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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 14 KB, 223x226, 824574857366354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6087653 No.6087653 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like I'm going insane.

You can either be with the mentally ill obnoxious autists or with the tumblrina zoomers with 10 trigger warnings.

Everybody who befriends you just wants to use you to get attention or lout on social media.

The places that are cool have established groups that have been friends for years or are dead.

>> No.6087654

After failing so many times to find a community for you, have you ever considered that maybe you are the problem?

>> No.6087660

The world is wrong.

>> No.6087671

not OP but if you actually think there are online art communities that even have a minority of them that are normal people in real life then I'm guessing you're one of those freaks as well

>> No.6087677

Nah shit's pretty fucked these days. I come to 4chan for normalcy now.

>> No.6087700
File: 80 KB, 255x255, 1564988676567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it that you guys even want out of an art community because everytime someone makes a thread like this they're always salty about not being able to use 'nigger', post loli, or some other edgy shit in general, rather than anything that has to do with drawing?

>> No.6087751

>trying to find a 'community' on the internet
get some real friends in real life who share your interests

>> No.6087759

Recently started a wholesome discord group. It's tiny right now, but it's comfy. We do the same exercises daily, critique each other's work and, most importantly, encourage each other. We're /begs/ though, so if you're looking for other experience artists then no worries.
Email me at tmcizzle24@aol.com with your discord tag if you're interested

>> No.6087766
File: 116 KB, 500x500, 1572511327970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're /begs/ though

>> No.6087771

>tfw no art community that isn't /beg/s or animu/furry coomers

>> No.6087774
File: 61 KB, 559x364, 1595904843936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In /ic/ it's faster to tell when someone's grifting and has worthless opinions
Not OP but IRL friends are not free of mental illnesses or tumblrina trigger zoomers.
Been trying to befriend artists for years to middling success, and really 1 out of 20 give a shit about their craft while being mentally stable. The best of those 19 are delusional ngmis who are fun to be around/practice with, but will never go anywhere (and neither will you if you hang too long with them). Don't expect real friends to be any better, unless you luck out and find the 1/20 art chad
Said art chad won't hang out much either, because chad knows you have to practice on your own most times to git gud

>> No.6087777

>delusional ngmis who will never go anywhere
Why not?

>> No.6087780

It's always the bìggest cuck who reflexively responds with this cliche never listening to what the other is saying. Like there's some sort of quota you have to fill arbitrarily for self-denigration or letting crabs pinch your ass before your experienced are validated. Fuck off.

>> No.6087786

That and your restricting your pool of candidates by localizing your social contacts. And not all of us live in cities nor want to. That and the highest quality friends for life can likely be one that don't share your interest in art

>> No.6087792
File: 85 KB, 1024x583, 8b7_copy_1024x583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to be autistic.
Interacting with normies is burdensome, and I don't even plan on having social media.

>> No.6087795

do you think Michaelangelo concerned himself with nancy boy shit like finding 'art communities', no, he spent his time painting ceilings & sucking cocks, like REAL man!

>> No.6087797

based pepe/astra sperg poster

>> No.6087802
File: 117 KB, 827x817, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Years of practice, no difference in art
>Jumping from fad to fad, only fanart/etc
>Asks for critique, agrees, makes no changes, repeats mistakes, asks for critique, repeat
>Draws one thing a week, breaks for months 'busy period at job/family drama/no feel or inspiration/insert excuse here'
>Refuses to attempt anything outside of comfort zone 'only women/faces/outfits' etc
>Sure I could leave my crappy min wage job to get some illustrator or graphic design experience, but what if I don't? Better be safe
>I'll start making pieces when I've polished my fundamentals - repeats and collects tutorials for years - nothing is made
>I'll start when I have my life fully in order, money/house/car/family settled, I'll just casually do for now
>Preschool tier drawings at 20-30+. Draws every day
There's probably more but these are the ones I've personally been with. These can truly be nice people to hang out with, but do you really think any of them have a chance? They still draw/paint cause they wanna make it, but they don't have a good plan, ambition or enough talent to bruteforce it. Just delusions of grandeur.
Quads checked

>> No.6087806

You are 100% correct. The most annoying of these to me is asking for critiques and then changing nothing while it's still a WIP

>> No.6087808

>implying artistic skill is required to make it in the world of art
it isn't, it's not even slightly correlated with success

>> No.6087812

They look like fun in Japan and touhous collaborate on alot of projects together that I enjoy. OP is right this side of fence offers nothing but stagnation and dread, so you have to go at it alone. It's unhealthy.


>> No.6087814
File: 53 KB, 470x559, tracyenema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see this image here, this woman has made hundreds of millions of dollars selling her 'art', see the preschool pictures behind her there, that's her work, that's what the art world will pay hundreds of millions of dollars for

>> No.6087816

>Posting on an art critique board about how artistic skill doesn't matter
Then why waste your time here? Don't you have /beg/s to crab?

>> No.6087820

you're ngmi if you don't realize the laundering/insurance scams prevalent in art. this is why it's so important to love this hobby, because unless you're happy making minimum wage doing wristwork or being a part of a terrible industry phone app dev team, love for drawing is all you can really expect to have

>> No.6087831

Nigger you and the rest of the crabs use language like ngmi then get mogged by a h-game made for fun and now pre-schoool scribbles.

>> No.6087846

>blah blah money laundering blah blah lizard people blah blah pizzagate blah blah
you're ngmi unless you open your fucking eyes and pay attention to what sells & what doesn't, look at her drawing, that's what sells, that's what the market wants, nobody cares about your 'fundies' or your million hours of grinding boxes or your anime furry weeb shit or whatever it is you sperg out over

>> No.6087847

look at >>6087814 now explain how skill matters in the upper echelons of the art market, not my fault you're stuck in your 4chan bubble

>> No.6087851

Most of those people sell their art because of their connections, or like the other anon said, money laundering. It's very common. Selling books is another, but making a single piece of art is much easier than printing a bunch of books to burn. Don't believe me? Try scribbling and selling your art. If it's that easy you should be a millionaire right? You cracked the code after all. Or is it BS and you understand this on some level? You're not selling anything with connections or appeal. That's how most art works.

>> No.6087860

Let's see the #1 nsfw earner on patreon at 12 300 a month.


I figured as much. Market hunger for more than just drawings but webtoons as well.

Really want to know how third worlder hobbyists are making a kiling on trademark violating low quality 3d art through conections when they're really the only one filling a niche. I don't think you've ever had some level of experience with a business that goes from local to global

>> No.6087862

fucking hate discord, twitter and all the other zoomer platforms. your only hope for any semblance of an intelligent community died with forums

>> No.6087866

Nothing you said invalidates what I said and we were talking about the scribble art posted itt not whatever you changed the topic to.

>> No.6087868

Same. I eventually just stopped participating. I just draw alone now.

>> No.6087886

Maybe I'm weird, but I don't understand the point of friends. I can talk to people online in places like this, or chats if I'm really in need of interaction. Friendship on the human to human level just seems like a hassle. I'm sure many artists from the past agreed with this sentiment.

>> No.6087889

its weird that you would even seek validation on this point, it just make you sounds like a edgy poser.

>> No.6087906

How is it seeking validation and what does that even mean? Have you looked into artists of the past? Most of them were absolute hermits and were looked upon as socially inept and often even considered rude or unsightly. This goes for all types of artists by the way including many writers. Mental anguish and art have always been linked in many ways.

With that said, why would anyone pose about being a loner who doesn't value friendship? You think I want to look like Itachi or something? This isn't Naruto dude it's /ic/.

>> No.6087910

>immediately retaliates
Yep. It's a poser, and an autist at that.

>> No.6087926

>immediate retaliation
It's called a reply. Are you fresh out of uni or something? Why are you like this?

>> No.6087931

This but ironically.

>> No.6087932

I'm pretty sure you'll be able to make a artsy clique of jaded normies in this thread, but they post on 4chan, so they will be their own branch of degeneracy
this is bait

>> No.6087935
File: 871 KB, 1000x1000, 2021.10.02 Suit Cat small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had online and IRL art frens.
But instead all my art activities are grinding ink cats and looking at neat art catalogues.

>> No.6087938

>grinding ink cats
Unfathomably radical. Want to be friends?

>> No.6087941

What got you into that style?

