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File: 377 KB, 860x562, 689-6892275_owo-anime-girl-face-png-download-transparent-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6154830 No.6154830 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6154832

Dont use hashtags

>> No.6154833

Save yourself and don't. It literally rots your brain and turns you rabid.

>> No.6154849

more like WHY to you use twitter

>> No.6154852

What else would you

>> No.6154855
File: 215 KB, 411x487, 1594357688973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the 4chan user.

>> No.6154875

I just post the works, and by that, actively, handful of days posting at least once, and then give myself a couple of retweets (other's work) while I get stuff ready for next posting.

>> No.6154886

you put your pronouns, flags and movements you support on your profile

>> No.6154890

pixiv or newgrounds? Even DA is better than twitter.
Or, OR, save yourself the brainrot and don't use socials at all. Whatever the case, don't use twitter, whatever value you might see in it, its not worth it.

>> No.6154899

Twitter??? Pure shit

>> No.6154910

Use twitter for when you get a following, because you'll be competing with a million different zoomers who draw better, post more often, and are more likeable than you. Post your shit on Pixiv or something.

>> No.6155048

do you really have to retweet other people's shit to grow?

>> No.6155072


Smaller artists should not be obligated to retweet larger artists.

Otherwise if it's porn I retweet it.

>> No.6155181
File: 201 KB, 881x936, Spidercholo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gather your art moots, support each other's works. You start to see it all reaching out to different circles and in turn creating fluid methods of communication between arts. The stellar point being, you gotta put yourself out there. I believe in your anons!

>> No.6155193

Until you draw the wrong thing that's slightly not gender neutral, or is slightly too pale and you have the mobs come down on because you're not like them. At least here when the mobs come down on you, it's tough love. There, they just don't want you to exist.

>> No.6155195

The work is all that matters really, shown? Yes of course. Not shown? Still has merit and pure, howbeit, things need to get messy, find out how much grit your art is worth.

>> No.6155198

having big controversy over any of your art would only bring you more followers from people that support you and think the controversy is fucking stupid.

>> No.6155212

I started my twitter and instagram account literally 5 minutes apart from eachother (1 week ago), same posts, same hashtags, same profile photos

total posts: 4
total likes: 2
total retweets: 3
total followers: 0

total posts: 4
total likes: 5
total reposts: 0
total followers: 14

just ditch twitter

>> No.6155234

I sure do love me a nothing burger.

>> No.6155259

alright, use twitter and scream about the lack of discoverability or something, idk, whatever you tards do

>> No.6155261
File: 45 KB, 500x556, umr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of those IG followers are porn bots though, Iost about a third of mine when Twitter tried cleaning up their shit in case Musk bought them.

>> No.6155266

NTA but before I got banned from IG I had about 200 followers and maybe 10 were some shitty ad accounts

>> No.6155268

How are people posting things on twitter with no words and no hashtags who have no followers at all but getting 100 - 200 likes? And yet those people liking the art don't seem to follow the account? What am I missing here that they're doing that I'm not getting?

>> No.6155269

so you had a singular experience that involved millions of other micro and macro variables but we're meant to infer this is applicable to any other billion possibilities? off the one example you've provided? sound.

>> No.6155272

I've looked through all of them wondering how the fuck I got 14 followers at all (used to twitter under various names) and only 1 of them is possibly a bot though not a porn bot
same exact posts with same exact hashtags and following almost exactly the same accounts on twitter and instagram yet two completely different results isn't hard enough evidence for you? how about you open up google and search "what social media is best for artists?"

>> No.6155275

4chan is unironically better than the shithole twitter

>> No.6155277

Funny enough, i did actually post here before deciding to show works on twitter. And it's what gave me my initial boost in readers/views. And now it's feeling organic, talking, promoting, and having fun at that. Hope i can see your works too anons, let's see em! And I'll follow you!

>> No.6155286

Seriously, how do you navigate twitter as an artist? Like, following trends, making sure your stuff is being seen, etc.
I have zero knowledge in social media, so all of this is kinda stressing

>> No.6155289
File: 3.81 MB, 3508x4960, lich flat color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have much that's impressive to show on this computer, but here's a work in progress, might not be your cup of tea and thats alright if you don't want me on your feed.

ignore the anon that follows my posts around and seethes about me being commissioned

>> No.6155291
File: 70 KB, 459x354, this is why the foots purple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also the foot is purple because thats the base color of rotting flesh

>> No.6155297
File: 1.49 MB, 2289x1725, Retcon Crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude! So sick! Gimme your stuff. For everyone really, I wanna see your works!
We just need to focus on what's important, fulfilling our goals as a creator, always learning new ways to make our work shine! Thanks again, for showing your art brother, dig it!

