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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 489 KB, 827x1200, E0B531D4-3E0B-4E11-B0AD-7C8265E8A91E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6086980 No.6086980 [Reply] [Original]

opinions on gloss?

>> No.6086988

love him

>> No.6086992

Standard choice for coom art, as illustrated by your picrelated.

>> No.6087005

a hack who got popular due to fetish art that has stagnated and will never improve because of his fanbase of yesmen. (actually, he's majorly regressed since the bayonetta pic)
Just look at how terrible that arm is. He attempted to foreshorten it but is either too lazy or retarded to learn perspective properly first.
He wouldn't have made that mistake a year ago.

>> No.6087007

trash. his anatomy is an aberration and he hide it with decent render. the only reason for his popularity was the ammount of shota/loli he did years ago and everytime his numbers are falling he draw sfw loli or shota to boost his twitter.

He is literally milking people out with this visual novel that have literal no progress.

+he black + he once tried to pay to fuck a tranny +his asian gf make him waste money on stupid shit so he have to beg for his "friends" to pay his overpriced commissions

>> No.6087008

shitty business ethic

>> No.6087012
File: 334 KB, 238x179, 0c4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread again

>> No.6087030

waste of potential, also you're a fag OP

>> No.6087051
File: 291 KB, 1693x1197, what_regression_looks_like(don'tbelikethis).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Showing what I mean by his regression before someone links this to their discord for his fans to do damage control

>> No.6087073

The peach one is actually good though.

>> No.6087077

the comparison is kind of saddening. lots of wasted potential

>> No.6087081

Only because it's peach imo. If you try to see how he could have done it in 2019, you realise what was lost.

>> No.6087083

Why is this board so obsessed with Gloss? Every artist has a different journey. If he wants to experiment, let them try. Even if it fails, it won't cost you anything. Why not focus on your own efforts?

>> No.6087086

here they come

>/ic/ - Artwork/Critique
nobody is obsessed with him.
many popular artists get a critique and discussion thread
it helps anon's learning to see what not to do.

>> No.6087105

How is this proper critique? I feel like this term is often thrown around to excuse pointing fingers at an artist that is not even present for him to take the "criticism" into consideration. There is also little to no benefit for other anons, as no one actually breaks down the individual elements of the artwork to analyse it, aside from "this is bad". The level of the board on average is also too low to absorb this information successfully, if it was even shared to begin with.
Please be honest with your intentions. You dislike the artist and you want to vent, which is essentially drama and thus reportable. And no, not part of any server or secret club. Just tired of dishonest and detrimental ideas being parroted.

>> No.6087109

i guess youre new here but just so you know there only sub 100iq retards round here

>> No.6087115

I have over 35k followers and have grinded my way here through 2 years of constant drawing, feels like everyone else at my level gets a fucking trending post and I never will.

>> No.6087126

so whats your @ then?

>> No.6087128

>You dislike the artist
no. I hate the nigger lips that he draws in his art.
I know him as a person, and cannot hate him.
I feel indifferent to gloss as a person. His art has become shit though.
It's not a drama thread because nobody is actually shitting on them. Most anons in this thread have actually said that they liked his old works but not his newer ones.
This is no different to saying something like "Picasso was a talented painter, I liked the works he did when he was 15. He had lots of potential but threw it away because he fell for the modern art meme".
There's no reason why we wouldn't be allowed to do the same with gloss.

If you can't figure out what the comparison is showing you, that's because of your own limited intellect which you seem to be projecting onto the entire board. There are more decent artists on here than you think and many of them are capable of distilling valuable information from the comparison image.

The problem isn't really something you can just do a redline or a paintover of because its more complex than that.

I can spell it out for you because I'm feeling kind today:
Gloss' problem is that he fell into the trap of playing to the crowd and ended up flanderising his art.
You can see that on the left side of the images, there's one common theme (the slightly larger than normal lips). However, they were still reasonable and a lot of work was put into the rest of the image to make it cohesive.
As this was a popular trait in his art, the idea seems to have been to focus on the fetish of the lips. This lead to the neglect of nearly single other element in his art. You can see that on the right hand side, a lot of the images have very minimal shading in all areas aside from the lips.
It's quite common for this to happen to artists who end up gaining a fetishistic audience. Their art becomes more and more focused on one part to the point of absurdity.

>> No.6087133

Love his older art, can't really feel his current art. Still good but I don't like it as much.

>> No.6087161

Lips look like prolapsed assholes
otherwise the work is alright
don't really follow and couldn't give a shit about the guy though

>> No.6087168


>> No.6087175

>no. I hate the nigger lips that he draws in his art.
This is a personal preference.
>This is no different to saying something like "Picasso was...
Picasso is dead. Picasso is also universally known, a figure that has left its mark in the art world, thus unavoidable in art discussion. Gloss is just a twitter artist working on a personal project, the vn, and commissions. They are not equivelant.
>that's because if your own limited intellect which you seem to be projecting onto the entire board
I never threw around accusations about anyone on the board as a person, only the - average skill - of most anons. The fact that you have to make passive aggressive comments about my intelligence brings down the level of the conversation.
>There are more decent artists on here than you think
I hate to make it sound like bragging, but I am one of the people usually praised for their artwork. I am aware there are some great artists here. But again, the average anon cannot benefit from threads like this one because, like I said, the artwork is not analyzed properly. Speaking of which...
>Gloss' problem is...
You proceed to complain about two things. That the artist emphasises too much on the trait that made him appealing to his audience and that his style became simplified. Yet those two traits are not necessarily negative. Like I mentioned before, Gloss is a commission artist. They need to put out personal work that reflects what they are willing to sell to clients. Simple colorful illustrations might be the direction he wishes to take for now, due to experimentation, time restraints or a variety of other reasons. The fetishy trait of the lips is also something that I find acceptable, as every artist needs a fuel to keep them going. It might feel tasteless to you, but thankfully, not everything has to cater to a specific group of people.

>> No.6087177

but are you going to post your work?
I mean, you could be baiting but it would be tastier if you put actual bait on the hook

>> No.6087184

I really like how he renders, but don't care too much about the subject matter. Unfortunately I can say this about a load of artist, who got great technical skills, but I find the subject they chose to draw boring.

>> No.6087188

>Their art becomes more and more focused on one part to the point of absurdity.
Many illustrations of Gloss' have a heavy focus on lips, but never does it look disgustingly absurd. There is still some display of artistic vision and skill.
The thing is, not everyone wants to reach fine art levels of performance. What this threads often neglect is to understand that every artist has a different vision about the quantity and quality of work they wish to leave behind. If a vn and commissions are what Gloss focuses on, then their current approach seems completely fine. The style works for what they seem to want to do currently.
>I will spell it out for you cos I'm feeling kind today
Passive aggressiveness once more is yet again an indicator that this thread is thinly veiled drama. A person genuinely wishing to discuss art and have anons benefit from it wouldn't be quick to talk down to someone debating them.
Those are my thoughts at least. I gave my opinion and frankly, I don't want to contribute more than this.

>> No.6087192

Sorry, I've seen what treatment BBC gets when he posts work. I am in no mood to be the talk of the town for putting a couple of opinions out here. I already had my own couple of "critique" threads, ain't giving anons more reason to gossip.

>> No.6087193

>/ic/ artwork/suck artist cock

>> No.6087201


>> No.6087202

i don't want my cock sucked

>> No.6087230
File: 64 KB, 640x640, 1587327639311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have some sort of contract with the discord trannies that you have to whiteknight anyone of your """friends""" to the extreme if they're even mentioned in a post with mean words in it?
I don't get it.

Of course shit is more nuanced than whatever Anons post and Anons are right to call you retarded if you're being a retard.
No, no one cares about the 6 gorillion followers you have and they don't make your IQ go higher.
No, people that disagree with you are not schizos and trolls.
And no, whatever scenario you make up in your head isn't reality because it's more convenient for your own ego.

The thread is about opinions, not baseless dicksucking of some LITERAL WHO.
I don't need to tell you that you need to filter out the "mean words", right?
You'll have a better time and shit up the board less.

Now post your work.

>> No.6087231

Wait, I remember him.
He was the dude who draws chicks with anus lips.

>> No.6087244

>Do you guys have some sort of contract with the discord trannies that you have to whiteknight anyone of your """friends""" to the extreme if they're even mentioned in a post with mean words in it?
They do. The same pattern happens every time there's a thread like this.
The first few replies are critical of something, some fanboy sees this thread and links it in one of their discords, then there's major damage control for the rest of the thread.
You can even see by the way they post that they're not regular imageboard users. It's just so fucking obvious.

They think critique is "gossip", they think mentioning another artist is "drama". They obviously don't browse this board except to do damage control.

