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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 209 KB, 736x1126, 2aa809cce3e2449b4edf38813b1b64aa--battle-angel-alita-anime-mangas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6112817 No.6112817 [Reply] [Original]

The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>6092329

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting
2000AD Script Book
Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga

Habanero Scans: https://www.dailymotion.com/HabaneroScans/videos
Full MANBEN Series link: https://mega.nz/folder/9h1mUYSJ#8sJoO57nMP_JhjnujBXkpQ
Urasawa Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIFOAoFm47XOAlJwTa6Ieg/videos

>> No.6112818

Some western / indie publishers of Manga:

Saturday AM ( https://www.saturday-am.com/ )
> Digital indie magazine, seems to be on the up-and-up
> Open submissions for long-form series; also distributes series currently being published elsewhere.
> Regularly publishes one-shots, making it a good potential outlet for already-finished work.

Noir Caesar ( https://www.noircaesar.com/ )
> Focuses on black (specifically African-American) content, but seems willing to publish anyone good enough.
> Seemingly series-based only.
> No "magazine" style updates; series are updated on their own schedule.
> Seems less regular than Saturday AM, but also seems larger in terms of readership.

Oni Press ( https://onipress.com/ )
> Technically indie, but at this point large enough by comic standards to be mentioned in the same breath as other publishers.

Antarctic Press ( https://antarctic-press.myshopify.com/ )
> Longtime large-indie publisher of OEL / manga-esque books.
> Seemingly taking submissions at present if http://www.antarctic-press.com/html/submissions.php is anything to go on.

Yen Press ( https://yenpress.com/ )
> Started out as a small indie publisher of original / Korean material, and has grown reasonably popular since.
> As of 2016, it is also one of the western arms of the Kadokawa Corporation, with Kadokawa owning a 51% stake.
> Editorial inquiries can apparently be sent to yenpress@yenpress.com, however, they apparently are not open to new submissions at this time.

Viz Media / Viz Originals ( https://www.viz.com/originals )
> *The* western manga publisher.
> Currently in the exploratory stages of setting up an English label.
> Submissions are open and several books have been announced. However, progress on the label seems to be moving very slowly.
> Still might be worth a shot anyway.

Shrine Comics ( https://shrinecomics.com/ )
> Small indie manga publisher
> Seemingly attempting to make the transition to physical volumes
> Allows crossposting to other sites

>> No.6112819

Other open comic publishers:

Dark Horse ( https://www.darkhorse.com )
>Dark Horse still welcomes your submissions, and all submissions will still be reviewed, just as they always have been.
>All unsolicited story/series proposals must have a full creative team on board. Writer-only proposals will not be reviewed.

Image comics ( https://imagecomics.com/ )
>Image Comics only publishes creator-owned material. They do not contract creators; they’re only interested in publishing original content for which you would retain all rights.
>Image Comics publishes creator-owned/creator-generated properties and THEY DON’T PAY PAGE RATES. Image takes a small flat fee off the books published, and it will be the responsibility of the creators to determine the division of the remaining pay between their creative team members.

Drawn and quarterly ( https://drawnandquarterly.com/ )
>Please email a low resolution PDF with at least 20 pages of comics and cover letter to submissions. Do not send dropbox links, scripts, or proposals. Please read our submissions FAQ.

Fantagraphics ( https://www.fantagraphics.com/ )
>submission page: https://www.fantagraphics.com/pages/faq

Top Shelf Productions ( https://www.topshelfcomix.com/ )
>Regarding submissions, we're easy. Just email us a download link of what you'd like us to review. NOTE: We cannot accept cover letters, plot synopses, or scripts unless they are accompanied by a minimum of 10-20 completed pages (i.e., fully inked and lettered comic book pages).

Additional publisher lists:
> https://jasonthibault.com/definitive-list-comic-publisher-submission-guidelines/
> https://writingtipsoasis.com/best-independent-comic-book-publishers/

>> No.6112821

Current Contests:

Tottori: https://www.pref.tottori.lg.jp/mangacontest/

SMAC: Silent Manga Audition

How (You) can help /mmg/:

> Know about a contest or a publishing opportunity? TAG THE OP and post a link.
> Have a new resource? TAG THE OP and link / mention it for inclusion.
> Have a link / DL for a mentioned resource? TAG THE OP and mention what you're supplying a link for.
> SCREENSHOT / PASTEBIN effortposts that help you for posterity.

>> No.6112885
File: 834 KB, 1500x2968, ScreentonesWarrior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of curiosity, which setting sounds the most appealing out of those to you if I specifically want to make a battle manga?
>Science Fantasy world set thousands of years in a future Earth. where memories of the old world are scattered, the continents have changed into different shapes, and technology and magic coexists together in some sort of twisted harmony. Good idea for practicing mechanical and environmental design.
>Greek and mediterranean inspired medieval/bronze age hybrid setting that takes place in a different planet than Earth. Good for practicing full blown fantasy scenery and creature design.
>In a far far future where original humans, our Earth and other organic planets don't even exist anymore, artificial humanoid creatures created in the image of the old humanity live in artificial planets and space colonies, where every basic resource is computer-made. Good for practicing mechanical design and sci-fi sceneries.

>> No.6112933
File: 991 KB, 850x1200, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shilling again my comic, I'm very open to criticism...
Also just wanted to say thank you to the anon that read it three threads ago and I never noticed until now.


for battle manga? the first I think opens to more imaginative designs.

>> No.6113035
File: 64 KB, 529x470, 1621116217584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that you were gone forever!!!

Anyways, i think that i finally got to reconcile with my idea for my sma entry, but one think that i keep thinking about is if i start with a stranded man waking up, or with someone just wandering around

>> No.6113052
File: 21 KB, 600x532, 1650264113135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't go more than 2 hours without my head hurting so I just procrastinate daily just to avoid the headache.

>> No.6113063

we have dedicated schizothreads. use them

>> No.6113086
File: 84 KB, 368x427, 1652468415164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same poster dumbass, and now that i know that you saw my post do the favor to answer me or you are done for

>> No.6113090

The first and second ones are my favorites. Your drawing skills improved a lot Gabe keep it up!

>> No.6113179

1 and 2 sound like the best, 3 is too concept heavy and artsy for a battle manga

I think a bronze age Greek/Roman setting would be interesting and have a unique flavor, but post apocalyptic science fantasy has interesting potential, but only if you make an interesting backstory for the world

>> No.6113272

There is another manga contest happening right now:

>> No.6113396

Either seems fine

>> No.6113398

Ty I’ll add it to the next thread

>> No.6113431
File: 77 KB, 342x311, 1653618716230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked the last thread, but no one got to answer me,so i will ask a little bit different
for a contest like this what it's better a monologue explaining the world builing while that also help to the reader to understand what it's happening in the scene or just the good ol' show and don't tell, which may leave the reader a bit confused, or do both, that the mc has a monologue for itself thinking how usual are this weirds things or how weird are these things

>> No.6113552

Both ideas are good. Just pick the scene that is easier for you to draw. Good luck for the contest.

Nice, thank you.

To be honest both can be good when it’s well executed.
Just be careful with the exposition, don’t do too much or the readers won’t read it. Try to show don’t tell whenever that’s possible.
Since it’s a one shot, it’s okay if all the elements of your universe are not explained in detail, keep the relevant stuff to have the reader involved. Good luck for the contest.

>> No.6113613
File: 2.87 MB, 2000x1599, 2 panels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so II have these 2 panels to finish and I'm like wtf is there some infographic on how to screentone properly ? Or you just grayscale it ?

>> No.6113757
File: 296 KB, 757x386, sdfsdafsdfsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried doing an inio asano type background. it looks good from far away but doesn't really hold up to more an a couple seconds of eyes on the panel. I'm not sure if asano's methods are completely doable on CSP. he use's Photoshop, and now 3d software for specific shots. it's still the closest I've gotten to his look.

>> No.6113787

>but doesn't really hold up to more an a couple seconds of eyes on the panel
Then luckily for you, readers rarely spend more than a couple of seconds on any panel.

Only other artists sit and eyefuck a background.

>> No.6114101

No mention of the webtoon contest?

>> No.6114105

It's rigged.