>> No.6155299

I usually just post my finished works, until a couple of days ago, I posted a WIP and its got liked and shared more than any of my finished works.

So I don't know how that shit works.

>> No.6155301
File: 468 KB, 904x864, yvx9i65l75g41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6155304

From what ive seen its usually just a bunch of people whove already made a name for themselves from other sites before using twitter as the the mainstay blogfeed. its not realistic otherwise to use it exclusively and expect yourself to grow from scratch unless you actively take part in certain fandoms.

>> No.6155317
File: 54 KB, 536x494, 1648875265198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6155328

Yeah, it's better than being cancelled by twitter, right?

>> No.6155346

half the time a discussion here will always link to twitter or harp about "I bet this is triggering them". So not like you can avoid it anyway at this point.

>> No.6155364

maybe post something more relevant than shit numbers on both places across an extremely small amount of time?

>> No.6155393

Honestly I stopped. It sucks because some artists only use twitter and I can't keep up with them anymore, but dealing with Twitter is more of a pain than its worth so I basically exclusively use pixiv and artstation.

>> No.6155425

I've been here for a decade and I really don't think 4chan is any better. There's schizofrenics on both platforms, calling twittards crazy on 4chan is the pot calling the kettle black.
>inb4 gb2 twitter then!
I don't use twitter.

>> No.6155504

I have only posted my art on twitter so far but is there any reason not to use twitter, instagram and puxiv at the same time? Not like posting an image thrice is a lot of work

>> No.6156945

I see there a lot of a twitter art experts here. Tell me how I should use twitter as a picture consumer. On Pixiv, I searsh for tags and watch suggestions under pictures I like (and it's suggestion mechanism really good!). I'm doing the same on all *boorus. How I should use twitter to search art I like if you don't use hashtags? inb4 "you don't need a twitter if you know how to use danbooru".

>> No.6157027

Go through the likes of someone who draws or is interested in the subject you are looking for.

>> No.6157050

Just hit 8k followers bros :D

>> No.6157054
File: 441 KB, 444x518, 1645538148020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get plenty of bites with hashtags, the problem is 90% of the followers I get from it are pronoun goblins.

>> No.6157058

>3 new followed

>> No.6157155

>pixiv: 96 views, 5 bookmarks
>twitter: 180 impression, 7 engagements, 0 likes
Why are twitter niggers like this?

>> No.6157188

Twitter is an endless feed of information set up for you to lazily scroll through as you take a shit or whatever, it's very easy to simply scroll past posts even if you think they look nice -- and you're competing not just with other's drawings, but videos and shitposts.
Pixiv is a website made for artists, and the content is exclusively artwork. People go there to look at artwork. Stands to reason the userbase will be smaller but more willing to engage with the content.

>> No.6157284

ive gotten retweets from popular artists seems like the only meta

>> No.6157814
File: 24 KB, 383x383, pronoun magnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you drawing, usually pronoun goblins gravitate in a confort zone of a dozen hashtags and are easy to avoid if you want to.

>> No.6157827

Tags related to worldbuilding or RPG, to give you an example.

>> No.6158473

what's the problem? If you get commissions, who cares?

>> No.6159001

Ok, coomer.

>> No.6159043

The only reason I care about twitter is to build up a following so I can get a steady flow of commissions. Pixiv can't give me that as only nips use Pixiv. It sucks. There should be a site exclusively for posting arts, maybe there's one but I just don't know what it is.

>> No.6159064

>There should be a site exclusively for posting arts
We have that. It's called Pixiv. Or Deviant Art. Or Newgrounds.
Your problems with these sites are problems that all art-only sites are going to suffer. The reason people use twitter for art is because there's more people on it, there's more people on it because it's not exclusively for art. The more exclusive something is there less people there are using it. Is that not obvious?

>> No.6159072

Yeah, but it's owned by facehook.

