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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 151 KB, 1280x720, samsung galaxy tab vs ipad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5239891 No.5239891 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread to discuss all kinds of digital drawing hardware: non-display graphics tablets, pen display tablets, portable tablets and more.

>What should I buy?
State your:
>Type (display? non-display? portable?)
>Size (in inches)
>Other information
>Previous equipment

If you have any additional questions, ask them.

>Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3 - Best budget tablet.
Intuos Pro M - The best non-display tablet.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite - Budget portable display tablet. Very solid drawing experience with Wacom EMR tech.
Used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9" - Best option for a display tablet.
Galaxy Tab S7+ - Good premium alternative to an iPad Pro
Used Cintiq Pro 24 - Big tablet for big budgets


XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand - Poor build quality, lackluster pens, broken tilt, struggles to register light pressure, horrible customer support and the displays are not calibrated. All Chinese brands are basically the same because they're all centralized. Also watch, Chinese companies shill HARD on /ic/; they do a lot of samefagging. Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
Microsoft Surface Pro - The N-Trig digitizer means you will always get wobbly lines.
Lenovo - Bad drawing performance.

Previous: >>5208215

>> No.5239899

Anyone know if Photoshop runs on ipad pro 4 and if the app is good? I imagine there's some reason people use Procreate over it, aside from Procreate being cheap.

>> No.5239912

Photoshop on ipad sucks. It's the app version, it doesn't have the same features as the desktop version, and importing/exporting files is a god damn nightmare.

>> No.5239913 [DELETED] 

why you asking here!? can't you google that shit yourself? oh wait....your the samefag OP thats wants to shill used garbage trash like yourself.

>> No.5239920

Gotcha, thanks. I'll give it a roll anyways since my school has free access.

>> No.5239938

If you want the more Photoshop-like experience on iPad, you get ArtStudio Pro.

Both ArtStudio and Procreate are far better apps than Photoshop.

>> No.5239954
File: 71 KB, 1400x713, G640_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never owned a tablet before. My friend is offering me a XP-Pen Star G640 for half of market price. Is it worth?

>> No.5239959

iam thinking about buying an ipad and procreate for pure sketching and then upload into pc for clipstudio/artrage coloring.

what would be best tablet to buy?

>> No.5239962

anon that's 20 bucks

>> No.5239970

If it doesn't work out and just sits around in my room that's 20 bucks that i wasted instead of going for a more expensive tablet that lasts longer, but I see your point.

>> No.5239975

If it were 200 bucks you'd dedicate yourself to learning how to draw by not looking at your hand. At 20 bucks, you really gotta press yourself to do it.

>> No.5239979

Makes sense. 20 bucks it is. Thank you!

>> No.5240047

A used 2nd gen 12.9" pro model.

Don't buy brand new, it's extremely overpriced.

>> No.5240071

what is a reasonable price i should look for?

>> No.5240073
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, chinesetabs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not buy XP-PEN. OP isn't fucking around when he's saying that Chinese shills crawl all over this general. It's disgusting, it's obvious, and it really does need to be taken care of.

>> No.5240109

just ordered 1 thanks

>> No.5240112

20 bucks and none of the money goes to them.

>> No.5240119
File: 1.22 MB, 498x370, hmmmmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, I wasn't replying to anybody in particular.

>> No.5240281

Okay, I have a EXTREMELY LOW BUDGET because I live in a third world country, is the Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite a good idea? I have 2 screenless tablets and I would like to try a tablet like the galaxy tab so I also can use it for other things like watching videos and reading.

>> No.5240604

Ah, changing your tactics up now. The samefag surely will be less obvious now. Maybe you will fool somebody!

>> No.5240614

Is there an animation software on Ipad that's kind of like Blender? Also an animation software that can do 2D rigging?

>> No.5240621

I've got a Surface pro 2 and I don't get wobbly lines. Why is OP lying?

>> No.5240740

Post slow diagonal lines with no stabilizer

>> No.5240748

Going to ask this again. Is the 2021 huion kamvas good? I saw it has the 3.0 pen but did they improve over the 2020 model in a meaningful way? I want a cheap screen tablet for travel.

>inb4 schizo op responds with "just get an ipad bro"
Dont even bother, op

>> No.5240755

Well shit, it does give wobbly lines when drawing slowly. But I don't see why you'd draw slow lines? Thy're supposd to be rather quick an confident.

>> No.5240840

I'm the OP of both threads, and never once responded to you, idiot. Stop believing everyone cares about you, worthless moron.

>> No.5241019

surface pro 2 uses wacom tech you fucking retard
surface pro 3 onwards all have n-trig
and as you already found out, wacum AES isn't much better

>> No.5241144

Surface 2017 user here. The problem is not that you'd need to draw slow straight lines. The problem is that the jitter causes any slow and/or small details to distort. I cannot draw small round shapes nor small angular shapes - they all become random bezier curve trash due to the pen jitter producing garbage and the stabiliser then trying to fit that garbage into smooth curves.

The slow diagonal straight line is merely a test that instantly shows the quality of the screen and predicts issues in detail drawing.

>> No.5241590

Instead of just bitching about the genocidal chinks, I'm going to review the kamvas 13 pro when I get it today. why don't you tell us all what tablets you tried and why they're shit so other fellow poorfags can avoid them?

some of this shit must be usable

>> No.5241607

It's not chinks I care about. If that faulty shit were made in France, I'd be saying that French shills were crawling all over the general instead.
The webm made all the arguments I would have otherwise written down.

