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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 59 KB, 1280x720, i wish i could die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6157390 No.6157390 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>taking an art class online
>am learning to draw because i aspire to be god tier level webtoon artist one day
>can draw girls
>suck SHIT at drawing guys
>which is bad because i want my webtoon to be a romance novel ( boy/girl love)
>for one of the online lessons, teacher asks us to draw our characters and they'll repaint the parts where they felt we went wrong
>shows teacher a picture of my attempt to draw my male character
>they repaint it to show my mistakes
>their version is 1000x better than mine
>spent the whole night studying guy faces, trying to imitate the style teacher did on making my guy character look so great
>try and fail miserably over and over again
>EOS: I'm ready to give up as an artist and just ask to commission teacher as an artist for my webcomic
>why can't i fucking draw guys?

>> No.6157397

Same reason why some people can't draw women.

>> No.6157415

Anon before you kys could you post your work so we could help?

>> No.6157419

Are you a girl? I will teach you how to draw guys if you are femaaaaAAAAAHHHH GODDAMMIT I AM SO LONELY AND HORNY AAAHH

>> No.6157422

one night isn't enough to reach your teacher's level, keep trying for at least a month

>> No.6157423

Okay I will post and show something before the night ends

>> No.6157426

yes I am a female anon

>> No.6157427

Post your work and your teachers paint over

>> No.6157446

yes I am female anon (male)

>> No.6157447
File: 753 KB, 4000x6000, guy face sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a quick 20 min sketch I spent drawing a guy's face. I couldn't draw the rest of the male body because then ill really feel like KMS (i'm so bad at it)

>> No.6157462

It's really not that bad, in that it reads as male anyway. I guess his neck is a little slim, but that's almost entirely personal preference. What do your women look like?

The male body can definitely be more difficult though if you're somebody who likes the "curve" women have.

I have the opposite problem to you though, I cannot draw women. They all look like men.

>> No.6157465

It’s masculine enough to tell it’s a guy, nose is a little off. For your women I’m guessing you simplify the boss further? You can do the same for men, keep in mind the shadow shapes. In webcomics male noses are simplified as less upturned from females. You have the other big differentiators such as jaw, chin, and eyebrows fine. Male bodies are easier to distinguish. A good anatomy for artists book like stonehouse would help.

>> No.6157470

Drawing men is absurdly fucking fun once you understand the highlights of the bodies and face. They're complex but points of their bodies are much easier to find and point out, due to how defined they are. Honestly you can pick up any artist anatomy book and copy male torsos for a pretty quick lesson on how to draw male bodies, but if you need a direction to look I recommend Atlas of Human Anatomy by Stephen Rogers Peck. The way he simplifies the body is perfect.

>> No.6157533


unironically ngmi

>> No.6157537

The only obvious ngmi faggots are the ones going around crying about what people want to draw instead of drawing

>> No.6157542



Yea anon, you're ngmi. I can shit crap like that out in 40 seconds. Just stick to being a writer and let someone else do the art.

>> No.6157553

One solution could be drawing alot of super manly man (like old western art)
Then tone it down to make them pretty boy instead of just drawing those guys directly

Well that's what steven Zapata told on his livestream while talking about getting out of some bad habit

>> No.6157561

You're not attracted to men, and that's okay. Plenty of women are shit at drawing girls for the same reason. what you have to do is turn off your coombrain during your art studies and focus entirely on anatomy, specifically in your case male anatomy.

>> No.6157562

>20 min

>> No.6157565


So to draw something I must be attracted to it? You're a retard and are ngmi. Don't give me advice again.

>> No.6157568

holy fucking based

>> No.6157570

If you're actually drawing in a realistic style, it's a lot harder to draw feminine characters than masculine ones. Woman characters ending up like trannies is a very easy mistake to do while it's almost impossible to make a character that accidentally looks like a girl.
I would hazard a guess that you're just drawing in a really 2D and formulaic anime style and not really using anatomy.

