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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 168 KB, 1080x757, IMG_20220605_171312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6093273 No.6093273 [Reply] [Original]

Cruel but truthful. Those few thousand people using AI aren't artists.

>> No.6093284

This is like those people who said electronic music isn’t real music because you aren’t playing real instruments. There’s room for both. The only people worried are insecure about their own production

>> No.6093288

How do I use AI in art?

>> No.6093290

AI can eventually be used as a good source of references to inspire people's own art. Anything more than that isn't art.

>> No.6093294

so you just gonna keep remaking this thread every time it gets deleted?

>> No.6093297

>implying fleshlights are somehow inferior to the real thing and anime porn + infinite onahole choice isn't the reason for japan's declining birthrate

>> No.6093325

The difference is that when you make electronical music, you are still playing theoretical and practical knowledge of music, the same thing doesn't happen with ai generated art. I doubt typing some words and getting some images carries the same sense of self fulfilment as manually doing it.

>> No.6093333

you are still applying*

>> No.6093337
File: 5 KB, 145x125, j31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that face AI generated?

>> No.6093338

>Anonymous 06/05/22(Sun)16:33:30 No.6093290▶

I second this, as of today is very good for creating somewhat cohesive landscapes to use as a reference by taking something from this and from that and mix it together in a mash-up to then paint from scratch while using the mash-up as a reference on another screen

>> No.6093341

I don't mean as something to just copy, I mean as something to give ideas for your own unique drawing/painting.

>> No.6093345

yes, not even joking

>> No.6093348


You are not copying something, you are making a pastiche of it and then reinterpreting it, lot of people do it like that there is nothing wrong with it, those that are overly fastidious elitists will never be professionals - paid pros\quacks (the gap is very slim between both definitions) use so many shortcuts you can't even tell unless you have a trained eye.

>> No.6093359

The best way to use references is to just use them as inspiration. Like this:

Drawing something in your "own style" aka just copying it isn't enjoyable. At least not for me. You will never create anything unique or different if you just copy things. It's great in terms of practice though.

>> No.6093369


Maybe I didn't explain myself properly.

Let us see I use a puppet as a reference okay, posed in a certain way.

Then what I draw\paint is something close to that pose but with different clothing, lighting, details and stuff.

Better now?

>> No.6093372


>> No.6093380
File: 73 KB, 446x435, 1646951342420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tranny apologist
sad. his art is cool

>> No.6093403

You psychos are walking cancer, I swear.

>> No.6093404

Are you a tranny by any chance?

>> No.6093418

Exactly this. It's the equivalent of taking someone else's art and going "Hey guys, look what I made" because you found it on google images. Only this was made by AI and not google search results.

>> No.6093442

Any malacker can throw together a few loops or sample cut someone else’s music, have the computer quantize the key and tempo, and make an entirely new song and call themselves a DJ. All without ever studying anything about music theory. And people have made some pretty good stuff using this method, though, it was pretty ostracized when it first started for the exact same reason the Twitter poster and >>6093418 view art making. Eventually people will embrace it and it’ll be common. I mean digital photography for a while overtook film because of how easy it was to photoshop and have a computer manipulate the image without any previous photography knowledge. Nowadays people revert back to film to embrace its mistakes and aesthetics. AI generated art won’t be any different

>> No.6093456

Cope. You will never be an artist and writing few words and pressing a button will never be considered something that makes someone an artist. At most AI will be a source of references to inspire people's own art.

>> No.6093461

yes i am and I WILL DILATE YOU

>> No.6093479
File: 103 KB, 750x737, 1575595702263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Programming is art.
These "AI" images are actually the result of someones hard work, creativity and intelligence. Thus, they are just as valid as more conventional art pieces.

>> No.6093494

Yes and everyone who shops at IKEA are carpenters and every home owner is an architect speak your truth king

>> No.6093496
File: 86 KB, 736x736, B0D7ADF6-D168-47E9-9270-14979E5BBFC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K then. Guess you really don’t have an argument to make. Like I said, it’s akin to saying that a musician will never make music unless they themselves make it and not a computer. If it can make someone bop or groove, then its music regardless how it was made or with what. If AI generated art can make someone feel something through its visuals, then its done its purpose. Could care less how you feel about the situation, just stating a fact that it’s being done. Embrace, ignore, or cry about it but you can’t convince me that art done by a person is objectively more of an art piece than something done by nature or computer.

>> No.6093498

Hahah they think average people will care if its made by human or ai.
They just consume for the sake of consuming.

>> No.6093500

Did the shoppers make the furniture?
Did the owners build the house?
False equivalence.

>> No.6093504

I'm a certified chef now then since I've got uber eats installed

>> No.6093505

Are all these artists coding their own AI's or what?

>> No.6093509

It can be art but you're not an artist. You are just someone who asked an artist (the AI) to create something.

>> No.6093513

shitty analogy, the computer doesn't literally make the music for you. you're still the one in control, but instead of having your equipment be physical it's all in your computer. outside of entering a text prompt there is zero control or input from an AI generation. you're not an artist if you use google to find an image, same with using an image generator.

>> No.6093517

Here is AI generated music in real time 24/7.No input, just AI doing its thing.

>> No.6093518

The artists are the programmers and the AI is their art. So yes.

>> No.6093526

did programmers drew the paintings that were fed to the network?
did they even have rights to those artworks?

>> No.6093536

The spontaneity is still being captured and conceptualized as art by the "maker". Take for example wildlife photography. A photographer in the jungle isn’t making anything, they’re just putting themselves in an ideal situation to capture something worthwhile. They can take dozens of photos and MAYBE get a good one that represents their interpretation of what good art is through their own use of the definition. That same idea can extend to someone using AI. They can put themselves in ideal situation (though ideal text keywords, prompts) and get dozens of images but none of them will matter until the maker decided that the image chosen is a good representation of what they find as art.

>> No.6093537


>> No.6093540
File: 194 KB, 967x976, 49D6E024-CEE5-4019-9A30-7B00C0729234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No refutes, can’t dispute

>> No.6093549

You're so stupid that I don't need to say more than cope.

>> No.6093563
File: 32 KB, 450x300, D283FFB4-DE98-4FD9-8D71-3B0DF18479AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feed you all this information and you’ll still act like a baby.