>> No.5241679

>The webm made all the arguments I would have otherwise written down.
I can say the artist 12 is shit, and you can say the artist 15.6 pro is shit in your webm, because we've actually tried them.

But that's not good enough to tell people not to ever buy xp pen. There's other models, and people's budgets need to be considered. I'm a poorfag, and I thought the artist 12 was bad enough to return it and keep saving. But some of their products must be acceptable for their price, I find it hard to believe it's just retards keeping them in business.

If you have more webms of other tablets, post them, put them in a pastebin in OP, to inform other people.

>> No.5241794

I was gifted a huion kamvas GT-191. And it's ....not....... the worst thing ever..... but it's definitely cheap technology. It feels cheap, pens feel heavy and chunky, drawing is decent, but the pressure sensitivity doesn't feel very good. The display is pretty shitty, the buttons hurt, and the menu UI feel like something from the early 2000's. I stopped using it altogether because reasons. It's not the worst thing ever, but I wouldn't go for it.

>> No.5242115

I agree with you here. There does need to be a comprehensive list of reasons not to buy faulty hardware. If anything it'll give shills no leg to stand on.

>> No.5242143

You're legitimately wasting time on anything that's not an Apple iPad Pro 12.9.

>> No.5242210

It should work with things like watching videos, reading and using drawing apps like Krita, Ibis and CSP.
If you're going Android get Tachiyomi for eastern and western comic reading.

>> No.5242232

That's a really old model. Trying to ask people who have tried the 3.0 pen or the 2021 huion kamvas.

>> No.5242237

Yep. This. I had a friend that bought one of those for art school and she got so pissed off with it that she just ended up preferring the small wacom bamboos in the computer lab over it. Surface just ended up being a youtube and ebook machine.

>> No.5242637 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 785x922, You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL the number of posters are still the same. keep seething schizo.

>> No.5242652

Damn...I might not be experienced enough to notice how much this matters then...I was about to buy a newer Surface but I suppose I'll rethink this...

Thing is, there's no portable solution besides Surfaces...There's only Apple (I think) but they don't have th same choice of software. I'll lookup Android but not sur the choice is going to be any better.

>you fucking retard
Is your tourette acting up again?

>> No.5242834

So is there anything to watch out for when buying used ipad pros? Too paranoid something could go wrong, found a listing for a 3rd gen 12.9 with a magic keyboard and pencil for $850.

>> No.5242844

Woah, after you posted they're STILL the same! I guess you're the same guy too, eh Chang?
I'm gonna assume you're on Ebay but this should apply to pretty much any online store: look at the seller's (not just the product's) review aggregate. Anything lower than a 99% (or if you're really desperate, 95%) is a red flag. Also be sure to look at why he's being rated so high along with his few bad reviews (one time I saw one seller with a bad review that turned out to be a retard who didn't know how to use his charging cable, and he kept the bad review after getting a full refund for a product that was in full working order.)
If it's at 99 or even 100% that means the seller is extremely likely to be legit and you shouldn't have any problems with whatever you order.
For a price that high I'd actually straight up contact the seller with concerns if the pictures don't convince me or don't show what's concerning me, asking about any scratches/scuffs, wobbly or bad connection ports, etc. Sellers don't mind talking to potential buyers from my experience.

>> No.5242865

Thanks, but is there anything i should be looking at or testing specifically once it arrives? Guess this question applies to local listings too since i can see it in person before buying.

>> No.5242886

>Thing is, there's no portable solution besides Surfaces...There's only Apple (I think) but they don't have th same choice of software. I'll lookup Android but not sur the choice is going to be any better.
I'm the guy with the surface 2017. I'm considering the S7+ android myself, since lots of people have said that the pen is far more accurate thanks to wacom technology, but that will have to wait until I'm in a better financial situation. Hopefully by then there will be a 'S8+' with even better features. What I'd really like is to use it as a display tablet for a PC in addition to being a independent drawing device, but I still haven't received confirmation from anyone that this setup actually works.

>> No.5242938

The Tab S7+ has a student/employee discount right now, $615 for the 512gb model which seems pretty competitive. Anyone know if it still comes with Clip Studio?

I've been looking into this as well, so far one of the better solutions seems to be using an app called SuperDisplay. It's paid software ($15 after a 3 day trial) and fairly new though so I might wait and see how it develops more first

>> No.5242948

>Anyone know if it still comes with Clip Studio?
6 months free if you get it from the Galaxy store.

>> No.5242956

Great, thank you

>> No.5243114

I have 1500$CAD to drop on a tablet, what do i get?

>> No.5243124

Wacom cintiq pro

>> No.5243137

would a 12.9' ipad pro be a good alternative?

>> No.5243178

STFU wacomfag

>> No.5243554

sometimes I prefer using my cintiq like a pen tablet because it's more comfortable looking straight at the screen

>> No.5243642

>The Tab S7+ has a student/employee discount right now, $615 for the 512gb model which seems pretty competitive
Awesome! Here in northern Europe it's 1000€ ($1200). That's why I'm putting off buying it...

>> No.5243831

The Apple iPad Pro 12.9 is the only viable choice for professional art now.

>> No.5243843

It'll do the job but if you don't need the mobility then a wacom or xpen is much better bang for your buck at the same size.

>> No.5244294

is it worth to wait for the 2021 model that is supposedly coming out this march?

