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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6136105 No.6136105 [Reply] [Original]

this is not a spam/shill post, fuck off techies and copers. Sorry that it’s been so long since the last thread, I was busy drawing. I've got most of a petition written. Here is a link to the txt file.
If all goes well this will be uploaded on change.org. If there is a better option, feel free to mention it. This is only a first step in things to bring more attention to the issue. This alone will not do shit, but it might group artists more or less into one place or name so more action can be taken. This can be anything from persuading artists to take legal action for copyright violations, or writing some kind of bill in the future.

>> No.6136106

I wrote this petition to be more open to regulations on neural networks as a whole, mostly because it could gather support from people in other workforces who are also scared shitless of losing their jobs to ai. The main reason I'm writing this petition is because I believe that techies are automating a job that does not need to be automated, and because the automation of art provides no benefit to anyone at all after the dust settles. I didn’t go too much into detail about the copyright violations yet, mostly because I fear tech companies will just find some sort of legal loophole or they’ll start fighting for some sort of legal protection (that is, if this manages to get anywhere). If there is anything that should be added, or if there is different terminology that should be used, then feel free to mention it. I’ll try to contact some big name artists to see if they’d be willing to give more publicity to this petition when it launches. I am a nobody on social media though, so if you have ties to bigger artists then please help out. I might try contacting some art unions too. If you have already contacted either of these, please say what came of that.

If you're curious about what happened in the last thread, here:

If you're not, then here's some cope arguments and refutations so we don’t have to go through the same arguments over and over again:

>> No.6136107
File: 244 KB, 616x258, left or right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art ai is limited with what it can do.
As long as it has art data, it has no limits. Try guessing which drawing in picrel is ai generated and which is not. It is entirely possible that art ai can start creating continuity within the next year too.

>It is just a tool.
If it does the entire job for you, it is not a tool.

>Human-made art will rise in value.
Not when it is impossible to tell which art was made by a human and which was made by a guy pressing a button. Trad art might stay afloat for a little while until someone figures out how to stick a brush onto a robotic arm, but everything else that relies on having technology to use (comics, animation) will be slaughtered.

>It was inevitable.
So is art terrorists shooting up tech offices. Action (I’m not promoting terrorism, fuck you glowies) can be taken to regulate or prevent further ai models and there’s really nothing to lose in trying to do something.

Impossible given how ai is replacing jobs at a staggered rate, and given how many artist jobs are freelance-based. If you give them a ubi, then you’re going to have to give a ubi to homeless fuckers too. Where would that money come from anyways? Automating art would just devalue it as a whole. $0 goes into making it, and consumers buy it for $0. In other jobs, like farming, there would still be profit because the product isn’t being automated, the work is. That product can be sold for value, and that profit can go towards govie bucks to support those who lost their job to automation.

>> No.6136109


>> No.6136110

Left is generated and its kinda obvious

>> No.6136112

If you can't compete with a mere calculator, if you're not fit to survive, you deserve to go extinct.
This is natural. Has been since the days of single cellular organism.
Now perish.

>> No.6136115

Yeah, but unironically its better than any anime face i have ever drawn

>> No.6136116
File: 40 KB, 740x370, 7678376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6136121

This just means you can use it yourself to create larger projects. If you want to use it for animation you still have to make the decisions on what to animate and which frames to use and to colour correct them and what angle you want the camera facing as well as plot lines etc. This just means it might be possible for people to create larger scale projects and express good ideas more easily. It means one person could feasibly make a whole animated series. This has exciting implications if anything.

Besides unless it can replicate my personal style I would still need to draw stuff myself.

>> No.6136128

Dalle draws better than me. It should be banned.


Don't like it? Don't use it. What's the problem?

>> No.6136136

Then you ngmi fr

>> No.6136137

you're beg, but so is AI right now.

>> No.6136149

This is the most insecure thread I've ever seen. I can only assume you're a zoomer. I cannot trust oldfags to be this retarded.