>> No.6114151

oh crap, for some reason i thought it closed on June 1st. Guess I still have a chance to apply. (If i make the next thread I'll add it too)

>> No.6114203

looks really nice anon

>> No.6114279

tones is more used often to show emotion and grayscale to put mass and volume , but you can use often some fading tones to make shadows of objects and a flat gray tone is not very appealing too, so make sure to use some texture like to represent if the floor is made of concret or metal, those type of stuff

>> No.6114291
File: 681 KB, 474x1474, alienu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no difference between CSP and PS.
Yeah I heard he switched to Unreal Engine for tracing references lol

Ty hopefully it will, I'm not that grreat on background


Hmm really ? to show emotion ? I thought it's like a grayscale/texture alternative

>> No.6114307

did you draw that?

>> No.6114713

What’s the rule of thumb when designing the main title for your comic/manga

>> No.6114717

Bout up to the 2nd knuckle. Any further and you might puncture the intestines.

>> No.6114734

get better screentones m8, this hurts my eyes

>> No.6114800
File: 38 KB, 216x360, 1655299726796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the core of my idea was a story about a man regaining his memories while he was wandering, so i don't know which one would convey better that he has amnesia

And now i realized that the mail that i got for my entry said that i should find a way to make the ending more exiciting, but the problem is that i like bitter endings, i mean i think that what they tried to say me that i should end it with a bang, but i'm not good with that, does someone has any advice for that

>> No.6114807

Maybe you should consider drawing something that is easy to convey purely with visuals, anon. You don't have to tell anything super deep or interesting, just demonstrate the ability to tell any story at all through the medium.

>> No.6114913
File: 83 KB, 355x369, 1646885572393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i post the idea that i have for the kyoto contest, i mean from start to finish and telling what i'm trying to do with that, so i can get a little bit of feedback, it may be a lot of text that's why i'm asking so i don't bother anyone

>> No.6115016

Sure, even better if you’ve got a fleshed out step outline

>> No.6115094
File: 244 KB, 336x383, 1629939528685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so this all started from that manga making thread on /a/ a few months ago, but i got the idea from a few days earlier in some other thread on /a/

Anyways the oneshot would be about a background character that tries that live the everyday life in the animeworld(tm)(not quite original i know, but still)

>The one shot would start with a bored mc that is sitting on a bench until someone approaches to him, they start having a little chit-chat and that shows how paranoic the mc is because nothing has been happening lately
>then when they end up chatting the mc goes to walk around to see if he can't find something weird happening to calm his anxiety
>he ends up eavesdropping the usual ntr scene where the guy is blackmailing the girl
>all of this while he is having a monologue about how shitty is the world, because normal people has to be holding on as they can while all this kind of things has been happening
Here he actually gets to stop the ntr guy, but not in a heroic or in some cool way
>then he keeps walking when a huge monster appears in front of him, but the heroine of the story shows up to keep fighting that monster that was on the run
he has to pick up his friend and run away then the scene is cut to his classroom, here a new student enter to the class (a bully, that wants the sit in the protagonist seat (which would be the usual protagonist seat)) then the bully beat the protagonist for the seat, but he fights back
after a transition the mc ia buying from a dispenser and he notice that the heroine is waiting for him, then he ask for an explication about why he got into a fight with the bully, she was planing to get help from him to fight a enemy, then they have a talk about things, here i would show that the heroine is the mc's osananajimi, they talk and the mc tries to motivate the heroine that she can do it, that she is strong and can fight alone
Then he goes back to the classroom and then the final boss shows up, then we cut to a (1/2)

>> No.6115111
File: 64 KB, 770x702, 1633073169913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We cut to a plane where almost everything is destroyed, and the heroine is defeated on the ground, and the mc is waking up, the enemy is going to blow the final hit but the mc step up in front and he gets he power up and saves the day... :D

Actually no, he step up in, but he tries to bullshit his way around talking to the villian, just to make time and also trying to settling up everything so the heroine can make a final surprise atack, he gets to make it and the other girl is defeated

Anyway i know that this is a plain and very boring explanation, but i don't know how to explain it any better, but i also have to say if someone wants to ask something about some part i would explain it futher, because what i said is not everything, i mean i don't know how to do this without writting a fucking walltext

I also wants to add that i fucking love gintama so the oneshot would be heading into that space of comedy, that deeps talks that sometimes gintama has and action, so you think that the scenes will be way different from what did i explained, and i'm sorry

>> No.6115133

i'd say you have too many scattershot elements in your story. I think having your mc deal with just a single problem might be best. A simple and direct quest towards a single objective. If you want to make the story about the mc's cowardliness, then great. If you want to make it about his disillusionment and disenchantment with the world, then great. Having him walk around, then see a girl getting bullied, then seeing monsters, then getting bullied at school, then having emotional problems with the heroine, then monsters attacking the heroine, they all seem unrelated.

Think of the demon slayer opening, where his whole family gets murdered and he has to protect his sister. That's one unifying problem. Or even the opening from Bastard, where the kid has to clean up after his serial killer father. I know those might not be what your'e going for, but they all set up a singular long-term problem that the mc has to deal with.

Anyways, that's just my opinion. Sorry if i misunderstood your story

>> No.6115227
File: 399 KB, 528x581, 1637807325050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually i thought the same at first, but then i remembered that i wanted to make the world as convoluted as i can and then i end up finding a way to threading all it up in a fine way, maybe the start and the middle part seems bit uselles but still
The start is to make the people insterested why the mc is afraid about how everything seems so calm>then the ntr generic scene is to show that i really mean "any kind of story happens in this world" and also to show mc's inferiority and to show that he isn't a type of character that does the things in a classy way, he just try to help if he can do it without getting in trouble, i mean to show the cowardly as you say, then the monster shows up to show the real deal of this world and to show the heroine and that the mc is avoiding her as much as he can>then the bullie... actually this is mostly just to shit onto the mc and to trick the reader into thinking that he can fight and also to give him some reason to talk with the heroine>the talk of the heroine i just want to make a talk about personality, responsabilities, that she actually doesn't have to lie to herself... (i mean "just be yourself" but with my own words that i have learned from the anime and manga that i love)> final scene where it shows how the mc is able to actually live through all this bullshit with his wits

I mean this is more about a character with no story whatsoever... fuck i lost the thread of what i was next to say, i'm sorry

And don't be sorry if you didn't understand, it would be more frighting if someone actually gets throught all my babbling

And thanks for reading my posts

>> No.6115262

anything good to buy with clippy for manga stuff?

>> No.6115268

Either poses, models or screentones backgrounds

>> No.6115305

i guess i can't really pass judgement on your story until i see it in its storyboarded form, which is probably why most editors in japan want to see storyboards. when its up in the abstract i have no idea what you're visualizing. good luck with it though

>> No.6115387
File: 3.87 MB, 4624x3468, 20220617_144213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 15
I started drafting for a quick SMA submission.
Anything to do more work

>> No.6115390
File: 225 KB, 406x371, 1629581412971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using polyline and curve tools for perspective
I will admit I feel a bit dirty, but I'm not sure if I should.

>> No.6115583
File: 7 KB, 400x400, 1626516150581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here he actually gets to stop the ntr guy, but not in a heroic or in some cool way
So like every protagonist? That's not very "background character"-ish
The character you're describing is just a generic anime protagonist. Nothing about your story so far actually delivers on the "he's not the protagonist of the world he's living in", because you've got a bunch of exceptional situations happening to him specifically. Why is he sitting in the typical protagonist seat with the typical childhood friend love interest and bully villain to face off with and even heroically defeat? This is all "protagonist of an anime world" shit, not anything that would happen to a background character.

Anyway like always you want to establish as quickly and as clearly as possible that the person we're following in the background character in an anime world. Open with something that makes that obvious, not just the character sitting around aimlessly waiting for something to happen. He has a life, shit to do -- show him just trying to live that life while crazy shit is happening around him. Don't make him unflappable about it, otherwise you're just telling a story about somebody remarkable who isn't bothered by exceptional situations. Don't make him have to actually rise up to these situations, because that's something for an anime protagonist to do. At most he could try to fight the monsters or whatever but be instantly cut down because he's nothing special, like all the faceless civilians that get eaten by monsters in anime/manga to introduce them. Anything that doesn't paint him as special or heroic. You can make him brave, but don't make him able to actually back that bravery up because then you've just got a hero character.

>> No.6115620


>> No.6115913
File: 295 KB, 1244x792, chapter 12 additional pages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter 12 didn't feel finished. medli is on the cover but I kinda forgot about the fake version of her. decided to add some pages to close up that portion of this storyline

I've been using 3d primitives and taking the ruler from that for the last 6 months or so. I understand perspective setting up a good ruler is just annoying.