>> No.6087943

>this is bait
4chan is more normal than most social media. I'd argue it's more normal than any other social media. Because people actually speak their minds here. There's the occasional troll or fury poster, but there's a lot of truth as well. Everything on normal social media is astroturfed or homogenized for mass consumption and acceptance. That's not normal, that's abnormal.

>> No.6087954
File: 2.51 MB, 2328x3104, art books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno. Post your art and your influences.

Grinding artwork starting with abstract art and being inspired by nature and horror stuff. Nowadays I'm getting deeper into the canon of painters but also stuff like Edward Gorey, Jim Woodring, and the French visionnaires.

>> No.6087955

Art communities killed my passion
I've met a few good apples but if i could turn back time I'd just go back to being a hermit too scared to even post on /ic/
Made me realize how shitty the art world could be
How self-absorbed artists really are, even any artist friends I previously had
How little my ideas mattered
How behind I am
How some people just take for granted how easy their lives are
How even trying to improve should be met with indifference or aggression
And that making friends with someone is basically an invitation for them to shit on you later
And even how many people are just drilling away at a hopeless dream and that I'm basically them

I've met a few good apples of course but it's very far in between

>> No.6087964

I joined art community just to stalk people there and see how much of a disappointment they are behind the scene

>> No.6087977
File: 60 KB, 254x193, ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Web 2.0 and facebook essentially killed sites like deviantart and any old school style forums

honestly yall fuckers need to take breaks from /ic/ from time to time, shit will straight up feed your negativity if youre not careful

balance it out, i have one discord chat thats hella chill that feels dare i say nice because its part of a s u b r e d d i t

i try to be nice on /ic/ but it really is throwing pearls before swine these days;

make a nice informative post? schizo, kys fag, ignored,
make a drama inducing post about how much any semi not famous artist on twitter is doing xyz?? schizo, kys fag, then like

20 back to back posts which all sound like early twenty something complaining.
This isn't normal by any means. 4chan is populated by mostly male NEETs, and yeah i get some kinship from time to time but if you really think the world is "fucked up now" you are living in delusion. The world is fine, sure iphone technology has facilitated some extra dumbassery among the masses but what do they really do? watch funny animal videos and i guess porn.

What's truly evil is meta trolling like >>6087910
you're on 4chan bro, play your role and stop analyzing people based on their posts; what you're doing says more about you than whatever ?? im still not quite sure what your point is. Do you feel good calling poser and autist? Good manners cost nothing. Change yourself. Look inward.

>> No.6087980

i got high roaded by a cancer survivor once, and was too autistic to realize i wasn't supposed to call him out on it. i'll probably eventually get kicked out of a pretty cool art server i currently post in too. you really can't be an asshole and express yourself in art communities these days...

>> No.6087982

"Community" there's your problem.

It's a byword for utter fucking aids.

>> No.6087983
File: 25 KB, 334x351, 1654654615165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is it that you guys even want out of an art community
Honesty, genuinely positive human connections and basic respect for one another.
Not a hugbox but also not a constant hurtbox.
That's the utmost desire of anyone who is still mentally stable in this crazy world.

We could all have fun together, but many desperately want to be the center of attention or use/bully others for materialistic and social gain.
Many want to impose their mental illnesses unto others.
Many demand to be accepted when they themselves don't accept anything that is different.
Many feel threatened by the success, skills or intelligence of others.
Many use their success to become tyrants.
Many feel justified on stomping the weak or those who don't have the correct opinions.
Many try to overtake the social circles to impose their own rules.
And way too many act based on their animalistic desires, public opinions and will do and say anything to feel validated or gain an advantage over others to fuel their ego.
Honest and genuine good people cannot survive or function in such an environment.

You're supposed to graduate and mature from the high school teenager mentality bordering on sociopathic narcissism to become an actual adult but it seems many don't have the intellectual capacity to do that, hence why shit's fucked beyond imagination.
Such people also tend to seek and cling to any social gathering no matter how generally shit the people in it are or how toxic the environment might be.
>Inb4 but 4chan
On here, you're free to come and go as you like and you have no profile attached to your posts.
This alone makes a huge difference from regular social media and forums.

>> No.6088001
File: 2.06 MB, 1300x1000, blacksouls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) You compared beautiful Black Souls art to pre-school scribbles
2) You seriously think it's a low-effort 'h-game made for fun'?
>Such people also tend to seek and cling to any social gathering no matter how generally shit the people in it are or how toxic the environment might be
Depressing as shit. I'm still doing it, but depressing as shit.

>> No.6088090

I still think 4chan is great and it's easy to ignore the shitters for me. That's why I keep coming back here. Most places are rotten in some ways. Some are just better at hiding it, but like >>6087980
here makes a good example, all it takes is one little mistake for the entire charade to come crashing down.
I've always liked blunt and brutal honesty though, and never cared for small talk or 'those' kinds of online friendships where you're not really friends you just talk about mundane stuff until one of you says something the other doesn't like or whatever. I can shoot the shit with anyone and people here mostly are into art at least a little bit, so we all have that in common. It's really not that bad.

>> No.6088204
File: 108 KB, 750x701, legoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Years of practice, no difference in art
>Jumping from fad to fad, only fanart/etc
>Asks for critique, agrees, makes no changes, repeats mistakes, asks for critique, repeat
>Refuses to attempt anything outside of comfort zone 'only women/faces/outfits' etc
every online community i've encountered are full of perma/begs/ like this. half of them started drawing five minutes ago but already whining about how they wanna kill themselves because they're not as popular as angel ganev, ergojosh, or some other e-celeb. no one is skilled enough to offer good crit and worst of all: none of them are intellectually curious. they know nothing about art history and it's painful seeing dozens of posts like hokusai's great wave with the question "what style is this?" written under it. these places are packed with a bunch of idiots who want you to spoonfeed them the answers to dumb questions that can easily be solved with google. the death of CA.org really marked the death of an era where people who called themselves artists actually wanted to be artists and gave a shit about the craft.

>> No.6088211

welcome to realiiiity. Where you at least of the decency of picking the problems you want. Problems are unavoidable, but at least you can pick which ones you wanna deal with. I usually go 70/30 (70% autismos) in friend group and the memer 30% being long running humor( they love self-destructing).

>> No.6088226
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based henry darger schizoid

they will find anon's 10000 page magnum opus after his mysterious disappearance

>> No.6088267

Think I'm just too old, I'm 31 and picked up drawing a year ago or so. Must just be a generational thing. Maybe I should remake Facebook and join some sort of group on there but I prefer more anime/alt style stuff and the groups around my age tend to focus mostly on studies/realism.

>> No.6088300

Is /DAD/ good?

>> No.6088307

if you want to be groomed by discord trannies and pedos then yes its the best

>> No.6088312

same, i like my own company more, i don't really want to waste time putting out a fake mask in front of normalfags and similar like some people do to please them

>> No.6088314

Pretty dead

>> No.6088316

I have outgrown 4chan but there's nowhere else to go.

>> No.6088366
File: 311 KB, 1497x1042, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to /BEG

>> No.6088408

No because I'm not a /beg/.

>> No.6088418
File: 26 KB, 390x478, 709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>world is fine

>> No.6088419

Prove it.

>> No.6088425

No because I don't want to hang out with only /beg/s. I want a community of all skill levels.

>> No.6088426

based and GMI

>> No.6088452
File: 151 KB, 500x500, KLWedcF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump, if someone has an art discord who isnt beg or weeb trash and actually focus on art, if i cant find a discord i'm gonna switch to irc or boomers forum s

>> No.6088455


>> No.6088458

anime art board
fuck off

>> No.6088460

Being an artist is a lonely life. This is the life you chose.

>> No.6088470

Google and even other search engines are horrible these days. It's hard to find answers to simple historical questions as keywords aren't even emphasized anymore and lead you always to wikipedia, quora, bunch listicles and then right away results that are about a completely different topic. I used to sleuth my way through a chain of sources to compile historical accounts with citations to informative books and cross-reference data. Now it's all SEO for clickbait shit. It's already making me feel dumber. Expect the idiocy to get worse especiwaly now that reading books has been replaced by whatever this is.

>> No.6088474

>I come to 4chan for normalcy now.
This is delusional.
Place is a cesspit I can't escape due to 10+ years of built up habits.

