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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 85 KB, 736x1052, >shad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6072958 No.6072958 [Reply] [Original]

The next step in my art journey is finding like minded people who want to become full time animators. The problem is that just about every art community, from Newgrounds to deviantart to even /ic/, is infested with leftoids and troons pushing for didactic bullshit. Just where in the fuck am I supposed to find non-woke artists?

>> No.6072975

real life, unless you live in california or some shit.

>> No.6072993

I can't believe Newgrounds of all places went full retard

Like last week there was a thread on the forums talking about Chris Chan and every poster was using female pronouns for him

>> No.6073016
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I think a lot of artist will do anything for money. Most of us don't have a strong moral code about what we allow ourselves to draw. We just don't want to get doxxed.

>> No.6073031


OP, just pay someone to draw loli porn, see them get cancelled, then approach with whatever edgy project you want to collaborate on.

>> No.6073044

You don’t need like minded people, just pay good.

>> No.6073113

bump, i can't find any discord who isnt beg tier or filled with leftists

>> No.6073114

>Non woke art communities
doesn't exist because nearly everyone is some flavor of degenerate, including the fake ass right wing.

>> No.6073123

so by non woke you mean edgelord wannabe right wing? Two sides of the same coin buddy.

>> No.6073125

You want an echo chamber that only validates your opinions and cares more about politics than actual art? Yeah, twitter seems like the best place for you.

>> No.6073131
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i just want to find fren to draw with without having their shitty lgtbq+ OC thrown at my face, is it too much to ask for ?

>> No.6073142
File: 478 KB, 793x407, tumblr_3253447a1ada42124c43877a7f45d619_3d9dd9bc_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to become a full time animator and I'm not woke why don't you start something yourself?
I also have no idea where to find like minded people
I'm beg still though

>> No.6073150

You scream it. Pyw im curious, Prove me wrong puss.

>> No.6073155

Learn how to type first, retard. Also you should post your work since you're the one who made a shit thread.

>> No.6073162

>gets called out
>has hissy fit

Yeah SJW, move along or PYW

>> No.6073169

You're best bet is with hentai/porn artists. Wokeness at it's core is all about being seen as virtuous by others in the group. It's driven by either ego or fear. They either want to to be loved and accepted and prove how much of a better person they are than you are (ego) or they fear the group turning against them so they go with the status quo and tow the line.
Porn artists are already rejected by society. Clearly they don't give a fuck about being seen as virtuous or they wouldnt be drawing porn. But you need to look for artists that draw traditionally attractive women, not artists who draw gay furry porn. If there is anything that the woke left dispises it's straight make sexuality and beautiful attractive women.
I'm pretty sure the only way a leftist male is permitted to tap to an attractive girl without severe shame is if she is being fucked by a large black man.

>> No.6073192

you don't go outside much do you

>> No.6073195

Most people in real life aren't woke at all. Where do you live? You should get out of the big city, you won't find anyone who actually gives a shit about wokeness in any small or sometimes medium city.

>> No.6073217

You can't engage in the cause and then complain about the effect. Give up porn or just skip ahead a few steps and 41% yourself now.

>> No.6073218

>on woke art communities
If you build it they will come.
Be the change you want to see.
I wish you the best of luck on building a community, because our current non-woke art communities are invested with lobertarians and MIGApedes, along with the occasional leftoid glownigger.

>> No.6073219


>> No.6073235

This. Porn is the only rebellious form of art right now.

>> No.6073236

i live in eastern europe and a majority of people under 25 will unironically utter the words racism or sexism within 10 minutes of a conversation starting, for women the rate is 100%, in any workplace from mcdonald's to microsoft racism is viewed as the worst possible thing, worse than murder, there aren't even black people in this country
the only thing "out of the big city" here is illiterate barbarian farmer villages where people will skin your corpse and brew tea out of it so that you won't return from the dead as a ghost to haunt the cows and curdle their milk

>> No.6073252

I literally pass by people on the street and overhear their conversations and I hear them talking about wokeness and racism. It’s fucking everywhere. And I’m barely even in a “medium sized city”.

>> No.6073255

Womens rights was a mistake.

>> No.6073271

What are you talking about? Porn is crawling with wokies, just look at all of the cuck and nigger and tranny shit on boorus.
>villages where people will skin your corpse and brew tea out of it so that you won't return from the dead as a ghost to haunt the cows and curdle their milk
That's fucking metal.

>> No.6073274

wokeness has little to do with being degenerate
nazisploitation is degenerate, it’s not woke etc

>> No.6073280

There are two main strains of anti-wokeness, the traditional conservative strain and the libertarian strain.
The traditional conservatives hate “degeneracy” while libertarians do not. But both are anti-woke.

>> No.6073283

I’m a slav and in the last week I’ve had two 5 minute conversations that spontaneously turned to “I hate minorities, we should kill them all”, one with the mailman, other with a neighbour as I was mowing the lawn
ask the average person about gypsies, see how many will speak positively

>> No.6073287

Yeah avoid the people who do cuck, nigger, and tranny shit. The most taboo thing wo wokies is a traditionally attractive woman that appeals to th "straight make fantasy". Like I said, the only way a leftist can enjoy it is if there nigger or cuck shit involved.

>> No.6073291

>Porn is crawling with wokies
As opposed to what?

>> No.6073296

I don’t see the connection between nigger cuck fantasies and wokeness 2bh, that’s just racial supremacy with a different race
>white man fucking asian girl while she screams ching chong me ruv yu rong time
>white man fucking a black woman while screaming what hoodrat monkey she is
>black man fucking white woman with a spade tattoo that screams about only worshipping black gods
it’s the same thing, it’s not woke, it’s race fetishism
when has raceplay ever been woke?

>> No.6073329

You wouldn't happen to be a Ruskie? Their state media has been fucking woke since the "policing action" in the Ukraine, which is tragic because RT used to be such a great alternative source in this mad world.

What kind of Slav?

>> No.6073332

i'm not, but azov is real, there actually is a powerful militarized nazi faction in ukraine that does go around killing ethnic russians and beating people to death in the street and the ukrainian government isn't doing anything about it, that's not russia being woke, it's true

>> No.6073334

I am so glad I don't have to care about any of this.

>> No.6073337

Come frend, join me in the path of gitting gud.

>> No.6073349

Azov is owned by the same oligarchy of internationalist money grubbers that control much of the corruption in Russia. They are not National Socialist, especially not with their israeli and US supplied arms.

>> No.6073350

south, if I wanted to go into specifics, I would have

>> No.6073357

Azov is primarily funded by a nationalist that funds most of anti Russian organizations in Ukraine

>> No.6073362

>The unit was led by Andriy Biletsky, who served as the the leader of both the Patriot of Ukraine (founded in 2005) and the SNA (founded in 2008). The SNA is known to have carried out attacks on minority groups in Ukraine.the world.
>In 2010, Biletsky said Ukraine’s national purpose was to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen [inferior races]”.
>Biletsky was elected to parliament in 2014. He left Azov as elected officials cannot be in the military or police force. He remained an MP until 2019.
As for funding

>> No.6073366

why do you need that? post your work

>> No.6073368

by that logic the taliban aren't muslims
also there are no israeli or US supplied arms in ukraine(ignoring whatever was sent to them since march), you can just fucking buy guns from the store, and by "guns" i mean an AK, which is made in ukraine
i'm not saying that russia isn't a giant collapsed state shit hole, but ukraine is an equally giant collapsed state shit hole that doesn't even have a proper dictatorial regime, of course you are going to end up with extremist partisan militias, and those militias can only be communists or nazis

>> No.6073373

I for one just want to post lolis and make racial jokes.

>> No.6073403

I am that friend, but I have enough friends already.

>> No.6073404

>most people in real life arent woke at all
>you just need to get out of where most people live

>> No.6073416
File: 1.18 MB, 1400x1406, 1652720116707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan Discord servers used to be that but for some reason even those got infected by faggots. Respecting what >>6073169 said, I think porn is a good indicator but not the only one. I would recommend to avoid communities where the mood is to take art "professionally". Those will be filled by people trying to protect their image as they fear to be cancelled in the future when they "make it" (one of the reasons they dont draw porn). However, here is a good trick to find small nonwoke communities: join a community, respect their rules, make friends, then pick small fights about [the current thing] politely, do that until you get banned, kicked, warned etc., play the victim. You will probably be dm by someone inviting you to their circlejerk.

>> No.6073443
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how about you become a little more proactive. make a discord, make a thread explicitly inviting rightards to your discord, use an invite with a limited number of uses, filter them over a week period and then kick the lurkers out. you're gonna have to take into consideration that 'right wing' is as varied as the amount of libshit and leftard labels except the cliques are substantially smaller in size. a lot of edgy rightards are ok with loli, some are not ok with porn at all, so be explicit in what you are looking for when you try to impose rules on them.

do not make the mistake of going the 'no rules cuz we are all big bad noootzees n dont need no mooooral code lul' cause a lot of people in this site are completely wretched and just take up the right wing label as a form of airing their grudges to the world

>> No.6073444

is that your work bro? can you tell me how to achieve that grainy effect you did?
been trying to learn some post-processing stuff like that but to no avail so far

>> No.6073449
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Trannies are terminally online. That's why they inevitably infect everywhere, OP, even RW places. They can't handle reality other than touching kids.
Anyways, if you stick to the military/history art circles full of japs and koreans, you'll have better luck. Not perfect, but better.

>> No.6073457

Actual circle jerk?

