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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.38 MB, 2550x2700, br9psneoeg751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5239803 No.5239803 [Reply] [Original]

>artist exists only on twitter
>they litter their feed with food photos/reaction webms/politics/pet pics/gacha pulls/videogame screenshots/memes

>> No.5239868

If they need you to jump through hoops just to see their art, ignore them. It's their own fault.

>> No.5239872

If there is ANYTHING other than art, I never follow

>> No.5239881

you showed them

>> No.5239889

Showed them what? If they aren't even aware that posting unrelated shit pushes people away is bad then it's their own fault. If they do it on purpose, fuck them. Artists aren't entitled to having people spend precious time hunting their pictures.

>> No.5239949

Wow you're cool. It's awesome how you hate everything, so epic and cool.

>> No.5239986
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they loose out on many potential followers. I've unfollowed because of that.

>> No.5239987
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>artist uses twitter only to crosspost his pixiv submissions

>> No.5239998
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>artist only exists on weibo

>> No.5240006

This is why I can't understand how Twitter is as popular as it is and not Instagram. It sucks when I want to use a reaction pic and I either can't, or have to suck it up and let it clog my media tab

>> No.5240013

This is more of a japanese artist thing it seems. I was gonna make a thread about it myself. Japanese artists seem to just put whatever the fuck they want on their twitter inbetween their art posts.

>> No.5240026
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>> No.5240042

western artists do it too. i recently unfollowed someone because they couldn't stop posting about politics, muh "save the niggers" and other dumb bullshit.

>> No.5240044

getting real tired of this

>> No.5240064

but they're not crying about you, you're crying about them

>> No.5240158

>artist only exists on weibo
Internet followers don't matter at fucking all, money on the other hand does matter

>> No.5240340

I'm not crying about anyone, retard. I'm ignoring them. They're out of my mind.

>> No.5240351

i'm ignoring them by writing faggot paragraphs on 4chan

>> No.5240353

Like you're gonna give money to them in the first place.

>> No.5240355

Okay, faggot. Go on.

>> No.5240364

clout is money. they are hindering their growth and earning potential for no reason. every smart and big twitter artist has their gallery on a separate site or doesn't sully their twitter with memes.

only small gems in the rough haven't learned to do this.

>> No.5240367

>earn more clout by not interacting with anybody
lemme know how that works for you chief

>> No.5240384
File: 82 KB, 504x331, rewgrwgrwg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

memes give way more clout and growth than art on average. Any smart artist would know by using that you then link the new people to your art only account.

>> No.5241411


>every smart and big twitter artist has their gallery on a separate site
>or doesn't sully their twitter with memes

we must choose one.
Interaction is great, memes are great. Just give people a chance to see your gallery on a different site if your feed is meme littered. MY feed is meme littered, but I have an artstation, so I don't force everyone to trawl through my jokes to see my work.

That works too. And I agree original memes are much more effective at gaining followers.

>> No.5241424

Someone explain to me please how I'm supposed to use hashtags. Yeah I draw cute anime girls, make good money on Patreon and commissions, but get hardly any action on twitter. Posting with hashtags results in zero extra views as opposed to posting with no hashtags. And of the artists who draw similar stuff and have 100x the followers I do, none of them seem to use hashtags either.

>> No.5242346

Use hashtag when you draw fanart.
Requires your art to be either decent or very soulful.

>> No.5242365

Post your muted words

>> No.5242380

wtf is wrong with talking about something that gets on your nerves???
you're acting like he dedicated 10 years of his life to talk about artists on twitter.
retards like you always make this fucking stupid argument. disgusting.

>> No.5242391
File: 137 KB, 686x695, 17634523234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artist exists only on tumblr
>porn purge happens
>never bothered creating a new account, just retired from art

>> No.5242399

so much was lost in the great purge...

>> No.5242401

But if those words are muted how would I know who to unfollow

>> No.5243126

twitter needs a bio mute feature because some people don't say this shit a lot but its still in their bios

>> No.5243308

Why the fuck don't more people pin a thread of moments of their art, I don't get it, you have a folder of your work visible at the top of your profile that way.