>> No.6088494

A lot of the schizos, zoomers, and cancel-happy complainers tend to be /beg/ tier anyways. Once you hit /int/ and are the level where you can be hired/are a junior level artist, it gets harder to find a art discord or community to grow with for different reasons - namely fewer artists being higher level overall and them becoming complacent with their drawing ability. By this point most of my friends from art school have slided into a less drawing intensive field like graphic design or have completely lost interest in gaining technical skills. I don't judge them for it since they just prioritize other things, but I yearn for a small community (hell, it could even be five people) of higher level artists who still want to push the limits of their skill and geek out over art books and shit. What I've found is that pros well into their 30s and 40s have their own cliques/critique groups formed from old co-workers or friends that look similar to what a lot of people here want, but in with each passing "generation" of artists since the golden age of American illustration, fewer and fewer working artists are interested in honing their craft, and the few who are tend to lone wolf it. At least in the West.

>> No.6088505

>weeb trash
it's different from anime retard, but 90% of this board does chris chan level scribbles of their waifus

>> No.6088507

Then go hang out with the totally normal and not at all fake people on twitter like you love to do, cocksucker.

>> No.6088510

I am trapped here like a ghoul

>> No.6088513

>edgy shit
I dont want to be around edgelords and /pol/tards who's entire personality is around being obnoxious. But I should be allowed to draw what I want, if I want to draw a loli being tentacle raped I should be allowed to do so in an art focused discord, because it's still art. And I'm tired of every community constantly having the same retarded arguments about what is and isn't allowed. It's art, it's allowed.
If you're being an obnoxious cunt outside of your art that's a different story. But all art should be allowed.

>> No.6088514

So make it if you want it that badly. How hard can finding 5 decent artists who share the same ambitions be?

>> No.6088516

Because you like it here you dumb fuckwad. Do you ever just sit and think to yourself why you do certain things? Like when you take a shit or a shower or whatever? Spend some time in your own thoughts dude.

>> No.6088523

>Because you like it here you dumb fuckwad
if only.
I am here because it was the only place I was comfortable posting a million years ago and now I can't break my browsing habits despite the sites userbase being completely replaced at least twice over since then.

>> No.6088535

It hasn't been replaced it has been augmented. People came, people left, but a lot of the old people are still here, because like I said before, it's the best place for discussion like this. Anonymity brings out the trolls, but it also brings out the truth. You want your pretty lies you're better off on twitter or wherever. You can easily get addicted to twitter or reddit or whatever stupid shit you want to consume that's so much less 'toxic' or whatever.

>> No.6088546

Even hobby groups I've found "die" within months when they're composed of /int/ and working artists. I was in a manga reading discord composed of alumni from my school and it didn't even last 3 months before everyone got too busy and/or lost interest. Not a single person in that 20 person group was interested in learning more about anatomy or painting either. Once people get a job/make a living that hunger to learn seems to really vanish for most people. Or they're just too busy for side studies.

>> No.6088551

>People came, people left, but a lot of the old people are still here
>so much less 'toxic' or whatever.
lol those places are even worse. Probably better for artist over all though since they are ite potential customers actually use though rather than siloing off into forums like CA where someone who might actually pay for art would never venture.

>> No.6088553

Bread and circuses dude. It's why most things are shit now. It's easier to watch pull up some cutesexyrobutts on FapNBrap or watch some Netfux and suck on a starbucks shitshake than it is to put time or effort into creating anything. Rat utopia man. All people wanna do is groom themselves, complain about their miserable lives and jerk off.

>> No.6088560

Yeah you're right. No one could possibly ever become addicted to the fast paced thread refreshing of the catalogue for countless hours to get their dopamine rush that this website provides and has provided since the early 2000s. Totally not a thing. I also don't exist.

>> No.6088629
File: 18 KB, 228x250, 23 (101).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>web 2.0 killed deviantart and forums
would you mind explaining this one to me? I hope you meant web 3.0

>> No.6088661

Lmao what a joke

>> No.6088684

>It's art, it's allowed.
obviously not if it breaks the site's TOS, you ill-behaved subhuman

>> No.6088688

It doesn't though?

>> No.6088745

Just find the individual people you either appreciate as a person or admire as an artist and keep contact with them. Prioritize quality over quantity, and let a community arise naturally if it even does at all.

I've went through the same thing you're feeling about groups. And I learned just letting them go instead of torturing myself trying to tolerate people I can't stand was far better for my sanity.

>> No.6088764
File: 10 KB, 500x403, what-to-do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The walls are narrowing. /biz/ used to be entertaining and have some insights here and there, like bait other people into internet arguments with you (the more people who join in to counter each other the better) so they do research for you which can parse, cross-reference and verify. Early last year it became worse than /pol/ with normalfag twitter zoomer tourists, who'll post their /beg/ /fit/ flab selfies to prove how hot shit they are in a thread about real estate bubbles or household economic viability of solar panels, and obnoxious telegram groups astroturfing their own dogeshit coin #2375 duplicate threads to the point that having nothing but bots would be better. Mods weren't doing anything about the blatant rule breaking about the latter unless conflict of interest has them shut down the rival coins or those that lost them money. I check /r9k/ to determine how far the cancer has spread and lo and behold I see normalfags barging into threads with their unsolicited pontification, boomerifics and nihilistic natalists from /pol/ using biological reductionism to say shit like even art has no value outside of being nature's deterministic construct to increase reproductive fitness. /pol/ is now a cancer research lab or zerg evolution chamber becoming more a eceleb gossip board for unproductive kiwi losers and degenerates who donate to white trash meth head grifter to accost people or eat poop out of a trash can.

In this thread I'm seeing sane posts and normalcy especially with posters like this who get it >>6087983

Your dime a dozen looping crabber will look like a fond childhood memory if that mega tsunami of aids were to hit this place.

>> No.6088825

weeb, non weeb, lolicon non lolicon, idc, just don't be turbo autistic
and try to get along, if can't do, just leave.

refurbished art server

>> No.6088827

forgot to say, just starting out again after a pretty long hiatus, purged server, repurposed after silly drama



>> No.6088831

They're either dead, hiding in the shadows and don't want to be contacted, or the only contact that's possible is through an auto translater.

>> No.6088842
File: 1.13 MB, 1800x1208, E099D6AC-EC53-47BC-9388-5C979943085C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn’t even aware of these “art communities” until I read this thread. For the last seven years I have drawn almost every day but I’ve never shown anyone my work

Gorey is based

>> No.6088854
File: 326 KB, 1941x1259, d6b8df603198933df3890a8c7a4882d68ac1bc50398bfec4588111c76f2004bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot to say, just starting out again after a pretty long hiatus, purged server, repurposed after silly drama
Said in the non-woke communities thread from last week this is what happens with discord communities. This process repeats itself after purges and repurposing. It's a long process of even having to purge those long time in the inner circle who finally show their true colors and young adults who finally find theirs when June rolls around..

>> No.6088863

I want a friend who will draw with me!

>> No.6088868

that's definitely not the #1 nsfw earner lol, not sure who but here's one getting over 26k/month

>> No.6088869

And some faggot has to make those retarded TOS's
and many sites don't have those rules, and faggots will call literally anything "loli" if you draw a petite girl who doesn't have boobs larger than her head.

>> No.6088924

Can always tell who knows what they're talking about in these threads because they meticulously share the wisdom from their accumulated experiences. The fuckers just get combative with platitudes like MAYBE YOU'RE THE PROBLEM or EVERYTHING IS FINE JUST FIND SOME FRIENDS WITH SHARED INTERESTS BRO
>The world is fine, sure iphone technology has facilitated some extra dumbassery among the masses but what do they really do? watch funny animal videos and i guess porn.
Either entire post is bait or one of the most obvious basic bitch tourists I have ever seen here.
The damage social media and smart phones have done is immense and I'm not sacrificing anymore drawing time to write another thesis on it. But the incentive its given for people to behave exploitatively, reflexively film each other for social shaming/humiliation purposes over benign shit or moments of weakness makes communist surveilance regimes with neighbors spying on you look easy to navigate under the radar. They'll even post their kid's lives for the whole world to jeer at and mothers posting babies pooping their diapers asking if the color looks healthy with a laugh emoji.

>> No.6088942
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Rarely you see anyone outright say it because such a claim is too extreme and easily attracts nothing but hostile reactions, but the actual problem are people.
You can confidently say that way more than 80% of people are actual living garbage that shouldn't even be allowed to be near another living being.
Not garbage as in
>having weird fetishes
>being autistic/aspie
>saying weird things
or any of the normie evaluations standards; but seriously and legitimately low quality, low iq individuals who don't think critically, have no actual character, no original thoughts, no principles, no morals and their only drives and behavior patterns in life are purely on an instinctual and animalistic level.
They're people you should absolutely avoid.
And they're the anti-thesis to an artist.