>> No.6073459

I don't know why, but this sort of language is very funny to me. It's such a small thing to get worked up over
>Dude, they were using the WRONG PRONOUNS!!!
I don't even know what to say. The lack of self awareness is incredible

>> No.6073470
File: 62 KB, 426x380, 1622333193854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've owned a server with 300~400 users for 5 years (with maybe 20 current active members and another 30 who post something here and there) and the only rule is: stay "anonymous". No posting about your social media shit or doxing yourself.

This works wonders to keep egotistical people away, and there is very little infighting because people are only debating usernames, not real people they can then try to sabotage out of spite. Arguments happen and end within the timeframe of the discussion.

For art groups, there are a few options. One is to find groups where the admin is a clown - kind of autistic weird guy who looks like he might get banned at any moment. These servers generally shoo away sensitive people who know they will have no recourse if something ever rustle their jimmies.

The other is to do the "nigger test". Search for the word nigger in the server's history, see if it has been used and if people make a fuss about it, how the other members and staff behave. If nothing happens to the person saying it, you're probably safe. You can try with other words like tranny, troon, faggot, even servers that won't join the n-word galore might still use one of these and reassure you that you're not dealing with an eggshell promenade here.

That is not to say you should be a beligerent asshat - these servers generally also have a bunch of trannies with very poor art/taste, and you'll have to accept your differences to some extent. Choose your battles. And leave your excessive political doomery to 4chan or 1-on-1 conversations with people you know will be interested. As much as I might agree with dangerously redpilled individuals, it's not what I'm looking for in an art server.

>> No.6073474

Maybe its an America thing to be more conservative. I live in a midwest town and even though it is majority nonwhite, I’ve heard people yell nigger in places like walmart and no one cared.

>> No.6073510

Wasn't 4chan initially a left site? They are reclaiming it bacc now with a powerful army or trannies

>> No.6073516

s o y gets censored like so onions and then there's the fact trannies don't stay in /lgbt/ like they should so the containment area is useless now.

>> No.6073518

4chan was founded good ten years before retarded left vs right, men vs women, white vs non-whites, normal vs lgbt shitflinging started getting into every corner of anglo internet

>> No.6073530

>men vs women
Women always lose.

>> No.6073532
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>Wasn't 4chan initially a left site?
4chan has always been a transgressive site. back then american evangelical conservatism seemed on the rise so 4chan acted accordingly. nowadays leftards have every single cultural and institutional outlet in a chokehold. 4chan acts accordingly.

>> No.6073541

>4chan has always been a trans
I see

>> No.6073561
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>> No.6073581

moot is a crossdresser

>> No.6073585

I can go with that

>> No.6073630

These people are obsessed with race and gender identity, you don't think that extends to their sexuality as well? Do you think calling leftists and woke types cucks and later trannies as a default insult happened just because they were funny insults or because people started to notice a pattern? You could see the pattern years ago way back before "woke" was a teen that was in popular use to describe these people. The whole cuck thing started with people like Anthony Burch, who was actually a cuck. Then you started to notice a pattern where these people all started being into cuckoldry. Some thing happened with Tranny. How many breadtubers now have come out as trannies? It's a pattern.
And I think that pattern is a direct like from the obsession with race and gender to an embarrassment and shame of their masculinity, race, and male sexuality.
Obviously this doesn't really ng true for everyone who is woke or leftist, but a clear pattern emerging in reality is what lead to the exaggerated memes.

>> No.6073645

Anon, you have to keep in mind that most of these guys are kinda retarded when it comes to race politics

>> No.6073650

Looks like a noise filter

>> No.6073653

They may be obsessed with tranny shit - but you’re obviously obsessed with them.

>> No.6073655

I never understood people issues in regards to race. Women on the other hand are property and shouldn't have rights.

>> No.6073657


>> No.6073674

>Women on the other hand are property and shouldn't have rights.
this, but only with men of different race so everyone seethes constantly

>> No.6073679

I still get an asian so I don't fucking care.

>> No.6073706
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communism will never work and, even if it did, you troons would be the first against the wall during your precious revolution
I'm a /beg/ tier artist, too, and I've never made my own community. I wouldn't know how to start one until I've been part of one that works. I'd like to get something going with you guys, but I think it's best to stay anonymous.

>> No.6073718
File: 120 KB, 800x800, loli jack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every artist I followed who became a somebody belonged to what Napoleon Hill would call a Mastermind Group. Essentially, like minded people who had similar goals/interests and could provide resources to help each other out. Take the Sleepycabin Crew (Chris, Zach, Corey, Shad, Stamper, Mick, ect.) for example. They helped each other out on their videos and even shared followers with each other. Now, most of the Sleepycabin people have worked on an actual TV show together.
I am looking to be part of a group of people who I trust and can hold me accountable to git gud. I've been trying to make it by myself for over 3 years now and it just doesn't work to do it alone.
Also, my work.

>> No.6073723
File: 5 KB, 168x250, 1652594594289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join fun communities on Telegram and discord and read BUTCH KILLIGAN by sven stoffels

also your work better not be lame or you're giving us a bad rap

>> No.6073745

cause its retarded. imagine if, one day, everyone just started calling your mom by a different name and the entire world was mad at you for not going along with it. its literally mental.

>> No.6073750

i would just like to find a community of people who make art and not just flavor of the month fanart or porn

>> No.6073783

I'm starting one now, give discord if you're interested. I'm /beg/ myself, but I think it's a good idea regardless. Will focus on keeping it drama free and geared toward development of skills. Actual honest critiques with encouragement will be the standard. If you think saying something encouraging is hugboxing, not for you. If you think critiques are mean, not for you. Even as I improve I will welcome any skill level as long as they are serious about their journey. I also don't care if there's coom, but I'll try to have a containment situation always.

>> No.6073800

You can't win, just embrace how things are and you'll be happier. You can end as a decent artist or a perma/beg/, that's up to you, but you'll always be hated by everyone, except for a bunch of dumb niggers from 4chan (and they won't get you a job)

Give up, this fight is not worth it.

>> No.6073802


op if calling people nigger in discord is more important to you than actually learning to draw youre ngmi

>> No.6073810

nah, it’s about equal for me

>> No.6073906

god forbid 4chan ever gets a bad rep, it's not like some glowie from buffalo did that for us
Ok, I'll bite, but I'm not gonna send my discord tag on this thread because it'll get spammed. Email me the invite at coomersanonymous@pokemail.net

>> No.6073915

Yeah, if you don't want to post your discord in here, email me at tmcizzle24@aol.com with your discord tag

>> No.6074024

>I want to join an art community!!
>Won't start their own
>Won't join one
I see, this is why most of /ic/ actually won't make it

>> No.6074031

So wait. Woke just means normal, now? Omfg lol

>> No.6074146

Most cities in the world aren't big.

>> No.6074152

normal as defined by the "woke", sure

>> No.6074214

It's always been that way. Retarded pedo-cuckfags call everything that doesn't get thier dick hard, "woke".

>> No.6074226

I look like this

>> No.6074230

what are some of these fun telegram communities

>> No.6074349

>non cancerous communities
this is the closest you'll get.

>> No.6074411

Small communities would have this. I run a pretty unwoke community on amino apps. Called Art @ anime amino. I left my old community because I befriend too make woke kids that were plotting to stab me in the back anyways. They hated me because I was the only artist smart enough to push growth when they just wanted gay and hugboxes also they didn't like how I was using 4chans /a/ and /ic/ feeds to keep them alive

>> No.6074419
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yes, it does. now we know that 'normal' people would give up their kids to be castrated by the state if the tv told them to. onions fed, woke cattle is the new normal. congrats trannies, you finally fit in.

>> No.6074426
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>communism will never work
Correct, because it's anarchist which is impossible to implement unless near 100 percent of the human population of earth is on board and the vanguardist solution (which is commonly conflated with communism itself) only created the hierarchies it was intended to destroy. Only statist ideologies are worth considering.

Do you want a place that is completely purged of wokeness or just somewhere that it doesn't become the focus?
So in the example of >>6072993 a place where people only would use male pronouns for Chris Chan or a place where people wouldn't be 'corrected' for it?

>> No.6074429
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>> No.6074433

please don't forget that this website banned the word 'gamergate' during the height of the corruption allegations and kept it banned for years, and that moot personally knew the people involved and did so at their behest

>> No.6074442

Yes, and normal actually means completely insane.

>> No.6074922

how is that mental? it's just a name. if my mom wanted to change her name i'd be okay with it dude. she's my mom, why wouldn't i support my mom

>> No.6074933

Napoleon Hill was a retard grifter why do you even quote him. His books are fabrications and lies.

>> No.6075090

that group will form naturally
you wouldnt be considered a real member of it anyways if youre not good enough someone would have to adopt you

>> No.6075209

>the new normal
nothing ever changes you dumdum

>> No.6075331

you're one of those people who read one chapter of the book and went "THIS BOOK IS STUPID". Actually try Semen Retention, as recommended by the book, for one month and see what happens.

>> No.6075387

>no rp
this cuts away most cringe and minor people. When I created a drawpile server with no rp as description, only one dude who draw honda's arrived

Plus not everyone tends to be faggy. There're openly against lgbt artists everywhere. There're people also on mastadon

most people don't speak against it because they don't feel like it.


>> No.6075393

nobody gave a shit about m00t then and nobody gives a shit about g00k now

>> No.6075853

I just sent my tag to the email you posted.