>> No.6157571

It might help to draw really exaggerated male characters for a few days, like really push some crazy masculine chad energy. If you push everything to a ridiculous extreme it should be easier to pick out the key differences that you're missing and then scale back to taste.

>> No.6157573

Don't take advice then nodraw ngmi. That's not what I said by the way, you tend to draw the sex you're attracted to a lot more than the other, hence why you're shit at drawing men, you don't draw them nearly as much. But by all means continue to be a retarded beg coomer.

>> No.6157575


pyw if you're going to try and give me fucking advice, at least I posted

>> No.6157583

Oh no dawg don't take my advice, just keep shit posting instead of drawing.

>> No.6157584


>> No.6157587

Mind posting the picture and the correction? >>6157447 gives me shitposting schizo vibes

>> No.6157588


Exactly, tired of retards like you trying to post like you're being published when you're just repeating shit people have told you. Fuck off my thread son or pyw pussy.

>> No.6157589


I'd rather not dox him. He has a pretty recognizable style.

>> No.6157593


>> No.6157594
File: 65 KB, 1100x648, received_1232799057489276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6157595

did you even use construction? you should start with Brent Eviston's course before trying to draw a full face

>> No.6157597


Are you paying this retard teacher to not teach you about what a cranium is?

>> No.6157599


...This "teacher" is scamming you.

>> No.6157600

That looks fine to me Anon. I honestly don't see the problem you said in the OP.

Unless your real problem is that you can't draw the full body, which is a whole different thing regardless of gender.

>> No.6157601
File: 177 KB, 903x1024, 15142db43b9b5d1b0f609c998ab85d3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, who are some of your favorite artists when it comes to drawing men? Can you find some simple sketches by those artists you could study and imitate?

>> No.6157602



>> No.6157610

Noone cares that you're take some online work shop from some dude. Post the drawing.
Is this it? If so it complete lacks romance webcomic appeal.

>> No.6157617

nah that aint it I fixed it for him. I've done a lot of webcomics so

>> No.6157622

Your looks better too specially for somthing like web toon

Just copy pictures from Pinterest and work of other artist you like
You'll get there

>> No.6157626

Wow really? Show me some of your work then ;)

>> No.6157627

You say that I am ngmi and that is fine but there are people that made it and draw "male" faces just like that or even worse.

>> No.6157630

I don't think you rendition is bad per ser, he's right my alley if anything. But characters of that genre and potential GFs anon is aiming for tend to be more intl youthful pretty boy types than scuffy grizzled but cleans up nicely types.
Also what's your webcomic called?

>> No.6157632

>more anatomical detail
>more wrinkles
>more shading
>heavier lines
>more angularity and less roundness
These are how you make your character look both older and more masculine. "old" and "masculine" have a lot of overlap.

>> No.6157635

Lol he made him Arab

>> No.6157638
File: 93 KB, 750x1000, 1521906740720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be handsome as fuck to convince women to wear curtain sets out doors century after century

>> No.6157671

study bridgman, then all you draw will be dudes

>> No.6157677
File: 138 KB, 416x590, male portrait from imagination - curtain hairstyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh for fuck's sake I misread this and thought you were talking about curtain hairstyles and I drew this
goddamn it

>> No.6157724
File: 227 KB, 961x1086, chinmax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think your drawing looks fine enough as is. If you wanted to really stress the masculine aspect I would position his hair so the brow ridge is visible and give him an adams apple. I suppose you could also make his chin stronger & eyebrows thicker, but that's really not necessary. Are you drawing their bodies femininely or something?

I tried to quickly sketch out by what I mean with the brow ridge and strong chin.

>> No.6157757

If you can't draw guys it means you are a homophobic homosexual or bi.

>> No.6157761

Ohhhhhh.... Loook at thiiis DUDE hssghhahhhaaaa

>> No.6158349

Well anon, if you want to make a body look obviously masculine, study Burned Hogarth's "Dynamic Anatomy"

>> No.6158356
File: 24 KB, 350x288, 1635300256879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP quietly skips out of the thread while anons do his homework for him
gay ass shit

>> No.6158451

Hey I gave you some advice, so will you be my girlfriend?

