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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1 KB, 225x225, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6108742 No.6108742 [Reply] [Original]

post your Pixiv accounts.

>> No.6108743


>> No.6108745

The AI has started to farm social media accounts. When will it end

>> No.6108748

How do you get paid using the Pixiv's request (commission) system without revealing your real name on the requester (commissioner) once the invoice is sent?

>> No.6108756

I'm not sure I haven't used it before.
- Otogi

>> No.6108762

>using pixiv when you don't have asian genes

>> No.6108769

The pixiv account I use to like and follow porn on has more followers then the one I actually post art on..... By like alot.

>> No.6108772
File: 54 KB, 220x302, blushing-anime-anime-girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-do you want to be my gf?

>> No.6108776

You use あたし too much, You dont need to refer to yourself since people know you're talking about you.

>> No.6108788


I'm not looking for a relationship right now I'm married to my Maru pen.

>> No.6108794
File: 1.81 MB, 498x498, 1655150856940.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost her to a pen. Will I ever recover from that?

>> No.6108796


you can follow me on Pixiv tho

>> No.6108800

If any of you faggots don't censor your stuff don't bother posting, you are asking to be mass reported by some idiots with too much time on their hands.

>> No.6108802


I guess I'm obnoxious like that

>> No.6108803

No, That's not being obnoxious thats sounding like an idiot Dekinai.

>> No.6108804
File: 2 KB, 125x123, 1635899560101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6108805
File: 210 KB, 1149x493, post your work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it because of this.

>> No.6108807

very based, reach for the stars fujo-chan

>> No.6108810



>> No.6108811
File: 2.33 MB, 2100x1800, KaijuBattle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohaiyo, I'm FlashFirePrime/HallowedMarmalade-chan! A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I don't draw porn but I do have 50% asian genes, if that helps. Here's an example of my work.

>> No.6108812

great! following you right now!

>> No.6108813
File: 965 B, 151x49, savedfile_2022e2e120610131508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many followers you guys have, I like pixiv because it really doesn't show the numbers on those things but I get curious to know if I have good or bad numbers on my account.

I think the big guys have numbers close to twitter, between 20K to 50K and anything above that if you are really famous. So almost 5K from an account I barely post is okay I think.

>> No.6108816


24 only I'm not sure how to get more I just draw

>> No.6108819

Do you tag your stuff or post somewhere. I think I only got those numbers because I used to do a lot of requests and be active on a..."Latin american cartoon oriented community".

Fucked with my commission rate and I did more cringe stuff that I can count, but hey, lots of followers. In my experience if you draw and you are good I think you will get the numbers using pixiv, you just need to have a good jump-start.

>> No.6108821
File: 20 KB, 970x214, Screenshot_20220613-220816_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6108822
File: 1 KB, 168x56, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to follow an unholy amount of people if i liked their art a bit but i kind of regret it; the accounts virtually dead and growth has nearly stopped since I stopped drawing garbage FOTM shit. i dont care though, much, i dont focus on it heavily anymore or never really did, but i keep tabs on it i guess

>> No.6108870
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x1400, 98921251_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6108886

8.1K followers following an account that doesn't even art? Ungodly.

>> No.6108914

sorry, i meant dead in growth. ive grown like 500 over the past 4 years it feels like, the biggest bulk of my follows was popular character + futa coomer shit

>> No.6108915


>> No.6109019
File: 103 KB, 1280x960, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6109048

It's a good place to post content that is not allowed on most online sites.

>> No.6109061
File: 2.73 MB, 2632x2160, Rapture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6109088
File: 96 KB, 598x604, eec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: pedoweebs

>> No.6109898

I reached the 160 random followers but I won't post mine, because I'm perma/beg/

>> No.6109929

I had like 2k followers on mine but got banned
Building up a new one, but i'm not in a rush

>> No.6109965
File: 1.11 MB, 2000x2000, Faye x Tsuyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very inconsistent, pic rel is probably the most "out there" thing I've made so far

>> No.6109967

What caused the ban?

>> No.6110029

TOS breach
But, I gotta said, I didn't do anything that some others, with a LOT more followers and currently posting, didn't do
Maybe because I do that+toddlercon

>> No.6110040

My poxiv account is just for bookmarking loli hentai

>> No.6110051

actually kill yourself

>> No.6110072

Fucking based. Share your blog please.