>> No.6136158

>Human-made art will rise in value.
>Not when it is impossible to tell which art was made by a human and which was made by a guy pressing a button.
Digitards btfo

In all honesty though, idk why you guys are so afraid of AI, it's never going to be fully convincing.

>> No.6136173
File: 1013 KB, 1400x787, Original Rembrandt donutsteel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking trad is safe from AI
You must be new.

>> No.6136178

>The images were then printed and mounted at the sides of the original painting
Trad will always be safe. Even if they get robot arms to paint with actual brushes and pigment it will just create another split of handmade vs machine like furniture has right now.

>> No.6136182

Oh wait this is the 3d printed article. Same thing though, people buy ikea furniture and people buy handmade furniture.

>> No.6136186
File: 155 KB, 1834x305, 1656092098966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from a previous thread, if you dislike AI so much, just try following this dudes advice, it could unironically work.

I've heard stories on the internet of nsfw artists getting take down requests from big brands on patreon, for drawing porn of their characters (usually Nintendo), so if it can happen with porn. Then it should also be able to happen with politically incorrect artwork. Use alt accounts obviously, no need to get yourself canceled.

>> No.6136197
File: 231 KB, 1280x960, 08A5FC8E-4664-4CF6-83FE-E5F45DF966E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay but like, how is this stopping me from selling a painting of some clouds for $300?

>> No.6136201

you're such a fag, it's crazy. What happened in your life that made you so hungry for any form of attention that you can get?

>> No.6136206

No one will be able to tell the handmade from the AI "handmade". It will oversaturate the market, make it cheaper and will make it more difficult to the human artisans to lean on the prestige of "handmade" items.

They won't need to buy your paintings anymore, they can just generate their own painting of clouds and they also get to say: I made this.

>> No.6136223


If you want to have proof art wasn't AI generated you could simply record/stream the process of anything you create. Sure AI would be able to fake that eventually too but I doubt they'd be much incentive for any company with the resources to make that truly convincing any time soon.

>> No.6136233

Who the hell cares if it's by a human or an AI as long as the end result is the same? I imagine it would have to be really stupid middle class people that would ask for a video of it actually being made. Everyone else? No one gives a shit, give me my art.

>> No.6136236

Hello Trent

>> No.6136248


I agree with you to be honest, that the large majority of people really just wouldn't care. I just mean validity really shouldn't be hard or is much of an issue here as far as I can tell.

>> No.6136256

Just FUCK off already.
Whoever believes
>ONE that OP isnt a demoraliser shill using a different tactic
>TWO that even if he wasnt a shill - that he has a CHANCE to "prevent" the development of AI, supported by demonic entities and parasitic, transhumanistic overlords of this realm

is a fucking retard. Sage, ignore and draw what you like even if its just some ass. Fuck you OP, fuck you forever and fuck AI. There will come a beautiful time where this sad term will be forgoten and we will enjoy creation in peace again.

>> No.6136262

>Trad art might stay afloat for a little while until someone figures out how to stick a brush onto a robotic arm
Trad bros, look at dis cg retard, point a finger at him and laugh.
I'm so happy to be a trad patrician. I am what it means to be a human. My name is written on the same page, as DaVincnci, Michelangelo, Rembrand.
I KNOW t's impossible for a machine to do, what i can. Imagine a Boston Robotics soulless piece of shit, trying to use oils. Would pay money, to see it.
I feel a little bit Schadenfreude to be honest.
You were too lazy to clean up the paints afteword?
Too lazy to mix actual colors, why should you, you just color picked them from a foto?
Too impatient to wait for you oils to dry?
Well, now is time for you to enjoy being ass fucked by the AI.

>> No.6136273

You're right it's not a spam or a shill post, it's a bitch post.

>> No.6136432

Not this shit again. Petitions are toothless. They're a release valve and nothing more. You're not going to rollback AI by clamoring to a dying nation-state. What happened last thread is you were exposed to the legal reality of AI but chose to ignore it. That's fine. You know who else is going to ignore you? These guys