>> No.5243318

thats a horrifying image

>> No.5243480

if someone's art isn't in their 6 previous media pictures, fuck it.

>> No.5243487
File: 103 KB, 1024x1024, looney tunes character after explosion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese artist has over 300k tweets
>300,000 TWEETS
>most of them are just personal messages like "did I do the dishes" or "make sure to feed cat"

Can any SEA-fags explain why this is? It's like some artists treat twitter like it's a personal diary or something?
here's an example, warning somewhat degenerate

>> No.5243555

>warning somewhat degenerate

of course

>> No.5243577

>300k tweets
I don't think I've even typed that many WORDS on 4chan

>> No.5243654

>be rentaro shirowtabi
>spend your days travelling around your small town, taking nice pictures, playing with your rabbits and drawing manga for free on twitter because it is easy to use and open. Post about your precious rabbits, your day, and every once in a while finally get thise pages you worked hard on posted
>retard gaijin that is probabyl from a shithole comes up to uou writing yoi in broken katakana
>he them goes on to dress up as a girl, take dick, and go to his favorite taiwaneese soccer saweing email exchange "icy on fortune" to complain about your work.
>shrug it off, feed yoir rabbit, watch some anime, and go to sleep exited for more art and advanture tomorrow.

>> No.5244163

I'm fine with that if they are the type of artist who has a pixiv that they frequently upload on or they have put out books or something. Takehito Harada and Akihito Tsukishi are some of my favorite artists but those motherfuckers never upload any of their shit on their pixiv. Shit sucks man.

>> No.5244200
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>all artist does is complain about how much his family hates him
>doesn't move out despite making 2k+ a month on Patreon at the age of like 23

>> No.5244211

Twitter could have galleries or "tagging" systems where people could mark offtopic pictures so they wouldn't show up in their media section.

But they are not interested in doing that.
And there isn't a single good art platform out there.

The best solution is to just have your own website, but that costs money and/or time.
I intend to do it, but only if I ever reach any sort of audience first, I'm not wasting my time when no one cares. I have my full collection of drawings stored offline, in my HDDs.

Fuck you Instanigger, that place is even worse than Twitter.

>> No.5244218

The opposite of autism to the extreme. Too normalfag for normalfags.

>> No.5244887

Sorry, but no one cares about your political opinions.

>> No.5245070

>5 years after gaining your independence you are stuck at home in a loveless home
>probably been that way since childhood
>no idea how to move or where to
That would honestly be purgatory. This guy is probably saving up to move. You got to remember that in fucked up cases like this the guy probably doesn't even know what documents he needs to get from said family or even how to communicate with them to get them in order to move out.
or, could be even worse, like feeling of obligation to be accepted by them because dum monkey brain or being scared to move on because that is all he knows

>> No.5246974

>artist exists only on twitter
>90% of the post are politic related sht

>> No.5247016

>clout is money
No it isn't

>> No.5247020

You probably have

>> No.5247023
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I only retweet a political post every once in a while ngl, most of the time it's mainly just either my own art or retweeting fellow artists work

>> No.5247024

Tumblr is comfy af right now though. Coomfags took most of the insane drama with them to twitter.

>> No.5247030
File: 529 KB, 640x480, 1484125304457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artist says people who enjoy loli are pedophiles and should be deplatformed
>draws straight shota
>draws underage characters
>follows artists who have drawn loli in the past
Fuck Noill and every other popular porn artist, bunch of weak fucking faggots

>> No.5247034

>follow an artist
>constantly re-tweets the same 4 paintings of theirs over and over for follows/likes/retweets

>another artist
>keeps begging for money/commissions/retweets, keeps re-tweeting same thing over and over again

>another artist
>more tweets about politics than their own art

fuck this shit, i'd rather follow a nip retweeting cats and their food.

>> No.5247047


>> No.5247061

Has drawn craptons of straight shota porn, he is friends with SJW faggots that think its CP.
Either they havent gotten the memo or they're a cancel hive waiting to happen.

