearly do
On one hand, yes
On the other, the interactions on those posts tell me otherwise... Replying on twitter feels like yelling in a room with all your friends in it to me. It doesn't feel like an ok thing to do. I can't even reply to certain people because even though they're my friend, I'd either A) be putting degenerate porn on my timeline or B) get bullshit by assocation because they're a degenerate nsfw artist that isn't exactly PC.... Just as an example.
Of course I'm not one to be afraid of the twitter mob itself. I know how to handle cancel culture, but I hate having so many eyes on me.... Yet that very feeling is counter intuitive to everything I want.
Plus I feel like every reply I give has to be a zinger or a good gag or something because so many people see it...

>> No.6163075

It's called a normie. She's a normie anon.
He's got a point. It's also why artists shouldn't wait until they "git gud" to draw their comics or make their games or animations or whatever. There isn't a clearly defined "end" to an artist's growth. You can choose to stop somewhere, maybe some people get comfortable at a certain level, but eventually even that level can grow stale. Waiting to do a project until someone is at some pro level is a wasted opportunity! Plus it's even more practice and said projects can always be redone or revisited years down the line

>> No.6163195

Time to draw today!
>ehh, my stomach doesn't feel right. Better eat.
>Can't draw now, I'll get the tablet dirty with good.
>Can't draw now, the food is still settling in my stomach
>Can't draw now, its too hot, I need to cool down
>Can't draw now, I might get hungry again and need to eat halfway through
>Can't draw now, I haven't showered in a day
>Can't draw now, I dont have the spark, maybe watching some videos will help
>Can't draw now.....

even typing this is another excuse for my body to not draw. I can't convince myself to draw with lies and tricks like what you find on motivational videos.

>> No.6163207
File: 86 KB, 976x850, frog flipped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was not fast enough in getting to a place where I can get regular commissions
I just wanted to earn 600$ a month and be left in peace
No my mom has renewed her nagging and is already hooking me up with some j*b offers from her friends friends
Well just as I had my rennaisance of drawing again, it's all gonna end again.
Maybe in the next life I won't be mentally ill

>> No.6163268


>> No.6163275

so the strategy is to always think you're beg

>> No.6163278
File: 373 KB, 685x1126, chun 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6163283


Sounds like it's just not for you. Take up a different hobby that doesn't need you to convince or push yourself to practise it.

>> No.6163464
File: 15 KB, 640x934, 5335 - closed_eyes hair its_over soyjak text variant chudjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like my drawings
>People don't compliment my drawings, they just straight ignore it or they don't like it

Never began bros

>> No.6163574

There should have been a Connected Map Collab - Summer Edition by now and I'm sad there hasn't.

>> No.6163584

>tfw one of your art heros likebombs and follows you

Made my morning :)

>> No.6163589

>working on original painting
>do studies to push it
>looks okay but cant push it any further due to limit of current skill level

>> No.6163605
File: 45 KB, 235x215, 1649729055042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need "hand holding tube strongly" reference
>get a glass cup and grip it hard
>cup shatters in my hand while I'm drawing

>> No.6163689

i know that feel. almost didn't believe it when i was going through notifications, was a fan of his stuff even before i started drawing.

>> No.6163698

i found out my dog has cancer and I can feel an impending worse depression of my life very soon. she really helped me get out of kms thoughts years ago. I regret not taking enough video of her for memory.

>> No.6163825

its gotten to the point where just thinking about drawing or looking at my tablet triggers anxiety. I thought that shit was just nonsense but here I am sweating.

>> No.6163829


>> No.6163985

I just finished a single-pager comic, but Instagram seems to hate the canvas size as it tries to crop almost half the exported image.

>> No.6163990

For platforms like that you have to chop up your comic into multiple images. Instagram shits on your image quality anyway for big canvas

>> No.6163994

Trust me. People will be more impressed at your work than ridicule you. How often do people take up drawing seriously nowadays?

>> No.6163998

Yeah, I figured as much. I use Clip Studio Paint since it came with the Wacom Intuos I bought not too long ago. Need to figure out the canvas size that's friendly for Instagram.

>> No.6164040

I don't know, if I see some guy with a drawing in a sketch book in public I'd expect him to be able to draw something comprehensive, not grade schooler doodles

>> No.6164088

Don’t let your perception of how others hypothetical view you influence your behavior too much. Especially regarding doing something wholly positive like drawing out in the fresh air. It’s a great joy to do, friend. Go for it, no one cares really, and anyone who sees you is probably in a decent mood enjoying the daylight as well or in their own world with their own concerns. Virtually no one thinks badly of the fat person jogging, and most think “good for them.” Same with creating art. You’re probably better than most who will pass by, and may even inspire others to take up some creative endeavor. See ya out there

>> No.6164126
File: 54 KB, 1125x269, 8E79DCC1-0128-488E-A26B-551A8E69F400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of my art hero?

>> No.6164143

it's hard to care about art when you know you have to pack up all your shit and move in to a new place I understand I thought I was going to move this summer and these last couple months I haven't felt like drawing either

>> No.6164146

it's 2022 everything is productive if you use your head and want it to be

>> No.6164156

why do artists on other platforms get pissed off over crits/hate comments? Are they just genuinely incapable of taking heat? It seems like their egos will shatter over anything. maybe ic just desensitize the shit out of me

>> No.6164170

whats wrong with 2 paychecks?

>> No.6164175

Right? I feel like I have a million plates spinning at once and just one napkin doodle depletes me. And I typically go all out on napkin doodles too, so its disheartening.

Were you able to close on your house, anon? The housing market in my state is crazy and it feels like every potential listing I see gets snapped up within hours.

>> No.6164179

It's one of those things where you should have another site (I recommend NewGrounds for best image quality) you post to as well so people can find the higher quality if they want it
seconding this is some great gmi attitude anon I'm rooting for you man
godspeed brother in arms

>> No.6164187

oh god i stopped using 4chan/ic for around 6 months i come back and its even worse here. how in the fuck does it always get worse after i take a couple month break?