>> No.6115920

no that's from an alien book

>> No.6115950

How clean are your pencils before you start inking them? The mangaka in the manben docuseries all leave their pencils pretty rough... but if i try to emulate that I fall on my face. Should i keep going, in hopes i get used to it, or should i keep my pencils pretty tight, until I improve?

>> No.6115971

Just do whatever you need to do to draw well. The mangaka on manben have all been drawing for decades. Have you? If not, don't expect to be able to draw like them.

>> No.6115975

ok ok ty for the permission. ill go all out on my pencils now

>> No.6116165


That will come in time. My pencils are pretty tight too but I assume it'll get looser once I power through chapters

>> No.6116238
File: 169 KB, 620x868, 18.06.22 finana doujin WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I pull the trigger and get that EX upgrade for 100 bucks? The QoL upgrades especially for manga make it a no-brainer but is it worth the money?

>> No.6116241

I don't personally think so but I had workarounds for the missing features before I switched to EX anyway.

>> No.6116246

There is a 3 months free trial if you go for tue montly subscription, i mean if you wanna try it first

>> No.6116581

I paid for it and it’s worth it, I think. 100 isn’t that much in the grand scheme of things

>> No.6116756

wait for their next sale and you can get the upgrade for 60 or smth like that. They do one seemingly every other month

>> No.6116778

What do you mean?

>> No.6117188

thanks anon. wishing you improvement too

>> No.6117280
File: 613 KB, 1256x798, chapter 12 additional pagesfinished.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already done.

>> No.6117283

I find it too difficult to do even a single chapter of a comic, I think my ideas just don't spark enough interest. While I need to be more disciplined, think I'm just gonna try 4komas for a bit. If I can manage to make one I like, maybe that'll be all the difference.

>> No.6117360
File: 96 KB, 701x386, 1647573086111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn anon, you got me there, i don't know how to answer this, except that i think that you got confused in some points, but i guess thats why that other anon told me that i couldn't judge me without see the storyboard

Well i'm drafting the paneling first (well i' little stuck with the dialogue, but still) so when i end up that i was planning to fully finish and then post some pages in the parts where i couldn't explain well what was going on, so if i'm lucky i could post it in a few days

>> No.6117386
File: 2.93 MB, 4624x3468, 20220618_225138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the middle of day 16
I've fallen quite behind as you can see...

>> No.6117393

oh god I can't imagine drawing comics traditionally...

>> No.6117415

It's the thing I desire to do unfortunately

>> No.6117634

i feel very sorry for you

>> No.6117780
File: 824 KB, 1820x2219, 20220605_194735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do too, traditional just feels better

>> No.6117877

Can I get some crit on my sma entry before I line it, I feel like it's too bloated.

>> No.6117879

No idea what's going on

>> No.6117897

I like it.
Some notes:
- Beginning was slightly confusing. Specifically the problem is the transition from page 1 to 2. The hard cut to the old lady can work but it needs to be made clearer where we're cutting to. I think you can make it clearer by cutting some of the scene-setting panels in the first page (they're setting the scene to OUTSIDE where we're cutting to anyway) to make room for a clearer lead-in to the inn/tavern/whatever you wanna call it where the protag is meeting the old lady. In any case, I'd keep the first panel the same, but put the horse in there -> 2nd panel horse close-up with inn/tavern/whatever visible -> pushing in to the inn/tavern/whatever then if you want the page turn to surprise you with the old lady then keep that on the 2nd page but otherwise move that to the 1st.
- It's not really clear what's happening to the building(?) in page 5 or why it matters. Seems like this can be cut entirely and it wouldn't affect anything.
- Not really clear what's going on in the first few panels on page 7
- Spread is a bit random. Could easily just be two separate pages.
- Final panel is too unclear. It's obvious that he wished for riches for the town, but I'm struggling to wrap my head around what the final panel is trying to convey. I dunno if you were going for something a bit too high concept to convey wordlessly or if you just put too much emphasis on something that is supposed to be fairly simple, making the focus you put on it compositionally a bit unwarranted and thus confusing. Either way, it's an unsatisfactory final page.

>> No.6117901
File: 23 KB, 335x371, 1625034231771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me three fucking days to remember, but what it might help you would be the pomodore technique and take walks in between

>> No.6118040

would you guys read a manga about fucked up stuff like genocide and civil war a la aot
would anyone read that?

>> No.6118059

Hellsing exists and that's insanely popular. Also I love shit like that

>> No.6118144

Yes, only if there are cute/hot comic relief characters a la >>6118059

>> No.6118149

I feel like my art is good enough to start a series but I'm really bad at creating a compelling story with good characters. Does anyone here know of any tutorial or tips on story writing?

>> No.6118183

huh ok then

>> No.6118211

Are you dumb? Why ask this on a board about art? Go elsewhere

>> No.6118320

This is the Manga Making General. Creating the story is an essential part of the manga making process

>> No.6118328
File: 31 KB, 175x175, image_2022-06-19_233518753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just write!

>> No.6118333

No offence anon but it's really hard to figure out what you're trying to convey here.

>> No.6118336

I'm pointing out that you're asking this question on a board that's not suited to give you the best advice.

>> No.6118345

First and foremost, you need a theme. And the theme must be important to you, otherwise the work will come across as vapid.

Second, your character has to want something, a goal in mind. A main character without a goal is doable but extremely difficult to pull off.

Thirdly, you must do everything you can think of to make your character not achieve their goal. Throw obstacles in their way and make their life as difficult as possible.

That's the secret formula. Have fun with it.

>> No.6118354
File: 1.69 MB, 498x278, 1616436358079.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fuck it up in so many levels, that i hope that is a multilayered joke

>> No.6118362

I'll try asking in /lit/
Thanks for the tips

>> No.6118411

The greentext was an accident but at this point I have no choice but to double down. Its just that deep

>> No.6118522
File: 1.48 MB, 1535x2126, 343443434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First comic is done


>> No.6118528
File: 1.08 MB, 1535x2126, 3434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6118542


also excuse the weird lettering, it was written by hand in german originally

>> No.6119035
File: 3.07 MB, 4149x3221, 20220620_004559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these pages I was behind on are done now.

>> No.6119099

they look so damn good dude

>> No.6119366

to many things going on anon and is too difficult to understand what history are you trying to explain, for the next I would try to simplify your idea.
but no let this to discourage you, you drew 16 pages and this is pretty cool and also I like your style!

>> No.6119450

Good japanese pens recommendations? Have a discount so i can get like 40$ worth materials for free in my local shop

>> No.6119455
File: 7 KB, 176x137, 1655658522767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't think anything else that something melancholic for my sma entry, but i still have doubts because the
>" To fully make the most of the manga medium, continue to study how best to build the narrative to an exciting conclusion."
>"an exciting conclusion"
But then i read the winners of the round 17 and the bones one left me more confused

>> No.6119458
File: 163 KB, 425x567, 1632849019312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also forget that i'm having the same problem with the tottori entry since i like to draw out the tone of the story when i'm listening music, and with that i have been listening "saturn" from sleeping at last, so i don't know if it will be the same mood as the contest since i can wrap up my head on how to read the winning entries

>> No.6119471

Nvm got myself a bunch of pilot pens and pentel brushes

>> No.6119501

Anon Bones is the perfect example of how to use the medium to build to an exciting conclusion. If you can't see it you're not even close to winning. Everything about it sets up a tone, sets up the spread then boom hits you with the twist, and does it all efficiently. It's obvious why it won: it displayed the greatest skill and knowledge of the medium out of all the entries.

>> No.6119565

Either is good - just make sure it's fun to read. Exposition is okay, but too much will be boring. Showing is also okay, but make sure the reader doesn't get lost - not too much room for subtlety, especially in a oneshot.

Do it

>> No.6119566
File: 185 KB, 589x782, 1619510955653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... i'm not saying that bones is bad, is just that got me confused, i really like it though

>> No.6119582
File: 26 KB, 269x208, 1629988249204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just re read my post, so i know why you may have confused and think that i was being rude, but i just wanted to make emphasis that i got confused in which part should be the "exciting conclusion"

>> No.6119589

>i got confused in which part should be the "exciting conclusion"
The twist, anon. The Ten in KiShoTenKetsu. Bones is good analysis material for KSTK -- the KiSho builds up to the Ten and the Ketsu resolves it. The judges are saying you need to work on your Ten.
By the way, the "twist" doesn't have to be some M. Knight. Shyamalan turns-everything-on-its-head shit, it's just meant to be something that alters your perspective on what you saw up to that point, or a change in the situation. It's best when it's simple and clever, like with Bones.