>> No.6159089

I get that but twitter is too cancerous with its algorithms and are not for art. Something ideal would be the old youtube where people go to to post contents and as long as it's good, people will see and engage with your content, kinda like Pixiv. Pixiv is good is what I meant, but the majority of its user are nips so it's not very helpful if you want to use it to gain a following. Deviant art is dead as fuck though

>> No.6159095

And to add to this, there's a sizable amount of users on Pixiv, so it's not impossible to have a site exclusively for arts with a decent amount of users

>> No.6159550

Am I wrong? Why should you care who your followers are as people if they don't care about you as one?

>> No.6159575

You are. Not everyone enjoys being a useless whore.
A dancing monkey, if you think being likened to a prostitute is so outrageous it activates your cognitive dissonance.

>> No.6159701

You can't police followers, get over it. You don't have to "whore" yourself out. Just block if people get obnoxious and move on. You sound like a sensitive snowflake.

>> No.6159720

"Just finished drawing #Character from the series #Series!"

>> No.6159722

I don't want to draw tranny shit. I don't care if you pay me.

>> No.6159723

*with big tits

>> No.6159724


>> No.6159935

Ok? Then don't? Are we talking about the same thing?

>> No.6160310

There is a the-hen-and-the-egg type of problem. People use twitter for art because many artists don't want to use pixiv. Many artists don't want to use pixiv because there is no people, they all use twitter. Only way is to use both, so people can migrate on pixiv when they get tired of twitter non-art shit and poor search.

>> No.6163382

getting in a controversy is litterly free promotion, just don't be a bitch and apologise. simply ignore it.

>> No.6163401

desu i have no idea and constantly hear conflicting advice. I just simply post a drawing around once a week or whenever it's done. It seems completley random what perfroms better than what, although it is tough to be objective about your own art. Hashtags seem to have no noticable effect on it's impressions, retweet from bigger artists is totally random but brings the biggest growth, it's worth posting wips just to have more content/potential eyes. T
he only absolute truth is that the better the art(of popular characters) the better you perform so as long as you are improving you will grow, it also gets alot easier after the first 100 followers.

>> No.6164159

*aged up

>> No.6164184

I just post art, sometimes with a caption. Have got almost 45k after two years.

>> No.6164193
File: 170 KB, 1079x798, 1653884935986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiktok can get you 1 million views overnight. Just hold your phone with your left hand while you draw single strokes leading to a finished artwork in 10 seconds.

>> No.6164201

I refuse to use tiktok, it's one disgusting platform that somehow managed to be less creative than twitter and instagram.
How frequent do you post your art? And do you post wips too or just completed works?

>> No.6164231

then how do you get followers
im asking genuinely

>> No.6164265

Ignore that guy. Hastags certainly help, just not the very generic one like #art or #anime, but like tagging your fanart properly. My fanart got ten times the amount of impression compared to my original character. Didn't even get one follower though, fuck twitter

>> No.6164280

Just naming the character/series in the post without using hashtags has a similar effect.

>> No.6164629

Maybe that a few hundred people got to those accounts via link on the artists’ Pixiv bio or some other art website’s bio.

>> No.6164649

I don’t think the majority of your “fans” or “consumers” being the demographic who are infamous for easily being mad and tries to ruin your life for the smallest aggression isn’t a good scenario…
You’re basically building your entire presence and fame as an artist on a house of cards.

>> No.6164705

Not the other anon, but I have yet to see evidence that people having meltdowns on Twitter or any other social media actually buy any significant amount of commissions.

>> No.6165824

got 1k likes from no captions and hashtags

I really don't get twitter lol

>> No.6165831

those pronouns goblins are the literal crabs in the bucket. I got one instance that my own character has is wearing a viking dreadlocks and these little buggers are constantly trying to bring me down. I don't enjoy their company of bullies. let me draw in peace.

>> No.6165869
File: 429 KB, 1078x661, 1648093754256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, give me those likes, no one likes my stuff and I crave attention!!!!!
What did you even draw to get so many likes anyway?

>> No.6165942

You can be better than this

>> No.6166054

I stand by that this only happens to weak minded artists that don't know the block button exists. Everytime its artists that either over apologize (people will now combover your past more now) or those that actively antagonize the opposition (empowers trolls). Ignore and move on. Don't be an emotional pussy.