>> No.6110103

The duality of man

>> No.6110111

has furry

>> No.6110286
File: 61 KB, 297x325, 1646048340252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess even the nips draw the line at drawing porn of literal fucking babies.
1 gorillion year old immortal dragon lolis and other bullshittery blurs the line between normality and pedofaggotry, to be sure, but you're so far past the line that no amount of equivocating is going to make THAT seem palatable or sane in any way. Get fucked degenerate lol

>> No.6110544


Twitter I guess

>> No.6110630
File: 8 KB, 326x100, Screen Shot 2022-06-14 at 9.52.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i have similar followers everywhere. 175 pictures. engagement is pretty good, and its zero effort. no need to socialize

although what goes 'viral' on pixiv is frankly baffling. some of my pics will get like 300 bookmarks and others will go up to 700-800. makes no goddamn sense to me

>> No.6110670

beg coom stuff, would still appreciate a follow though

>> No.6110794

Beg indeed, but I think your works have soul. Keep going, anon

>> No.6110847

Literally just a dump for my twitter and only started using it this year. I don't use it for much besides that and occasionally following artists I found on danbooru so i have em bookmarked


>> No.6111013
File: 2.89 MB, 1718x1238, 1655012913425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can post loli and shota on pixiv
>you cannot post penis or vagina unless you "censor" it
Japan is truly a weird place but fret not, once it gains enough gajins the western payment processing companies (visa, master card, paypall) will demand they take lolis off the website or to IP ban westerners.

And this will eventually kill the website in few years. Globohomo cannot be stopped

>> No.6111020

they dont censor any art, theres plenty of toddlercon on pixiv, i would know cause i jerk off to it
get fucked moralfaggot they're not real

>> No.6111024

and you're happy about this? also you have to do some retarded asspulls to be able to pay and receive payments on there
>it will die
pixiv was made by nips for nips, the gayjins are just extra bullshit that many artists on there would rather not have to deal with and they dont use any western payment processors that i know of? they would just insta ban foreign ips and not give a fuck cause their main priority is their own people

>> No.6111031

How do you get paid using the Pixiv's request (commission) system without revealing your real name on the requester (commissioner) once the invoice is sended?

>> No.6111034

I am just stating the inevitable. When you get older you realize the life is cycle where every good thing eventually gets corrupted and either dies or becomes parody of itself.

With websites it happens every single time. Google is no longer the best search engine because it censors the results, youtube, mega, tinder, newsgrounds, devian art... remember tumblr? Yeah.

And i dont believe pixiv will cut off globohomo. They will see the rising renevue from ads and the ever increasing profits from the commission cuts by gajin visitors. They will give in and purge the loli. Corporate greed never fails.

>> No.6111091

You understand the concept but not that the concept is not always applicable everywhere outside of the western world. Sure a greedy and business minded corporate would do as you said, but one thing you're missing is the nips are anything but good businessmen, in the sense that to them the world outside of Japan might as well not exist. They operate on a very conservative model and despise changes. They were behind on the smartphone trend, then the electric car fad, even their game industry is reluctant to publish outside of Japan, their most successful mobile game and also the most successful mobile game in the world that mogs by miles the second place, Genshin Impact, yet they refuse to publish it outside of Japan. Nips are literally autists and it has been proven time and time again.

>> No.6111121
File: 74 KB, 655x937, IMG_20220615_200701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot, I still can't believe Pixiv has this much users.

>> No.6111134

hi azto
i thought you didn't post here anymore

>> No.6111140

Still lurking here and posting sometimes, some infos here are quite useful. It's not like there're other art communities that are not garbage.

>> No.6111179


my pixiv ranges around the same number as my twitter. 150. i think i need to change my approach to this whole drawing thing.

not many people in this thread actually sharing what they draw.


my SFW is only followed by like 7 people. it's a barren wasteland.
overall i have to rethink of how i draw. i usually have to redraw the picture over and over again. but i'm going to try out some new tools.

>> No.6111280

how do you all have so many followers I only have 24.

>> No.6111355

maybe post more art instead of retweets and ranting.

