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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6080075 No.6080075 [Reply] [Original]

who is the /ic/ equivalent of this guy?
I want someone to destroy my art and call me faggot. It's the only way I learn, I don't like the bob ross type teachers

>> No.6080077

>who is the /ic/ equivalent of this guy?
/beg/ general

>> No.6080103

the skewing of the current art paradigms more and more to the left discourage aggression and other "tough" methods of learning - whether or not that's effective or not is a different question. bottom line being you won't find it in any mainstream or public platform
unfortunately the only thing that even remotely resembles a fletcher-like being would be this board. problem is almost every poster even OUTSIDE of /beg/ isn't at any impressive quality (see any challenge thread or self-promotion thread, honestly there are only a disappointingly few number of artists who know what they're doing that browse - unsurprisingly so) so this place is out of the question. if you really yearn for something like this i would try to get into the imc and find some hardass instructor who secretly wants to beat you over the head with a stick in a kakukaku shikajika-like manner

>> No.6080107

>Kickackakak shakeyjakey
Shut the fuck up speak english

>> No.6080108

to be fair it is a rather silly title when pronounced in english. i dont even like manga lmao

>> No.6080113


>> No.6080118

/ic/ is the equivalent of this guy if you just ask for it

>> No.6080124

Political ideologies have nothing to do with masculinity and are proven to be related to culture within a specific country/state and self-flagellation causes immense stress long term and depression and rarely success, very little people succeed in these destructive environments
Being tough has nothing to do with it either and has more to do with stupidity and more closely resembles frat culture than anything else
These methods resemble not a teacher pressing his student because he believes in him or projects himself on him, but rather a test of endurance coupled with stupidity like the cinnamon challenge to see how many spoons you can stuff in your mouth

>> No.6080129

Why I oughta, yeah you’re asking for it alright, bub!

>> No.6080136

no one does it better than yourself. literally just beat yourself up with criticism.

just simply put your art next to a pro's and ask yourself honestly if you're at that level yet. then assess your next steps into achieving that goal. rinse and repeat until you reach your goals. surprisingly, not enough artists do this because they are cowards with fragile egos.

most teachers are hacks. most pro's suck at teaching. you are your own best option.

but if you're a huge narcissist and think your stuff measures up to the pros even if it objectively doesn't, then you will learn the long and hard way when no one pays attention to your work and don't want to give you more than their spare change.

>> No.6080372

nasty criticism is bad criticism. why would you want to attach your education to humiliating experiences?

>> No.6080375

you must be at least 18 to post here

>> No.6080379

just join the animation industry, assholes are a dime a dozen. you'll regret your desires in a hearbeat. theyre brutal.

>> No.6080415

be as obnoxious as possible here and people will tear your art to shreds

>> No.6080427
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Prolly Watts

>> No.6080431

>who is the /ic/ equivalent of this guy?
its you

>> No.6080544

Kink :D

>> No.6080600
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Youre subjecting yourself to some asshole who doesnt have a clear goal or criteria. He will always shift goal posts. Youre fucking retarded.

>> No.6080621

ywnbaw, cope, seethe, dilate, join the 41%

>> No.6080699

end justifies the means :)

>> No.6080703

thinking is dangerous because maybe you'll uncover uncomfortable truths about yourself ):

>> No.6080754

ethan becker

>> No.6080775

Myron Barnstone always reminded me of that guy

>> No.6080785


>> No.6080787

I wish ethan would commit to the bit desu

>> No.6080788
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the average user of /ic is like that guy, that's why no one draws, nor does he progress because criticism goes through bipolar toxicity

>> No.6080796

the /ic/ equivalent of this guy is a lot of posters on this board actually.

Also while you might think someone like that getting on your ass all the time will help, actually going through it is a different story compared to seeing it happen to someone else.

There's no guarantee it won't just make you feel shittier

>> No.6080807

Ok, faggot!!!

