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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 436 KB, 1895x1080, 16626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6123500 No.6123500 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this nigga?

>> No.6123507


>> No.6123508
File: 2 KB, 257x85, HAHAHHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mid tier

>> No.6123515

Doesnt he do nfts

>> No.6123526


>> No.6123531

I don't like nodraw art advice videos in English, why the fuck would i why watch nodraw art advice videos in Japanese?

>> No.6123539

one of only ones who actually draw and not just talk on youtube and do photobashing

>> No.6123743

he is based, except for >>6123515 and the bias that most japanese people have regarding technology

>> No.6123750

He gives good advice

>> No.6123778

I love that he's actually fun, seems to enjoy helping, and when he 'fixes' art he's not harsh about it. Probably a culture thing, but he seems to be a really nice guy and knows what he's talking about unlike ... most of the arrogant youtube 'tutorials.'

>> No.6123859
File: 155 KB, 736x1024, h26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like his correction videos because he explains why he makes changes or additions, and shows how various little improvements can totally change the impression of a picture rather than trying to say "just draw better 5head." It does make me sad that he started doing NFTs since I was a big fan of his Pokemon art.

>> No.6123871
File: 461 KB, 607x591, 8552a64265431734477559644a427cc3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mega based
he used to upload drafts of his official pokemon art showing characters in their underwear
too bad someone ratted on him and he had to take everything down

>> No.6123876

How did you called Naoki Sensei you pathetic bitch?

>> No.6124645

he's a good dude, I don't hate him but I don't really waste my time watching him either

>> No.6124651

pokemon cards are just physical NFTs

>> No.6124864

got a link to these?

>> No.6124868
File: 185 KB, 750x1051, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6125038
File: 148 KB, 800x1131, 20220623_092228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The usefulness is about the same but at least they are something tangible, when opensea and rarible inevitably go down I will still have my wacky little pieces of cardboard

>> No.6125039

His early videos are much more useful, now it's more edutainment. Still fun to watch.

>> No.6125064
File: 136 KB, 503x462, 1640718715123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched a fair bunch of his videos as Japanese practice (that doubled as art advice).
I find him mildly annoying, because of his high-pitched, shopping-channel style of speaking, as well as the borderline clickbait thumbs/titles to compete with other algorithm grifters.

But his advice is not bad. His art is nothing to write home about, but he has the technical ground properly covered and it should do you no harm in trying out what he has to advise you.

Then again, I'm extremely picky with my speakers, Proko is another retard that deeply annoys me with his soiboi voice.

>> No.6125072

I watched a few videos but it feels like I'm not his audience (yet) since I'm a beg.

>> No.6125338
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x880, Naoki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post this
>It makes enough sense to be genuine
>Omit the part where you need to make counterfeit canvas files if the original didn't distribute them via Patreon or a similar site
Thanks man...

>> No.6125357

fair enough

>> No.6125593

>Doesnt he do nfts
tell me. why does a /beg/ care about nfts?

>> No.6125629

Japan seems to support nfts so why not

>> No.6125654

Food for thought. Since this is going to become another bitching and moaning about nfts thread.

If your work isn't commercially relevant in traditional markets and web 2.0 platforms. You need not bother worrying about adopting a fledgling technology stack.

>> No.6125807

trading cards have been a generations
their value goes beyond just being a ponzi scheme supported by useful idiots

>> No.6125830

He knows his stuff, but I hate how whiny his voice is.

>> No.6126080

Counterfit canvas files? Wtf are you on about? He's just saying copy your favorite drawings, check them, repeat until you get it right.

>> No.6126173
File: 491 KB, 853x533, pups.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like others said, his advice isn't bad but the way he talks is annoying. The newer videos are worse but he's always had a problem keeping things concise.
I started liking him a bit better after seeing his older, "weirder" drawings and the fact he has Frank figurines in the background sometimes. I understand he genuinely likes the moeblob stuff he draws now, but it's much less interesting.
I didn't know the thing about taping paper to your tablet before watching him. It does feel much more comfortable and just that made the time I spent listening to him in the background worth it, which is more than I can say about most other YouTube drawing people.

>> No.6126187

would unironically curb stomp you, even if you are baiting.

>> No.6126349

>poot lel
Thanks for telling us

>> No.6127233

I agree. Having a nice voice is so important as a youtuber.

>> No.6127620
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 041220201607069796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why yes for me its deep breeder sama how could you tell?

>> No.6127817

he's better than most westoids that's what i can say

>> No.6127863

That + the vidéos are like super cutter

normaly when you finish a sentence you have a bit blank time to take breath but his video the next frame when he finish a sentence he start a new one which is really unsettleing when you are not japanease
so people should consider mute the sound when watching his videos

>> No.6127879

? Is he a drawing vtuber or something?

>> No.6128552
File: 201 KB, 953x762, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty based i would say

>> No.6128580

Kys westoid

>> No.6128582

this is the most basic shit out of any tutorial out there

>> No.6129289

what, do you think there is some esoteric technique for good linework besides just drawing?

>> No.6129368

He's decent I guess.
My biggest problem with him is he's very result oriented. Where I like sinix because he pushes for general improvement.
When sinix gives advice it's general art advice that's always applicable.
When this guy gives advice it's always focused on a very specific product with the intention of shitting out work. It works for producing specific things, but he's very railroaded into a production mindset as opposed to a skill based one.

