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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6081946 No.6081946 [Reply] [Original]

What the subject says, seeing 16 year olds on instagram with professional level art, thousands of followers, and selling commissions regularly really fucks with my head. Part of it gets me to work harder to improve my skill but it gives me such a shitty feeling that I’m just not good enough. It’s even worse seeing that they’re applying for the same art program I am and that I’m older than them. I know a lot of other artists relate to the sentiment of feeling jealous or bitter of younger artists who are better. How do you deal with it other than grinding harder on fundies? Pic unrelated.

>> No.6081948

If it only took them 16yrs to get where they are, then you know exactly how long it will take you to achieve the same level.

Think of how good you will be in 16yrs.

If you do it in less time you will feel accomplished.

>> No.6081953

Since I have more experience looking at art I see that they lack the scope and skill of true visionaries.
The flipside is that I know of too many artists who are so skilled that it is almost impossible to reach their level if I wasn't working on my art 10+ hours a day for at least a decade.

>> No.6081955

Artists are born.
You are not.

>> No.6081967

stop worrying about other people and start worrying about yourself. You cant change what you were but you can surely try to change what you become. Craig Mullins started in his 20s and his even his teacher told him to quit because he had no talent. Now where is he compared to those prodigies?

>> No.6081971

Shut the fuck up

>> No.6081973

There was an exact thread to this last week

>> No.6081976
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you can only compare yourself to the you of yesterday. We are all too unalike and have too different life experiences to make a fair comparison, instead of seeing what you are not, look forward and see what you can become.

>> No.6081998

Source on the pic?

>> No.6082002

>16 y o
>been drawing since he was born
>went to art school
>draw 5 hours a day with a bunch of books and refs
>26 y o
>picked up a pencil yesterday

I wonder why he is good

>> No.6082013

has asian genes.

>> No.6082028

I cope by telling myself that if I traced 3d models too I would be drawing just like that. I'd rather draw shitty from my heart than trace 3d models.

>> No.6082031

This but 30 y.o

>> No.6082035

i want to smell garlichan

>> No.6082039

The only comparison that can kill my soul is having someone I know personally make it before me. Who gives a duck about one nigger in 6 billion who's good at art that started in two thousand and... He just made it before you ok?

>> No.6082046


>> No.6082048

Started drawing at 31 again I'm shit still after some good years. I can blame a lot on other factors than myself until then. However since then I slacked a lot and I'm not as good as I could've been. If ur under 20 stop complaining nobody cares . Being older makes you better and understanding things and hopefully you have now some life experience that'll spice up your artwork

>> No.6082050

Meant of you're under 30 obviously.

>> No.6082053

>Drawing since they where young
>Has spent $100k+ on teachers and education
>Needs to do it to survive
>Is much better than me a 25yrold complete /beg/ that has his degree in a completely unrelated field
Hmm I wonder
If it's any consolation there's thousands of 20+ artists that have been drawing since middle school and went to uni that are still worse than the 16 year old prodigy.


>> No.6082058

Its out of your control, some things you just cant control and thats life. It wasnt your fault you didnt start early, not your fault nobody exposed you to art since you were young. Maybe if you didnt spend all your youth playing vidya you couldve been something now. But its all out of your control, you didnt knew any better and nobody gave you the opportunity or exposure to do better things.

Art is really a privilege, those that are born with that privilege succeed earlier. While those without have to spend time to get those privileges, its just a time game for us unlucky lot. We can succeed but it will take longer, unfortunately not many can persevere under the oppression of life. At the end it really isnt your fault if you fail. But if you persevere and succeed its all you, so get after it.

>> No.6082092

Personally I seethe and cope.

>> No.6082105

Honestly at this point I can only blame myself for not picking up the pencil earlier.

>> No.6082179

Its not really about why they're better. Obviously they worked hard as well.

But from a motivational standpoint it sucks because you've worked for years as well and literal children are still better than you. Yes they've worked for more years but it doesn't change the fact that at this very moment my 4 years of hard work feels meaningless.

>> No.6082183

maybe don't base your interests and time allocation on social media appearance. literally just stop obsessing over what people on the internet think and you're good. that is your problem, you realise. how do you know you even like art, if this inhibits you?