>> No.6080833


>> No.6080870

>but muh feefees
you should relish the pain and the struggle
it will only make you grow
getting your ass kicked should trigger you into kicking your own ass even more to do shit

of course, implying you're not an effeminate trannyfaggot; because then you will never grow beyond your animalistic shallow desire for validation, easy shortcuts that don't exist and mindnumbing consumption for easy dopamine and potential attention from random people, no matter how much handholding you're subjected to

>> No.6080967

Just go to a real art school. Look for the "worst" teacher according to lazy students and go to his class.
Are you sure this is real? Art schools, even if they are pozzed, are still tough. Or maybe it's because I'm not from the USA.

>> No.6081009

This, they're harsh but they helped me improve so much in a year

>> No.6081037

I never get responses in /beg/ general, they only care about the animu and mango pornography.

>> No.6081041

that's just how modern /ic/ is

>> No.6081070

Local Color?

>> No.6081158

/ic/ isn't even a proper equalivant to /ic/anyone because this place is all mouth with very few people whose art that is good enough to be taken seriously, simple as.

>> No.6081179

Just call it Blank Canvas, dipshit

>> No.6081460

Go to art school and enter the friend group of the "top" students.
They are all Patrick Bateman tier psychopaths who will regard any art piece that isn't their own as an insult to their ego and will proceed to tear it to shreds.

>> No.6081553

The person in the mirror

>> No.6081564

>They are all Patrick Bateman tier psychopaths who will regard any art piece that isn't their own as an insult to their ego and will proceed to tear it to shreds.
kek that sounds nice desu

>> No.6081579

sounds like a beg that never got good and are now mad

>> No.6081657

There is no end, retard. Its a constant bitching of"this is too dark" then"this is too light" to keep you wrapped around their finger being exploited. Hes a fucking carnie worker.
Youre fucking retarded.

>> No.6081663

Good way of dying alone and unhappy

>> No.6081697

This guy taught in a way that mentally fucked people up and used it as an excuse to just be a petty asshole to people. He also ended up getting attacked by the main character after all his bullshit and lost his teaching job because of his methods.

If there actually was a teacher as extreme Terence Fletcher you'd have to look hard to seek him out because nobody would actually hire him. He'd have too many complaints going against him.

There's a difference between a teacher that's critical but actually has your best interests at heart and wants to help you, and one who is pretty much just using their position as a teacher to indulge in their bad habits

>> No.6081757

Agreed, teachers can either guide you or be uppity cunts who are gonna drag you wherever place it's the right for them to put you in, because they figured that's what you should do, you can already tell how good they are based on how they treat their students or how dense they are when it comes to approaching a problem with them, sometimes even you as a student can tell what the person needs to have a better grasp over a basic concept or technique and they instead choose to turn their brain into mush or make them feel scared to even ask a question or give their own input, if you are never sure about what you're doing or feel there's tension between you an a teacher (and assuming you're doing your assignments) you're better off finding someone else, even videos/courses will do a better job than them.

>> No.6081764

>unfortunately the only thing that even remotely resembles a fletcher-like being would be this board. problem is almost every poster even OUTSIDE of /beg/ isn't at any impressive quality (see any challenge thread or self-promotion thread, honestly there are only a disappointingly few number of artists who know what they're doing that browse - unsurprisingly so)
So it's essentially Terrence Fletcher himself in a nutshell. A loser who can't come up with anything good himself so he torments more talented and promising artists. A literal crab who didn't make it. /ic/ is literally the guy.

If you don't know what that's supposed to mean, here you go: https://youtu.be/SFYBVGdB7MU?t=1140

>> No.6081779


>> No.6081827

>you should relish the pain and the struggle
>it will only make you grow

Learning how to draw comes with pain and struggle by default. Why would anyone put up with an asshole teacher like that if they don't have to? Why wouldn't they go find another teacher who could help them get better without all that extra attitude bullshit?

>> No.6082087

>Its a constant bitching of"this is too dark" then"this is too light" to keep you wrapped around their finger being exploited
keep coping dimwit nigger

>> No.6082514
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Your post inspired me to write an article


>> No.6082535

a japanese mangaka

>> No.6082565
File: 194 KB, 394x282, 1644953311172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing is pain and struggle
If that's all it is for you, maybe you should quit art. It's not for you.
> Why wouldn't they go find another teacher who could help them get better without all that extra attitude bullshit?
Exactly because of effeminate faggots like you.

>> No.6082599

So, when did you come to terms with your homosexuality?