>> No.6087254
File: 111 KB, 1508x251, muh discord boogeyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh discord

>no one cares about the 6 gorillion followers you have
No one mentioned numbers.
>they don't make your IQ go higher
You mention IQ plenty, I wonder if this is some form of projection or the only argument you have when someone plays devil's advocate.
>people that disagree with you are not schizos and trolls
No one mentioned schizos and trolls.
>because it's more convenient for your own ego
What ego?
>the thread is about opinions, not baseless dicksucking
Yes, I am expression an opinion. Are negative ones the only opinions this board values? I though this was about discussing artwork. Rejecting different views as "you are being retarded" will turn this thread into a crab bucket. You can disagree, that's totally fine, but so far the posts have been 90% personal preference and..
>i don't need to tell you that you need to filter out the "mean words", right?
Cannot discuss art seriously without buzzwords?
>shit up the board less
Take your own advice.

You try too hard. No, find someone else to vent about in your "critique" threads.

As usual, any counterargument to these threads is fanboying and dick sucking. But the opposite is legitimate and thoughtful critique.
If this is not bait, I beg you to develop some self awareness.

I ain't even gonna try to make any further discussion. You can have your echo chamber.

>> No.6087262
File: 8 KB, 224x225, 15965686464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much what i was implying and i can believe you on your word alone.
It's impossible to talk about anything at all with these faggots around since they really come off as underage, retarded and incredibly dishonest because not only are they wrong most of the time, but they refuse to yield.
>it's always the same pattern
Indeed, it is.

peak example >>>6087254
>"i thought this was critique.. BUT YOUR CRITIQUE I DONT LIKE SO ITS NOT CRITIQUE"
>doesn't even know what buzzwords are
>starts his post with a buzzword
>uses zoomers buzzwords multiple times
>he believes those make him automatically "win"
>is being retarded
>doesn't ask himself why
>"no u"
>still not posting work
>"lol lmao i ain't even"
>because you don't stop saying words i don't like this is a echo chamber
Ok, you don't draw then.
You're pretty much confirming you're a discord tranny.

Alright bait
needs more IQ though

>> No.6087267
File: 262 KB, 2141x1522, hotGlossed-1434712888623652869-20210905_225942-img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like glosses art quite a bit and planned to studies of his art in the future because his rendering and colors are really fun :)

>> No.6087271

I like his render, his compositional work because coming up with interesting poses as a pin-up artist is always such a fucking pain. I was planing on stealing his style, put on my horde pile of styles for when I'm bored at some point, I probably can if i really try even being high end.

I like his OC's more than I like his fan art, tho. But I get it which one gives better numbers. I really really don't like how most anime styles looks with lips, there is no balance between the features and can look weird. His stuff is great even with the pronounce lips although I don't understand 100% how he does it, not sure if could steal that part as easily.

>> No.6087276

>"i thought this was critique.. BUT YOUR CRITIQUE I DONT LIKE SO ITS NOT CRITIQUE"
>anons explained the nature of those threads are usually to crab
>anons explained the critique so far has been tied to personal preference
>anons explained that to judge artwork, several factors need to be taken into consideration in an attempt to analyze it properly
>anons tried to counter argue based on those

The reason this thread is pointless is because this effort could go guiding an actual /beg/ instead of pretending you are made this topic on a random artist for them to learn from

>> No.6087286

A pedophile who draws the worst overrendered shit imaginable, he's like Noill but somehow worse

>> No.6087311

Jesus that nessa nigger will give me nightmares

>> No.6087323
File: 1.88 MB, 2062x921, gloss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not gonna even start with the fact that he is a pedo or just a noil derivate like many other artists on twitter, i just gonna critique what i dont like about his art, i dont even care who he is or what he does.

>inb4: "you are a schizo omg let gloss alone damn"
this thread is already on gloss server and i know exactly the discord trannies are doing control damage here.

literally his best moment at least for me, he stand his name, glossy art with a lot of appeal, not the most skillfull out there but he had this style that made him stand as an artist. Lot of people miss this kind of style and is why people try to copy him.

the peak on his artwork, again, there are flaws on his anatomy but it dosnt mean to be perfect, because he choose stylization over anatomy, his colors became less saturated, he was more ambicious with poses and ways to color.

he went back to more simple/less demanding artwork, going back to his old style but keeping the way to render of the 2020 style but a bit more simple, i think its look good, but if far from being what it was. he showed good pieces that year, but it was a bit less expressive and look more like washed colors all over the place trying to impersonate more skilled artists.

the absolute state, he and his discord will defend this with "he experimenting more, artists need to explore ways to grow" but this is literally his worst work, the anatomy is constantly weird ("he trying to go more stylized lol"), the colors make no sense and feels like he copy asians artists without trying to understand why they paint like that and finally the anatomy is worst than his shota/loli era.

Gloss loss the spark the moment he began to made this "visual novel" that has taken years and has literal no progress, with no code or software work because he literaly worked first on art instead of history or routes, showing that he doing this on the run and have no script for it.

>> No.6087330

>many popular artists get a critique and discussion thread
>it helps anon's learning to see what not to do.
There's nothing to be learned from these threads as they never evolve beyond catty bitches flinging shit, no studies, no redlines or break downs of the process, no input from the actual artist, nor skilled any equally skilled artist giving input. etc. it's just shittalking for shittalk sake.

>> No.6087333

The amount of cope in this fucking thread is wild.

I love gloss, and he's been a huge inspiration for how I think about compositions. Also he probably played a hand in me developing a hand fetish. I wish he would have more time to do more original work but I understand why fan works and commissions are necessary.

Is it crack you're smoking? Less detail and adherence to realism =/= worse work. If you haven't noticed the improved dynamism in gesture and overall composition over the years, you are blind.

>> No.6087335
File: 506 KB, 600x642, Screenshot_34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah anon, i see this dynamism and gesture you talking about

>> No.6087340

so this the power of western jeans

>> No.6087342

>this thread is already on gloss server and i know exactly the discord trannies are doing control damage here.
>trust me bro i just know

>> No.6087345

>muh discord
why can't people genuinely like gloss as an artist and disagree with some takes about it, why must there always be some nefarious server working to correct the record? i swear some of you faggots are so fucking gay

>> No.6087350

Yes, actually, you read what i said and even typed it out but it doesn't seem to have landed between your ears

Because Schrodinger's tranny is simultaneously a weak snowflake and nefarious and powerful hivemind waiting in the wings to silence them by disagreeing with their public whining, silly :)

>> No.6087362

T. Gloss average server user

>> No.6087425
File: 27 KB, 160x133, 1653342574342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hand fetish

>> No.6087775

i feel like nearly all of these 'shit on /ic/ success threads are made because some fag got called a beg and ngmi by said artist several years back and now somefags are asshurt because they're still beg and ngmi to this day.

>> No.6087840

>the absolute state, he and his discord will defend this with "he experimenting more, artists need to explore ways to grow" but this is literally his worst work
"Sometimes you need to step back a few steps before taking a leap forward."

On a more serious note, artists do get tired of doing their own work the same way so many times after many years. Trying new things is not done to prove that they are better but actually take a breath of fresh air from the grind and monotony they endure on the daily basis but we may not see. Despite what you seem to think artists are also humans and not machines and thus they can get tired of working the same way for many years. That does not mean this is the pinnacle of their abilities, it may be news to you but doing art (or anything in real life) isn't a straight linear level up progress like in RPGS where the next "number", be it in-game level or real life year is objectively and numerically better or the same as the previous "number". People will plateau and stagnate and even get worse you cannot improve infinitely or stay the same forever it is simply not possible.

>> No.6087841

smug anime girl posters remain undefeated

>> No.6087856
File: 30 KB, 317x427, 1646818402432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are allowed to like something with the only argument being
>"I like it because i like it thus it's objectively good because i like it"
>but if you DARE DISLIKE ANYTHING you must write a completely objective, approved by the government, peer reviewed thesis analysis critique or else you're a schizo beg jealous cope obsessed albino
>"discord trannies aren't real and if you say so you're insane"
When Anons discuss an artist, they don't mean the individual per se, but the whole public image of the artist with the heavy primary focus on his work.
That much should be obvious.

That retards can't make or won't realize the obvious divide, shows that they're not here to discuss anything but only to "damage control".

Which makes one doubt those retards even draw or actually care about the art (of the individual) in any matter except for consuming porn and defending their child grooming simulators the individual is hosting, since they're quick on accusing everyone that disagrees with them as being begs/schizos and all other form of neo-zoomer-buzzwords to quickly end and control any "dangerous takes".

If you're allowed to like something without justifying yourself, you're also allowed to dislike something in the same way.

