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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.36 MB, 1123x913, In this sign thou shalt conquer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5229557 No.5229557 [Reply] [Original]

Small changes will allow for a better life

>> No.5229563

op just vented... sus....

>> No.5229593
File: 12 KB, 320x240, 1144916056067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't made any money yet!

>> No.5229621

what does vent even means lmao fugg these threads xD

>> No.5230125

>been drawing for two years
>if you ask me to do a quick sketch of a head from imagination it will look exactly the same as it did on day one, literally no evidence of learning or progress whatsoever
>if I spend literal WEEKS on a drawing slowly beating it into shape then I can wind up with something that doesn’t look day one but is still clearly /beg/
This is pure hell and suffering. I didn’t know it was possible to have this little ability at something. It’s such a shock after being above average in most skills I’ve tried in my life (STEM fields, competitive video games, etc).
I have a new plan to just intensively grind heads for a while and keep notes on the mistakes I find in each drawing, so I can focus on fixing the most common mistakes and hopefully reduce them over time. But I’m starting to lose hope that any progress is possible. Just feels like I’m smashing my head against a brick wall.

>> No.5230209
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>browse japanese artists twitter
not even once

>> No.5230211

nice to see the og vent thread maker is back

>> No.5230219

>do the same thing over and over without thinking or trying
>treats an actual drawing that he probably only makes once in a blue moon as "pure hell" because he got something wrong
There's your problem nigger, only grinding heads will make you fall again into an unlearning grind.
Draw what you want to draw as ambitiously as possible because you obviously have comfort zone issues, don't be afraid of fucking up hard and trying things way beyond your capabilities because it's how you learn.

>> No.5230303
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post in beg

get told to gtfo of beg.

post in any other thread

get told to go to beg

why is /ic/ like this?

>> No.5230310

man they'll eat anything if they get to abuse some animal welfare rights, huh

>> No.5230372

I’ve done both types of drawing. I’ve done long finished pieces and I’ve done short quick sketches. I already said in my post that I’ve spent weeks on a single drawing before (full pieces with full figures, backgrounds, etc). I’ve made some glacial improvements in the quality of these pieces but it’s extremely embarrassing how many hours I have to spend on something to create something that’s barely mid-/beg/.
I don’t feel like it’s sustainable to just keep on banging out one /beg/ painting a month. I need to be able to put better drawings down on paper faster if I ever want to get competent. I don’t know the best way to do that, every method I’ve tried so far has failed basically, but the grinding method I’ve tried is at least something I haven’t really tried before. I’m open to suggestions.
You say “do things beyond your capabilities” but even putting down a simple correct head is basically beyond my capabilities.

>> No.5230374

Are you sure they're not Chinese? Can you post the Twitter account? I lived in Japan for several years, never once saw anyone eating giant bugs. Daddy needs context.

>> No.5230377


>> No.5230393

No. It's the /vent/ thread, I'm just here to vent bro.

>> No.5230395

It's not about speed or grind, it's about learning, reflecting on what you are doing wrong, not doing it again and also doing things you are not used to regarding heads. From the way you're talking it makes it sound like you are just blindly "self-teaching" instead of actually applying learned things which is ultimately what leads to stagnation, grinding will not fix this issue since you will still just be grinding mediocre techniques.
You said you will keep notes on mistakes which is good but you said your heads look exactly the same as they did two years ago so lack of volume is clearly not the issue here.

>> No.5230407

thats fine but don't expect any productive responses.

>> No.5230408
File: 89 KB, 701x1024, FF19623F-79CB-4E87-AE39-C018000BF5FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post work in appropriate thread
>no (you)s
>start arbitrary argument in other thread
>bait them into demanding pyw
>finally tell me what’s wrong

>> No.5230418
File: 1.20 MB, 936x1368, jesse faden PNG smol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"why does my art suck??????!?A?s;"
post your work
>"jUst HeRE to vEnT BRO"

post the fucking work

Here's mine. Was drunk as shit and the face looks like ass, we'll rip each other a new one

>> No.5230596

You have too remember that half of /beg/ is too /beg/ to see the flaws in others work, that you may not be as consistent as you think you are.

>> No.5230608

nobody here actually draws or even cares to actually discuss art....everyone is far more interested in whos behind the art, drama, complaining about sjws, etc. almost every thread is nearly off topic,or for complaining about how they cant draw because they started 10 minutes ago. and if its not it always devolves into insane drivel

>> No.5230612

i just want a fourm to discuss art, find new artists and get critiques. instead this place is just occupied with people who want to argue with people for drawing in style they dont like, insult people for making mistakes , and complain and complain and complain.... theres no hope

>> No.5230614


>> No.5230618

That’s China that eats the weird shit

>> No.5230627

yep, there's no hope for this board. actually i was going to reply to that post with this but i decided to just go in the vent thread since its pointless to go on a rant in reply to someone else anyways

>> No.5230643

I question whether anonymity is really compatible with art critique. There are too many variables at play and no way to filter or curate. Maybe this board was doomed from conception.

>> No.5230655

It's not really, that means any retard who doesn't even draw will just come here to post coom and /pol/ bait threads constantly.

>> No.5230696

This is why I only come to /ic/ for the vent threads and resources. It's pretty much useless otherwise. Might as well rename the board "artwork complaints" since it's all anyone does.

>> No.5230702

There’s some real shit that gets posted in the other generals, but usually they don’t get told to go back to /beg/ unless it’s the worst of the worst. You might have just got unlucky and had someone crab on you.

>> No.5230722
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>post in thread
>thread dies

>> No.5230731
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I've unironically done this in other threads before. But this time I really did just come here to vent.
Fine, since you pyw'd first.

>> No.5230732

I think I effed up with my crush :( I just want her to be my gf

>> No.5230734
File: 599 KB, 1040x932, 1461594217152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been drawing the DFC for the past couple years, I do not know how to draw booba and now I'm debating whether I am afraid to draw boobs or is it the failure to draw boobs that fills me with dread. I hate boobs.

>> No.5230758

>I question whether anonymity is really compatible with art critique.
I think it is, so long as the one giving critique is mature enough and gives a shit. Tho it depends on what sort of critique you want, I'm cool with ones from people who don't draw, but if you only want from those that do, it's probably better go elsewhere.