>> No.6119595
File: 1.03 MB, 1349x786, 1616359106573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before i read your post just let me say that i was waiting for you to answer me, just to say that i'm a fucking retard when i speak, i know what was the exciting part "that it looked like an homicide but it was just taxidermy" what i really mean is in the pages, i just confused with part about if the conclusion should be in the last page or not, i'm really that fucking retarded

And now after i read your post let me say that i totally agree with you, i'm really sorry for not knowing how to fucking talk

>> No.6119645
File: 568 KB, 4640x2088, Webp.net-compress-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Any idea on how to get more eyes on this? r/comics hasn't worked out lol.

Even have 3 printed copies here. Love them. I recommend everone to print your stuff if you can.

>> No.6119917

Can someone tell me the name of nice looking fonts?

>> No.6120044

Yes! Printing your own stuff is so worth while

>> No.6120332
File: 999 KB, 500x246, 1613361653613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

もうやだ my new and powerfull enemy, the dialogue is beating the shit out of my and youtube isn't helping me, there anywhere where i can find some good tips for the dialogue in manga?!!

>> No.6120471
File: 419 KB, 4000x2832, steel cupid small_005_006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friends. Very nice work here.
My comic isn't manga styled however I think the discussion here is better than /beg/.

>> No.6120656

Can i do more than 45 pages in the kyoto contest... right

>> No.6120692

Take that question and put it into google instead of the post window, baka.

>> No.6120695

I remember that some anons posted some captures a while ago, and his csp had the edges in milimeters... i have trying to find that thing (i don't remember the name honestly) and when i look in google just show up drawing advices instead of settings, does anybody knows how i can activate that?

>> No.6120698


>> No.6120702

CTRL-R to toggle the ruler. No idea how to change the units, after a cursory check of the preferences.

>> No.6120705

This looks nice i think you improved pretty quickly from the first page

>> No.6120790


>> No.6120806
File: 3.97 MB, 4000x2832, steel cupidstbd_007_008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really I'm just breaking out of the 2d right now. I might go back to it. I think maybe lots of dynamic perspective shots convey movement, whereas uniform 2d scenes are good for cramming in dialogue.

>> No.6120807
File: 755 KB, 764x1054, Ugly bastard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you aren't alone I want to do the same thing

I think the most difficult part about it is potential controversy and censorship problems, especially in today's climate. Companies don't like risky shit like that.

though since you brought it up I've got my own story that fits nicely into that niche, MC goes from a loser to the guy who burns his entire city to the ground, I basically made my setting out of my favorite action and horror movies and spliced it with science-fiction, conspiracy/intrigue, dystopia, militarism, and extreme violence.
basically on the quest to get his life together he eventually comes to the conclusion the world as it is deserves to be destroyed, and becomes a barbarian warrior (think like the Sea People who plundered and razed cities in the bronze age collapse) to create a world in which men can be free from the tyranny of whatever mercantile-feminizing-industrial-hell the world has become and also engage in the noble and beautiful struggle for survival again, (basically reintroducing natural selection to humanity)
Kinda long, political, philosophical, maybe based, definitely autistic.

I have vision but my skills aren't up to speed, and well, I anticipate having a hard time finding a publisher with my story.

>> No.6120825

Delusional zoomer ramblings
Go outside and do some sports or something
The internet has ruined your mind

>> No.6120835

I mean it just comes from my extremely specific tastes and desires, I have the "make the thing you would want to see" mindset down, I know I could at least get a niche audience I can study how military dudes are trained and consume all of the warrior philosophy I want, I just want the shit to reach that vision myself, who knows, my own struggle to achieve that dream might end up as inspiration for my character's own struggles as he grows to live a more disciplined, structured and fulfilling life. Character progression is a huge part of this.

and well, yeah, it has, but I'm not letting it stop me.

>> No.6120914

You need to learn humility most of all
Put down the evola book and do something enjoyable for a change.
Then you can do authentic storytelling from your own view. Not internet politics.

>> No.6120940

No, I need to learn how to put what is already in my head onto the paper, I have a plot outline, I already have 3 characters down, scenes even play in my head from time to time, my problem lies in putting it to paper.

How else is my world conquering hypermasculine city razing protagonist going to beat back all of the ugly and terrible things that the dark future is gonna throw at him?

The audience can just be along for the ride, ideology and stuff should just be putting 2+2 together for detail-fixated autists, not a philosophy lecture. they can figure out how the way I think will affect the story.

and still after all that there's so much to do as far as just writing a fun story is concerned, insane character progression, world building, the art (I intend a gross biomechanical style), composition, paneling, the action itself, dialogue, it's not like my goal to start off with is to make propaganda for my favorite political faction, Fuck the system, I just want to make good art.

>> No.6121059

If anyone is writing your story. Please don't read 'Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting'
It's a fucking trash book. find something better

>> No.6121133

t. unpublished author

>> No.6121163

Ngl it sounds more interesting than 99% of the shit that is released overseas. The plot is mega autistic but it has definitely soul.

>> No.6121283

Very nice

>> No.6121300
File: 3.64 MB, 4624x3468, 20220621_051402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three of seven pages from today are done, but I'm not sleeping till all seven are done.

>> No.6121313

That page looks decent, but always remember quality over quantity. It's better that you're rested and producing better quality work, then that you get it pumped out in one night. :)

>> No.6121347

I'd normally agree so much, but I fell behind, so if I do this sure I lost sleep for the night, but I get back on track and can take it easy for the rest of today.

>> No.6121403

Yeah, sometimes you just gotta getter done. :D

>> No.6121574
File: 2.98 MB, 4011x3468, 20220621_100656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I very arbitrarily started a submission for SMA, and now after three days, it is the 3rd one shot I've finished this month.
Time to sleep

>> No.6121804

Is there anywhere I can consoom your mangas?

>> No.6121933

i have two weeks to draw around 10-15 pages and polish them enough to apply for the SMA and tottori ama

i usually go here just to see current contests

>> No.6121966

Fuck it, drive is the only place I have everything
None of the things from this month are there yet, they just have folders

>> No.6121995

Same. We are screwed anon.

>> No.6121997
File: 1.57 MB, 498x278, 1604643303951.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i have 39 days to do 15 pages for a sma entry, 45 for kyoto entry, and i know that i can do 9 pages every 6 days so i don't know how to do this shit...

Also i think that if i read right the tottori one ends in late august doesn't it?

>> No.6122009

Yeah, August 31st

>> No.6122224

Well, get off 4 Chan and spend all day every day working your butt off.

I really do love the drawing style and the humor. Your panel layout is good. But I do have trouble figure out what exactly is going on and if I'm even looking at the panels in the correct order. So, first of all, left to right, Western style, or right to left, Japanese style?

That part where he lifts the panties, makes the gay gesture with the guy's face and a little heart, everyone's expression, then they're all partying is really funny and cute, but other than that I'm pretty confused. Maybe if I had all the pages the context would clear it up, but yeah...

>> No.6122248
File: 232 KB, 436x480, 1624695297387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, get off 4 Chan and spend all day every day working your butt off.
I can't, i literally just came to ask which way is less bothersome to post the names for my entries, the one of kyoto and the one for sma

>> No.6122383

Yeah, I get it. I'm trying to work on a project myself. I keep coming on here thinking I'll post one thing and get back to work, but then I get distracted for like an hour, lol. Well, I hope it does work out for you.

>> No.6122605

It's right to left.
As for understanding what's happening I don't think I'd blame you for having issue, I was struggling to think of how to move 8 characters through 8 pages like this.

>> No.6122881
File: 244 KB, 689x997, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6123011

Hmm... I feel even more confused than before, lol. Oooooh, haha, I suddenly noticed it's four pages overlapped. I thought it was just two pages. I feel so retarded lol.

I thought it made sense from the top right to left as two pages, but I couldn't figure out why everyone was suddenly squished in as they were getting out of bed.

