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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.33 MB, 1277x1433, sexbotsmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6155256 No.6155256 [Reply] [Original]

this took 18 hours to paint
is that fast enough to get an illustration job for a company?

>> No.6155318
File: 160 KB, 672x688, crowsteel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18 hours spread over how many days? if your boss told you to paint something one day and you fucked off and came back the very next day with what he requested of you then i imagine he wouldnt give a single shit you you drew for x amount of hours straight. to him you basically went out of his sight and sometime later reappeared with what he wanted.

>> No.6155344

The robot has the same matted tone as the man's skin. I would probably ask to gloss her up if I was a leading an art department

>> No.6155350

they don't have to know how long it took when you submit your portfolio, just show your work. Before asking "am I fast enough?" first ask "am I good enough?"

>> No.6155385

like 3 days, 6 hours each day around. could probably do it in 2 though.
i wanted that as well but the light source was too diffused to create high reflectivity in the material. if that was a priority i would probably change the lighting. thanks for the crit though.

>> No.6155432

>like 3 days, 6 hours each day around.
nope. that won't cut it for this level of skill
best bet is to charge by the project and bring up your skills substantially.
like anon above said, nobody cares how many hours you spent staring at it. its the results that count.

>> No.6155444

>speed doesnt matter
kek, always a comedy when begs start larping

>> No.6155447

Please don't give OP advice when you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Speed is literally ALL that matters when working for a company. Quit LARPing and go back to /beg/.

>> No.6155463

>kek, always a comedy when begs start larping
>no fucking clue what you are talking about. Speed is literally ALL that matters when working for a company.
Guys, I never said speed doesn't matter, but if you're trying to land a job, like I said in >>6155350
your portfolio is what matters and you're not likely going to put there how long each pieces took to finish. Either you're both crabbing, misunderstood me, or just don't know what you're talking about.
Besides, 18 hours is not bad.

>> No.6155466

why the fuck would you make a sexbot with something other than a human skin texture?
you're fired.

>> No.6155472

perhaps in the context the sex bot operates in human-like skin would impart an uncanny valley effect. maybe the technology used to make the sex bot isnt advanced enough to achieve fallout 4 synth levels of imitation

>> No.6155475

You can go slower and improve the piece even more. There are quick and cheap illustration gigs in the industries that go for a few hundred and to 1k+ plus that need to be done in 3-5 days. There are stuffs like Splash art that takes 2-8 weeks that go for 5k a pop minimum

>> No.6155476
File: 74 KB, 900x600, robussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to attach pic related

>> No.6155477

just shut the fuck up lmao you dont know anything

>> No.6155480

also pyw

>> No.6155485
File: 234 KB, 1639x2048, 93109358_3117733291622608_5600150291807731712_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to post a rendered piece, I hope you understand. Now it's your turn

>> No.6155487

aint nobody paying for that shit

>> No.6155488

i don't know but i like your stuff OP! would love to follow if you have a blog or something :)

>> No.6155489

pyw or we dont care

>> No.6155491

try sucking my dick beglet

>> No.6155492

yeah I know, pyw

>> No.6155493

Lol lil bitch got btfo'd

>> No.6155494

nah, youre trash and shouldnt be talking out of your lane

>> No.6155495 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 1650742524801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>afraid to post your work on an anonymous image board

>> No.6155497

that was your mom and the mailman last night

>> No.6155498
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 1650742524801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>afraid to post your work on an anonymous image board

>> No.6155499

good work dumbfuck

>> No.6155500
File: 268 KB, 1226x848, 1648851774890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your meds, picrel you

>> No.6155505

nobody wants to fuck a hubcap.

>> No.6155508

Ok it has literally servo arms and legs, if you're idea of a sexbot is to be a replicant like in blade runner then it wouldn't have the design op gave it

>> No.6155700

Thank you but I mainly paint furry porn, that's what my social media is.

>> No.6155706

I do.

>> No.6155725

did anyone actually answer op's question because im interested in knowing this too

>> No.6155732

people itt for some reason think the only people hiring are from triple a blockbuster multibillion dollar companies. 18 hours for a fully rendered illustration is pretty fast

>> No.6155761


learn to read, then read the entire thread

>> No.6155766

Pretty cool, anon. Give me your blog.

>> No.6155811

The entire thread is just two idiots talking shit to one another as always and you're just about as fucking retarded as both of them

>> No.6155837
File: 272 KB, 1699x1200, ec2138f639cf648d979a8264326111b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6155847

wow. this is good.