>> No.5230768
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>> No.5230787

I guess there’s arguments for and against. My first reaction was to say that the risk of getting an unfairly negative anonymous critique is lower than the risk of getting an unfairly positive non-anonymous critique. But at the same time, I have seen plenty of highly critical non-anonymous critiques before.
Overall there’s enough of a range of critique on /ic/, both good and bad, to make me think that the anonymous environment is at least a workable alternative to an environment with permanent identities.

>> No.5230790
File: 227 KB, 482x427, 78g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started to git gud but i barely get any reply nowdays
>started posting bad art while being uppity
>get tons of replies roasting me

>> No.5230806

Doesn’t everything else in life follow the same sort of pattern? People give the greatest successes the most attention, and they like to laugh at lolcow failures too. For everyone else in the big mediocre middle, it’s hard to stand out.

>> No.5230832


>> No.5230843

Been there, done that.

>> No.5231049

Not quite the same, but I do feel this way after I finished a piece and then I end up sleeping for like 4 hours into the day. I need better stamina.

>> No.5231076
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Work has been infuriating and today's paycheck after working 12 hours a day for two weeks has taken me over the edge. I want to use this check to find courses or a tutor to teach me but fiverr is full of people who don't understand what I want.

Art courses are like 2500$ minimum. I've been reading this book by James Gurney about color and light but I realize now, i'm kinda retarded because the knowledge isn't sticking. I really want to improve and I feel like i've been at the same place for the past year.

>> No.5231080

I feel that. But more within my inner circle of friends. I work every day on my art and post. My friends barely post it. My friend who posts once a month gets carried around like she's the best artist in the world. Her art gets shared and replied to by our friend.

Then I post art and they barely even look at it.

>> No.5231102
File: 571 KB, 1836x1927, end me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/beg/ here

Just lost a painting I've been working on for 5 hours. I know it's not much, but with uni I just never have time.

All that's left is this picture I took of the screen to send to someone. It's not really a good painting, boring shit actually, but jesus fucking christ I didn't need this today.

I didn't need to lose all this progress, I didn't need to feel like I was finally grasping shape and skin colours and how to paint in this fucking impossible program. I honestly just can't fucking cope.

I need a hug anon

>> No.5231105
File: 635 KB, 3612x3000, drawpile_25FEB2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had more artfag friends to do drawpiles and stuff with. I did it with my friend and he drew literally like three things and then fugged off

>> No.5231110

>I need a hug anon
Are you a girl?

>> No.5231144


>> No.5231162
File: 2.52 MB, 3496x2480, .ljhjklñ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just because I fucking hate myself I shat out this coomer shit. At least I have something to show for myself today.

>> No.5231201

Same, anon. Same. All of my art friends love art but don't do art.. well like seriously.

>> No.5231206

I will I was twitter popular. It is very vain but I still wish for it.

>> No.5231218


Nothing wrong with that Anon. For as much work I put in for my art, it's irritating how much I don't get back.

>> No.5231222

5 hours? and you're on digital? anon......please prioritize

>> No.5231340
File: 275 KB, 1536x2048, a30b800df5794fb894de10a02c6341bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this might be bait but maybe someone will learn. if you draw like this, it's classic turd polishing. it's okay to do that for fun. i'm happy you know what you like, you are passionate about it. don't stop doing this.

but in between fun drawings you also have to build your fundamentals. think of it like an athlete who goes to the gym to build his muscles so that he can be better at his sport.

im not gonna waste my time critiquing the anatomy in this sketch. there was no proportion measurement used. there was no perspective considered. no knowledge of anatomy.

if you want to improve, i think you should learn to draw cubes, cylinders pyramids, and spheres properly and in perspective. 1 2 and 3 point perspective. this is something you can practive anywhere with no references once you know what you're doing. you can do this in class, at work, on a train, at a cafe, whatever. set up vanishing points and just draw random 3d shapes.

check out peter han's youtube video and his book the dynamic bible. he breaks complicated things like animals and vehicles down iinto basic shapes. so you can focus on perspective and measuring proportion and getting symmetry right on simple shapes, and then building up detail on top of that.

when you get that down, you can work on shading them. you can do value studies. and you can use what you learn to draw stuff like cars, buildings, furniture, whatever.

then you can start learning to draw people. first basic stuff like loomis head proportion, then learn a mannequin. michael hampton is good.

just to learn the basics of drawing people.

then you can break into figure drawing, and focus on gesture so your poses aren't stiff.
then you can actually learn anatomy like bridgman.

>> No.5231343

yea you are.

>> No.5231346

well you learned the hard way but now you will not make the mistake again of not constantly hitting control + s.

>> No.5231438

>this might be bait
One of my best drawings ever is bait. Truly /ic/ finds new ways to crush me every day.
I don’t know how drawing more boxes will help me. I’ve gone through Robertson, I’ve gone through Vandruff’s perspective videos, none of it seems helpful or applicable. I know I’m garbage, I just don’t know how boxes will help. It just seems like a distraction. Thanks for at least taking the time to write the post though.
>at least you’re passionate about this
None of this is fun at all.

>> No.5231446

>I know I’m garbage
So stop acting like critique is personally crushing you, if you know your art is garbage then you are at least better than it.

>I just don’t know how boxes will help
You are skipping steps and trying try to draw things without knowing what you should be doing and you will still not know how to draw a figure no matter how many times you draw it wrong.
If you can't draw a good box then you won't draw a good figure, this is not a matter of grind but applying knowledge.

>> No.5231447
File: 82 KB, 600x304, Loomis skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon, but don't feel too bad. Your drawing is fine for 2 years in. Right on schedule.

I don't think perspective is going to help if you're just going to draw figures. The problems you're running up against is floating basic shapes in space in the correct position and proportions. So basically, the basic human mannequin figure is what you need to work on. Proko has a good video on it. The first chapter in Loomis' figure book is about it. I would just practice the basic figure for the next year, every day. Along with practicing heads, features, clothing etc. Just keep posing figures one after the other from imagination, trying to nail the proportions of the length and width of each part. Do some short figure poses too from figure drawing sites, around 5 min.

practicing basic shapes helps. So does learning perspective. But more than anything you need to be practicing figure drawing, with an emphasis on proportion.

>> No.5231479

Well, “right on schedule” might be a little too kind. I’m quite confident that my progress is below average for the amount of time and effort I’ve put in. But I appreciate the sentiment.
I’m not opposed to increasing my perspective knowledge or anything. I know it’s something you have to account for even with figure drawing. It’s just that whenever I’ve set aside blocks of time to “do perspective” in the past, it hasn’t translated into any gains at all. So I don’t know why doing it again would be any different. Maybe I’m just practicing/applying it wrong.
I’m trying to be more conscious of proportions. It’s something I always struggle with but at least it’s a known problem that I have some idea of how to correct. Thanks for your post.

