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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6155820 No.6155820 [Reply] [Original]

What did the old masters have that we dont /ic/?

>> No.6155822


>> No.6155846

What you should be asking is what they DIDNT have.
Social media.
Endless instant gratification.

I am aware of the irony of me bitching about the internet...while on the internet. My brain is rotten and I dont know if it can ever be fixed, our dopamine receptors are fried and are in constant need of ever changing stimuli.

>> No.6155849


>> No.6155850

More focus and less distractions

>> No.6155851


Proper training/mentorship

>> No.6155852

Training, mentorship, patrons, dedicating their lives to practically one thing only.

>> No.6155972


Lack of excuses.

>> No.6155977

They actually drew and painted instead of being on 4chan and jer king off all day

>> No.6155979

No internet.

>> No.6155999
File: 40 KB, 850x400, quote-genius-is-eternal-patience-michelangelo-19-86-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6156001

A Bathhouse

>> No.6156038

>our dopamine receptors are fried
The only time I ever hear this cliche line is when it's from someone willing to admit a problem but not wanting to do anything about it.

Just get off the fucking computer. Christ. It's nowhere near as difficult as you've convinced yourself, you're just looking for an excuse to stay in your comforting little bubble.

>> No.6156141
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wtf captcha

also, talent. thats why we call them old masters, not old mediocres

>> No.6156197

>What did the old masters have that we dont /ic/?
Hundreds of years for the best of their works to be eternally immortalized and honored by future cultures.
There is nothing they did back then skill-wise that internet artists today aren't doing. The only difference between then and now is that time has passed to allow for their works to be collected and added into the canon of "masterworks" and for culture to progress to a point where the works were easily available enough to receive praise and adoration.

>> No.6156206


>> No.6156236

The autism to spend several years on a single painting and the centuries to hide all the crappy ones they made.

>> No.6156239

Economic incentive for highly skilled artists to spend years on a single painting. Back then the church or royalty or wealthy aristocrats would pay artists to work full-time on a single piece until it was perfect. The industrial revolution changed all this. Now speed and efficiency are important parts of the professiomal artist's workflow. Fine art had no idea how to cope with this and went insane in response.

>> No.6156242

michelangelo was an autistic sperg incel

>> No.6156249

They were not afraid of lead based pigments

>> No.6156287

softkills in the food and water

>> No.6156320


>> No.6156597

this sadly

>> No.6156699

who had sex

>> No.6156703

There's no evidence he ever had sex, he lived like a monk for his entire adult life

>> No.6156927

This but also back then life was much more interesting and adventures also didn't have 24/7 demoralising media outlets

>> No.6156959

This >>6155849
This >>6155850
And also motivation.

>> No.6156967

They had nothing else to do really
They could paint one painting for months pr years

>> No.6156989

assistants to do all the work while you add some details and signature.

>> No.6157000

The secret is that they had less. Our lives are filled with distraction.

>> No.6157719

The old masters would be better if they had access to /ic/

>> No.6157737

no internet to fuck around on
instead they could draw, or get syphilis in brothels

>> No.6157823


no digital realm to learn from
no digital realm to drown in

>> No.6158130


>> No.6158163

The soul of an old master literally resides within me but /ic/ is one of the things holding me back.

>> No.6158168

>will power

To name a few.

>> No.6159809

You sound like kids that think they can't just block or mute cyberbullies. Turn off the TV and news. Hell, take the antenna off your car so the radio doesn't work. Media, social or otherwise, isn't real.
Turn the computer on when you wish to do something productive with it, otherwise, turn that shit off.

>> No.6159819
File: 171 KB, 1600x1167, depositphotos_185260022-stock-photo-thief-balaclava-threatening-woman-gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a holdup, give me the artist, medium, dimensions, location and year of OP Picrel.

>> No.6159993

based vessel of spectral creativity

>> No.6160002


>> No.6160133

Weren't they privileged 0.0001% of people that were trained from a young age and spent all their time honing their skills? They basically had time. You can have all the tutorials in the world the internet can give you, but it means nothing if you don't have time. We spend 8 hours a day + commuting time + house chores + social stuff, just to exist. Nearly every day for decades. Most people don't have the fortitude to practice their art in their 'free' time.

