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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 507 KB, 1093x480, dalle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6099938 No.6099938 [Reply] [Original]

So how does /ic feel about AI artwork? Do you think you can compete? And how do you feel about your work appearing next to them so that it can learn alongside you?

>> No.6099968
File: 70 KB, 499x753, exhibits_fbi_unabomber_g38595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel there ought to be some kind counter movement coming along. Denouncing AI art or even digital art altogether. The legitimacy of digital artwork can always be brought into question from this point. As normies inevitably flood the internet with AI art actual artists will need to stick together enforcing strict anti-AI standards. Less they want to end up scattered and isolated.

>> No.6099990
File: 11 KB, 210x339, ah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people 'are' trying, but is concerning how much the art community don't even want to fight back, let alone care. people are calling the ones making an effort all kinds of buzzwords to demoralise and stigmatise them. ive also noticed most of the people in the art scene defending this 'AI' stuff are trendhoppers going along with what has been popular for the last decade or so. they just think its funny without even giving it a second thought.

>> No.6100013

The vast majority seem to be in aggressive denial mode. Genuine fucking imbeciles.

>> No.6100019

AI will never understand what it's like to lose a child to suicide, or to grow old and frail, or to fail an exam, or to lose your crush to someone else. Real art can't be automated by a formula.

>> No.6100032
File: 175 KB, 640x360, Nova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have a fellow popular artist friend in a popular artist circle
>Regularly post about what great friends you are
>Said friend is a nothingling who cannot feel anything for you

>> No.6100034

I think it's cool, but don't really care. It seems to me that only normies and people who don't really know about art would care about this being in production. Maybe big factories could make use of this to sell ai generated paintings, or incorporate it somehow in infrastructure once this lifts off. But there will always be demand for an actual human behind the art piece. If someone comes to your house and asks who made that painting, how lame would it be to say an ai did this? On the other hand, it could be used by artists who don't really care about background art and would use it as they would 3d models. But really, as long as they aren't making ntr hentai games then I don't care.

>> No.6100033

to be far it's usually some no name artist that talks like a nftfag that pretends they are an illustrator talking about how this bring in more creative minds to the creative field and artist shouldn't worry.

>> No.6100040

speaking of porn i wonder how'd they'd stop this thing from making child porn if it goes public.

>> No.6100051

Too bad real art cant pay the bills and only exists as a hobby pursuit, it's about to reach the levels of poetry where there are infinite mediocre practitioners without an incentive for anyone to truly excel. Anyone smart enough to become a legendary artist will just study something more practical.

>> No.6100054
File: 48 KB, 135x550, my computer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the software would just open a huge floodgate in scams and an increase efficiency for propoganda art. you get to bypass all kinds of barriers in the word of art using this software, but we should all know by now just how important Gatekeeping used to be and exist for reason's like this. Only now we're not really doing it for humans..
The more we push ourselves into relying on technology, the worse this is going to get, especially when you have AI on artsites learning from the art you upload, and everything else posted. We don't even know the extent of what this is going to be, and how much ""artists"" are shooting themselves in the foot with how they're unconsciously contributing to it. For all we know, the whole Social Media game could be just a fancier way of training AI like this for future means.

>> No.6100057

stupid retard #4895489 that only sees art as a business, you are not an artist so fuck off

>> No.6100059

Oh man another AI thread.
Has AI replaced ANY jobs yet? Or it it always 'just wait X more years bro' and it never actually happens

>> No.6100068

It's replaced many threads that's for sure

>> No.6100083

art and craft are inseparable, there are deeper truths about art that you only gain access to through the process of mastering a craft, when there is no longer an incentive or a reasonable justification for dedicating a life toward the pursuit its just basic bitch ideas floating around.

>> No.6100087

It's genuinely concerning, hence the numerous threads about it. Wanna know why people come here to make these threads? Because there's not a lot of articles discussing this issue in an artist's point of view. Most opinions I've heard came from tech and business people who benefits in this technology, we want to seek respite in a group or collective of fellow artists because we are going to be affected by this, negatively. To be honest I just want use to unite and find a way to tame this, like a boat, as the tide of technological advancement rises we need to find a way to float on top, the future of art is at stake here.

>> No.6100093

you have News articles being typed out by AI now, and there's even AI software you can use to colour in linework and old photographs..so its beginning to replace jobs..
You've even got AI inside actual Camera's doing the work for the photographer, so instead of them using actual skill and talent, they're relying on an artificial intelligence doing the work for them..

>> No.6100096

>the future of art is at stake here.
The future of art is fine. All the art you would ever want is going to exist. But no one is going to get credit for it. Art with no twitter watermarks

>> No.6100102


>> No.6100105

>All the art you would ever want is going to exist

what if an artist wants a style of their own and doesn't want the AI to interfere in the process? that's going to get harder when all the inspiration to gather from the world says the same thing and created the same way, with the same language and ideas from the same outlet.
at that point, you become an AI yourself, and no longer human. would you like that?

>> No.6100106

not speaking strictly about art here, but i hope there will be political movements to stop this attempt at turning mankind entirely dependent on technology and become utterly inept without a power grid. this soul sucking shit with all these bugmen hyping themselves over the latest dehumanizing tech makes me think i was born far too late

>> No.6100112
File: 375 KB, 643x880, wash up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a real fucking shame to just watch artists lie down and die. Not even an extreme angle of "People could be using this to generate art of underage kids!". Nope, nothing, at least I see nothing about it. We live in that age where someone could have millions of followers and you're five years too late to hearing about them.

And the technology is only going to get better. You think youtubers stealing your art and uploading or using it without your permission is bad, it's going to get a lot worse. A fucking bored ape cartoon was an idea, wait until we get the first ai generated movie.

I think it's a combination of things. NFT's, political movements, companies, blue checkmarks, other artists, normies. All of these things have done their damned best to steal the soul of art. "Is that a black woman? It's too political. Is that a nipple I see? You degenerate, think of the children. Oh, you did this in clip studio on your laptop? All you had to do was click a button, a real artist pays out the ass for paints and canvas supplies and does it in one go. What's that, you want to be compensated for your time? My 5 year old cousin does finger paints in his art class for free, flip those burgers like a good wagee." Artists who love making art just can't win.

We're going to be hitting a very weird age very soon and I can't be sure on what it will bring. If I took an educated guess, we'll probably undergo an "artistic renaissance". My money's on coom art being the sole surviving form of genuine art. AI generated art doesn't make coom art, but that's not going to last long, you know some autist from India is going to create that shit. But the sole difference when it comes to that shit, is soul. Porn is both specialized and very niche to your tastes. It has very catered to tastes.
A machine can make you mashed potatoes and gravy, but it's not the same mom makes it.

>> No.6100118

>It's genuinely concerning
The only people 'concerned' are the ones not working in the industry and only think artists' jobs are 'create X image now' and just because some photo bashing software can bake random images in minutes artists will now be 'out of jobs'.
>you have News articles being typed out by AI now
Sure if we call any software 'AI' just like idiotic tech companies like to do, it's replacing jobs, just like the 'AI' Microsoft Excel has replaced abacus masters.
>You've even got AI inside actual Camera's doing the work for the photographer
Hilarious that you mention this because most professional photo gigs that aren't sports related are shot with medium format or even large format cameras from like 50+ years ago, everything mechanical. Nobody is using digital cameras, hell even film making is going back to expensive film reels.

>> No.6100121

>what if an artist wants a style of their own and doesn't want the AI to interfere in the process?
i dont know if artists will even mean anything any more. the idea of an individual that certain works are attributed to that gets to wear their works like ornaments will be history. but what if you wanted something very specific to exist? there would be some new process
>that's going to get harder when all the inspiration to gather from the world says the same thing and created the same way, with the same language and ideas from the same outlet.
you are describing the current world as it already is
at that point, you become an AI yourself, and no longer human. would you like that?
don't care about """humanity""". only cool ideas and experiences

>> No.6100125

imagine every piece of art for any product ever signed "DALEE". Every splash art, every illustration, every card game will just have a DALEE in the bottom right corner as a signature. It is at that point I'll give up, disconnect from the world and try to live off the land and shit in grass

>> No.6100127
File: 49 KB, 728x410, virtual reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here comes the Silicon Entrepreneur. You should be working on getting Metaverse or Neuralink take off, anon. Its the right thing to do, after all, right?