>> No.6087875


>> No.6087921

Tired of the obnoxious baiting, but seriously, are you going to blatantly ignore that >>6087175 >>6087188 and >>6087840 explained in detail why Gloss' style might be influenced by commissions, and the nature of progression in favor of his current output?
>If you're allowed to like something without justifying yourself, you're also allowed to dislike something in the same way.
How was that not enough justification?

You still haven't broke down the artstyle. You still haven't given advice on how one could theoretically improve more. You still use personal preference and now twitter drama like the artist's past instead of critiquing the work on its own merit, aside of course from "muh nigger lips" or zoomed in cropped sections of entire illustrations. You still insist simple = worse.
The only decent argument so far that I saw was to be wary of flanderization as a warning to newbies, but that was buried in wall of texts about the discord boogeymen.
The only reason anons are posting about the pros of Gloss' style, is because the rest focus on the cons. When no single anon takes a neutral objective stance in this "thread meant to help begs" to analyze the good and bad of the art, don't twist your panties when you see some anons crabbing and others playing devil's advocate to balance it.

>> No.6087933

Algorithm knows you're a nazi from 4chan, so it undermines you.

>> No.6087952
File: 438 KB, 1000x354, 6-1-2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the thing, what you think? I think the bold shapes, simplifications, and colors are really worth studying. Good stuff

>> No.6087956
File: 69 KB, 470x470, 162479467544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ isn't one person and i'm not the Anon talking about this guy because i really don't give a shit about that faggot.
I'm merely using this thread to share my observation on the usual faggotry that goes on whenever an artist is the center of a discussion.

Those posts add nothing of value to the actual discussion and are a blatant and obvious try at discrediting the other Anon through generalization of the board i.e.
>"because some people on my discord servers are like they are i'm automatically correct in my assumptions"
If it's his opinion, what right does it give you to try and correct it?
He doesn't like xyz... and somehow his opinion is "wrong"?
And you expect anyone saying anything about anyone and anything else to be the beacon of objectivity, while you
Are you fucking mental?
>The only reason anons are posting about the pros of Gloss' style, is because the rest focus on the cons. When no single anon takes a neutral objective stance in this "thread meant to help begs" to analyze the good and bad of the art, don't twist your panties when you see some anons crabbing and others playing devil's advocate to balance it.
And how is that not fucking "damage control"? How is that not "opinion policing"?
This is also why Anons call others discord trannies, because of this dishonest shit.

And of course, any "bad opinion" is """crabbing"""" and """bait"""".
Talk is useless and Anons should all post works regardless if they're talking negatively or positively about an artist, so i can personally see who is actually insane and has ulterior motives and who is genuinely reasonable.
Skill level barely matters in this matter.

>> No.6087958

>And you expect anyone saying anything about anyone and anything else to be the beacon of objectivity, while you
are being a humongous faggot about the whole thing?

>> No.6087974

Gg, gloss clones have the potential to be csr clones 2.0

>> No.6087991
File: 12 KB, 679x323, 1654044232723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes thousands of dollars and have 100k followers praise being a clone being a someone else
Interesting proposal now what if i took csr artstyle and smashed with glossstyle would that bring in the big coom dividends? I said this post and I'm starting to wonder if it playing for the losing team lol

>> No.6087996

Whatever, go for it.
Both styles would fit well into each other, since they use desaturared colors.
Brush set is up to you. Draw with the help of 3d renders, be it Daz or something alike. Slap an animu head and go with it. Remember to use use warped perspectives to put asses, pussies/tits in the near distance.
There was a thread nearby on csr clones.

>> No.6088005

You genuinely cant read

>> No.6088008

whatever makes you not feel bad about yourself, anon

>> No.6088016

This is what LOW IQ posting looks like.
Trying to comparing finished rendered pieces to low effort sketches must be the most dumb cope I've ever seen.

Left is what Gloss IS capable of, period.
Stop being such a buttblasted envious bitch, ffs.

>> No.6088109

lmao. He is not capable of the left anymore, he hasn't produced anything remotely as good quality for the past 3 years kek.

>> No.6088129

he kinda has the same style as that Robaato dude from the other thread

>> No.6088139

Even if he is still capable of producing left, he hasn't done so in a long time, therefore he it's easy to assume he can't produce left anymore or just isn't putting the same amount of effort into his art like he was a few years ago. Either way, it's sad to look at and wasted potential.

>> No.6088155

nigger style i'm going to call it now

>> No.6088164

>He is not capable of the left anymore
Jesus christ, you are so fucking retarded it hurts.

>isn't putting the same amount of effort into his art like he was a few years ago
Fair, but why do you care about any artist's reasons for what they do?
Why not just care about your own art and stop wasting time with this shit?

>> No.6088171

If he was capable he would be putting out work of that quality.
He isn't putting out work of that quality, even when he spends longer on a piece.
He is not capable of making good art like he used to anymore.

suck his cock harder

>> No.6088175

I just hate seeing an artist lose their potential and degrade over time for retarded reasons.
Also is it really wasting my time if I do already have a set time dedicated for doing my own art?

>> No.6088189

>If he was capable he would be putting out work of that quality.
There can be a thousands reasons why an artist decides to focus on less polised artworks.
Also, somebody doesn't just lose skill, especially if you are a prolific artist like Gloss. I am 100% certain that he could pull off another artwork like those shown if he wanted to.

This is common sense for any actual working artist. This only tells me you have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.6088193
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, eskobar-shablon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both styles are good.

>> No.6088195
File: 141 KB, 640x480, cdt8j-127001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you guys put as much effort into your villupoomis fundies as you do in crabbing, someone could be making a salty crab thread about YOU, while huffing copium rationalizing why you're a "bad" artist.

>> No.6088197

>/v/eddit reaction images
yep, this is definitely the discord trannies posting right now.
they always use the same /v/ tier reaction images

>> No.6088201

guys I can tell from the posting style
this anon is from the down syndrome subreddit

>> No.6088203
File: 820 KB, 1540x1222, 1639515834781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you mentioned that first, chud
>stop the hate
>don't assault honorary POCs, chud
>anus lips are beautiful
>this is a personal preference
>beauty is subjective, proceeds to draw exaggerated coom anyway
>don't complain, goy
>debunk this, debunk that
>uses logical fallacies like Yu-Gi-Oh cards
>I'll take the bait, chud
>cwab uwu
>read a book
>let people enjoy things

>> No.6088206

>me in the helicopter, gliss fans as the rotors

>> No.6088225
File: 249 KB, 620x690, 1579481988859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reaction images bad
newnigger gtfo my board

>> No.6088234

>/v/eddit gliss defence brigade squad thinks this is their board

nobody uses reaction images on this board except for:
>those 2 anime retards
>/v/ tourists
>reddit tourists

>> No.6088235

no? people lose skills all the time if they don’t use it up to their own potential.

>> No.6088243

stfu you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.6088244

Yeah, art is heavily a "use it or lose it" skill too.
Thats how I can really tell these people don't draw.
If they drew at all, they would know the mental agony of neglecting drawing for a day or to and being extremely rusty.

>> No.6088249
File: 117 KB, 1920x1079, 1606201059261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6088250

Just a tip so you don't look like a newfag tourist next time.
You quote the image you're avoiding giving (You)s to like this.
but also,
go back >>>/v/

>> No.6088252

>he doesn't know
Most of the memetics you see i pretty much invented
Do you wanna post works?

>> No.6088258
File: 614 KB, 364x308, 1653495398338.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6088274
File: 43 KB, 570x587, 1574773332136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another reaction img for you to seethe over, bitch

>> No.6088287

His discord is fun.

>> No.6088341

>Interesting proposal now what if i took csr artstyle and smashed with glossstyle would that bring in the big coom dividends?
Yes, yes you retard
NEVER listen to /ic/, it's a bunch of DYEDs who never PTW and are NGMI
Draw big booty bitches with pleasing rendering, sell that shit, get your bread LIL NYUKKA

>> No.6088378
File: 2 KB, 480x480, 1636025136278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not that easy, you need to know your audience. gloss is making less than minimum wage (in the US) because he doesn't know how to manage his stuff. that's probably why he moved to fucking iowa lol
also hot take: csr's best stuff isn't even porn, with a few exceptions like that recent rosalina pic

>> No.6088431

>the mental agony of neglecting drawing for a day or to and being extremely rusty.
>for a day or two
Fucking LMAO. I would understand if you'd say months or years, but this is just ridiculous.

This is something only a beginner without any mileage would say.

>> No.6088446

I mean, gloss is pretty much at 3 years of rust by now. I wonder how he will ever recover from that one.

>> No.6088453

What are you blabbering about? He didn't stop drawing for 3 years. Drawing is not a skill that you unlearn that easily.
And I'm not talking about beginner skills. I'm talking about people that have been drawing their entire lives.
It's also a matter of talent.