>> No.6158141

18 hours isn't bad.

>> No.6158286

thanks but I don't have a blog, I don't use social media anymore

>> No.6158339

damn, look at them crisp folds

>> No.6158371

excellent thread as always. https://youtu.be/-xVHBWr4bWU?t=1
this guys is a freelancer so the time to get feedback is different but:
>A splash takes 4-5 weeks. 1st week for multiple sketches. 2nd week to figure out the colors. 3rd to 5th week to render and polish
>This video is 40x speed up. Do the math based on this video's time. Usually, the real time is around 40-80+ hours. (if the other thumbnails were added in). Actual work hours are more than 100+ hrs when you factor in the other thumbnails, research, and contemplating time.
The fags at Wild Blue Studios have said that their splash art illustrations take anywhere from 50hrs to 80hrs
dont worry about speed when your quality of work doesnt make the cut

>> No.6158649

I suppose it really depends. The more indie the studio I'm sure the more time they're willing to spare since they don't have the funds of a multimedia conglomerate. You're also likely to work with several other artists on the same project.

>> No.6158729
File: 62 KB, 953x730, It+looked+pretty+cool+until+_93b4a074f1468a959b7334aae75a8f09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still in disbelief about having interacted with that guy at some point in my life. Can't believe he put his furry cumflation porn in a public gallery space and had his mom take the photo. Deadass.

>> No.6158735

That looks really good

>> No.6158739

>youre trash and shouldnt be talking out of your lane
Said the beg who doesn't post his work.
>inb4 samefag
Check the ip count newfaggot and post your work.

>> No.6158787

pls tell stories about him to save this gay thread

>> No.6158825

something deeply unsettling about this information

>> No.6158878

why is the guy on the ground protesting sexbots? shit doesn't make sense.

>> No.6159049

You spent 18 hours polishing a turd that looks the kind of "art" an AI can shit out in 2 seconds.

>> No.6159053

How can a retard like you even managed to navigate and post on 4chin? Are you a bot or what?

>> No.6159269

sounds more like advertising than protesting.

>> No.6159283

There's no variation in rendering. This is not school. You are fired if your not lgbt and black.

>> No.6159336

they don't advertise things/policies that destroy family units, given how the world is going, I cant think of many men who wouldn't go for sexbot over irl woman given the sexbot costs sub 200k, that may sound like a lot, but generally a wedding and reception could easily total 20-50k for even modest ones, along with the looming risk of half your shit is now gone, a sex bot like that in the pic, thats able to be multi functional, could probably at least do maid work along with bedroom, if not also act as a player 2 for retro games.

the moment we get this far in robotics, human relationships are dead barring an armatedge 3 scenario, which is sadly the most likely outcome if we get this far.

>> No.6159470

the guy looks cool but the sex robot is not sexy at all

>> No.6160140

currently existing sex dolls are more realistic than this futuristic one

>> No.6160246

imagine how much less bullshit this thread would have if people posted their work when giving their opinion.

>> No.6160264


>> No.6160298
File: 767 KB, 1277x1433, 4rethg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the homeless guy looks too clean to be homeless, and his sign seems too protesty, he doesn't look like a hobo, he looks like a hippie, you should make him more tattered and worn out.

I think the robot looks unsexy without hips. Women are all about hips, therefore sex robots ought to have hips.
I think the fishnets are too busy so I gave her regular stockings.

I made the lighting inside the sex place more prominent and the light outside darker to contrast.

I changed the sign to be graffiti on the wall to make it more as if multiple people are complaining about the sex bots and not just this one guy.
And I made his sign seem to be the result of the sex bots or something.

>> No.6160300


>> No.6160329

I'm not experienced enough to critique the actual art (although I like it), but it's quite a funny and charming concept.

>> No.6160449

>this took 18 hours to paint
is that fast enough to get an illustration job for a company?
you could always just ask the companies instead of a niche imageboard

>> No.6160793

18 hours for this huh

>> No.6160907

just curious, could you give a rough breakdown of the time spent on the major stages of your work?

i'm not sure why all the autism about his placard, his sentiments are perfectly clear and make sense in the context of the drawing.

>> No.6160909

oh i see
well good luck to you op!

>> No.6161618

whoa thank you. this is great

>> No.6162605

It's always sad to see actual information get drowned by the sea of retards screaming on /ic