>> No.6082187

They feel meaningless because somebody worked more and harder than you? What did i just read

>> No.6082218
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Everybody has said this already, but these 16 year olds are merely the best case scenario.
They had the best conditions to thrive, they started much earlier than you and they absolutely didn't have to worry about money, not to mention that art resources online are much, MUCH better and more plentiful than they were even a decade ago. I used to mald about this years ago, but this honestly makes it all feel more achievable if anything. 16 year olds are retards, if they can do it, so can you.

Only thing I can tell you about improvement is that, if you've been doing things one way for a certain period of time and your work has remained stagnant, then it's time to change your perception and approach. I'm almost 22, been drawing since I was 13, and only recently have I realised that. Still have a long ways to go, but I finally found a trajectory.
You can't change the past, but you can change your present and your future. Keep that in mind.

Just to add to this, this mindset will keep you from doing any actual progress. Stop coping and start observing. Instead of thinking "Why are they better????", ask yourself "what are they doing that I'm not?", observe, recognize patterns, do whatever it takes, just don't get into that feedback loop of misery.

>> No.6082229

Because we're not talking logic, we're talking about emotion with is a fickle and illogical thing.
I'm not going to stop drawing because of it or lash out. I'm just voicing my emotional stress.

>> No.6082231

Ask any of them how many hours they put in daily. Then compare that to your hours. Then ask yourself why you’re not putting in the same hours. If the reason is justified, good no need to feel bad about it. If not then better start racking up those numbers.

>> No.6082234

>I'm just voicing my emotional stress.
So you don't want actual advice? All you want is a pity party? Sigh... ngmi...

>> No.6082484
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Let me put it this way in the nicest way I can. I have been guiding and helping thousands of artists during my life because that is what I do. The main thing about helping all of these people is you find out the main skills that either make a gmi or ngmi. The first skill you need is basic critical thinking and not leading with emotions. Emotions are jack shit if you are mentally unstable. Emotions used as motivation are only as good as your life is and let's be real most people on ic are losers. Second thing, you need to have free time, this means letting go of gaming, porn, and other hobbies that waste time. People who are good become addicted to art, they don't stop drawing on a daily basis. They just do. Third, They are able to think while drawing about why they are drawing things a certain way. Why am I stylizing this arm like this? You would like to think art is intuitive and emotional but it is not. Fourth, Make goals and game plans, don't fucking study useless shit you will never draw ever again. Don't study shit if you are only going to do it once. Studying a subject should take you months even years to get down. You can't just do one study and be done. Focus on two subjects of art and study them. Don't be that retard that tries to juggle all the fundies at once, it is a waste of time. Get criticism of your overall work if you don't know where you need to go.

These kids who are better than you have these skill sets and were taught how to use them by their parents. They got lucky their parents have critical thinking and skill sets that allow them to self-learn. If you ask any professional about the importance of critical thinking about art, they will say it is a major part of learning anything. Another thing I want to point out, Asians believe in stoicism which means control the things you can control, and if you can't control it then let it go. You can't control you waited fucking forever to draw, let it go, and critically make a game plan.

>> No.6082495
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Just don't feel envy.
It's that simple.

I have never felt envy, when I see people who have things I don't freak out like a woman. I think "man... that'd be cool" and that's it.

If it's extremely important, I will work towards it. I don't want to be sitting at the top, I just want to be good enough. And anyone can become good enough at anything.

Maybe even top 1% of ONE thing, but not of all things. So choose wisely. An envious mind is the opposite of wise, so learn to deal with your teenager emotions before deciding on what to do with a lifetime of hard work just to one-up real teenagers.

>> No.6082501

Thanks anon i needed this, seems so simple but I always forget that even if I’m 21 I started drawing 2 years ago, this people might be 16, but have been drawing for 10 years

>> No.6082503

Hello fellow art teacher/motivator.
I agree on a few things, but disagree on a number of important counts. I was about to list them here, but i realized i'd be doing my job for free. So carry on

>> No.6082572


Not my problem. You're on your own.