Imagine if the guy peeked from under the panties on his head, then let them flop back down and shrugged, that he thought the other guy was cute. And the group were a little put off because the other guy wasn't gay. And then he just played it off with a grin and casual jest, and they all started drinking together and passed out together, and then woke up in the morning uncomfortably squished. That's how I was seeing the narrative, and in my mind it was quite entertaining. :D

>> No.6123017

I kinda see what you mean.
It's the top left page, then the spread on bottom, then the top right page
I just had it like that cuz I wanted the spread on display
The covered bottom half of the top left page to the top right of the spread was to show how this room just feels so claustrophobic, as if it was literally closing in on them

>> No.6123063

>I thought it made sense from the top right to left as two pages

I meant to say the top left to right. I'm kinda mad at myself for messing that up. I don't usually mix up left and right, lol.


Anyway, yeah, the idea of telling a visual story through panels is way more difficult than people realise. Making people see and understand what's happening. Whenever I've attempted comic pages I usually have to explain to people what's going on.

>> No.6123094

Just gotta fuck around sometimes and figure out what you deem enough to make it work and be understood
I get caught up quite a bit trying to figure out how to make it what I want while making it look good

>> No.6123123

I spend a lot of time with storyboards and writing about all the things I want in it. But I don't do graphic novel style very often. I'd like to do a graphic novel someday. We'll see.

>> No.6123416
File: 1.19 MB, 2344x2226, doodle 22-06-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6124225

Which is better? End in a single page or to end after the 2 pages, i mean make the people turn the page to see the end or make the people have the end right there

>> No.6124450

How do you make the panels division in csp? I mean without using that thing that makes a lot lf layers

>> No.6124453

an industry standard is to have the page end on the left side (so 2nd page).

>> No.6124689

Anyone here got any tutorials or suggestions on how to convey dramatic motion? I try copying all the swoops and sketchy lines but i think I'm just a brainlet who needs it explained to me in simple terms.

>> No.6124806

i go to 'create new layer' and choose 'frame folder border' or someting like that. It makes one giant panel, then you can divide it. idk if there's a better way, i haven't looked

>> No.6124808

oh wait never mind, it still makes a ton of layers. idk then sorry

>> No.6124818

Figure tool. I don't fuck with the frame border tool, too annoying.

>> No.6125044

Is there anywhere I can read past Tottori winner entries?

>> No.6125209

All the sma winners have a really good artwork this time... do i still try and spare time to go it or i fully focus on the kyoto one?

>> No.6125266

kyoto will be the same anon, just try to do your best work possible, if you need time to improve the quality of your pages then spend all your time doing only one contest.

>> No.6125273
File: 328 KB, 671x1019, 1618431613341.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt that it's the same, i mean in the sma the artwork adds a lot of points, i mean you could say that it's 1/3 or the total, but with the kyoto one is way more smaller, i mean still big chunk, but that you could easily compensate with the dialogue

>> No.6125353

that stuff is all in paneling and composition.
there's this book, Framed Ink, it could probably help you some in learning how it works

>> No.6125477

Is too cheesy to end it with a tittle drop?

>> No.6125628
File: 387 KB, 850x1668, page 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to change my artstyle

well more like, my lining maybe and colors

you mean kino

>> No.6125700
File: 234 KB, 401x664, 1647969623187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 4 pages left to finally end the the name of the kyoto contest, but i also wonder if i should try to translate it to japanese by my own and post two versions or not, i mean i wanna change entire dialogues so they roll in tongue and convey the same thing that i want to, and i don't know if they are going to do that with the translation

>> No.6125734
File: 3.51 MB, 4624x3468, 20220623_172121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 21, I dunno if I'm feeling right
5 pages behind

>> No.6125754
File: 40 KB, 598x316, 1621464967543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking back is killing me, and i'm just 22, please remember to take a walk every 30 minutes

>> No.6125952

Start with writing a script if you haven't already, and keep sketches around to remind you of the characters and the world, the script will feed the scenes and how they'd look like, you can always rewrite or change a few things to create a new context for your scenes an dialogue.
There's infamous content out there, you'll find your niche, just be prepared to have a thick skin when people start criticizing your content.

>> No.6126050

deadlifts, anon

>> No.6126087

You will never be japanese.

>> No.6126131
File: 1.24 MB, 3060x1915, 20220624_002007~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6126234
File: 43 KB, 401x388, 1606804026141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made the mistake of looking up how much nips in japan pay for manga paper

>> No.6126384

Looks pretty good. What's holding you back?

>> No.6126396

Inability to sit still.
Today I went to the store and ever since I came back I've hardly been able to stay in my chair for an hour at a time. Even now I'm not done with these pages, let alone working on the ones I shoulda been doing today.
I'm not sick or hurt, so I don't get it

>> No.6126421
File: 38 KB, 576x351, kenny power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not uncommon. I'm trying to work on coding, and getting distracted too.

I think you just have to focus on mindset. Get up, stretch a bit. Think. Remind yourself why you're doing this, and what you want. Focus on your passion. Get yourself back on track. Tell yourself, "Don't get distracted!" And sit back down, close your tabs. Close 4Chan. Focus on drawing. And get that shit motherfucking done!

>> No.6126425

Last place I expect a pep talk from, but fuck if I don't respect it.
Looking at the pages as I have them now the most of it is just two big panels. Can prolly get them done within the hour.
Then I can get at least most of the next work done for the night as I planned

>> No.6126460

I believe in you! :D

>> No.6126526

i hate computers so much. should i just draw everything traditionally? How much slower is that really

>> No.6126531

>should i just draw everything traditionally?
Try it and find out.
>How much slower is that really
It's not. Not really, anyway. It just amounts to how many of the shortcuts that digital opens up you'll use. You could treat digital the same as traditional and it'll actually be slower than trad, just because making nice lines first try in trad is somewhat easier.

>> No.6126552

hmm paper seems really expensive

>> No.6127138

Only if you're looking at expensive paper

>> No.6127300
File: 30 KB, 346x574, 1618197824598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck with 2 pages, do i change 3 dialogue boxes and make it have sence, or i cut off the scene (4 pages) and change the dialogue of 3 pages?

>> No.6127578
File: 111 KB, 835x720, 1622143315029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still no one answer this one, i wanna post the scribbles pages that i have done poorly to know if is good enought or not

>> No.6127814
File: 18 KB, 155x233, rokublues1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a stupid question, and practically nonsense without showing us the pages themselves. Neither option is intrinsically better without knowing what you're trying to portray or convey. Pick the one you think will work best for the sequence.
>b-but I can't think!! I don't know!!
We're not here to think for you. Close your eyes and pick one if you have to.

No answer to what? You didn't ask a question. The post itself is barely legible dude.
>i literally just came to ask which way is less bothersome to post the names for my entries, the one of kyoto and the one for sma
Wtf are you asking? Furthermore the name of the entry is the last thing you should be worrying about. It's absolutely of least importance.

This isn't a customer service line dude. Nobody here wants to answer a bunch of stupid questions from somebody apparently incapable of thinking for themselves.

>> No.6127835
File: 56 KB, 250x241, 1611730816108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i thought the first question a little better, but then i realized that i have to change too much in the story if i delete that scene, and the second one i thing that you got confused name as in tittle, when i mean to name as in ネーム the graphic script with the dialogues, which i'm to autist to call storyboard since i understand storyboard another whole diferent thing

>> No.6128063

You will never make it as a writer if your English is this poor.

>> No.6128074
File: 18 KB, 285x279, 1655808427827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me fail english? That's unpossible, is just that i speedwrite a lot when i post

>> No.6128108

How do you keep yourself invested in your projects anons? I've always been a fast artist and I don't take more than a day to finish most things within moderately decent quality... And the ones that do either never get done or take a hundred years to complete. I have ADHD so if anyone else in similar boots has a good schedule, I'd love to hear it
It's so so so incredibly hard for me to draw it I have no interest or find no joy in it. If I don't want to draw something, it very clearly shows in my art.

But I so desperately want to create something big and of substance. I want it so much but my energy and attention span just won't cooperate. Is it because I think of these projects too often? I'm usually trying to develop and work on things in my head and I do get pretty ahead of myself...
Which may or may not be related to the issue at hand
Maybe I just need fucking therapy...

>> No.6128122

Or maybe you just need ritalin. I dunno man, if you have ADHD and you just can't focus on a single project for more than a day or two perhaps it's better you just learn to draw something even when you don't give a fuck about it and would rather be drawing something else. I'm sure mangaka are pretty sick of their series just a few chapters in, but they're pros so they power through anyway.

>> No.6128125

where is the cheap(available in us) comic paper hiding?