>> No.5244370

had the same question

>> No.5244655

To a cintiq? No, not even close.

If you're going to buy an ipad, factor in the $120 usd for the apple pencil too.

>> No.5244977

it's literally coming out this month. just wait

>> No.5245005
File: 449 KB, 1080x1587, Screenshot_20210303-193319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this review?

>> No.5245011

My thought: the reviewer is a wristfag who probably uses stabilizers all the time to cope for his wobble.

>> No.5245018

Pity is what I feel.

>> No.5245067
File: 752 KB, 1080x1587, he doesn't use it for drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5245077

Some people are like this. I got a cheap intuos 5 m off of someone that was a wristfag, legit only used a small section of the tablet and was much happier with a small. I don't get it but hey, their loss my gain.

>> No.5245082

Jesus Christ I admit I didn't read it that far.

>> No.5245115

Seconding this

>> No.5245117

Are you a Wacom shill or something? I’m very happy with mine, my art’s never been better

>> No.5245171

I don't understand how people are so dumb to not see obvious wacomfags and shills blabbering this board.
Wacomfags need to be taken care of.

>> No.5245325
File: 37 KB, 680x425, dtk1660k0b_main_1_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on getting my first drawing tablet, a Wacom DTK1660K0A Cintiq 16.

What portable laptop would you recommend for someone planning to learn Clip Studio Paint, Storyboard Pro, TVPaint, or, God forbid, Photoshop? Something that runs well and houses lots of storage would be ideal.

>> No.5245334

Get a gaming laptop with good single and multi core processing as well as a good chunk of RAM. That should cover everything you need for any program. And make sure the screen is good on color and contrast ratio.

For portability look for something around the 15.6" screen zone

>> No.5245337
File: 718 KB, 550x807, 0F22BA05-421C-46EF-BA3B-07A9F508B3EF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does my Cintiq 24hd touch look more cool-red and my iPhone 12 looks more warm red/yellow. I don’t want to pay 200 dollars for a calibrator. Anyone calibrated a cintiq without a device?

>> No.5245358
File: 301 KB, 270x271, Fry chew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. What are some brands I should look for? HP? Razer? I heard a lotta bad things about Lenovo in a recent thread on /co/.

Also, RAM is something that needs to be bought separately after obtaining the laptop, right? I'm not the most tech-savvy artist, so I just wanna make sure...

>> No.5245380

>For portability look for something around the 15.6" screen zone
Nice try, Chang.

Don't listen to the recommendation on 15.6" form factor; chang is just trying to get you to buy his low quality chinese crap.

Cintiq 16 is fine if you're ok with that size.

>> No.5245395
File: 60 KB, 256x256, grinning-face-with-sweat-emoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no, I've done the research and am already committed to the Cintiq. What I'm looking for now is a good laptop to pair up with that Cintiq. Something that I can get at least a good five years out of while working in the aforementioned art programs (CSP, SBPro, etc.).

>> No.5245405

>Nice try, Chang.
What the fuck is wrong with a 15.6" laptop to go with a 16" tablet, you retard?

>> No.5245430

Dell XPS 15, Macbook Pro, Razer Blade 15 Studio, HP Pavillion 17.3, Asus Vivobook pro, Asus ROG. Just a list of stuff to look through to get you started.

I have a Dell XPS 15 and I like it well enough, not enough usb ports on the side for my tablet so I have to either use a usb extender cord to reach to the other side or plug it in to a power brick. If I had a tablet that could do USB-C to USB-C only it would be no problem though. Another thing to consider is a lot of the powerful laptops tend to run hot so it's worth it to get yourself a cooling pad or some kind of laptop stand that at least lifts it off the desk for better air flow.

And no, RAM is not something you need to buy seperately. You could get bigger RAM sticks if your laptop is capable of using more and you don't want to pay a premium for that shit being pre installed. But all laptops do come with a nice amount of memory already you know. You probably only need 6-8 gigs for a decent experience, though if you plan on using photoshop, the more the better, it absolutely is ram hungry.

>> No.5245463

Photographers like to post reviews where they call cintiqs "unnecessary toys" and give them bad scores because they can't even imagine anything outside their photo retouching echo chamber.

>> No.5245465
File: 3.98 MB, 334x251, 1538147858058.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, thanks for the bucketloads of info! That HP Pavillion 17.3 is looking pretty good to me. Might end up taking that one along with a cooling pad like you mentioned.

>> No.5245475

17" laptops are so nice but god damn they are normally heavy as fuck with some awful battery life so keep it in mind for your portability. I had a Toshiba Qosmio 17" before and I had to find a big messenger bag to fit that bitch in, with an extra bag for my tablet, cooling pad and power supplies. You may need to get one of those big extended batteries if you're trying to use it away from a power outlet, even then you probably won't get more than a few hours out of it.

Good luck on your laptop search, wishing you good gains as well

>> No.5245508

>avoid Xp pen
They're Japanese and they're pretty good if you can find them cheap. Nice shill list

>> No.5245512

Don't get him started with this shit he's already sperging out when people mention 15.6" laptop screens lmao

>> No.5245519
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>> No.5245522
File: 600 KB, 1103x672, ye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks again.

Any basic precautionary measures to take to prevent fucking up a laptop's battery life? I don't want to accidentally end up leaving my HP plugged in for too long or making it too dependent on those extended batteries.

>> No.5245524

>They're Japanese
No they're not moron.