>> No.6164228

I seriously can't stop envying the artists that've had years of experience drawing
Especially if they have fag niches that take skills of their own
Idk if it's being lost on how to improve or not knowing how to translate practice or fundamentals to personal art
Maybe it's "just fucking draw" but it feels like more of a missing link

>> No.6164243

I fell once again during my art journey, but this time I don't feel like getting up.
I'm genuinely tired now, all that happiness I used to feel is really gone
No progress, no nothing

>> No.6164260

Thank you anon, I wish you the same

>> No.6164262

I feel your pain. I actually managed to get away from 4chan about 6 years once. Goddamn, seeing what this place had become since 2013 was a trip. I had been here since 2005.

>> No.6164295

I'm at the point where I'd rather draw than play videogames. Now THIS is making it.

>> No.6164300

Same anon, though I'll seriously make it if I can quit 4chin too

>> No.6164364

Will I ever manage to quit this website?
I already got the most out of it and the only thing left is take the steps I need to take myself. As long as I'm (you)addicted though I'll never make it

>> No.6164380

Ever since taking my first commission, I can't draw many more without calculating how much money a drawing will earn me. "Is this line worth 10cents? Would I pay 20 bucks for this?" and every second spent searching for references is money bleeding out do I'm in a rush all the time.

>> No.6164400

I am terrified by the thought of sitting for 8 hours a day in front of a pc where I have to do things I don't care about

>> No.6164405

raise prices retardbro

>> No.6164991

Seeing nippon novices make beg-tier art or even mid-tier art gives me hope. Sometimes I'll follow a lowskill nip artist just because their work reminds me that my journey isn't hopeless. Their wonky little scribbles inspire me and I'm cheering them on to get better while also motivating myself. If I can still place eyes on an anime character more accurately than a jap who likes to draw, I can keep going. Let's do our best nipbro.

>> No.6165015

Pixiv has the same or even worse ratio of good vs bad than DeviantArt.
Weebs need to stop being retarded with their delusions, you should also stop being retarded and learn proper art instead of thinking you'll learn by mimicking garbage like anime which is by design made to be lazy.

>> No.6165020

>if you ever draw anime it means you don't study properly
It seems I'm not the retard

>> No.6165023

Manga is by definition anti-practice. You are at best only learning second-hand fundamentals hidden under the garbage.
It's like trying to learn drawing by watching the Fairly Oddparents which is by design simplistic and easy to animate and you won't learn anything from it other than techniques specific for quick and easy animation.
You only overvalue manga because you are a lost weeb.

>> No.6165032

What the fuck are you talking about you drooling mongoloid? I don't study from anime or manga, the only reason I can draw it is because of traditional fundamentals learned by life observation studies. Flying into an impotent argument at the mere mention of anime is why no one takes your kind seriously.

>> No.6165044

>Sometimes I'll follow a lowskill nip artist
Can you share their names? I'm beginner too and sometimes learn something from other begs (because they know how to do cool things cheaper due to beg's laziness).

>> No.6165051

They don't have many followers (like 50) and I'd rather not be found and associated with /ic/, but you can find some if you browse through random Japanese tags and sort by recent. Just google translate a popular characters name. Then follow the rabbit hole in their likes.

>> No.6165071

I'd love to meet people like you in real life but your types never leave the house because if you ever did, the realization at how much of a regressive creature you are would likely induce a mind break and drive you to either suicide or to a mass shooting.

>> No.6165172
File: 64 KB, 500x575, 090cbdc3af980a1e549ff44201fab38a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check pinterest while taking a break
>eventually spend over 2 hours finding and saving refs instead of drawing
damn, it's too addictive

>> No.6165263

But Pixi hides followers names, aren't it? So you stay safe.

>> No.6165317
File: 28 KB, 225x252, goodwwww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made it

>> No.6165331
File: 203 KB, 1077x1374, 14311111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent about 20-30 minutes a day drawing and most of the time it's doodling.
Thing is I am actually improving and I can see results. My portraits are not as monstrous, proportions are starting to look good and I'm doing less and less mistakes. My anime stuff is looking like anime stuff (rather than a 5 year old's). My colors are starting to make sense. My shadows are looking like...well shadows.
If I actually apply myself I could probably make it.

>> No.6165341

>morning is your most productive time, so you should learn to do as much as possible of your IMPORTANT tasks early in the day, so that later you can realx and do only low effort, easy tasks
This has literally always been untrue for me and I'm a very productive person. What a platitude. Listen to your body's natural tendencies. My most productive times are early afternoon and night.

>> No.6165359

My eyesight is getting fucked.
I noticed when i was painting a flower from afar and one leaf still looked quite fresh and green but on closer inspection it was deteriorating hard.

>> No.6165381

Reminder if you link someone that recently followed you and you want to remain anonymous then you just outed yourself because the following list organizes by most recent

>> No.6165403

Who are we kidding, you just wanted to misuse the word platitude.

>> No.6165462

I think I'm actually retarded. If I look at a picture and then close my eyes and try to recall elements in it, I can't get anything right except the basics like if it had people in it. What they're wearing is too hard to remember, let alone things in the background. I used to be so smart in school but then years of anime fried my brain. I need to have a reference on screen at all times because the moment I tab out, I forget what I'm even drawing. Any art books have mental exercises for this sort of thing?

>> No.6165487

grats, you're as good as Proko

>> No.6165501

Saving images for references for a project or future creations is just as important as beginning to draw. You should be spending AT LEAST that long gathering references for anything.