>> No.5231503

>you will still not know how to draw a figure no matter how many times you draw it wrong
I don’t understand what this means. Are you saying that if you draw one figure incorrectly, then you should stop drawing figures and go back to just drawing boxes and try figures again later?

>> No.5231591
File: 97 KB, 600x797, a0527ec4aa7262ffbd0983f82c11fd0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are lots of things you can fix just by looking at this. Even if you are somehow unaware that this is symbol drawn primarily and lacking underlying form, even you should be able to see things like the following when you look at it critically:
- Hands are a mess - for a young woman they look like gnarled man hands
- Sword symboldrawn - somehow being held perfectly in profile towards the viewer so you don't have to think about how it operates in 3d space at all
- Thighs/legs also symboldrawn and too small

Anime artstyle can be fine, if you're drawing it on top of a form that actually makes sense. You're copying what anime looks like, but not how it's actually constructed.

Attached is literally first result for 'anime girl with big sword'. It isn't perfect, but:
- pose is more dynamic
- character exists in actual 3d perspective to the viewer and is not flattened
I think you need to look at more art and realize how yours differs - the main thing is i think you just aren't thinking in 3d.
If you are, somewhere along the line your brain is turning back to the comfortable symboldrawing mode you're used to.
I think you should post a sketch, something before you start laying down lineart. it would help us understand where your construction is going so wrong so we can give more pointed advice.

>> No.5231597

how much time do you spend drawing in a day on average in that two years?

>> No.5231606

He is basically saying unless you know what you are doing wrong by learning from someone better than you, and then working on those specific weak points or lack of knowledge, you will continue putting out bad work. Look at Chris chan. Drawn thousands of comics and they all look like the same horseshit. Improvement does not come simply from mindlessly grinding for years, the quickest improvement comes from reshaping your brain into doing things the right way by studying. You can grind when you know what you're actually grinding for - what you're actually trying to change about your works.

If i use too much salt in my food, it doesn't matter how many dishes i make, until i realize I'm oversalting I'll just keep making the same mistake and wondering what I did wrong. Then once i fix that fundemental problem i can start working on how to cook meat to the right temp, combine flavors, etc... you need to build up from the bottom, or your work will have no foundation to stand on.

>> No.5231617

>none of it seems helpful or applicable
If you are literally getting nothing about long videos or books from master artists maybe that should be a clue that you're missing some fundementals.

>> No.5231877

why is /vent/ the fastest thread on /ic

>> No.5231883

reminder that vent threads are cancer
go draw you wilting little flowerboys

>> No.5231889

Retard, /pol/ threads are faster than vent threads.

>> No.5231897

You have good intuition for shapes anon. Keep it up.

>> No.5232017

I tried to put myself out there again and just got drowned out by others in the group. I tried messaging people individually too, but no one wants to talk to me. I know that I dont overstep any boundaries, I keep it casual and occasional. They reply and act nice but only to be polite. I haven't put any of my opinions out there or anything, so I'm not sure what they're judging me by.
I wish I had a friend.

>> No.5232029

Gave up cigs 3 days ago, so so angry.

>> No.5232044

Keep it up, anon! You're doing good. Quitting cigs is hella nice once you get used to it. Cinnamon gum helps

>> No.5232051

Don't let nicotine run your life anon. You didn't give up smoking, you quit putting up with its bullshit. Once and for all.

>> No.5232111

>Sign up for New Masters
>realize I don't need it
>go to cancel
>They offer 25% off if I agree to stay on for the next 3 months
>agree, because its a good deal
>remember i don't need it
>go to cancel again
>they won't let me (not until May)

>> No.5232129

>Finally think something i made looks good.
>Close program and come back later
>honeymoon period wears off and turns out it looks like shit.
Every. Damn. Time.

>> No.5232280

It's okay anon. You just need to meet someone who matches your pace. Most people aren't like that, unfortunately.

>> No.5232283


>> No.5232286

That's pretty smart.

No, not you anon. You dumdum

>> No.5232301


>> No.5232461
File: 191 KB, 474x266, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of my shitposts paid off

>> No.5232471

Lost a follower because I posted some nude art. Nothing intoxicating, but there were tits showing as the bra slid down her breast. NOrmally this would have bothered me, to lose a follower that I personally knew, but it actually made me think. This unfollow was a sign that my art is good enough to evoke emotion/feeling into others, She must must have felt disgusted lmao. I'm so proud of myself.

Also what a shitty thing to do to someone you know or knew for a long time. You can just mute people on instagram. Unfollowing is kinda rude, but nothing was lost.

>> No.5232473

be the change, anon. this board is pretty slow even one person can make a difference.

>> No.5232474 [DELETED] 

sick! you'll feel better soon.

>> No.5232478 [DELETED] 

talk to me about art. go ahead. you start.

>> No.5232490

time 2 quit. thats literally so easy

>> No.5232491

>hang out on a forum for the mentally ill
>"Why am I getting abused all over the place?"

>> No.5232492
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Why are zoomers like this?

>> No.5232494

it's really not. people here just shit post or vent on others for attention.

>> No.5232556
File: 135 KB, 794x794, 1612962318667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>None of this is fun at all.
Then fucking stop. Why the fuck are you learning this retarded skill? Go be a plumber or a welder or some shit if you're going to put all your time into a skill you have no passion for. At least you can make money off those.

I would never ever waste a second on drawing if I didn't absolutely love it.

Anon, I have the exact same compulsion to draw that I do too watch porn. Sometimes I don't even want to do it, but i can't help myself. It's getting in the way of my job, relationships, and heath. If you don't have that, for the love of god, fucking stop torturing yourself.

>> No.5232570
File: 18 KB, 281x297, 29aj4lts9pe41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talent is a meme honestly. I've always been somewhat talented at sketches (painting is in the family, but I pursued STEM (el em a o)), but when considering actual technically correct drawing, I'm dogshit at it. In fact, being perceived as talented really fucks you up because you set way too high standards for yourself and chastise yourself for the smallest mistakes.This is not healthy for your development. For anyone lacking talent, relax. You're going to get more out of yourself with hard work, discipline, and confidence, than just talent.

