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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6138191 No.6138191 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ic/ think about mikeymegamega? Is his advice good? Videos worth watching?

>> No.6138194


>> No.6138199

suck my dick

>> No.6138206

Post that WEBM, you know which one...

>> No.6138216

You can just skip his his video at the end, copy the final shee5 and save you the trouble of warch8m him ramble for 10+ minutes.

Without basic perspective his videos will be useless desu

>> No.6138219

Where is it?

>> No.6138483
File: 1.80 MB, 1920x1080, 1653928077348.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6138504

Some good some not so good. For some reason (I mean I can guess why people gravitate to drawing the pelvis area first but I dunno why they study just that area then ask for crit of full figures) there are a lot of people who just watch his video about hips and thighs or watch it first, and you can spot them in /beg/ sometimes because they draw solid-looking hips and the rest of their anatomy is linguini. You ask them what they've studied and they link that video, inevitably.

Man I was expecting something more exciting than just blacked.

>> No.6138633

>Screencap from porn for reference for a sexual pose he's currently working on
>but it's blacked!!!!
Severely disappointed.

>> No.6139086

no, just take real lessons.

>> No.6139093

Art lessons are a scam.

>> No.6139107

That's how you learn without feeling around in the dark for a decade.

>> No.6139116

its good for /beg/s

>> No.6139124

Dumb trannime poster

>> No.6139507
File: 61 KB, 710x480, 1655394332272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its overrated superficial trite done for the sake of attention rather then genuine passion, but i know there's more cancerous "tutorials".

>> No.6140683

Ethan Becker??

>> No.6140689

what's the sauce on the ref?

>> No.6140693

a man needs his poses somehow

>> No.6140694

How the fuck do you need references for that kind of poses?
Damn, most artists truly are monkey see monkey do.
No wonder his choice of porn is also zoophilic in nature.

>> No.6140695

>No wonder his choice of porn is also zoophilic in nature.
You are a racist
I am now really sad and upset
Say sorry or I will spank you

>> No.6140696

The concept art industry if full of these monkeys when they aren't drawing tposes

>> No.6140701
File: 1.55 MB, 1437x1183, 1627000637613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers are not human.
You'd think by the amount of skill they display and the apparent mileage they seem to posses, they wouldn't need to reference every single thing they draw.
You should be able to internalize anatomy by that point.

>> No.6140721

>How the fuck do you need references for that kind of poses?

>> No.6140730

stop projecting your BBC fetish. only you faggots immediately focus all your focus on nigger dick when you see it

>> No.6140733

My opinion is worthless, but he's kind of alright for a begtard like me. If you need to just draw and can't get hair right, his videos are helpful

>> No.6140739

Don't cancel yourself little begboy

>> No.6140751

t-thanks senpai

>> No.6140808

if you don't have sex, sometimes you need to watch a video or two to get a feeling how bodies balance in certain positions
although this one is pretty fucking simple, not gonna lie

>> No.6140838

having sex doesn't make you a better artist or give you any better frame of reference for what a girl would look like in that pose.
the only way you're getting that view is if you're being cucked, or have a random mirror in your room.

>> No.6140860

looks like weeb shit

>> No.6140891

What is up with all the hate for anime art on /ic/ this year?

>> No.6140894

it's just 1 fag with too much time on his hands most likely. Just make a thread with an anime pic and he'll be there at the first post.

>> No.6140908

>the only way you're getting that view is if you're being cucked
gotta train your spatial reasoning. next time you're having sex, try to picture your position from various angles

>> No.6140996


>> No.6141007

face it: if you're not having sex for the sake of improving your art, you're wasting your time.

>> No.6141015

Is this the excuse you use for not having sex?

>> No.6141022

i don't need an excuse to waste my time.

>> No.6141422
File: 38 KB, 597x751, 1609305983896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could get that view by drawing, learning anatomy, doing gestures and sketches, drawing without references, visualizing bodies in your head and constructing them unto paper.
Basically, you'd have to walk and use your brain instead on relying on crutches.

Such flat stationary poses are done in seconds, if you got your basic knowledge down.

