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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 693 KB, 630x1070, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6155501 No.6155501 [Reply] [Original]

how to make nice looking vaginas?
Some look pretty gross

>> No.6155506

study your favorites. pay attention to the flesh-ness and how physics can come into play. A big problem i see in coom is plastic looking vag in attempt to draw phat coinslot pussy

>> No.6155583


They all gross.

>> No.6155605

cocks are aesthetic and have more to look at
they can have great shapes and sizes, color and character

>> No.6155622

study your girlfriend's

>> No.6155630

Gayest thread on this website.

>> No.6155636

Not surprised homosexuals like cock more than pussy.
Can we get some straight men in this thread that knows what a vagina looks like?

>> No.6155642

this image is grotesque

>> No.6155651
File: 1.40 MB, 767x763, af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never seen a woman.

>> No.6155659

real women look terrible because they're not waxed clean like porn. pubes are repulsive.

>> No.6155695
File: 292 KB, 1715x2048, 1652151933216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

irl cocks are disgusting, drawn cocks are pretty hot

>> No.6155698
File: 25 KB, 150x150, 1464633735545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Vagina in itself is not at all pleasant to look at, just because you have a hole will not guarantee you the ideal Man you believe to be entitled to. No, just because you ride the Male casserole with Tyrone and friends now doesn't mean you're going to be able to find the right Man to settle down with once you are used up goods. The only ones who are truly attracted to the Vagina (No the feminine form, but the actual genital) are the muff divers who want to literally drown in pussy and they're mostly other Women who want pussy and even bake cakes out of their own menstrual blood. There is nothing appealing about a Vagina, in fact there's a perfectly good reason why Giger conceptualized the face huger referencing the Vagina because he realized the nightmare fuel a bleeding cunt that spews out blood clots at least once a month really is. The Vagina smells, it's prone to both bacterial and yeast infections, and it's located near the anus so each time you wipe your butt you get the off chance of smearing shit all over your cunt so congratulations you're a walking bleeding shit stained cunt and for anyone who is about to be a white knight for this bitch you can go eat shit from pussy.

>> No.6155701
File: 81 KB, 200x200, Max bait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually fucking retarded. Go back to fucking your boyfriend aids riddled asshole you disgusting fucking faggot.

>> No.6155704
File: 3.42 MB, 400x225, om3i.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6155709

(Man and Woman) > every other variants and transformers

>> No.6155711

AI looking shit

>> No.6155721

you a bunch of fags

>> No.6155865

For me, as long as the vulva aren't huge and stretched to shit, I'm good with any. Plumpness of the labia is also a big plus. It should look like it's a perfectly ripe peach.

>> No.6155874

It's insane how unattractive this image is. It looks as if they painted over a sex doll. Porn advertisements have less uncanny pussy.

>> No.6155876

looks like fucking silicon....

>> No.6155905

They're fucking China sex dolls, right? Because they look like two poorly made latex vaginas full of glue.

>> No.6155928
File: 1.52 MB, 426x224, 1530929190070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that makes three of us

>> No.6155946

I'm not gay, but this looks fucking nasty

>> No.6155947


>> No.6155993

Meant for >>6155698

>> No.6155994
File: 269 KB, 1280x1265, 1501917767580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First things first.
When standing, the vagina points downward.
Once you learn that the rest is cake.

>> No.6155995

Meant for >>6155698

>> No.6155996
File: 284 KB, 663x404, saa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vaginas all look different
it drives me insane, its impossible to learn how to draw it

>> No.6156000

>choose a couple of ideal shapes
>only practice those shapes
>forget about the rest
easy peasy

>> No.6156004

>doing same face with vaginas

>> No.6156007

This is fucking amazing.

You guys are super gay. I love eating vaginas.

>> No.6156013


>> No.6156022

do girls stink down there?

>> No.6156030

>full of glue
It's called lubrication, virgin.

>> No.6156032

Poor diet and hygiene makes it stink but its nothing a shower before sex can't fix.

>> No.6156055

make them 100% innies or real tight, like if you had used some illegal reference
inner labia almost always looks like shit, despite everything else around it being so fucking nice.

>> No.6156067
File: 497 KB, 900x1200, 95835792_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how this guy draws them.

>> No.6156090

Who is this btw?