Any biological determinists that disagrees with this?

>> No.5232575

>being perceived as talented really fucks you up because you set way too high standards for yourself and chastise yourself for the smallest mistakes
That's neither here or there, I know self-haters from both sides. It's just a bad habit you need to learn to break out of.

>> No.5232587

which is... perfectly normal behavior? Ok

>> No.5232594

I think even low IQ or low imaginative ability people can make a career out of art, but to be really good at it you do need to be born with certain neurological advantages.

>> No.5232609


I basically agree with you about talent. I did the same thing where people always told me how great I was as a kid and then I got too cocky and didn't work hard to improve and ended up being an embarrassment to myself as an adult. My art is really impressive for a 14 year old. It's too bad I'm 33. Only thing I disagree with you on is that I am fucking really hard on myself and I think it's paying off. No one else is as harsh as I am, not even on /ic/

Different people are motivated by different things. For me it's shame, basically. I have to look at myself in the mirror and say "who would fuck a mess like that?" in order to get myself to eat healthy, but it works. And honestly, I don't see anything wrong with that mentality. Why would you expect a woman to be attracted to an out of shape mess? Or why would you expect people to follow and like your art if it's not very good? Being hard on yourself is just being honest and realistic. Hold yourself at the bare minimum to the standards you hold other people. And frankly, it dulls any shock that might happen when you do get some harsh critique. If you're gonna rip apart my drawing, I guarantee there is nothing you're gonna say that's meaner than what I've already said about it. The only difference is you might know something I don't, and you might give me advice that helps me learn something. You sort through 10 pounds of insult and you might find a few grams of useful information. Take what help you can get, anywhere you can get it from.

>> No.5232622
File: 168 KB, 406x360, whydoifeelsoalone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck is it so hard for me to draw anything original all i can do it fucking fan art i have no creative thoughts what so fucking ever im never going of ever do anything of value why the fuck am i even drawing

>> No.5232635

that's a funny looking cock

>> No.5232641

I'm glad you're able to convert that harshness into motivation. Mine is more anxiety driven and everything falls apart when I sometimes think about how I've wasted my talents and could've started this 10+ years ago or could've just gone to art school. Recently been making a breakthrough with this anxiety, where talking to a therapist and tackling mental issues directly helps a lot. So I've had some recent success with that, and have finally been drawing again after not drawing in years. I'm more able to see it in a technical way "x is wrong because of y" rather than "omg why cant you just draw it correctly, loser?". This decouples emotions from the process which helps me.

I think what you have, as I mentioned one of the virtues, is confidence. You know you're currently at a level that is inadequate to you, and you are willing to tackle that to grow. No concessions, no looking back, no hesitations, just do it. I might one day shake off that anxiety and take on an approach that's similar to yours. Confidence, I have found out, is one of the greatest things a person can have. It's like they're unstoppable in whatever they want to achieve.

Again, it's imo about finding your pace and approach that works, as it's a marathon after all.

>> No.5232680

I dig it

>> No.5232681

spot on friend. And I've seen a therapist as well for depression. It's a great thing I definitely recommend to people. I know they're gonna say its a jewish trick or whatever. Mine wasn't Jewish but suit yourselves. They can be extremely helpful imo. And fucking stop smoking weed too.

The way I see it, yea anxiety can happen, but I guess at some point I decided fuck it, all that matters is this goal, I want to have high standards for myself and to reach them. And the only way to get it is it to hyper focus. Cut your losses. accept where you are and do everything the right way. I think I tried the other way first for a while, blaming everyone else, feeling like I was owed something, falling back on the comfort that having "potential" provides.
And at some point it just scared the hell out of me that there is a very real possibility that I never make something of myself if I just keep waiting and coasting. But I also know, maybe the most valuable lesson in life is no matter how much you double down on something, no matter how invested you are in it, if it doesn't work it doesn't work. And if you want results, it is never too late to turn the ship around and go in the right direction. Even if you are way behind your peers, I think it's better to just grab your ego by the throat like Homer Simpson does to Bart and just choke it to death and start building the hard way on a rock solid foundation so that you can sleep well at night knowing you are honest with yourself and doing things the right way.

>> No.5232695

The other valuable lesson I learned and fucking preach to people unsolicited is about the distinction between fault and responsibility. I had this friend who was over 500 lbs. I remember he said something about that it wasn't his fault that he was that fat because he was always fat. His parents overfed him as a baby. And it's not fair that now that he's an adult, he has to lose like over 300 lbs because it just scaled up over the years. He wasn't wrong about that, but at the end of the day, if you want to lose the weight, it doesn't matter whose fault it is. The only way for you to achieve that goal is for you to do the work. It doesn't matter that you have to work harder than other people. It doesn't matter that it isn't fair. If you want it, complaining about it not being fair isn't what will get you there. Worry about it not being fair later. For now, either do what you know you have to in order to get what you want, or accept that you don't really want it that bad. You can only play the hand you were dealt in life. Do your best with what you have. Stop obsessing over what you don't have. Focus on the fucking goal and getting it. My fucking friend is down to 180. He does shitless push ups on instagram. His loose skin drags on the floor. Guy is a fucking roofer now.

>> No.5232731

yes it is here. internet is not real life. serious get over yourself.

>> No.5232742

>Go be a plumber or welder or something
I’m a computer programmer, so the day job is covered.
>Why the fuck are you learning this retarded skill
Because I have art that I need to make and I need to learn how to draw to make it. Simple as that. There’s a certain detached necessity to it. Drawing for me right now is kind of like doing your taxes. It’s not fun, but you also don’t have the option to just say “fuck it” and not do it.

>> No.5232779

There are other artists way more popular than me that I don't think are good. Makes me think my work isn't at the caliber I thought it was. Feelsbadman

>> No.5232806

I feel it too. Learn to use reference better and return to fundementals. At least that's my plan

>> No.5232816

It's only going to get harder as I age. Im trying my best to adapt to being my own friend out of desperation. But it stops working the second I see groups of friends having fun together. I guess that's why I still try.

>> No.5232929
File: 28 KB, 499x481, do_they.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new pokemon comes out
>my timeline is flooded non-stop with soulless off-model proportioned porn (dont want to get cancelled!) only made to increase follower count and patreon bux
Twitter was a fucking mistake everyone just chases clout now

>> No.5232936

That's how social media is like in general, anon. it's not a twitter thing.