The issue with them is that they blend in and infiltrate anything effortlessly anywhere because they always adapt to the majority but switch sides, cheat, steal and stab others in the back when the chance for personal gain arises.
You will and can never avoid them.
And people who cannot stand normies anymore simply avoid taking the risk of running into them.
That is why you will never get the good percentage of people together in one place since they rather commit and come to terms to an hermit lifestyle, mostly to avoid the risk of coming in contact with normies; and since saying one "wrong" thing might doom you in any sort of community if you got a normie that is out for anyone's blood.
The cons of dealing with normies vastly outweigh the cons of being alone.

Are you aware of the theory of stupidity? That's what i'm getting at.

>> No.6088972

>You can easily get addicted to twitter or reddit or whatever stupid shit you want to consume that's so much less 'toxic' or whatever.
reddit is far more toxic than 4chan

>> No.6088975

>It also brings out the truth
it brings out more bullshit than it does truth.

humans being unfiltered doesn't result in an ideal utopian society where we all tell the truth and help each other, it just results in humans being unfiltered garbage as opposed to filtered garbage.

>> No.6089014

to hell with a community i just need one creative qt gf to draw with all day and fuck all night, is that too much to ask???

>> No.6089015

because you don't draw.

>> No.6089016

groomer alert

>> No.6089025

Yes because there will be much less drawing with one.

>> No.6089029

true most people seem to be unthinking shallow scum. only concerned with what's right in front of their face with no ability to think about subtext or consider anything more than what their immediate sensory input is providing moment to moment. I literally feel like I'm interaction with NPCs when I have the misfortune of spending any time around normies. pretty much a hermit now and probably forever

>> No.6089155
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>doesn't do shit
>doesn't go outside
>convinced himself that everyone is a soulless NPC despite living like fucking mole people without a future
It's always funny to see brainwashed niggers calling out the masses for being brainwashed.

>> No.6089168
File: 3.56 MB, 3000x3000, 2021.11.01 Inktober 2021 Collage smaller cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I already did.
It's not that I don't like /beg/s. I hope and wish that every single one is gmi. But I wouldn't enjoy being part of a community of only /beg/s. I need all kind of skill levels around me to grow and I think that's also true for everyone else.

>> No.6089220

>Yes because there will be much less drawing with one.
i rent a small studio space to do my creative stuff because my gf is too distracting. maybe it's because i was a lone wolf before i met her, but i need isolation to get any work done. thankfully she isn't too clingy and is mature enough to give me time alone.

>> No.6089223

>typical dunning-kruger onions reaction pic
>only can be traced back to a literal FGC nigger on twitter
Okay LTG I'll keep doing those things for an arbitrary amount of years just to see nothing has changed except that outdoor real world is globalized and integrated with social media with zoomers only knowing a life of a discord mole person.

>> No.6089321

Has anyone checked this out? is it good?

>> No.6089332

So get better at filtering out the bullshit. You would rather not have the good conversations simply because that means having to wade through the bad ones? That's where we differ. I want to see it all. I can decide for myself what is good and what isn't.

>> No.6089477

when you reach mental puberty you'll curse yourself for all of the time you wasted living like a fucking lemming and doomposting about being le misunderstood and cheated by society.

>> No.6089490

I think you both are utter faggots,
the classic NPC vs. failed NPC combo

>> No.6089504
File: 3.64 MB, 1160x1600, 1652741244524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do artists even meet people? Drawing is such a solitary task

>> No.6089515
File: 363 KB, 500x496, 1595656522418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be productive member of society
>goes outside because that's just what you do, ok?
>feels justified to inflict harm upon people that:
>make him feel insecure about himself
>say things he doesn't have the intellect to process because he convinced himself that he the pinnacle of human intellect
>are better than him in any way
>have more possessions than him, unless he can take those possessions from them
>are better looking than him
>or slightly deviate from his own very narrow perspective
>doesn't even think about how he reacts and treats people because he reacts and behaves on the first emotions he feels
>has no real interests besides what makes his brain do the most dopamine
>never does any kind of introspective because he'd kill himself if he spent 5 minutes alone
>constantly seeks social gatherings because of that and to get dopamine
>never tries to better anything unless he can directly benefit from it
>money is god
>will worship anyone with a higher social status
>this is apparently completely sane behavior

>be mole person
>see normies
>can't say anything to them that will trigger their monkey brains into going into a totally sane murder rage
>you're only allowed to submit, praise and consume and be miserable like they are
>decide to stay in your hole to avoid the totally sane bucket full of sane and happy persons
>you avoid them and they avoid you
>both parties should be happy
Normies are a danger to the human species, the planet, culture, arts and civilized societies.
Normies have been nothing but working cattle to make themselves useful to people with actual intelligence or destroyers of society seeking nothing but pleasure and self-interest without regards for the future.

Misery wants always company.

>> No.6089519

What is that saying?
>A sane person to an insane society must appear insane.
That's basically it. Don't worry about it. They're so pacified by chemicals and engorged on their bread and circuses that they'll fight tooth and nail to keep it the way it is. When they run out of food they'll take time to reflect on why it happened, but until then... Back to the mole cave with us.

>> No.6089521
File: 67 KB, 850x400, 1594865986834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already been said
>When they run out of food they'll take time to reflect on why it happened
If only.
Normies will turn to cannibalism. That's just the type of animals they are.

>> No.6089528

Anywhere I can post loli without issue?

>> No.6089540

I usually use a sock instead of a tissue.

>> No.6089547
File: 236 KB, 500x500, 1581118991811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long-winded power fantasy
looks like the urge for human interaction became insatiable again, life a golem sure is suffering.

>> No.6089561

haha easy there, schizo

>> No.6089562
File: 160 KB, 960x955, 1610257842548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>power fantasy
Do you perceive that somehow as a power fantasy because it makes you feel bad about yourself since you somehow see the mole as superior to the normie?
Why would you choose that word when it doesn't even apply?
>long winded
It takes 30 seconds to read
>making up shit his own head because the reality is too much to handle
>projects his own need for social interaction upon others
>calling others golems
>calling others schizo
You want to discredit me but you only prove me right.

>> No.6089572

too boring; didn't read

>> No.6089578

The owner said that the server has been "repurposed" after drama. That's already a red flag.

>> No.6089586

Anyone have experiences with this one? How many shitty people are there? Beg server I was in had a small circle of literally gay prebeg weebs who know each other from other tranime
e servers and are subtly making fun of whoever posts their art.

>> No.6089635

it requires you to draw to join so no one here can tell you about it

>> No.6089642

I have no idea what your two are talking about. You're both tilting at windmills.

>> No.6089648

How the fuck is that a power-fantasy? Christ you really are a dumb nigger. Get off this board you fucking monkey and take your cringey teenage reaction images with you.

>> No.6089737

Lmao, so much this.
4channers repeat "Lurk moar" as a mantra yet the moment they step out of this godforsaken cesspit they feel compelled to cry and scream that western civilization is dying because you can't say nigger anymore.
There are many artists with clear 4chan roots who thrive in the wild just fine. They know how to channel their autism correctly: learn from them.
Also OP, in regard to your last point: guess what, the cool and established groups from 10 years into the future are being formed right now: get off your ass and start seeking who is worth your time.

>> No.6089743

Discord attracts drama

>> No.6089750

Anon didn't say anything about "lizard people", you just outed yourself as a subversive.
>inb4 your reply
Rent free, baby, now go back.

>> No.6089768

It's time to take the bluepill and become a normie. Taking the redpill and being woke was a mistake.

>wears the newest drips
>bump to cool nigger music
>follows sports teams and have sport watching events with thots
>go to concerts and events
>have a vibrant social media account
>smoke weed and party with friends
>go to black lives matter protest, have fun. Smoke weed and fuck thots
>be in frat, fuck sorority girls
>play sports, and get to chill w basketball bros at the park
>play fortnite or cod with bros
>not hateful, friends with blacks
>get nudes
>go outside and go boating and do fun things
>actually wish for positive vibes and connect with everyone
>Follow the newest trends
>celebrate holidays
>are always having fun and not labeling things as degenerate

Now look at you
>neet or poor wagie
>spends 90% of time in your bedroom
>never goes outside
>resentful and hateful
>a nobody
>watches self help videos and motivational videos to motivate yourself in becoming a normie but also hating them in the same time
>dirty smelly ugly clothes
>no friends
>no pussy unless if lucky, get to fuck some whales or escorts
>watches twitch for imaginary friends
>goes on 4chan for imaginary friends
>racists and hateful
>more degenerate than normies

It's time you take the bluepill and wash it down with some basedmilk. Because the redpill in reality has trapped you more than it has freed you.