>> No.6128132
File: 3.16 MB, 4624x3468, 20220624_235747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buncha easy pages tonight, let's get shit done

>> No.6128254
File: 562 KB, 669x669, FVraSkVaIAAITV0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have an example of a script?

I'm preparing to create the introductory / "issue 0" for a long term project, and it's a bit ambitious, as all good things should be. It involves rapid fire flashing between a bunch of different characters in a pretty action packed chase scene, but that's alright, it's intended to be a bit chaotic. And then I sat down to write the script and realized I'd literally never read a director's script in my life. I've read some stage plays, but they're completely different from composing any sort of scene that isn't on a fucking wooden plank.

>> No.6128328

So r/comics is a very crappy place for sharing comic correct?

hasnt worked out for to get a wider audience for my webtoon page

>> No.6128758
File: 92 KB, 409x406, 1653710092462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do i trust in the 3d models? I mean just for the body proportions, since it would take me a lot of time if i try to correct every single one of them

>> No.6128974

Just learn to draw, faggot.

>> No.6129040
File: 367 KB, 943x844, 1633199274018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can read books for proportions.

>> No.6129066
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 1614707480352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would totally have listen you and try to overcome my insecurities, but i just sprained my wrist after i did that post

I can draw proportions well in traditional but the thing is that I'm still not versed well enough in digital to make it well enough, besides i got call out for the proportions when i was younger, so i'm bit perfectionist on it

>> No.6129256

>I'm not versed enough in digital
Yet. Keep practicing.

>> No.6129288

Whats the original manga source for the pic you posted?

>> No.6129364

Depends on the specific model, dude. But it's better to learn how to draw without the shortcuts before you learn the shortcut, otherwise they won't be all that effective. 3D models for example can easily become a crutch: something that's helpful when you're learning but an impediment if you can draw without them. It's annoying to have to set up a post when you can just draw it instead.

But really you should give everything a shot and just use whatever feels right to you. Making comics involves making thousands upon thousands upon thousands of drawings, so you better figure out a way to do it comfortably and ideally quickly.

>I can draw proportions well in traditional but the thing is that I'm still not versed well enough in digital to make it well enough, besides i got call out for the proportions when i was younger, so i'm bit perfectionist on it
Don't be neurotic, anon. Even pros fuck up proportions sometimes. Perfection is an unreasonable goal in comics. Do yourself a favor and shoot for 70%, not 100%.
Anyway it's just practice. So fucking practice.

>> No.6129458

There is none
It's an edit of an image of a regular person.

>> No.6129553

Where would I look to join a western doujinshi circle anons

>> No.6129575
File: 208 KB, 689x997, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love making this page

>> No.6129632

There are western doujin circles? Probably go to wherever they release work.
Doujin circles aren't really a thing outside of japan though. At least not in the sense that you're thinking of. Not that there's anything stopping people from starting a doujin circle, but it's difficult to find people of equal skill and motivation who want to make the same kind of stuff and are willing to share the work load for free/profit share.

>> No.6130146

Why do you need comic paper? Are you sending it to a big publisher who requires a standard weight paper?

Get some fucking printer paper and cut it to proportion. Even professionals don't pay for "comic paper", it gets supplied to them by their publishers.

>> No.6130710

hey does anyone have any good hatching brushes for photoshop?

>> No.6130841
File: 3.71 MB, 4624x3468, 20220626_023945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 more pages to do, then I'm done with one shot number 4 this month, plus done with my submission for Kyoto manga.

>> No.6130858


>> No.6130917

There isn't any way to divide panels in csp like in medibang?

>> No.6131222

> There's never been a successful Western mangaka
Don't you ever feel like we are wasting our time?

>> No.6131256
File: 164 KB, 791x418, 1594759268712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's been plenty of western comicmakers. If you're talking specifically westerners who decided to learn japanese and move to japan to make comics there and did so successfully, then by the same token as far as I know there aren't any japanese who grew up in japan, learned english, moved to the west to make comics there and succeeded either. Comicmaking is a difficult field to succeed in, and adding the additional filter of learning a whole other language + culture well enough to become a published author to that, plus the general nicheness of only very few people having both the desire and the willpower to even attempt such a thing means that of the relative few who really tried almost none could do it sustainably. Some westerners have managed to get published in japan, but almost none manage to do it for more than a single series before deciding it isn't work it, and of those who did manage to get more than one the stuff they can get is "how japan feels as a foreigner"-type SOL stuff.

How many japanese comic authors do you know? Not just japanese heritage, I mean people who were born and raised in japan that then moved to the west, learned good english and successfully broke into the comic industry (preferably doing more than just cover illustrations for marvel or whatever). It goes both ways.

One day opportunity will present itself for westerners to make manga-style comics, you'll only be able to capitalize on that opportunity if you're prepared and have the skill. Success happens when preparation meets opportunity. Just focus on becoming a really skilled author who can make interesting work. After all, people are realizing that the manga business model is kicking the comics business model's ass. If that continues to be the case then when the moguls who control the comics industry die off their successors will simply follow the money. There may be a comics publishing boom in a decade or so as they adopt japanese publishing practices.

>> No.6131260
File: 37 KB, 238x223, 1643835367348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's never been a successful Western mangaka

>> No.6131274

Based GMI

>> No.6131275

Is there anyone here still entering the webtoons contest who hasn't yet already?

I keep thinking it's too late but I have a theory that it would be sus if ALL the winners were first posted in June when the contest ends July 31st, so the staff will pick a random comic posted in July to give the appearance of it being fair.

>> No.6131314

if i can get 35 pages done by July 30th hopefully.

>> No.6131330

All you've done here is make me feel even more strongly that I'm wasting my time.

>> No.6131331

Then quit dude. My point is that it's not easy to make it in comics for anyone, japanese or western. If you're this easily discouraged then you are wasting your time.

>> No.6131341

You don't think it's discouraging? You expect me to feel optimistic about some hypothetical positive future that only exists in your hopes and dreams. You don't think that's a little ridiculous?

>> No.6131346


>> No.6131359

Good post hinamatsuri bro

>> No.6131365

What about that did you think was a good post? He basically just told you it's futile to make manga, in the manga-making general.

>> No.6131367

The reality of the situation is that the difficulty of the task is incredibly high. I do think it's discouraging, but if simply feeling discouraged is enough to make you consider stopping then you were never going to succeed. You have to be crazy to seriously attempt to make a career in comics, let alone try to do so overseas in a market and culture foreign to you. It's exactly that: you have to be crazy. Are you crazy?

>it's futile to make manga
I didn't say that. It's your defeatist attitude that is reading that into my post.

>> No.6131369
File: 243 KB, 2048x922, FWLS3ZBXgAARvYJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in you. I believe in us. WAGMI.

>> No.6131378

If it's as pessimistic as you say it is, you're never going to succeed regardless so what difference does it make? I just don't think you realize what you're actually saying here. You are basically saying "draw comics, not manga, and hope the industry changes for the better in some imagined far-off time when you're old". But this is a manga general, and we're drawing now.

>> No.6131381

I've always wondered, how the fuck do you shade with dots or something? I keep seeing this shading style everywhere and im just wonering if its done with a special brush or?

>> No.6131391
File: 336 KB, 541x775, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you're seeing my post in the opposite light to how I am writing them. I don't view the challenge as a reason to stop, I see it as a reason to try even harder.
>You are basically saying "draw comics, not manga, and hope the industry changes for the better in some imagined far-off time when you're old".
No, I am saying "focus on honing your skills so you can capitalize on any opportunity that arises". That could be tomorrow as far as anyone knows. I'm simply being honest by admitting that opportunities for working as a manga-styled comic creator are few right now, but there's no reason to think it will stay that way. And when opportunity does appear, how do you expect to take that opportunity if you've never made anything good? You need the skill to get the jobs.
And by the way -- "comics, not manga"? They're the same fucking thing. If you can make a good comic you can make a good manga and vice versa.
>But this is a manga general, and we're drawing now.
As am I, working on a commission comic, an opportunity I only had because I worked on my skills without for years pay.

Screentones. Look 'em up.
In analogue it's just a pattern of dots on sticky plastic film that you paste onto a drawing. Digital can emulate this easily.
They're a solution to creating gray tones when you can't use gray ink. Generally the reason you wouldn't use gray ink is because sticking to monochrome printing is significantly cheaper when printing in bulk.

>> No.6131508
File: 2.70 MB, 4074x3282, 20220626_234449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One shot number 4, done

>> No.6131578

Ah icic thank you!