>> No.6165570

This nigga got mind broken by manga lol, how did that even happen, dude, like just draw lmao

>> No.6165610
File: 847 KB, 1765x1300, 1470794889884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all manga looks the same to this guy
Kinda want to see this anon's work honestly. Could be an interesting perspective to see

>> No.6165633
File: 117 KB, 1079x1074, 65e6f1585fd6aa50784cf1d020bded4a (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found some really nice ones that are pretty inspiring, so you are right

>> No.6165751

There are no specific exercises, you just have to keep training. Some people are better at this than others but most can reach a workable level of visual recall.

The only advice I can give you is to try and categorize the elements into 2d and 3d ones. 2D stuff like the basic contour and outline something has (think proportions and angles, what shape does the outline of x have at a certain angle, etc), and 3D stuff like spatial information (think cross contours, simplified geometrical forms). You need both of these in conjunction to effectively add things to your visual library. Just keep in mind that this is really hard to do unless you started young like KJG, your brain is not designed to hold onto information in such an awkward way.

There's also the age old "draw the reference at a different angle", this is useful for making sure you don't zone out and just copy mindlessly although it's very easy to mess up so try to only do it for things that are easy to simplify instead of entire scenes or whole figures, at least until you get a hang of it.

>> No.6165754

Honestly this is important to understand. Seeing artists who /ic/ would shit on making appealing stuff is hopefuel.
I'm still recovering from /ic/ induced mental illness because I was convinced that I can't make art until my fundies are god tier. I did improve somewhat but, at the cost of becoming a soulless permaint that gets soulmogged by 14 year old tumblrinas and /beg/ animeshitters.

>> No.6165757

>you drooling mongoloid
Racism is verboten outside of /b/.

>> No.6165763
File: 62 KB, 828x830, E43QbtSXoAA_TBc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not the guy you're responding to but look at any other board outside of /b/ and tell me they adhere by those rules.

>> No.6165764

Disregarding you being a faggot, that's an old word for someone with down syndrome zoomzoom.

>> No.6165766

I think your response was far more extreme and unhinged. All he basically did was say anime is shit (explained why) and manga overvalued by a “lost weeb.” Far less extreme than calling him a “drooling mongrel” or you saying he is a horrible “creature” who would likely kill himself or commit mass murder on school children if he ever left the house and talked to people. That’s a pretty horrific thing to say about a person for mostly making a comment about art.

>> No.6165774

There's a lot of possibilities in this post. It could be bait, you could be new, you could be autistic, you could have shit conversational comprehension. It's like a fun mystery as to which one it is.

>> No.6165787

Uh.. I got bad news about those commissions, then...

>> No.6165794

Go get hit by a car.

>> No.6165803

How much you're making per month with this?

>> No.6165837
File: 17 KB, 300x352, promoted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never get useful feedback out of /int/
>tfw realize this means I graduated and can post in the big boy threads now

>> No.6165840

congrats anon good work out there

>> No.6166047


>> No.6166067

would you trade skill for appeal?

inb4 hurr I'll just have both
that wasn't the question

>> No.6166068

would you train your brain for a bigger dick?

>> No.6166070

trade lolol i need a brain

>> No.6166071

my brains already useless so yes.

>> No.6166177

That’s a dumb question. Skill would be you understand what’s appealing and have the means of executing it. Even artist who have amazing skill but can’t seem to get out of a rut of drawing generic things can be easily taught appeal into like a month.

Appeal but not a high skill level doesn’t matter depending on what you’re drawing. If you draw things within your capabilities and it has huge appeal that’s just as good. That’s most entry lvl artists in the industry or internships. Social media is self explanatory. Artist alley at conventions as well.

>> No.6166317

Skill is automatically appealing.

>> No.6166347
File: 111 KB, 785x731, 4httyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6166452


>Skill would be you understand what’s appealing and have the means of executing it.
>if you're so smart why cant you outsmart bullet???


>> No.6166457

You have neither so maybe stop asking pointless questions that raise dopamine levels without having done anything to justify them.

>> No.6166462

How long of a break from drawing is too long? I’m thinking of not bothering for a year.

>> No.6166469

why do you want to take a break? i took a 4 month break and I regretted it

>> No.6166476

Just stick to being a hobbyist and draw whenever you like, not everyone is built for the agonizing journey of becoming a highly skilled artist.

>> No.6166498

Depends a lot on the purpose and person.
I'm an ADHD fuck so I drop hobbies at the drop of a hat but once I get back to it after months I notice a marked improvement as if my body was digesting things passively, or maybe it's just a renewed sense of inspiration.
I know people who are terminally burned out but never stop drawing, always stuck in one singular schedule and drawing method which is just unconceivable for me since I get bored of things so quickly and always try to keep it fresh.
Taking a break can definitely help to clear your mind but it depends on your mindset, if you are forcing yourself to stop then it's probably not going to be very helpful.

>> No.6166502

Who cares, if you plan to take a break for a year then you're a hobbyist and not someone trying to make art their career, take years off if you want, not sure why you want our input.

>> No.6166513

If you take a break, still draw something every day. Even if you're just doodling with your brain turned off, draw something. The little things add up and even if you're experiencing a burn out, the impulse to draw will still poke its head in if you really love drawing

>> No.6166555
File: 30 KB, 656x679, 1648477897189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am an objectively superior artist therefore I deserve more likes and followers than inferior artists despite me not playing the social media game of consistency and fake-excitement engagement tactics.
There is nothing wrong with this line of thinking and it is simply moral. I deserve something and they should hand it to me.

>> No.6166602

I feel you, anon. I thankfully don’t have dependents, but I am hopelessly stuck in a shitty, low-paying job that is physically harsh and leaves me no time for anything. And I’m chronically ill. I have felt like my life was passing me by for a while now. A lot of the standard advice to work hard on the side to get to a better position doesn’t help when you have no time or energy treading water.

Recently, I started eating the Carnivore Diet. It’s the only thing I’ve ever found that improves my arthritis, and it gave me a lot more energy in the day. I know some people will immediately tell you it’s a dangerous thing to try (I disagree, but that’s beside the point), but it’s the only light I have right now. It’s something I’d suggest to anyone at the end of their rope. Fixing your diet could turn things around. Good luck.