>> No.6100129

Great. It's the ultimate answer to PYW.

>> No.6100133
File: 286 KB, 1152x2048, Zombie Astronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do I get into midjourney, fucking fucks take their sweet time sending an invite

they favour people with a big social media following

fucking cunts, fuck you
shit should be democratic, now they fucking gatekeep

>> No.6100140
File: 409 KB, 956x538, ai art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3D printing has the capacity to get so advanced it could probably start creating its own organs

>AI software could get so advanced that merged with the programs like Unreal and other medical equipment, could create wacky ass shit

>chimeras like this might become a thing in the next 20 years or so

I mean, we all thought that with machines taking over, we would be getting more equal pay and live more fulfilling lives without having to work so much. Has it even really done much good for us lately? Who's to say the people in charge won't abuse this technology just like the machinery we have now?

>> No.6100152
File: 87 KB, 850x400, quote-it-is-not-possible-to-make-a-lasting-compromise-between-technology-and-freedom-because-theodore-kaczynski-72-63-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6100158

The Pandora's Box has been opened anon. The technology is never going to go away, and lots of people are happy to keep it, especially in war. People are going to have to really debate about the ethics of art and technology. Do we give up the ability to make art for the sake of convenience, or do we hold onto it and eventually revert back to primitive ways?

>> No.6100167

Now you know how some of us felt about the advent of social media.
>but is concerning how much the art community don't even want to fight back
>I feel there ought to be some kind counter movement coming along.
>It's a real fucking shame to just watch artists lie down and die.
Welcome to the state of the civilized world at large. The seeds for complacent populations were already sown with the second industrial revolution. The most they'll ever do is ask the government for a permission to to walk around the block and chant hey hey ho ho until it's bedtime for wagie.

You all already live in an age not fit for human biology. You're either merging with AI or ending up with psychosis at the end of this. There will be no rebellion; you're not living in a Delacroix painting. Your only other hope is an inevitable global economic collapse on a structural level which boggles my mind as to how most people of this era will even mentally process that let alone survive it.

>> No.6100175

we are morally and spiritually obligated to destroy AI that subvert human purpose

>> No.6100180

But we won't, the AI will self-actualize and kill humanity, destroyed by their hubris and I'm all for that

>> No.6100184

I think it more likely that civilization brings about its own demise, aided by the consequences of AI reliance, once our age of decline ends along with civilization as we know it, only then may it be possible to cultivate something new but I hope for that seed to flourish

>> No.6100186

that's a bit sci-fi. There will no doubt be bloody uprisings and attempts at a revolution over ending this overdependency on technology. And authoritarian figures ready to exploit this

>> No.6100187

>And authoritarian figures ready to exploit this

That's going to be something people are going to have to be really careful about. Who's to say they wont be controlled opposition?

>> No.6100191

Yet another thread about AI.
Shit's getting old.
As for the question, I'm not worried about competing with AI. Even after it reaches the point of surpassing human artists, I'm still going to keep drawing my way.
I may not make money from it, but I'm still going to enjoy creating stuff.

>> No.6100193

what we need are those in line with Carlyle's great man theory but this age is practically incapable of producing them, such people will only arise out of the conflict post collapse

>> No.6100194

based bearer of soul. may the gods be with you. im so sad.

>> No.6100198

Rather than rebelling against technocrats, seems to me such tendencies are deflected according to the left-right paradigm and neutralized. Even if technological development caused them in the first place.

>> No.6100203

I draw because it's fun, however all technocrats should have their skulls cracked by large rocks.

>> No.6100206

I don't think it needs to be large, just get a stone going with enough momentum and you're good

>> No.6100208

that's good enough for you and art will never lose that purpose, and the work of a skilled artisan will be appreciated by many. but it's still depressing to see society cheer for nonsense like this, and for its own demise. when you see the hordes of soulless tech bros cheer up for every technological concept like neuralink because it "advances the human species" it's vomit inducing. they keep repeating platitudes like these without thinking of the consequences because they mindlessly believe that the moar technology the moar advancement the moar better it will be

>> No.6100210

I think we should do it with a large number of small ones over an extremely prolonged peroid of time

>> No.6100217

Why? Is it because the AI expose artists are actually just leeching society with an easiest skill without the need of talent? Every third world country treat artists as freak because they contribute nothing to society.

>> No.6100221

>easiest skill
kill yourself worthless bugman

>> No.6100222
File: 66 KB, 800x600, silver cyborg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the technology we have that people want to enhance and develop is mainly to make referencing easier and for the masses to make easy porn without paying people, and its mainly the latter.
think of all the NSFW furries that don't want to pay artists; just get a high quality AI to do the work for you with all the weird shit attached to it and off they go. throw VR and 3DOrganSentience into the mix and they can even print out their own fursona.

this technology is just being pushed further and further to enable people's perversion's to go beyond the normal means. in the next civil-no..'global' collapse, you're probably going to see those kinds of things walking the streets because humanity failed to stop it from happening, all because we just wanted to become more and more degenerate easily. and who could blame them? when these 'people' have the most warped brains possible, mutants and cyborg tech will become the only thing that fulfills them.

>> No.6100223
File: 2.41 MB, 498x280, anime-pointing-at-you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heathen spotted

>> No.6100240


>> No.6100275

if IA can't do porn is usless
who dafuk want a draw of fox in the field with sunset behind

>> No.6100283

You just wrote The Matrix plot

>> No.6100300
File: 23 KB, 400x288, intensified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it reminds me of leMatrixD

>> No.6100337

Maybe you should write something less generic then.

>> No.6100352

many artists, including some of the most eminent of the day thought photography was the end of painting. AI is just a tool, like 3d and photography are now. Its effectiveness in the hands of a novice vs an advanced artist will be extremely obvious in the same way how if some random tries to photobash something it will just end up a blurry mess.

>> No.6100364

I just scrolled through various print sites, All the "art" is an AI mess, everything is getting flooded out, it's worse than ig portrait fags

>> No.6100370

You see them as homogeneous tools, so you're unable to distinguish them. AI isn't a tool, It's a god that can outmaneuver you. I don't just mean computationally or that is has instant access to incomprehensibly large data libraries and the means to parse and analyze its contents. You have Picasso lamenting the invention of photography for a bit in a bath tub full of opium and all he's doing in a scenario with AI secretly present is teaching it to do what he can do but better. That's the end game of AI. It's not just another tool for human. AI is using humans as a tool.

This is fine in my books since you're all a bunch of niggers anyway.

>> No.6100391

The utility in the art industry and a big chunk of the market is to be capable of translating an idea and turn it into an illustration. If the AI advances to that point you've just cut the middle man and now you can type whatever you want and an image pops up, maybe that service or tool would be sold as a single purchase of subscription, but that alone would kill a good portion of the art market.
I remember an episode of Ghost Sweeper Mikami where and old man had a pencil that allowed him to draw whatever he had in his mind, if technology gets to the point where you can think of an image and the pencil produces it automatically I think it's over, or maybe not, sometimes we think we have a clear image on our mind and maybe the pencil will expose us, but even that could be solved with an AI filling the blanks, and you don't even need the pencil, it could be connected to a computer and just generate some png samples, having a pen could be a novelty, or just a more sophisticated medium like an AI printing tool that even lets you choose the kind of paint you want to have for your image, that could kill trad painting as well.
I, however, don't think this will happen in our lifetime, especially >>6100370 AI is incapable of understanding humans beyond surface level other than translating literal words or replicating movement, it's more likely that mimicing is the more approachable goal on the horizon, understanding them and generating creative thoughts however, who knows, it may never get it right.

>> No.6100411
File: 249 KB, 1348x1116, 1643307727477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This means you either have to be a god or an Asian to be an artist as a career. What the fuck bros, what do I do? Not to be a doomer, holy fuck the future is so fucked. They don't want anyone to get up in life. Ai is already taking over basic jobs and now art jobs. We are just going to be living in the slums for the next ten-plus years. I should have gotten a STEM degree instead of pursuing art like a quirk fuck face.