>> No.6111425

Are you someone that knows me? What's wrong with retweets? Sharing art is good...it's what I like.? And I don't rant on Twitter. So what's the harm... I think I desperately need to keep a style

>> No.6111438


I'm a coomer, please don't bully.

>> No.6111444
File: 639 KB, 649x763, 1648681954958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not real, but you are in fact a real pedophile nonetheless, therein lies the reason for my disdain :)

>> No.6111517


I noticed a few of you nigs are using tags incorrectly. Most tags are sorted using kanji. Next time when uploading, look up the tag using the search function and click the drop down kanji that it finds then copy it into your tags.

>> No.6111607

Im a lazy coomer , pls dont bully

>> No.6112041

Best tags?

>> No.6112433
File: 4 KB, 199x58, 1636408047401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it means nothing if they all are bots who don't interact with you, or worse comment with shitty gifs and emojis.
at least on pixiv they use cute stickers that don't get notified.

>> No.6112444
File: 921 KB, 2065x2000, bikegirlcrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is my creepy degenerate coomer smut

I just uploaded picrel like 5 minutes ago.

as awful as this is, i have a completely sfw insta where ive posted orders of magnitude more pictures, put way more thought into when i upload, spend more time on each picture, pandering with fanart, following trends, taking requests, actively promoted, but ive gotten more than double the followers on pixiv and every post gets way more likes. i mean on ig ill get 3 or 4 likes. maybe 10 on a fantastic day. On pixiv, I have 1 picture wit h 200 likes. (its gay bondage porn) and several over 100.

it could just be chaulked up to "sex sells." or maybe japanese people are pervs. but actually i think a better way to say that is people with fetishes have low standards for the quality of the artwork because niche stuff is rare so even my trash gets attention because it is scratching that itch.

I have never once pandered or taken a request on pixiv. i just draw when i need to get some cringy erotic fantasy out of my head.

the only things I woudn't draw would be pedo stuff, old people, pissing/shitting and...maybe guro/violence. Anything else is a possibility though.

>> No.6112654


>> No.6113038

Those are some mad fucking numbers. I knew the bigger people could get to 100 thousand. But half a million? Crazy, I mean, compare with the numbers that the larger people get on devianart or artstation, they are nothing.

>> No.6113042

How do you steer the bikes?

>> No.6113071

You'll see. You'll all see...

>> No.6113080

Can't wait. About what you just said, I think instagram itself is just dead for art in general, nothing really do to with your art being SFW or not, actually in my case my SFW work is always more popular than my porn and my slightly NSFW also compared with more explicit stuff.

I still don't know exactly why people would bother posting there to begin with but most of the time if you aren't already established in some way there is no good way of growing on that place outside tags, and even with tags your stuff doesn't get highlighted in anyway, once you post is lost to the limbo.

I mean, think about, likes and bookmarks means nothing outside internet points, 99% of the users who would follow you are people using alt accounts with nothing on it just to follow art and that place is full of bots and shill accounts trying to grow their account like the "that's amazing, send it to the niggers art incorporated page for more views" so even if you stuff does well on an amazing day it will not help you grow as it would on twitter, pixiv, devianart.

I never really tried to use it as an art thingy, but is always what I see, even amazing people that (I stalk for personal reasons) never really grow past a certain point.

>> No.6113093

for some reason, my coomer account which only has one post per 2 months on average is more popular. Das sum bullshiet.

>> No.6113164

That's mildly interesting. I've been on da forever. Like maybe 15 years and I have basically no following. I guess I could try to make a pixiv for the sfw stuff. I didn't want to do that because I don't ever want anyone to know that I'm a fucking pervert. That shit has to go to the grave so I've kept everything completely separate. I know my behance page is about as worthless as it gets. Never had any interest in Twitter. Don't want to get involved. Never saw any appeal.

>> No.6113185

what is Pixiv good for? is it something similar to Artstation?

>> No.6113237
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1625787668853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's only my few NSFW stuff that get any noticeable interest on pixiv. many of my drawings have memes or depict movie scenes which I guess nips don't care about
I have 8k+ followers on twitter vs. 1k something on pixiv even though I post the same stuff on both sites

>> No.6113281

post your account?

>> No.6113423


>> No.6113426
File: 1.94 MB, 3507x2675, PXL_20220616_175326664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my third version. Now you can fuck it while you ride sand you can steer.