>> No.6167131

I'm currently negotiating with a client who is creating a tabletop roleplaying game, and wants to hire me to draw assets. He does not represent any company, he' just a dude making a game. Should I go about treating this as another commission or should I write out a contract for royalties? I want a deal that is fair for both of us.

>> No.6167134

You retain ownership of the drawing even if he commissions you, so he should be the one suggesting a contract. If it's a free game who cares.

>> No.6167210

I see. Thank you. I'll ask him about getting a contract set up, and we'll go from there.

>> No.6167464
File: 47 KB, 1101x2202, 1636736584828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so weird to me how art is treated in society.
It's the hardest thing I've ever worked on, going on almost a decade now, yet it's seen as a shit worthless skill learned by fags.

I was a very "Engineering-minded" kid, until I discovered art in my late teens.
With STEM, you'd see companies/gov BEGGING you to study. They'll pay you hand-over-fist, fund your whole degree, train you while you take a full salary.

They're fucking desperate to have you, yet I show up to my job and I'm doing work so unskilled you could teach a monkey to do it.
I just don't fucking get it.

>> No.6167485

Law of supply and demand. Almost everyone wants to do art, or creative stuff, but art is an afterthought to most people's needs in life. Only wackos earnestly like STEM beyond the paychecks, but their skills are useful everywhere. As a result you have a lot of failed and mediocre artists, yet out of which, even with the higher skill requirements, still emerge an abundance of decent artist.

You are competing with people who may not be doing it mainly for the money, but also as a passion. There're too many of them, too little demand. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Being a professional artist is one of the dream jobs for people who don't care about money, so it sucks, but you have to sacrifice some to live a dream of many

>> No.6167533

Do well known artists actually lurk here or is it a meme?

>> No.6167547

>There're too many of them, too little demand
Not true, there is plenty demand for good artists in most high-end industries. The gap between someone getting paid for small personal commissions or small businesses and an actual working professional that has high-end clients is enormous.

>> No.6167555

how old are you to have arthritis . or are you a relatively young person with shit luck and genetics

>> No.6167609

now do a sketchbook a month for a couple years

>> No.6167621

The more I look at various art the more bogged down and cluttered my head becomes. There's too much to look at and too many options. It's unbelievable that artists are still finding work when there are so fucking many of them.

>> No.6167777

its been 4-5 years since i started studying fundamentals and i finally did it. i finally made my first (digital) painting containing both a character and an environment that didnt bother me the next day, or the day after, or even the week after. it actually looks alright. is it amazing? no, its not, of course. shows no mastery in any way. but it doesnt make me bite my nails in loathing. i feel even better that it started off rough and i was able to identify and simplify while i was working on it. too bad it was a furry commission but hey, its my work regardless.

>> No.6167783

Blessed and holy quads, stay positive anon and you're gmi

>> No.6167884

It always gets ruined by cocks, vaginas, and tits anyways.

>> No.6167886

Post blog anon

>> No.6167900

the only big boy thread (/draw/) is dead.

>> No.6168078
File: 2.45 MB, 618x334, z.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come up with idea - niceeee
>Draw thumbnail sketch - aww yeahhh
>Arrange composition - no problem boss
>Now render - UGHHHHHHHHH

Anyone else? I just want to sketch all day

>> No.6168263

Was the 90s the best time to be an artist?

>> No.6168321

No? How stupid are you?
How can you not see the best time to do art is right now you privileged white child?

>> No.6168324

lol this
we’re probably in the best time in human history

>> No.6168329

Fuck fuck fuck fuck, why do everything I draw is so fucking soulless

>> No.6168335

Maybe you're trying too hard and overthinking it. Soul comes from the improvisation of your acquired skills, you gotta loosen up.

>> No.6168359

>draw something
>"wow this looks great!"
>look at it the next day
>looks like a schizo child's scribbles

>> No.6168369

How do I know if I have talent

>> No.6168640

how do i know what i want to draw/what artists i want to copy?
i know this is a dumb question but holy shit, im completely lost, my mind is blank

>> No.6168643

Get some taste first.

>> No.6168666

Bad news anon you might be retarded. Try copying something you watched recently and go from there.

>> No.6168673

>no over-saturation
>digital existed but it was used more as an ornament
>media was funded not only to make a buck but to also make good art
>no tik tok
>higher standards
I wish I was a rich whitey desu

>> No.6168676

You're such a stupid fuck. I hope you die.

>> No.6168678

You're such a beautiful angel. I hope you live.

>> No.6168680
File: 45 KB, 321x109, 2624524256256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6168892

>>afraid of competition
>>afraid of digital
>>muh art for art's sake, art for money can't be good, disregarding all the old masters
>>seething about tiktok in 2022
>>afraid of mass produced art, as if it was something new
>>still want money
Holy ngmi

>> No.6168920

>you gotta loosen up
Legit tip. And the reason most of your works are extremely calculated and stiff is because you've probably been thrown a harsh crit before or has been crabbed, and talked shit that now you're overthinking every step, fear of mistake drives your process, not love for creating.

But before all that you gotta be actually good first. Is it soulless? or just bad? don't have to pyw just keep these in mind. Good luck.

>> No.6168932

what do you do to gain mental energy? After I draw one thing I lie in bed all day completely wiped out and unable to even play video games.

>> No.6168948

the existential dread of ai replacing me soon is enough to motivate me to draw as much as possible before it happens

>> No.6168974
File: 520 KB, 640x427, 1637384087754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am becoming close friends with one of my clients and i dont know what to do. im a completely friendless loser and this guy is so fun to talk/has a lot in common with me, also boosts my self confidence as he likes my work quite a bit of course. i know its bad for business (maybe) but i like hanging around with him, is this weird?

>> No.6168989

nah just renting

>> No.6169092

You need to take better care of your body. Good health brings energy.

