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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6115302 No.6115302 [Reply] [Original]

I'm kinda newish to digital art and just got myself a tablet but I want to use another drawing program (currently using Krita).

I want to take my hobby seriously from here on, and I've planned looking up learning material and stuff, for most digital stuff I've seen Photoshop being used (most tutorials, speedpaints, artist portfolios, are PS based. That being said I hate their suscribe-model product, so an alternative is Clipstudio, I've seen good reviews and comparisons but I'm still in doubt. So according to all of that, Ic/ I seek your help, what should I do? Also if you know of other good programs be it paid or free share them here

>> No.6115322

Clip studio
>1 time fee forever, get all the updates
>big community
>lots of lineart and comic focus
>tends to suck when it comes to colors and brushes (functional but large brushes can lag especially with many large layers)

>you're a cuck
>plenty of resources
>use an outdated version or pay up monthly
>doesn't shit itself when painting
>a few extra features csp doesn't have

>> No.6115353

>use an outdated version or pay up monthly
I still use the 2019 version and it fullfil all my needs. Being outdate doesnt matter

>> No.6115354

I'd say get Clip Studio Paint at first and just try it out. It is on sale until like the 21st and the Pro version is around 25 bucks I think so it's really nit much for a program used by many professionals

>> No.6115368

Pirate either, but clip studio is more comfy, photoshop is more powerful but uncomfy

>> No.6115388

i use photoshop because im more familiar with it for general photo editing, but it's kind of an obnoxious piece of shit if you just want to draw. you have to make a custom keybind to flip the canvas for example. stuff like that.

i also remember it being a huge pain in the ass to pirate, but it was definitely worth it for me. easy choice if you're interested in anything beyond just drawing imo

>> No.6115411
File: 161 KB, 961x694, Screenshot 2022-06-17 161512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This plus CSP also has features PS doesn't have, like the built in 3D editor and an infinitely better animation timeline (with EX).
I also really like the easy colorize and border layer buttons.

LazyNezumi doesn't hook into CSP as good though.

I remember needing autohotkey to set up quick flip and rotate shortcuts in Photoshop.
Shit like
>save mouse position
>set mouse to center - y50
>hold R + left mouse
>drag mouse at X speed
>release buttons and return to saved position

In CSP flipping and 15 degree rotation are just built in shortcuts.

>> No.6115418

I really wish they'd put out a desktop version of Procreate. Seems like the only software that puts individual artists first.
>Photoshop only cares about photo retouchers and boomers that have used it for decades
>CSP only cares about the manga/animation studios that use it and bow to their feature requests before any filthy gaijin get their turn
>Krita is still bugged and the lead developers are stuck too far up their own asses to listen to the users
And then you have the software that nobody uses because that software is constantly trying to play catch up with the rest.

>> No.6115458

I bought CSP but haven’t bothered to learn it because
>I’m already familiar with PS
>I hear CSP uses those “single core” stuff and I’m afraid my old computer won’t be able to handle it
>I hear that CSP is better for line art, PS is better for painting, and I ultimately want to paint
About the shortcuts, at first I also found the idea of setting it up annoying but it’s not that difficult. You’d probably want to customize stuff anyway, to fit your workflow better.
I do plan to also learn CSP eventually, but I just want to focus on learning how to draw and paint right now
My photoshop is a pirated 2019 version.

>> No.6115462

unrelated, how important is it to "learn" the art programs?
I use CSP but I literally just use the gpen and watercolor brush when i need to blend.

>> No.6115473

Extremely important. Youll save time and achieve your goals faster

>> No.6115475

I'd might give Affinity Photo a try. Same ballpark price wise with Clip Paint but with the versatility of Photoshop. I've been using it for a while and I don't feel like I'm missing any features from Adobe's offerings. It's 50 bucks but it goes on sale 3-4 times a year for 25.

>> No.6115533

Ever since dual brushes and the ability to import abr's CSP is as good for painting as Photoshop is, it just performs slightly worse. Just download Greg Rutowki's brushes and delete the brushes that didn't transfer correctly and you'll be good to go painting-wise.