>> No.6158462
File: 156 KB, 655x982, 01-tom-of-finland-kordansky_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, all you need is an artist named Tom of Finland.

>> No.6158476

No, she’s my girlfriend now.

>> No.6158542

Which one was your advice?

>> No.6158549

So I’m your bf now?

>> No.6158637

Show me your girl face. DESU, I'm expecting you to just lacking fundies and knowing only one angle of female face.

>> No.6158650 [DELETED] 

How much do you squat? I don't date weak men

>> No.6158657

How much do you squat, deadlift and bench? I don't date weak men.

>> No.6158705

I think it's unironically the fact that you're using a shitty brush. Pick something that doesn't vary in size to such an extreme degree, and use your eraser as a brush too.

>> No.6158710
File: 431 KB, 1471x648, pace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of the changes that teacher made felt unnecessary. I don't know why he gave your character a hook nose and stubble. Your character design was fine, you just need better fundies in general. Things like smaller eyes, thicker neck, stronger jaw will help your characters read more male, but not improve the quality of your male drawings imo

>> No.6158720

I squat to sit on my chair
I place my tablet on the bench
I deadlift my stylus to draw

Nothing is heavier than the burden of an artist determined to make it.

>> No.6158844

Fix that neck. It looks weird af

>> No.6158848

This thread proves that getting art advice from bunch of begs here is a waste of time. If you want to actually get good, leave /ic/

>> No.6158872

There was decent advice and seeing how OP is also /beg/ getting advice from people near your level can be a lot more helpful as you don’t have the ability to grasp higher concepts yet

>> No.6158896
File: 15 KB, 480x452, 290616690_5198202850266324_1022634396616408785_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting advice from people near your level can be a lot more helpful
That is the worst idea I've ever heard but it's up to you to waste your own time.

>> No.6158927

I’m actually one of the best artists on /ic/

>> No.6159316

i did the same thing but opposite when I was in highschool i watched baki and thought it looked so fucking cool so all my character were like bara super chads with quintuple super face muscles and then i would draw women and they would just be dudes with boobs ( big ass shoulders, no hips, and defined ass muscles, square heads with defined chins, etc. etc. )

>> No.6159329

A legend came back..

>> No.6159331

SauceNao isn't giving me anything back but some random sketches,
Is it yours? Blog?

>> No.6159357

god, I wish it was mine
it's weird that saucenao isn't coming up with anything because I definitely found it on a booru
found it
fumio or something like that

>> No.6159384

i hope you achieve your webtoon goal. It might take some time just assimilating the webtoon workflow and the workload itself. Nonetheless don't give up

>> No.6159394

Watch gay porn everyday

>> No.6159488
File: 37 KB, 500x491, School-Girl-3-gorillaz-27619456-500-491.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my art from when I was 13. Keep practicing, it wasn't easy for me since I ignored the fundamentals & am now going to school to undo the "wrong" I've done. You won't get good over night, but everyday counts

>> No.6159527
File: 7 KB, 220x275, 1655209518401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot anon!

>> No.6159554

hey is it ok to know the webtoon course you're doing? I wanted to get some learning done this summer as well. thanks !

>> No.6159652

That's not a high bar since most of /ic/ can't draw

>> No.6160050

>>taking an art class online
Found your first issue. If you're not having high sexual tension in person art classes with 40 year old women you're not learning.

>> No.6160103

Great critique. Your art is legit better than op’s teacher.

Op, go back to fundies, girlie. Maybe copy some of your fav handsome anime dudes.

>> No.6161974

>chiseled face
you got the right idea

>> No.6162939

'studying' to become a webtoon artist is like studying to flip burgers at mcdonalds

>> No.6163021

Ah sweet
A fujo thread

>> No.6163088

whats the sauce for that image op? asking for a friend

>> No.6163253

Just draw yuri or traps