If you aren't a skilled artist with decades of experience under the belt obviously you can't understand this, but trust me, you are speaking nonsense here.

>> No.6088463

^damage control example
3 years of drawing niggerlips only made his skills rot away.
If he was able to still do pieces as good as 2019, he wouldn't be drawing art that looks like actual turd polishing (nigger paintings) for 3 fucking years lmfao.

He lost his skills and wasted his potential.
The lesson is: "Use it or lose it" and "don't fall to meme coom trends".

>> No.6088464

I was having a laugh with that post but it really does feel like i'm leaving money on the table by not heeding the call of the coom and just drawing pretty pinup and vanilla sex

>> No.6088465 [DELETED] 

LOW IQ or beginner without experience example.

>> No.6088467

LOW IQ and/or beginner without experience example

>> No.6088469

Shut the fuck up let the dude draw what he wants

>> No.6088478
File: 216 KB, 1766x850, hes_just_trying_le_new_things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao >>6088203 is literally predicting every single one of these tranny responses
>no argument
>ad hom
>hurr durr let people enjoy turd paintings
nigger lips are ugly as shit and his old art was better.
Hell, he even forgot how to draw niggers appealingly, literally the only thing he focuses on these days.
You'd think he'd have figured out how to not make shit paintings after 3 years of trying if he's such a good artist.
Instead, its just crap after crap after crap. Nothing decent since 2019 which shows that he might be actually incapable of actually making a good painting like in 2019 ever again.
Use it or lose it is real and Gloss is the prime example.

>> No.6088481

I still don't understand what drives someone to give patreon money to someone else with all the unlimited free porn on the internet.
Even if i didn't draw i would never pay for art or for porn.
And i don't care if it's to
>support the artist
There are countless others drawing the same things so it doesn't matter if one goes missing.
Hell, they even all steal from each other to create content and somehow they rake in the money yet many manage to rake in a lot of money.
It seems all so fake.

>> No.6088484
File: 364 KB, 790x767, into the abyss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from caucasoid face to groidface
man nigers are os fucking ugly i dont know a single sheboon that isn't secretly balding
wish their race died out already jesus fuck

>> No.6088487
File: 489 KB, 792x560, 1629645465554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"i hate gloss because he draws niggers"
unironically 10/10 critique

>> No.6088493
File: 207 KB, 600x574, 1565259230905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only one guy draws itt
this is the most productive drama thread i've seen in a while

>> No.6088495
File: 225 KB, 1785x812, frombeautytougly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what changed in his brain that he started drawing the ugliest sheboons in the world.
There are plenty of pretty dark skinned women with a more appealing facial structure that he could have referenced but instead he decided to reference the most monkey-like shaquisha he could get his hands on

>> No.6088498

god, that almost looks like a racist caricature from the 50s

>> No.6088503

You beg poltards are adorable kek.

>> No.6088506

wow anon your post almost made me cry
too bad you didn't post your work so it didn't do anything

>> No.6088511

>calling me a polturd when gliss is the one drawing racial caricatures of le blacks

>> No.6088515

That would probably actually make you cry out of spite. But you wouldn't admit it of course.

>> No.6088519

no one itt can draw for shit
I arrived to this board yesterday and I can already tell

>> No.6088521

Yet you didn't post anything
you must actually be a prebeg
even worse, you dont actually draw

>> No.6088526

nah, I just wouldn't gain anything from it. you retards shit on artists like gloss who are miles ahead of you. you'd do the same with me.

I'll just keep laughing at your dumb begtard takes on actual skilled artists.

>> No.6088527

he achieved the peak
you can only go down from there
isnt gloss mulato or something? thats not racist then

>> No.6088528

/qa/ lost
get over it

>> No.6088530
File: 407 KB, 1080x1339, 1654197880845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skilled artists

>> No.6088534
File: 114 KB, 317x256, 165465465456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting the classic non-drawing fanboy cop out
You don't draw

>> No.6088537


>> No.6088541

kneel, trash

>> No.6088542

poltards can't into drawing for shit lmao

>> No.6088547


>> No.6088548
File: 837 KB, 2117x3673, FHuQi29XIAcHWjb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, skilled artists

>> No.6088552

bro you can't draw much less appreciate art, you're a clown

>> No.6088554

How is that any sort of skill?
>flat wonky shapes with minimal rendering
Are you retards really impressed by that?

>> No.6088558
File: 95 KB, 642x968, idontevenneedtocommentitssofuckingbadgldefendingthisoneahhahahahahahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro you can't draw much less appreciate art, you're a clown
>yes, skilled artists
>poltards can't into drawing for shit lmao
saved best for last

>> No.6088559


Oh? What's wrong anon? Why not?

>> No.6088561

Cherry picking and yet you still can't hold a candle to him kek.

>> No.6088564

dios mio...

>> No.6088567

>How is that any sort of skill?
You would know if you were an artist.

>> No.6088568

deep down know you can't achieve even half of that

>> No.6088569

it honestly hurts to look at this its so ugly

>> No.6088570
File: 308 KB, 735x660, hipos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the same technique.
You'd be lower than a beg or lying to not see or admit that.

>> No.6088573

better than gliss

>> No.6088574
File: 372 KB, 600x784, b42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6088576

/qa/ lost
trump lost
you can't draw

>> No.6088577

I can't believe you actually posted your work to prove what I was telling all this time. You are a beginner that has no idea what it means to be an actual working artist.
Case dismissed.

>> No.6088580

at least it's not nigger lips

>> No.6088581

oh no no no pffffhaa this can't be happening

>> No.6088582
File: 11 KB, 132x138, 16965654454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lying nigger you are then.
An hero

>> No.6088583


>> No.6088587

post yours now.

>> No.6088588

broo noo you could have just kept shitting on it without actually posting that broo you ruined it lets go back to discord

>> No.6088592
File: 41 KB, 358x373, 1573824928830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6088598

You still have to post your own work btw

>> No.6088600



Keep seething please. Never stop.

>> No.6088602

no way... is it that you're actually worse than that anon?

>> No.6088605

>no work
I win and i'm right by virtue of showing that i draw
you lose by not proving you draw and confirming you're a discord tranny on damage control


>> No.6088607

Hahaha, of course not. I actually draw for a living.

>> No.6088608

Sure thing, buddy

>> No.6088609

the only thing you've proven with that is that you are shitting on an artist that is so much better than you, that it isn't even funny.

it's like watching a paralympic retard shitting on usain bolt lmao.

>> No.6088610

the burden of proof is on you. prove you're actually an artist and not a discord tranny

>> No.6088611
File: 6 KB, 256x215, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not even the skin color its the face structure
any brown paki or indian model would looks world's better but their keep shoe-horning sheboons into their art every half-decent non-balding sheboon has some white blood in her lineage i wish sheboons were just retconned from existence already they're the epitome of putrid from the groid fore-head to the stinky dandruff infested receeding hairlines covered by fake wigs to the literal babboon lips
my hatred for the asthetically disgusting by design groid sheboon face is immesearable and i wish they were no longer depicted in visual arts ever again
the thought of a beautiful canvas being tainted by a groid face hurts me on a spiritual level

>> No.6088614
File: 76 KB, 631x779, 165416541654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no work
I win and you're wrong with whatever you say.
Give it up, pal.

>> No.6088616


>> No.6088617
File: 156 KB, 480x480, 1490324243682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shits on gloss endlessly
>posts objectively worst art as a flex
>immediately starts damage controlling and when anons point and laugh
this thread is hilarious

>> No.6088619

>pic related

pick one kek

>> No.6088620
File: 161 KB, 680x717, 1605325726822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6088621

don't bother with pol schizos
they aren't self aware at all
that's why the entire website laughs at them. This guy definitely thinks he's better than the artist he's making fun of

>> No.6088622
File: 18 KB, 500x370, 1568322961965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no work
>tries to point finger at laugh
>"wow i bet if i post this thread in my discord everyone is going to like me!! epic troll!!!"
Take the L, faggotron.

>> No.6088623

>the discord trannies have confirmed themselves to be here on damage control and don't actually draw
all you had to do was post your work

>> No.6088625
File: 806 KB, 1000x563, 167974665644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all they needed to do, and they couldn't even do that.
Because they do not draw.

>> No.6088631

please keep posting more gloss art bro you're totally at his level

>> No.6088636
File: 128 KB, 700x580, you lost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure this is better than anything Floss can come up with.

>> No.6088640

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, of course it's you.

I thought you were posting crappy art all this time ironically, but it turns out you actually are shit at everything you draw.

This is amazing.

>> No.6088641
File: 649 KB, 724x728, uwuowoanondoesntdraw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, shit
wrong image

>> No.6088642

holy fucking based.