>> No.6156148

impossible, you could see a woman on this very site!
although there was this guy that never saw a woman
that monk from a monastery
wonder what he would draw if someone told him to draw a woman
would probably look like attempts by medieval artists at exotic animals

>> No.6156152

>i am a faggot
That's what i read

>> No.6156157

This image is 95% shading and just 5% drawing forms and outlines.
Goes to show how years and years of practice mastering drawing techniques are nothing compared to someone who knows how to blend colors well.

>> No.6156215

They are beautiful you virgin retard. Porn has ruined your brain

>> No.6156234

Genitals in general are gross to look at no matter the chromosome. But dicks are still a bit grosser.

>> No.6156280

image is /thread

>> No.6156605

Op’s pic is gross. Slime fest. Looks like fermented bacteria slathered all over. An ideal pussy and an ideal cock are aesthetic, but they are eternally disgusting for their ability to excrete disgusting fluids and because they are attached to humans. I would say it’s much harder to appreciate when an ideal cock is attached to a faggot male than when an ideal pussy is attached to a faggot female. In general, humans deserve to go extinct.

>> No.6156607

what homosexuality does to a mf

>> No.6156610

>I have never seen pussy

>> No.6156611

no labia no clit no hair and looks like it's made out of silicon. 0/10

>> No.6156617

Okay, virgin.

>> No.6156619

If real pussy was made of silicone, it would never stink and it would be antimicrobial.

>> No.6156622

No. I have never seen a real vagina.
And I am not planning to.

Fact is, innie pussies are aesthetically the most beautiful pussies there are.
And the sticky substance makes it hotter because the stickiness means it's vaginal fluid and not pee.
It also reminds me of tenga onahole lube.

>> No.6156631

The stickiness doesn’t make it hotter for the fact that it IS vaginal lube. Men secrete precum, which is basically a male version of ‘getting wet.’ It’s fucking gross any way you look at it. You ever see what happens when that shit dries up on your dick? Oh right, you’ve never seen a pussy. Not to mention, the clear stuff isn’t all you get on your dick when you’re fucking a real woman. There’s some stringy, goopy white snot wads. Does that turn you on, bro?

>> No.6156635

>There’s some stringy, goopy white snot wads.
Don't forget if she's white she most likely fucks dogs too.

>> No.6156637

I have noticed that porn artists tend to make them look like they belong to barely pubescent girls. No visible wrinkles on the labia, perfectly smooth innies.

>> No.6156642

Comparing precum to vaginal lube is retarded because I am not attracted to male genitals in the first place.

>> No.6156652

That’s because a large portion of the audience has never seen a real vagina and it would terrify them. Gotta keep it inoffensive.

>> No.6156658

Yeast factory

>> No.6156660

That sounds like some kind of bizarre radical feminist bs lol. Pretty sure most of them have seen regular porn before

>> No.6156661

Why do they look cold? Like they’re fresh out the freezer.

>> No.6156680

I can’t stop looking at this picture everytime i scroll by. I fucking love vaginas so much. I want to eat both of them at the same time

>> No.6156681


>> No.6156685

it's supposed to be heat

>> No.6156727

You are an ape.

>> No.6156763

>innie is .... LE BAD
sorry not everyone find roast beef pussy attractive

>> No.6156795

Yeah i hate it when they all look the same, they barely even draw the clits or the labia spread wide as well so lame.
there's an entire spectrum inbetween innies and roast beef to justify the rapid same pussy syndrome.

>> No.6156821

It's because that's the best looking type of pussy, you trying to associate with pedophilia is bullshit.
Porn is about ideals, that's what they do with butts, faces, breasts and so on, stop being so offended over this fact that you would go so far as to associate them with pedophilia.

>> No.6156835
File: 90 KB, 900x900, innie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been procrastinating by watching a lot porn this year, and I've concluded that only like 1 out of 50 women has decent looking labia. rest ranges from slightly unaesthetic to vomit inducing
A couple of my favorites: Marry Queen(pic related) and Heidi Harper

>> No.6156841
File: 591 KB, 872x3557, 1653874859378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the same vein, but a bit more actionable for people familiar with construction.

>> No.6156965
File: 2.39 MB, 360x360, 34e32366c52a273a39b3fbbeea740083bda5eaad77e2064f89bd182d8b7f4cb8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the vagina shames me, that's why i never draws them

>> No.6156976

Stylize them, use art to fix nature's mistakes.
Just like how H-Cup or bigger size boobs only look good on drawings but not in real life.
Same applies to every part of the human body really.