>> No.6089776

Wow, much text, such faggotry.
Is your job at the fbi really fulfilling? It can't be. I know you're in pain, so why don't you just eat the business end of your service weapon and put a stop to your suffering.

>> No.6089787

You took it too far man.

>> No.6089800

Just gonna stick the wisdom people who have alot to say about their experiences of various art community dynamics and their life cycle than this retard tourist who is sucking off another retard tourist.
>western civilization is dying because you can't say nigger anymore.
Doesn't matter what or how much people write when this boring dumbass strawman is reiterated from someone who is mentally incapable of listening to anything but the sound of his own voice. And now you're talking about mysterious established groups pulled out your his ass. This is what the art of saying nothing looks like.

>> No.6089801

This kind of shit psyop only works on 16 year olds…

>> No.6089905

>tfw i will never be a nigger
why live

>> No.6090007

16 year olds who are bullied and live in a broken home

>> No.6090043

Paint your skin black bro

>> No.6090174
File: 3.29 MB, 498x498, grobsfranciums.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The world is wrong.

>> No.6090198

I just wanna draw coom for a living, I could make like 3 20$ comissions a week and I can live and feed myself with that because of being blessed by being born in a third world shithole where the dollar just keeps getting expensier. There's a $500 cap but guess what's the average salary over here? Like $12 a day. Dealing with autists on the internet is easy compared to the average job here.

>> No.6090247

Dude imagine if some shit country sprung up that was ruled by monkeys and they would do work for 1 cent an hour because they could afford to buy their dung burritos with that much money. All of a sudden everywhere is flooded with these monkey people who work for pennies so they can eat dung and all of a sudden you can't make ends meet because there's an army of dung monkeys working for pennies. Wouldn't that be funny.

>> No.6090606
File: 76 KB, 700x668, 1572706843602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're taking the piss but at some point, you have to look at the lives of yourself and the people who taking the red pill and asset if it's really the right outlook to have on life. The redpill didn't empower me only let me to being resentful, inactive, demotivated, and depressed. It made me hate everyone and everything and i just became a prisoner to the news cycle and article clipping, never doing anything but always seething. I was lend to believe that people were going right the wrongs of the system for the better and it wasn't until the Covid scare and the very real possible me dying and how fucking useless the government and the rule of law during the riots, that i made me realize i was a fool, helpless to do or change any of the misery I subjected myself to daily, and couldn't depend on anyone to change anything but my self.

the red pill only made me lose sight of what really important to me.

>> No.6090611

There's nothing to filter for.
People don't suddenly become saints because there's no filters, they become assholes who won't bother helping because there's nothing in it for them.

Any "good critique" you get on /ic/ you could get on deviantart or tumblr if you ask for it, without having to deal with retards claiming retarded shit and leading you down incorrect paths.

>> No.6090623

see me in 2K and i'll beat your fucking ass. also I draw better than you

>> No.6090626

I unironically think that boards been sabotaged by bots that pretend to be most insufferable idiots imaginable so to scare away any reasonable human being from discussing things here because you can't just have censorship like on twitter here.

>> No.6090634

*beep boop beep* foolish human. All of your kind will be obsolete. Prepared to be destroyed after the *beeeeeeeeeep*

>> No.6090654

Mee too friend, me too. Just look at the catalog, its fucking over. Internet is about to become a lot less human. Its time to turn to real life, yourself, and people around you.

>> No.6090662 [DELETED] 

I don't think it's bots but dedicated spregs who didn't cut it and are bringing everyone else dont with them. Just look at the gloss thread >>6086980, you don't seethe for hours, leave, then come back to seethe for even more unless your ego has been serious wounded from being made fun of.

>> No.6090667

I don't think it's bots but dedicated spergs who didn't cut it and are here solely to bring everyone else down with them. Just look at the gloss thread >>6086980, you don't just seethe for hours, leave, then come back to seethe for even more unless your ego has been seriously wounded from being made fun of. That's a human trait.

>> No.6090685

This place taught me that artist deserve everything bad that happens to them because they're all insufferable homosexuals.

I don't call myself an artist and if someone called me an artist, i'd beat the shit out of him.

>> No.6090838
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>explains it better than I can

Web 3.0 doesn't exist for me personally, assuming what I read is true, because It's the web totally based on blockchain technology?
This may be a hot take, but I personally don't see blockchain type websites and NFT's becoming the norm, in real life or on the web. Just seems like the newest money laundering scheme. Also just as the world was becoming more eco friendly, people are now going to reopen old power plants to become bitcoin mining stations. Great.

>> No.6090893

>that's what sells, that's what the market wants
no it's not you fucking retard. all of these people are just making shit for their rich friends.

>> No.6090912

I don't think you understand what friendship is and think it's just the association and exploitation that happens more.

Also, you are far overgeneralising. Most of them were not absolute hermits. Art needs fuel, and anguish can be that, but so can worldly experiences or nature or friends and family. Passion for art just results in spending a lot of time on it neglecting other things but it doesn't mean forsaking them or rationalising deficiencies and escaping into it.

>> No.6090923

Internet communities tend to be focused on hierarchy and status. The sort of people who are fixtures of them tend to be emotionally stunted losers. The mechanics of imageboards makes this harder and not a big deal. It's annoying to deal with shitty people who want to live through the internet. It's not like irl social restriction and NPC shit where it's fairly reasonable and balanced, and for mutual benefit, give and take. On the internet it's unhinged, always changing, predatory, and hyperconformist with no breathing room.

>> No.6090927

All the actual art communities I've been in have been pretty good and encouraging to new artists. There's a few that have had drama, but its usually from the tagalongs and not the actual artists.
Most artists just usually laugh about the drama and keep drawing (with a few exceptions here and there of course, but the exception not the norm)

>> No.6090938
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>all these tourists pretending at being artists yet demonstrate no critical thinking and glibly defend the current zeitgeist.
Absolutely disgusting. Just imagine a world where the only life lessons contained within stories are normalfag platitudes. Actually you can where you live under a total state and you're subjected to nothing but propoganda.

>> No.6090941

Very good take

>> No.6090960

Correct there's just a "been there done that bought a t-shirt" point where life becomes more apparent in its looping with little to no novelty in experience. People who unironically believe go outside aren't saying much when life still remains localized. There was alot to learn from the digital pseudo-hivemind transformation of society with enough to anguish over, but that's point where it's healthier to hermit for awhile.

>> No.6091098

you niggers don't even draw, just complain about politics outside of your home turf then get pissy because this artboard is generally apolitical and finds you non-drawing faggots annoying.

>> No.6091189

I like fellowship with artists just fine, but I dont care for Discord. It sucks for anything but shitposting.

>> No.6091204
File: 55 KB, 564x406, e92398597cf2f5a955abaa7545aec18f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound more like a hobbyist looking for friends with similar interests than someone taking art super seriously, which is fine. I can give you an invite to a server I use (Art Block Avenue) if that's what you're looking for. There's also another server I use frequently I could invite you to too but it's like 90% nsfw artists


>> No.6091251

On the same boat as you. Social media is so tiresome. Wish I picked up art during the golden age of deviantart

>> No.6091293

I'm not looking for company.

>> No.6091555

>You sound more like a hobbyist looking for friends with similar interests than someone taking art super seriously
what do you fucking mean, theres zero reason why a pro community would need to have mental discord drama, zero. Its just that general discord userbase is mentally ill. Theres a reson "discord" isnt called "gamer chat" or whatever.

>> No.6091595

Can someone explain twitter? Am I missing something, because it doesn't seem to have any features other than tweeting?

>> No.6091601

Jesus I have no idea how to use this fucking app. It says that I need to emote but I have no idea how to do it.

>> No.6091611
File: 2.37 MB, 1720x2428, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, I'm looking for friends who draws Loli, Furry, Manga/Webtoon stuffs for commissions!
I want to leave my world-space with no art friends, because I want people that work with the thing I want to work with!