>> No.6088644
File: 104 KB, 686x481, gotchea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no work
Oh, Anon-kun, you can't hurt my ego.

>> No.6088651

of course not, you have no brain

>> No.6088656

this board if full of retards that cant draw even if their lives depend on it. all you did was give discord trannies fuel to laugh at this place because yall cant even see the horrid art you do.

>> No.6088658


>> No.6088659

Reminder that this
was drawn by this amazing art critic


>> No.6088663
File: 69 KB, 480x464, fu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brain = ego
Really showing off that single digit IQ, Anon.
Discord trannies despise me and i'm their living nightmare.
Thanks for clarifying.

>> No.6088675

You really never learn kek.

>> No.6088678
File: 94 KB, 433x741, anonhan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really underestimate your enemies

>> No.6088681

JFC hahaha

>> No.6088701
File: 224 KB, 680x799, 高貴.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6088705
File: 134 KB, 503x449, killyourselves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're both fucking retarded, simple as

>> No.6088711
File: 141 KB, 937x1368, 1653950246466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Built for BBC

>> No.6088899
File: 3.44 MB, 1100x2817, 53fccab348f55184ff8f91db59c35c89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's been a bit hit or miss for the past year or two, but he can be amazing when he wants to

>> No.6088958

>posts >>6088570 to own the troons
>copes seethes and samefags for another 15 post because people weren't impressed
Idk bro you should've revealed your powerlevel off the bat

>> No.6089573


>> No.6089613
File: 831 KB, 2549x3638, FPJE95-XoAEAWKp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6089624
File: 194 KB, 810x945, bzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretty much confirmed that this is yet another discord tranny thread.

You lost.
And you lost double since you neglected and avoided posting any works.

>> No.6089629
File: 192 KB, 722x909, IMG_20220603_132019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gm sir

>> No.6089666


ultra based

>> No.6089667

>10 hours after still in damage control samefagging
you humiliated yourself in front of the entire board stop already

>> No.6089677

>downplay and criticize artist
>alright, post your work to back yourself up
>proceed to sperg out about how other anons need to show work because... ???
>i-i won!!! YOU LOST!!
god youre embarrassing

>> No.6089679

nice get
good drawing > bad drawing > no drawing

>> No.6089682
File: 338 KB, 538x572, laugh 55333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>p-post work!!
sweaty you were the one mocking a professional artist. Shifting the discussion to PYW is a complete damage control. You are not in any level to criticize gloss, case closed-

>> No.6089690

post work to prove you draw and aren't from discord, tranny

>> No.6089691
File: 345 KB, 640x810, content.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>totally organic thread
>praise artist
>try to damage control ANY AND ALL criticism coming from other Anons
>get told to pyw
>as if that isn't tell enough
>throw out the hook
>post extra juicy bait
>get the expected reaction that would only come from a discord tranny thread
>discord trannies try to cling on anything for the purpose of attacking
>implying this wasn't already calculated and predicted
>basically get outbaited in your own bait thread
>still going on hours after the post to try and revive the thread for further damage control and (you) farming
>still no work posted
>"n-n-n-no posting work? bad!!! GOTCHA!!! LOL LMAO UR EMBARASSING!!! EPIC TROLL!! NO U!!!"
Any time i reveal myself, that means you lost.

You just had to post any of your work.

>> No.6089694

>seething walltext

the "discord trannies" made you the laughing stock of the board

>> No.6089696

>made you the laughing stock of the board
5 people isn't the entire board, tranny

>> No.6089700
File: 1.30 MB, 1080x960, ic dating sim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the """"""discord trannies""""" are laughing about you but """"discord trannies""""" aren't real
Glad you're proving me right into outing yourself as an unfathomable retard.
And that you actually believe any of your shitty low iq provocation have any effect on me?
Oh, sweet newnigger.

>> No.6089702

>discord tranny still doesn't know how to read ip count and still thinks its one person samefagging
>42 ips
>most have said how they hate how Gliss has regressed
>~6-9 posters are discord trannies continually posting and samefagging lmfao
Try learning how to use an imageboard before you "troll" on it, stupid tranny.

>> No.6089713
File: 32 KB, 492x380, CvT5rliWgAAzRBN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I won because.. *walltext*
little guy having a meltdown

>> No.6089717

it's funny because the moment you said that the art isn't any bit skillful, the anon that asked you to pyw had 0 risk in getting btfod because someone who would actually think and say that can't be at all very skilled themselves
and im not reading your garbage, but im sure youre spewing buzzwords like tranny left and right, laughingstock is a good word for what you are
yeah you won dude!!!! good job

>> No.6089718
File: 71 KB, 602x440, discord tranny word index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6089725

he's probably schizophrenic like ACK though the latter is funny to play with

>> No.6089728
File: 424 KB, 930x992, Dr phw anon anonson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"the moment you called a spade a spade and committed yourself to take the bait you fell right into our trap and pretty much outed the discord trannies. You think you won but ya didn't, because I SAY SO! ur a laughingstock r u feel insecure yet? gottem! also not gon read! GOTTEM AGEN!"
And yet i still have to see any of your discord trannie's work.

>> No.6089733

>opinions on gloss?
I dunno. His style is appealing but I feel like his stuff is kind of boring I guess

>> No.6089734

Do you want me to stop humoring you that badly?

>> No.6089738
File: 301 KB, 659x571, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao literally textbook tranny response the post right after

>> No.6089747

is the word tranny the only thing you have left to cling to? must be cause you're sounding a bit like a broken record
no one's seen your work yet either since all you post are 3 minute sketches as a shield in order to avoid any genuine criticism. ...they do take 3 minutes, right anon?

>> No.6089766
File: 72 KB, 242x225, 789555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the word tranny bother you so much?
Only a tranny would get bothered by it.
>broken record
And you trannies aren't?
And now going over to make it about time

They take 1 minute.
>no one's ever seen your work yet
You did. Lotsa times.
But you don't want to post your work because you don't want to get doxxed and attach it to this shitshow, right?
It shouldn't be a problem to sketch something, right?
If you actually draw, that is.
>to avoid criticism
I am my first critic and only seek critique from people i trust. I do not care for your opinions.
You really believe you know how i roll?
Oh, poor faggot.

>> No.6089779

and btw i am clearly superior and better to all of you who do not post their work when told to do so.

You just had to post your work.
I win forever.

>> No.6089780

>I am my first critic
It shows. You are the definition of dunning kruger.

>> No.6089784
File: 83 KB, 700x719, 1651456537383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep posting gloss work or let the thread die
the schizo was btfo'ed and laughed at enough
don't give him more attention

>> No.6089785

You got more of those witty copypasted one-liner combacks?
I feel my IQ rising again.

>> No.6089786

>You just had to post your work.
It wouldn't have changed anything. You would just keep being delusional.

>> No.6089789

>I feel my IQ rising again.
>You are the definition of dunning kruger.

>> No.6089793

still posted his work though. Sure it's not good, but you don't need to be good to criticize another artist.
If you disagree with that then you should pyw to be able to criticize his work, otherwise your point is contradictory.

>> No.6089798

>"y-y-y-you wouldn't let me win waaaaaaah"
that is basically admitting that you don't draw
But i say you're a tranny and you lost.
By your logic i win then.
They either are too retarded to get it or they legitimately do not draw, which further confirms that they're discord trannies.

>> No.6089799

People are laughing at him, cause he's insufferable, not because his art is bad. Everyone knew from the start his art couldn't be any good.

>> No.6089802
File: 96 KB, 699x480, richandfam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"i feel butthurt! that means he's the bad guy! PEOPLE ARE LAUGHING AT HIM WHY DOESNT HE STOP?!?!? WAAAAAAAAH"
i'm laughing at you though
so that makes me right

>> No.6089803

>still posted his work
and proved his criticism was retarded, as people were saying
No one is going to post any work because no one's work was involved in the discussion.
We're just laughing at the delusion of a schizo thinking he's on par with >>6086980

>> No.6089805


>> No.6089810

Wasn't this the premise of the whole thread?
>make noise
>wait for a poor chap to gobble up the bait and post work
>make fun of the Anon
>post the screenshots in the discord servers
>disregarding anything and the whole thread to laugh at a Anon
>reviving the thread when it was on page 5
Actually, I'm going to double down on that.
this is the exact same technique gloss employs
>b-b-b-but it don't look good
change the values
change the colors
you'll get the same exact results

And as i posted
>"if you're not seeing it or unwilling to admit it, you're worse than a beg or lying"
You say others can't criticize if they're "worse", but BY YOUR OWN RULES you can't crit me because you didn't post anything.

I played your game and outplayed you.