>> No.5232948


You could be a god tier artist but no one will care unless you draw something they want to see.

>> No.5232958


>> No.5233300

My fanart got posted on a subreddit when I didn't even tag it on twitter. Yay I guess?

>> No.5233306

Redditors and tumblrs reposting my work is the reason I resorted to adding a signature even tho I feel it’s kinda cringey

>> No.5233307
File: 164 KB, 1280x720, 1608465333097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My habit for perfection is ruining my grind time.
I just want to draw without getting mad about my art not being flawless.

I have been a beginner for the last 15 years.

>> No.5233329

I had my signature on it and they posted the twitter link of the artwork in the comments, so I guess there's that.

>> No.5233346
File: 346 KB, 900x1236, 9307EF3D-845C-4961-808A-67BA6E296536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take peoples art and paint over the water mark and then repost it for upvotes. For the popular ones I start subreddits for other peoples OCs under new names. I remove negative comments being the mod of all these subs. Then I use these subreddits to sell cheaply printed merch. I do dumbass John Hancock signatures on them and sell them as one offs

>> No.5233432

I'm sure your unfollowing a friend who posted a dude with his balls hanging out wouldn't be because it's good art, whether it's good or not...

>> No.5233441

Sure you do.

>> No.5233456


>> No.5233470
File: 22 KB, 360x360, 964B10F5-ED35-43CB-98AE-A4045E45F705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, and next it’s gonna happen to (you)

>> No.5233473

Nope I’m /beg/

>> No.5233493
File: 36 KB, 716x684, mungus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5233505

i'd mute them. not unfollow. thats cringe.

>> No.5233535

I hope you do, and God bless you if you do.
The sooner this shitty system collapses or at least artists decide to do something about it, the better.

>> No.5233540

What do you draw?

>> No.5233541

Loli hentai, why?

>> No.5233565

That explains it

>> No.5233615

I wish porn peddlers would hang, not in the quick and painless way but in the slow choking painful way.

>> No.5233622

go back.

>> No.5233628
File: 143 KB, 633x758, wqwqqwwq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you cope when you can't relate to anyone? I've been trying to make friends, but this shit is boring.

>> No.5233634

I can't go back in time to when the internet wasn't a steaming pile of shit full of 70IQ subhumans, so fuck off and kill yourself if you're asshurt because I ranted in a rant thread.

>> No.5233645

>open commissions
>end up drawing people's boring dnd characters and bland coomer OCs
Where do I find better commissioners? This is killing me inside.

>> No.5233652 [DELETED] 
File: 603 KB, 320x240, 1520243919300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw for fun, robots, monsters etc
>Friends tell me to me make a twitter
>Go on Twitter for a few months don't really soicalize, artwork doesn't get a traction
>Get 1k followers just posting coomer shit or blackwashed characters
>Lost passion to draw anymore
>Delete Twitter
>Suddenly having fun drawing again

There's no point in having a Twitter for posting art nowadays if you don't post cooomer or some gay tranny shit. Fuck Twitter and Fuck everyone who claims otherwise.

>You just have to n-network!
>You just h-have to make friends!

Fuck you, I just want to post drawings, I don't care about you're personal life and if you think others care about you, you're wrong. The only thing that matters is getting clout my any means. Doesn't matter if you're artwork is good or not.

>> No.5233655
File: 46 KB, 504x576, 1584271490707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw for fun, robots, monsters etc
>Friends tell me to me make a twitter
>Go on Twitter for a few months don't really soicalize, artwork doesn't get a traction
>Get 1k followers just posting coomer shit or blackwashed characters
>Lost passion to draw anymore
>Delete Twitter
>Suddenly having fun drawing again

There's no point in having a Twitter for posting art nowadays if you don't post cooomer or some gay tranny shit. Fuck Twitter and Fuck everyone who claims otherwise.

>You just have to n-network!
>You just h-have to make friends!

Fuck you, I just want to post drawings, I don't care about your personal life and if you think others care about you, you're wrong. The only thing that matters is getting clout my any means. Doesn't matter if your artwork is good or not.

>> No.5233658

I keep stressing about my improving at drawing, about my studies, about learning to drive and I end up doing nothing at all

>> No.5233660 [DELETED] 

A network of friends/artists is the main way to get by on Twitter without resorting to coomershit so yeah you're kinda bust unless you get really lucky where people just flock to you FOR you.

Still if you already enjoy posting drawings as-is without the widespread recognition, I don't see the problem in using Twitter. At least it gives you a place to dump your art.

>> No.5233661
File: 1.69 MB, 3488x4656, q1uifa-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck venting on the internet, this is way more cathartic

I don't even care if I become nothingness when I die, fuck heaven and hell. I'm already plagued by so much ill will from psychic individuals I might as well.

>> No.5233663

A network of friends/artists is the main way to get by on Twitter without resorting to coomershit so yeah you're kinda bust unless you get really lucky where people just flock to you FOR you.

Still if you already enjoy posting drawings as-is without chasing widespread recognition, I don't see the problem in using Twitter. At least it gives you a place to dump your art and it sounds like you're finally having a better time.

>> No.5233667

Find somethig that brings your mood up or makes you happy on an immediate basis first of all. Seriously, I don't ever feel like doing anything unless I at least get a bit of mental boost (be it through music, exercise or some other outlet). Then schedule your studies/driving since that in itself requires some planning and can feel like a chore if not dealt with immediately. Once you've got that down, look for the gaps in time between rest/study and try to squeeze in some drawings. Over time you'll find yourself managing your stress levels when you've got a consistent schedule and you'll find better times to draw just as well. Also take some breaks in between and treat them as a reward of sorts after going through some hard work.

>> No.5233671

>I don't see the problem in using Twitter. At least it gives you a place to dump your art and it sounds like you're finally having a better time.

I'm having a better time because I'm no longer using Twitter. If no one cares about your work online, there's no point in posting it. At that point, you're denying that fact you're not gonna make it.

>> No.5233672

Thank you I will try, I've been so anxious about important stuff ever since highschool that I just freeze and push it away until I can tell myself I'll do it tomorrow
I guess it's about being spontaneous and not overthinking everything.

>> No.5233675

That's fair enough and it makes sense. I know I might sound a little bit too optimistic but one or two people might end up liking your work so it wouldn't hurt to share it online. Still if you're pretty content then by all means keep on doing what you're doing.