>> No.6131606
File: 321 KB, 1233x854, projects.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally trying at making full size eromanga again. jumping between these two projects is incredibly odd.

yes. story files and editor changed my workflow significantly and for the better

>> No.6131618
File: 109 KB, 1084x582, asano panel 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, while a much simpler panel. I tried doing the background-from-photo thing again

>> No.6132015
File: 865 KB, 1254x571, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every 30 minutes, stand up and do stretches.
I like to follow the Animal Crossing group stretching routine.
This shit's a life saver, no joke.


>> No.6132819
File: 2.33 MB, 850x1614, page 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just posting my latest page, I have been studying a bit of shading

>> No.6132905
File: 3.76 MB, 4624x3468, 20220627_180513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14 pages left for this 5th one shot, 4 days left in this month.
I'll destroy it in one final stretch, starting by sketching all these pages

>> No.6133156

I shouldn't be doing the finish page in monotone right? using CSP

>> No.6133204

You mean monochrome? Depends on what you want to do. Print manga are monochrome because it's cheaper to print, so if you want to emulate a print manga then yeah you want your final page to be in monochrome. Web manga don't really need to be monochrome though.

>> No.6133210

Yeah monochrome I'm retarded
I'll keep it in mind, thanks

>> No.6133424

It shows. This looks fantastic.

>> No.6133610
File: 3.26 MB, 4624x3468, 20220628_045217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, 14 pages sketched up and ready to ink.
But I need sleep first.

>> No.6133621

bruh is your whole comic just talking heads? And you're using that same panel layout for EVERY page?
Im not trying to discourage you but that's a big no no

>> No.6133624

Im too scared to lock in and commit to an art style for my comic.

>> No.6133627

Stop worrying and just fucking draw.

>> No.6133650

but what if its shit... now I know why people have editors. to make sure autists like me dont fuck things up

>> No.6133663
File: 149 KB, 540x758, dune-go-nagai-world-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would putting relatively obscure western references or influences in a manga-styled work cause values dissonances in case of westerners and confusion in case of japanese readers? I know anime in general makes references to a lot of sources including western media, but it's mostly stuff than it the west would be considered very mainstream at best or entry-level at worst. Granted I am going to make references to obscure japanese works too (namely Kakugo No Susume and Violinist Of Hameln), but still.

>> No.6133681

What do you mean "what if"? It WILL be shit. That is why you must draw it. You have to get the shit out of your system.

>> No.6133880
File: 54 KB, 691x520, Bandicam_2015-06-16_21-29-21-046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /mmg/, I'm in a real jam and could really, really use some advice. Here it goes
So I got hired a bit ago to work as an artist on an indie comic, and we currently wrapped up a short intro story for the world and character. I got this job because I was shown to the writer by another artist who is in a very prestigious spot in a particular field that isn't comics (lets call them Pro), but closely tied to it, and it is a field of art that I would love to break into and would make much more money in. Pro is the writers friend and this is one of the reasons I even took the indie comic job in the first place, to impress Pro and get a possible job in that field.
During the creation of the mini chapter, I was contacted by a manga writer (let’s call them Bee, and all of these people are American by the way) and they wanted me to work for them at double the payment of my current pagerate. At first I accepted and was going to do two books at once (even though thats pretty brutal, I really need the money). Then I was contacted by Pro, who said I was going to start getting some industry work sent my way in their field. I was happy as hell, but knew I couldn’t balance all this work, so since I was in the middle of the comic for Pro’s friend I turned down Bee’s comic.
Fast forward a few months and I am a couple pages into the full chapter, and I still have not heard anything from Pro’s industry. Indie comic writer also set up a whole slew of social media that I am tied to. On top of that Bee’s comic is starting to get notoriety and really REALLY picking up speed. I feel like I made a horrible decision. I feel stuck in this writers comic. Should I see if Bee will take me back and quit this indie comic? Is that going to look super poorly on me towards Pro? I don’t know my way around this at all, and I am so utterly confused at what to do next.

>> No.6133976

just order in bulk on amazon. Still a little more pricey than what the Japanese pay, but at least it´s not daylight robbery

>> No.6133993

A lot of it is talking so I guess it might be a bit talking headish, I'm not really trying for it to be.
As for panel layout, I just use 4 rows a lot, so when they all overlap like that image to fit them together it looks like they're all the same

>> No.6134011

If anyone here knows the answer: why would one choose any other comic/manga platform over Webtoon?

>> No.6134070

Not that anon, but I read somewhere, paraphrasing here "if you wanna write lots words, then write a book, in comics half of the words should be expressed by the characters and the scenery".

Good job, though. How do you people get the boxes to look so clean without digital means?

>> No.6134072

Thanks, anon, I'll try to commit to this for 1 week daily and see how it goes.

>> No.6134220

A ruler, what would you expect?

>> No.6134356
File: 244 KB, 888x980, Swd62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Urasawa’s youtube inspired me to try tones

>> No.6134373

>There's never been a successful Western mangaka
That one French dude who made Radiant literally got an anime adaptation, what are you talking about? I didn't think his manga was interesting by any means but I would consider him succsessful.

>> No.6134378

If you're good enough you can get published online by an actual manga website like anything owned by Comic Walker, MangaPlus, etc., and they all pay actual wages + royalties instead of the social media-style payment Webtoon offers.

>> No.6134554
File: 97 KB, 960x960, 1646523462417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me your series' elevator pitch, NOW

>> No.6134676

Knock-off Oyasumi PunPun but there's also skateboarding.

>> No.6134731

Apprentice witch tries to kill her evil older sister

>> No.6134824

Webtoons are a different format with different design principles, and are incompatible with print if you want to do that. To me the difference is comparable to PC/console games and mobile games. They're all video games, but the difference in format means mobile games are still significantly different from PC/console games.

>That one French dude who made Radiant literally got an anime adaptation
So did Deltora Quest. Doesn't make Emily Rodda a successful LN author in japan.
I hope you realize that Radiant isn't published in japan in the sense that anybody here means. He doesn't work for a japanese publisher, he works for a french publisher who focus on anime/manga-like stuff. Radiant just proved popular enough to be translated into japanese and published in japan too, but it's not quite the same thing as moving to japan and being published by a japanese publisher.
It is, however, proof that you don't necessarily need to. I doubt Ankama will remain the only publisher of its kind forever.

>> No.6134833
File: 1.43 MB, 1518x3511, doodles 15-06-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A group of beast hunters, each looking out for their own interests, venture deep into the monster-filled wilderness to slay a dragon that has been terrorizing towns on the fringe of civilization. Initially there is no clear protagonist, but as the party is whittled down by the harshness of nature only the most capable even make it to the dragon alive.

A young beast hunter first must hunt a dragon, second must survive on his own in the wild far from civilization and third must defeat and cure his mind-controlled idols in order to officially become one of their members.

>> No.6134848

Genki girl grim reaper cheers up old man

>> No.6134906

>If you're good enough you can get published online by an actual manga website like anything owned by Comic Walker, MangaPlus, etc., and they all pay actual wages + royalties instead of the social media-style payment Webtoon offers.
Anon that's a nice thought and all but these are essentially just digital distribution manga magazines. You still have to know japanese, meet the editors in person etc. It's the same shit as a regular manga publication, just distributed digitally.
And it has nothing to do with webtoons.

>> No.6135299

The anon asked why one would choose other manga/comic platforms over webtoon platforms. I gave him a reason. I've worked with one of the translators for Medibang and Mangaplus for a small doujin translation job and they said they work monthly with a foreign artist published in a Kodansha online website but I don't know the artist or title due to confidentiality reasons. So it's certainly possible and you don't even need to be fluent in Japanese to get there. Though obviously, having the langauge down lowers the barrier of entry incomparably.

>> No.6135304

>The anon asked why one would choose other manga/comic platforms over webtoon platforms. I gave him a reason.
Ah, my bad.

>> No.6135309

4 bucks vs 12 bucks sure seems like an extreme markup

>> No.6135324
File: 3.70 MB, 4624x3468, 20220629_032530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done, tomorrow should be the end of this one

>> No.6135342

are you going to use tones? Color?

>> No.6135364

Neither, I hatch.
I wanna try tones but they're expensive most times I look.
I have the ability to tone another way, but I like hatching more honestly.

>> No.6135720

After a Japanese highschool girl inherits a strange oil painting from 1800s Russia, the figures in the painting start coming out of it one by one - shenanigans ensue.