They are 100% chinese, founded in japan. Use all the same internals and manufacturing plants as Huoin.

>> No.5245533

>HQ is in Japan
>They have to adhere to stricter Japanese build regulations
>Must be registered as Japanese to employ Japanese government subsidies
> but they're somehow 100% Chinese
Retard, pyw

>> No.5245551

>They have to adhere to stricter Japanese build regulations
Pfahahaha, fucking idiot. They don't have to abide by any Japanese regulations. They literally use the exact same pen as Huion; everything inside the pen is the exact same chinese-designed crap as theirs, with the exact same problems.

You're just a desperate shill moron coping hard.

>> No.5245554

>They literally use the exact same pen as Huion
Why doesnt my huion stylus work on my xp pen tablet then :(

>> No.5245558

Either you're a lying shill or using models released 3+ years apart.

Again, EXACT same problems: >>5240073
Every single XP Pen is designed and manufactured by chinese people in china.

>> No.5245560

It's a bit of a weird question, but hopefully i can figure this out.

I used to draw traditionally, but a nerve disorder means i cant move my hands the way i used to and end up smudging my art, and there's too much of a coordination disconnect when i draw using my old bamboo.

Are there any tablets that will let me both draw with a hard stylus and ignore my hand sitting on the screen while i work?

>> No.5245574
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 14-Best-Drawing-Gloves-for-Tablet-and-iPad-That-Protect-and-Clean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't a drawing glove help with that?

>> No.5245577

>Either you're a lying shill or using models released 3+ years apart.
I have an HS611 and a Deco Mini 4 and their pens dont work with each other
How do I make xp pen stylus work on huion

>> No.5245581

You'd think, but nerve junk is a bitch and those put my hand to sleep

>> No.5245604

>too much of a coordination disconnect when i draw using my old bamboo.
Get a screen tablet

>Are there any tablets that will let me both draw with a hard stylus and ignore my hand sitting on the screen while i work?
...a screenless tablet. Or I guess you could use a screen tablet and mirror the screen to your monitor so you can look at it so you dont see your hand? Honestly bro I'm a little confused by what you are asking and wtf "hard stylus" means

>> No.5245609

Sorry, i'm a little sleep deprived and i think more used to older tech.

I need a screen tablet, but every stylus i see are those stupid soft ones. and for "ignoring" i mean that if my hand sits on the screen, it counts it as input and messes with my drawing

>> No.5245637

>I need a screen tablet, but every stylus i see are those stupid soft ones. and for "ignoring" i mean that if my hand sits on the screen, it counts it as input and messes with my drawing
Okay so you're seeing the shitty styluses for standalone tablets and phones that are touch screen only, and you want something with palm rejection.

Artist's screen tablets use a different kind of stylus. Look at wacom cintiq, xp-pen artist, huion kamvas, they don't have those stupid little sausage styluses because they use different technology. If you get a cintiq that has touch controls, that shit can be turned off in your settings.

If you're trying to ask for a portable standalone tablet that does not need to hook up to the computer, your best options are going to be ipad with apple pencil or wacom stylus for ipad, or galaxy tab s6/s7 which also uses wacom tech in the stylus, and can use certain wacom styluses that are compatible.

So do you want a tablet that only works plugged in to a computer and gives you better size/quality? Or do you want a tablet that is its own computer and is portable but has less screen space?

>> No.5246124

Sure, you can't produce anything on a Surface, everything becomes scribble...
Applefags please... It was the same in the music industry and video except now everyone knows you can do the same shit on Pc without any problems

>> No.5246301

You could go for a more ghetto method, like putting something under your wrist so it doesn't mess with the tablet.

>> No.5246307

Is it possible to make money drawing with a non display tablet bros?

>> No.5246348

1. Get a used Intuos off eBay

2. Draw

>> No.5246360

Drawing gloves are the biggest meme in the art world. It's so easy to market to /beg/s. They'll buy anything to make themselves look and feel more professional.

You don't need a fucking art glove, jesus christ.

>> No.5246374

I use xp-pen deco pro and it does its job fine
Or are you talking screen-tablets only?

>> No.5246378

Yes. Lots of people do it.

NTA but I have to use them. I live in a hot climate, AC does break or struggle during the hottest part of the summers, and I rather like not having my hands skid around on or stick to my screen tablet.

Funniest thing I ever saw was a brony double wielding drawing gloves in the game room at a convention. He told me he wasn't ambidextrous he just thought they made him look cool.

>> No.5246390

That webm is the result of an uncalibrated stylus. On the artist line of xp pen tablets, literally everything wrong there can be fixed by taking the button off of the pen and using an eyeglasses repair screwdriver to turn the tuning screw (with the red ring around it).

Easy fix for something this guy posts in every thread as a reason not to buy those tablets...

>> No.5246402

My tablet is getting greasy, I'm considering one.

>> No.5246419

Screen tablets mainly, but anything produced by Hanvon Ugee Group is going to have a high risk of failure or heavy faults.

>> No.5246466

But I got one for free with my tablet and it feels more comfortable than drawing without one.

>> No.5246468

Just finished step 1.
I'll be in the loomis mines with my sketchpad until then.
I was thinking of doing heavy study with trad art and do my other 50+% of fun drawing digitally.

>> No.5246475

I thought they share the same product as Ugee not Huoin

>> No.5246512

They both answer to the Chinese government. Communism is a hell of a thing.