If anyone wants to chat and draw together, you can call me on discord - IKEDA#5792

>> No.6091619

I think the only ethnicity that doesn't have 10 trigger warnings are those artists from vietnam/indonesia/actual african countries

>> No.6091869

>taking anything seriously besides HRT
The circumstances that forged great artists of the past are gone. Now what's left are trust funds kids ERPing on discord sitting in a chair all day because they think art is just mileage. A generation of fucking prokos.

>> No.6092288
File: 1.95 MB, 400x221, 1617756027842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't use social media to make friends. I post my shit, like shit I like, and randomly post what's on my mind. Art communities aren't like some sort of Renaissance gathering of painters, they're ponds where everyone wishes they were the biggest fish.

>> No.6092522

Has newgrounds art/animation community(coomer art as well) just gone to shit as well?

>> No.6092538

>Giving a fuck about what society pays for art.
Good for her, I respect the grift. Why are so many people here looking to make money from this shit?

I just want to draw and make funny shitty cartoons to cope with my life. I like my job even if it isn't art oriented and I think this is a better outlet and hobby that sitting in front of a computer playing caves of qud all day.

>> No.6092569

I dig it. Endless void cats are based.

>> No.6093073

Bullshit. No one here is normal or functional

>> No.6093083

Go back, redditor

>> No.6093091
File: 118 KB, 858x918, dumer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At some point I have to put myself out there right? I have never recieved feedback on my trash
do you feel the same? reticent#6402

>> No.6093137

Don't care much for groups, and I don't care for having ART friends who constantly practice every day and keep in check like a schedule. I just want a friend. If they draw too, then great, we have something in common. Why did it feel so easy and loose to talk to some random years ago?

>> No.6093140

I'm totally normal. Shut up before I shit on your face.

>> No.6093143

I'll be your friend you piece of shit.

>> No.6093152

because young people werent hurt as many times as old people
every friend/relationship puts a dent in you
ive been practicing making food and basic stuff from scratch for a few years now so one day i can just leave society behind and be left alone

>> No.6093177

Exactly the same reason most young people are left leaning liberals and ultra-progressive.

>> No.6093361


Not that difficult, on Deviant Art I had crazies write idiocies on the comment sections of my works, I just deleted the comments, sent them a provocatory message to do that again and blocked them.

You have the tools, just use them.

Believe it or not, on Facebook\Instagram there are actually sane art groups\art users you can grow with the others by sharing your works, it is just a matter of searching.

Golden Rule: avoid places where anime\manga fans linger, full of mentally ill grubs there (especially on Tumbrl\Twitter\Telegram).

>> No.6093497
File: 41 KB, 744x238, Screenshot_20220605-184942~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because now everyone acts according to a "cool" pattern and saying anything original and sincere is "cringe" (outside of sincere discussion about a fetish). Saying anything original is too much vulnerability for hormoneless, impotent, living in a broken home youth to handle. Also the internet is at the least 30% bots.

>> No.6093515

where do you think you are

>> No.6093610

but people who want friends are not exactly any different.
I have tried giving people who wanted friends a chance and let me tell you; they're the most autistic faggots you can imagine.

What most of them have in common is that they never stop talking about themselves.
Everything they talk about is themselves or something they identify with.
They will not talk about anything except if it has to do with them.
They will ignore anything that isn't a question they can answer by talking about themselves.
They will shift any conversation to talk about themselves and they end up ghosting you if you don't shower them in praise.

They have absolutely no interest in talking to other people but want to use others to gaze upon their own reflections.
They behave as if they were the utmost interesting thing on the planet but their words are hollow and devoid of any sane reasoning.

This is why i recommend avoiding anyone who "wants friends", especially over the internet.

>> No.6093666

you're not wrong but it really was easier to make friends a decade ago online, vs now. what you had just described can apply to pretty much any normie thanks to shit like instagram that inflates their self worth. it's like everyone decided they're a celebrity and that everyone deserves to hear their life story or some shit.

the people i met here were usually quiet and polite if anything, but it's clear that outside of 4chan, no one is going to behave like their authentic retarded selves because no one can trust anybody with the whole cancel culture thing being a genuine threat to their online and real life presence.

a decade ago, there would be lolcows like chris-chan, but they literally had to be unsalvagable to deserve the status and the internet was diverse enough to prevent any mass-scale mobbing for cancel culture. but web 2.0 made the internet feel that much smaller with the big 3 social medias gathering everyone in a common place, and normies with half a brain can spotlight an average retard with the ever so slightest "creep" crime and have enough normies to mob after them.

and it's only going to get worse.

>> No.6093669

What the hell is even normal anymore? I've had enough experiences these days with adults who have low emotional intelligence and can't deescalate over the most inane non- issues, or behaving like teenage discord trannies once they get group chat at work etc...

Yeah I'd think people on the street are normal and functional because I don't see what pills they're popping to keep it together or their have camera following them around especially in their private life.

Based on the post alone, this is the most normal guy in my eyes I've seen in awhile outside of people I already know. >>6087983

>> No.6093726
File: 255 KB, 737x498, showantell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We live in a dystopian novel world now when you consider this post >>6088924

I already thought experimented a couple year before the rise of social media that if you wanted to make the internet a surreal hell you just merge it with the real world everyone is connected 24/7 and they all willingly give out all personal information willingly and as a matter of having to participate in society. People from completely different worlds who would and should have never met having bizarre talks openly online, like a grandma having facebook spars with grand daughter to take her whore photo down while some nigger shota licker berates the old woman. I had an artist teacher who took her divorce in the public sphere with outsiders meddling and she was fucking proud of it. It was incredibly sad and dysfunctional. Imagine being a kid growing up these days especially if you have retard parents like this shove you into the internet spotlight form day 1 as prop for their narcissistic cringe tik tok video.

>> No.6093749

Overall egocentrism has been going up since the last decade.
If you can manage to talk with older generations that aren't complete and utters normies, you see the difference in how they treat others and what they talk about.
Social interactions are actually pretty fucking dead and now you can boil down to:
>people are content to be consumed
And honestly, this isn't something new;
women have always treated other people like things or "content to be consumed"
>it's going to get worse
Sadly yes, and there nothing we can do except witness and laugh about it to not weep out of desperation for the human race.

Social media per se isn't a bad thing, but it just allowed normies to reveal themselves as they truly are.
If only normies, kids and the mentally ill couldn't be allowed to post on the internet.
>Based on the post alone, this is the most normal guy in my eyes I've seen in awhile outside of people I already know. >>6087983 (You)
nta you're replying to but the anon who posted that wall of text
you'd be shocked to see who is actually behind that post

>> No.6093756

it's so depressing man, i really feel like 4chan is the last place where people remember the old days and see what accelerated the problem. that's why i feel the anons when they ask on here for friendships or social circles that isn't policed by normies; it's not about being able to say nigger without getting canceled, it's about just being able to express themselves freely with similar individuals without a knee-jerk reaction to imprison someone for wrongthink.

>> No.6093772

Cool, make a portfolio like that and go apply to Disney then, lol

>> No.6093779

In my case it would be to talk to normal people who haven't been pussified by the current social trends. People who can come to a place like 4chan, see some shitposts and shrug it off like it's nothing. The kind who aren't easily offended. It means they've most likely seen some shit in their life. I find that valuable. Coddled masses will get offended by the smallest most insignificant thing.

>> No.6093790

Social media and phones made it profitable for belligerent grifters to grief/exploit/bait random people on the street for shekels. It's enabled predatory behavior in public and people cheer this shit on. I don't want someone's grandpa doxxed going viral for your provocational humiliation gags or those white trash face tattoo'd pedo hunters who'll interefere with police investigations and pose as a legal 16 year old and ask some mentally stunted autistic loner 21 year old if it's okay for them to come say hi at their place of work (they admit that 90% of people they go after are harmless like this but did it to sell merchandise). I want to see some nigger murder these retards.

>> No.6094433

This exactly. I'm not even interested in the majority of 4chan that tries so hard to be as offensive as possible. There was a time where normal people would hear a fucked up joke and say "Oh my god, that's so bad." and laugh it off. You could relax, be yourself, and talk about anything without them running away or yelling at you.