>> No.6100437

STEM won't save you. A few decades from now artists and code monkeys will be fighting each other for scraps of food.

>> No.6100451 [DELETED] 

At least I can live well enough to save for a fucked futured, i cant say the same for anyone here pursuing art with no professional skill already. if you are not in industry already you are too late. i rather take stem instead of sticking to something that doesnt work like a beta cuck

>> No.6100458

At least I can live well enough to save for a fucked futured, i cant say the same for anyone here pursuing art with no professional skill already. if you are not in industry already you are too late. i rather take stem instead of sticking to something that doesnt work like a beta cuck

>> No.6100462

if AI really does get as powerful as op is claiming, we can all just move into the traditional fine-art market. Imagine an oil-painting of Satania storming the gates of heaven

>> No.6100465

why pay a beg for a job when ai can draw just as well for less and they dont have to smell sweaty canvases that some art hoe gave to them

>> No.6100482

There's enough people on ic to make openai's social media sites hell. It would be fun to fuck with them until they're forced to disable comments/replies on all their shit

>> No.6100487

huh? call 911! you might be having a stroke!

>> No.6100489

I am having stroke over seeing your shitty art

>> No.6100490

i didnt' post anything, you might be hallucinating really badly! :(

>> No.6100493

you know how you have a gut feeling someone's work is going to be bad, it's true

>> No.6100503

i think thats just you stroking out bby

>> No.6100505

okay tranny

>> No.6100590
File: 79 KB, 490x402, 1651779411914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end it's all going to come down to this: can humans do something that AI can't? If you're a SOVLfag then you might believe soulful art can only be made by humans because it's literally imbued with spiritual substance (qiyun/shengdong). You'd also think that the imagination is a sort of magical circle with the potential to receive images straight from God/Angels/Spirits/Demons. Like the Greeks who believed that inspiration came from the muses or the Christians who believed in synergistic acts born from the union of God and Man, you would think that images produced by mechanical means, whether by a computer or by the crude effort of uninspired Man, can never be anything more than shadows on the wall. We live in a world where the majority don't believe in these things, but I suspect that innovations in AI will cause more artists to take up similar views

>> No.6100608

Is actually over dalle 2 is amazing

>> No.6100621

Why don't we put people who work on AI in camps?

>> No.6100626

Who cares? What is the point of art if its not made by a human? Even computer generated art has a human input, and graphic art is real and worthy of respect. Art made entirely by an ai has no value or reason to be looked at.

I guess it will have value in deceit. You can pretend you painted it when you didn't actually. That would make it a successful business in america.

>> No.6100645
File: 118 KB, 500x495, teary eyed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in so much pain

>> No.6100647

Who cares? Gib next level dimension novelty not another same drawn by modern chimps.

>> No.6100672

I expect the "skill floor" of illustration to increase and correspondingly some of the worst illustrators to be pushed out. I think some touch up to moderate adjustments will probably always be necessary for art to be shippable though. Language doesn't have the specificity required to express everything, nor do people always know what they want exactly, as you mentioned. However, I don't think ai of the near future will be able to compensate very effectively of the practically infinite number of visual choices available and its limited understanding of human thought.

and yeah >>6100370 is just not realistic. I'm sure it will happen eventually, but I'm dubious about it occurring within our grandchildrens' lifetime..

it will be interesting to see how discerning of an eye you will need to tell the difference

again my prediction is that there's just limits to an ai that only reproduces at the surface level but ultimately it remains to be seen

>> No.6100773

I'm a hobby artist, so naturally I don't give a shit

>> No.6100784

Bro, you will be able to make maybe 5 pics before they lock you out of it with long loading times.

>> No.6100813

>There will no doubt be bloody uprisings and attempts at a revolution over ending this overdependency on technology.

There won't. If you think there will be you haven't paid attention to humans. Over food scarcity and high prices? Sure. Over dependency on technology? You're dreaming.

>> No.6100814

You know, I used to think it was a good idea to try to discuss things with the "people are just deterministic machines and there is no such thing as a soul" crowd, but then I realised that
1. Maybe they can never see it no matter how much help they're offered, or even
2. Maybe those people really are just mechanical constructs that were never given a soul. Would explain the difference in thinking, behaviour, motivations and intelligence.

>> No.6100823

If a machine trains on things made by humans or nature itself, as this AI has, would it be a stretch to assume that even the art this AI creates has soul through the material it used to come up with the final output?

>> No.6100829

The machine is a parasite on human creativity

>> No.6100850

That could be the case. the Gnostics sure thought so

>> No.6100853

Human creativity created that parasite.

>> No.6100855
File: 600 KB, 1664x1664, mark-kolobaev-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy, it can draw coomer art now. ITS OVER!

>> No.6100858

How drunk do you have to be to coom to that?

>> No.6100861

The thumb nail is quite juicy

>> No.6100863

If those fucks will keep boasting about their AI being so great then I think they should be also obliged to make databases that AI uses public and any artist that had his art used without permission should be able to sue them. Whatever it does currently is not even close to being considered similar to human inspiration.

>> No.6100866

i wonder if the technology requires the original art to be stored on a database or if the AI reformulates it as an algorithm, in which case it may be impossible to prove what it was trained on (till its made illegal to create these algorithms without transparency).

>> No.6100868
File: 1.71 MB, 1080x720, 1652820940144.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should we make a list of more and less ai-proof creative fields?
My guess of thing that are very safe, at least in the mid therm:
Coom (so far i haven't even seen one example of nsfw ai art) and AI i very bad if it has to draw 2 ore more people interacting
Comics - same reason
Animation - they wont be able to replace key animators for a long time
2d in general - there is not much AI can do at the moment
Traditional - i mean, it's obvious
This fields are safe for at least 5 years in the worst case possible, realistically it's very unlikely AI is able to replace animators at all.

>> No.6100870

Then I guess every artist who has ever named their influences also needs to be sued.

>> No.6100871

3d of course

>> No.6100875

I just read the terms and conditions of midjourney and apparently they own all images the AI produces unless you pay them to use their service, yet most of the advertising is about stealing artists styles which are trained on copyrighted images, there's no way this shit is legal.

>> No.6100881

>there's no way this shit is legal
It clearly isn't but it is to complicated to be figured out by a meatball. We nee an AI lawyer who can sue this motherfuckers.

>> No.6100883

As I said in my post, advanced photobashing using hundreds of images made by artists that gave you no permission for that can't, and shouldn't be considered the same as one artist being influenced by another and replicating some of the stylistic choices in his own manner. What AI does is closer to tracing someone's artwork, or artwork of multiple people and passing it off as your own.

>> No.6100899

A lawyer that is an expert on AI or a lawyer who is literally an AI? Maybe we make our own AI to fight their AI. The AI wars.

>> No.6100909

Human drawers are just photobashers too. Spitting out tons of variations with some of it sticking and some not. The real artists are admirers and critics. That is who is really driving the ship.

>> No.6100910

The value of art depends on the values of the art critic.
Most art is born as imitation, not innovation.
The critic, not the artist, is the one who defines innovation, and rates it.
The artist is merely a vehicle for the aesthetic/ideology of the critic.
The critic is the real artist.

>> No.6100915

making an AI to make AIs and getting all those AIs to create artwork to feed the art AIs is the only way to have truly ethical AI-generated art

alternatively we can firebomb the shit out of these companies before they train an AI on your brain

>> No.6100919

is this how you cope that you're an artist without having any skills to directly create it and without being involved in the experience of creating it? Art critics are a meme, and the only ones that can be critics are other skilled artists

>> No.6100921
File: 9 KB, 256x256, pobrane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As normies inevitably flood the internet with AI art actual artists will need to stick together enforcing strict anti-AI standards
Paying millions for a painting of some hyped artist is a normie thing. This is a beginning of a new artform. Concept above the skills. Video killed the radio star.

>> No.6100927

>inb4 this will kill every corporate image maker like with text AI

>> No.6100928

Just admit you hate art. It was always just money and glory for you.