>> No.6113434

Got a little bit of coom but I also draw normal shit

>> No.6113437

Make a version of a guy fucking her while riding looking hella cool with sunglasses,blazer with no shirt under it and a yellow scarf to complete the looks, make one focusing on her reaction and make a version of the aftermath with her completed fucked up by the experience.

In my experience peps on pixiv love this sort of story telling using illustrations, is always wildly popular.

>> No.6113442

As I said above I don't take requests, I don't follow trends and I don't pander.

>> No.6114243

beg thread?

>> No.6115202
File: 2.45 MB, 2062x2343, 94148256_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, a self-shill thread!
ignore the fanbox bullshit, I was just testing stuff

>> No.6115549

Interesting how none of the artists in these threads follow each other.

>> No.6115680

Someone followed me.

>> No.6115755

I got a few follows from posting here

>> No.6115787
File: 1 KB, 136x62, Screenshot 2022-06-18 105055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the other guy said. Some of em are bots and many are just accounts with no profile pics or nothing. I draw 20% my OC shit and 80% are commission shit. I barely even have time to draw coom lately because my shitty chink boss decided not to hire new blood and pass the workload to the remaining staffs.

>> No.6115803

You realize most pixiv users just have an account to favorite shit right?

>> No.6115818

Of course. What are you trying to say?

>> No.6115874


Nobody followed me.

>> No.6115908

Most of my things are miku somehow

>> No.6115974

boss????? for coom?????

>> No.6115989

oh ok

>> No.6116159

Drawing fantasy landscapes in my free time, come have a look.


>> No.6116178

he got banned because he didn't censor genitals properly. That's the reason, not your moralfag headcanon reason.

>> No.6116183

Genshin Impact is by a Chinese developer.

>> No.6116444
File: 1.77 MB, 3507x2675, femcycle4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the update. I got lazy.

>> No.6116489

i'm not really a good artist in all honesty.


>> No.6116560

Never let your introduction be self-deprecation.
It makes people not want to look/follow your art.
If you don't like your art, why should anyone else?
Some say it's an "act of modesty", but it's still acting, fishing for praise.
You might get sympathy rom Redditors/FB since they're, well, stupid.
But, if you want people to have sincere interest in your work, you need to demonstrate some confidence in your art, regardless of skill level.
You don't have to be arrogant, a simple "I started X year(s) ago, and here's what I have currently." works (except sound less robotic)

>> No.6116730

I'm sorry for that, as of now, i really don't have much of a good introduction other than self-deprecation really, i'll try my best to act optimistic when i'm showing my drawings and such to other people in some threads or in a server.

>> No.6116737

and also sorry for the late reply btw, i've been taking a small rest because of some exams

>> No.6117549

Is anyone else unable to view anything in Pixiv? All I get are grey boxes whenever I open an illustration.

>> No.6117990

damn fine. your colors are beautiful
your art is freakin amazing. its creepy but cute

>> No.6118032
File: 6 KB, 256x256, download (42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about making a pixiv.

currently have ig. following doesn't grow at all.
also DA, and since deviant art did that big interface change i hate it and find it unusable.

is pixiv mostly just coomer art?

is it pointless to make an sfw pixiv?

i have dozens of paintings finished already that i would upload on a schedule. is that pointless? should i just upload everything in one shot?

is there a better app? i just don't want to use twitter or facebook.

I already have an nsfw pixiv that is way way more successful that my ig even though my ig has probably 10X or maybe 20X the content, but i'm not sure if that's because it's nsfw or if it's because it's pixiv.

>> No.6118225


you can use Pixiv for both sfw and nsfw and be successful if you're good.

>> No.6118232
File: 150 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6118235
File: 503 KB, 480x676, Untitled50_20220616233922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong picture sorry this is the right picture.


>> No.6118260


Your portfolio makes me jealous.

>> No.6118337

yours was the only profile on this entire thread that i felt had any value whatsoever in it. you're not a pro but your art is interesting. i like the interesting body proportions, the massive amount of detail, the texture in the skin and muscles, and the dark eyes. so i gave you a follow. everyone else is a disgusting shameful disappointment. its all shitty fairly odd parents style borderline coomer western weeaboo anime and ugandan knuckles art. what an absolute shit show.