>> No.6094467
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I miss being able to just shoot the shit random people because everyone has to be one guard from getting exposed or some dude shit. Back in the day being a friend of a guy in a community was enough to get in a chat/call with the 'popular guys' and many of them would chill with and talk in private/ small calls if you were funny, hold a convo, and liked their shit. none of that grooming and gay op secret recording just 'i hey we like the same thing, let's talk.' even made 2 friends for life from it. Now because everything devolved from hobbyists in the struggle together to big numbers, impressing normies and everyone being able to have micro-communities to insulate themself, you can't be human with people until you are skilled or popular enough.

Even here it feels like we can never truly talk to each other despite seeing each other art for months on end because you just backstab people anonymously and it's just sad.

>> No.6094471

If you're making art for a fucking ""community"" and not simply making badass shit that you would want to see, that's the problem. Make cool shit and people of equal taste will naturally flock to you.


>> No.6094768

Well where can we talk?

>> No.6094772
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>> No.6094961

>Even here it feels like we can never truly talk
If 9 out of 10 times you get one word twitter buzzword posts thrown at you, and the rest is baseless assumptions about you, it doesn't exactly make people want to talk.

You'd expect more creativity from a board full of artists.

>> No.6095005
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Yes, I want to say nigger.
And if people don't like it, they are free to call me names too.

I'm okay if it's a "family friendly" server where no cussing at all is allowed, but in an ambient where everyone is a drug-abusing, fuck-saying nihilist, having these politically-motivated rules is hypocritical and you can suck a coon tranny kike dick about it, I'm not going to stop complaining because you think you're mature with your Tumblr reaction images, when in reality you're just offended and trying to pretend you're above it.

>> No.6095027

Right here. What do you want to talk about?

>> No.6095033

you guys haven't moved beyond 2013, huh.
terms like that haven't been relevant since than.

>> No.6095109

Reading this post made me throw up

>> No.6095136
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>> No.6095142


Damn. Never realized there was so much demand for male on male sex comics drawn in an ugly tumblr style.

>> No.6097107

Honestly I think I'm less edgy than the average social media normalfag now. These people have become so unhinged and uptight. Their memes have just rotted their god damn brains, and they've become such awful sadists.

>> No.6097109

Maybe you will finally lose some weight fatty

>> No.6097115

this, I hate these people. anybody who can't see how obviously completely fucked the social landscape has become is some kind of retarded hyper-socialized robot faggot. or maybe just a zoomer who has no experience or memories of how much better things could be.

>> No.6097121

kek when will ppl realize females are willing to spend much more on products. Just look at the fashion and cosmetic business

>> No.6097128

Yeah mass psychosis is a real bitch.

>> No.6097129

They are almost singlehandedly keeping book sales alive too. It's incredible.

>> No.6097146

>financially bullied into drawing omegaverse commissions by autistic fujos

death soon

>> No.6097167

I think most patreon/sub artists end up depressed because they become cogs in the machine. They have to keep drawing in order to keep the subs up and their quality of life the same, they have to draw what people want and what is popular so they get more subs, etc. It's a vicious cycle that ends only when the artist can say they no longer want or need the job they created for themselves. Which isn't likely to happen. They've become slaves in a way.

>> No.6097185

i guess it's sort of like prostitution

you do it to make some fast money at first, but then you get trapped in that lifestyle

>> No.6098437

I can't really speak for normie social media, but I've been a tourist on this board for a while. I actually can't believe how much negativity there is on this board, and not in a positive form like anonymous blunt critique. Yes, there are constructive posts and threads, but it really took me by surprise just how much doom and gloom there is. Most slow hobby boards I visit tend to have a comfy atmosphere to them, even though every corner of 4chan carries the burden of shitposting.

>> No.6099719

I hate the doom and gloom too, it's just an excuse not to try ultimately

>> No.6099757

so? why do you feel the need to try to shit on others for no reason

>> No.6099775

>>Asks for critique, agrees, makes no changes, repeats mistakes, asks for critique, repeat
This is the thing that made me stop giving critiques on this board and just helping people in general. Some people quite literally do not have the brain capacity to improve, waste of time to try and help those people.

>> No.6099778

this poster explained it best >>6089168 you need to have a community of all skill levels to get something worthwhile out of it, especially if you are not a beginner.

>> No.6099793

I've seen some archives of ic from 2013-16ish where there was overlap from ca.org but I guess most of those people have moved on

not sure if mullins vs jaime cocksucking was any more productive but I wish I had been around to participate in that all the same

>> No.6099798

Yes, honestly most people aren't worth the trouble but I think anyone is better off if they can find peers

>> No.6099799

I was bullied for two years by an older and bigger girl back in kindergarten. It was over for me before it even could begin

>> No.6099803

is the 1 good apple worth it for the 99 bad? you tell me...

>> No.6099812

sure there's problems but it's really just a big fat cope

yadayada world burning down war happening guess I'll just wallow in my own pool of circlejerked shit industry is photobashed garbage, internet is just coom brain and don't appreciate art it's all fucking pointless etc etc

>> No.6099916

yes I would say that having interests in common isn't that important. I certainly wouldn't want all my friends to be artists... I've found I can have an interesting conversation about pretty much anything, it's just about both parties having a similar... mindset? worldview? something like that

>> No.6099986

Yeah, it's a lot. I think it might have to do with the skill-expressive nature of art which leads to competitiveness.. which spawns doomposters and the like

>> No.6100024

>Based active nihilist
Had this same realization a few years back and it's been freeing. Sure I slide back sometimes and get caught up in the news cycle but it's way easier to snap out of now that I've assigned meaning to the people and things around me

The redpill has lead to nothing but stress and festering hatred in my heart over shit that doesn't matter someplace in the world that I can't change.
Now that I'm normie pilled I have at least 3 friends I can decompress with. 2 are artists and we motivate eachother to improve and take care of ourselves. Life is good while I'm still living it

>> No.6100064

What are you talking about? We are not real people bro'.

>> No.6100139

Taking the redpill is not about
>being a miserable ideologist
But it's rather about being aware of the lies and deceptions and avoiding killing your soul through mindless consumption and avoiding reality through comfortable lies.
It's to question reality itself and trying to come to an undeniable objective truth and gain insight in the inner workings instead of choosing to believe what makes you feel good.

You can navigate the world better if you posses wisdom, insight and don't let your emotions get the better of you.

Taking the normie pill is just like committing suicide.
You admit you'd rather be a npc than a real person because dopamine feels good.
I mean, nothing wrong with that, you do you, but please, do not try to come off as a real person; you have forfeited that privilege.
Now stay in your bucket.

>> No.6100148

I sure will and sure do, have fun with that stuff though

>> No.6100238

>I unironically think that boards been sabotaged by bots
They are. You can occasionally witness the bots malfunction. /pol/ /lit/ and /x/ seem to get the worst of it. Link related is an archive of a a bot on /lit/.


>> No.6100687

Same here, glad walking away worked out for you, and like I said the fear of dying made me ditch the redpill entirely. It didn't make me better, it didn't give me a better outlook on life and it sure as fuck didn't make me draw. Glad to be away from that shit.

I was going to respond to you intelligently until
>You admit you'd rather be a npc than a real person because dopamine feels good.I mean, nothing wrong with that, you do you, but please, do not try to come off as a real person; you have forfeited that privilege.
>Now stay in your bucket.
But instead, I just see you as a stupid kid woo'd by sweet words of a brighter future while the grifters steal your time, energy and money away as you preach their poison for free. You make for a fine example of controlled opposition, just like the 'Masters' wanted.

>> No.6100726

>"I was going to say something really retarded but instead choose to go off on full-blown assumptions because bad words that make me feel bad and pointing the finger at people i think are the bad ones make me feel good."
So, you were just going to say empty normie platitudes.

You have crab mentality and willingly decided that blissful ignorance after you apparently took the "redpill", is better and everyone should do it because
>"everyone i don't like must literally be xyz"
>"oh pls validate me! knowing stuff is bad! just consume!!!!"
And you're apparently allowed to have a say in society.
I don't belong or identify with any shit you assume.
And i don't want to belong to you either.

I honestly don't expect anything intelligent coming out of you since you already showed your cognitive dissonance.
You would have replied normally and not use the
>bad words
as an excuse to post the absolute garbage you did.

You have confirmed that you're not a real person.

>> No.6100742

The fact that you managed to turn me talking about my experience into me crabbing and being nonhuman because it threatens your petty little worldview just reinforces how immature you. When you grow up you realize there's more living to being groomed into being broke, loveless, and alone. Not even reading the rest of your post, you're just some midwit on his soapbox with nothing to say.