>> No.6156979
File: 43 KB, 592x533, 1657173351752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever seen a post-op mtf pussy? they never look like cis women's. And I have seen A LOT of post-op tranny porn.

>> No.6156983

nice goalpost move retard

>> No.6156987

>clossed twitter acc
>some link to japanese resourse
>all stuff there locked behind paywall

>> No.6157035

Because these are the one that look good faggot.

>> No.6157038

youth is attractive

>> No.6157041

this, obv

>> No.6157045 [DELETED] 

I can't find the artist ToT

>> No.6157048
File: 109 KB, 900x1593, 584c1afe1fc21103bb375ba2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're getting older and you hate it, we get it. In the meantime men are always going to like younger looking girls, it's how nature is and no amount of politically correct bullshit you shove inside of your brain will change this.
Take a rope if you can't stand it, because humans won't evolve out of it overnight.

>> No.6157080
File: 44 KB, 600x477, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6157083

Why do japanese even need tutorials on how to draw vaginas all their stuff is censored anyway

>> No.6157103

Maybe (you)re a pedophile anon, but I’m not. No need to lump us all together.

>> No.6157149

The Japanese are cucks. They love it when their American superiors have access to uncensored pornography that their fellow artists creates. It helps get them off.

>> No.6157150

How come women who say shit like this aren't ridiculed for being femcels

>> No.6157156

Does nobody actually like labia here? I think it's hot especially on a MILF

>> No.6157161

i've seen some mid 30's porn girls with perfectly tight innies (no idea if they all had vaginoplasty or something), and some 18yo looking ones with huge ugly roasties
shit's more about genetics than youth, unless we're talking about 10 year olds, which i assume are all innies, but there's no way to know it for sure

>> No.6157165

I have labia-phobia if that is even a thing, saw some japanese horror movie when I was 5 about a woman with teeth in her vagina which fucked me up massively

>> No.6157168

this one >>6156835 is 31yo, for instance

>> No.6157187

>mid 30s
They are women, these days I don't know anymore if calling women girls is an insult or not but mid 30s are definitely not "girls".

>> No.6157192

There was a 13 year old girl that was bullied by /b/ like 10 years ago for being a roastie. don't remember her name, but her father was a meme because the cyberpolice and dun goofed
if they're younger than me, they're still girls in my book

>> No.6157288

Labiaplasty is a thing.

>> No.6157294

Maybe you should do some digging on why you're so intent on preaching. I'm sure there's very interesting things hidden in there.

>> No.6157317

Preaching is now defined as stating I don’t find vagina attractive based exclusively on how “young it is.” Truly a wonder this board. Pls go back to your containment thread.

>> No.6157320

? you're calling finding attractive young women pedophelia, so yeah you deserve being called a NPC, anon.

>> No.6157322

I really can't tell if people are just memeing or genuinely retarded. What a girl's pussy looks like is purely genetic.

First girlfriend was 17 yo -> beef curtains

Dated a chubby milf for a few years -> Nice plump outer labia with very small inner labia that did not hang out

Another lady in her mid 30s, her pussy was similar to the chubby milf

Another girl I dated was 26 yo, perfect body type for cosplaying as Midna (still regret not getting the chance...), she had a REALLY fat innie. Probably the best one I've seen. And I was definitely not her first, or even the fifth...

>> No.6157324

This is what you initially responded to anon. Defending “barely pubescent” with the schizophrenic rant you posted is reading as pedophilia to me, yes. Not sure why your kind is so offended at being labeled what you are. Tranime truly does rot the brain.

>> No.6157326

When you get all your information of the opposite sex from memes/porn/4chan it tends to breed retardation
Hell most people on this site still think breast size correlates to milk production in any form

>> No.6157330

Look, I found "sources". You should change your mind now, won't you? Since your entirely personality is constructed from norms:
>Ephebophilia strictly denotes the preference for mid-to-late adolescent sexual partners, not the mere presence of some level of sexual attraction.[1] It is not a psychiatric diagnosis.[2]

>Mid-to-late adolescents typically have physical characteristics near or identical to that of legal adults.[10] Because of this, scholars Skye Stephens and Michael C. Seto argue that ephebophilia contrasts what a paraphilia entails since "older adolescents are reproductively viable and the fact that typically men are sexually attracted to older adolescents, as reflected in self-report, psychophysiological, and pornography use studies."[10] Psychiatrist and sexologist Fred Berlin states that most men can find persons in this age group sexually attractive, but that "of course, that doesn't mean they're going to act on it. Some men who become involved with teenagers may not have a particular disorder. Opportunity and other factors may have contributed to their behaving in the way they do".[12] According to psychologist and sexologist James Cantor, it is "very common for regular men to be attracted to 18-year-olds or 20-year-olds. It's not unusual for a typical 16-year-old to be attractive to many men and the younger we go the fewer and fewer men are attracted to that age group."