>> No.6089812
File: 85 KB, 1160x1285, woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another meltdown post

>> No.6089813


>> No.6089819
File: 145 KB, 1160x1452, eyescube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stick to sketches

>> No.6089821

we're laughing in the discord server btw

>> No.6089824
File: 45 KB, 429x557, b8b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got outplayed

>> No.6089826
File: 144 KB, 1160x948, 16585785522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6089830

New basedjak just dropped.

>> No.6089831
File: 122 KB, 1105x852, loomiskek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>this thread is still alive
>still the same two retards
thanks for the laughs, anons

>> No.6089835

lips look awful

too anime-like with still terrible lips

pretty good composition and color scheme ngl, still terrible lips and I hate vore

>same two retards
Hey I'm doing my part to fan the flames

>> No.6089836
File: 433 KB, 930x992, by glass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're welcome

>> No.6089840
File: 1.66 MB, 922x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do the discord trannies really think this is "good art"?

>> No.6089843

no just the 200k+ people that follow him on twitter

>> No.6089846

>Argumentum ad populum is the fallacy of believing that something must be true merely because it's a popular belief.
Can you trannies discuss anything without making a logical fallacy or are you all just actually too retarded.
Actually, don't answer that, its literally obvious that you are.

>> No.6089847
File: 780 KB, 831x709, 164968594654222184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>appeal to popularity

>> No.6089848
File: 100 KB, 809x674, IMG_20220603_162108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6089849

but it's true though, these 200k do think it's good art
you on the other hand have no skills at all..

>> No.6089851

You're a total retard for doubling down on using appeal to popularity.
Try not using a fallacy.
I'll wait.

>> No.6089853

please read what you just wrote
wew you guys are mentally ill

>> No.6089854


>> No.6089857

>it's bad because..I don't like it
You don't have the skills to provide an opinion or criticism in any technical aspect, you already proved that

>> No.6089865

>you don't have the skill so you can't judge someone else
>still hasn't posted any work
>rules for thee but not for me
simple as

>> No.6089868
File: 434 KB, 763x802, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new Gliss art just dropped, are you trannies excited?

>> No.6089872
File: 107 KB, 640x590, 16477989466152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6089874

weirdly enough, this is more appealing than some of his latest artworks.

>> No.6089876

Illogical hypocrite. No work posted therefore you don't have the skills to provide an opinion or critisism of the anon who posted his work.
Nice self defeating argument, tranny.
Learn logical reasoning instead of grooming kids on discord, maybe you'll learn to troll better.

>> No.6089879

too good to be from gloss lmfao

>> No.6089880
File: 259 KB, 440x447, FIXED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only thing worth looking at

>> No.6089882
File: 2.85 MB, 445x247, laughinggirls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obsessed with trannies and mentally ill spammer, fits like a glove

Reality is, when it's all said and done you're just a 4chan schizo who can't draw, gloss is successful. Like it or not

>> No.6089886

>anime gif
opinion disregarded.

>> No.6089887
File: 287 KB, 930x1085, hints.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no work
>crabs on others
>uses the success of others as a proxy to validate his post
Why do you play yourself?

>> No.6089891

>tfw you can't finish the nikocado & gloss collab in time before the thread hits the ban limit

>> No.6089892

you can

>> No.6089893

no one will grant you shift the discussion to anyone's work

you being a 4chan random who can't draw 1/8 of what gloss does is just a fact, whether you like it or not.
simple as

>> No.6089894
File: 423 KB, 471x605, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't draw 1/8 of what gloss does is
who in their right mind would want to?

>> No.6089897

didn't lgbt also make /qa/ close down? kek based

no wonder this guy is obsessed with them

>> No.6089898
File: 139 KB, 619x707, gtg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still trying to provoke by mentioning skill when he didn't post ANYTHING AT ALL and breaking his own rules
This pretty much confirms what i've been saying all along yet again.
You're a tranny
simple as

But i love posting my works so have some more.

>> No.6089900

yes we're trannies and we're laughing at your delusion

>> No.6089901
File: 122 KB, 515x471, oh anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6089906

>yes we're trannies
we know
>we're laughing at your delusion
The only people who are deluded are those who can't see that Gloss has majorly regressed.

Do you think Gloss has regressed? If not, explain why using examples of his work to show that his latest work is better than his old work.
This is the bare minimum that you have to do as this is what multiple other anon's have done in their critique of Gloss.

>> No.6089919

>trannies laughing at another's delusions

>> No.6089923

>pointing fingers

>> No.6089927
File: 123 KB, 857x739, IMG_20220603_171409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for believing in me.
Took 15 mins.

>> No.6089934
File: 21 KB, 349x338, 1651147439219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not butthurt
>proceeds to respond for hours end
Funny stuff all around, alot of posters ITT are super bothered about the things being said.

>> No.6089939

Is that female nikocado?

>> No.6089941

The thumbnail is especially hillarious.
funny stuff

>> No.6089953

She looks the part and is especially funny considering the image before that post

>> No.6089957

Meant for >>6089939

>> No.6089967

>change the values
>change the colors
>you'll get the same exact results
No sane artist that knows what he's talking about would ever say that.

>> No.6089971

>>proceeds to respond and draw for hours
btw, trannies outsmarted him far and done

>> No.6089972

>implying drawing for hours is a bad thing
holy fuck you trannies don't get it do you

>> No.6089979

>trannies outsmarted
false. The only thing trannies can outsmart is life when they finally kill themselves

>> No.6089991
File: 2 KB, 260x85, Screenshot 2022-06-03 164409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey how come you didnt destroy that one gloss thread a few months ago in like november? were you on vacation?

>> No.6090014

he can be annoying sometimes but you all proved his point that all of you are tourists from discord

>> No.6090016


>> No.6090021
File: 94 KB, 750x810, hnnngn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's difficult to imagine that, you know, you have aphantasia and lack asian genes and also there are no prolapsed anuses in the picture, but have you tried doing what i said?
>no sane artist
Yes, I'm insane- Insanely enamored with big juicy hips made for bearing children.

>> No.6090036

well this is fucking depressing.
how does someone even manage to go from the left to the right

>> No.6090065

how is that regression?
his skill has obviously improved over the years.
it's just his taste...
i don't know how you guys like the shit on the left any more than the shit on the right though.
it's such a small range, what you could expect from any artist from week to week, and you guys act like he fucking changed SO much.

>> No.6090066

its just one guy samefagging

>> No.6090083
File: 42 KB, 1240x141, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his skill has obviously improved over the years.
are you blind or something
try again

>> No.6090094

are you new or retarded?

>> No.6090096

holy shit this thread is still going

>> No.6090097

I think you're the retard here, obviously you don't know what samefagging is.
Most people in this thread agree that Gloss has regressed. Only 1 or 2 discord trannies (like you) are continously damage controlling in here.

>> No.6090099

>most people
because you say so?

>> No.6090103

If you were watching the IP count in the thread (which you still don't know how to read).
You would see that the IP count hasn't changed when you retards have been on Gloss defense for the past few hours but goes up every time a legit critique of gloss's shit art is posted.
the 8/9 posters from your discord stand out very clearly from the rest of /ic/
Are you really this retarded to not notice this?

>> No.6090111
File: 29 KB, 1280x720, 162654965645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks samefagging is actually when multiple anons the same thing or have the same opinion
holy shit
the absolute state of discord trannies

>> No.6090115

his technique is more refined and confident, thats all.
but its just generic video game character coomer art, especially his older stuff, what's the big deal

>> No.6090119
File: 443 KB, 3809x1853, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i should stop replying to myself

>> No.6090121

Too much blur to compensate for motion. How lazy.

>> No.6090122
File: 392 KB, 467x562, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think his new stuff looks better than the old stuff?
idc about what technique he used as long as the result doesn't look like pic related

>> No.6090130
File: 47 KB, 632x623, 12633235644484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to win this badly you resort to dishonest faggotry
How low can you sink?

>> No.6090131

some of it yes, some of it no.
his skill has improved. it's just his taste i find pretty unappealing in general.

>> No.6090135

Wait what? I remember that 2P. The absolute fucking state.

>> No.6090140

were almost there just few more posts and you can go to bed

>> No.6090148

I'll sleep when discord trannies are purged from reality

>> No.6090150


>> No.6090151


>> No.6090155


>> No.6090160


>> No.6090167

wow i envy you sleep is a waste of time

>> No.6090170

and trannies are a waste of oxygen
can't wait for 2025

>> No.6090171

goddamn right

>> No.6090172

Niggas be using inspect element nsheeit

>> No.6090173

it is done
we will continue this next month in another gloss thread

>> No.6090176

no, i'm not doing this shit again
i won forever
next time you know it's just discord trannies

>> No.6090177
File: 239 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20220330_212844_646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump limit is hit, finally

>> No.6090178

this thread happened 100 times before and will continue to happen
it is a gloss thread after all

>> No.6090179
File: 47 KB, 554x605, 1654274829183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bump limit and the discord tranny invaders didn't post their work a single time

>> No.6090180

who the fuck is gloss?