>> No.6075895

>Wasn't 4chan initially a left site?
never, it wasn't right-wing either, it's just about trolling people with 0 self-awareness
republicans and some lefties are an easy target because they get triggered very easily
the problem now is that EVERYTHING is so political it gets tiresome, you can't escape from these people

>> No.6075961

I got your email, if we get one more taker I'll remake the server, I already deleted it because there was no interest

>> No.6076179
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This seems to be as good a place as any to ask, I remember back around 2014 there were a bunch of pictures that were regularly posted to /ic/ of gestapo officers war-criming anime girls. They were fucked up but they were done in a really aesthetic painterly style. Anyone here know what I'm talking about or who the artist was?

>> No.6076219
File: 67 KB, 1082x602, draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a full time animator/artist and explore difficult ideas outside the "woke" bubble however I think to truly avoid groupthink you need to retain a good measure of anonymity. Snitches are everywhere these days and discord isn't nearly as anonymous as I'd like it to be.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sort of interested: I know, that to do what I want to do, I'm going to have to set up an artistic identity separate from my professional portfolio at some point. I'm still figuring out what level of opsec I need for this. Call me paranoid, but all sites that require mobile 2FA glow.

>> No.6076417

PYW + contact info so anons can add you if interested

>i live in eastern europe and a majority of people under 25 will unironically utter the words racism or sexism within 10 minutes of a conversation starting
If this happens, the problem has probably more to do with yourself


>> No.6076590
File: 99 KB, 600x800, killing commies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all i got desu
idk whether its what you're refering to
hope it helps
im kinda interested too

also whatever happened to the super edgy astolfoag
he'd draw astolfa isis beheading anime girl and act like an complete edgelord
never really got to witness him in action firsthand

>> No.6076600

Wtf??? transsexuals want to close 4chan, that's why they cry to the government to shut down the site, 4chan has always been active and doesn't need the damn lgbt and feminazis that populate Twitter and other normie shits

>> No.6076789

MAGA is based nigger

>> No.6076934

I had to take a news detox this month because I was so obsessed about CURRENT YEAR politics that it was bleeding into my art, and it's my intention to keep my art free from the bullshit
On one hand, I hate seeing waifus get blasted but on the other hand she's a commie so it balances each other out

>> No.6077022

This, even on 4chan you guys claim to hate trannies and still can't stop yourselves from posting futa and traps.

>> No.6077026

>posts someone else's art instead of his own
muh snowflakes amirite? you probably don't even draw yourself lol

>> No.6077033

Yeah, it's mega ironic because OP used shadman as the pic related. A guy who's known for pedophillia and tranny stuff

>> No.6077048

Only nominally. You wouldn't see people talking about socialism or feminism or whatever bullshit, but there was a general anti-authoritaran attitude and Stormfags would be told to go back to Stormfront.
The string that led to 4chan becoming alt-right is that it has always been an ironic hipster site. Started out with harmless stuff, like pool's closed.
The alt-right is just the hipster-right, ironically identifying as attack helicopters and making ironic flags for Kekistan and ironically writing manifestos with ironic memes for their ironic massacres. Sam Hyde is the embodiment of this.

>> No.6077049
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You can join us at DAWU, the Dissident Artist and Writers Union.

>> No.6077074

Nah, that aint it man, I don't remember it being gory like that. thx for trying tho

>> No.6077129

You, and everyone in this thread agreeing with you, are just as cringe as they are.

>> No.6077143
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>The string that led to 4chan becoming alt-right is that it has always been an ironic hipster site

I have seen this being repeated over and over again so many times that it's clear to me that those who repeat it ad nauseam are mindless conformist retards. The only thing that makes 4chan and its userbase unique is (or was?) its lack of rules. People who come to this place do so seeking to share content banned in other places. So you only have to wonder, what series of events happened in the last decade that made so many alt-righters to seek refugee in this place. Of course, for the average NPC that only limits itself to repeats other's words, this his is an unanswerable question. After all, one day and for not reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

>> No.6077220

where at

>> No.6077224

I see, so basically is not like 4chan was a left site, it's just that in the first years some ''left ideas'' in which were not that accepted on mainstream people could discuss it here...But then, the role has been reversed.

>> No.6077229

We use matrix: https://halogen.chat/#/room/#dawu-main:halogen.city

>> No.6077236

You're mistaken if it's out of respect.

I use female pronouns for him because he's sunken so low that I feel sorry for him.

>> No.6077266

I'm glad you remembered stormfags being a plague (even /n/new/ told them to GTFO since they congregate there, literally the only place on old 4chan they spam) but no, 4chan was never an ironic hipster site. 4chan was literally treated as a sekrit boys club with some no homo thrown in.

>> No.6077267

Me and a friend are based and wanna be animators too. Google shrinervale if u wanna find us

>> No.6077273

my stuff is terrible but I'm pretty dang anti-woke

>> No.6077277
File: 118 KB, 862x1024, 1609479290287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had to take a news detox this month because I was so obsessed about CURRENT YEAR politics that it was bleeding into my art
same, and it fucks your brain

>> No.6077279

I'm pretty sure a lot of people are anti-woke except gated communities, corporations, and people who voluntarily shelter themselves from reality because they have mental issues.

>> No.6077283


>> No.6077284

everything is owned by corporations
every social media is 100% WOKE 4chan being the only exception (but not entirely)
the problem is, I'm not a /pol/fag either so were the fuck do normal people go

>> No.6077296

You guys ever see this?
I thought it was an interesting read.

>> No.6077333

Can you share a preview of what your Matrix looks like? How active are you guys? I don't want to spam.

>> No.6077389

We have two artists and a few writers and programmers, we talk every single day. It's a small but close-knit group, we've been talking together for over a year now. If you want a place to share art, collaborate on small things and shoot the shit, there's none better.

>> No.6077513

>“I hate minorities, we should kill them all”, one with the mailman, other with a neighbour as I was mowing the lawn
lol. Slavs really are idiots but you are based aswell

>> No.6077538

I legitimately feel like they do that on NG out of fear of getting flamed

>> No.6077596

Tranny AI bot detected. Your code is poor, go report back to HQ that you're not convincing.
Swear to god, hiromoot needs to do something about these weak captchas.

>> No.6077611

>my mom
you mean your new dad
lol already misgendered him you moron
you complete buffoon
cant wait for you to get doxxed and raped by niggers
ofcourse you also get blacklisted from decent jobs and slandered by all your friends for being a closet rightwinder all along

get a rough idea of what i mean?

>> No.6078305

The discord group is now underway. Email me with your tag if interested. If you don't get a response just give me a (You) and I'll see what's up

>> No.6078600

>Porn artists are already rejected by society. Clearly they don't give a fuck about being seen as virtuous or they wouldnt be drawing porn.

What you're saying is that I should draw porn instead of SFW... Thanks anon.

>> No.6078754
File: 565 KB, 1439x1381, 1635862238752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh noesss
they're heckin using female pronouns for a womanarino
imagine the horror, society truly is coming to an end

>> No.6078756
File: 78 KB, 195x209, 1605997215678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek you can keep him, chris-chan is an accurate representation of how retarded women actually are anyways.

>> No.6078793
File: 975 KB, 1408x988, 1625815321657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To everyone here AVOID DISCORD
does nobody remember the kraut and tea saga?
or the robot who killed themselves from getting blackmailed on discord?
its also a giant honeypot as well and the people offering to invite you on are glow in the darks
watch this video if you want to know more:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvNkdAggUGU
either way avoid the app at all costs

>> No.6078863

>pushing for didactic bullshit
assuming you know what that word means, what exactly is wrong with teaching


>> No.6078884

disingenuous to pretend this isn't an attack on society
of course the pronoun stupidity isn't going to end society by itself
but it's just one of the many things they're pushing that degrade and pervert language and culture
it's something that should worry anyone that cares about the future
but I guess as a wagie dead end that isn't you

>> No.6078897

>a lot of people are anti-woke except the masters who completely control their social mobility
if you call a tranny that made zero effort to pass and is possibly a mentally ill groomer a man you lock yourself into low tier wageslaving forever for many areas of knowledge and specialties. Want a career, an above average salary? Sorry anon but those are offered only by medium to hueg corporations which all have a rabid army of inclusivity consultants on the payroll, screening for wrongthink. Want to get a big break as a bande desinée a(r/u)tist? lol no publisher will touch you with a 10 foot pole, sorry. Just draw degenerate coomer art for a living bro...

>> No.6078917
File: 67 KB, 680x680, 1598307314965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss when trannies used to be the butt of jokes and even the cucks on SNL would make fun of them by crossdressing.

>> No.6078937

Look at how mad you guys are over someone using the wrong pronouns, holy shit look in the fucking mirror.

OP if you're like this guy and the most important thing about an art community to you is how they react to racial slurs then just quit now because you're too much of a snowflake to make it. Somebody will inevitably trigger you into saying something fucking stupid in public and your career will go down in flames while you screech about "lefties" and "troons".

>> No.6078951

I know some non-woke artist types, most of them just seem to not be too interested in interacting with art communities or getting invested in art websites. They also are mostly unlikely to pursue art professionally or study it in school.

>> No.6079040

>libtards: do something completely retarded
>people: notice it
>libtards: why are you even noticing it!?
piss off, you boring cunt

>> No.6079043

it was always liberterian. leftism is antithetical to liberterian values

>> No.6079050
File: 56 KB, 600x505, 1653642227789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We have two artists
>two artists

>> No.6079140

Congratulations for being a kneejerk illiterate nigger coon. Now read my post instead of having your programmed reaction.

