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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5242327 No.5242327 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5242330

Believing in memes like "talent" or "secret method" when most skilled artists simply trained a lot
Quitting as soon as it gets hard
Never going out of your comfort zone
Never doing any creative piece
Hoarding ressources instead of practicing
Not loving the process of drawing (wanting to draw just because you want to make some epic comic or video game)

>> No.5242420

Thinking they will improve by slightly tweaking what they """"know"""" over time instead of breaking all that shit down and learning properly.

>> No.5242427

thinking you can buy talent with expensive equipment and courses but never doing them justice

>> No.5242460

Who wants to redline the book?

>> No.5242479

polishing a turd for too long
never moving past the rough sketch stage

>> No.5242482

Not believing in talent and asian jeans.

>> No.5242493

taking the animepill

>> No.5242836


>> No.5242841

I agree I think these are things I've fallen into but took a long time to get out of. Especially the "natural" talent one when I was beginning art

>> No.5242848

Not enjoying it

>> No.5242852

Not studying from reference and not knowing basic shapes and measurements.

>> No.5242862

True facts. You can do that last one while also loving the process too, but I assume that's what you meant here anyway.

>> No.5243092
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most common beginner mistake is spending more than 20 minutes on ic in a day. we already know what we need to do to get good, reading threads here have diminishing returns

>> No.5243130

People who draw with a goal in mind like making a comic or video game have a higher chance of making something that other people will actually be interested in.
People who just “love the process” are the ones who just post random shit that no one cares about on twitter all day and wonder why they can’t get any followers.

>> No.5243141


>> No.5243155

believing that you are in the 1% of artist that will be ultra profient within in 5< year. You're not that guy, you likely wouldn't be here if you were that guy.

>> No.5243246

Drawing isn't fun when you're a beginner. Drawing isn't fun even when you're a pro. Its only fun when you reflect on a finished piece, or maybe just a sketch or a study

>> No.5243260

Posting on /ic/

>> No.5243262


>> No.5243266


>> No.5243280

Not accepting the reality, some people can do it and some don't, if you can't accept it, and move on.

Drawing is just like being tall, having good vision or a big dick, is all genetic and it depends on how your brain and entire nervous system was formed.

>> No.5243285
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The most fun I have while drawing is going through a copy that is turning out well. I like studying observation and construction the most, but I have a hard time "drawing for fun".

Anything without a heavy reference makes me anxious everything is off model or wouldn't have the same shape or properties in the real world. I can't even put clothing on models without panicking that a crease wouldn't behave a certain way.

>> No.5243287

Wanting to draw comics and making an ebin viday are two of the things that got me drawing 30 years ago. Not sure what Petri dish you think someone is supposed to materialize an art interest from but having a big magnus opus and a mirage project is way better than just doing art because you had it as an elective once and think that makes you an artist

>> No.5243787
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not considering how things overlap or not spending any time seriously trying to study overlapping forms because "lol i know how things overlapping works, you just put one in front of the other, i'll do boxes instead"
there's a reason vilppu puts the spherical overlapping forms before any other form and there's a reason he calls it deceptively simple and insists that you practice it until you master it, it's the key to 3D drawing and if you think you've got it down then you probably don't yet

>> No.5243937

God I love being that guy

>> No.5244263

Using anime as a reference.

>> No.5244270

Focusing solely on the trad way of doing things. Sometimes it's fun to just be messy or abstract or try ideas that won't be "correct"

>> No.5244277

Stop trying to summon the schizo