The best way to actually use a reference is to look at it once and forget about it.
Its only purpose is to get you to draw, not to copy it, because then you might as well trace it and get it over with.
Well, unless you're actually studying, but that's another matter.
describe to me a simple pose to draw
I'll draw that quickly from imagination
I always find it very strange that when i come across furry and feral porn artists, they also have a lot of interracial porn.
I'm just a very curious observer, Anon.

>> No.6141431

He's alright, but ultimately you have to fucking draw to learn how to draw. Any advice will work if you just. fucking. draw.

>> No.6141465


>> No.6141495

KEK, I remember seeing this. I didn't know this was him.

>> No.6141500

>visualizing bodies in your head
I have aphantasia.
I can still think about how something looks, but it's impossible for me to actually see it without it being in front of me.

>> No.6141513

Yeah yeah you probably one of that retards that thinks that jung gi project his thought on paper and trace it or thinks people actually see images when they draw

>> No.6141519

>describe to me a simple pose to draw
>I'll draw that quickly from imagination
draw a girl sitting on the floor with her legs crossed (criss cross applesauce, if you will) with her hands down in her lap/between her legs.

>> No.6141521
File: 105 KB, 602x1304, main-qimg-36a958464ff8416d3c8230e10309ff1b-lq[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but this is me exactly.
I didn't know there was such a thing as people that could actually 1-4. So either the internet is lying to me about this not being a real thing and no one can do 1-4, or I have the thing they said the name for is aphantasia.

>> No.6141531

When I was an absolute /beg/ he was one of the first people I watched, he's good at making you think "it isn't that hard to draw anime tits"

>> No.6141537
File: 668 KB, 867x1156, 1656808172466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah i don't believe you
Like i actually can play a whole movie thing in my head without much details of course
Literally can imagine jung gi sitting and drawing his regular sketches in front of me
Not clear though foggy but full in color like 12 frames animation
And yeah object in motion are way easier than still image because details just messing around
But only when i do nothing
So if i want to draw something particular i can visualize before i draw
But you know what? Most of the time i draw unconsiously so i still don't think you need much visualization to draw from imagination
Like all that shit below i did without thinking at all

>> No.6141542

>Nah i don't believe you
Okay, I don't really give a shit if you don't, because you not believing me doesn't mean I suddenly can.
>Like i actually can play a whole movie thing in my head without much details of course
Congrats, you don't have aphantasia.

>> No.6141546

Genuinely want to know what inside your head when you think "apple"?

>> No.6141555

nothing. when I close my eyes and think apple, I still see nothing. I visualize nothing.
I can draw an apple without reference from memory. I know what apples look like. But I can't actually see an apple at all. it's just darkness.

>> No.6141558

If that is actuallly true than congrats
You 1% of human population
Start coding or something else i guess

>> No.6141572

most people don't even know it exists, I highly doubt even a vaguely accurate statistic exists for how many people have it.
I'll just continue to draw from reference and memory.

>> No.6141635


That's wild. I can see virtually anything in my mind.

>> No.6141637

seems like a superpower to me honestly
but I get by just fine without it. I have to spend a lot of time finding references and redrawing though

>> No.6141662

If you can conjure images from memory then you don't have that shit, dumb nigger. If you put down a line then know which line to put next to make a shape then you don't have it either, that's what visualization is, not seeing perfectly solid images that could very well exist in reality.

>> No.6141670

I don't know what to respond to this. you're literally just wrong.

the inability to form mental images of objects that are not present.
"if counting sheep is an abstract concept, or you are unable to visualize the faces of loved ones, you could have aphantasia"

>> No.6142497

I just want to find his Patreon rewards. I have most of my favorite artsts like REQ, WLOP and Sakimi-chan but never found his I wonder why

>> No.6142502

I can feel it's shape and touch, rotate, bite it however I want in my head

But it's a bad example because I'm feeding pigs since 2008

>> No.6142532


>> No.6142586
File: 304 KB, 798x728, gesturessit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

each drawn in less than 20 seconds from imagination

>> No.6142592


>> No.6142620

I always thought it was standard for everyone to be at 1. I can do whatever I want with the apple in my head. Are there really people who can't do that?