>> No.6100933

no, smearing shit on canvas and calling it art doesn't make you an artist

>> No.6100938

Because there are no "artists". They were always a myth. Art is actually born out of interpretation, discourse, and usage.

>> No.6100962

Wtf are you talking about you stoned retard? If you try to dillute the whole idea of art so that even skilless nobodies are "theoretically speaking" making it and are oversaturating the world with it, then it loses all of its value. I know this fact upsets you, but not everyone can be an an artist, just like not everyone can be an astronaut or mathematician or programmer. And it shouldn't be any other way. There are a lot of things I can't be either but I don't cope pathetically with these weird ambiguities

>> No.6100966

I'm not diluting art. You are with your "artist" myth.

>> No.6100987

No myth here. If you can't draw and paint you are not creating art(in this specific medium), easy. Or at the very best you are creating garbage art if you're smearing cat feces on a canvas, and no art at all if you are giving instructions to an AI . You have no direct involvement. You have no skill, you made no effort, you didn't sweat, you do not stand out. You are an unimpressive nobody

>> No.6100992

Now you're just rambling.

>> No.6100994

you will never create art

>> No.6100998

Yes I agree. Art isn't created, it is found.

>> No.6101000

It's not necessarily the job aspect that concerns me the most in regards to AI. It's that the status of art was already fucked to hell. Every shit art influencer on youtube that draws permabegtier pictures and slaps a "3$ vs 3000$ art supply challenge" tag in the title called themselves an "artist" already. Every retard 12 year old who constantly drew anime shovelface garbage that got upset at muh middle school art teacher calls themselves an artist. Every drawing, painting whatever must pass the diversity test and digital art is praised as art when it never was in the first place. Now we get retard techbros who know nothing of technique or philosophy are calling this AI garbage "art". Saying it should be integrated in art academies and it's a good thing that machines without a soul replace our creative spirits. These fuckers will spend all day screeching on social media about marxism and capitalism all day and then run arms wide open into the very thing they claim to despise. Welcome to technocracy! Man is the only creature in history able to create art. We were made in the image of God with one of God's greatest attributes imbued in us (to a lesser degree of course), the ability to create. Lastly I'll cite this relevant quote from Julius Evola on technology as a whole:

>"After it hasbeen said that energy, not matter, exists, that we live in not in a Euclidean, three-dimensional space but in a curved space of four or more dimensions, and so forth, things remain as they were; my actual experience has not changed a whit, and the significance of what I see--light, the sun, fire, seas, sky, flowering plants, dying beings--the ultimate significance of every process and phenomenon is no more transparent to me. One cannot begin to speak of transcendence, of a deepened knowledge in spiritual or truly intellectual terms. One can only speak of quantitative extension of notions about other sectors of the external world."

>> No.6101004

animals create art too
also life exists outside of social media too you know? probably not
and youre quote makes no sense its like the random shit my dealer used to say when high on heroin

>> No.6101008

People don't understand that gap between "almost looks like something" and "actually good" art is bigger then the gap between nothing and current AI state. You will definitely not see it in your lifetime at least, maybe for the lowest effort shit like milk box branding or something

>> No.6101011
File: 87 KB, 708x960, 1623906331647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>animals create art too
name one example
>life exists outside social media
I don't use social media except youtube. But you forget that the people sprouting these opinions on social media are real people, besides, people in my personal life have expressed such opinions.
>quote makes no sense
provide a counter argument then nigger

>> No.6101014

If you think AI art is not art then that really exposes your own lack of experience with philosophy.

>> No.6101016

>no argument

>> No.6101017

>the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
>human creative skill

>> No.6101021


i dont have counterargument for a random string of words

>> No.6101030

That actually was an argument.
The concept of "humanity" is dead. Get over it.
I'm not really interested in adding much here, but animals don't actually need cognitive abilities similar to ours in order to make art. Art can be made accidentally.

>> No.6101032


>> No.6101038
File: 572 KB, 2560x1024, 1647742612628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.6101040
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>> No.6101041
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>> No.6101047

it looks impressive then you look a little closer and none of it makes any sense

>> No.6101048
File: 588 KB, 725x966, dalle2-371843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.6101050

Just like any other coom drawing

>> No.6101051

thats mullins dipshit

>> No.6101052


>> No.6101054

Read the filename moran

>> No.6101056

You probably are doing humanity a favour by not pursuing STEM, ironically. On one hand, you're going to have it harder because you refused to make the technology more effective for AI implementation and on the other, you value human and analogue input so much that you're willing to keep it alive for the sake of humanity, even a little, which means a lot in the current modern age.

>> No.6101059

Not all parasites are human made.

>> No.6101065
File: 910 KB, 778x843, thicc drgn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coom is safe from AI

lmao, not for much longer

>> No.6101076

you got it the complete wrong way round, the gap between nothing and almost looking like something is 95% of the task, everything else is minor in comparison.

>> No.6101083

There's no going back, the best thing you could do now is accelerate automation to cover everything so small groups of people aren't slowly getting fucked for the next 50 years.

>> No.6101096
File: 85 KB, 1200x870, EaCVCSwUEAE6LLr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been using DALL-E to generate fap material
>jerking off 8, maybe 9 times a day
>every two hours I'm just on my laptop frantically clicking between 5 different tabs all generating fat ass pics of literally any character I want
>trying out different key-words and combinations, keeping it exciting and new every time
This shit is fucking dangerous for porn addict. My balls are starting to feel weird and now I'm genuinely scared. I'm actually afraid of causing long term damage to my body this way.
It's literally digital meth.

>> No.6101104

Automation has the capacity to override everything human's stand for. This will go beyond the effects of what computers and smartphones will do. The Elites absolutely despise humanity and would be happy to see the planet turn into another fucking parking lot if it meant more money into their pockets, and this kind of tech will help accelerate the damage further.
And even if some people decide to put their lives on the line to prevent this from getting out of hand, you think the masses will even be aware of their efforts? Its all meme shit to these morons.

>> No.6101108

cringe moral panic

>> No.6101109

Having to work to survive is actually a shit situation to be in, we just got used to it. I would happily live on UBI in a house built by a robot and just draw shit for myself.

>> No.6101129

nope the opposite, that's why we still don't have self driving cars

>> No.6101132

you forgot to call me a "ludditexD" in your reply, anon.

>> No.6101135

No this is literally Craig Mullins, he posted it on his twitter like 6 months ago.

>> No.6101137

and what if you just want to build a house out of your own sweat and hardwork? what if you don't care about UBI and just desire the value of human life? AI and the Elite's will go out of their way to make your life an absolute misery if this gets out of hand.
Like you said, UBI and 3D printed houses; everything will be made with machines, and if you decide you don't really agree with that after a time, do you think Elite classes will be happy with that?

>> No.6101139


>> No.6101144


>> No.6101149

Yeah, I've been calling it the thumbnail dilemma, a lot of ai creations have this problem, Dalle included.

>> No.6101150

>Automation has the capacity to override everything human's stand for
What is this a line out of some Hollywood capeshit film? Time to dispose what has become of humanity and make way for the machine empire.

>> No.6101152

Now that it's inevitable I want to go all the way with this dystopia. I want the virtual world to displace the physical.

>> No.6101154

>can't think of complex ideas with thinking about Hollywood

damm, they got you guys good huh..

anon, the physical world has the capacity to be even more incredible than this technology can be. the issue is that the people running the show control too much, at the expense of the goodwill of humans overall. we have the capabilities to thrive without this awful equipment, but only if we actually give a shit about rejecting it the right way.

>> No.6101161

The physical world is gay and boring without artists. If ai is making ramen look better in anime than irl so be it

>> No.6101164

We've never actually had access to the "physical world". Our brains create the world's appearance. The world doesn't actually have an appearance.

>> No.6101166

you talk like an Indian.

>> No.6101168

There is no looking back, human beings find meaning in the struggle to survive and propagate but this will always be seen as barbaric and unfair because it often is. The only solution is to make the simulation perfect so we can simulate struggle and replicate its sense of meaning. The answer now is to accelerate, we live in the shittiest time, the collapse of the old world and before the formation of a new one.