>> No.6079168

none of you draw

>> No.6079178

4chan has always just been in favor of chaos. Nothing more. You could say that the closest value system to that is libertarianism, but even then, people will call you a fag if you take libertarian values too seriously.
The most hated thing in the West right now is being a racist. So, 4chan became the cultural hub of internet racism. If racism became state ideology tomorrow, 4chan would probably start opposing it. The only overriding goal is to piss off moralfags.

>> No.6079180

>The only overriding goal is to piss off moralfags.
Why can't we post lolis then?

>> No.6079302
File: 86 KB, 634x571, your future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Society isn't ending its getting better
Prejudice against others just for how they live is wrong and should be rooted out of any and all societies
just because you are a fossil doesn't mean you have a right to hold civilization back from advancing
sorry people like you will be left behind in the dust of history if you continue your bigoted ways

>> No.6079304

Bitch, the west doesn't have enough children and immigrants are too stupid to handle modern technology. Other scenario involves Chinese taking over and being racists themselves.

>> No.6079314
File: 323 KB, 480x953, when did it all go wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replacement is a conspiracy theory perpetuated by the alt right with no facts behind it
just because you are an incel doesn't mean the west is dying out

>> No.6079594
File: 226 KB, 1200x675, FTmgsahX0AAOM5b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah bro london was always a muslim region i don't know what these crazy alt-righters are talking about lmao

>> No.6080041
File: 202 KB, 1797x2040, Dog with Ball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try my forum World College of Life. It's kind of dead but it has an active discord with lots of contacts and connections. The forum is a giant archive of interesting esoteric creators


>> No.6080308

who cares if its Muslim or not, it is still london

>> No.6080424

>alt right
the most basic lefty buzzword, couldn't keep reading, sorry fag, believe what you want

>> No.6080598

>no there is no replacement
>who cares if this is place became full of Arabs
I'm pretty sure you're just a troll, but the fact how easily media and society double-think like that is pretty scary.

>> No.6080649

yeah to get property values down so (((they))) can buy bigger chunks of the cities
you will own nothing and you will like it

>> No.6080695

exactly bro, that's why (((they))) let rome fall to the visigoths, so they could sell them marked-up real estate for a profit while being raped, beheaded and genocided
you need to be 18 to post here

>> No.6080725

radical leftists infiltrated every internet community and bended it to their will while non-political people not understood whats going on.

Normal people of 20 years ago dont exist on the internet anymore. If you want to escape leftist propaganda you have to join righwing communities.
find discords of the people you agree with politically: artists, youtubers etc, they often have art rooms, sometimes there are skilled people, especially if its an artist discord.

>> No.6080744

you dont know how easy it is to login to someone else account if it doesnt have 2FA, passwords get leaked all the time

>> No.6080757

there is only one political group that unpersonates people for opinions, and they can be both left or right wing. Its socialists.

>> No.6080764

+1 shekel

>> No.6080868

>You will probably be dm by someone inviting you to their circlejerk.
and how often does this happen considering discord for example removes all the info about you from the server the moment you get banned

>> No.6080877

i havent used discord since corona started but i too had PM buddies from servers i was in and sometimes they gave me invites to other servers mostly pornography but not always

>> No.6081109

Weather they are muslim or not they are still british
or are you going to say Catholics or atheists are non british
what about people whom are french heritage are they not british just because they are not native to the island hell anglos themselves aren't even originally from the isles

>> No.6081142

Because he's lying.

>> No.6081167

i agree op but the art you posted looks so fucking retarded that i cant help but not take you seriously

>> No.6081301

I wouldn't say lying just retarded.

>> No.6081307

There are a ton of people on tumblr drawing anime fanart of heinrich himmler, Joseph Goebbels, Albert Speer and pretty much every single nazi leader you could imagine. i would pretty confidently classify those people as non-woke

>> No.6081368

just stay out of politics and ignore people when they insult you for not including a black/trans character in your artwork
ignore them, ignore them and ignore them
keep working and they'll get tired eventually
now if you want a /pol/fag community you're not better than them fuck off

>> No.6081384

good advice from this thread is to join art groups focusing on the stuff that libtards hate, like traditional families, classical art and architecture and so on.
Hard to believe but there are art schools focusing on this stuff in america even today. https://beauxartsacademy.org/gallery

>> No.6081385

I just want to share works of lolis commiting various acts of debauchery for critique without some retard that can't differentiate reality from fiction screaming "P-PEDO!!!11!"
Is that so much to ask for?

>> No.6081389

it is anon
given enough time every community will be flooded with ateentionwhores desperate to collect virtue points by crusading against the flavor of the month big bad thing
only thing you can do is ignore and move on

>> No.6081397

i think (thankfully) most of the political ideologies will drive you away as a degenerate. Look for whoever made or defended Cuties on twitter, they may be closer to your liking.

>> No.6081402

holy shit go draw

>> No.6081404
File: 2.08 MB, 614x720, 1652639995645.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. You're not going to get your big gay high trust anime friendship on the level of childhood war buddies through social media to start an animation company with. Nothing good comes out involving yourself in online communities except finding 1 2 maybe 3 people if you're lucky after many years of trials and attrition once you get past the yids that hide their true colors for years, the ones that can't take the bad moments with the good without burning bridges, and the once stable interesting guys who flip their lid and start HRT, boofing and a desire to groom young boys by any means.. It's nothing but endless drama with adults behaving like children and prepetual community schisms till they're each dead or whitled down to a few people. Go draw instead of getting groomed by trannies on discord or hanging around groyper and kiwi farms tier of toxic loser clown shows. You're just going to get distracted by noise be it listicles or inconsequential news of the day being spammed by other niggers. AND AGAIN STOP GETTING INVOLVED IN POLITICS IT'S A TIME AND ENERGY VAMPIRE AND THAT INCLUDES INTERNET ARGUMENTS AS WELL WHERE MOST PEOPLE ENGAGE IN BAD FAITH
/pol/ isn't even political anymore it's a phone shit post on the toilet eceleb and bot board with the tourists being of lowest caliber of human being that you'd only find at a county fair near the sketchy part of town.

>> No.6081419

Black and white knee-jerk response where the anon who manages to find one comes back tells everyone the grass is not greener on the other side and it's another tradcon larp fest that you have to walk around on egg shells all the same.

>> No.6081424

just work in freelance, retard, and have separate social media for work

>> No.6081425

you were right

>> No.6081431

>walk around on egg shells
literally any office job today or 10 years ago.
get some friends anon, so you could talk with them freely.

>> No.6081439


>> No.6081458

Nice gains anon!

>> No.6081493

They're on the right track with looking for artists that have no qualms about drawing sexy women.
To take it further, you'd have to manually check all artists before you un/follow them.
Pronouns in bio? no follow
Changes their pfp to (current political thing)? no follow
(ex: Ukraine flag, black square "for blm", trannie color flags, etc. Same with righty stuff, too, but conservatives are usually less cringe about it)
Posts more memes, food pics, etc instead of art? no follow
Goes on random wall of text rants? Unfollow
Also, make sure to turn off all retweets if you're on Twitter, you'll see a lot less spam/junk when artists feel the need to rt random shit.
Draws extreme/weird fetishes? Avoid, unless you're really into it and don't care if people see you liking it.

>> No.6081497

>Posts more memes, food pics, etc instead of art? no follow
Not him but what about Jap artists that posts their gacha rolls?

>> No.6081505

It's still pretty bad, I'd avoid following their Twitter and look for them on Pixiv or whatever. Depends on how frequent they do it, though.

>> No.6081521

Why the fuck would you expect anyone on a board full of artists to either want or have had an office cuck job wilingly? Better question yet why the fuck would anyone want to turn their unpaid time on a discord community into the office cuck experience? The whole point of this thread was to avoid libtards for mainly that reason. All of those discord servers and members getting banned now this past week btw. And if not discord where to next for these alleged ideal communities?

>> No.6081550

what servers do you know that got banned? i know a couple, trying to find a connection

>> No.6081621
File: 205 KB, 667x960, original.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's more. Take all the Twitch e-celebs. The name of their game is whoring for non-durable social capital known as clout. Their entire game is networking and pull peddling but at an accelerated rate right before your eyes. One would calling a fellow Twitcher streamer a true friend and says he owes gratitude for that "friend" who helped give him that needed initial boost and was the only one who suported and believed in him. Newbie streamer becomes a bigger name between the two so he repays the kindness with betrayal and and doesn't have to associate his brand with the original friend who the tranny brigade is trying to cancel over some non-issue. Yes you read that right they have their own caste system where bigger names don't even acknowledge those they see as small fish they have nothing to gain ftom. Bridges are burned and friends tossed under the boss with the great of allies turning into the worst of enemies the next.

Online communities are no different except they may take longer to fracture but the friendships are tenuous maybe more so because atleast streamers will operate as irl friends and go out together. The community implosions are set in stone as soon as money is involved and throw in a woman for good measure to amplify the discord. Then you know the rest. Doxxing, leaking, attempts at irl harrassment, guilty parties manipulating others and spreading lies to wrestle control and power over whatever remains.

Also things go to shit as well when social media like group chats are introduced into the workplace where social boundaries erode, as your co-workers virtually get to come home with you now. you're connected to a notification spamming glorified telegram chat full of normie baby talk and gossip. On the plus side the supervisor hates this unholy union more than you do.