>> No.6135912

how do you see guys working as a manga assistant?
In a couple of years (when my japanese skills improve) I want to go to a japanese academy to keep studying an improving my japanese there, an I was thinking about working as assistant while at school.
It will be easy to find a job like that there? what do you think?

>> No.6136344
File: 174 KB, 945x1454, sho2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battle manga panel

>> No.6136368

looks like you've been studying Togashi
looks good

>> No.6136581
File: 1.18 MB, 1403x1984, doodle 27-06-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, and yeah I have been.

>> No.6136729

It's been done before and while covid's made travel to Japan a bitch in general, you can definitely do assistant work on the side if you've got at least a general grasp of Japanese. This girl was an assistant for the Prince of Tennis mangaka while she studied in Japan and she said she discovered the opening on some magazine/newspaper. She used to have a blog that detailed everything in full but it looks like she deleted it recently. https://metropolisjapan.com/manga-for-the-masses/
As long as you know where to look for the job and you have basic motor skills you can get it. Transitioning to becoming a mangaka from that role is another story, though.

>> No.6137015
File: 3.13 MB, 4529x2986, 20220630_033730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with this, the 5th one shot this month is complete.
And a day ahead of schedule.

>> No.6137127
File: 716 KB, 3000x3500, Indian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life survival
slice of life

>> No.6137265

well most mangakas start as assistants

>> No.6137424
File: 112 KB, 1400x1080, wojak becomes a manga artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been working on a manga to show people when I get to Japan. Not stopping until pic related is my life.
Wish me luck bros.

>> No.6137676

love that head design

>> No.6137923

Thinking about making a hentai manga chapter and trying to get Fakku to publish it under their western tag. Lets say the quality is good but as a no name artist how well do think it will go for me?

>> No.6138026
File: 60 KB, 250x250, 1613001958940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is embarrassing use some japanese things in the kyoto contest? I mean i want to use honorifics and and a name in japanese, since i like them a lot, but i still wonder if it would be too much

>> No.6138122

>show friend my drafts
>asks me how im supposed to read it
Oh god I've got to do right to left don't I

>> No.6138126

I got bad news you anon, there aren't any woman editors in WSJ.

>> No.6138174

Why not???

>> No.6138342
File: 687 KB, 1182x1300, Tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physical exertion panel

>> No.6138364

The third one is pretty reminiscent of Transformers, actually. Aside from the origins, of course, and the fact that they live concurrently with humanity in the same universe.

>> No.6138379

Some thoughts:
The eyes are misaligned, and his left leg needs to be bigger since its closer to the viewer. Overall, his body here isn't a solid sense of perspective, it moreso feels limited by the 2d plane.

>> No.6138386

(More of my few cents)
The face seems too far down from the forehead here.
The pants need to have a more angled perspective to make the body seem less small.

>> No.6138393

This work on your robots and vehicles and designs at the same time by making robots that can realistically contort into space ships

>> No.6138401
File: 3.40 MB, 498x280, patrick-bateman-why-not-you-stupid-bastard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6138422

> Artificially created black dragon/human hybrid girl escapes from a laboratory/wizard tower as a child when it's destroyed, the story focuses on her as an adult as she lives a solitary life the wilderness. Slice-of-life-ish/survival focused story in a fantasy setting with light sci-fi elements.

> A wandering adventurer/mercenary and former soldier that finds a magic shapeshifting blade in some old ruins that is both alive and sapient (and upset because she thinks he's a jackass, unlike the dim memories of the great hero who used to wield her). The story chronicles their journeys through the lands fighting monsters and bandits, uncovering the sword's lost memory and past piece by piece. Comedy/action in a mostly straight fantasy setting.

>> No.6138434

1st one - You have to fuck reverse isekai Milim

2nd one - You have to fuck the sword

>> No.6138455
File: 173 KB, 730x1024, FNaHkxoUUAAqKbj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got tips on I can imitate traditional inking and wash brushes?

I used to work in traditional and still love how 'messy' it is, but digital is so much more convenient for the time it saves

>> No.6138468

Thx for the crit. I agree the drawing has some mistakes. I'm just trying to draw fast but hoping the art still fits manga style

>> No.6138489
File: 212 KB, 728x1124, baki_cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets say, in a theoretical version of our western comic industry, a famous comic artist akin to the like of togashi, murata, miura, (or really just your favorite mangaka) was looking to establish a team of "assistants" in a manner that is modeled after the japanese manga industry. (this is also assuming that the western comic industry in this scenario is geared toward such a practice)

which of you here would take up the offer to work as an assistant, should the opportunity arise? or would you still prefer to work on your own comic?

>> No.6138492

>or would you still prefer to work on your own comic?

>> No.6138494

are you sure about that? think about it. working as an assistant for your favorite manga artist. surely youd pick up a few things? its not like your gonna be an assistant forever

>> No.6138499

I would take the assistant work, mostly because it's not typically a full-time job and it's something you can do to essentially get paid to learn.

>> No.6138525

I half read your post.
Yeah I would be Horikoshi's assistant if I was good enough

>> No.6138645
File: 437 KB, 1653x1448, 1655412696004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your plans long term, guys? Do you expect to make something out of manga someday? What platforms / business model are you going to pursue? Do you think it's even a realistic dream to make a living out of writing stories that are most dear and personal to you, or is that just a pipe dream?

>> No.6138746

If I could do that as a job, heck yeah I would.

>> No.6138922

brushes should exist for this, if you can't find some, learn how to texture using filters

>> No.6139203
File: 221 KB, 1200x1600, 1643407885063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the advancement of technology after the war, robot themed amusement parks are now a thing. Some of the walkaround mascots are putting together a plot to escape. Damn good thing too; the air gets stuffy in a postnuclear bunker.

>> No.6139350
File: 553 KB, 937x1007, 642BC547-B6A6-4D84-80AF-A1908135B2F6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my biggest dreams I’d like to have my manga published in a Japanese magazine.
I don’t really want my work to be very popular, I just wish to have a fanbase that is big enough to make a living out of manga.
I know there is almost 0% of it happening but this foolish dream prevents me from killing myself.

And actually if I don’t make it it’s alright, if my work can resonate with at least one person, make them feel something on a deeper level, it will be worth it.

>> No.6139486
File: 21 KB, 230x210, 1648451881870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

がんばれ名無しさん we are in the same boat

What this anon said, but in particular, i would love to get into the shonen champion

>> No.6139513
File: 1.17 MB, 850x1714, page 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


more more

thank you!

>> No.6139530
File: 97 KB, 1200x630, aiff_LARGE_t_981_57306_type13058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where would one publish an adult comic? By adult I don't mean porn or super gory, but one that touches on serious topics. I wanted to write a story about a man becoming part of a convent and his relationship with spirituality and the village surrounding the convent but there would be an important scene of sexual abuse that i'd like to be explicit for thematic reasons and i'm pretty sure that wouldn't fly on places like webtoon or tapas

>> No.6139533

your own site or twitter

>> No.6139712

You would write a novel if you weren't just looking for an excuse to draw nun porn

>> No.6139789
File: 1.64 MB, 1597x895, 5345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm, a friend of mine said I should try submitting to graphic novel publishers that focus on more niche and weird stuff than self publishing first
>School of the Holy Beast
get some culture
>1 sexual abuse scene = porn

>> No.6140015
File: 920 KB, 1825x2358, 20220702_023406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally back to drawing my comic!

>> No.6140057
File: 48 KB, 280x222, 1632043242015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why people doesn't recomend pixiv more, i mean i have seen a lot of bullshit there that makes me think that it's safe for that type of content, after i end with all that i have with this period of contest, i will try there

>> No.6140122

Looks fuckin good bruv keep at it

>> No.6140459
File: 99 KB, 800x1108, 466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


think I've found a style I like

>> No.6140473

i really like your style, hope i can get there one day

>> No.6140546

someone pirate Neil Gaiman Master Class

>> No.6140558

I want to be able to explain video game designs in a visual way (mechanics demonstration, character designs, boss intro/outros, cool set pieces). Long-term would be making a complete design that a studio would be willing to pick up.

Maybe learning to draw and making comics isn't the best way forward, but I want to be able to present my ideas in an appealing way.

>> No.6140944

I tend to think traditional publishing is off the table for me for a few reasons. Lately, I’ve been down about that and wonder if I should spend my time on something else.

>> No.6141251

Next thread doko da?

>> No.6141312

New Thread:

>> No.6141328

Rab u anon