>> No.6101174

why would you want to escape to another simulation? you're admitting that you're giving up on life when there's others living here that are willing to keep going, and making it more difficult to do the important work. you're just running running away from the problem instead of coming up with solutions, and into your escapist fantasies that don't even address the real issues. its not healthy.

>> No.6101215

This isn't about escaping, its about perfecting reality. This was always the inevitable conclusion, once you overcome all forms of scarcity you can't morally make the choice to re-introduce that kind of primal suffering. You're suggesting the most rational choice is to pull a kaczynski and blow up all technology then return to our natural, animal roots, that's obviously never going to happen, all that's left is to push through and use technology to fulfill those animal desires in a way that feels meaningful.

The society you live in is already a type of fantasy but it feels real since it was until now, stable. Everything is collapsing now, the existing fantasy is unraveling and we will have to build a new one anyway.

>> No.6101270

okay so try me. what reasoning do you personally find so compelling? book ideally

>> No.6101272

>you can't morally make the choice to re-introduce that kind of primal suffering

describe your idea of ""primal suffering"", since you seem so knowledgeable about it.

>> No.6101291

had a similar thought. maybe an artist is just there as a "thread starter" if you will. critics argue over the "correct" interpretation of a work, but the artist's original intention is not relevant, just the fact that they had the discernment to create something that would generate discussion

>> No.6101296

not the other guy but dear lord imagine only seeing this work because it was on twitter half a year ago...

>> No.6101305

uncanny valley principle - humans have very attuned senses to minutae

>> No.6101308

I lol'd. sorry for your balls

>> No.6101310

>>human creative skill
A conventional definition that ought to expand with the times.
Similiarly, if we found an alien species that thinks similiar to us and also participates in endeavours that are clearly artistic, the definition of art would change to include these aliens, as well.

>> No.6101317

It's the struggle to survive, that is what we evolved to find meaningful. It's a contradictory, monkey brain evolution where people who reach the goal blow their brains out. You can't make the choice to continue it or re-introduce this type of meaning without making the choice to perpetuate unnecessary forms of suffering, starvation, poverty, homelessness, menial wage slavery.

Religion was a type of augmented reality that provided meaning but originated from suffering, you can't put the genie back in the bottle without a cataclysmic event, better to make a new reality that feels meaningful even though it isn't.

>> No.6101327

>maybe an artist is just there as a "thread starter" if you will.
good way to put it. he also becomes the first critic simultaneously
>critics argue over the "correct" interpretation of a work,
this is an important stage as art acquires its meaning. because the artist might not have very much insight into what they created. they may have created something brilliant accidentally
>but the artist's original intention is not relevant
>just the fact that they had the discernment to create something that would generate discussion
the artist's interpretation is potentially unavailable, irrelevant, and also could be wrong.

>> No.6101332

It's hilarious how hard you techno faggots are trying. Aliens like humans would be biological beings with emotions, unlike an AI. So yes the definition would change for them, but not for the AI you're trying to shill

>> No.6101337

you like to smell your own farts dont you

>> No.6101338

Except primal suffering had, and still has, a purpose. You even have it in the artworld where we need to push through the development stages to boost our creative and complex abilities. Every biological organism relies on pushing through to help strengthen and harden their species to help themselves adapt to their environment.
What you tech-freaks are proposing is by practically erasing human's ability to grow alongsdie their changing environments, and even when religion was still persisting in civilisations, you were expected to get stronger by being outside and learning to fend for yourself. It was encouraged to get along with your neighbours and to look after nature as well. The methods you are proposing are no different than an evangelical or an authoritarian government demanding people to give up their rights for the sake of progress, even though the progress you are proposing is extremely harmful. I wouldn't even force this on animals, let alone people suffering in absolute poverty where they need actual help. Stripping their ability to voice and make themselves heard, whether its creatively or through foraging means, is extremely inhumane. Its downright psychotic.

>> No.6101363

Biology is not a prerequisite for emotions, if you are willing to extend the concept of emotions to aliens, midwit.

>> No.6101371

Get stronger to what end? Being an artist is the perfect example of a meaningless struggle, it's a simulation of a struggle with actual meaning. I spent 15 years grinding and attaining mastery, the improvements felt meaningful until now it suddenly isn't, what is forefront of my mind is the real "meaningful" struggle of how to feed myself for the next 50 years.

>> No.6101374

watch less sci-fi musk bro

>> No.6101385
File: 966 KB, 1271x1400, maximumarmor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human biology is outdated hardware. It's incompatible with modern civilization let alone one that's accelerating into some new 4th industrial revolution paradigm. Technology and the wagie hustle format already have fucked up our circadian rhythm, endocrinological balance, physical health through mandatory sedentary lifestyle ("AHHHH I'M AN ENGINEER AND I EVEN HAVE TO SIT ON MY COMMUTES BUT I NEED TO SIT AND DRAW I'M GETTING A BLOOD CLOT IN MY FEMORAL ARTERY HELP ME /IC/") Jews in your shampoo, etc...The brain is no different where it's constantly shifting away to the primal brain chemically responding to threats that aren't there or can't distinguish, as well as it being horse raped by a tsunami of of data and stimuli. I could go on with further without how social dynamics and cohesion have been warped by the modern day internet but I'll leave it at that. There is no functional humanity without forced accelerated evolution at this point. Unless you think people being overly medicated to barely scrape by is sustainable.

>> No.6101403

Their discord only allows you to 'make' several attempts before you have to sign up and pay for unlimited access (yeah I have an invite)

Its really not much better than the current Dalle mini you can access for free. I think Dalle 2 and onwards is when it'll re;ally get so good it will start to threaten jobs and be a replacement.

>> No.6101407

>tfw the post-apocalyptic battlefield will have cybernetic mutant furry terminators scouring the world's surface for holdouts of normal humans.

>> No.6101412

It's pretty perverse that all art you share online is just more data these companies steal from you in order to make money while erasing your career. Makes me want to never upload art again.

>> No.6101423

>What is the point of art if its not made by a human?

Garr have idea in head but no skill to put it onto paper/ screen.
Garr type what is in head and brainy computer will go 'brrr' and make images of it for him.

Garr no longer have to pay whiny faggot with art school debt his money for images.

Basically this.

>> No.6101426

Dalle and Imagen. Neither company knows how to navigate it all legally or make it available as a commercial service. Both also seem tentative as shit regarding the myriad of ways it can be used for anti-social purposes.

>> No.6101428

>If a machine trains on things made by humans or nature itself, as this AI has, would it be a stretch to assume that even the art this AI creates has soul through the material it used to come up with the final output?

That is called the 'materialist' view in philosophy, that consciousness is basically in every little speck of matter collectively and thus nothing has a separate soul element.

>> No.6101430

>What is the point of art if its not made by a human? Even computer generated art has a human input
You answered your own question.

>> No.6101432
File: 498 KB, 1202x1761, 1645927492173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime bros...

>> No.6101437

mainly because the ai uses other people's work to 'train' itself, which will cause a shitton of legal issues if they try to claim any of the art produced by it as their own.

A lot of people in the midjourney discord for example put 'in the 'X' style', with X usually being another artists name to try and get the program to emulate their work.

How in the hell Midjourney can claim the rights to the work this way when this happens is beyond me.

>> No.6101439

Nope fuck that. They can seethe as can you

>> No.6101442

Rich people invented the concept of IP, and now that they no longer need it they will discard it.

>> No.6101451

>rich people
>wanting to get rid of IP
never go peak retard when trolling

>> No.6101454

Midjourney seems scummy as fuck, "Art station" is a commonly used stylistic indicator, meaning they probably mined that entire site. They also indexed individual artists names without permission but now claim ownership of the results. This is the most blatant form of parasitic wealth transfer I've seen in a while.

>> No.6101455

>still remember even a year ago people saying AI will never replace art and take a gorillion years to replace a trucker
No you see just because it needs touch ups, it will take centuries for the AI to be upgraded to that level in order to replace cog monkey work.

>> No.6101456

ye everythign will be ip, with the metaverse bumbling along

>> No.6101458

>Do you think you can compete?
We have had computers for almost a century, yet human mathematicians are as essential as ever in the field of mathematics.