>> No.6115547

Idk man I have both and prefer CSP cuz lf the UI/UX. Ofc you should pirate photoshop if you wanna use it

>> No.6115571 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 432x432, 1648831528045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Old program everyone uses because it used to be the popular option and everyone sticked to it to this day. Just like with Paint tool sai.
>The software hasn't changed much in over a decade, they keep adding new features, sure, but the engine and underlying code is still old.
>It's a good photo, image editing and photobashing software, I still use it when I need some of it's unique tools like quick selection and content aware fill.
>The person who started the whole "lets use it for drawing and painting" was the biggest retard ever.

>Subscription model but doesn't matter since you can pirate it.

>Good for comics and manga. 90% of Japanese artists use it for manga and doujinshi and commercial magazines. the other 10% are probably big name artists being paid by adobe to use and promote photoshop.
>Some tools are weird and have too much customization for some people to handle.
>A$$et store that allows users to go full jew and start charging useless digital currency for assets, you can't convert this digital points into actual real world currency, so it makes no actual sense.

>Never pay full price, always wait for sale.
>$25 dollars for PRO
>Wait for another sale and then it's $84 or so for EX version upgrade, But I don't recommend going EX unless you work for a physical magazine or really need or want mulipage documents (it's just an index file that helps you magnage individual .csp files inside a folder)
>if you are considering Ex for animation please look elsewhere, there';s better software for that, and CSP has some weird way to manage layers and frames.
>Subscription model on anything other than Windows/Mac.

>> No.6115579
File: 393 KB, 1280x720, 1639804734713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Old program everyone uses because it used to be the popular option and everyone sticked to it to this day. Just like with Paint tool sai.
>The software hasn't changed much in over a decade, they keep adding new features, sure, but the engine and underlying code is still old.
>It's a good photo, image editing and photobashing software, I still use it when I need some of it's unique tools like quick selection and content aware fill.
>The person who started the whole "lets use it for drawing and painting" was the biggest retard ever.

>Subscription model but doesn't matter since you can pirate it.

>Good for comics and manga. 90% of Japanese artists use it for manga and doujinshi and commercial magazines. the other 10% are probably big name artists being paid by adobe to use and promote photoshop.
>Some tools are weird and have too much customization for some people to handle.
>A$$et store that allows users to go full jew and start charging useless digital currency for assets, you can't convert this digital points into actual real world currency, so it makes no actual sense.

>Never pay full price, always wait for sale.
>$25 dollars for PRO
>Wait for another sale and then it's $84 or so for EX version upgrade, But I don't recommend going EX unless you work for a physical magazine or really need or want mulipage documents (it's just an index file that helps you magnage individual .csp files inside a folder)
>if you are considering Ex for animation please look elsewhere, there';s better software for that, and CSP has some weird way to manage layers and frames.
>Subscription model on anything other than Windows/Mac.

>> No.6115598

CSP isn't very fast, the UI is garbage, the selection tool is not good even SAI has a better selection tool where you can switch from free to polygonal.

>> No.6115605

>CSP isn't very fast
It's got some hitches with the brush engine but it starts up reasonably fast at least, and while running Ive never had it lock up or crash like Ive had with photoshop/
>UI is garbage
For the most part it mirrors Photoshop's UI and it allows you to have a lot more shortcut freedom
>SAI has a better selection tool where you can switch from free to polygonal.
If you want this you can have two tools in the same category (pol and free selection), give them the same shortcut and pressing that shortcut will toggle you between the two tools.

I will say that the CSP transform tools are laggy garbage though and their only saving grace is that you can transform multiple selected layers. If you can't live without puppet warp when CSP is definitely not your program.

>> No.6115634

Autodesk Sketchbook could've been the greatest pure drawing program if they actually cared to update it, it was extremely fast, straight to the point, minimal UI taking up space, great brush engine. It felt great sketching on it.

However they never added shortcuts for certain tools making it a pain in the ass if you weren't using a touch device and the pen pressure only worked with Wacom devices. I'm still sad about it.

Krita is still a fucking mess. The default brushes don't feel good at all, everything feels sluggish.

CSP is alright, takes some time to get used to all the menus. Great for lineart, lots of extra tools like the pose scanner, tons of brushes and materials you can download. Not so good for painting but it does the job.