There's a reason why anime girls are generally around 15 yes, because it's how nature is.
In fact, we're on an art board, so given you've taken time to *think* (if it's something you can do on your own) about it, there is an aesthetic factor at play as well here, which is instrinsically tied to nature and thus to us humans as well.

Now again, ask yourself, what made you type this initialy post, truly why it bothers you, and what compels you to try and shape the world accordingly. I promise it'll be worth it.

>> No.6157340


>> No.6157345
File: 33 KB, 529x364, DSvWzp4VMAAIkmx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6157400

it doesn't look like it, and stop projecting your virginity

>> No.6157457

memes aside, 9 year old girls usually have more aesthetic facial features than almost every over 18 woman
and i have a possible explanation: human females have neotenic faces, making the younger ones look superlatively femenine in comparison

>> No.6157476

This thread is amusing. Remind me a lot of those threads were a guy would post this really good drawing of a 12 year old and somehow 10000 people would come out of the ground to call him a pedo. He would even say something about the girl, just her age and how much he liked the drawing.

Is kinda like this one, conversation about pussy become something stupid like pedo talk. I'm glad my country is not as retarded as the US, really.

>> No.6157482

op was begging for it
there's a reason why the beauty/ugliness of vaginas is NEVER discussed on mainstream media: because it's strongly correlated with underage sexual attractiveness, and there's no bigger taboo subject nowadays

>> No.6157485

Nonsense. I'm telling this only happens on the US, may on UK and Australia, but they are the same thing when it come to those things. you can talk about innie pussies in other places that I seen and faggots don't appear out of nowhere to call you a pedo. Is insane from an outside perspective.

You people got your brain so rotted by the years of online political activism and binary thinking that you can only think in strawmans and everyone that you disagree with needs to be a pedo to try to bring him down publicly. Kiwifarms is just that, a bunch of randoms grasping at straws to call another randoms pedos, twitter is also full of that, tumblr, /pol/ too, any social media you name it and you will find that in some capacity. i would let it go if it was just in a IB that can be full of pedos, but shit like this is just bizarre. Fun to look at but bizarre.

>> No.6157486

>I'm glad my country is not as retarded as the US, really.
Which shithole do you live in? Because most countries have draconian atittudes towards lolicon and pedophilia.

>> No.6157491

Brazil. We don't really care, about drawings I mean, actual pedophilia is something really different.
Actually, is hard for to think in countries that care as much as you do. Most latino countries don't give a fuck, Europe I can think in 3 or 4 and are all anglo or have some influence. Balkan and slavic? Actual real problems to pay attention to, Asian? Maybe India, Philippines and I think Thailand, but is kinda a wide ban on porn in general for political reasons. Overall I can keep track of 10 or 11 that really give a fuck, if you go for porn in general the number goes up to 20, but kinda offtopic, anyone else has more shit to do than bother about drawings. And I really look in to those sort of things, one of my hobbies.

You can find some politicians playing their fucking games, trying, making some statements, shit like this. For the population to go this full retarded? I can only think on UK, and UK is the fucking worse, my dude.

>> No.6157493

we don't go on rampages killing men, we just schlick to yaoi. Maybe incels should learn from femcels.

>> No.6157501

If we're talking about the legal status of drawings, almost every nation in the world has some forms of it illegalized.

>> No.6157506

This is taken of out context and kinda not updated, I already looked in to this. When they say "fictional" they often refer as as something that is truly related to a kid, like if you did a drawing of your 12 yo sister getting fucked.

If you are talking about fictional characters then most laws don't really apply, some small footnote saying all characters are above 18 does the trick, unless is places like UK or Australia I mean, were small boobs are illegal or they try to give drawings human rights for whatever reason. That's the "legally unclear", but even when illegal, pretty much like china or korea, they only have the law up and act on special cases, but still is put on "illegal" on the chart. Lots of porn artists from china and korea as you may be aware.

>> No.6157513 [DELETED] 

Do female artists obsess over the perfect previous labia shape, or is it just a male thing?

