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File: 13 KB, 390x297, calarts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6096893 No.6096893 [Reply] [Original]

Is art school worth it?

>> No.6096900

Tuition for 1 year of Calarts is $70,000. You tell me if that's worth it.

>> No.6096908

not in america

>> No.6096911


here dey comin

>> No.6096914
File: 861 KB, 600x900, it's over.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sheridan in Canada only costs 1.3k per year
What the fuck, HOW?!

>> No.6096927

international tuition is still 30k for sheridan, at least for the animation program

>> No.6096928

just go look up the project work graduates of that abortion of a school produced.

>> No.6096938

there are a lot of ups and downs to the kinds of ways you pursue your education
A good art school is a good learning environment
A good art school gives you an experienced teacher who can guide you and rexplain information for you.
You can also be surrounded by like-minded people who can both inspire you, challenge you, and reinterpret information with you. that's really important.
And also the most important thing is having a chance in life where you do not need to worry much about anything but improving your art.

These things are hard to recapture in other environments but the opposite is true too. a bad teacher and bad environment can make you hate art. And if you're constantly worried about things in life it can make it longer for you to learn and improve

>> No.6096950

We are talking about paying 70k to learn how to make marks on a page. A skill, I’ll remind you, that is totally worthless in today’s market. Granted it’s fun, but not worth putting yourself into debt over, nor even spending that kind of money. Go learn how to draw through trial and error by copying. Do form drawing exercises daily and try to copy styles you like.

>> No.6096951


No unless it's for 3d school

>> No.6096952

You dont even draw

>> No.6096954



>> No.6096955

i went to sheridan. its name was built on the guy who made ren and stimpy but quit 1 year in because he said fuck school. it used to have a decent program with profs that were disney veterans and still working in the industry but it's not worth it anymore. the feminist retard students literally drove out the last few remaining disney artist veterans that were there. and another one of the acclaimed profs there had died before the rona virus fiasco happened. no one really wants to draw or learn, they just want to be told they're good. maybe only the life drawing profs are worthwhile, but a lot of what they teach pretty much follows hampton and vilppu. you can honestly just go to your nearest art center and see if they have any life drawing sessions for that kind of stuff, and it'd be cheaper.

but i'll say it's probably better than cal arts lmfao. i watched a friend draw from ok with decent anatomy to literal steven universe cookie cutter tier garbage in the end. i was shocked because even her animation looked choppy as fuck, and i wondered what in the hell did they even teach over there.

look into gobelins. they seem to still make some decent stuff. dunno about their tuitions, but i think they're also in france so i guess you gotta learn how to speak french.

but if you ask me to choose, i'd probably sign up for a reputable 1 year course instead of going to a school for 4 years for a degree and getting assfucked with debt you won't be likely to pay back for at least 5 years, unless your family is rich or you're one of the top 10 students of your entire year who can pay it all off in a year or two of working.

>> No.6096956


>> No.6096961

lmao no one here will get into gobelins because it doesnt allow begs and has the most strict requirements out of any art school

>> No.6096962
File: 101 KB, 680x1068, shtoyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but i'll say it's probably better than cal arts lmfao. i watched a friend draw from ok with decent anatomy to literal steven universe cookie cutter tier garbage in the end. i was shocked because even her animation looked choppy as fuck, and i wondered what in the hell did they even teach over there.
Calarts BEATS the talent out of their students to become part of the animation pipeline. It's depressing honestly. Only real reason to even consider going is for connections and even then it's getting questionable.

>> No.6096973

any good art school would do that to filter lazy and delusional people who think what their mom said about their notebook scribbles meant that they had promise.

holy shit, that pic is EXACTLY what happened to my friend. i did a double take because even the style look just like what she put out by the end. are the students trolling with some sort of inside joke or what??

>> No.6096978

That = gets jobs
Your loomises, bridgmans and robertson doodles= no jobs

SImple as

>> No.6096980

studios want slaves, not artists making tidal waves.

>> No.6096983
File: 46 KB, 986x860, 1501115209925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your cal arts animation bro

>> No.6096985

But why require such good sketchbooks to get in if all they'll produce is slop?

>> No.6097000

Im going to be namecalled in so many ways, but I kind of dig this kind of "animation" style, almost static, yet with just a little bit of movement, the story of this one wasnt so bad either, sure it has it's flaws almost in every aspect you can think of, plus it wasnt anything ground breaking, but it is promising as it's own thing.