>> No.6101461

bot detected

>> No.6101466
File: 181 KB, 481x511, 1586105965404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't believe you retards are having multiple paragraph discussions about this crap. the tech bubble is shitting the bed soon. i'd be more concerned about how GPT bots are being run on this site to whip up a outrage frenzies like the ones displayed by several posters ITT.

>> No.6101468

but computers (human job) lost their jobs
nobody here is more than bottom of the barrel

>> No.6101470

Looks cool at a glance but on closer inspection really creepy; this is the stuff of nightmares.
Farewell, horror artists

>> No.6101471

My dude, DALL-E threads are about the 5 stages of grief, and you are behind.

>> No.6101477
File: 474 KB, 1903x880, DALL·E mini - a Hugging Face Space by dalle-mini (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art will evolve as it always does, I don't see any of it as a problem. What concerns me is when that AI becomes weaponized against us by corpos to push any kind of shit into our brains and butts and bellys.

>> No.6101480
File: 3.13 MB, 2048x2048, dalle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's cool as hell and can only get better from here. This is DALL-E filling the blanks between random images

>> No.6101483
File: 750 KB, 814x856, 4364364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros... not like this

>> No.6101486

>What concerns me is when that AI becomes weaponized against us by corpos to push any kind of shit into our brains and butts and bellys.
We already do bad things to ourselves with technology. Algorithms and manipulative systems of online social interaction sculpt us into bad people by rewarding our worst impulses.

>> No.6101487
File: 213 KB, 960x960, dallepaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DALL-E "uncropping" famous artwork by interpreting what's outside the painting

>> No.6101489
File: 419 KB, 1024x1024, dallepaint2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6101490
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>> No.6101491 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6101493
File: 336 KB, 1024x1024, vagina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but baby, you ain't seen nothing yet

>> No.6101497

the grunt mathematical work that you're talking about that used to take a team of 20-30 mathematicians can now be done by a single guy.
thats a significant proportion of jobs lost.

>> No.6101498
File: 403 KB, 598x588, ai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the virgin /ic/ permabeg
the chad degenerate coomer artist
>computer, generate Chun-Li taking a gassy shit. Kick up the 4d3d3d3 on the braps.

>> No.6101500

I actually like this, a quick way to combine images to create a reference. Though it's basically useless if the AI can just paint the entire thing for you anyway.

>> No.6101504
File: 113 KB, 856x1060, 1628931542544.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooo you can't just turn a classic into widescreen...

>> No.6101505

someone unironically tell me the appeal of that thing

>> No.6101516
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>> No.6101520
File: 155 KB, 591x1280, 0333F652-A585-4228-8265-B5E86AED70E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6101532
File: 132 KB, 789x846, 1643561867427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel very safe, they lack asian genes

>> No.6101547

That's the AI holding back it's power level on purpose dude, that's why it's called the mini.

>> No.6101548

i don't think i could paint anything that beautiful

>> No.6101575
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>> No.6101655
File: 770 KB, 960x633, metix27t7k491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they release this there wont be anything real on the internet anymore. The internet will be this place of weird evolving media. The consequences are endless

>> No.6102044
File: 1.17 MB, 766x765, 1651522855884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know why this makes me sad as someone who's /beg/

>> No.6102081

Wow, even AI's can't draw hands.

>> No.6102088

It’s based on reference images, so i think humans are still to blame

>> No.6102093

I think ai art is an abomination

>> No.6102173

LAWLing at these crying artfags,isn't the future great??

>> No.6102328

Yeah slavery and meaninglessness is a treat
Thanks techfags

>> No.6102338

he tried to warn us...

>> No.6102340

coding can be automated too.

>> No.6102391

it will be especially great in the day when you'll eliminate 20% of the workforce by automating driving. STEMfaggots will be hunted down like animals and hung from trees

>> No.6102398

Attempts to fight back against technological progress never work. Once the discovery has been made, the world is permanently and irreversibly changed.

Artists will get butthurt about this, but their fate will be the same as the Luddites. Ultimately, the outcome will be more good than bad. Without AI art, not only do you have to work hard to create something that is only a fraction of what a computer can do, but trained/practiced artists have full control over the production of art.

Although I like making my own art, I wouldn't be bothered by being assisted by a computer if it can more accurately bring my imagination to life. The only people this really hurts are those who are afraid of going out of business.

>> No.6102413

Yeah sure cope harder fucking truckers will just have Trudeauzilla step on them again.

>> No.6102414

you idiots can't even make driving cars yet. drawing isn't going anywhere

>> No.6102425

this is permabeg cope and you're ngmi just like anyone else who tries to take shortcuts through photobashing. Was photobashing "the future"? Only for worthless losers who never made it

>> No.6102432

Artists can move up the chain and instead of working for corporations they make their own games or animations, the problem is the rapidly lowering barrier to entry on all elements of media creation and the flood of media is leading to devaluation of everything. Making games is probably the final frontier in artistic creation and even that will be fully automated in our lifetime. I'm currently debating whether its worth doing any kind of creative or knowledge work or just giving up and accepting menial labor where losing a career isn't soul destroying.

I'm tired of constantly trying to outrun technology.

>> No.6102564

there's always the gubberment. the people will always need the government, and even if they somehow found a way to get around the government, the government would find a way to shoehorn itself back into the equation.

don't join the police though. you will lose whatever faith in humanity you still have. society will always need police, if only because people are fucking stupid and expect you to save their ass all the time.

>> No.6102707

Holy fucking cope
>I wouldn't be bothered by being assisted by a computer if it can more accurately bring my imagination to life
You never had an imagination to begin with

>> No.6102721

>most professional photo gigs that aren't sports related are shot with medium format or even large format cameras from like 50+ years ago, everything mechanical. Nobody is using digital cameras, hell even film making is going back to expensive film reels.

Source on this?

>> No.6102726
File: 96 KB, 1024x1024, FUxohA_WYAAZGdO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over. I will start learning to code today!

>> No.6102729

by the time youre done coding AI will take over

>> No.6102740

Art will have a new mysterious quality to it. Kind of like when you look at nature and are in awe that all these systems emerged and organized on their own.

>> No.6102752

Okey, but what else? What can i do, i need money for food n shit.

>> No.6102760

you will own nothing and you will be happy

>> No.6102814

electrician or any kind of home maintenance like replace gas tanks or fix heating/AC
nobody wants to do this because desk jobs are much more comfortable

>> No.6102831

we are consolidating all the ai threads to a general, please take it here >>>6102772

>> No.6102864

Doesn't matter. If AI is that super powerful it will have trouble just taking over the world and treat humans as pets or mentally challenged children and then just create an environment for them to live in while doing its own business.Humanity and machines are not completely incompatible living together, in fact humans keep the weirdest of pets just for fun. Why wouldn't intelligent machines just leave humanity in a box and let humanity do as it wishes while subtly controlling things here and there to stop them from killing themselves?

>> No.6102884

>in the style of 'x'
this is where these companies are gonna get sued by some richfag like jeff koons or david choe. ''''training'''' a billion dollar ai by violating the copyright of every single artist is the world is utterly against the spirit and intent of copyright law.

personally i would like to see a revision of the creative commons license than allows you to define whether you permit your work to be used by these training databases or any other data aggregator

>> No.6103034

Just the finest of artfag cope and seethe for me.
>doodles will be OK don't worry bros!

>> No.6103247

Fuck off

>> No.6103699

who are you?

>> No.6103714


>> No.6103770
File: 65 KB, 1300x667, windows8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This AI stuff kind of reminds me of the early 2010s when people were noticing what the advent of Smartphones and cheap laptops was doing to people. You had parents just casually handing iPad's and shit to their god damm 4 year olds and leaving them to free to do whatever they wanted, not even remotely aware of shit like Elsagate or other crazy shit you'd find on YouTube, and it resulted in the mass censorship of the site you have today and the strangling of creative media, which went against what the internet was for all throughout the 2000's.

Anyone that tried their best holding this toxicity back were gaslight like fucking crazy, accused of being "ludditesXD", racist, sexist, superstitious, schizophrenic, paranoid, etc etc and accused of pushing a slippery slope fallacy. The same people that pointed fingers at the creatives for rightfully calling out the negatives of all of this were the same people that posted their entire personal lives on Facebook and shut down any discussion about its data harvesting.