>> No.5233690


>> No.5233696

If only 2 or 5 people like your work, after spending hours working on a piece, you'd have to reevaluate why you're posting your work online and what you're doing wrong. If don't care about recognition you have no reason to post online. If you do, you'll have to change and start drawing shit people want to see. I'm pretty content with my decision, but frustrated that it had to be this way.

>> No.5233702

>after spending hours working on a piece, you'd have to reevaluate why you're posting your work online and what you're doing wrong
That's kind of a worrying mindset though. You're equating your hours spent + posting online with recognition/clout when you could just be archiving your works online on a publice space. Again I get it, you don't need to post online if you don't care anyway, but the fact that you admit to being frustrated about getting to this point leads me to think you didn't want things to go this way in the first place.

>> No.5233720

My situation isn't unique. Alot of people when they post their work online want recognition, even more when they are encouraged to make a said account to show off their work. And then reality hits and your passion for drawing is gone and you're depressed with a crab mentality OR you accept the way things are and become part of the problem.

>> No.5233725

God I relate to this too much, even down to the day job. I don't want to be a professional artist, I just want to draw the picture I see in my head. But I fucking hate drawing.

>> No.5233729

That's fair enough. I'm used to posting my stuff online mainly for archiving purposes since I'm just happy enough to see that I've finished something for the day.

>> No.5233733

>I just want to draw the picture I see in my head. But I fucking hate drawing.
Does anyone ever feel like they love drawing even if you hate the end result? Because I do. I honestly feel like that's what keeps me going more than anything else since I just enjoy the actual process of the craft.

>> No.5233765

I feel that anon. Keep doing what you do.

>> No.5233768
File: 24 KB, 171x171, 1550002393345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want critique
>remember that the past 10 times I bothered to post all I got were shitpost replies or was just ignored
I feel like I'm drawing in a bubble.
I love drawing but have no idea how my stuff looks from the outside...

>> No.5233774

good critique is next to impossible to find for free online. you either only useless platitudes or crabs

>> No.5233788

What kind of stuff were you hoping to draw? If you want to make money, you're going to have to draw shit that other people want.

>> No.5233789

This might be a little off topic but idc I need to get this off my chest (unless mods do, then sorry).
I've been drawing, animating and video editing for around a decade now, won many awards for my designs and innovations in the field of interactive design. Despite this, I have no creative job. I work as a waiter making little money, while continuing to make small projects in my spare time. This balance was ok until recently a coworker of mine was raped by another coworker. Bad situations happen, sure, but I was hoping to see a resolution to this issue as it's creating a divide between employees. Since the lack of action, that coworker has since been raped again by the other coworker. Yet again, there was a lack of action and a lack of reporting, yet everyone knows. I'm growing sick and tired of seeing my coworkers and even bosses complete lack of professionalism, joking behind the scenes calling her a "whore". Most good and veteran employees have left within the last 4 months because of my bosses lack of professionalism in varying situations. I'm desperate to quit but with this job comes respect from my family and friends (since I'm working and not "on my ass all day"). I hope to finally get a job in the creative industry but my chances are extremely slim due to my country being so small and nepotism running rampant.
Again, sorry if this comes across as a shitty blog post, I really just needed to get it off my chest. I'd love to hear any advice

>> No.5233791
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>> No.5233792
File: 169 KB, 346x357, 1590614860521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaaaaa what the fuck how

>> No.5233796

Do what's right anon.
This is absolutely disgusting what happened to your coworker. I hope you help her

>> No.5233808

That sounds fucking terrible working in an environment like that tee bee haytch.

>> No.5233811

Go to Twitter.

>> No.5233825

Partying. Obviously not gonna ask her to get into details but both times have been through partying from my understanding.

I tried to. Got her a box of food after she told me she hadn't eaten anything (like 2 days after the first incident). She's a genuinely really kind person so it just sucks seeing her being treated this way

Yeah but thinking about it, it's honestly just 4 higher up, close knit, employees dogging on everyone else. Everyone else are honestly really kind and funny people.

Maybe after I leave lol, doubt much would come from it though since the CEOs are alcoholics

>> No.5233841

The other guy isn't me. I draw video game stuff and random characters. I don't even draw nsfw

>> No.5233844

i spent about 7h drawing today, did some gesture warmups and a figure painting and a rough ruan study and some commission progress

usually i feel content when ive been productive but today it gave me no satisfaction at all, im just going through the motions. even though i tangibly learned some stuff and got closer to the next paycheck i feel completely disinterested. like im running on fumes, and there's no desire in the tank at all

i took a few breaks over the last couple of days so it's not like ive been working too hard LOL

every time i come close to wanting to get better i seem to completely lose motivation. i can power through it with discipline but there's just no spark at all, no fighting spirit. i could draw for an hour and feel like shit or draw for 10 and it still feels completely hollow. even though i theoretically look for improvement i don't get any joy from it. i miss wanting things

>> No.5233869

I recede into my own head and live a pretend life that doesn't suck so much.

Every day I fear I'm teaching myself bad, unappealing habits because of this.

>> No.5233951

I'm all for it because it highlights the people who are putting trash on my timeline so I can unfollow them.

>> No.5233954

>thinking their follows matter this much
1 retard leaving compared to 100+ people joining, kek.

>> No.5233958

I realized my problem is I have no creative energy. I'm just a shell moving around and eating and sleeping, no desire to live, so I can't create art. drawing photorealistic naked muscle men doing acrobatics is pointless without soul

>> No.5233999

how much caffeine do you drink?

>> No.5234023

Who cares. Twitter is only a small group of people and they're all retarded anyways. Let the normies eat shit and worry about yourself. The people drawing this stuff are cultivating an audience that will turn on them and/or leave the moment they fuck up in the slightest. You don't want these people following you anyways.

>> No.5234237

I’m just always so torn.
On one hand, I want to start drawing the subjects I like already.. but knowing that it’s just gonna be shit discourages me.
On the other hand, while I do try to make proper studies, read/watch courses, I get easily burnt out...
How do I get over this?

>> No.5234243

>but knowing that it’s just gonna be shit discourages me
I have an answer to this: you can draw your favorite subject as many times as you want.

Yeah, it'll be shit, but if you keep putting it off, you'll never know what it is you need to improve on so you can actually get it right. You don't even have to post it for people to see and yet you can still keep trying no matter how many times.