I expected hot garbage and you can argue it is from a professional perspective, but to be honest, this made me smile, it wasnt the greatest thing ever conceived in the industry and even a beg can do something this quality with a bit of dedication and sovl, but idk, I like it.

>> No.6097005


>> No.6097012
File: 240 KB, 1283x704, AmeWide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pickpocket college art lectures like any /ic/ anon would
>There is only 1 lecture series about shading clothes
Why is art school like this?

>> No.6097044
File: 269 KB, 1366x847, St.Petersburg_Repin_Art_Academy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only this one

>> No.6097052
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, setghfhthfgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6097072

Please tell me you attended that one prof's climate change presentation.

>> No.6097083
File: 928 KB, 1126x1769, 1654560815160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people unironically talking as if school educates and the world cares about anything except your portfolio
Education is mentorship not a diploma mill where you're still being self-taught.

>> No.6097383

being taught by someone competent, yes
going to a school and expecting to be taught by someone competent, no

>> No.6097388


>> No.6097421

You're expected to learn that shit on your own.

>> No.6097422
File: 55 KB, 680x507, 1628535637627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a job
>having a boss
>studios want slaves

>> No.6097425

Nah, your portfolio is more important

>> No.6097426
File: 592 KB, 2048x1152, FUh7SfTX0AAPdfv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attending school is PRICELESS if you are average person who will do JACK-SHIT in their free time. Schools developed system to force even the laziest students to at least perform bare minimum. So yeah, if you belong into the bottom 90% of population joining school is way more worth it than not joining one.

If you happen to be the rare exception: the individual with excellent work habits and or will of steel then no, art school is waste of money since books are easily piratable, youtube tutorials are free and in art industry the only thing which matters is your portfolio and or your e-cred. The only other downside i can think of is that you dont get to have sex with art hoes.

>> No.6097430

Go to art school to impregnate art hoes. Drop out and take premed next semester

>> No.6097480

Art is culture. Art influences people. Monkey see monkey do for the normies. It's the most important market

>> No.6097491

They are adapting their style to animation, how is that hard to understand? They probably still can draw the previous style, just use a simpler style for work

>> No.6097506

Doesn't make it less shit.

>> No.6097521

Waste of time and resources since AI will do better work than you in less time. Why bother learning art anymore?
+ it will not complain or ask for money.

>> No.6097583

How can you be here and be this out of touch?Everywhere even specialized degree programs want your portfolio. You'll evrn be told by schools themselves the degree doesn't guarantee a job a start taling about portfolios. Even STEM these days doesn't = job in saturated fields that legally don't require one. This isn't the 90s anymore.

>> No.6097597
File: 212 KB, 967x1200, DdgyPjlVwAAmpRU.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool get in debt to make lazy shadeless Steven's Universe slop and then go complain about anime nose. Mutt aestheics

>> No.6097616

Actual retard in this post.
>get in debt
Art school is for people with rich parent anon, going to ANY art school, that includes autistic shit like FZD, if you are poor is a terrible idea. Hell even feminist trans studies degrees are probably better value for your money.

Art schools are like fashion schools or film school, etc. Basically somewhere people with rich parents and connections go to have a good time make friend and find yourself. This is usually followed by a spiritual retreat to south east asia or something

>> No.6097626

>Basically somewhere people with rich parents and connections go to have a good time make friend and find yourself. This is usually followed by a spiritual retreat to south east asia or something
"Live, love, laugh, anything but draw" the post

>> No.6098499

go to ateliers instead
its cheaper and there's a higher chance your teacher will actually know how to draw

>> No.6099137


Allocating four years to learning a shittier generic style instead of continuing to mature a competent and individualized style is a problem. Especially when the point of learning the shitty style is so you can continue to work in said shitty style for bullshit tv shows for the indefinite future. I've seen it happen and it really makes me sad for the body of work we get denied in exchange for we bare bears spinoffs. It's way worse than you're making it out to be

>> No.6099158

Sounds about right, most of my portfolio works came from school. Barely finished anything after I started working. Thinking of getting a degree but it's at least 40k and neither me nor my parents are made of money.

What's the difference between ateliers and art school/uni?

>> No.6099160

ateliers are privately run schools headed by artists

>> No.6099634

Now why dont we take a look at your animation champ

>> No.6102421

different academy in the video, that's in moscow. Repin academy is in st. petersburg and the average level is much higher.
If you're a foreigner you can study in russian academies for free if you pass the exam, so in that case yes it's worth it