>> No.5246516

So I draw way better on a sketchpad than my tablet even though I do all my practice on my tablet (chinkpad Huion H610) Should I shell out for something better?

>> No.5246527

Yes. Never buy shitty hardware.

>> No.5246531

It was just while I was learning the ropes and had no budget but do you think it can actually handicap me as a beginner?

>> No.5246544

Depends on your budget and what you want.
Display or non-display, high budget or low?
The OP pasta isn't a bad guideline. Every tablet recommended is a good example of its respective subject.
My advice is to buy used. A ton of used tablets aren't used very often and are typically sold by people who either got them as gifts they didn't want, gave up drawing, or didn't want to get used to digital drawing.
That leaves a fuckload of barely if ever used tablets for FAR cheaper than market price floating around.

>> No.5246548

Oh shit misread your question. As for chinkshit being a handicap, it might fuck you up down the line, but it's more of a hassle than anything. That you're doing better on a sketchpad than on your chinkpad tells me your chinkpad is the problem rather than you yourself.
It's no stupid thing to practice on both traditional art and digital art, partially to see if your tablet is making mistakes that you wouldn't make.

>> No.5246552

Is there any point at all in a Wacom Intuos 3 mouse? Could I just use any old mouse if it ends up fucked up?

>> No.5246661

is it bad to eat and drink over your tablet/monitor?

>> No.5246667

I mean there's an associated risk of spilling or dropping shit on it. I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.5246668

I do it all the time but I’m a complete slob. Even came on the screen for a cum tribute for some tinder match that would sext me lol

>> No.5246688

This is what I've been doing. Since it looks like I can't build a new computer anytime soon because of the GPU shortage, I've been thinking about grabbing a S7+ or ipad though. Would be comfy to be able to draw digitally anywhere.

>> No.5246716

No. If you're /beg/ why the fuck would you buy professional grade shit? That's stupid. Especially if you don't even know if you like drawing enough to make it into a profession.

Get whatever looks good and is in your budget. All tablets have pros and cons, don't let aaron fool you.

>> No.5246732

I'm not saying I want professional grade, just that my current $40~ chink tablet feels like shit to draw on but I still want to main digital. I'll be doing my own research though.

>> No.5247069

Of course. Patreon simps don't pay artists because of their tablets, they pay them because of their work.

>> No.5247072
File: 20 KB, 1119x359, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too remember when XP-PEN didn't sell out to China.
Good times.

>> No.5247099

Does anyone have experience with both the apple pencil and the S pencil for android tabs?
How do they feel to each other in comparison?

>> No.5247231

S pen is only for samsung galaxy note and tab. It only works with certain models of the tabs by the way.

S-pen is better if you like a pen or mechanical pencil feel. Apple pencil is better if you like drawing with the side of the pencil or charcoal. Don't get paperlike screen protectors, they will eat the fuck out of your nibs. Apple pencil nibs are expensive. And some s-pen nibs are non replaceable.

>> No.5247425

If I can't afford a Galaxy Tab S7, what are other options I can have for display tablet?
>t. poorfag

>> No.5247427

Galaxy Tab S6 Lite is cheaper.
Or you could be a chad and go for non-display.

>> No.5247430

Why is the only option here between non-display and mobile-display? The non-mobile displays are less than half the price than a display tablet of a similar size/quality.

>> No.5247448

>And some s-pen nibs are non replaceable.
source me on that, chief

>> No.5247540

Does anyone know if getting an i5 11th gen laptop over an i7 would result in better performance from thermals? Planning to get a Cintiq 16 with a laptop but unsure if should get i7 or i5. Desktop is unfortunately not an option.

>> No.5247567

Because this thread doesn't allow the talk about Chinese tablets that would be within your budget.
It's run by Americans who only want you to buy Wacom. Google and do your own research, these threads are useless.

>> No.5247664

Seems chang's starting to lose hope.

>> No.5247679
File: 207 KB, 844x529, retardism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any app similar to procreate available on android devices?

>> No.5247688

Easy there, Wacommie. I've got a Cintiq. I'm just not a jew.

>> No.5247738

I bought an itab pro
How do I learn Procreate without the use of Crtrlpaint/photoshop?

>> No.5247757

Galaxy note phone styluses tend to have permanent nibs. Look up nib replacements for those, you aren't going to find it for every model.

>> No.5247766

It isn't. Sorry you've been mislead by someone here but there are many options. You can do a regular graphics tablet, a portable tablet, a tablet PC (as long as it uses wacom EMR), or any screen tablet.

Do your research and find what you like. Apple, Samsung, Wacom, Xp Pen, Huion, fuck you could even get an old-ass fujitsu tablet pc from 20 years ago. You could get a surface pro and suffer for some reason.

Google shit and do your research.

>> No.5247773

Nigger I was asking THAT GUY why he thinks he can't just buy a regular ass screen tablet instead of a fucking $2000 ipad.

>> No.5247778

What a snibby snabby boi. Calm your titties.

>> No.5247899

every single galaxy note s-pen has replacable tips
now if you're saying they aren't replacable because samsung are jews and don't add spares to every model you're just wrong

note 10, 10 lite, 10+, 20, 20 ultra share same s-pen tip shape (iirc only 10+ came with spares in the box)
7,8,9? same tip shape
3,4,5? same tip shape
idk about 1 and 2 but they're extremely outdated so w/e
you can find replacements for all of them on amazon

every note model before 10 came with replacement tips in the fucking box
nibs may have had different shapes but they're interchangeable and you could use, say, a note 4 s-pen nib on a note 20 s-pen no problem if you wanted to do that

do your fucking research man

>> No.5247922

Infinite painter.