>> No.6157518

This thread is extremely transphobic

>> No.6157522

Do female artists obsess over the perfect labia shape, or is it a male thing?

>> No.6157523

All I know is that many women are insecure about their inner labia sticking out.

>> No.6157525

This. The US Supreme Court has dropped the ball many times throughout US history, but the first amendment has been upheld time and time again. The decision in Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition struck down the idea that make-believe naked anime girls that "appears to be, of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct" could be deemed illegal.

>> No.6157530

Women feel insecure about everything in their body, is like they are a walking speaking small dick, is kinda their deal. You can track down almost everything stupid a women does to how insecure she feels, there is a entire industry built around it no different of how we have a entire industry build around men desire to fuck everything with a hole, we are just much more aware of that and our own weakness.

>> No.6157534
File: 144 KB, 1280x669, gawr_gura_hololive_english_2_million_subs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beauty standards for women have ascended beyond the human
People are starting to prefer actual cartoon women

>> No.6157536

weebs aren't people

>> No.6157538

*vtsimps aren't people

>> No.6157548

Seems more like a reaction to the immodest slut culture we have irl, so people live out fantasies about modest innocent girls actually capable of love and incapable of doing wrong because they're fictional. Women do this with 2D men too for their own reasons.

>> No.6157551

kinda hot
3, 9, 15, 24, 28, 40 are nice
would eat
too little (pixels)

>> No.6157556

Yall are not ready to be going through tinder in 25 years, where all the women just have their custom perfect cartoon avatars on their profiles instead of photos, which you will pay your monthly Google Superlens subscription in order to see in real life.

>> No.6157557

The problem of "beauty standards" is like is said is built from men to oppress women when men have a lot of different tastes and waaay less picky towards women. We barely have standards, so the concept itself is bs.

Most beauty standards always been upheld by women on themselves and men are just dragged down as a excuse. I mean, would you really not fuck a girl just because she is not built like a model, or because she doesn't look like an anime girl? If yes, how many guys out there think like you? And the other way around, do you think a girl has more chances of turning down a guy if he is not closer to his ideal? Is all bullshit, and I mean all. third and fourth wave feminism are kinda built around all of those ideas and kinda why it fails, because fundamentally is wrong, built around a fallacy to try to justify a collective irrational behavior.

All because women feel insecure.

>> No.6157563

It's all about eyes to face size ratio
Mammals have a weakness to big eyed stuff like kittens or bushbabies

>> No.6157572

I didn't say beauty standards were because of men, women play a big role in judging each other's appearance to the point of absurdity. They'll even sometimes insult each other's labia for not being perfect, even if they don't even like vaginas anyway.
Similarly, the concept of toxic masculinity being blamed primarily on men in popular culture, in actuality, women play a huge part in reinforcing the expectation that men be cold emotionally retarded assholes.

We live in a society.

>> No.6157576

Yeah, yeah, I know. anon. I'm just exemplifying to you my theory.

>> No.6157578 [DELETED] 

I wish everybody on this board spent less time discussing the hypothetical vaginas they'll never see and more time learning to scrub the smegma from their foreskin, wash their hairy, shit-stained assholes and then get back to drawing. These threads are brainrot material

>> No.6157649

It is indeed getting worse and worse, especially these past few years. People are going absolutely insane over knowing if your characters are of age or not.
There's a lot of drama over video game characters who are not 18 (but like 17) getting sexualized for example.
>"You want her? She's 17... are you pedo?"

And don't get me started with the artist witch-hunting when it comes to lewds. If you dare drawing a girl too flat you're in for a bad time.

>> No.6158701

I don't know what any of that means

>> No.6158929

yes and no.

women wear makeup, show off their tits, and then act so they can get that parasocial interaction, all while doing damn near nothing to deserve it except looking moderately attractive.

vtube, at least the ones you know of, have to be entertaining, otherwise they would not get people to tune in for long periods of time.

vtube>real woman 99% of the time.