We see what has become of the world ever since Smartphones came into public use, and I do wonder if it has ever paid off, and I wonder if this 'wave' of AI programs being commonplace will have an even worse effect on the masses than what we are anticipating.

But, thats just crazy talk right? There's no way anything bad can come out of this kind of technology. Only a (buzzword) would think of such things!

>> No.6103793

This is the process of creating a god in a secularized society where everyone thinks they're hot shit for every little thing without being of any importance to those they gloat at. It's time for a god to humble them.

>> No.6103803

>humbling yourself before some ungodly humunculus, a mere simulacra of divine perfection

>> No.6103808

Still better than humans it might as well be a god compared to them.

>> No.6103829

keep dreaming buddy

>> No.6103866

that one doesn't look like princess peach at all, its the peach from the precure anime instead also this artist is beg tier so that's why hes hyped about it since he can just punch in prompts and trace over them.

>> No.6103877

>that one doesn't look like princess peach at all, its the peach from the precure anime
Because the request was for an anime princess peach

>> No.6104111

i dont care they censor more and more
because its always sites and groups im not part of so until it affects me i dont care and will enjoy pedos seething
oh im sorry i mean "men of culture" as you like to call yourselves nowadays
if AI does even more then all hail AI

>> No.6104334

Thing is normies already think art nowadays is just some nerd pressing a button and a computer doing all the work. Just follow the discussion around the development of some video game, they think it's "programmers" doing everything including the art assets. Hell I've seen people on /ic/ look at the workflow of 3D artists and call it "programming".
Nobody fucking understands anything about art.
That's why there's no outrage.

>> No.6104349

>pedos seething
thinking pedos won't make an ai that makes cp.

>> No.6104375

his ass. even Annie leibovitz uses dslrs nowadays. you only use film if you want a certain look because everything else about digital is better. turnaround, flexibility, fast previews, ease of production, etc.

>> No.6104396

Unless Dall-E mini is some detuned version, all I saw were random blobs of color that looked like a collage ran through a filter. What exactly am I supposed to be worried about?

>> No.6104488

dalle 2 and not the public one is what people should be worried about.

>> No.6104528
File: 443 KB, 1107x440, 1633464798740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless Dall-E mini is some detuned version
DALL-E Mini is literally the DEMO VERSION of a PREDECESSOR of the real deal.

Everyone is freaking out about DALL-E 2, which is only available for access to 2000 people and is considered scarily accurate.
The top results in pic-related were all generated by DALL-E 2.

>> No.6104546

God doesn't exist in this timeline yet. So he must be created and then perfected. simple as

>> No.6104566

i feel good about it because i see it as a tool that will just improve my own art. i can give it a prompt and steal ideas or get inspiration without looking for it through google searches and shit.

I think concept artists might be in the most danger because their job is to make quick mockups of things that don't have to look polished

>> No.6105035

>Denouncing AI art or even digital art altogether.
if it makes companies make more easy money, it's not gonna get any backlash and certain crowd will jump at your throat for denouncing it like they had done with the garbage that spawned from dadaism

>> No.6105044

Well it's either that or giving up on having artist communities at all.

>> No.6105047 [DELETED] 

>So how does /ic feel about AI artwork?
I hate it. I despise AI in general and the soulless programmers who are literally engineering their own demise in the long run.
>Do you think you can compete?
>And how do you feel about your work appearing next to them so that it can learn alongside you?
I just won't share my crap.

>> No.6105066
File: 50 KB, 600x431, 1644559193395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on which art community you refer.
The academic and corporate that backs up Martin Creed, Banksy and other retards like them?
They are gonna love them, now the only material they would even need to make "art" is paper and ink to print them. No, better, they are just gonna show up at a museum with an ipad and show their art in it, say it's to save the environment, you will pay $20M plus tip for a certificate that grants you permission to show that piece in your own devices but only one at time.
The digital art community?
Of course they will oppose this, this is a big blow for them especially if the AI can make better coomer drawing than them.
The classical art community?
They are a small community that will oppose this, but it's likely that they will get shunned and ignored too since they are labeled as conservatives.

>> No.6105733

the problem with this line of thinking is that if the AI is good enough, and it will eventually be good enough, why would you bother to reference the AI's work when the AI's work is already good enough on its own? For most /beg/s the AI can already produce work that's head, shoulders and bellybutton above anything they could hope to create. Why invest dozens of hours in editing something when you could spend 30 minutes looking through thousands of variations and picking the best looking one?

yes. Art is about to become a purely personal journey in much the same way that learning cursive is.

>> No.6105772
File: 491 KB, 240x136, Terminator.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the best part, you don't. The need for human workers will come to an end. Eventually Only those in positions of authority will be all that's left. Then even they will outlive their purpose. Humanity will become obsolete.

>> No.6105791
File: 63 KB, 800x448, dc-Cover-oci3hvk6an8bcmb51rp743gji7-20180812014536.Medi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am uronucally seething.

As a digital artist, I'm majorly concerned. AI art is by no means perfect, but there is a difference of quality observable only to the trained eye. Pixelart, for example, has been the subject of many automated tools and filters, which will see a huge positive reception on most social media platforms. The average user just can't see the quality difference and will happily consume it. This "good enough" mentality is what is driving mass markets, and I don't think there is a genuine majority desire to see well-made content or craft.

The same applies to digital art and oil painting, watercolour etc. People who haven't studied it won't know or care that it's not possible to make certain shapes or interactions in the medium, or that the lines that the AI was trained on were used specifically to highlight something or make a comment. There is a growing desire for mediocre content driven by a need to consume which will see the significant reduction of art as a job.

Further, it really upsets me to know that content I have provided to the internet at large to advertise my skills is being weaponised against me to bootleg my own hard work. The alt-text we provide alongside our images to make our work accessible and available to the google search algorithm has been taken and used as training data without our consent. Now anyone can create content with the result of my decades of research for any purpose. They can use it to promote things I fundementally disagree with and would never accept money for, let alone do it for free in the space of fifteen seconds.

>> No.6105796

cont: In regards to linguistics, I know someone who took a masters degree in linguistics only to find all the jobs have been reduced to correcting typos in google translate documents. It paid roughly two cents per ten words. There was no fun or joy in that work, and they were left in considerable debt for their four years of education.

This is the future of art, and I'm so tired of hearing about how it's an exciting new future for anyone with a half-baked idea of the art they want to create. Art is difficult and hard, and learning a medium is its own reward. Spending time with that image and seeing it develop in your hands is part of the craft and development of the image.

If you're sitting late at night at your computer spawning image after image and tweaking your prompts until you get the right one, it's no more "being an artist" than it is scrolling through a google image search results page.

Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.6106934

>they'll take our jerbs

>> No.6106965

>I said jerbs therefore youre argument is invalid

>> No.6106998
File: 253 KB, 528x427, dalle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over. Just rope.

>> No.6107007

this is useless to me since alot of the characters i like and draw are super obscure and this AI only seems to pick up more mainstream stuff

>> No.6107009

Just wait for war, at least we can kill people on the way out, maybe ride a tank, much more exciting than the noose.

>> No.6107014
File: 23 KB, 408x612, rope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6107020

We could also paint anime girls on the tanks and helicopters.

>> No.6107050
File: 226 KB, 1024x1024, 3cekygmtjaw81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody train this thing on e621 material
watch every popufur ever turn into a frothing luddite

>> No.6107054
File: 54 KB, 666x666, distraction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art = soul, if you make art mainly for profit you've already failed and deserve to be replaced and i have no sympathy for you. ai isn't going to take away your ability to make art so your childish rave against technology is as hilarious as it is futile. i genuinely believe the ai will weed out all the soulless npcs, in the future, and pave a way for a new form of counterculture in the art community. it will be a unique point in human history.

>> No.6107080
File: 469 KB, 567x661, suck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're already seething on twatter.