>> No.6118350



>> No.6118475

one of them is literally making simpsons porn.

>> No.6118535

I love that shoujo style

>> No.6118601


Oh I didn't see that.

>> No.6118603


Thank you. I've worked hard at it.

>> No.6118748

I already follow some of these people on Twitter.

>> No.6118756

Come say that to my face. I need a good laugh.

>> No.6118772

Yo wadsup

Helping begs later

>> No.6118896 [DELETED] 

Do you have to write your captions in Japanese to get that many followers? Or will they ignore that if your art is more than great?

>> No.6118903

Like what other art-communities are there even? I'm getting tired of /ic/'s chronic crabbing

>> No.6118909

Do you guys also translate for the Japs, since the majority of users are Japanese? Or do you only write in English? I find myself too heavily invested in translating everything in Japanese as well, because most users are Japanese, so that means more revenue if I pander to the majority, right?

>> No.6118947


you are correct

>> No.6118948


I don't really see why most users on here don't have Japanese or bilingual profiles for Pixiv lol

>> No.6118950

Do you think this is how ShindoL got hired by a Japanese publisher while he lived in America?

>> No.6118951

go ask him

>> No.6118987

ok i just made a pixiv. itll take a long time to upload my stuff.

>> No.6118990

I don't upload many of my pieces because I spend most of my drawing time on studies of other artists or grinding fundies. Can accounts go stale and get buried?

>> No.6119010

Yeah but Azto has like half a million followers and he only writes everything in English...? I don't get it. So maybe in the end it really does just come down to the art, right? Or maybe most of his follower are just Westerners

>> No.6119015

As long as you keep hashtagging your works, they will appear on the frontlines of search results again, so no, you won't be buried

>> No.6119017

>Do you think this is how ShindoL got hired by a Japanese publisher while he lived in America?
How? Like, what are you talking about? Was ShindoL on Pixiv? What do you mean?

>> No.6119020


He got hired by a Japanese publisher while he was from America uploading his art

>> No.6119028

He never specified where he put his work but that's how he got published.

>> No.6119043

I see, then probably by recommendation, Twitter, Patreon or one of those hentai websites.

>> No.6119060

I don't know much about ShindoL apart from his emergence series, is he native Japanese or American?

>> No.6119070

He's not American, he kinda looks Chinese to me, but could be either Chinese or Japanese.

>> No.6119124


He's from New York. But he's Asian.

>> No.6119259


>> No.6119277

I think pixiv request is like skeb or patreon, the money first go to pixiv, then you withdraw it with fees

>> No.6119603


Unfortunately you need a Bank account in Japan to be a creator on skeb.

>> No.6119643

Fuck, really? Isn't PayPal enough?

>> No.6119664
File: 133 KB, 437x456, 1587420237378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to post mine but I don't censor my shit and I'm sure one of you will report me

>> No.6119864

you know nothing about japan and the Japanese culture

>In Japan, mobile phones became ubiquitous
>years before the phenomenon spread worldwide


>> No.6119875

>Technologies like 3G mobile broadband were
>common in Japan before any other country.

>> No.6120109

I post most of my art on twitter, but use pixiv as a place to post more finished work and less rkgk stuff

>> No.6120112

I think he meant the "autistic" business model, not the tech itself

>> No.6120115

What is that?

>> No.6120122


>> No.6120144

That says something eh?

>> No.6120168


>> No.6120644

that's like the only one important rule on pixiv, c'mon man...

>> No.6120647
File: 1.80 MB, 1080x2220, Wet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coom. Barely anything on it right now but I intend to put more shit on it in the coming weeks/months.

>> No.6120650

>generic mediocre loli drawings
>some over 500 bookmarks
man, am I jealous and salty
I mean, I get it and all, but it doesn't make me not salty

>> No.6120651

How is that the case when there's loads of submissions that aren't censored?

>> No.6120655

Can I open a fanbox if I live outside Japan? Or do I need a japanese bank account or some shit like that?

>> No.6120689

Most, if not all of them, include censored versions for Japanese audiences.

>> No.6120719

Oh yeah alot of uploads usually have that multi image format, guess that's partly why.

>> No.6120743


I saw that artist Lara Yokoshima (a Mexican) has Fanbox so you probably can.