>> No.6158943

Would you watch your favorite vtubes if they just turned on their webcam instead

>> No.6158945

my beauty standard is simple.

the literal first thing I see is the face, and its what I will see for almost all our interactions, so you have to at least look pleasant

two, and this is a hard no, your gut can not be bigger than your boobs or hips+ass, the moment this is the case you stop being a woman, and start being a fat golem. this can also be applied to men but does not have as clear a distinction of when the turning point is, either way, both sexes stop being male or female and just become fat.

the next one is just seeing what they eat/choices they make during the day or attitude to anything that self improves, take exercise, if you are not active you need to exercise in some way, and if they are completely adverse to that, they can't eat much, and if they eat a lot, you just caught them in that in between period between looking good and construct of fat.

if we are talking about 1 night stand, I am going to just dump a load in whatever will let me that is the best I can get, but you want to talk long term, I consider physical appearance to be an outward reflection of how good of life choices they make, you don't need to be a 10/10 hell you barely need to be a 5/10 but trying to improve/maintain what you have goes a fucking long way in me finding you attractive, ill be honest, if a 10/10 woman wanted me in a relationship but I see every single red flag that she is going to become the fattest she beast that ever became fat by eating habits that will fuck her over once age lowers metabolism, i'm nopeing the fuck out, but just a round of in and out is on the table.

>> No.6158954

I don't watch them much outside of long form clips/specific streams they are doing something i'm interested in, probably among the more entertaining ones I found was iron mouse and if shits real what goes on with her, i know for a fact she isn't going to be attractive, but she would still be fun to watch...

contrast with is it pokemain that sits there watching other people shit with no interaction, or amaranth putting on a horse head and wiggling her ass at the camera for 'asmr' I mean content is king really, and the vtubers I like have proven they have entertaining personalities.

now if they dropped the anime avatar and went full "why aren't you giving me 5$, JUST DON'T GO TO STARBUCKS TODAY YOU CHEAP FUCKS, and if you don't have the money to give me, FUCKING WORK... I MEAN WHAT USE ARE YOU IF YOU CAN'T GIVE ME 5$" and it wasn't satire of that one bitch who did this/does this on a regular basis, id nope right the fuck out.

fact is when a woman streams they are attractive, I have a hard bias against them just because they have no incentive to put in effort and so many of the times I decided 'they are popular for a reason' I just get proven wrong.

>> No.6160155 [DELETED] 

No pedo, but seriously, young teens or even preteens have the nicest looking vaginas
Notice I'm just stating cold facts, and I'm not saying they're physiologically ready to have children, or psychologically ready to fuck, or that pedos aren't creepy and degenerate

>> No.6160175
File: 24 KB, 720x149, IMG_20220713_222432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6160176


>> No.6160183

oh no no no sisters the girl avatarfag smegmascrote's getting uppity again..

>> No.6160196


>> No.6160209
File: 83 KB, 943x622, Clipboard01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan staff surely have some controversial opinions on pussy aesthetics

>> No.6160211

i mean the ones who have those super big labias care enough how they look down there and are desperate could just get a surgery to cut them down (even if i think getting a surgery for sexual purposes is pathetic)
meanwhile someone with a small peenor can't fix its length even if they wanted, insecure women are dumb
also an appealing one to me is somewhere between a mid looking vag to an innie (i dont like it when the flaps are too big looking)

>> No.6160247

labioplasty should be mandatory. roasties are truly a crime against humanity
also, there aren't ""mid looking"" vags, it's either a perfect tight innie or disgusting, amorphous, unduly, pointless, unaesthetic, roastie crap. I mean, i've fucked them, but i don't have to pretend they look fine on an annonymous board

>> No.6160262

that's your opinion but i don't think the same, just like >>6156795 said there's a whole spectrum between big labias and no flaps, some of the vago's >>6155996 aren't full innies but they still look good, it's what i consider mid looking ones

>> No.6160288

that's your opinion, but i don't think the same, just like >>6160247 said, you're wrong, roastie enabler faggot retard

>> No.6160312
File: 3.21 MB, 2205x2655, 20220713_231702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when people say this site is full of /v/ posters in their early 20s with anger issues they are right, don't understand why you're so hostile and worked up over discussing vaginas

>> No.6160317

>For talking about Pussy preferences

>> No.6160330

Are you that same autist who was having an ape fight with some shotafag a few month's ago

>> No.6160339

>muh skool shootigns
You're just jealous your little tree twig arms can't hold a gun without the recoil hitting you in the nose

>> No.6160353

mutt moment

>> No.6160421

I'm gonna be honest the only way I really know what a real pussy looks like is through VR porn, you can get a really close look.

>> No.6160481

those JAV ones?

>> No.6160800

the CP ones ;)

>> No.6160925

No you idiot the western ones. You can't see any pussy through the mosaic and the cam quality in VR JAV sucks ass.

