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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 308 KB, 1536x2048, FT47B2GXwAA3p_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6081747 No.6081747 [Reply] [Original]

Already did which gives this thread precedence and priority over all the ones where w != p

>> No.6081750


>> No.6081753

id tell you, but i already know you arent going to go there

>> No.6081755
File: 89 KB, 603x600, D0E376C8-9AD2-47CB-82AD-7E0C63E6C25C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, I think they’re a little bit too barebones for me, but the suggestion is valid
No please, tell. I think I can go anywhere, I’m filled with self assurance after seeing the many mistakes I’ve made, because they’re less than the ones I made yester year. I’ll probably be one of the best artists here at this rate

>> No.6081765

and what would you yourself say these mistakes are?

>> No.6081776

draw a background. harder: put figures correctly in that space.

>> No.6081788
File: 496 KB, 500x250, B4718B53-F630-4232-885E-D81CA900D441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have lazy rendering because I don’t properly understand it, some anatomy mistakes I left in which I did know how to fix but lazy, my clothing is subpar and needs work, I have trouble aligning the eyes but I like this one because they actually loo closer than anything I’ve done b4, my proportions are stuck to this weird muscle girl thing that I’ve shoehorned myself into, my hair is not as dynamic and flowy as it should be, color harmony subpar and carried by ripping off official art, perspective is meh and needs refining.

But even with all that I’m still probably better than most of the shitters on here *smug emoji*
American digits dictate that I do this, backgrounds are a lot of work though, but I’ll incorporate them more from onwards out

>> No.6081825

anatomy and perspective

>> No.6081834

>Some anatomy mistakes
if we are gonna talk about anatomy, everything in there is wrong
It needs reference, but there's something above all of these issues
>Face features
Yes, everything is out of place and symbol drawing is carrying you along
Ok... yes, everything is off, but the issue here seems to be you skipping around fundamentals and doing a mish mash about whatever you think those things mean, which is normal as a beginner, but I'd advice you to keep subjects isolated for now, the image is not reading, it's not just your understanding of value and color palette and all the other things you named, it's a meme at this point but this is what people mean when they tell you to work on your fundamentals, sharpen your axe before using it.
I wouldn't be worried about backgrounds at this moment, you're going to spread yourself thin and you're likely not gonna tackle any issue in the short term, even learning to do a single naked figure with a gray background is a challenge, let alone coloring, designing, composing and stylizing it. Unironically read the sticky and check the material in there, is pretty safe and you're not gonna draw aimlessly, I'd suggest to heavily invest your time practicing structure, is one of those things that benefits everything else because you start having a sense about space and how objects sit in it.
Some anon posted these and I highly recommend you look at them, it all comes from understanding basic shapes, and makes practicing cubes in perspective worth something, go from basic objects to simple figures, then add the other fundamentals (while referencing the recommended books or simply ask for recommended material on /beg/ threads.

>> No.6081837

shape appeal

>> No.6081847

youre a much better person than i am for actually putting in the time to help but you shouldve known this kind of advice will always be in vain, just wait and watch

>> No.6081860

Unironically Loomis