>> No.5248150


What should I get? I'm looking for
>something that can browse the internet reliably
>something I can draw in bed with
>something I can practice light sketches
>something I can hook up to my normal pc to use a makeshift screen tablet
>700 budget

Surface pro 7 seems perfect but the wobbliness / n-trig sounds disheartening as fuck. Also some say it's a shitty for tablet use. Ipad seems like it has shitty art apps instead of freely installing different programs. I could get a cintiq, but then I'd miss out on having a tablet.

How is the drawing experience compared?

>> No.5248193

I got the GS 1331 (i think it's the latest kamvas 13, since it came with the 3.0 pen) recently and I was worried about the bug the older pens had but i personally haven't gotten it.

I only had to calibrate it the first time i pulled out it of the box, and it's been working fine since

>> No.5248216

thinking about getting the Wacom One just because it's accessible to me immediately. I have an iPad Pro with the Apple Pen but I just do not get anything done on it. I'm much more productive on my computer but I got a second hand intuos, I don't know the model. But I prefer the screen tablet over the non screen one.

>> No.5248248

Wacom One is much worse than your ipad pro.
Better off looking at a cintiq 16 or 24 pro

>> No.5248256

man I was afraid of that. Shit is way out of my price range. Oh well.

>> No.5248257

Galaxy S7+

Surface is a meme.

>> No.5248259


I got myself a Tab S7+ for New Years and used it for all my drawing ever since. The nib is still fine, the pen itself originally came super stiff but broke in and became a lot softer the rubbery nib thing doesn't seem to show any wear.

>> No.5248347
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This is the only guide you niggas need. Get back to work

>> No.5248395

You won't be any more productive on your PC, believe me. The hardware doesn't make you better at focusing. The best it can do is remove distractions via limitation, but a PC is heading in the opposite direction.

>> No.5248434

what sort of program should one use to draw stuff in?

>> No.5248462

>Jesus Christ I admit I didn't read it that far.
I really don't understand this, and it seems common with people. How long does it take you to read that many words?

I always thought tl;dr was a meme when it was only like 2 paragraphs. I guess if you're ESL I get it.

>> No.5248464

>No. If you're /beg/ why the fuck would you buy professional grade shit? That's stupid. Especially if you don't even know if you like drawing enough to make it into a profession.
Not everyone is poor.
>but do you think it can actually handicap me as a beginner?
Yes, but I don't know how bad that tablet actually is. You don't need top of the line, but if you go with the cheapest it's definitely a handicap.

Might as well just practice trad first, because there's a lot less handicap with just a regular pencil, ball point pen, and copy paper.

>> No.5248472

nah I had a chinkshit Huion on my PC for a little under a year and despite the product itself being dogshit it was the most productive year of my life. Returned it just in time to keep the warranty from fucking me up too. Shit just isn't the same on the iPad.

>> No.5248476

Fantastic. Have you by any chance experimented using the S7+ as an external screen tablet for a PC? I'm asking because I'm considering getting it, and while I've heard that it can function as an external screen both via cable and apparently wirelessly through software, someone said that they couldn't get it to work. I'd also love to know if pen tilt input is transmitted to the PC as well.

>> No.5248543
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What's the best display tablet for a Macbook?

>> No.5248583

Nobody has time to read some shitheel writing an amazon review. Especially if his title is stupid shit like "Here's why you want the small one."

>> No.5248592

probably an ipad.

>> No.5248607

Wacom one

>> No.5248639

How good is a Samsung chromebook for drawing? The S pen works with most models.

>> No.5248656

>Why is the only option here between non-display and mobile-display?

The PC display tablets just aren't as good as the mobile once.

With a galaxy you get a good laminated display and a good pen, you really feel like you're drawing directly on the pixels, there's low delay and highly optimised software.

With a PC tablet there's a thick glass, shit display, long lag, and the software is a single threaded piece of trash that runs slower than it does on a phone.

>> No.5248734

probably pretty good since it's the same wacom tech as their tablets

>> No.5248961

I mean, for non-screen tablets you might have a point, but for me the drawing glove makes it way easier to slide my hand across my Kamvas Pro 16. Eliminates most of the resistance.

>> No.5248994


I have an XP-Pen Artist 12 display I picked up two years ago to see how screen tablets would work for me. I like it. I don't have any real complaints, it was good for the money, and having a display tablet has its uses, especially for the kind of stuff I draw. Would like to try a bigger one some time, but am in no hurry to buy anything bigger right now.

I did manage to get a fully-working Intuos 4 Large for fifty bucks in a thrift store recently though, and am learning how to use that. It's pretty slick, feels really good, although that vast amount of space feels like TOO MUCH POWER. It forces good technique, you gotta draw with the whole arm. Anyway, glad to hear it's so highly recommended. I'll keep working at it.

>> No.5249024

>apple anything
God no

>> No.5249032

Get a samsung then I didn't make the graphic

>> No.5249073

Just rent one from a camera shop. Not as good as having your own but some calibration is better than none.

>> No.5249076

It depends on the battery but you want to be draining and charging to a certain percentage to keep ot healthy. Look up what kind of battery it is and what the drain and charge percentages are for it.