>> No.6081637

Mostly anti-lgbt ones including those of Christian denominations as June rolls around. Feds are breathing down their neck after the Buffalo shooting since the guy used Discord as a diary and planning grounds. NY AG is launching probes into there and Twitch as well for the livestream.

>> No.6081639

yeah nothing could go wrong doing that

>> No.6081641

hang yourself you disgusting transexual nigger faggot.

>> No.6081773

Lol faggot

>> No.6081838

and you wonder why people think you're a retard

>> No.6081852

>be in a discord with a bunch of racists who could well be the most influential right wing shitposters in the entire internet
>shitpost our lives away for close to 2 years now unmolested while the rest get groomed by feds or shitcanned by tranny discord mods
>shit ourselves every time one of our memes shapes discourse on twitter and beyond
filter and lock down your communities retards. center it around a hobby and keep it at 50 users or less. you don’t need a 3000 users clusterfuck with retarded glowy names like “gas kikes central” or similar and stay the fuck away from e-celebs and their ilk

>> No.6081901

Like I already said Discord communities implode from within and the chances increase when there is crossover between servers and the communities get larger. Even small ones though self-destruct and live up to the platform's namkesake
Yep I know all too well. Those ones usually have two year lifespan. Three years tops. And barely any new people get in, but they aren't relevant to the drama in the end.

You speak like young naive teenager high on some kekistani themed manic episode. People change and hide who they really are for awhile. 50 members is also perfect for STHF scenario. Guaranteed people behind the scenes are having homo ERP relationships in the dms. You'll find out soon enough.

>muh kikkes muh glowies muh tranny discord mods
This is what overconfident grandoise /pol/ posters sounded like when they said they were moving to OH SO BASED SLAV COUNTRIES TO ESCAPE GLOBOHOMO not knowing the culture shock that would send them into a coma. Such is the case when you live you entire life on the internet. Just like you who migrated onto a platform he stil doesn't understand.

>> No.6081904

you sounds like a little bitch and maybe the common cause between groups of retards imploding around you is yourself

>> No.6081909
File: 73 KB, 266x500, 404-anonymouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we giggle like little girls every time one of our memes shapes discourse on twitter and beyond
My god I haven't felt this kind of cringe since maga hats were in fashion and /pol/ aggresively ushered in all the lame tourists here. You should feel extra embarrased for writing that, if you are a grown man.

>> No.6081918

>hit so close to the mark that basic bitch /pol/ closet homo defaults to "muh dik" level comments like an emotional negrophilic teeenage zoomer
Full of yourself and you chimp out this easily. You're all that's needed to ruin a comfy hobby server. You're as common as they come.

>> No.6081933

Why exactly is this board full of /pol/ and /r9k/fags?
Most of the other boards that are centered on a hobby/interest are no where as bad as /ic/
>inb4 somebody points out it's just the thread

>> No.6082024

You ever wonder why they complain about "tranny discord groups" or stuff like that
its because they do the exact same thing, why do you think if you go to any board a post something that mildly upsets them your bound to find one of them calling some one a kike or alike
not even saying that tranny discords don't exist, its more like most of these people are the same arguably worse then those they complain about

and yes I know I'm a rabbi nigger that will never be a real woman, but could you maybe get new material? either that or can they filter it out like soi and change tranny to conservatives or something
so I don't see tranny a million times on a daily basis

>> No.6082034

Glowie detected

>> No.6082070
File: 25 KB, 640x392, get a load of this goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh you hate discord tannies
>must mean you're secretly a discord tranny too
>heh get owned chud
man i fucking hate redditors

>> No.6082083
File: 72 KB, 897x767, 1614461958552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well I guess all the post calling people jews on every board
and brigading on left leaning threads is totally organic right?
also there's another catchphrase that never gets old
man you guys really are the mental powerhouses you claim to be, so I'm guessing the ethnostate will be anyday now?

>> No.6082084

ive seen closed down servers with vouch policy get removed for "calls for physical or sexual violence against individuals or communities"
the members started schizo blaming eachother after that, big sad

>> No.6082096

>homo ERP relationships
and how is this connected to servers "implode from within"

>> No.6082108
File: 113 KB, 412x592, nigger boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you feel attacked whenever someone shit-talks the jews?
pick a lane man dont try to act like an innocent third party and them immediately pivot left-wing the next breath
you are an outsider feel free to leave if you hate things here so damned much

>> No.6082121
File: 434 KB, 804x970, sega power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you hinks its funny how somehow the alleged "rebels" and "outsider" oh so alt and non-mainstream fggots love parroting mainstream talking points
its always "jews good" "patriotism bad" "chopping off genitals is mentally healthy" but "loving own race is mental illness"
i hate when these retards with obvious cognitive dissonance project their insecurities on me
they flee their own "communities" after turning them into shitholes with their practices and wonder why noone wants them entering theirs
if you want sheltered speech and filtered worldviews then every other social media is open and out there
feel free to go there don't try to turn 4chan into what you yourself fled you fucking degenerates

>> No.6082133

anglos raped and genocided entire continents so it's okay to not love them

>> No.6082136

if they raped them how come they stayed niggers pajeets and shitskins?
checkmate zoomie

>> No.6082137


>> No.6082140
File: 71 KB, 540x464, pun pun pun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noone's stopping you from hating anglos
im tired of you pissing and moaning over "muh antisemitism"
its 4chan for christ's sake
equal opportunity hatred for evry raceis fair game
this isnt exactly the epic comeback you think it is

>> No.6082141

This. Anon you dont need a community to get better. When you improve your skills you will attract people with similar tastes and goals in art. All you do right now is wasting your time and putting yourself farther from reaching your goals. instead of this I would highly suggest you to spend every free minute of studying and improving your skills. I personally use art discord servers only for sharing my art and looking for commissioners, that is how you should approach it imo.

>> No.6082142

so what you're saying is you're absolutely for slaughtering home pets since they're just animals right?

>> No.6082143

In any group or community, the intuitive assumption is that anyone who can show up regularly is single. This makes people automatically look for partners within the group by the means of sex talk and flirting. This divides the community into those who are there to find love and those that aren't, and usually the latter group leaves the space over the loss of quality. The first group then proceeds into forming more intimate in-groups and generating drama and jealousy until the pair-off is entirely finished and the original group is split into pairs and triplets. The group is destroyed but everyone gets to keep one or two friends or fuck buddies from it.

Sounds familiar? This is a very basic social behavioral pattern in humans. They will do it if there's just an opportunity.

>> No.6082144

yes im all for actual concentration camps so that we can finally genocide 6 million jews for real this time
with modern oven technology perhaps we can somehow beat the 6 million in 4 years fictional record (its not likely)

>> No.6082145


>> No.6082148
File: 242 KB, 1574x1562, honk proliferation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i try

>> No.6082152
File: 2.78 MB, 498x294, 16527004807190.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, 200 posts by 100 people, and none of you just wen and made a server or channel? Heh.

>> No.6082162

>Sounds familiar?
im not saying it never happens i just didnt witness this exact scenario yet. One of the 3 servers ive been in, that got nuked, had fag-erp and it was pretty annoying but it wasnt the reason it got nuked at the same time the other 2 did. You are right about relatively short lifespan of the alt-right or whatever servers tho, but i believe the reason is the user base being socially retarded outcasts prone to drama, it is not exactly related to sexual relationships, it can happen anywhere where people tend to aggressively bully eachother.

>> No.6082198

yeah you just described every fucking MMO linkshell/guild/whatever
i miss cybering

>> No.6082268


I have aphantasia and can only draw stick figures with bad proportions. I would be your friend, make 90s jokes with you and not cut you off due to political differences should they arise.

>> No.6082270
File: 2.13 MB, 940x2000, 553B3F4C-0A64-4027-98AE-2D50B5BC288A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve already shilled my small art group

>> No.6082271
File: 27 KB, 226x320, 46893118-2873-473A-AD20-0A59486B5573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I always forget the link

>> No.6082273

>Wasn't the site that made holocaust jokes, coined "double nigger" and was called the Internet Hate Machine initially left?

>> No.6082278

I don't trust myself with power.

>> No.6082281

i don't trust strangers on the internet

>> No.6082296

There has to be made a line, non-whites generally don't accept whites as their own. I doubt you guys accept Afrikaners as true Africans. You're more likely to refer to them as colonizers who shouldn't be there.
You might obviously deny the double-think allegations because you aren't going for truth, but for political victory. On other hand you might actually "truthfully" agree because you're aware native populations will resist "neocolonization" with the blessings of the media anyway, so whites(besides the ultra-rich) in the end will never have an own place in future.

