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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 156 KB, 737x833, 1641117047516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6128557 No.6128557 [Reply] [Original]

In a few years it's just not realistic to have a job or an audience with this shit. If you don't want people to see and appreciate what you do then all the power to you.

>> No.6128578

Dalle-2 is fake

>> No.6128584

in the picture are examples from imagen, a google research project
it's at least on a similar level to dall-e 2 if not better, either way it's not what's collapsing the industry but what comes in a few years is

>> No.6128589

Imagen is fake

>> No.6128591

I am fake

>> No.6128595

I wish, funny thing is that so many people on this board are in deep denial sticking their head in the sand.
typically it's shit like
>but it's no creative
it has access to such an incredible amount of information of such a wide variety of subject matters and styles that you have no chance at actually competing with what sort of remixing it will be able to do

>> No.6128598
File: 667 KB, 1600x2133, 1644132300240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't exist nigga
There is no way they went from shit that dall-e mini creates to dalle-2 in any amount of time
It's magic tier tech
"Yeah haha this super cool AI is totally real! No, you can't use it. Here use this shitty one instead"

>> No.6128607

then another big cope I see is people going
>stop, just draw
these people are in so deep denial they short circuit and just refuse to look at what's happening

>> No.6128611
File: 981 KB, 859x903, its over for pornfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make dall-e 2
>release alpha version to the public as dall e mini to make publicity, raise public interest and potentially find investors
Anon, this is marketing 101

>> No.6128615

It's actually fucking over, I don't know what can fix the emptiness I feel right now.

>> No.6128618


I fucking love the drawing process so why the fuck should I care about computer generated images that all look like something you can pull off gettyimages?

>> No.6128621

Who fucking cares pick up a pen and draw you cunts act like its the end of the industry doesn't mean people won't want to tune in to people art. fucking grow up

>> No.6128624
File: 904 KB, 795x827, owarida.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder; pic related is what the average consumer is going to replace you with

>> No.6128626

Go ahead and keep drawing all you want, it's what I said in the OP.
When it comes to the examples looking like something out of "gettyimages", well there are plenty of examples of more artsy shit and not only that but crucially this shit is only starting, wait a few years and it will shit out stylized shit out perfectly as well.

>> No.6128632

You're dreaming. Also your clique of hipsters that want to sniff farts for the sake of it will not be able to provide attention to all those artists that will be thrown under the buss from the industry because they can and will be replaced by AI. I'm sure Kim Jung Gi won't have trouble but you certainly will.

>> No.6128634

it just looks like photoshopped pictures who cares

>> No.6128638
File: 1.25 MB, 1024x1024, 1648223351855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're incredibly short sighted also there's plenty of examples of these things generating images in different art styles. Wait a few years and even the most stubborn moron can't deny the power of this shit.

>> No.6128640

>what's happening
You don't understand art well enough to see that this thing will never replace skilled artists all it can do well is put two things together these images are fixed after by an artist and that's what you're looking at dall e doesn't produce magical nice looking images they all come with blurry smeared shit all over eyes and bodies

>> No.6128643

Nice demonstration version. It sure doesn't look horrible.

>> No.6128645

How many artists at Marvel or DC do you think this thing will genuinely replace?
The specificity is very limited and it starts to choke when you have a scene with more than two people in it. Imo this version is only going to replace stock photo companies, most artists don’t have to worry.

>> No.6128646

a year ago you would have said it can't ever do what it does now and next year you'll move your goalpost forward but a few years and you're cornered, this shit is progressing at an incredible pace

these things also have a huge advantage humans don't, these can be fed with such an incredible amount of images to train from

>it's not real some artist went in a fixed them up
yeah this is just cope and denial

>> No.6128647

Impressive. Very nice. Now let's see it draw lolis cumming.

>> No.6128649

This particular version is not the one doing the replacing but the shit that comes out in a couple of years will.

This current iteration of this has the capacity to replace more basic shit, maybe youtube thumbnail creators and things like that.

>> No.6128655

when one of these more powerful generators is released to the public it's going to take an hour until someone parses sites like gelbooru for image/tag pairs and trains the network

>> No.6128657

Are you a minor or are you seriously this low IQ?