>> No.6090183
File: 322 KB, 507x551, 168948461652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they've been

>> No.6090184

I think it's pretty obvious people draw, but nobody wants to engage with this autist. I posted my work in the past when he was doing similar shit, and it's not like I gained anything from it. He's just a troll.

>> No.6090185

wait the nicoavocado asshole wasnt done by a tranny?
b-but that would mean....

>> No.6090186

remind me of your octopus, Tranny-kun
ah, you're the marketing genius then

>> No.6090190
File: 1.12 MB, 871x1200, dsfasf24231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, if you're the guy that said that, then I rest my case. You are shitting on an artist you can't even remotely compare with. It's a completely different league.

Pic attached is my work.

>> No.6090192

Left are artworks that took him more time and effort. Simple as that.


>> No.6090193

Doesn't even compare to gloss and you're 200 posts too late
You've had plenty of time and chances

>> No.6090202

now draw her putting that icecream in her ass and farting it out

>> No.6090204

>Doesn't even compare to gloss
What? My art? I wasn't comparing it to him. I think Gloss is much better than me.

Nice cope tho.

>> No.6090206

You can get in line for a commission in 2024.

>> No.6090207

oh im not paying for that lmao
wake up
the AI is comming

>> No.6090208

If he's better why do you think you can praise him?
Praise from lesser skilled artists means as little as critique from lesser skilled individuals.
It's your rules.
Seriously, find another word for you lack of braincells.

>> No.6090210

Jfc, can you be any more assblasted?

>> No.6090213

im waiting

>> No.6090215

>actually tranny tier art

>> No.6090216
File: 17 KB, 600x600, low_quality_bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See guys. This is what I was talking about.

It's just a sad troll. Even if you pyw, and your work is better than his, he won't stop trolling.

"He can't lose." lol

>> No.6090217

how is it trolling if it's your own words?
actually the most retarded tranny i've ever met.

>> No.6090218


Yeah, I know.

>> No.6090220
File: 334 KB, 612x716, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am on the same level as gliss stfu

>> No.6090221
File: 162 KB, 649x905, opssy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything that doesn't make me right is a troll and a cope even when i contradict myself
I used your own rules against you
commit 41% already

>> No.6090225

waiting for your ass to stop hurting?

>> No.6090229

>I used your own rules against you
he's objectively better than you so his words have more value.

>> No.6090230

Ad hominem.
Try again without a logical fallacy.

>> No.6090233

/pol/cucksisters.... the trannies won this time....
time to join our lead-ACK!

>> No.6090237

>thinking niggers are ugly means you are le /pol/
retarded trannies are retarded.

>> No.6090240

how am I attacking you personally? I'm comparing your art skills.

is objectively much better than this

>> No.6090245

let's go back to the bunker /pol/troonbro, the meanie troonies and niggies are just too strong, the day of the rope is comming anyt-ACK!

>> No.6090251

Give me your blog! NOW!

>> No.6090252
File: 23 KB, 303x285, lose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if you still think that posting works is about comparing dicks, you're just proving me right, once again.

You seriously are too low IQ to understand anything
holy shit

>> No.6090254

You're saying his critique is invalid based on his personal characteristics instead of due to the content of the critique.
That is a textbook ad hominem fallacy.

Finish high school reasoning class before you try do discuss things on the Internet next time.

>> No.6090257

look mommy I won the e-penis contest! libs seething! mommy where are you? why are you moaning? mooooom!

>> No.6090270
File: 56 KB, 570x520, victory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did win the e-penis contest but my win and your loss has more value to you than to me

>> No.6090273

>You're saying his critique is invalid based on his personal characteristics
those characteristics, art skills, are essential for measuring who has a more valuable opinion when it comes to judging art skills.

>> No.6090275

And if you're not better than gloss you can't judge his skills.

>> No.6090276

>i did win the e-penis contest
how exactly?

>> No.6090281

so the low skilled autist that started all of this can't either?

>> No.6090283

We're going by your logic here (which is retarded by the way).
It's quite interesting that you're finding your own logic absurd.
stupid trannies can't even do basic logic lmfao

>> No.6090285
File: 38 KB, 570x520, gloss enjoyers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Through honesty, genetics, hard work and thanks to the low IQ of my enemies
Your rules, not mine.

>> No.6090287

I think that a more skilled artist has a more valuable opinion than a lesser skilled one.

you somehow managed to twist this into
"if somebody has lower skills they can't give critique"

>> No.6090288

>I think that a more skilled artist has a more valuable opinion than a lesser skilled one.
Are you skilled enough to make this claim?

>> No.6090289

>Through honesty, genetics, hard work and thanks to the low IQ of my enemies
your art isn't better tho

unless you are one of those special cases that think all art is equally good lol.

>> No.6090290

I said I think that. you are free to disagree.

honestly at this point I think you are justr trying to do damage control.

>> No.6090292
File: 42 KB, 570x520, glosse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again; i'm playing by your rules.
>unless you
>your art
nice ad hominem
do it again
maybe next time it'll become an argument

>> No.6090296

all these replies are from you? why are you replying multiple times to the same posts?

I'm not interested in talking with somebody that is clearly a troll. I thought that was another anon.

oh well, good damage control. well played until this point.

>> No.6090297

i went away for a few minutes and someone picked up my slack
this is the power of discord transvestites

>> No.6090301

oh, Anon

>> No.6090307

Your logic says you can't say anything about gloss unless you are skilled enough.

I think that's bullshit, this is an anonymous imageboard for a reason.
Anyone can say whatever they fucking like about an artist's artwork, regardless of showing their skill or not.
Note: I'm not the guy who is posting their work, I'm a different anon.

I think Gloss's discord are really doing him a disservice by not bringing his regression to his attention or even outright denying that he has regressed. I mean, he's making the lips bigger take up 50% of the face. He's painting the skin tones way uglier than before. He's drawing men wearing makeup. Many anons have already said that his new simple style looks terrible (in their opinion, there is no "objectivity" about this) and it just looks extremely lazy compared to what he used to put out.

Just look at this thread. Not a single one of you discord trannies have attempted to use one of his newer works to claim that he's actually a good artist.
Use your brains for a second and think why it is that you guys have to dig into his older art in order to prove he isn't shit.

You guys deflecting all critique on behalf of the artist is doing way more harm for his art than the most enthusiastic trolling crab could ever do.

>> No.6090314

>Your logic says you can't say anything about gloss unless you are skilled enough.
nope. I didn't say that.
I said the claim that Gloss regressed is bullshit and only a beginner could come up with a statement like this, by comparing artworks that aren't comparable. why a beginner? because only a beginner without the proper work mileage could overestimate regression this much.
it turns out it was a beginner.
it also turns out it's the usual troll that lurks ic.

but I guess I'm still talking to the same guy.

>> No.6090318

You're talking to a different guy.
I don't think you have the intellect to judge whether someone is a /beg/ or not, when you can't even discern that you are talking to multiple different people.

>> No.6090328

nice deflection.

I am a long time professional artist, and when I talk about regression, I'm speaking from personal experience.
are you in the same position to do so?

>> No.6090336
File: 1.69 MB, 1477x765, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who fucking cares about your credentials.
We are on an anonymous imageboard. I know you're used to twitter where you just use your followers to justify every single retarded thing you do but we are not there.

old work > new work

is literally all people are saying and you have to go on some tirade about how "le true artist" sees right better than left.
If you need to be a professional to see that an artwork is good then it's total shit.

>no true scotsman fallacy lmfao
"hurr durr no true professional artist would call it regression"

>> No.6090351

>old work > new work
polished work > half assed work

you keep putting words in my mouth. I never said right is better than left.

the only thing you can shit on him about may be lazyness.
your position is that of somebody that doesn't have enough experience to judge this kind of stuff. plain and simple.

>> No.6090353
File: 52 KB, 570x520, uwuw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was my only post regarding gloss and i didn't say anything else >>6088554

>> No.6090360

>the only thing you can shit on him about may be lazyness.
Well his art has still regressed regardless whether its because his nigger brain finally kicked in, he became a lazy sack of shit, he lost his arm in an accident and is painting with his mouth or whatever the fucking reason could be.
It still counts as regression.
The new work is worse than the old work.
That's the definition of regression.
It doesn't matter the context for the regression or how many excuses you wish to make for him. The reality is that he is producing much worse work (in the eyes of his former fans most of all) than he used to create 3 years ago.

>your position is that of somebody that doesn't have enough experience to judge this kind of stuff. plain and simple.
Another fallacy. It doesn't take a builder to see that a house is crumbling.