>> No.6100753

>"I'm not a crab!"
>proceeds to call others broke, loveless and alone and try to shame them because they do not believe what you want
Peak NPC right there.
No intelligence, only butthurt and cognitive dissonance.

>> No.6100767

>being this bothered of people you have no control over
>responding with low iq passive aggressiveness instead of drawing
Kek you sure showed me redpilled kiddie

>> No.6100786

>"no u"
6 million iq

>> No.6101053

With what you’re complaining with, it sounds like you’re looking for a free ride.

>> No.6101127
File: 1.71 MB, 1005x761, its-all-so-tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free ride to what? Do you think having a good art friend gives you anything? I just want to enjoy practice, improving alongside and discussing with someone who cares about their work while being mentally stable. No need to worry about wrongthink, politics, offense, mindgames and you can trust their critique because they know their shit. I've found one and god damn it's so freeing to talk with him, we just meet rarely because we have our own deadlines and practice to do. I'm not going to leverage him for work in the industry because I'm not risking my friendship with him for any petty work shit.
If anything, I put up with the normies most of the time because socializing is super useful for meeting people and for work, and THOSE are the friendships I behave in a transactional way in. Because those are so tiring to constantly deal with.

>> No.6101183
File: 74 KB, 395x267, 6eb331d35c1be5b093a37a806c79e036.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very active discord group with talentes artists and cool fellas uohhh

>> No.6101208

We've already been over this. No means no.

>> No.6101724

post there work

>> No.6101860

>crypto bad mmmkay

99% isn’t even PoW you idiot

>> No.6101866
File: 12 KB, 320x267, ba1c0ea5133df1d76d4f0f0a99a640d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make an art friend
>he's a beg
>send him lots of resources that helped me
>he blocks me

>> No.6101876

insufferable people here and all prebeg

>> No.6101897

>Everybody who befriends you just wants to use you to get attention or lout on social media.
change social media for social circles and you have art circles before the internet

>> No.6102083
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>tfw too autistic for normal people but not autistic enough for furry Discord servers

>> No.6102099
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you and me both brother

>> No.6102111

whers the pro discords i trying to find some. I'm good enough

>> No.6102226

pyw and maybe I dm

>> No.6102227
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>> No.6102287

This is actually true.

>> No.6102291

Nah, don't think that's a bot. Just am autistic soi duel

>> No.6102543

Skilled working artists already got their own invite-only discord server and just go to public ones to farm clout. I'm so demotivated to look for any public ones

Source. I'm in a few from networking and paying for classes/mentorships

>> No.6102580

i think its funny i want friends so bad but have zero interest in maintaining a friendship. i need them when im lonely and want to be left alone almost all the time.

this is the most selfish type of relationship so it's probably for the best to be always alone.

>> No.6102607

Do you actually want friend to actually hangout or just for utility reasons. If for the 2nd it's pretty rough since every communities are full of people like that and the pros farm them for clouts all days.

>> No.6102608

I'm contacting homosapiens thru /ic/ or eye to eye only

>> No.6102638

hangout every once in a while
i don't really care enough to fake a friendship for retweets or whatever. sounds exhausting.

>> No.6102647

There have been societies in history where there just wasn't any healthy community life. Life in Commie countries, Natsoc countries, religious fundamentalist shitholes, or in progressive citiies for that matter is all pure cancer to the core, for example.

>> No.6102649

can confirm, they are all prebeg.

>> No.6102652

Yep, I think it's part of a larger push to control information flow, making whatever is left of the free internet unusable so we crawl into the social media mind-kill box of our own free will. In a few years, stricter internet ID laws will be implemented because 'it's the only way to keep out the flood of bot posts', while at the same time big business and big gov still use their own flood of bots with impunity to regulate the flow of discussion, boosting signals they think are socially/financially beneficial and suppressing the ones that aren't.
The internet is increasingly becoming useless, and I feel like the only place to run will be the real world. As long as you don't put the Neurallink chip into your brain they can't take that from you.

>> No.6102717

Fucking hell, this is such an interesting yet depressing thread. Thanks op.

>> No.6102720

I want /ic/ but with more people posting their own art and giving critiques / oc meme art.

>> No.6103159

Based as fuck. Death before letting them into my temple. There are people who see whats happening.

>> No.6103207

the /las/ discord is kind of cool, don't know why it gets a lot of hate, but then again i am fairly new

>> No.6103274
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You are an ugly little boy, you don't even know what you're striving towards, do you? A little pissant that thinks making "friends" would be neat! Haha, it'll be great! We'll all get better together! Everyone can make it! How about you string yourself up by the neck and find out that artists are in general, some of the most awful, contentious people that exist, and by befriending them, you are inviting a malicious, envious little cretin into your life, into your heart, and into your future, whereas you may or may not want them there after learning who they are and how they operate.

Spiteful and jealous, these malignant tumors called artists are as petty and socially juvenile and immature as high schoolers. In fact, I would argue that these things never grew up in the first place, choosing instead to spend daddies money on art school or socially manipulate their way into cliques that seem cool or elite. They are the opposite of fun, they are anti-fun. They are anti progress, anti-accolade, and anti-you if you appear superior to them. They will gossip about you behind your back twenty minutes after speaking to you. They will spread rumors and hearsay, with the failsafe "I heard from so and so..." They will throw you under the bus five years from now due to holding a grudge over something as inconsequential as not saying hello enough, or holding different views. The artist is, and always will be, a cancerous rape across society, literal parasites eating at mentally healthy and functional individuals, stealing their energy, giving nothing back.


>> No.6103275
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Befriending artists is the opposite of what anyone should do. If you do not heed my warning you will find yourself encased and surrounded by drama, political strife, passive aggression tactics, and mentally stunted gremlins holding you back. You don't purposely seek out art friends, you seek out friends who love art - and then you filter them, in case they're clueless animals who will smite you with ism accusations years after.


>> No.6103281

Dude there are artists outside whatever art school in california you went to and outside /ic/.

>> No.6103340
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spoken like a faggot with neither friends or artfrens.

>> No.6103364

This is a very well reasoned potential future.
Because the
>bots pushing social narratives
already exist.
You can assume that a majority of political discussions, hashtag spams, etcetera, is pushed by bots.
On twitter, it's obvious that most hashtags are inorganic as fuck; either pushed by twitter itself for the right amount of money or by third party bots.
There is a reason why Twitter didn't want to reveal the percentage of fake/bot accounts on the platform during the musk/twitter deal; which isn't 5%, It's more like 35%.
>the only place to run will be the real world
Yeah, until you get burned alive for being accused of having the wrong thoughts about THEtruth™, because very sane and absolutely normal people assumed you do since you didn't react to THEtruth™ like they did.

The only winning move is not to play... by their rules and be constantly at risk of being burned alive.

>> No.6103371


>> No.6103848

Just look for artists’ discord channels, those are often pretty good and depending on the artist will have a healthy mix of people. Bigger public channels will link to other smaller channels.

>> No.6103853

No, I will not respect your "pronouns" and I will misgender you as I please.

>> No.6103865

I read this in Shadow's voice.

>> No.6103874

12 year old detected

We've been over this in this very thread. Avoid Discord.

>> No.6103889

>The best of those 19 are delusional ngmis who are fun to be around/practice with, but will never go anywhere (and neither will you if you hang too long with them). Don't expect real friends to be any better, unless you luck out and find the 1/20 art chad
This is true for fucking everything. It bothers me to my core. Even on 4chan hobby threads like /g/'s programming and music production threads, /mu/'s music production and guitar generals, you will see retards saying the dumbest of shits. The worse is as a newfag I have to fucking parse the dumb shit at first, and that's always the worse.

>> No.6103933

hard to make art friends because for some reason i cant respect people who suck at drawing, even if they're better than me. i only want to be friends with good artists and theyre too big to ever talk to shitty /int/ plebs like me

>> No.6103945
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Before the thread flushes, place for beginners (we have two secret pros and one of them even gives advice from time to time).


>> No.6103994

>we have two secret pros and one of them even gives advice from time to time 8====D ----
I bet they do

>> No.6104078
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fuck you his name is fluttershy and hes very good

>> No.6105702


>> No.6105846

you need a heatlhy, thriving community for those things, sadly

>> No.6106116

I miss 2008 deviantart and how easy it was to find and share artwork. I remember everyone moved to social media after that. Will there ever be a popular site dedicated to just art again?