SAI is the closest thing to Sketchbook in how it feels to draw, very snappy and fast. UI is easy to work with. Good tools. The default brushes aren't that great however.

Medibang is a poor man's CSP, the UI is awful and lots of things are untranslated.

>> No.6115731

CSP has that utilitarian UI where you know it was designed by the programmers.

>> No.6115943

The answer depends on what you want to make.
Do you want to make comics or line art focused drawings? Then CSP is probably going to be nicer to use, because that's what it's designed for, though PS isn't terrible for this either. Do you want to make paintings? PS has the advantage, but CSP isn't terrible for it either. Do you want to make graphic/pencil sketches? Then stick to analogue.
If you don't know what you want to do then PS is probably the more versatile tool, and it's better for non-drawing stuff too. I use CSP and sometimes wish I'd be bothered to install PS for non-art stuff.

>> No.6116587
File: 145 KB, 1306x578, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

photoshop. lmao imagine imitating PS but it's still awful

>> No.6116591
File: 16 KB, 400x266, 5006b578939946ce2fb050636f28a332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photoshop already had this feature before csp had this

>> No.6116605
File: 209 KB, 901x556, Screenshot 2022-06-18 095847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I paint with transparency in Photoshop
I haven't used an eraser brush in years


>> No.6116625

I need a program to animate hand drawn game assets, mostly just few frames long, is CSP okay for that?

>> No.6116631

>I paint with transparency in Photoshop
?? like wut?

>> No.6116632

I can't be the only one who finds Photoshop to be torture for anything other than liquifying and airbrushing photos?

>> No.6116633

Photoshop abandoned 3d because it works like shit

>> No.6116637

CSP is also shit, takes too long to pose compared to proper programs

>> No.6116642
File: 55 KB, 564x705, 2eb54e7eb20268a95f6175e7e4a16063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, but Photoshop already had it before CSP, >>6115411 this nigga said >CSP also has features PS doesn't have, like the built in 3D kek

>> No.6116644
File: 62 KB, 716x490, Screenshot 2022-06-18 103512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You switch between using your primary and secondary colors with X in Photoshop, right?
In CSP you press C to switch to transparency as well.

>> No.6116648

Why don't you set up a 3D scene and character in Photoshop for me? I'm curious.

>> No.6116654

uhhh.. no it doesn't? Their base models do suck though

>> No.6116658

PhotoshopChads don’t need 3d models to draw

>> No.6116660

Their limb dragging isn't great

>> No.6116661

>I don't NEED
AdobeCucks are the worst

>> No.6116663


>> No.6116664
File: 358 KB, 1366x768, PS 3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, see, like what >>6116633 this anon said
it's basically eraser brushes, so CSP has made transparent brushes

>> No.6116668
File: 245 KB, 1366x768, PS brush as eraser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forget pic, you can also use brushes to erase, smudge

>> No.6116673
File: 506 KB, 1019x894, Screenshot 2022-06-18 110330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not eraser brushes, it's erasing with whatever damn brush I want, preferably the same one I'm painting with. Makes erased areas look perfectly the same as the rest.
I guess you could just manually create a duplicate brush and set it as your eraser? Too long.

I've never played with Photoshop's 3D shit, can you adjust the focal length and lights?
I assume you need Blender to set a character's poses, or can you import an object with a skeleton and use Photoshop?

>> No.6116674
File: 48 KB, 429x652, 6723cc8b3519af0781af53f6059949e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant to this anon >>6116648
this sensei also do 3D painting on PS

>> No.6116675

boomer vs zoomer

>> No.6116679

Inlike cleaning up my tradwork or scan my sketches so I use photoshop more

>> No.6116680
File: 527 B, 44x29, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you meant this, in PS, it's just an eraser. if you meant opacity, PS has it as well
>I guess you could just manually create a duplicate brush and set it as your eraser? Too long.
no, just click eraser tool and pick a brush you want (in CSP, you have to switch to transparency)

>> No.6116693

Only Appletards use photoshop. Nuff said.

>> No.6116694 [DELETED] 

But you can't erase with any brush. If you select a normal brush, it won't erase.