>> No.6082306
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Not so much attack as bored and annoyed
dogpiling does nothing to the conversation and this isn't twatter ratios aren't a thing
listen levi I've been paying attention since 2014 with GG, I remember how things where I remember the rise of the alt right and its subsequent fall
and all you people say is the same damn thing over and over and over and over and over and over agai
I sometimes wonder if you roll a dice to decide what catchphrase your going to say this time

the main point is that 4chinz shouldn't be mirror image tumblr which is what you are trying to make it
I can go to basically any other social media and find an echo chamber, this place should be open to discussion regardless of subject
I don't care if you disagree with what is said if fact disagreement is good, its more of an issue when you have nothing new to say and attempt to brigade with all your discord faggots regurgitating the same few catchphrases

>> No.6082311
File: 77 KB, 622x414, 1631212921478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because the right wing never creates
all it does is bitch and whine with one breath saying "this isn't fair" then in the next saying "equality is gomunisim"
rightoids are the biggest hypocrites

>> No.6082322

Dude just cum in a pussy its not hard
whites are losing "their" nations becuase they'd rather jerkoff play vidya and bitch about da jooooes then get a well paying job and have families
the only reason these country's need imigrents is because WHITE PEOPLE WANT FREE MONEY TO RETIRE, BUT DON'T WANT TO MAKE NEW TAX PAYERS TO SUPPORT THE SYSTEM dumbfuck, get off this site get a job and cum in a pussy its literally that easy

>> No.6082325

so if a band of people from out of town come and murder your family, then move into your house, it's okay right, because they're still your family?
"white" is an american invention, sweaty
i would be in no way satisfied if my white anglo-saxon culture were to be overrun by white norman scandinavians, or if my white celtic culture were to be overrun by white slavic invaders
in america, white british, white french, white jewish, white italians, white germans, white hispanics(yes, they are white) are in no way a cohesive "white" group, and they have never been so in america's history, in fact they used to have nigger turf wars just like niggers do today, hell, the niggers are actually the only one hundred percent genealogically homogenous ethnic group in america, and they are also the most likely to kill and rape each other by several orders of magnitude
ethno-nationalist socialism is still socialism, all of these are part of the collectivist, statist left, otherwise known as "the problem"

>> No.6082333

>Thought criminal attempts to reach out
>The people's tolerance corps shitposts the thread dead
Another fight "won". Good job. Later.

>> No.6082337

Guys, do any of you think about how awful the world would be now if Trump had been re-elected? Trans people would be stuck in concentration camps, Mexicans would be executed at the border, blacks would be driven back into slavery, and women wouldn’t be allowed to have jobs or vote.

>> No.6082354

Might makes right is litirally the history of humanity
homo sapians took the european continent from neanderthals
if you can't overcome an invader then you lose your land, simple as

>> No.6082372

People cannot even afford houses while immigrants often get them for free. Most Europeans aren't content with pilling into one room like rats. It's XXI century, the allegedly privileged whites are supposed to live in comfort and safety, right?
Media do not throw a massive bitchfit when brits protests against slavs immigrating, you know that well.

>> No.6082373
File: 944 KB, 420x236, 1600449414707.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like the right gives more of a shit about being able to bitch amongst with their kind than actual fucking drawing. Makes sense why ic is so fucking dead outside of debate threads like this.

>> No.6082377

well this is the official /nodraw/ general

>> No.6082380

>just ignore being marginalized and attacked, bro
I just want to be left alone.

>> No.6082391

yes, but the establishment media and the establishment political class are just rats fleeing a sinking ship, they all understand that what socialism has done cannot be undone, we cannot go back to a reality where young women's job is to have families and be praised and respected for that, women now spend 95% of their fertility window being "educated" to become the barren wives of the corporate state, to embody the perverted industrial-socialist new female working man, as actual men are alienated and driven to suicide; this is why tens of millions of barbarians are being forcefully migrated into the west every year, because we are in full population collapse, and uttering this truth will make the "leftist" socialist call you a patriarchal oppressor, while the "rightist" socialist will call you a pedophile; your grandmother gave birth to your father when she was 16, and you will literally be scorned and chastized if you give birth to your inevitably infertile, sickly children before the age of 35, requiring the crutches of scientific fertility-prolonging abberration every step of the way, which is the only thing you are allowed to refer to as "normal," under the duress of literal brutal death, in this regime of puritanical sexual terror, where young people find it safer to mutilate themselves and roleplay as the opposite gender they are not allowed to be attracted to, to seek refuge in homosexuality, or to force attraction to cartoon animals, a regime whose purpose has always been the depopulation of the "unneeded" masses after the industrial revolution made them obsolete, and just like every other attempt at social engineering ever made, it will lead to apocalyptic catastrophe
the problem cannot be even addressed, because to talk about it is a death sentence, nothing can be done about it, and nothing will be done about it

>> No.6082422

>im being oppressed
Grow the fuck up, art is the most isolated hobby one can have, you're just too accustomed to stewing in your bullshit misery porn to see any of the good in the world or creative things to make it better. You retards can't even make content the betterment of this board yet you think you need a community. Fix this shit hole first dummy.

>> No.6082435

if you hate this place so much feel free to leave
why immigrate to our platform to begin with?

>> No.6082439
File: 56 KB, 620x819, todohhodot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bored and annoyed
just fucking leave then
simple as you moron
i aint reading that paragraph long cope lmao

>> No.6082446
File: 91 KB, 330x256, where do i even begin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right wing never creates
oh lmao
remember the rightwings are the only ones who birth and raise children unlike the typical abortion obsessed sex crazed leftoid
last i checked its the right-wing that have a stable reproduction rate
all of the major classical arts were done by right-wingers barring the last few decades not one major artist thought that chopping one's cock off and larping as fmale is mentally stable behaviour

within a few decades as the average lefty woman hits the proverbial wall and the leftist population declines via simple inability to effectively reproduce your leftism will be looked upon as nothing more than an unstable phase that the world went through

>> No.6082448

Because he wants to force his beliefs onto us via lies, manipulation and censorship.

>> No.6082452

right wingers don't draw or produce anything of creative value.

>> No.6082457

actually based.
I'm glad I'm not the only guy tired of these turds ruining imageboards

>> No.6082459

>establishment media and the establishment political class are just rats fleeing a sinking ship,
Bullshit, all they have to do is to shut the fuck up, twitter troons have no power without help of establishment enabling them.

>> No.6082465
File: 89 KB, 1024x1012, women fear me fish fear me men avert their eyes as i walk no beast dare makes a sound in my presence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no rightwinger would dare be openly conservative with literal tranny patrols out to get them
right wingers keep thriving regardless
outside of america and a few zogged european countries trannies are still considered mentally ill
that makes up like +70% of the world atleast
like it or not your "idealogy" is simply the loudest of the bunch nothing more
give it a few more decades when the average troon's sexual drive dries out and he realizes truly what has been done to himself and well that 41% will be a 100% in no time

>> No.6082467

^ who is he talking to?

>> No.6082470

to the gentlemen with the axewound between their legs

>> No.6082471

Nice deflection

>> No.6082477

^who are they talking to?

>> No.6082478

this is tranny general tho

>> No.6082485

You just made me realise I've met a lot of right wing trannies. Odd.

>> No.6082493
File: 130 KB, 1242x1225, yeshua's solution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does it feel being the slimiest well-poisoning pilpuling kike on the board?
i bet retorting every reply with bait upon bait while lowering the quality of the conversation really arouses you yes?
must really give you that high knowing you're wasting people's time huh?
i pity someone who's been reduced to doing this to gain any semblence of attention

>> No.6082494
File: 11 KB, 240x240, 1653843144216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kike kike ur a kike ahhhh im running out of insults

>> No.6082502
File: 61 KB, 156x210, honklerwangner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw facing literal pilpul
>tfw he's pivoted to smugposting upon being called out
honk honk
hitler did nothing wrong

>> No.6082518

^what is he talking about? what is "pipul"?

>> No.6082525

i will give him a you for you >>6082502

>> No.6082547
File: 30 KB, 720x475, honk counter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont bother
this is a paid monitor i think
the same breed from /pol/
they're paid per (you) and have massive payment penalties for being identified as kikes with an agenda
wasnt expecting their ilk here of all places but i guess they're branching out
and if by some unfortunate series of events that that is an unpaid moron then all i can do is pity him
dont engage donot reply
he will spout simplistic polarising statements make bad faith bait arguments and in general try to lower the caliber of conversation by thouroughly posioning any well he can get his hands on
simply call him out and mention the key words "pilpul" "kike shill" and watch as he leaves for fear of the payment penalty
remember that calling them jews is a sort of silver bullets since their higher ups want to keep their overt shilling and psyops behind viel of plausible deniability

even mentally ill tranies usually dont go to these lengths to demoralize the board's regular poster pool
that is their end goal to poison prospects of a contructive community and demoralize the regulars any way they can
think of this as advice from a /pol/ veteran just call him a kike and move on

>> No.6082556

^i dont even know what shitpost comment to say to this one. is he being serious?

>> No.6082566
File: 1.53 MB, 1024x1024, sneed animaton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as soon as you stop taking sides and get meta
you'll notice how there are far more polar opposite opinion holders than you'd see organically
partially its an effect of their efforts on the averag poster but mostly its paid demoralizing specialists who are well-versed in the art of baiting and disingenious shit-posting
imagine the average lefty who cant go a second without moderators sheltering them from reality
do you trult beleieve they would be here trying make this place left-wing?
they wouldnt last a fucking hour on here if they were the average leftist normie

what we're witnessing here is far more insidious and sinister
whenever you encounter one of these take a step and get meta before you engage in the back and forth wih these professional time-wasters
they dont believe in anything they spout their core axioms are the very opposite of comprehensive thought
call him a kike and leave thats quite literally all you have to do

notice how he's stopped spoutng leftwing talking points and solely begun focusing on trying to discredit anything i've revealed
he's afraid

>> No.6082576
File: 95 KB, 466x420, wtf was his problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call it me being schizo or me attributing common core interactions as orchestrated events but i firmly believe that 4chan as a whole is by far the most heavily contested intellectual space with many three letter organizations vying for influenc or some modicum of control over the damned place
shirt of completely killing the site they prolly never will influsence this place to follow their agenda
I've seen these patterns before and i keep spotting it everywhere and i refuse to just sit back and make it easy for them

>> No.6082578

>starts complaining post with nazi pic
>proceeds to complain about muh leftoid politics

Is this some new kind of ironic posting happening here?