>> No.6128659

no you nigger
the tech behind this is old, prolly 10ish years or so, it got so hot and popular now cuz they just got an insanely large database.
Even if they get a bigger database the fundamental problems behind this will be the same as before

>> No.6128663

Yeah bro just only recently has google been able to find a way to pair images with tags, it's not like google image search hasn't been a working thing until a month ago...

not only that but image classifiers have existed for a long time now, you know, the shit they use for object recognition

seriously research on deep learning only seriously started a decade ago, a few years ago people shat their pants with deepfakes and that shit seems like a joke compared to this

>> No.6128669

The homosexual person the name Elon Musk, sad the same about my job 10 years ago. And I'm still making my living with uber. So fuck you, tech stem retard. Replace me or fuck off.

>> No.6128670

the entirety of this board will be driving uber lol

>> No.6128671

>wait a few years
Why do 'ai' companies say this every single time and every single time fail to ever replace any job whatsoever

>> No.6128672

Yes, and you and stem nigger friends can't do shit about it. God, I hate these autistic degenerates so much.

>> No.6128676

why do you people keep ignoring what's right in front of your eyes

a year ago you looked at what was possible and laughed and said it'll never be able to get abstract concepts like what playing the guitar actually looks like or what makes a frog look like a frog

>> No.6128677

Next year Shitcoin will replace all bank employees, believe me, bro.

>> No.6128680
File: 652 KB, 884x698, 1652960506105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at those images and you'd have to wonder how the hell it was able to combine the described words into something so choesive so well, this shit is able to pick up abstract concepts and apply them, no reason it won't apply to whatever artsy artfart anime tiddy shiit you think it won't be able to do

>> No.6128686

I'm fascinated that you find this as some sort of point but okay

>> No.6128688

How many thought-streams do you have at the same time?
AI has millions of thought-streams a second, a vast pool of information, while also being able to construct an answer because how people learn to know through association, so does the AI just millions of times faster.

>> No.6128692

What is your goal? If you're afraid of AI just fuck and find a new hobby.

>> No.6128696

of course I'm jumping ship but it's depressing as hell

>> No.6128697

>This particular version is not the one doing the replacing but the shit that comes out in a couple of years will.
Meh. The robot overlord takeover is always just “a few years away”.
Google translate is really damn good but human translators still have work.
People don’t understand how hard it is to fully replace a human. There’s an infinite number of little details that you never really think about, until you actually sit down to do the work.
Wake me up when Disney lays off their entire art department. Until then I’m not going to be a doomer about it.

>> No.6128704

I don't see Disney doing hand drawn animation anymore thanks to computer generated imagery

anyway this shit you see right now is scary good and look at what it was a year ago, it's a very real thing that's progressing really fast

>> No.6128730

well the industrial revolution certainly changed things, suddenly you have machines that can do the work of a hundred people, this seems to be something similar for the creative industry

>> No.6128739

Good thing I don't make money off of art
its gona be good to see the corporate side of art die . art its best when it is done with nothing expected in return.

>> No.6128741

None of this is good for anything practical. Get a life and stop trying to troll an entire board with the >le AI meme.

>> No.6128743

>If you don't want people to see and appreciate what you do then all the power to you.
I personally seek validation through art and I'll plainly admit it even though I know pretentious people will whine and bitch about it

>> No.6128748

It's over for graphic designers. It can create good logos too.

>> No.6128752

even at this stage it's useful and will only get better, also they already showed you can say have a dog on a chair and paint over the dog and replace it with a cat

so basically you'll just interact with the ai and have it do all the work

>> No.6128757

>this shit you see right now is scary good
Alright, now you're trolling way too obvious. Fuck off, it's getting boring.

>> No.6128759

you're in denial

>> No.6128766

Yeah yeah after all we all draw here because we want to work in industry and not because we actually love drawing and want to be able to draw anime titgirl right?
Same with photos nigger
I can take a photo of something but i want to be able to draw it and making brush strokes is actually satisfying in itself

>> No.6128768

>If you don't want people to see and appreciate what you do then all the power to you.
>If you don't want people to see and appreciate what you do then all the power to you.
>If you don't want people to see and appreciate what you do then all the power to you.
>If you don't want people to see and appreciate what you do then all the power to you.
Are you people blind???