>> No.6169100

I have been on break for months. Time to ride the clouds the gods to the land of thd hyperboeans.

>> No.6169142

I prefer to do business with my friends. When we became friends doesn't really matter. I think its only bad for business if you let your friends walk over you. If you're really a friendless loser, you're probably just overthinking it.
By simply doing, aka experimenting. A chef doesn't know what kind of food they like cooking until they've cooked it and tasted it.

>> No.6169154

Summer is gay season.

>> No.6169162
File: 457 KB, 1080x1882, bit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to feel about art that's just copied memes selling for over 20k

>> No.6169166

ez just cope and seethe

>> No.6169174

If your a guy it's fine, if you're a girl post your tits.

>> No.6169298
File: 63 KB, 395x578, 005 - jAyHtSV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there really people who think retarded is a race?

>> No.6169315

How come zoomers care more about selling anime furry futanari porn on discord than trying to make it in the world of fine art? Fine art requires a lot less skill and sells for more.

>> No.6169321

Isn't "fine art" just used for money laundering now?

>> No.6169328

You're visual library is growing and you will be familiar with different styles. If you can try and stick to just a few styles and go back and forth when you get bored with one, that could be really cool.

>> No.6169330

Probably, but so what?

>> No.6169334

the worst thing of all is that i dont even feel like drawing unless im on drugs

>> No.6169349

Let me tell you this real slow even you can understand anon. Suppose you want to make money real fast, like a few millions to support yourself for years of drawing what you want, is there any reason not to walk to a random billionaire on the street and say "hello, can you let me in your money laundering scheme? I can stick a banana to a wall real fast, millions upfront is alright!"? I'm sure even you can find the why and why not here, good anon

>> No.6169407

I drew from a reference and then overlayed my final product onto the image to see how accurate I was. Well my figure had slightly shorter arms and bigger thighs. So I duplicated the work and made the fixes and checked it again until it was completely accurate. But putting the completely accurate art next to my initial art with shorter arms, I still prefer the shorter armed one. Is this a sign of my personal proportion preference? The longer arms are correct but just look weird. I can't tell if my perception is fucked or if it's a matter of taste.

>> No.6169426

So long as it isn't obviously anatomically wrong its fine to go with your personal taste. We're not trying to be Xerox machines, art is about interpreting reality and conforming it to taste.

>> No.6169432

I'd prefer to consciously make the choice if it's a choice being made. But I'm still thinking my visual measuring is actually lacking and I should keep working on it, at least to say I can do a totally accurate copy if I ever needed to. If I'm able to make a perfect copy on the first pass and still draw arms a little shorter from imagination, then so be it.

>> No.6169487
File: 41 KB, 554x351, 20220302_211207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting a dayjob has caused my health to degrade pretty significantly

My stomach lining is inflammed to hell (from an infection), my back, arms, and arms hurt from typing all day at a PC, and I'm permanently tired becauase as soon as I get home I want to work on my comic which takes all my free time
I don't understand how normalfags can work for decades on-end

>> No.6170485

I didn’t realize AM radio is based. Definitely need to be listening more.

>> No.6170588

when ai takes over and turns the art world into shit I'm going to hoard up on art supplies, save up as much money as I can, and move someplace cheap. I just want to neet around and draw/paint for the rest of my life. Any recommendations on where? I've been looking into rural japan, it seems cozy

>> No.6170621

holy shit if i have to work another 42+ hrs in retail hell im going to fucking snap and walk tf out and start my own business selling art and just create non fucking stop im so tired of bullshit jobs and trying to save money and the needless stress that comes with it aaaaaaaaaa

>> No.6171016

I can't go anywhere without either end of the "political" spectrum (the best approximate term I can think of) dominating the space. I get either basedonions lefty woman-dominated hugboxes full of fujos and genderfluid ftm trannies who ostracize you if your drawing looks 17, or faux edgy rightoid male dominated futa femboy mtf tranny fuckfests where everything is tits and dicks and furries. And both ends are gargling gallons of coom at all times. The only places I've seen where people draw normal sensible shit, and are tasteful about their coom, have been asian spaces where the language barriers make it impossible to communicate. Why is everything so insane outside of Asia? Where are the westerners who draw cool shit like creatures and mecha and scifi? Where are the cute girl artists drawing cute girls and cute cringey romance? Every time I find a tasteful quiet artist online they're too awkward to get to know. Probably because they're like me and trying to avoid brainrot and trouble by talking to literally anyone online.

>> No.6171270

It's the same the other way around
new medium new skills. I may take a whole cunh of months before you get confortable

>> No.6171272


Japan is expensive as fuck. Some asian shithole like the phillipines or laos is much cheaper but good luck getting established there as a foreigner.

>> No.6171279

What makes more sense spending 2k for a decent computer setup or spending 200k to make magazines collages and still not have a job because you didn't become bff with the rich kid who dads os an art dealer.

>> No.6171284

You don't even care about drawing just socializing and trying to get internet frineds. It's pretty pathetic actually, if your art was decent and you weren't some boomer sperg seething about muh cliques like some teen girl in a high school you would've already have community, a tight friend group, and a artist GF 10 times over.

>> No.6171299
File: 13 KB, 554x554, images_1658311736658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend saw my art
>said "why the fuck is your art and style still the same since highschool?"

>> No.6171342

I like it, blog?

>> No.6171469
File: 613 KB, 1575x2088, 1657682169205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feel stuck again
>couldn't draw today
fuuuck i am scared of ending up in another 4 month artblock. I am going to drink coffee and force myself to at least do figure drawing

>> No.6171474
File: 31 KB, 480x480, EA7jSSNUYAESVe0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend sees my art
>"why do you only draw ugly people"

>> No.6171477

japan is actually quite cheap

>> No.6171478

" because im influenced by what i see around me like my friends "

>> No.6171561
File: 273 KB, 365x612, 1646891385807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starting figure drawing
>too embarrassed to look at the nude model
>close video

>> No.6171572

This >>6160615 is the best OP format you could think of for a semi-offtopic general? How cringe-inducing. You're an embarrassing idiot, OP.