>> No.6116698

Go the route of seven seas and yarr yarr CSP

>> No.6116706
File: 2 KB, 151x86, Screenshot 2022-06-18 112825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just opened Photoshop, I never actually noticed the "clear" option on the brushes.
Everything else in the list is just blend modes, so I just assumed it was a redundant option I'd never need since I always just changed the blend mode at the layer itself.

There's no shortcut option for it, though, so I guess you'd have to use autohotkey to assign Alt + Shift + R and Alt + Shift + N to something a normal person would use.

>> No.6116712

>Being outdate doesnt matter
It matters when you get to see the same splash art every time you boot the program for the rest of your life.

>> No.6116715
File: 192 KB, 857x593, Capture3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just click eraser tool and choose normal brushes you want to switch to eraser mode

>> No.6116724

When I open erasers, I can choose any brush that is an eraser. If I click a non eraser brush, it switches to brush tool.
Maybe this is a version difference? I have 2020.

>> No.6116743
File: 13 KB, 187x269, Capture4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the brushes have a small icon at the top right like a brush, smudge or erases icon, that means it's specifically only for that tool, but if the brushes don't have one, these can be used for eraser and smudge tool

>> No.6116792

I always hated using Photoshop for drawing, but why do people say it's better for painting than CSP? Something to do with the brushes?

>> No.6116809

I don't use Photoshop, but CSP lags like shit if you use custom brush tips and/or textured brushes at larger sizes. I hear it's something related to not having multithreading.

>> No.6116813
File: 140 KB, 1314x474, Screenshot 2022-06-18 130404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photoshop is
>muh two world wars
of drawing software

In reality, Photoshop is no longer leagues ahead of everyone else, and is stagnating with all the other Adobe software.
Every other software is going to function basically the same as Photoshop, with most having feature parity or greater.

Even ignoring price (~$50 vs ~$20/month), I don't think Photoshop has anything meaningful to offer over CSP.
Supposedly CSP struggles with hypercomplex brushes, but I've never had any issues with it.

>> No.6116841
File: 832 KB, 1920x1080, greg-rutkowski-secret-pass-eagle-nest-1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because PS can paint like this, CSP? i doubt

>> No.6116874
File: 897 KB, 2200x1078, nacho-yague-nachoyague-clipstudio-2200-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll grant that CSP isn't the pinnacle of emulating traditional media, but it's not terrible.

>> No.6116878

There is nothing CSP lacks that would prevent you from making a painting like that unless you insist on using something like a 10k canvas and blendy 500px+ brushes and a lot of puppet warps.

>> No.6116891

post one that looks like this >>6116841

>> No.6116896

12k is often used in the entertainment industry now, then reduced to 4k if it's matte paintings

>> No.6116899
File: 749 KB, 1920x1541, sundeep-kumar-artstation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, can you post your work that looks like this >>6116841 ?
You'd obviously be bottlenecked by CSP's inferior brush engine, so making something better than >>6116874 in Photoshop should be fairly easy.

>> No.6116915

photoshop because RuanGOD uses it

>> No.6116919

go back to work chink

>> No.6117096

that's not fair to PS because it's notoriously miserable for animation BUT there are also plugins that kinda patch like 90% of the problems with it
still clunky as shit but honestly it's like expecting a swiss army knife to break a safe, technically doable but no one who animates for a living would be caught dead using it

>> No.6117104

How do I make a brush emulate those traditional '' impasto" strokes?

>> No.6117111

>recreate trad painting
>add random DoF blur
how can someone be so competent feel compelled to compromise their work with such a pointless quirk

>> No.6117214

I still use PS CS6 and see no reason to change

>> No.6117232

don't you mean photobashing?

>> No.6117506
File: 331 KB, 1280x1530, 47986133472016_0030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good painting must be photobashing
>le photobashing bad
listen here beglet, even CSP teaches you how to photobash.
Greg Rutkowski just has decent brushes

>> No.6117520

his brushes

>> No.6117538

hold the ` key

>> No.6117562
File: 11 KB, 400x400, 0seJynvR_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I remember needing autohotkey to set up quick flip and rotate shortcuts in Photoshop.
>Shit like
>>save mouse position
>>set mouse to center - y50
>>hold R + left mouse
>>drag mouse at X speed
>>release buttons and return to saved position
>In CSP flipping and 15 degree rotation are just built in shortcuts

ive never heard of these shortcuts/actions can someone explain what they do?