>> No.6128772

Good for you, go make millions by selling them to tech companies.
The $5 per drawing pajeet gang is furious. Seriously, though, get a life.

>> No.6128777
File: 852 KB, 1080x720, 1639345793628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some ukiyo-e styled generated image, bitch and moan about it not being perfect but in a year you'll be whining about how you don't care even if it's perfect lol

>> No.6128783

>The $5 per drawing pajeet gang is furious.
that's you

>> No.6128786

I'm just curious what kind of fucking hobbie is for you if you need other people to appreciete it to enjoy it
Like every fucking pro in the field is pro because he is fucking autist who likes to draw not the fucking attention he gets on his art
Go code ai to generate pictures of play minecraft
Way more people will be imprwssed and you actually gona get a job

>> No.6128788

it's normal human behavior to seek validation and have people appreciate what you accomplish

>> No.6128795

Where is my self driving car, you stupid piece of shit? You are saying in a year, for 10 years!

>> No.6128797

a self driving car has no room for error, an image generator that shits out an image every few seconds and can do multiple variations of what you ask it to can make duds without people dying

>> No.6128810

It's not normal pushing doing something because you seek attention
Again all the professionals in every field are just a fucking autist who liked doing something and actually spend a lot of time grinding thinks they like
Enjoying attention is fine but not seeking it trough something that is not enjoyable for you without that attention

>> No.6128814

a lot of professionals do what they do because they were encouraged from a young age

>> No.6128823

not to be mean but autistic people aren't normal

>> No.6128831
File: 481 KB, 1000x1000, 1656172506382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point i am just curious
Before you ask me to do the same i'll post some old sketches
You can do the same

>> No.6128858

I'm on the waiting list for dalle 2, if I actually get it and they dont take "a processing time" of a day to cheat and.give me thw resiults in real time, I already made up a prompt so specific, it will be the final test of its quality.

>> No.6128881

We get it. You cant draw. Dont go crabbing everyone else to stop whatever they're doing because you're never gonna make it.

>> No.6128885

for all you tech fuckers, why do you think ai won't take over and destroy the industry? What are these limitations that you think will never be crossed?

>> No.6128888

Is that so? Then show me what happens when you put in "a big dicked futa fucking a loli overflowing with cum".
I'll wait, but won't hold my breath.

>> No.6128890

oh it will happen

>> No.6128892

Why do mods allow these paid shill threads? None of this shit is art and none of it is made by the posters of /ic/.

>> No.6128893
File: 40 KB, 740x370, 7678376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to live a simple life as a comic creator desu, why do techfags have to destroy everything

>> No.6128895

why are you people so obsessed with porn?

>> No.6128935

>The $5 per drawing pajeet gang is furious
this is exactly who I think keeps spamming this AI garbage on /ic/. it's either third worlders or 3d tracers/photobashers with zero skill and imagination trying to board the sakumichan money train. of course they would be angry and scared when primitive AI already dwarfs their beg tier shit

>i-i-it will happen to you too! AI superpower by 2025
get a job you lazy worthless faggots

>I don't care about money, I care about HUMANITY'S FUTURE, We Must Secure The Existence Of Our People And A Future For Artistic Children
once AI development accelerates, le art world will be the least of humanity's concerns

>> No.6128953
File: 1015 KB, 1000x668, Final_Hero_Image_Imagen_Parti.max-1000x1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, Imagen and DALLE are already outdated.

>> No.6128964


>> No.6128967

Who keeps making these fucking threads?
How? Fucking how is this not a bannable offense yet???
Is this board that fucking dead?

>> No.6128969

>april, 2022 dall-e comes out
>it can barely draw a fucking hand, spergs out when you get too specific
>June, 2022, parti can draw aything you imagine with incredible detail, even when given complex instructions
wtf tech fags, you said it would take a decade for artists to become obsolete. All it took was 2 fucking months