>> No.6082580

Neither. You're just looking for an excuse for all the hours you've wasted here.

>> No.6082582
File: 83 KB, 1200x930, you can only watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

notice how he's pivoted back to making non-arguments instead of addressing any of what i've said
and this lads is how you demoralize the demoralizer
he will flail and writhe crying over some imaginary sense of online ettiquette
he has lost his composure i've won

>> No.6082588

this thread needs cleansing

Stock Market Crash התרסקות שוק המניות Black Tuesday יום שלישי השחור The Great Depression השפל הגדול Rampant Speculation ספקולציות משתוללות Hyper-Inflation היפר אינפלציה Abolishment of the Gold Standard ביטול תקן הזהב The Federal Reserve הפדרל ריזרב The International Monetary Fund קרן המטבע הבינלאומית Stock Market Crash of התרסקות שוק המניות 1973-74 Energy Crisis of the 1970s משבר האנרגיה של שנות השבעים The Secondary Banking Crisis משבר הבנקאות ה Steel Crisis משבר פלדה הלטינית Israel Bank Stock Crisis of 1983 משבר מניות בנק ישראלDe-industrialization דה-תיעוש Outsourcing of Labor מיקור חוץ של העבודה Sweatshops סדנאות הזעה Negative Commodity סחורה שלילית The Long March Through the Institutions הצעדה הארוכה דרך המוסדות Dot-Com Bubble בועת נקוs Energy Crisis of the 2000s משבר אנרגיה משנות האלפיים September 11th Stock Market Crash 9/11 התרסקות שוק המניות Subprime Mortgage Crisis משבר משכנתאות הסאב - פריים Mortgage-backed Securities ניירות ערך מגובים משכנתא Collateralized Debt Obligations התחייבויות חוב מבוטחות Rating Agencies סוכנויות דירוג Jewish Cronyism קרוניזם יהודי The Revolving Door הדלת המסתובבת Lobbying Firms חברות לובי The Hedge Fund Rent-Boy Scandal שערוריית שכר הדירה של קרן הגידור Brexit Stock Market Crash התרסקות שוק המניות של הברקזיט Cryptocurrency Crash קריסת מטבעות קריפטו 2018 Stock Market Crash of קריסת שוק המניות 2020 Naked Shorts מכנסיים עירומים Fails-to-Deliver נכשל במסירה Market Manipulation מניפולציה בשוק

>> No.6082593
File: 512 KB, 600x600, tenshi eating a corndog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the kike version of the chink copypasta?
fuckin saved man
thanks mate
wish they'd implement nation flags for this board everything would become so obvious with the visible (((memeflags)))

>> No.6082625

Tough then die out
if you don't like it do something about
>bbbbut I can't goberment is le scary
so you'll riot over yer footie ball team losing but you won't over living standards
yeah sorry you deserve to die off then

>> No.6082637

>he goes onto forum that is mostly the written word
>lmao you write too much, I can't read
See I know a lot of people (rightfully so) complain about plebitt culture infesting this place, but why does no one care about the even worse cancer that is twitter culture infesting 4chan
and sorry levi would you have preferred me running what I wrote in spanish, would that have been easier too read?

>> No.6082641

>Lol right wingers have kids XD
then why are native populations of whites dying out?
>all the over hundred year classics are by conservatives
not really they are only really viewed as right wing by todays standards, grantee if you where actually their they'd be center right at most

>> No.6082644

Yeah its sad that these teens come on here and think saying nigger tranny or jew is edgy in anyway
hell even back then it wasn't
its almost like when you have a little brother who thinks he can emulate the older kids but all he does is come off as embarrassing

>> No.6082648

In the sense that most right wingers are closeted gays/trans then yes
just look a nick fuentes as an example, hell I bet most of the ones in here have at least one tab with tranny porn

>> No.6082653

Is that japanese writing?
what do the japs have to do with the stock market?

>> No.6082656
File: 283 KB, 1200x1600, Terry A Davis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waits 15 mins to return and make bait replies
lol suck shit we all see through you

>> No.6082658

we're busy drawing instead of writing long propaganda posts.

>> No.6082662
File: 162 KB, 680x717, 1605325726822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>busy drawing
noone buys it faggot
sorry not sorry you failed

>> No.6082674

Retards riot over retarded things, who knew.

>> No.6082677

Also those private logs will leak, as people on discord generally don't think or care about it making them untrustworthy. Within the context of this thread, the latter group is going to not only hate lgbt shit but be fatigued by it in the current year. At best they'll be weirded out by their online homo friends but that's going to remain the elephant in the room. Usually it's also the content of those logs that make drama and people nope out. If it gets realy autistic and nasty there will be a long detailed expose on the the person or group in question uploaded somewhere like imgur or pastebin and be read in the voice chat like some big public speech event.

>> No.6082678
File: 3.28 MB, 635x640, 1607982275899.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 he return in 2 hours with another set of cope replies
let this be marked as the day pol asserted its dominance yet again
all allegedly organic posters that will no doubt crawl out of the woodworks claiming to be tired of "le edgy pol memes" can kindly leave the site

>> No.6082679

NTA but you don't need to blame another race when your own people don't breed in the first place

>> No.6082690

nta but rightwing whites are always reliably above replacemnt reproduction rates
the percieved decline in white birthrates is mostly due to the recent spike in lefism which will given enough time die out as they abort any prospective children while rightwingers slowly and steadily adapt to keep their children from ending up leftwing
the current percieved poulation decline is a small bump in the larger picture which reactionary extremist like to exploit as prime recruitment propoganda so lets not propogate that dead talking point shall we

>> No.6082697

Muslims are not white nigger. It's racial replacement. Brown sand niggers aren't Angelo Saxon British retarded leftist faggot tranny

>> No.6082699

I'm gay and right-wing. I hate nonbinary shitters and white woman who think everything is problematic the most

>> No.6082701

Hitler killed himself because he was a coward. You should all follow in your hero's footsteps.

>> No.6082704

I get your point but online trannies are openly on a crusade to get everyone on HRT by any means (blackmail an obvious one), especially naive, vulnerable and impressionable children. It's like some miracle enlightenment drug they think will save people that their cult needs to spread like a virus. They are predatory with rapidly growing influence and power. That's not even the tip of the iceberg with these groups.

>> No.6082713
File: 1.84 MB, 2484x2072, remember aero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he escaped to argentine via u-boat according to fbi files
dont believe everything the american education system shoves down your throat
the alleged skull of hitler the soviets recovered was later proven to be that of a woman

remember aero i think he's still aaround doing exactl as you stated

>> No.6082715

>I'm gay and right-wing
Then you should remove yourself, larper.

>> No.6082730

Pretty much. The guy who drew bernkastel feet that you would get meme'd with on a bunch of boards just draws and posts his updates on discord and then returns to the shadows. But people are social creatures and the premise of this thread is mingling with compatible artists online so expect people to draw less and erp more.

>> No.6082735

Then you're one of the few sane people left on the internet.

>> No.6082744

doing that requires an IQ of at least 60, which right wingers have failed to prove they have time and time again.

>> No.6082755

They are literally an alien people that the elite use against the natives. Get a grip on reality.

>> No.6082760

says the man who thinks chopping off his cock makes him a woman

>> No.6082778

This crossboarding boomer does not want you to draw

>> No.6082782

the reason no one made a server for this tread is that we all know it's gonna be a shitty server with 5 people that's gonna die in 3 days.

>> No.6082787

And anglos aren't celtic but you don't care that they displaced the natives of the isles
why are you this dumb

>> No.6082797

Yeah and its fucking sick that they go after kids, same with gays as well
but the reason their groups are so rabid is because they stay in an echo chamber, this is why the right wing must avoid such actions, staying in a community that only parrots one's own thoughts leads to an incestuous relationship that only devolves into the worse versions your enemies claim you too be

conservatives have only benefited from regular exposure to new and different ideas, it only makes the arguments stronger, and the people stay sane, if you go into the deepest parts of the internet all you'll becomes is some strange goblin creature that has the most wackjob and disconnected views on thing that no one but your inner circle will agree with

>> No.6082805
File: 736 KB, 1280x720, CsV-pqLVn3e-1-DEkzkV2oZbKfTB8qGCSMS4Qe3xiU4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to get natalists with folk wisdom of evolution, who personify nature as an abstract but monotheistic god, eventually spreading their nihilism here and telling people to put down the pencil because only reproduction is the only objective existential value and art is just a construct that you are subconciously engaged in to increase your chances reproductive success.

Draw a box and have legs with genitals breeding in it. That's their perfect world reduced to its essence and these cunts have been spreading outside of /pol/ alot more this year.