>> No.6142642
File: 134 KB, 823x767, noe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.6142763


>> No.6142767

what does having sex got to do with reference drawing?
talk about a non sequitur.

>> No.6142776

>20 seconds
If you are going to lie, at least have some concept of time & the limitations of the human hand.

>> No.6142787

you should use some refs

>> No.6142853
File: 168 KB, 969x884, futasit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elaborate on why i would lie about taking 20 second to draw a single shitty gesture and what i'd get out of that.

>> No.6142855

that's a penis

>> No.6142944

terrible, dont bother
his drawings are shit and his teaching skills are even worse

>> No.6142966

>those hands and feet
yes you need refs
and flip ur canvas

>> No.6142970

My fetish is interracial. BBC, BWC, whatever, as long as racemixing is happening I approve

>> No.6143038
File: 265 KB, 627x884, ásk me if i give a shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like sharks smelling blood.
This is also from imagination.
Took me only 5 minutes

>> No.6143125

If you want to draw like him, yeah. Otherwise it's not too impressive

>> No.6143137

delusional + we can see your timestamp.
Your 30 minutes late

>> No.6143195


>> No.6143197

what the actual fuck am I looking at
imagine if someone was trying to make an instructional video and produced something like this

>> No.6143200

you're looking at something done in 5 miunutes
from imagination

>> No.6143203

what's the point if it looks like shit?
he uses reference so he doesn't put out shit like that.

>> No.6143206

>what's the point if it looks like shit?
Are you retarded? It doesn't matter if the sketch/gesture/base looks like shit.
Do you even draw, bro?
>the point
read the thread

>> No.6143214

>It doesn't matter if the sketch/gesture/base looks like shit.
it does when you're making a video trying to teach someone how to draw, and you only draw a sketch.

>> No.6143221
File: 1.63 MB, 250x188, 1643604132390.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this level of dunning kruger is sad to witness

>> No.6143237

what does an slasher movie antagonist has to do with chinky rice-eting art?

>> No.6143238

That's not the point
read the thread
Imagine getting insecure from shitty 20 seconds sketches
holy loomis

>> No.6143285

>That's not the point
yes it is. that's exactly the point, dipshit.

>> No.6143335
File: 73 KB, 896x860, 1633884695576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You illiterate, e-celeb worshipping, cum guzzling, nigger loving, animal molesting, zoomer faggot.
That isn't the fucking point.

>> No.6143986

If Reiq, KNKN and Jazza had a gay orgy, Mikey will be the baby that came out from impregnating Jazza-s butthole

>> No.6143992

I like him way more now thats fucking hilarious

>> No.6143995

Dunning Kruger AF
Even if its from imagination you should still know basic anatomy

I don't care if people are arrogant when they can back it up but you ain't at the level where you can smacktalk down to everyone else with any credibility

>> No.6144016

Since i'm clearly unable to see my mistakes why don't you give me constructive feedback so i can draw hyperrealistically rendered, anatomically perfect with interesting and clean line art while also be appealing to the average art consumer pretending to be an art critic in 5 minutes or less?

I'm not talking down to anyone, you absolute buffoon.
>inb4 bb-b-b-b-ut u made fun of muh e-celeb
e-celebs aren't people and i'm not singling him out for anything or talking shit about him specifically.
Do not accuse me of the shit you niggers are guilty of.
Because If i'm arrogant, you're insecure.
I am not here to impress anyone and i'm not here to circlejerk about your parasocial relationships.

Now tell me how to produce perfect drawing in 5 minutes.

>> No.6144020

>That giant post
it's okay to be a beg, just don't act like a smarmy fuck when you're not even close to the skill level of the youtube/industry people you're shit-talking dunning kruger-san

>> No.6144030
File: 6 KB, 390x470, 1646854985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No actual answer
>"huhuurrrr dunnion kruger beg muh eceleb muh wall of text"
Is (you)s really everything you're after.
Just take your own life.