>> No.6120815

I noticed this, I'm still in /beg/ phase where this is all I can do but the engagement is already ok. I think this is one of the best ways to start an account while I'm still learning.

>> No.6122477

Why are your landscapes so good?

>> No.6122478


Mostly loli shit so go in at your own risk.

>> No.6122480

What made you feel the need to let everyone know what you draw? I'm not going to give you any view counts and no this isn't reverse psychology either. Anything to garner those viewcounts amirite?

>> No.6122489

Why do you draw lolis?

>> No.6122490

I said that to make sure little fucks like you stay the fuck away from my stuff, do you really think I give a rat's ass about viewcounts?

>> No.6122492

Why? For the Glory of Satan, of course!

>> No.6122494

I'm not going to give you a single fucking view. Cope and seethe.

>> No.6122499


>> No.6122624

Oh. I'm anti anti-Christ.

>> No.6122734


>> No.6122778

So are you guys just not afraid that your Pixiv account could be associated with the "infamous" 4chan or am I just being paranoid or something? I just don't want to scare potential fans away.

>> No.6123139

not really caring about fans that much, i just post my drawings for people who like it

>> No.6123260

You link your PayPal to your pixiv. Client wont see your info and you wont see theirs. Pixiv acts as the middleman

>> No.6123262

I get bullied everytime I post my stuff here so it's just easier not to

>> No.6123322
File: 409 KB, 742x1080, promotional.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psychosexual AI-influenced torture tableaus
No, I think I'm fine.

>> No.6123371

It helped that I got into drawing landscapes first and characters way later

>> No.6123555


How do you color so good?

>> No.6123577

That's awesome.

>> No.6123578


>> No.6123580

Ok well I don't really want any 4channers on my profile so that my account is 4chan-free, so I won't post my account either. Isn't that hypocritical? I mean I'm a 4channer myself haha

>> No.6123869
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>> No.6123966
File: 114 KB, 1080x1080, Huh?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg your pardon?

>> No.6123972

No, that's alright.

>> No.6123975

I see...!

>> No.6124020

Not trying too hard I guess and choosing the right colors.
My coloring technique is quite simple actually.

>> No.6124362



>> No.6124416


>> No.6125502


Started this year, don´t post art very often

>> No.6125655
File: 1 KB, 141x64, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6126125

Can non-Japanese not post uncensored works on PIxiv fanbox? Does it have something to do with Paypal and adult content? I've gotten warnings before but the thing is, I still have some uncensored stuff on my fanbox that never gets taken down. This is really annoying because I can post uncensored stuff on my Pixiv just fine, but now I'm uncertain about fanbox.

>> No.6126414

It's not allowed anywhere on pixiv or fanbox according to their TOS. If someone reports it, or you get randomly audited, then they may suspend you for some time until the offending files are fixed. If you are a repeat offender, they may terminate your account permanently. If you want to deliver uncensored content on fanbox, then I suggest delivering the content on a private discord or matrix server, as long as the files are not directly linked on fanbox, and instead you link to your server in a fanbox post.

>> No.6126503

But tons of people post uncensored stuff on pixiv and I've been doing it for years.

>> No.6126508

Yeah, and I posted bar censored pics and got suspended. If you make it into daily rankings, you will get noticed by the moderators. Lesson learned, now I cover everything in mosaics.

I have heard that using the #uncensored tag puts your drawing in a pool that allows it, however, but I think you will get significantly less traffic.

>> No.6126519

Now I'm suddenly worried. I've gotten warnings on Fanbox before but never on regular Pixiv and I've had my account for over 5 years. I'm not Japanese so I thought I didn't need to censor my stuff and I see plenty of other people not censoring their stuff. I only draw solo and yuri drawings however, no penis is the vag.

>> No.6126523

The reason you have to censor on their website is because the servers (and subsequently your posted pictures) are located in japan, so it falls under japanese law (for pixiv to enforce, so that they do not get punished for hosting uncensored content).

This page will tell you exactly what to censor and how it should be done:

>> No.6126533

Well that's news to me. I don't know how my account is okay because I don't censor anything. I have drawn spread pussies before but normally they're closed and pretty simplified, maybe it's not detailed/realistic enough or something. Or maybe because I'm paying the monthly premium fee, they don't want to ban me and just look the other way. I have never touched discord in my life, what do I do to setup a private server?