>> No.6171674

Do you reply here just to take unhinged shits in front of strangers? That's weird anon, you'd be a much healthier person if you learned to smile!

>> No.6171678

This place makes me want to kill people.

>> No.6171713

kill the techies desu

>> No.6171714

lol so much seething
>hey whats everyone doing today?
>kys faggot

>> No.6171742

how many people are actually on this board?

>> No.6171768

It's a slow board for a reason.

>> No.6172706

Faggots who brings their brainlet politics and culture wars garbage to an art board deserves to be shat on full stop. Simple as.

>> No.6172714

Did I hit a nerve? You on that list of degenerates I mentioned? Art and culture are intrinsically connected, and right now, to my displeasure, culture and politics have blended together in the west, whether you like it or not. My complaint was that they shouldn't be. Cope, seethe, dilate, and sudoku, thanks.

>> No.6172717

That wouldn't sate my blood thirst. It needs to be crab blood.

>> No.6172899

it looks like you are missing a couple of pieces to have a correct and enjoyable workflow. Personally I also struggle when it comes to making clean lineart but eventually I end up working it out and getting the job done. You are already there, you just need to push a little bit until you get it right.

>> No.6173101 [DELETED] 

I recently ordered a variety of artbooks such as Framed Perspective, Framed Ink, Color and Light, Animator's Survival Kit, Elemental Magic, Imaginative Realism, etc.

I also managed to grab a bunch of my older artbooks such as what I got from the How to Draw Manga series, and grabbed PDFs of the one's I couldn't find (Loomis, Bridgman, Peck).

I popped open Animator's Survival Kit and managed to copy some of the exercises, but it feels like I'm absorbing everything properly.

I'm currently at pages 64 to 68 (the one where he animatws the guy picking up chalk and heading over to the board), and there's this sense I'm just going through the motions.

Is there another way to tackle this, to make sure I fully absorb what these books teach before moving onto the next?

Is there a reason you're rendering first before going into linework? Am I missing something here?

>> No.6173845 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 341x308, 1654109239019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teacher senpai at figure drawing classes complimented my work
>qt model did too
>some random guy talked to me on the bus while i was drawing and said my art is cool
i am genuinely happy, i will work even harder on my art now.

>> No.6173914 [DELETED] 

>get back into drawing
>adds joy to my life, feel like a little kid again
>draw every single day with excitement
>take commissions because why not
>have 4 of them
>suddenly procrastinating starting from day 1
>can't even look at tablet
>barely drew in 4 months and feel depressed

Idk why I always do this. I don't think the money is even worth it

>> No.6173918 [DELETED] 

Literally me. I don’t even bother with commissions unless it’s just like a sketch

>> No.6174001

Why is it almost a battle to start drawing everyday? But when I draw its one of my favorite things in the world?

Like I'm disciplined, I get myself to work. But as I go to sit down and set out my drawing tablet everyday I'm like "Damn I don't really want to do this." and then I'll draw for 3-4 hours and be having a really good time, and have trouble stopping.

Does anybody else have this? I love drawing and animating, how come it feels like I'm gonna go through hell when I start each day.

>> No.6174003


>> No.6174017

holy shit im at the point where studying art is more exciting and enjoyable to do than playing videogames! i was addicted to video games just 3 months ago but since i started studying i rarely play. its fucking insane and im so happy i dropped videogames because i was pouring at least 4 hours a day to that shit.

>> No.6174028

I used to mindlessly browse /ic/ on my phone instead of drawing on my commute, but that awful squirting anime girl pussy ad fixed that. Now I get at least 30 minutes of art in.

>> No.6174033

Hate having to redraw something/go back on previous mistakes because I end up feeling that the first result wasn't that bad compared to the final one.

>> No.6174048

Yeah for real. I lost my desire to play videogames years ago, nowadays I mostly only pick up games to check out the art. It takes effort to get past the learning curve for a new game, and for what? the same exact skills that thousands of other players have? for just one specific game too? Feels literally worthless. With making art you're literally unbounded with what you can make, with your own tastes baked in, and a following cheering you on to boot. Not to mention making money from it. Assuming you're good, of course. Once you reach that point video games literally feel like a waste of time.

>> No.6174052

If you have the time to give a shit about this you literally don't draw enough.

>> No.6174156

I only post when I'm sitting on the shitter, so it works out fine.

>> No.6174434

At some point in recent weeks drawing became my "default" activity, as opposed to scrooling or playing vidya. Inversely, video games take more effort for me now. Like I will die in a game and I'll just be like "yeah fuck this imma draw". A year ago it was literally the opposite, whenever I struggled with art I'd be like "fuck this shit, time to play vidya".

What helped me make this change was limiting my internet use. I turn the internet off first thing in the morning and it stays off until 6 PM, but I often find myself drawing way past that anyway because I get lost in it. It's like, it's 6 PM and I can give my brain that fix of dopamine but I'm really more interested in putting in another hour or two into my art instead. Also I quit porn too if that matters.

I think constant, unrestricted internet use can really fuck up your ability to have any kind of passion for something that isn't instant gratification.

>> No.6174454

Commissions are the devil. If you want to make money with your art, take the Patreon/Etsy/artist alley route where you mass produce cheap merchandise of either existing series or generically cute shit. Commissions never pay what they're worth, are soul sucking, and just have you dealing with the worst people. You know who I deal with selling plastic keychains with my art on it at anime conventions? Excited teenagers who gush over my art the way I used to gush over my favorite artists back in the day. It's some chicken soup for the soul shit.