>> No.6117567

First off: are you using your drawing buttplug?

>> No.6117572

>if you are considering Ex for animation please look elsewhere, there';s better software for that, and CSP has some weird way to manage layers and frames
Name few best choices for those.
Idk if these are the best or just a meme

>> No.6117575
File: 1.21 MB, 220x220, johnny-depp-captain-jack-sparrow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have both

>> No.6117605

I use CSP for animation because I'm used to the workflow and features, but Opentoonz's timeline and animation tools are way easier to use. Heard good things about TVPaint but I haven't tried it myself.

>> No.6117636

looks like garbage

>> No.6117644
File: 532 KB, 1920x960, grzegorz-rutkowski-dragons-breath-1920-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok bro, try to use any brushes that are close to his on csp and paint it like picrel

>> No.6117672

you can literally import his brushes to CSP if you want, most work fine.

>> No.6117673
File: 139 KB, 492x428, 10E5E57F-749E-4D9C-84A1-DA158877312C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me one relevant and top tier artist who mainly uses CSP
>pro tip
You can’t. They all use Photoshop
Sargent would also use photoshop by the way

>> No.6117691

but im not a top tier artist so why should i use their tools

>> No.6117697

yeah, just paint it like this >>6117644. you and csp can't

>> No.6117702

isn't krita good enough

>> No.6117703

You want a redpill anon? It DOESN'T matter what software you are using right now. What matters is that you're drawing. If you want something more powerful then go with Clip Studio. I use PS and I recently tried Clip Studio. Clip Studio actually has some really interesting features like 3d asset staging. It's a pretty damn decent software for its price. The real red pill here is that you must draw. Don't be that person who buys all the fancy gym clothes but never visits the gym. Don't be that artist that needs all the fancy tools before they even begin to focus on drawing or painting. Pick whatever is most convenient to you and draw. That's the fucking redpill anon. Just. Fucking. Draw. It will put you ahead of everybody jerking off in these comments about a tool. Just. Fucking. Draw.

>> No.6117705


>> No.6117716
File: 1.20 MB, 3072x2304, 1653797089687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought ring fit last year and put maybe 10 hours into it before giving in to laziness
maybe I should boot it up again

>> No.6117784


basically that.

CSP has alot of customizability.
Great brush settings.
Shit performance, non GPU.

Photoshop has limited customization.
Limited brush settings.
Great performance, GPU.

>> No.6117791

>Industry Standard
>Used by Pros
>Doesn't held your hand, stoic, the chads choice
Clip Studio Paint
>Safe, soft, modern, femenine
>Will guide you around like a mother, will keep you childish forever
>Only used by beg animefaggots with 2D waifus
Easy choice

>> No.6117824

It's an AutoHotKey script
idk what you mean cause I explained what it did

>> No.6117827

Are you a relevant and top tier artist, anon?

>> No.6117831

What's wrong with Krista?
It works great on my 8y old laptop.

>> No.6117840

The brushes suck.

>> No.6117844

nta but i'm genuinely curious what are some "good" brushes examples? i've only used the basic hard square and round brushes until now

>> No.6117845

But I can pretty much make my own brush in krita

>> No.6117910
File: 149 KB, 492x428, 1653444097359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top results were art by literally-whos and were commissioned by CSP

>> No.6118240

where can i learn more about those scripts you mention can you show a demonstration

>> No.6118245

what the hell is save mouse position how the hell does that work?

>> No.6118251

Photobashing in CSP is pure pain, I would even put GIMP of all programs above CSP for photobashing

>> No.6118266
File: 2.30 MB, 1920x1040, wee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have the script, so I recorded what it did.
It's a script to drag the canvas around with WASD one my one handed keyboard

Turns out I misremembered, and I never actually figured out how to rotate with it? or it sucked and I deleted it, idk

AHK is kinda complicated at first, but it's actually fairly simple. You just have to read the built in wiki thing.

>> No.6119927

does anyone know a way to change the color surrounding the canvas in CSP? I know where to change the interface color from light to dark in the preferences, but is there a way to change it to, for example, dark blue?