>> No.5234248

lmoa he just needs to take Vitamin D

>> No.5234253
File: 13 KB, 236x227, c3af1ea68ad5424012ac6f888e3ccabd--the-frog-funny-posts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to quit, but i don't have anityng better to do, besides maybe fapping.

>> No.5234255

Forgot to add, but this is literally how I kept pushing myself to draw. I kept trying and trying to draw the things I like because fuck it, I like being able to try to draw it anyway, even if turns out shit. And it wasn't an easy road either, I kept beating myself up for how shitty it kept turning out.

>> No.5234267
File: 44 KB, 203x292, 1592043719920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hug the shit out of that stupid fucking elf girl.

>> No.5234309

>if you keep putting it off, you'll never know what it is you need to improve on
>this is literally how I kept pushing myself to draw.

Thank you, I think you're right. Maybe if I try to draw what I like anyways and see my improvements that it'll be much more motivating than simply doing courses/grinding fundamentals.

>> No.5234319 [DELETED] 

>Maybe if I try to draw what I like anyways and see my improvements that it'll be much more motivating than simply doing courses/grinding fundamentals.
This is pretty much what kept driving me. I knew my stuff was shit, but I had to keep trying every step of the way. Little by little I saw improvements and it honestly felt more gratifying to reach that point than waiting for so long and not being sure what to make your work. You can also try incorporating your study for fundamentals through your favorite subject matter, combining your learning development through both.

It's a grueling process and yeah you'll definitely feel shitty for it (I know I did), but it kept motivating me to try harder while forcing me to think on what I could improve on and then work on it.

>> No.5234324

>Maybe if I try to draw what I like anyways and see my improvements that it'll be much more motivating than simply doing courses/grinding fundamentals.
This is pretty much what kept driving me. I knew my stuff was shit, but I had to keep trying every step of the way. Little by little I saw improvements and it honestly felt more gratifying to reach that point than waiting for so long and not being sure what to make of your own work. You can also try incorporating your study for fundamentals through your favorite subject matter, combining your learning development through both. You're essentially confronting the reality of your skill level, but you're using your interest on a particular subject so you have something to push you through it.

It's a grueling process and yeah you'll definitely feel shitty for it (I know I did), but it kept motivating me to try harder while forcing me to think on what I could improve on and then work on it.

>> No.5234609
File: 23 KB, 500x441, 1562317204200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't.
t. fellow schizoid

>> No.5234652
File: 1.47 MB, 236x250, 1610614668163.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of the artist woes in this board is just complete idiots skipping steps and lacking basic fundamentals, why are you morons so stubborn?

>> No.5234661

summed up 4chan

>> No.5234810
File: 252 KB, 380x400, 146[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sympathize with this board because I'm restarting on learning how to draw. Because I maxed out and went full Proko/Volen, I became a complete photocopier and I couldn't draw in organic perspective or construction from imagination to save my life. So I relearned the fundamentals, had a major epiphany that I wasted years of my life only to become a 0.9:1 human rendering machine. Now I'm here to spread the gospel, only to see a bunch of people here that have talent and can't recognize that they if they read a book about the fundamentals/perspective (not even draw just understand) they would get explosive gains.

But I think the truth isn't that they're stubborn morons it's because artists are just inherently lazy and know they're talented just scared of making any sort of meaningful progress. Hence many a people here are expert beginners or are complete begs that if they learned what a vanishing point is their life would change.

>> No.5235072
File: 10 KB, 309x300, 1309036367325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so tired, don't feel like drawing today, its just a sketch

>> No.5235120

Just one supportive art friend who doesn't ask questions about my personal life. Just one. Please.

>> No.5235124

pay my rent and i'll do it

>> No.5235131

I said friend not whore

>> No.5235133

>friend who doesn't ask questions about my personal life
no, you said whore. pay up

>> No.5235137

Begone from my dick filthy wench

>> No.5235141
File: 36 KB, 600x315, 85983b236339a3dfa6e25a0defbd7993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then good luck chief

>> No.5235157

Can't you just ask them to not talk about personal stuff? If they don't respect such simple boundary, then they shouldn't be considered friends.

>> No.5235176

cont. I can imagine being prodded about your personal life is annoying as fuck. Maybe that's an artfag kind of thing. I don't think ppl outside of art do that as much, or at least aren't interested in personal shit since they are normies to begin with.

>> No.5235184

Everyone on Twitter has to talk about their personal life. It's a social site, not an Art site.

>> No.5235200

Twitter and social media is something I can't relate to. I have to know someone for literal years first before getting into personal life. Meanwhile people are sending me unsolicited selfies in my dms and telling me about their divorced father's proctologist appointment. I don't think there's any hope for me.

>> No.5235207


>> No.5235210

people are just using you for a person to vent to. They don't want you to say anything and just want to talk about their feelings.

>> No.5235217

Find friends from videogames and 4chan, any shared interests really, not fucking social media or generic "art groups".

>> No.5235221

>find friends from shared interests
>not "art groups"
>art is only interest
he wants someone to pat his ass on his art progress and not say anything else

>> No.5235229

Why must you prostitute yourself anon? Go forth and live a life of purity.

Video game type friends are what I'm looking for yeah, except with a fellow artist so we can discuss our gains and point out mistakes in each other's art

>> No.5235316
File: 470 KB, 1080x1080, 1613782782027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to vent about having no art friends
>Someone is already doing it
Whatever I will go ahead anyway

I want cool art friends I can do drawpiles and stuff with on the weekends, but all my friends have 0 aspirations at worst and at best they're musicfags. I feel like though when you try to make friends purely based on "haha we both draw" it just leads to nothing. I've realized most artists aren't really similar, so I've stopped trying to make friends with people purely because they also draw, but fuck I wish I could get lucky and just click with someone like that who just happened to be as passionate or more about drawing as I am, but was also into other stuff I like so our friendship isn't entirely based upon both drawing

>> No.5235323

it's hilarious how often this post gets made, you'd think some of you art friend seekers would've found each other by now but you're so hopeless at reaching out and connecting that you walk right past each other in broad daylight

>> No.5235330

I'm the anon who was already venting. What's some stuff besides art you're into friend? I've wanted to do drawpiles with someone too. When I'm not drawing I watch cartoons and occasionally anime. I like older media generally, 2000's era or so.

>> No.5235332
File: 774 KB, 1242x1332, 1609889386131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I know it's the same shit with r9k and stuff

>> No.5235335

>inb4 they link up and the /pol/ rants begin

>> No.5235338

I mean, most of the people who are social outcast. They can't even befriend people just like them, cause their personality is shit.