>> No.6160242

It's not a soul of an old master. It's one of the demon-like beings that have used that master in the past to do their bidding.

>> No.6160538

They had mentors who forced them to grind out copies of other masters works for like 10+ hours a day for a few years.

>> No.6160541

how do you get a master mentor to teach you today?

>> No.6160583

I dont think that's. ur typical asian artist do that regularly but they arent on the same level

>> No.6160586

threaten them at gunpoint.

>> No.6160629

lots of free time and no internet to distract them

>> No.6160634

You dont. "Academic" art got so trashed im the past that today the link has broken and there is no descendant of this people

>> No.6160643

By academic do you mean traditional techniques or realism?

>> No.6161645


i need a job to make money to survive, it takes away 60hrs(counting comute time) of my week
i barely sleep 6 hours and have like 2 hours a day to draw
weekends i watch a couple ours of netflix or play some games but i really wish i had a artist job instead of a regular job

>> No.6161771

I suppose he means formal art education in colleges and major schools.
Everything changed after Duchamp, nowadays plastic are treated like trash in favor of conceptual art.

>> No.6161779

Patience and the funding to work on something for months or years.
More complex is not harder, it's just more complex. The actual meat of that image is basic understanding of perspective and shading.

>> No.6161783

Patience, time...
AI that makes you dread for your job.

>> No.6162934

academic system was different from the one old masters had except maybe for the ones at the very periphery.

>> No.6162938

A future

>> No.6163479

it has more to do with their will and strive, how they saw the world and what they valued, than anything like 'talent', 'patience', 'decency', 'free time', 'motivation', and other simple things, it depends much more on what they wanted that we don't want and don't care about already

>> No.6163495
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They didn't have to work at a soul sucking job for 40 hours a week and received mentorship every single day and were given the time and money to work at their craft.

Also they almost always were born in Nobility or higher class meaning they didn't have to worry about the toils of being a peasant. So they had sheer luck of the draw as far as being born in the right family who could pay their way into putting their child in education in the arts.

The highest of their arts was the ultimate representation of their cultural and economic prosperity, art was not something "for the people" it was for only the richest and most educated to learn and enjoy.

>> No.6163499

They had guilds. After that they had ateliers which still had master-student relations. Then modernists fucked it all up and were left with nothing. If you want to learn anything now you have to reinvent the wheel again and basically teach yourself everything.

>> No.6163503

Patrons to pay for their livelihood and peasents to do all the work.

>> No.6163515


Rembrandt was the son of a miller, anon. Leonardo da Vinci was even a bastard child.

>> No.6163525
File: 2.54 MB, 4001x2692, Frederic_Edwin_Church_-_Aurora_Borealis_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In hindsight of course we have come to hate the modernists for destroying the "high arts".

However, you have to understand why this happened. In todays society we the common people are allowed to view any piece of historical art in all of it's beauty, if a piece has been collected privately we can still see scans on the internet, and museums house the very best of artists for us to enjoy at an affordable price.

If you were a peasant living in the 1800s you would not give two flying fucks about art, artists, or anything of class. Because you were too poor, hungry, and overworked to care or understand or even afford to go see paintings.

The sheer disparity between classes and it's elitism caused the downfall of culture. The tides were eventually going to turn as the world population exponentially grew and the poor overwhelmed the rich.

Im not saying it was a good thing, but it was an eventuality, all we can do is lament that we were not born under the circumstances to enjoy and create art during the golden age of painting, but we should feel happy and lucky that we live in the age of the internet where all of it is literally at our finger tips.

These are not ordinary men anon. You are cherry picking one of our highest geniuses ever born. Also, this was during the renaissance, which had the perfect conditions for geniuses of the highest caliber to progress the arts. Don't forget also, Rembrandt still was chosen to apprentice several masters after attending a university, Rembrandt was not a commoner.