>> No.6119938

photoshop is made for photo editing and digital art is an afterthought. CSP all the way

>> No.6119975
File: 1.19 MB, 859x595, hGrv2jcT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has CSP fixed this shit yet?

>> No.6119979

Where does Affinity Photo come in?

>> No.6119982

Why do people keep ignoring Photoshop's biggest advantage?

Photoshop's performance absolutely blows CSP out of the water. It actually utilizes GPU acceleration making it silky smooth to use.

>> No.6119984

What's wrong with it?

>> No.6120232
File: 2.77 MB, 879x656, 0o7eWuiq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what I expect(PS)

>> No.6120235

No, it's ancient jap tech, it's not going to improve

>> No.6120839 [DELETED] 

here is the way I see it.

you want to paint digitally, csp is all you need. I just loaded it up to see when brushes get too laggy, on a 5000x5000 canvas, you can use 2000 pixel brushes, that lags, the biggest that doesn't have to much lag would be about 500 but it really depends on how fast you paint, as you are not paying fast with a 2000 brush, and you aren't making sweeping motions with a 500 pixel brush, the biggest with no lag whatsoever is 200 pixels on a amd 1700

there is also afinity photo, on 25000x15000 it will shit the bed at lower brush sizes however it will perfectly render the briush strokes rather than csp that will stamp them noticeably.

rabelle and art rage both limit you on max brush size for a lag reason, along with wanting to mimic real paints its biggest brush is 100 pixels, but god damn does it look good/real

art rage, fuck knows the biggest size, but god damn does it run smooth.

as for photoshop... haven't used it in so long I cant remember how big it gets before it starts to lag.

>> No.6120841 [DELETED] 

The irony being that CSP works better on laptops and mobile for the same reason

>> No.6121180

see >>6119975 (csp) and >>6120232 (ps)

>> No.6121244

Paint Tool SAI is literally free (35 bucks for a license).

>> No.6121288

in csp, you could have just dragged the "center mark" (idk what its called) from where you want it to rotate.

>> No.6121342

that's not the issue, CSP doesn't smoothly update the preview as you rotate.

>> No.6121367

>thinking this is wow and should be appreciated

>> No.6121547

>replying to someone who had nothing to do with your original posts
Imagine being such a desperate little idiot.

>> No.6121604
File: 852 B, 152x30, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here (you)

>> No.6121623

which one is better for vector work?
captcha: JPGG8

>> No.6121821

Also add to the photoshop list that its unoptimized and runs like shit compared to clip studio. I guess it has to do with the fact that it has so many features in it, but that is not an excuse in the end of the day

>> No.6123245

>Affinity Photo
Can't lock layer transparency in an easy way (only through an idiotic menu three or four levels deep). Color picker is diseased and cannot work at all in non-rgb modes (try colour picking from your layer in linear colour mode and the result is completely dependent on whether you recently alt-tabbed from a different program), nor does the "pick only from current layer" option work. Way too many menus and dropdowns for things which should have a button or hotkey. The bizarre insistence on having basic colour wheel features on different tabs (instead of everything in one dialog like photoshop or CSP) and limiting the colour wheel to the size of a postage stamp, especially in dialogues like the gradient editor.

>> No.6123250

This thread is pointless. If you pay for a license to use something you are scum and will soon be living in a rent-a-box eating bugs

>> No.6123255

>Krita is still a fucking mess. The default brushes don't feel good at all, everything feels sluggish.
I remember needing to make a few things at around 8000x4000px. CSP handles it fine, I even had like 50 layers (lots of 3d game textures that needed to be coordinated with each other) and it was okay when I selectively turned off or merged the ones I wasn't working on. On a five year old surface pro with 4GB memory.

Affinity Photo handled the same size just as well, with less layers but in 32bit linear mode (for a heightmap).

Krita choked on three layers at that size. Pressing the layer visibility button on one empty layer made Krita hang for over a minute, and then accidentally pressing the same button again made it hang for another minute, indicating that Krita didn't even cache the layer information in any meaningful way.

>> No.6123560


I think it's because CSP still doesn't use the computer's gpu. so there's no vsync and it's causes screen tearing. If it ever adds gpu and multi threading support there will never be a reason to use anything else