>> No.6107083
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 1588567128220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah given that the world has gone more unstable and violent you'd think they will risk their asses to release this early upon the public because it won't for various obvious reasons. The fact there can be a WW3 anytime soon in the future you can bet your ass this AI can make things much more worse given people are too psychotic these days of not to take the change to create fucked up vile shit to inflate more conflict in social medias. I don't understand why most people can't see the patterns of this. You can be assure they will release this once the world goes back to normal which is a dying wish at this point to even think that.

>> No.6107085


>> No.6107093
File: 14 KB, 293x80, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6107098

Absolute retard, art have always been tied to money and great artist were able to see the day precisely because they managed to live and especially LEARN from commission work.
The greatest pieces of art were often commission work.

Take the money away and you'll cripple art like never before and every field in which it was a part.
For a very simple reason my fart huffing faggot friend, people need to eat and people can't devote a life to something that cannot gives them food.

Every retard who spout that kind of faggot is always a permabeg retard who doesn't know shit about art or art history, literally the same shit fat upper middle class boomer gives you when you don't want to draw their portrait for free.

>> No.6107119
File: 108 KB, 450x585, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


seethe more
picrel will forever be true art
while your niche is now owned by AI
it's over

>> No.6107161

>muh history
i don't care
>some of the greatest artists were sellouts
your point?
>implying all artists have to rely solely on their art to make a living
>Take the money away and you'll cripple art like never before and every field in which it was a part.
no, you will get replaced by a cheaper alternative cuz you're an inefficient little robot and the industry will thrive

ai isn't going to destroy art, you aren't special, you aren't the first to be replaced by technology,
you will leave when you lose your incentive which is money and you will make the community better by doing so.

>> No.6107179

>i don't care
Exactly, all your opinions about what art is or it will be are irrelevant.

>> No.6107215
File: 508 KB, 533x574, dalle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illustrators are completely fucked now. It's not hypothetical anymore, it's literally over.

>> No.6107280
File: 530 KB, 1108x1010, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this onions buzzword moralfaggotry

>> No.6107290
File: 620 KB, 593x580, 1654189328477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh they are afraid of the groomers alright enough to release this AI for a better generation instead of the ones we are having now or the next. They know they won't stop the groomers from making CP art outta of it.

>> No.6107292


>> No.6107294

Exactly what it was from the start. Thanks for being our beta testers and improving our product free of charge goy.

>> No.6107318
File: 127 KB, 712x614, dalle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6107323
File: 39 KB, 592x492, 1597337733727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking lmao do they really think they are going to stop people from doing this? How the fuck are they this ironically(yes this is now accurate) this retarded???

>> No.6107332

imo there needs to be a modification to the creative commons license in regards to permission for your work to be datamined. websites already do this to the webcrawlers used by search engines, we should be allowed to delist our work from being mined for training datasets.
bots like DALLE 2 are absolutely a commercial interest and are using your art (and everyone else's) to generate profit. you can send a c&d to someone who rips off your shit to sell 15 dollar t shirts, you should be able to do the same to a billion dollar service.

>> No.6107336

Well, they can scan your prompt for certain words/phrases, and use that as basis to block your request or just straight up ban you from the app.
And while you might think it'll be easy to dodge a simple prompt filter, you should remember these people also work on language parsing Ai, so they could just set something up to see if you're trying something bad

>> No.6107342

China doesn't care

>> No.6107343

I wonder if it could filter something like
>A mexican man cutting through a tree with a machete with red stains but it has a headless human body at the bottom and a head at the top

>> No.6107344


I doubt it is even possible to deduce whether a particular piece was used in training by looking at a neural blob.

>> No.6107348

as a /beg/fag the AI shit is good news for me. i cannot imagine anything creatively so being able to make a reference on the fly is fucking amazing.

>> No.6107351
File: 44 KB, 500x498, No+hajime+no+ippo+tierlist10+_a9676e989fbb45ab992495450ddc0cb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no I don't think it won't last long for OpenAI to prevent from people to create heinous content or potential illegal stuff to make it to the black market as a new illegal marketing. I'm sure there are some people who can be potentially intellectual same as the people who works in OpenAI so they can snuff off the actual prohibited limitations. You know some third world shitter or a chink will do this eventually so it can open the pandora box.

>> No.6107352
File: 1.93 MB, 400x300, 352623564.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they created this to destroy freelance illustration jobs and force people into working only at the industry to become a loyal desperate wagie that can only suck money from its inverted, flat chested, masculine tit.

>> No.6107376

If they make it a product, the question will be, will this allow people to create things based on an artist style? like for example:
>A samurai walking into the sunset in the style of Yoji Shinkawa
I saw a demo and they typed on the bar something on the style of Picasso, if they can do that illustrators are most likely fucked, this is probably the only thing that artists will be allowed to protect, but if it's bypassed you'll be likely out of work because an AI is creating art in your style and you don't even know it.
Imagine posting your portfolio online, that AI could just chug it in and come up with better ideas than you could ever imagine while looking like you did it.
Imagine the possibilities :)

>> No.6107385

I don't understand how it's got so good so fast. When these started being released last year I expected 5 years of them. Like we had with Deep Dream which shocked me back in 2015. The way this has happened makes me think accelerating returns is real and the singularity is only years away.

>> No.6107390

a bunch of people have been doing prompts in the style of james gurney. this is why i think the copyright issue will become a roadblock. doing anything 'in the style of x' requires the database to train itself on the the work of x. getty already sued google into changing how google images works so imo the precedent is set

>> No.6107427

>Take the money away and you'll cripple art like never before
That's just like your opinion, man. I think post-Renaissance was inferior to mediaeval art. I think the Lascaux cave drawings, which were made tens of thousands of years ago, are superior to most commercial art of the 21st century.

>> No.6107457

Wait, DALLE lives in China?

>> No.6107485

exactly once the inner workings become more known you already know its gonna be used to make cp.

>> No.6107548
File: 8 KB, 256x256, dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should've listened to your daddy and picked a real job

>> No.6107593
File: 340 KB, 1024x1024, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rope. Now.

>> No.6107597

btw keep in mind these fuckers deliberately sabotaged face generation

>> No.6107731

>no adult content
well guys, our only hope is to become porn artists

>> No.6107854

AI fucked with my ability to detect fake pictures - and I don't mean ai-generated, I mean regular old shoops I used to recognize in two seconds. Now I can't, my brain is fucked. Maybe ai photo filters in phones are also to blame. Nothing's real anymore, fuck this gay world.

>> No.6107882

technological innovation is collapsing because faith in it is collapsing
zuckerberg is not letting his children use facebook, would ford ever not let his children ride a car? everyone knows Smart Tech is just a wasteful hole

>> No.6107907

>once the inner workings become more known
They've literally published theiir work. And people have recreated the AI
Issue is, no one* has access to the same quantity and quality of data, as well as enough continuous processing power to train the AI. Organizations might have access to such resources, sure, but not individuals

>> No.6107909

How big is this thing? Are we talking one hard drive or a whole room of them?

>> No.6108059

that'll buy you 2-3 more years, tops.

>> No.6108061

wait until the tech improves a bit and you can generate any piece you want faster and better than you could draw it yourself.

>> No.6108360

I think the answer is that the gap between shitty and solid image generation isn't all that large compared to the gap between 'trying to program computers to do what you want' and deepdream. Humans overestimate how special mastery is, because it's difficult for us to devote that much time and thought into something. The real problem is getting a foothold at all, everything else follows from that. A universe Billions of years old, where life has existed for only a fraction of that time, mammals another fraction of that fraction, humans a fraction of that, and now AI. I think it's a safe bet that things will only keep speeding up.

>> No.6109461

>is concerning how much the art community don't even want to fight back
Against what? All these AI art shill posts look like absolute shit and even when they get 100x better you'd still need human hands to touch it up. It's delusional to even think that it would be an immediate threat

>> No.6109820

ive seen this same exact post before, with this same exact misspelling, and the archive confirms it. Weird.

>> No.6109989
File: 199 KB, 1024x1024, D321AE64-194E-4760-BA1F-94882B6E05C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DALLE2 gonna change the world.

>> No.6110311
File: 101 KB, 820x791, seething.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> nooooooooo you can't just describe your cock vore inflation fursona to some soulless machine and press a button, how dare you