>> No.5247353

>doesn't move out despite making 2k+ a month on Patreon at the age of like 23

sometimes i wonder how many lie about age/say they're younger

i dont think ive seen a single twitter account broadcast their age past like 26

>> No.5247371
File: 230 KB, 347x350, 1468275633292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twitter bio is barely anything more than "I draw"
>they exclusively post their art; no retweets, blogposts, nothing


What's the point of littering your bio with personal facts? Your age/gender/blood type/neuroticism isn't interesting to anybody

>> No.5247388

Why do I get the feeling most of the people in this thread don’t actually draw at all?

>> No.5248554

>bio says only 16
>they're several skill tiers higher than 99.99% of /ic/

>> No.5248567

Why do people care about this at all
Just ignore it, are you guys just trying to be mad at something.

>> No.5248697

seethe more lolishitter

>> No.5248750


>> No.5248834

>artist complains about having to draw commissions, many of which they have already spent the money they earned from accepting
>they charge 150 USD bare minimum for some loose sketches and a couple hundred for anything else
>make their commissioners wait weeks, sometimes even months after taking their cash
>passive aggressively insult the commissioners and rant about "mental health"
>complain about how hard their life is when they can make over 1000 dollars from drawing a 3 or 4 pictures, have tens of thousands of adoring fans, and multiple higher level job opportunities
>bitch at their soapbox cuck fans that try to encourage them to not be such a bitch even when they sugarcoat their words
Some people don't deserve what they have

>> No.5248850
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>artist draws vtuber garbage

>> No.5249746

So many coomer artists are huge drama queens. They think the attention they get is from them and not from the tits and ass they draw.

>> No.5250074


sometimes i wonder for those who chose to strive for art as a profession, went and graduated college/are mid 20s or so, mosey on over to Twitter and see some (alleged) teenager who's already notably better than them somehow. must be a shit feeling

>> No.5250096
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just typical jap faggotry, posting about their mundane lives on any social media they can, desperate to validate their existence as an individual in a society that couldn't care less.

>> No.5250141

Fuck twitter.
Fuck instagram too, moreso than twitter.

Any platform that downscales your artwork is worthless as a gallery. A platform that intentionally limits the aspect ratio of your image is even even even more worthless. The fact that these are the most popular is genuinely upsetting

>> No.5250153


I often see people on twitter complain about the fact that hey don't have an edit button. But very rarely do I see people complain about how twitter squashes the image quality, I mean ffs even 4chan doesn't do that. It's a shame too since some of my favorite artists use twitter and I can't seem to find some of them anywhere else.

>> No.5250164

do you have a kneejerk response to any politics or just ones you personally disagree with

>> No.5250251

because most of the people on twitter aren't artist and would only take pics of their food or items like cars.

>> No.5250255

I want to follow people for their art not their random uneducated opinions on whatever the fuck is going on at the moment, go on r*ddit or a separate account to get on your shitty soapbox

>> No.5250509

I usually unfollow and mute someone if they get overly political, never block since it could lead unnecessary drama.

>> No.5250531
File: 38 KB, 758x644, computer gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like trump
>a fellow artist does not like trump and publically posts how republicans are the devil and they should all be tried, convicted, etc etc
>thinks trump is hitler
>"Huh, well she's entitled to her own opinion."

But I know it's one sided and if I post anything positive about the President I'll get some serious shit. Had he won the election, I had intended to draw a piece commemorating his victory, it would have been interesting to see the reactions ngl.

Hell I'm not even American (or white), there were just some qualities that Trump had that eclipsed his flaws that I liked/enjoyed.

>> No.5250539

why are you self-censoring reddit? are you afraid of the thought police?

>> No.5250554

>there were just some qualities that Trump had that eclipsed his flaws that I liked
which ones, the racism, sexism, lying or all three?

>> No.5250626

fuck I liked some of Noill drawings, it's a shame to discover that he's a faggot

>> No.5251177

he isn't racist, nor is he sexist. he DOES lie, but saying that about a politician is like pointing out that birds fly. trump's well liked by his side because he is first and foremost a businessman, and also prioritizes american citizens over foreigners. and about the racism and sexism, i think trump has gotten quite a bit of media slander because of his anti-china policies, especially the tariffs. most likely news stations are being paid china bucks to amplify anti trump sentiment. if you look at all the examples people point to about him being sexist, they're like old clips from way way back then when the cultural norms were different.