>> No.6174458

i hate this board so much but i can't leave the crabs win

>> No.6174470

fighting the good fight anon

>> No.6174493

Just ignore them. /ic/ is unironically a horrible barometer for art, if your work is bad or average you will get vague critiques like "loomis" and "draw more". If your art is good you will be prosecuted by jealous schizos who will samefag and dox you. I reached 1k followers, a consistent stream of comms and I have people constantly praising my art and it feels amazing. I draw my girlfriend regularly and she loves it, I've drawn friends and they liked it so much they put it up as their profile pics on social media, I've had people ask me to draw them in public. I literally connected with so many people and felt so happy once I let go of all the toxic shit instilled in me by this atrocious board of jealous non-artist scumbags. That being said I always strive to be self critical and I'm not complacent, but it feels miles better to study and grind because I want to justify people's praise, instead of being locked up at home all day grinding loomis because some jealous faggots who don't draw and don't post work said I'm not good enough.

If I had listened to /ic/ I'd still be nobody, making 0$, meeting nobody and drawing alone because when I post here it's was just vague catty quips like "your elbows are pointy kek" or "your lines lack permanence" (wtf?).

>> No.6174506

>vague critiques like "loomis" and "draw more".
you do have to admit that most of the problems people have come from just not drawing and lack of a proper process/workflow to create 3D forms and study anatomy/figure drawing

doesnt matter where you go or who yout alk to these 2 things are universal constants it isnt an /ic/ thing

now the crab comments? shit, if thats enough to get someone mad and emotional then idk what to tell you, seems like common sense ot just ignore random retarded comments and these comments and types of people you will encounter anywhere in life it isnt a reason to give up on a board that still has good in it for an artist even if it is just the free resources

now to be less nice, id enjoy seeing your work so i can be added to the list of people that tell you to draw more and go read a book

>> No.6174510


>> No.6174511

unironically pyw
until then everything you have said is only real in your head and youre just a /beg/ who cant handle someone telling them they need to draw more

but dont worry i dont expect you to post anything just like crabs, you whinny bitches also never post shit

>> No.6174512

my biggest problem is the lack of artists, I don't care if a good artist tells me I am shit and that I should kms but when someone who doesn't draw also derails threads and crabs, it gets really pathetic. It's also full of people pretending they have figured it out like >>6174506
while providing no work to back it off. My rule is, no work=opinion dismissed.

>> No.6174538

Nta but I have seen the phrase symbol drawing being thrown around in /beg/ for no reason, and every mistake in a head drawing will get LOOMIS'd, instead of to the point criticism, like pointing out wonky parts and misplacements. This place is full of people who parrot meme phrase instead of having the ability to point out what is wrong/right

>> No.6174539

yeah it's basically impossible to discuss anything without people throwing meme words, but honestly that's just a site-wide problem after twitter and reddit kiddies invaded the place

>> No.6174541

Absolutely seething and jealous. You will NEVER know how amazing it feels to make people happy with your art, and you will NEVER know how it feels to be actually happy about drawing. Enjoy your dead end job and post-work anime head doomgrinding for a hobby you don't even like.

I recommend art discords because there you can see everyone's work. Just don't use it as a social outlet and only post your work there. I'm in Ahmed Aldoori's discord and it has helped me a lot since there's a lot of really talented folks there, but there's good free options like a few /ic/ based discs.

But I seriously mean it, DO NOT vent anything unrelated to art there, you just want unbiased opinions on your work from people whose work you can see, that's all. As well as discussion that might aid your learning.

>> No.6174542

>Enjoy your dead end job and post-work anime head doomgrinding for a hobby you don't even like.

none of those anons you quoted but this is just projecting, especially if you yourself are in support groups because you aren’t established yet. A lot of people here have good careers that are well paid and don’t need to make a living with drawing.

>> No.6174543

not that person but those people with careers arent the ones not posting work and crabbing on anyone who shows potential lmao. lets not forget this board bullied BBC, tableguy, ortamaw, marmaldade mum, and that simon/tealbrush guy all out because they were too good/successful for this shithole. that anon may or may not be larping but what he says is true, this board hates people with potential

>> No.6174548

There is something that makes brushes feel different. Like when I use my favourite chalk brush I feel unstoppable but when I try to use G pen I always get confused and you can say afraid of using it.

>> No.6174549

It’s not the brush, it’s your technical skill.

>> No.6174560

the difference being that a random person off the street doesnt pretend to be a professional artist that says false information all the time
people tend to be a bit more sensitive when some charlatan is in their lane especially when that lane involves a lot of blood sweat and tears, most people in deep careers are like this

>> No.6174575

One thing all of those namefags have in common is that they're namefags on an anonymous board with the exception of teal's given name by the community. It's natural for people to hate on teal not because of his skill but because he's a lolicon. We could go over each namefag but they all specifically draw targets on themselves by being overtly showoffish.

>> No.6174576

Absolutely based, good to here that someone isnt completely miserable for a change.

>> No.6174579

pure fanfiction in 1 post
and confirmation seeking bias post based on current mood

>> No.6174581

Oh I suppose tableguy is also a community-given name.

>> No.6174588

>We could go over each namefag but they all specifically draw targets on themselves by being overtly showoffish
>overtly showoffish
Not him but this legitimately reeks of jealousy and vendetta garbage from those who couldn't reach their skilllevel.

>> No.6174589

so you openly admit that this board has driven away every actual confirmed pro artist that has posted while saying that many career artists post here?
>We could go over each namefag but they all specifically draw targets on themselves by being overtly showoffish.
they weren't "showoffish" they were just posting art, not their fault they actually put in the work and have recognizable art

you are a retard pretending to be a professional, the real pro artists don't post here anymore. so no lol, like i said the people crabbing on you on /ic/ are losers who draw like once a week.

>> No.6174599

>so you openly admit that this board has driven away every actual confirmed pro artist that has posted while saying that many career artists post here?

I think you're getting confused here. I said nothing about career artists posting here. I said people who have good careers like programming, medical, lawyer, etc, who don't need to "make it" with art to put bread and wine on the kitchen table.