>> No.5249078

It's just a mouse that works on your tablet. No point if you already have a mouse

>> No.5249081

Fuck you I tried to remove my note 4 stylus nib and IT BROKE it was part of the fucking stylus

>> No.5249082

Yeah I figured as much. The price of the one I ordered was so low it was worth it either way. One of the only listings that said "no mouse" instead of fucking "no pen." Had to jump on it.

>> No.5249278

Glad to know I've been drawing on a meme.
I swear those debates are like politics. Blindly spamming "my side good, your side bad"

>> No.5249282

If you have no idea try anything free like like Krita which is totally fine.

>> No.5249570

Should I get Ipad if I am not planning on buying new one in the next 4 years or so? I just heared that apple tech starts to gradually decrease in performance after the release of updated versions.
Or should I just stick to cintiq 16? Is non pro version even worth it?

>> No.5249612

Stick to the cintiq man. Pro is barely worth it on the 16"

>> No.5249617

Gracias fren

>> No.5249621

Bro don't do that to yourself. Wacom one is trash

>> No.5249635
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I'm retarded and can't make out things because of all the advertisement on youtube and other places.
Thinking about buying myself a birthday gift. Never owned a graphic tablet before. What's the best one under $100? Tight budget. Was looking at huion h950p

>> No.5249668

>graphic tablet
>under $100
Pointless. Put it in the bank and save.

>> No.5249672

Xp pen deco 01 v2
If you're going to get a huion get hs611 or better.

>> No.5249763

How much do you need for a decent one?

>> No.5249784

Lol, I did some of my best work on a Huion 640p before I saved enough commissions to get a screen tablet. You're coping if you think the tablet is what's holding you back.

>> No.5249805

I did some of my best work with shit on cardboard. We already know the tool doesn't make the artist, but that doesn't mean a $100 screen tablet isn't a waste of money.
Like I said, save.

>> No.5249832


>> No.5249835

That shit is fucking tiny mate, do yourself a favor and get something like the h1161, size is the number one priority.

>> No.5249853

Dunno. Looked pretty solid from what I've seen of it online and seems like a reasonable display tablet for my tiny laptop, so I'm guessing it's a solid buy

>> No.5249854

Ive used everything from a bamboo tablet to a cintiq 24 (non touch version).

Ipad Pro 12.9 is good if you dont care about screen space. Yea its approx the size of a sketch pad but try using your shoulder on a little screen. Pro work can be done but not ideal for me.

Huion GT 191 is a non laminated tablet thats reliable. Ive tried a range of huions and the laminated line is fucking shit. The screen based ones are more stable. Paralax is huge but its a start. I recommend buying a screen protector, makes drawing on it better.

Huion Kamvas 22 Plus (What I use currently). Paralax is noticeably less than the 191. Feels closer to a cintiq. Im talking specifically the 22 plus, it feels worth the price. No problems with it thus far.

Cintiq Pro 24 (I returned it). Its definitely a luxury tablet. I returned it because I felt like it wasnt worth the price. Would I use it if money is no issue? Fuck yes I would. Draw space, screen quality, its all there. However its prone to dead pixels so you may have to return and exchange. However its not worth the price, I have a similar experience with the Kamvas 22.

>> No.5249960

why would you lie? or perhaps you didn't and your fat fingers are simply incapable of performing any kind of precise and delicate actions
ngmi either way

>> No.5249984

I use a kindle oasis

>> No.5250001
File: 31 KB, 844x241, galaxy_tomorrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Galaxy Tab S7+ - Good premium alternative to an iPad Pro
Hoping I don't regret this, but caved and ordered a S7+ that should show up tomorrow.

Is Clip Studio Paint the best option?

Bit disappointed to realize several of the Android apps have monthly fees compared to Procreate.. but I don't want Apple. I probably won't even end up using it away from my PC as much as I'm thinking, so maybe I should have went with a pc display tablet, but the mobility and lack of cables seems really appealing.

>> No.5250011

What will that be?

>> No.5250013

>Screen tablet
Are you retarded?

>> No.5250083

I'm still not sure whether superdisplay is a meme or not but at least you have the option to use the tab s7 as a pc display tablet so there's that

>> No.5250091

True, it would just seem like a lot to spend for this size screen if I don't use it mobile, especially since I bought it new.

But at least it has plenty of other uses too outside of drawing even if I feel I need something bigger for my desk later. I'm really /beg/ still when it comes to digital anyway.

>> No.5250094

I'm excited to hear how thw S7+ turns our. If you can, at some point, please also experiment with using it as an external screen for a PC. My choice to buy an S7+ hinges partially on whether it works reliably and has tilt support as an external screen.

I've used CSP for four years now after twenty years of photoshop. I love CSP and definitely recommend trying it.

>> No.5250123

Probably XP or Huion

>> No.5250142

>Is Clip Studio Paint the best option?
It seems to be
>Bit disappointed to realize several of the Android apps have monthly fees compared to Procreat

There's Infinite painter that's one time purchase for everything, it's pretty solid too but i'm just too used to CSP to get into all those overtextured brushes. Almost like it they were designed to WOW the normies rather than be used for drawing.

Also when you get it just go and increase the brush sensitivity by like 300% out of the box the s-pen is just stupidly stiff for some reason but after that tweak I just love it.

I love my S7+ but the super display thing just doesn't work on my PC at all.
Samsung also included their own software with an update. but i spent all day getting "CANNOT DISPLAY PROTECTED CONTENT" and gave up.