>> No.6126999
File: 62 KB, 435x233, NewCanvas57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Create an account, create a server, set all of the server permissions so that nobody except you can post anything, then post links to your content. I put stuff in password protected zips, and drop those on g-drive. The passwords are in their respective fanbox posts. This seems like enough indirection that pixiv doesn't bother to check (because they have to create a discord account, and then get into your server, and then be somehow authenticated by you to see the content, if you do that).

Direct links to password protected stuff may also work, but it's less indirection, so it's a higher risk.

Blade, another popular artist, got warned on fanbox for having uncensored bits in his PSD files.

Basically, the more eyes you have on your art, the more indirection you should use to deliver your uncensored content. It's annoying, but it seems to work.

Also for pussy censorship, it needs to be basically all the inner pink. The clit, the labia minor, etc. But if it just looks like an innie, then I think that is technically okay to leave as-is.

>> No.6127179

Is that the only way or are there any other options I should know about? You can't just upload a password protected zip right to fanbox, can you? I guess the issue would then be giving your supporters the password but not pixiv, right? I have about 6.5k followers and usually get 200+ bookmarks per post. I wouldn't say I'm a terrible artist but I'm still far from high tier, maybe I don't have enough eyes on my work. I really don't want to go back and retroactively censor and re-upload all my stuff because I have a lot.

>> No.6127244

>Is that the only way or are there any other options I should know about?
Subscribestar perhaps.

>You can't just upload a password protected zip right to fanbox, can you?

Since the zip would be located on their server, I don't recommend it.

>I guess the issue would then be giving your supporters the password but not pixiv, right?

Password goes in your fanbox post, and the zip files can go anywhere else off-site. I suppose you could just have one post that links to g-drive with all the zips in it, and then each new artwork post just contains a password and zip name.

>I have about 6.5k followers and usually get 200+ bookmarks per post.

I think I had around 15k when I got my first suspension, and the work that triggered it had around 1000 bookmarks on that day, which was going to have it be in one of the R-18 ranking pools.

>I really don't want to go back and retroactively censor and re-upload all my stuff because I have a lot.

Pixiv told me to do that when I got suspended. It took about a day to do, since I had hundreds of works to fix. Since I had inadequately censored works, I think they were lenient and allowed me to fix it. I think you are going to want to do this eventually.

>> No.6127246

Pixiv users don't care about silly shit like that.

>> No.6127345
File: 13 KB, 882x758, 400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday I'll make a simple living out of just drawing lolis too

>> No.6127346

Do you draw loli? Is that a good idea to be putting it in a g-drive? I just checked aki99's pixiv and fanbox. Apparently they do censor their stuff on pixiv but it's such high resolution/detail that you can clearly make out all the naughty bits. They're obviously way more popular than me so I wonder if pixiv is just lenient towards foreigners. I don't think they're Japanese. I also checked and it seems they do have a g-drive with their uncensored stuff. Most of the pussies I draw are indeed the "puffy" kind which is probably why they're okay. I do sometimes draw the clit though and more pink.

Also, did you draw that above pussy example? I think I might recognize you if so.

>> No.6127395

>Do you draw loli?


>Is that a good idea to be putting it in a g-drive?

If it's an encrypted zip, it seems to be fine, because they cannot automatically scan the contents. Otherwise they may do random image audits and you can get suspended from google services. That happened to someone else I know (another very popular loli artist).

>I wonder if pixiv is just lenient towards foreigners

I think it's the opposite; I've seen high ranking pics from japanese users that had much more loose censorship than I've ever done.

>I don't think they're Japanese.

I think that's a good guess, since he is distributing uncensored content without fear.

>Also, did you draw that above pussy example? I think I might recognize you if so.

Yes, my pixiv ID is 5818586

>> No.6127402

I guessed correctly then, you're in another league anon. Consider me jealous but I will eventually get that good.

>> No.6127406

I'm not japanese why would I have a pixiv? Pixiv is mader by and for Japanese artists. I really hate the massive number of gaijin that have migrated there, when I'm searching for good art I have to filter through oceans of gaijin shit, sometimes they'll use google translated japanese text to fool you but their dogshit art always shows through. It's almost as bad as deviantart now

>> No.6127411

I still have a long way to go to catch up to my idols

>> No.6127424

In that case, I still have an eternity to go. Your stuff is extremely consistent and wank-able.