Can you just make one fucking post without resorting to fallacious reasoning.
This isn't that weirdo smiley face drawing anon you're replying to anymore. This shit doesn't fly with me. Either use your fucking brain when making an argument or don't reply at all.
I'm really not impressed with the low quality of these replies that you've been giving.

stupid fucking tranny must have dropped out from elementary school

>> No.6090378

you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
his old less realistic more stylized artworks are not as good as his new equivalent artworks.

find artworks that can be properly compared and then talk about regression, you stupid dimwit.

>> No.6090383

If you think his new low effort reference traced works are better than his old stylized works, then you are only revealing your own lack of ability to determine bad from good.

>> No.6090387

>more realistic = better
i can't deal with this amount of retardation. this is normie tier retarded

>> No.6090405

aren't the old artworks these idiots keep posting more realistic and polished than the new ones?

reply with yes or no.
i don't care about your tranny tirades.

>> No.6090408


>> No.6090411

this is how I know you are just assblasted and envious of the guy.

jfc you are so fucking pathetic.

>> No.6090412

>this level of delusion
my fucking sides

>> No.6090416

his new ones are obviously better, retard.

>> No.6090418
File: 1.90 MB, 1349x2111, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be gloss
>draw a pretty nice sketch
>go full retard and reference niggers to ruin it
>have fans on damage control 24/7

>> No.6090419
File: 649 KB, 641x667, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same level of polish and realism according to ic autismos.

i kneel lmao

>> No.6090423

right is obviously better. I don't see how you /pol/cels think left is better

>> No.6090428

>damage control

>> No.6090436

you will never ever have this

>> No.6090439

what? stagnation and regression caused by yesmen?
I hope I don't fucking get it
I'd rather improve with 0 fans than stagnate with 1 million.
maybe you twitter brains will never understand

>> No.6090441

thats some fine copium you got there

>> No.6090442

you will never reach even his "regressed" level of skill
sorry anon.

>> No.6090447

I already have. I still haven't posted my work.

>> No.6090456

you don't have to. I can tell by your envy. people like you never accomplish anything.

>> No.6090457

Gloss already knows which artist in his discord I am.

>> No.6090459
File: 107 KB, 570x520, dt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6090466

I hope you don't seriously believe you managed to best anyone in this thread.
everyone is a loser in here, including you and me.

>> No.6090472

from this to this???? >>6090459
now thats regression

>> No.6090474

I mean, you have been intellectually bested multiple times.
You couldn't even make a single post without making a fallacy.

>> No.6090479
File: 42 KB, 570x520, eter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to everyone's a loser
I always win forever.

>> No.6090481
File: 625 KB, 204x111, Laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6090483

This is the most intelligent response you've given so far.

>> No.6090485

>I always win forever.
all trolls are delusional like this.

>> No.6090492
File: 24 KB, 570x520, ehg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever helps you to not impulsively commit 50%, kiddie diddler.

>> No.6090506
File: 55 KB, 385x375, 1654154150342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beg seethers have been posting for nine (9) hours
This entire thread is utterly mindbroken holy kek

>> No.6090510

>its my first glass thread

>> No.6090513
File: 73 KB, 570x520, novig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what losing does to you

>> No.6090515

this one is pretty funny,
ironic how the trannies haven't drawn a single thing since this thread started

>> No.6090518

Simple; they do not draw.

>> No.6090561



>> No.6090569


>> No.6090587

very cute art anon saved

>> No.6090603
File: 162 KB, 969x884, .you.loste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still trying
Take the L, Anon.
You've proven your dishonesty, lack of IQ and overall faggotry enough times.
I won't reply anymore.
I won.
Kill yourself.

>> No.6090612
File: 41 KB, 380x358, 1585776535466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nearly 11 hours in the finally throws in the towels
your art is leagues behind Gloss's because you'll sooner schizo post than draw

>> No.6090616

^he lost

>> No.6090622

^ didn't even participate and i posted my work :)

>> No.6090950

400 posts, is this thread worth reading?

>> No.6090954


>> No.6090969

it's only funny if you read the timestamp to track how many hours people ended up seething for, further proving just how little niggers fucking draw here

>> No.6090971

lol, I still got my drawing in for today. I dropped in every once in a while just to say some shit then go back to drawing. I didn't even read most of the replies until much later.

>> No.6090981

remember gloss made it while you faggots are still in your mothers' basement crying how you cant still draw boxes

>> No.6090994

Go join the 41% if all you're gonna do is be a tranny and suck gloss's micro-pencil

>> No.6091008

ill remember this for the next thread and smear my shit all over it even more

>> No.6091099

Nothing kills the crabs harder than an anon who made it.

>> No.6091124

>haven't drawn a single thing since this thread started

>they do not draw.

>posts work that btfos the crab

>You've proven your dishonesty

the fucking irony.
but obviously you can't reason with an actual dishonest troll heh.

>> No.6091127


local troll shits on a better artist
people feed the troll

>> No.6091131
File: 2.30 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20220603_104330569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a funny thread. Here's some art

>> No.6091178


>> No.6091547

anyone wanna keep going? im kinda tired from yesterday but i could go for another round

>> No.6091583

I think his posse of trannies left.

>> No.6091585

but anon i was the trannies

>> No.6091593
File: 286 KB, 1013x873, loam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tranny buzzword spam gets boring after the nth post

>> No.6091615

shes beautiful

>> No.6091643

Idk what so hard for retards to understand, old art is better than new art if you are going to try to deny that you are dumb, and no one cares why is his art worse, he might have lost an arm, going through depression, becoming lazy, getting old, "muh sketches" or whatever, dosent change the fact that new art=worse than old art, is that fucking simple

>> No.6091740

no amount of seething will make you lose your virginity

>> No.6091742

no amount of coping is gonna help you dial 8.

>> No.6091758
File: 3.11 MB, 2259x2110, my inspiration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was one of my inspirations, but it's kinda off and on as of recent

I'm planing to copy his older styles for my own, especially his old animations he no longer does anymore, when I get into animating myself.

>> No.6091780

no amount of dilation will make you a woman

>> No.6091782

yes it will

>> No.6091786

You just know someone on /trash/ will fap to this

>> No.6091790

>what is experimentation and trying out different styles

Even Blame! mangaka does it, not everyone autistically sticks to the same style you know

>> No.6091793

Damn I should set up an inspirations collage/page like this...

>> No.6091818

why are you talking to me about this?
tell it to the retards that keep saying he regressed lol.

>> No.6091819

ok i concede.
he never regressed, he just became a typical lazy nigger like you keep telling us.

>> No.6091820
File: 35 KB, 600x474, 1545375052322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you were one of them saying he regressed lol

Its not even "regression" when you try out a different style/approach because you get bored of the same one and want to experiment with different ones either, its experimentation more than regression

Or maybe they just like this style more, either is fine, I fucking despise art critics I swear

>> No.6091821

not necessarily, but it might be the case.

>> No.6091823

I agree anon.

>> No.6091840

fine ill switch from tranny defense to regression offense you lazy faggot

>> No.6091842

Not a virgin but ok tranny, kinda obvious you can only think of segs

>> No.6091862

rubbing your dick on your moms pussy when you were born doesnt count tho

>> No.6091868

But having consensual sex with several people does, cope harder

>> No.6091911

you know, in my humble opinion, these type of threads would be funnier if you posted any of your works.

>> No.6091914

>post your work says anon who hasn't posted any of his fucking work

>> No.6091936
File: 228 KB, 1364x2048, 1648707590173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread motivated me to draw more, thanks anons

>> No.6091954

I did.

>> No.6091960
File: 539 KB, 1400x1980, 1654073477405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem im also motivated to draw

>> No.6091982
File: 90 KB, 281x291, 1575925510272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6092025

>6 fingers
holy kek

Also, the thighs are very flat. Add more volume.
Other than this, very appealing. GG.

>> No.6092083

Both are nigger lips you retarded ape, he's just not drawing coomer appeal, just normal appeal.

>> No.6093108

what a sad seething retard lol

>> No.6093389
File: 2.36 MB, 400x225, 1653981670210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dam, everyone who disagrees with you is apparently a tranny lmao
they live rent free in your head chud
get out of your closet, faggot

>> No.6093449

i honestly believe its the toilet fag from this thread

>> No.6093472

eh 3/10

>> No.6093715

oh so its the guy that drew that one absolute kino Bayo
fuck me the nigger Nessa on the right looks like trash.

>> No.6093761
File: 58 KB, 750x727, fear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hated that fucking moron
anon was explaining how to do good construcion and unknowingly corrected the lense distortion as well as his bad tracing and he acted like it was some epic gotcha moment

>> No.6094119
File: 42 KB, 830x548, 1654340108557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still learning how to trash talk, ill try better next time