>> No.6082810

The fuck are you on about?
all of the problems are because people held out their hands and said "government give me free shit but don't you ever raise my taxes"
welfare is what's causing all this, all these "invaders" would go away if you just cut off all welfare, hell you've already seen this in some european nations
but no you don't want to do that because you are a broke ass white person who just like a nigger think your owed something and hate that brown people are getting "your money", and no you don't its not the jews its not bill gates or scwab ITS YOU WHO CAN'T UNDERSTAND WELFARE IS A CANCER, CANCER

>> No.6082814
File: 2.78 MB, 286x400, 1614487202692.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentlemen, the right wing everybody

>> No.6082835

well and this goes for basically everyone but most people haven't really thought out the world they are advocating for
remember when richard spencer advocated for a feudal system where he would be a noble, that's the right wing in a nut shell
the world they want would be a world kinda like 40k, where your worked to death all for the "glory of the white race" as the top gets fat on your work and sends you off to die a meaningless death, and the consolation is everyone is white, which these people don't really want that

and before anyone's says anything communism would be the same but everyone is "equal" I'm not sure what is the best system but I know its nether one these people ask for

>> No.6082845

>the magic 8 ball has spoken we right-wingers will go into hiding and become a subterrainian species and after a meteor wipes out the Jews and their useful idiot npc army we right-wingers will rule earth united FOREVER!
This is literaly what the plan sounds like. That or wait for the rapture.
>inb4 libtard
Not at all you politically obsessed people just never stay in your lane nor board and have no grasp of uncertainty just hope turned arrogant cope.

>> No.6082870

ngl you're being homophobic sweetie, educated yourself and do better.

>> No.6082898

You rightwing fags are never gonna to make it because all you do waste you lives OD'ing on faggy black pills and use it as an excuses for not to do anything while the world moves on without you. Much like the niggers, fags jews, women etc. you scream about on a daily but have created or produced nothing.

>> No.6082922

Also if you apply a regression theorem then there should be no lefties or lgbt left in the first place as they are just an anamoly. Ever thought the premise was oversimplistic and that proliferation of unsavory groups isn't restricted by the political afiliation of those that are reproducing? Better yet they don't come from breeding in the first place but demagogues and architects? You know people with better strategic mindsets than yours? History isn't static and even once thought eternal empires fall and your 50s simulcra is a desperate grasp at returning to something that took only half a century to turn into sodom.

Also right-wingers aren't a monolithic group. Who are you hoping to form a community with? Groyper homos? Boomerfied white anglo? Negrophilic caucasian zomers and millenials? Or the unknown? You want the eternal anglo right? Great lot of other white ethnic groups don't want them for good reason They might as well be failed jewish protoypes these days. The vision of the ideal aryan right winger is vision in your head from a bygone era. You're projecting 20th century symbols on 21st people. /pol/ couldn't even keep its own board in check without turning into the imageboard equivalent of Twitch chat, so don't tell me you're saving the world with your refurbished basedjak or literal who kid that you think will turn into magic Hitler.

>> No.6082941

honestly best post in this thread

>> No.6082944


>> No.6083001

They're the same as communists in the sense they have these simple childlike blueprints for the future of their utopia even though the world is complex and uncertain where those hopes don't go as planned. Communists couldn't imagine that there were inherent intricate structural problems with their system. They couldn't anticipate the economic calculation problem (can't trust right-wingers to be competent allies because they never bring this up in their amateur economic slap fight) anymore than 3 year old could run a hedge fund. Also that's another thing to hate about the right. They never are prepared for a debate. Then they get slammed by some leftist grunt's rhetorical tricks and gish-gallop and cede ground to those state worshipping retards.

People abandon /pol/ shit in the end because it's a road to nowhere except being unhappy with things outside of your control or shitflinging between morons that nothing to offer you like something or someone influential in art (some other boards have /pol/ migrants as well who realized this). If you just read a single classic treatise that's the /pol/ equivalent of a decade of drawing. My ultimate point is politics is both concentrated /beg/ and the shadow persona version of it. If /ic/ were corrupted by this same essence then it would sound like " okay I'll draw but in two more weeks when proko's new skeleton comedy skit figures it out for me."

>> No.6083109
File: 29 KB, 213x248, 1639452584570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-woke art

>> No.6083244

this kills the non drawing polfags

>> No.6083255

OP, the answer should be obvious regardless of where you are on the political compass:

Use social media sites such as Twitter and the like + (Or, depending the type of content you're looking to draw) and simply retweet and comment on artists that share your tastes and/or ways of thinking.

That said, if (like your image suggests) you're part of the totalitarian right (as opposed to the libertarians) then you might find yourself limited when posting art on certain alt tech social media sites since they're filled with tradcucks that wouldn't know fun if it hit them on the face.
Regardless, good luck.

>> No.6083290

Elaborating on >>6083255 with examples:

If you're a traditional right man, look up artists that focus or specialize on drawing things like religious figures and mythology (the ones that form part of your culture or the culture you want to preserve), people in traditional clothes and situations, women with hats on sundresses standing on wheat fields, etc.

If you're a fascist or something like that, look up artists that draw WW2 military stuff, uniforms, planes, tanks.

And if you're right wing but also value freedom, then the world is you oyster and all you have to do is follow whoever you like and is actually okay with freedom of expression (which includes being able to say nigger and draw what cucks would call degenerate).

>> No.6083317

I'm so tired of edgy artist drawing the pre-war black SS uniforms or something that is clearly based on them. Hollywood started the meme of the "black nazi uniform" during the war because they had seen Hitler surrounded by fellows wearing those black uniforms in a newsreel from like 1933 and they had the convinient big swastika on the armband. In reality only the biggest losers like weekend larpers of unarmed Allgemeine-SS reserves and (((Germanic)))-SS of the occupied north-western European countries still had to wear black uniform during the war while all the real edgy and hardcore guys like camp guards, Gestapo, Himmler, and Waffen-SS wore field grey.

>> No.6083327

Ironically the last two these days tend to be drawn by the autists of the ill-termpered variety who took a pass on trains and are more Weimer than they are Reich. The tanks one sports a girls und panzer avatar, guaranteed, so that'll narrow down your search a bit.

>> No.6083344

I find it rather funny how libertarian and the normal liberal (e.g. 90s and 00s democrats before their party got coopted by their equivalent of republican soccer moms) artists can and often do get along just well enough as long as they don't start discussing about politics. It's the advantage of not giving a fuck about what other people like if they respect what you like.
Who you can't get along with is those who want to censor you (and that includes the moral busybodies on each side of the political spectrum).

>> No.6083352

More examples of what to look for the traditional man: art about the rural way of life or life outside of big cities, cute nuns playing with ducks, traditional nuclear families where people are happy, men and women rejecting the temptation of vices and choosing to be straight edge. Essentially the virtues of the culture you want

>> No.6083356

And for other two: authoritarians could look for art about things that reflect the value of cultural or ethnic uniformity and following rules, and libertarians could do the same with art about the importance and value of capitalism combined with social freedom and everyone minding their own business.

>> No.6083377

You know welfare has been in the works since the 19th century by northern protestants and the floodgates where opened when religious yankee and Jewish women were allowed to vote right? I'm not going to go through the whole history but here but welfare has become and entrenched both as scheme for certain special interests and bullshit job provider like government social workers. It's not the problem is a symptom and a method to justify one failed intervention with another. You do not address the fuel or roots either; not even a mention of central banking but you want use the dumbass hypocritical boomer lament about entitlement to blame plebs when this shit comes from over a century of gradualism from the top. Just like income tax being promised to for post war recovery twice affecting only several percent of the population at 1-6 percent rate and promised to stay that way after the first world war as a temporary measure.

Jesus this is why I want /pol/ to stay off this board it alright has enough on its plate from crabbers.

>> No.6083381

The lower 70% of the political compass are all COOMERS, and proud of it.

Left wing coomers, centrist coomers, right wing coomers. That's why most succesful art is lewd and all the money is on coom.

>> No.6083382

You forgot Anglo anabaptist fathers and uncles sexually abusing their daughters, but you should be fine if you avoid the 70s no guarantees though.

>> No.6083385

Also, an excellent litmus test to check if someone is actually for freedom of expression is loli art.
If they hate it but allow other people to like it then they're legit pro free speech.

>> No.6083401

correction: it was baptists the others were more into incest got that confused

>> No.6083408

Free speech more than ever these days is being peddled by low socioeconomic human garbage that need that to cover for their morally dubious grifts but will abandon it if it doesn't serve their interests anymore. Loli art is also good at filtering false moral crusaders like Joshua Moon types and pedo hunter grifters with more skeletons in their closet than tattoos on their faces.

>> No.6083410

And if they happen to like it, then you have to try with other art that might be offensive, like furry, traps, racist caricatures et al.

Or you could present them the ultimate litmus test all at once:
Interracial porn between a BLACK NAZI LOLI and a CHRISTIAN FURRY TRAP.

>> No.6083584

I found such a place and took over. Not my discord but we made it home. Every tranny and faggot that gets in get shat on they leave after they realize no one cares about their whining. Feels good like it's 99 again on the internet.

We re not many but we're pretty decent at drawing, which translated here means we're better than average

Sadly I can't link it or hint at our lil sanctuary, you must find it for yourself !

>> No.6083592


What I like most about my discord is that you can actually say what you mean about someone's art, there's no sugarcoating, there's no backpats disguised as critique. I hate those phoneys saying art is subjective you're doing great lmao. Critiquing art harshly and humourously is one of the life finest pleasures

>> No.6083801

Yes, glowies and jews are everywhere in the chans

>> No.6083818

holy fucking based

>> No.6083821

>we're pretty decent at drawing

>> No.6084003
File: 663 KB, 959x981, never be a woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6084531

I was tipping a cam girl last night she said her pronouns were they them and I just have no fucking clue how to use it in a sentence it's not even correct grammar damn they you have a nice ass like what the fuck is this shit and why would anyone want to be addressed in a way that feels even less human