>> No.6166495

Easier said than done.

>> No.6168066

*as a cute femboy

>> No.6168994

ukraine + homo flag

>> No.6169049


>> No.6169172 [DELETED] 

Make some cash and offer her absurd amounts of money for sex, bitchnigga.

>> No.6169211

Ezpz just dm her your expression of love everyday, she'll eventually be moved by your sincere feelings and fall in love with you

>> No.6171558


>> No.6171822

>made sure to start my Twitter by getting reposted by a huge account with the same niche
>2k impressions
I'm gonna have to do fanart aren't I?

>> No.6172163
File: 168 KB, 1125x1163, 25BB27E7-A76C-42D2-AD92-8C41250DD821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressions don’t really correlate to likes and follows tonh

>> No.6172304

This was just bragging, good for you I guess

>> No.6172327

It’s not impressive at all. Just takes one big account to share. 1 gained follower means the art was too shitty to warrant more follows. Probably meme shit.

>> No.6172389

I said I started with being shared by a big account. And you get followers from the profile views, not directly from the tweet. 7k likes is excellent by any metric

>> No.6172398

Whose cock did you suck to be retweeted like that?

>> No.6172480

One of those nerd news aggregate sites picked up my fanart and put in an article.

>> No.6172485
File: 53 KB, 640x360, NaziBecky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6173828

Twitter also has lists and you can follow lists other people made. So maybe they're in one called "good pixiv artists" or something

>> No.6174120

Other people mentioned it already but nah this is bullshit.
Tag your shit properly. Your goal is to get your art into the eyes of the intended audience. If you post without a hashtag, nobody is gonna see that shit. You have to target the audiences you know will eat your shit up. Be it fanart, a character trope, species, etc.

It was also touched on already, but the only real platform where doing basic hashtags really work that I've seen is TikTok. I see people tagging their shit #fyp (for you page; the main feed the algorithm sends content) and I don't know man.... I think it works there.

But we're talking twitter. And on twitter, if you want quick numbers and you have the skill, your aim is either pandering/fanart or porn. Unless you have connections, people won't care about your OCs unless you're lucky. Real lucky. And with fanart, you'll find old fanart sometimes gets attention again and then it's passive growth baby

My personal beef with twitter is how they make everything you fucking do public. Want to reply to someone? Guess what, that reply gets shown to ALL of your followers. Like a post? Ass blasted into everyone's feed and it's all russian roulette. Who knows which of your likes is getting shared where. It's annoying and actively discourages me from putting more audience engagement into my twitter.

Though in order to survive you have to post every day/every other day too so that kind of shcks
NG is unironically the best platform purely because they keep your native file quality... But it seems like a relatively slow platform. I see most people using it for what I mentioned, it's quality, so they use it more for personal galleries most of the time. I wouldn't say it's a good platform for growth like in the good ol days, but who knows, it very well could change. It seems like it's one of the very few platforms left that actually cares about it's artists.
This is actually pretty true. Just copy art trends

>> No.6174126

If anything, TikTok is especially good for growth as long as you advertise your other platforms too. People may not like it and shit on the platform, but if someone is lurking and reading this and wants to play the game, it is unironically very very good to post on TikTok nowadays. It's a massive platform and really just by copying or going along with some popular audios and/or putting a twist on said audios, you can explode. Hell, I've seen people just post practically a slideshow of some of their art and boom. They get at least several thousands of eyes on them and their art. Rinse and repeat a few times every now and then and it's all so easy it's practically cheating.
Hate the platform all you want, you don't have to consume it's content... But it's a wasted opportunity to not utilize it as the great tool it is as one of the biggest platforms right now. Plus, it's full of zoomers and they're the ones that eat everything and anything up. Even better if you sell merch, you can even make a video about your merch and bam thousands maybe even millions of views if you take some basic notes on making videos. Some site like skillshare, if not YouTube, would easily give someone all the info they need for this. Basic video making 101.

>> No.6174238

I just use it an extra source of attention for my art but I don't focus on it too heavily. I'll just check in on it like once a week or something to see how it's doing

>> No.6174262

It's really not. Getting addicted to this website as a teenager is the worse thing that ever happened to me and only made my social anxiety worse. It's anonymous, but that's the worst thing for an artist.