>> No.6160997

oh yea im dum, western ones tend to kinda suck with the overacting and donkey noses (amature stuff is a hit or miss)

>> No.6161001

>t. a pedophile

>> No.6161007

There's maybe 5 posts in this thread that have anything to do with artwork.

>> No.6161042

just make it an innie
butt and butthole are much more interesting anyway

>> No.6161058

Incels are choosey beggars. If a woman offered him atleast once in his life he wouldn't care how much skin was attached to her whole. But alas Since free sex and geniune human connection is a pipedream he projects endlessly to cope with being an bitter unfuckable.

>> No.6161212

Every vtuber is an immodest slut, what are you talking about? It’s their whole shtick to thinly veil it.

>> No.6161235


>> No.6161638

contrary to what media and young kids believe, "faggot" was never a homophobic hate slur: it just means you are some kind of squeamish, milquetoast, coward, person
all affeminate men are faggots, but you don't need to love the penis for being one

>> No.6164056
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Can confirm the same in my shithole, I think we don't even have any laws related to drawings. Heck, just 3 years ago, you could go and get oral sex from a minor and don't be arrested because we didn't have any laws that regulate that.

>> No.6164066 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 831x994, 1628347734179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fuck off

>> No.6164069

Who is this boner condoner?

>> No.6164084


>> No.6164093

shut the fuck up seething tranny everything you said is wrong

>> No.6164099

stop making women insecure

>> No.6164101
File: 547 KB, 600x800, 1657849133564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6164741

as every 4chan thread should be

>> No.6164752

this is the state mandated gf incels are getting

>> No.6165626

cute vaginas are underappreciated, because by the time you discover an ugly one, you're already too invested to do anything about it
that doesn't mean artists shouldn't aspire to portait the highest ideals of femenine beauty, even if they don't look like real ones

>> No.6165630

tell Martha i say hi

>> No.6166693

Cute vaginas are literally the easiest thing to draw
It's basically just a single line

>> No.6166775

>Men secrete precum
I never knew precum existed before monstergirl quest went on and on about it, even then I just thought it was some weird Japanese thing. I also didn't know that dudes went soft after orgasm, thought it was just something they did to make fun of people on TV. Always thought the dude was just being lazy, he got his and rolled over.

>> No.6166839

when you fap like at 8yo there's nothing but the clear sticky stuff. first time you get the white thick thing is like wtf?

>> No.6166871

I'm saying I never precum. Ever. Also I stay hard so long as I'm immersed and have any amount of stimulation.

>> No.6166943

why do you tell me that? i'm not a doctor, you better ask one about your weird issue

>> No.6167181

this thread is the reason why none of you will ever make it past /int/. you don't even know what the difference between a vulva and a vagina. go back to drawing boxes and reading loomis

>> No.6167440

Dont worry bro, you arent any less of a man for having a cunt

>> No.6167545

I like it a lot

>> No.6167785
File: 2.90 MB, 498x211, me too kid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6167807

Go back to /cbsg/

>> No.6167811

>nice looking vaginas
no such thing, bodies are gross

>> No.6167816

Virgins, pedos and coombrains all in one thread?

>> No.6167854

So business as usual?

>> No.6169346

This. I honestly thought I entered a /v/ incel thread again with all the fucking poltard shitposting.

I fucking hate this shithole website, too many crossposteres mixing up board cultures.

>> No.6169480

Easy with the buzzwords. It's only telling more about you than about anything "going on" here.

>> No.6169834

If by "pretty", you mean "underdeveloped and underage enough for my tastes", then I'd like you to meet Mr Woodchipper

>> No.6170276

just make a nice couple of plump, soft, hairless, outer labia, as huge as possible. little shiny on the inside
and no inner labia whatsoever. that's it

>> No.6171916

who should I study on this subject?
i don't mean real life, but artists who make nice stylized vaginas

>> No.6172347

do girls really do this

>> No.6172375

This is how they greet each other

>> No.6172381

the ammount of lubricant fluid and the smoke make no sense to me
what's the context of this shit?

>> No.6172436


>> No.6175516

Only anime girls do this

It’s very common for girls to strip down in the steamy heat of summer, press their crotches together, and just empty a whole bottle of lube between their legs until they can’t see the cracks of their vaginas. Then they grind the meaty lips of their cunts together smearing the lube around until it covers their crotch from ass to belly button, and they pull apart letting thick ropes of lube and goo form between their thighs and ass crack.

It’s pretty common. This was probably drawn from life.