Also he's an NFT shill.

>> No.6129371

/ic/ in shambles

>> No.6129374

this video legitimately changed the way i looked at my drawings. I don't know how it is that at one point I perceived the first drawing as good and now I can understand the conceptual mistakes that were holding me back.

>> No.6129389
File: 187 KB, 1280x1816, 00052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a grifter. Enjoy opening his book and getting a bunch of monetized youtube videos

>> No.6129405

Nft loving faggot
Still do

>> No.6129409


>> No.6130363
File: 928 KB, 1025x1000, c3481be8180f69bb7709856cec19cf08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second this!

>> No.6131770

You're going to have to give some examples because I've been watching the guy's videos and while some of his critiques and advice may be presented with him saying "and if you do it this way, the drawing will look much better" the actual advice given is not any different to say sinix's food for thought.

>> No.6131776

I'll also add that whether you choose to believe in it or not, the guy tends to be fond of creating a lot of videos with the aim of shifting the perspective of artists in regards to approaching how they illustrate, which is just as much of 'general improvement' over general art advice, considering the amount of beginner artists who literally get caught up in learning and improving because they're too retarded to look at things in a different way. It doesn't do me much help to listen to the guy explain how it's not wrong to keep things loosey goosey when illustrating and that you can always refine the sketch by drawing over it, I know plenty of people who could be improving much faster if they weren't being so autistic over getting the line strokes perfect the first try.

>> No.6131779

can you even read that?

>> No.6132533
File: 263 KB, 607x591, 7657900263c204de57eb4695f4b5b68f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6132914

Holy crap, thank you so much!

>> No.6133032

any artist thats ashamed of his NON 18+ work is no artist in my book

>> No.6133036

I thought it's usually is the other way around.
That most artists are more ashamed of their NSFW art than their normie art due to normie expectations or something, I thought.

>> No.6133039

Oh I know what you mean but that shit is lukewarm at best, people who hide their "NSFW art" do it because it's some hardcore furry degenerate rape porn or related

>> No.6133064

maybe its just general aversion to "rules" like he likes to give because its clickbaity and appeals to retards.

but i forget the video, but it was one of the how to git gudder videos, and basically his advice if you're bad at something was to just not draw it and hide it away, which works for a production piece but his entire 10 minute rant on it was just solely about ways to hide things you don't want to draw, like hands or symmetric faces.

he also has a lot of focus on add-ons or tools instead of the general idea. where someone like sinix generally uses a minimal toolset because the ideas can be accomplished with a hard round brush, naoki heavily relies and uses tools to teach. instead of telling you how to do x or y, he just says
>wave your brush like this
>use this filter
>bam you have what you need
which works if all you care about is the result. but rarely do i want a result, i want to understand the underlying reasoning behind something so i can apply it to other things as well.

i'm sure some of his other videos are good. but honestly after watching a few of his tip videos i decided he wasn't for me and i only watch him for his critique videos now.

>> No.6133065

Anon he was already uploading it. He clearly was not "ashamed" of it. It's more likely he had to stop uploading them to avoid getting in trouble.

>> No.6133067

Ohh yeah I see what you mean now. Yeah in comparison, some tame sexy artwork isn't anything to be ashamed about, of course. So anything that isn't hardcore furry degenerate rape porn or related is NON 18+ to you, right?

>> No.6133105

I was exaggerating of course, I think nudity, overtly sexual content or sexual acts act etc etc are 18+ and considered NSFW
What he drew was basically Akebi-chan tier content

>> No.6133133

Yeah, I think someone snitched on him to Nintendo and he had to stop publicly lewding their Pokemon characters lmao

>> No.6133140

same as >>6123508
He has low-/int/ skill as an artist but his videos are fairly entertaining and he seems to have keyed in on a successful formula for youtube. Doesn't hurt that he popped off with Genshin content, I feel like doing anything Genshin related is rolling the dice on whether it harmlessly fizzles or blows up dramatically and he put a novel spin on it with his "guessing what characters look like based on their bio" thing and it obviously worked for him. It kinda bothers me that he does instructional stuff when he's not really amazing himself, but one of his videos going over new features in CSP was useful to me so it's definitely not all bad. I would've looked it up and figured it out elsewhere if his video hadn't happened to be in my recs though. If he's really a fulltime career artist that's pretty inspiring because it's a reminder that as long as you can market yourself the bar isn't high.

>> No.6133143

>he has low-int skill

>> No.6133144

Low intelligence? Low international? What do you mean?

>> No.6133147

Oh, intermediate, right? Lol no way

>> No.6133362

Good insight on
>What to focus when drawing animu
>General tips/things for japanese artstyle
>Correction videos
However, most of his videos are clickbaits and normiecore, which makes sense since he makes bucks mostly from these people.

>> No.6133382

>Correction videos

>> No.6134237


>> No.6135707

His OC character is ugly

>> No.6136001

Which one?

>> No.6137881

His "how to improve in 3 months video" is fine for what it is since its pretty vague but is still pushing people in the right direction in how to copy anime. I think thats the only thing you should maybe watch from him but you can find this same exact advice from the first post on the /asg/ threads. The rest is typical clickbaity algorithim grifter shit that should be avoided.

>> No.6137929

awful twitter meme, you should feel embarrassed

>> No.6138076


>> No.6140775

No, I will not "take off my hat".