>> No.6127447

Thank you, part of my motivation is to draw my own fap material.

>> No.6127452

Well you got that down for me at least. Of course it's not good to grow complacent either, there's always room to improve. Now I think I understand a bit more, when I get up to the big boys league, I might have more issues with censorship then. I really don't want to deal with this bullshit and just draw, I'm more of a silent artist and don't want a million different accounts. Maybe I'll try the g-drive thing, I don't know.

>> No.6127894


I think Japanese publishers browse Pixiv for new talent. Anyway it's not like Japanese people can be bad at drawing too.

>> No.6127905


Excluding non Japanese from the creation of Japanese cartoons is kind of shitty.

>> No.6128610

does anyone have the link for today's Drawfest streams?

>> No.6128774
File: 1.28 MB, 1524x984, chrome_rGDQGU8ntg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pixiv is made by and for Japanese artists

Then why did Pixiv's editors featured my work (and other foreign artists) in their Pixivision? Also, plenty of Japanese studios contact me. If Japanese has no problem with it, why would you?

>> No.6128957
File: 1 KB, 172x50, VSMQBMDp3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You guys barely follow any people

Do you even enjoy looking at art?

>> No.6128962

I often only followed people of my niche, that was small at time and still kinda small. Mostly marco diaz dresses as a girl taking in the ass and things of that genre.

>> No.6128994

why not use Patreon? am i missing something?

300 is already too much bro

>> No.6129025

Isn't loli not allowed on Patreon?

>> No.6129290

i post it and nobody complains. probably because my artwork sucks.

>> No.6130529

meh tier desu

>> No.6130533


>> No.6130538

I rarely draw and most of the time my art actually sucks lmao but here

>> No.6131100
File: 1.31 MB, 2480x3508, illust_97156798_20220626_235847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've got like 75 followers but I still need to get my ass in gear and start posting frequently. Picrel is my "OC" but I'd call her more of a mascot. Back-stories are gay - lol

>> No.6131392
File: 560 KB, 1920x1920, 812f4699209109.5f66c571e3e88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm slowly uploading al my crap because fuck IG.
Prease forrow.

>> No.6131569

i would post mine but i dont censor my porn (fuck your laws) and all it takes is one booty tickled bitch boy to report me and get my shit fucked. so i gotta skip sadly.

>> No.6131620
File: 3.93 MB, 1593x1924, Lucy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6131736

I'm also taking in commissions if you need some cheap ass art let me know.

>> No.6132214

im not good, but i have fun

>> No.6132243

My x ray vision sees a 3d model

>> No.6132281
File: 1.32 MB, 960x1440, Aecast Ch1 Front Cover Webcomic Small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I've got my better works on here, as well as chapter 1 of my manga.

>> No.6132290

>My coomer mind perceived the thumbnail as a futa doing doggystyle to a brown girl with a long pony tail.

>> No.6132349

>only found out about the TOS after uploading lots of uncensored pieces
What do you do in this situation? I'm worried that my account will get nuked in the future but I also don't want to delete old posts.

>> No.6132443

lol what makes you think that?

>> No.6132447

Just subscribe to Pixiv Premium (5$ per month) and reupload all of your artworks, but censored

>> No.6132453

And by "reuploading", I mean replacing them. So everything, the caption, your views, your likes stay the same, but the image you can change. Pretty useful, if you need to change something after having it already uploaded.

>> No.6132460



>> No.6132943

didn't use any 3d software tho

>> No.6133040
File: 21 KB, 600x532, e1e8673325951808c60fc77a614246c0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I draw really weird fetish stuff. Futa, hyper, loli/shota, feral, body horror, scat, guro, and worse. I usually do muscles though.
I'm still really fucking bad at drawing so please bear with me as I try to improve, I don't take humiliation well, I just wanna make people feel good with pictures they like.

>> No.6133091

why do people post on baraag if there's already pixiv

>> No.6133116

Baraag lets you post uncensored and the twitter format is comfy.

>> No.6134207

I'll have to read this