Anyway I just stopped using my pc for drawing, the tablet is great by itself.

>> No.5250229

What's a good general resolution for digital art?
Any specific guidelines? I'm using a pretty basic 2000x2000 square right now.

>> No.5250240

I use A2 at 300dpi (7016x4961) for printing stuff I like, I recommend at least 4k, lower than that looks pretty jaggy.

>> No.5250244
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Will do.

>> No.5250414

At a 100 dollar budget, I'd say save yourself the grief and go for non-display. Medium preferred but large if you have the space. That said 6x8 inch is more than you'd think.

>> No.5250440

opinion on the wacom ctl4100? seems like is the most cheap in the shithole where I live

>> No.5250443

If it only comes in small, you don't want it.

>> No.5250449

how do you guys cope with limited layers in procreate for ipad air?
sometimes I just want to switch back to PC just for lots of layers

>> No.5250463

shit guess I have to go for another one, any not overpriced recomendation?

>> No.5250467

Intuos 3 can be easily found for around 50 bucks on ebay. Just make sure it comes with a pen and that the seller has a high rating.
The one I got was practically brand new and it's great.

>> No.5250474

thanks anon, gonna check if I can find one

>> No.5250480

Best of luck. One other thing, make sure it's at least a medium.

>> No.5250721

Plastic on glass feels like shit, what the fuck was Apple thinking

>> No.5250734

Samsung probably patented their nib material, it's something weird, it's felt but it's rubber coated.

>> No.5250996

Ok, I'm finally prepared to stop trying to get accustomed to drawing in my 6'8" phone and get a proper tablet, since I'm not really in high spirits I would like to avoid any big expenditure for now. I have no experience with screenless tablets but I'd go for one with good pressure (most important aspect) and low price. For software, I use medibang and autodesk but will consider csp in the future.

>> No.5251026
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is this tablet any good? I just ordered it on amazon today.

>> No.5251029

Deco 01 v2

It's ok just small, make sure you stretch your hands and wrists often

>> No.5251036

thanks anon, will do

>> No.5251040

meant for

>> No.5251054

>6'8" phone

>> No.5251063

? I'm not used to english system

>> No.5251071
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>> No.5251736

What phone are you using

>> No.5251793

Is Veikk a good brand?

>> No.5251957

Every obscure brand uses the Ugee guts, they all have a similar layout and a similar feature set, but the drivers and enclosure quality may differ dramatically.

I used to have a Huion h610p and it had a fairly squeaky enclosure, felt cheap, the mini-usb connector was loose and kept disconnecting while I was drawing and the drivers required me to manually launch them each time.

The next tablet I bought was an Xp-Pen Deco 01, the size and features were identical, i bet it used the same internals, but it felt entirely different, the enclosure was high quality and just felt premium to the touch, usb-c was tight and secure, the drivers just worked with no issues. I never had a problem with it.

When dealing with the chinkshit you have to do your research about the products, because there are ten bad offerings for each good one.

>> No.5252032

What iPad is the bare minimum required for professional work, because I am a professional

>> No.5252175

I use a better app.
Bare bones 2018 or newer 9.7 for about 300us. Plus Apple pencil being about another hundred. It's the cheapest, still functioning, all there tablet you can get.

>> No.5252763

Veikk is weird. They're okay for a little while but... i don't know. I bought one to try it it out and the active area film you draw on peeled off within a few weeks. So I returned it. I have never had that happen before on a tablet, not even after years of use.

>> No.5252949

All brands are shit it seems. My art pen for my Intuos 4 used to work fine but suddenly stopped having pressure sensitivity or rotation functionality. The regular pen works fine. I had to make a config file that apparently tells Photoshop to disable Windows Ink, to get the art pen working again. Just clicking disable Windows Ink in the Wacom control panel wasn't enough. I don't think it is recommended any longer to disable Windows Ink, though. So I guess most people do not get this problem? Maybe it is only a problem on "old" tablets. You'd think Wacom/Adobe/Windows would have their shit sorted out by now.

>> No.5253301
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I can buy this iPad Pro 2nd gen for $400, the red mark only shows on black screens. Worth it?

>> No.5253335

They don't suffer for not having their shit together. People buy their stuff even when it is trash. It will never change.

>> No.5253620

>$400 for a damaged toy
do iToddlers really...?

>> No.5253639

On my Surface Pro, a Microsoft computer, Microsoft pen, Microsoft operating system and Microsoft software, I haven't been able to use some scrollbars (for example in the task manager) for about two years since an update. They decided that the pen should scroll webpages as a default, which broke scrollbars, and it doesn't seem to bother Microsoft at all. The update also bricked photoshop for like a year and caused countless artists to have to buy another computer to get their work done.

Also clicking on items on webpages has never worked properly. I used to make websites and I had to get a mouse for that, since neither touch nor the pen would register at all in any browser based editor. And in general some buttons, such as the close window button, are always unreliable. It's almost impossible to close windows with touch, and pen clicks work only intermittently. You'll often have to click up to ten times and end up closing underlying applications as well.

The pen tilt has been broken for most of these years. It was broken in the beginning, then worked for a time, then broke again after an update. Now any tilt-supporting pen has massive, erratic jitter in the direction of the tilt, on the scale of 20-30 pixels. Unusable, so I had to start using a wacom pen.

Can't wait to get a S7+.