People tend to leave out their own fruition for unrelated reasons. Do you have any evidence whatsoever, just one post, from any of the infamous namefags that said they left /ic/ because of crabs crabbing on them besides what you keep reading from people who say this that continue to lurk the very place they hate day in and day out? It's people like this who constantly keep saying "/ic/ is good only for the resources but when you get those resources, leave" yet they themselves still stick around.

They're the equivalent of trolls under the bridge yelling at pedestrians to stop and walk back because the zone ahead is dangerous but then the troll walks into the dangerous zone to sleep at night.

>> No.6174604

It never seems to amaze me how many post i read that flat out deny that ic a complete fucking shithole whenever people point it out. There's a reason noone but the most mentally ill crabs ever seem to stick around.

>> No.6174606

*it never ceases to amaze me

Dumb South American; go hire your English tutor to give you a couple more rounds of lessons.

>> No.6174613

>I think you're getting confused here. I said nothing about career artists posting here. I said people who have good careers like programming, medical, lawyer, etc, who don't need to "make it" with art to put bread and wine on the kitchen table.
okay i did misunderstand. but that still leaves you with jealous hobbyists who think anyone good is "showing off" and feel the need to shit on them.
> evidence
no because those people stand to gain nothing from bitching about it, it's just that when they post their art and its met with a legion of non-artists seething and screaming at them for the 100th time, they will probably give up on posting. we've all seen what happens when any of these artists enter a thread. someone posts an inane opinion, gets told off, the other guy says "pyw!!!" and he realizes he was talking to BBC all this time. then it's "b-but you draw porn so it doesn't count and your faces are... uh.. theyre all the same!!!! im... uh... im better than you because.. uhh. i just am okay?? i dont have to post my work!!!", except instead of 1 person saying that it's the collective jealousy of /ic/ being spammed at them by multiple, equally envious people. this is not a productive or intelligent community for the most part which is why all the pro artists left.
>They're the equivalent of trolls under the bridge yelling at pedestrians
warning people about something is perfectly valid. a smoker might be addicted to that shit but him telling you to not get into it is sound advice, same with people saying "hoard resources then leave".

as for simon being a lolicon, this board is full of full blown pedo artists who get ignored. why? because they're not good enough to make you jealous. simon was genuinely interested in helping and he ended up as a cautionary tale for this shithole.

>> No.6174619

You're only arguing grammar because you're too much of a disengoues faggot to adress my point. Like i said /ic/ is a shithole and there's a reason noone but the most mentally ill crabs ever seem to stick around and no amount of seething will make it any less true.

>> No.6174629

>and there's a reason noone but the most mentally ill crabs ever seem to stick around

So..why are you still here? Birds of a feather stick together, am I right? Why do people like you speak as if you're talking through some tube TV in another dimension as if you're not in the same room? I really don't get it.

>> No.6174643


I still think Simon is some industry teacher in Cali. His methods are just too good.

>> No.6174649

He's just seething in here, these threads attract needlessly hostile types who got crabbed one too many times and just wanna argue

>> No.6174991 [DELETED] 

>if you don't like why don't you l-leave
I'm not here for you I'm here for the free shit. And I have every right to call this place because that's my experience withit. Taking the resources and running is the way to best way engage with this board at this point. If you like then that on you.
Agreeing with a post is picking a fight now? thin skin at it's finest.

>> No.6175002

>if you don't like why don't you l-leave
I'm not here for you, I'm here for the free shit. And I have every right to call this place because that's my experience with it.Taking the resources and running is the way to best way engage with this board at this point. If you do like it then that's on you.
Agreeing with a post is picking a fight now? thin skin at it's finest.

>> No.6175021

I love that nodraw managed to catch on. It perfect describes the menace which plagues this board.

>> No.6175025

>Taking the resources and running is the way to best way engage with this board at this point.

Well grab and run faster my basketball American. Why are you walking? My grandma moves faster than you.

>> No.6175027

I already knew, idiot.

>> No.6175035

nodraw is the worse forced meme to date

>> No.6175065


>> No.6175228

Kys why should i give a fuck if they are namefags? Marmale mum was the only person that gave me a redline in this shithole, i would change her for a faggot like you and i would not miss you

>> No.6175233

Nta but like i said, i refuse to let the crabs win

>> No.6175235

Why are you so mean?

>> No.6175251

did i hurt your feelings?

>> No.6175373


>> No.6175487

same, the most helpful anon on this board namefag or not are always the one's who draw the best yet they're regularly driven out because these bitchfaggots can't stand being eclipsed because they're fucking mid on their best day.

>> No.6175529

Yeah I feel this the most with Twitter. Smashes my attention span to pieces

>> No.6175545

That's awesome. I think pressure just always gets to me. I can't even pull the trigger on releasing my Patreon because I don't want the feeling of knowing it's there and the expectations that come with keeping people happy.

>> No.6175562

if those other pedo artists start giving useful redlines and advice then they'll be regarded the same way as teal has been. he is one of if not the most helpful person that's been on /ic/ but he's still a pedo, i can at least compartmentalize that aspect of him, helps that he doesn't overtly show it except on separate blogs, that information got divulged by some anon that recognized him on /co/ then relayed the information here

>> No.6176584

Digital art was almost unusable in the 90's unless you're one of those autists that makes full rendered pieces im MS Paint.

>higher standards
You have no idea what you're talking about dumb zoomer. Art was in the shitter in the 90's, when the post-modernism meme was still in full force.
We're literally living in an art renaissance now because digital made it so easy to pick up drawing, and high quality art education that is accessible to everyone.

>> No.6176586

I don't see a problem with it. Just make sure you know how to take critique or rejection from them, in the eventual case they won't like the art they've commissioned from you.

>> No.6176595

Different brushes demand different techniques

>> No.6176979

New Thread when?

>> No.6177001