>> No.6082673

nah all the teachers there are super nice

>> No.6082734

>posts effeminate faggot shit
like making sculptures out of clay

>> No.6082905

>If that's all it is for you, maybe you should quit art. It's not for you.

I said it comes with it, I didn't say that's all it was. There's pain and struggle wen learning but also the feeling of accomplishment when you progress and get better. And guess what? If you know how to commit and actually stick with something then you can do that without dealing with someone like the person in OP's pic as a teacher.

>> No.6082955


your genes die with you. you failed as a lifeform.

>> No.6082957

I think you need to go back to middle school writing class before you publish any more articles.

>> No.6083025
File: 5 KB, 497x62, image_2022-05-29_155057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please fix picrel

>> No.6083038

I heard Feng Zhu behaved like this when he used to actually teach at his school, stories like him leaving a hallway with a bunch of crying art students.
Though I still haven't seen any proof but I'd like to believe it.

>> No.6083045
File: 31 KB, 300x396, feng-zhu010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was shitposting but hey, I'm glad something interesting came out of it
this nigga?

>> No.6083060

t. were never told their shit was shit

>> No.6083070

Oh great internet tough guys who want to operant condition you with physical abuse to not ask questions and not ever put out a portfolio because the Fletcher in their mind sees a dozen microscopic problems nobody else will ever see. God forbid the student has legit diagnosed OCD or is a perfectionist zoom in 100x on a 4k tablet pixel to refine the line art (even more ridiculous if you imagine a fletcher'd texture artist who just gets his pbr details masked out by the game engine.)

But you dumbasses missed an important lesson in the movie. Fletcher is taking command of Neiman's mind by overclocking the primal section of the brain nonstop ( nervous system balanced disrupted in favor of sympathetic over para sympathetic.) It's the mental manipulation equivalent of an amphetamine binge until physiological burn out. As Neiman's monkey brain part reduces rationality and overriding his frontal lobes, he's in instinctive survival mode. However that survival is being tied to jazz drummer #1 legend success which leads right back to Fletcher.

Neiman is met with uncertainty when the bus break downs. He has no plan b because planning and executive action is a frontal lobe function; he only drums. So he's purely reactive in haste and panic to the point he even forgets his sticks like an old man, as brain is screaming at his body no think race to Fletcher to survive. Fletcher makes this worse with a second chance time limit and add a phone into the mix with that tunnel vision of race to and bargain with Fletcher, he doesn't notice a stop sign or something or even the truck hiting him head on the driver's side (irl would have died mangled 100% and nobody would be debating the merits of Fletcher with movie like that.) Survival/self-preservation is actually being threatened here on multiple fronts. What does Neiman do bleeding and injured from his NDE with a totalled rental without even exchanging info with the driver? RUN TO FLETCHER.

>> No.6083103
File: 387 KB, 1075x1600, You're a fucking faggot..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6083106

I don’t take advice from people whiter than me

>> No.6083129

Fast forward Fletcher tries to figuratively kill Neiman like a cornered animal and the Neiman monkey AI reassess Peter Parker's boss as a threat.. Survival priority not only shift to attack Fletcher but is probably coming back to his senses short of killing him realizing of how the man ruined his life.

Do you wannabe macho, teenage gotta prove something, obvious /pol/tards get it yet? It's not pushy this or effeminate tyranny that. It's that the Fletcher method mind fucked Neiman from being able to think properly. If not this scenario he could have been gotten sick or worse from accidental overdose or by an Adderall binge into a sleep deprived not eating for days into anemia. Or even without the college kid stimulant abuse scenario the sleep deprivation from gotta drum could recreate the original scenario.

Let's even go for an example outside the film. Wow cool the creator of One Piece sleeps 3 hours a day and tells his assistants to die for One Piece. But hey he got a rare life threatening throat abscess from having a weakened immune system from his mangaka lifestyle that brings young adults bizarre ailments afflicting the elderly. What's the point of drawing in a seat 3 days straight till you get a blood clot or die of exhaustion. At that point you're counting on luck to pull you through but without Neiman's plot armor and arm regeneration magic you'll just die a gambler's death or just fuck up your pursuit.

>> No.6083177

Decided to keep it

>> No.6085078

Your mum