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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 467 KB, 2369x2977, 20220712_225000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6158588 No.6158588 [Reply] [Original]

Now that I started drawing regularly and I am not exactly /beg/, how long should it take me to reach the level of the average good Twitter/Newgrounds artist? My ideal is 1 year or even less, but I can't just no life and neet drawing everyday for 10 hours since this choice is probably the most realistic to take if I want to get good quickly.

People told me some of those aren't even that special skill-wise in general yet 95% of "artists" I see on the internet still draw like total shit, no matter which forum or art server. I already aknowledge most of the don't even study properly, but the initial routine I am building is mostly non-stop fundamentals and master studies with plenty of sketches/doodles and a finished piece at best every 2 or 3 day.

>> No.6158592

this beg bitch cant even post his work

>> No.6158594

Post your work.

>> No.6158598

Not gonna post my recent finished works since I am still doodling and warming up with an occasional test to get out of my comfort zone, but I have decent enough knowledge and experienced about art. My only problems are just being lazy as fuck and getting jealous of people more skilled than me, but I do want to reach professional and advanced skill levels in the future.

>> No.6158611
File: 1005 KB, 498x373, bye-bye-mr-hankey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna read it.
Go to /sqt

>> No.6158613

control your envy of other artist's skills, and chill a little, learning to draw takes time. you're going to hurt yourself over and over again thinking that way.

>> No.6158615

you talk like a /beg/
so basically you'll never reach your stupid vague /beg/ goals

>> No.6158628
File: 652 KB, 900x672, 20220712_005635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that I feel like I don't enjoy drawing much anymore purely because I am not good enough for my own standards of what I consider "good". I am specifically looking for high technical skill comparable to a good Twitter or Newgrounds artist instead of a Deviantart teenager, to say it loud desu. It's not even that I don't know what to study and what I should do since I've been repeated the same things a shitton of times by now, it's that I can't seem to commit myself to draw everyday and significantly purely because my own art kind of makes me feel like shit. This is the major reason why sometimes I take months of hiatus, alongside remembering my shitty reputation in general and associating my own art with my meme status in this shithole and related Discord servers.

TL;DR The reason why I want to get good quickly it's not because I want to mog people or anything like that, it's because I legit don't like how my art looks like and don't want to be made fun of because of it. Add my insecurity problem in general to the mix and you've got the answers for all my procrastinations and lack of commitment.

Pic related is a recent colored doodle

>> No.6158662

are you that who they call... gabe

>> No.6158665

Yes, I don't even give a shit about still posting here sometimes because I don't have any other place or close friends to let my frustrations out.

>> No.6158666

Yes, how do you know tourist???

>> No.6158672

has asking for help ever helped you? has anyone ever given you good advice that worked? why do you continue to keep asking for help so much. is it just a habit when you're frustrated? it's picke btw.

I struggled too and had to take many hiatus's myself, it sucks but art kinda sucks like that when you're doing something wrong and you don't know what.

all I know is the last thing someone struggling needs is more hard work. go a little easier on yourself if you can, don't do something unless it is working.

>> No.6158683

>has asking for help ever helped you? has anyone ever given you good advice that worked? why do you continue to keep asking for help so much.
I am not asking for help regarding learning and fundamentals since I know what I should study by this point, and the board has been very helpful in those regards (at least the few posters who gave me actually good advice). I am asking for help regarding my bad feelings, insecurity and low self-esteem fueled by a meme status I want to get rid of. My social skills are just kind of bad and those last few years made me connect my art with my shitty reputation at times.

>> No.6158691
File: 431 KB, 3504x2336, Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha alright man it's alright i dont really care if your this or that.
you know how bout i help you out bit. i just wanna start by just asking you a few questions.

Where do you want to take your art? Lots of people hold vague ambitions that never really manifest themselves no longer how long they seemingly commit to it. Is there a job your trying to get? are just trying to farm online clout for the hell of it while making a little money in the meantime?
So, in addition to the previous question, who do you aspire to be like? you mention Twitter and Newgrounds artists. Can you tell me a few that you personally admire and strive to be like? it could be anyone. just someone you genuinely want to be like. not just an artist that sounds good
Ill try to help you based on your answers, but honestly i already have an idea of what you really need

>> No.6158702

oh and it's fine to want good fundies, but outright rejecting teenager like charm/appeal is a bad idea I think.

it's like overly focusing on big boobs, I think it's gonna be great but for some reason it just never actually comes out that good? especially when I can just draw some generally sexy thing much lewder. even if you want good fundies, it's more important to just try to make it look good.
... im gonna try again.

>> No.6158718

oh its you gabe
honestly you've blown any good will you've had here
even if you got good no one here would care because what an autist you'v ebene

>> No.6158762

imagine trying to help gabe
gabe going to be eating good like the attention whore he is with so many tourists and newfags these days who dont know who he is

>> No.6158783

You've been drawing for literal years don't say just "one" to feel better about yourself

>> No.6159112

You hate your style but you won't change it.
You hate being bad but you won't studying.
It's impossible to help you.

>> No.6159157
File: 98 KB, 250x287, 1629924695901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) You keep asking the same questions over and over, maybe you should kill yourself, as you will never accept any answer we give you;

2) As long as you can't see that pic related is ugly as sin, you won't improve. You can be a master, but if your aesthetic sense is broken, you will only birth abominations upon this world.


>> No.6159751

Did you learn to drive yet Gabe? Did you get a job yet?

>> No.6159752

/ic/els keeps saying talent doesn't exist and you can grind appeal
Yet everyday I see evidence that some people simply can't draw no matter how hard they try

>> No.6160759

If you don't need art advice and need advice on how to manage yourself and your emotions.
Then there is a lot of self help books about that. Stuff like growth mindset ect. Barring that, you could go seek help from a psychologist.
Most people just deal with it until they need professional help.

>> No.6160771

not gabe but changing art style can be very hard especially since it's a habit. I try really hard to change my style but it always ends up obviously being mine, especially difficult with sketching or painting.

>> No.6160978

This is good! I go to an art school and it's surprising that you're at this level. You do have a unique art style so you don't need to worry *much* about anatomy and clothing, but I suggest you buy books or find reliable sources about both of those subjects.

>> No.6160987

Honestly alchemy is the purest form of self help. Fuck all this nu age nonsense and engineer your own spiritual and mental road, it's fucking awesome. Observe and integrate the legends and stories of old as your armor and weapons against whatever demons cross your path.

>> No.6161032

why is mr gabe so hated hewe :(