>> No.5235340

Not this anon, but I have added many people from here on discord and stuff but I've never talked with any of them for more than a few days, even though I don't think I was being weird or anything
Who would've thought the kind of people who browse 4chan aren't the best at making friends

>> No.5235341
File: 810 KB, 360x264, r-dorothy-from-the-big-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound similar to me but you said something about not wanting people to ask about your personal life, and I tend to get involved in the lives of my online friends pretty deeply. I also enjoy a lot of 2000's media though, but I still keep up with modern stuff very rarely if it looks interesting. Also nobody asked but pic related is a drawpile I did with one of my musicfag friends who dropped drawing to be a musicfag

>> No.5235346

Oh I already uploaded it I thought this was a new thread woops

>> No.5235362

It's true I'm not an open person and I don't like personal questions, but I'm pretty good at having conversations on things that aren't about me. If that's a deal breaker for you then I guess this is where we part ways. But, if you just want a casual artfag to hang around and draw with, maybe exchange some art knowledge, I'd be down. After all, no telling if we're actually compatible even if it sounded perfect.

>> No.5235371
File: 187 KB, 549x600, 176353456456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to start patreon. I'm seriously gonna fucking do it

>> No.5235379
File: 57 KB, 685x694, 008A3F53-8701-4E26-94C4-A74120D76D8A-21611-000009FC4ACB1AE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that part of being an artist with an online presence is interacting with followers. I appreciate them a lot but I don't have the energy that messaging people demands and it always feels like I'm disappointing them when I don't respond.

"how are you" why the fuck do you or I care, I just wanna be left alone

>> No.5235404

The thing is, most people are not worth interacting with nowadays. Do you really think anyone who draws coomershit/BLM (Blackwash characters) /Tranny shit has anything important or interesting to say?

Anyone who may be interesting or cool, isn't spending most of their time on twitter or at all. Sure you may get lucky and find someone, but don't try and force it - its uncommon. And even then, can they be trusted? Twitter is horrible and made even worse with the fact we're in lockdown. People are saying and acting all sorts of stupid shit now. Always looking for clout, Always looking for someone to cancel if you say the wrong thing.

>> No.5235439
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 1523224243008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to make a digital portrait based on a photograph in a painterly style
>it comes out looking like an ugly ass stiff soulless paint over
When I unlock the secrets of making brush strokes that aren't shitty and horrible I will finally level up

>> No.5235447

It the entire internet wasn't crammed into a handful of websites we wouldn't have these problems

>> No.5235455


Anon, you gotta realize that Photoshop brushes are simulacra of IRL paintbrushes. Real art supplies have variations in tone and texture that a computer has a hard time replicating- it can only approximate pressure, and depth and it can't account for things like how UV light affects paint.
My best advice is to buy some real brushes and cheap paint and muck around until you get a feel for how painting works IRL and then find or create some brushes that mimic that in Photoshop, or to use a non-standard program like Corel Painter, which is better at mimicking real paint.

>> No.5235534

I don't ever message my followers, just acknowledge them when I reached a follower count milestone and they're pretty happy that way. I guess I also say my thanks when they comment on my work but they rarely do anyway.

Beyond those, only people I comment on are artworks of the artists I follow/look up to, some of which we actually follow each other back and retweet each others work. Can't say we're literal "friends" though, feels more like a small community of its own with similar interests. I think it's better that way, so there's no drama in between.

>> No.5235671

Sorry, I didn’t mean personally messaging on my own behalf. I’d find that very strange unless it’s artist to artist. I meant when random non-artist people message me and I just don’t give a shit or have the energy to reply. I’ll almost always respond to comments since that doesn’t open up a whole conversation, but DM’s feel like they’re expecting an actual convo. I feel bad for probably disappointing them, particularly ones who’ve been following me the longest

>> No.5235681

Oh no, I don't blame you. DMs in general are weird especially those wanting to start a conversation. Glad I've never had people DM me.

>> No.5236099
File: 62 KB, 439x680, 1DDCDBE7-34D6-4FB3-BAAE-60A1DB7F2D80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone else ever get to the point where you’re raging like you’re playing a video game while drawing? it feels like every mistake is a death.

>> No.5236106

The internet has made me really skeptical, like I've had people try to chat me up, only to ask for free art in the end. One guy told me that he regularly jerks off to my art. I know people jerk off but I think he wanted it to be a compliment but how the fuck do you respond to that kek
Anyway, I've found that nsfw artists are way friendlier and supportive than sfw artists, maybe because we're all weird coomers. I feel way less pressured to engage with other coomers than sfw artists

>> No.5236134

You can thank Reddit for killing off Forums.

>> No.5236155

My colors are boring and bland. I always end up going back and trying to push them for something more dramatic. I read that depression literally sucks the saturation out of your perception and if that's true then I'm fucked

>> No.5236181

I'm struggling a lot with my wage cucking lately. What do therapists etc normally say to keep people like me working and productive?

>> No.5236184
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>> No.5236227

I imagine it would depend on why exactly you're struggling.
>If it's about workload, try talking to your manager to have some of your work transferred
>If it's about being bored of your work, you can try asking for new projects that might interest you
>If you have a case of mild burnout, taking a few weeks off might help
Something like that. In my case, my work situation has gotten so bad that my therapist recommended me to just quit so I did.

>> No.5236230

I'm struggling due to something like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marx%27s_theory_of_alienation

>> No.5236252

Why are black twitter artists all so insufferable?

>> No.5236264

Because they know woke retards will support them anyway. They put that 'black artist" with their names and bio so people would know that they are black. I don't blame them for doing it, it's free exposure.

>> No.5236265
File: 206 KB, 558x489, fuckartists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a small artist in my community
>somehow get invited to zine that all the popular 10k+ follower artists with godtier art are in
>accept because why not
>join their discord server
>they're all talking about degen shit like shipping wars and kpop

never meet your heroes anons, why are most artists insufferable as fuck even if they're good

>> No.5236266

Get your thugaboo watching ass off twitter.

>> No.5236274

Kek. Though with them having their own discord server it doesn't really surprise me..

>> No.5236278

Alright, I read the article a bit and I think I get you mean. It may actually been a big part why I struggled with my own job too.
I didn't even hate the work that I was doing (it was actually my dream job at the start) but after 4-5 years, the whole working-for-a-corporation just sucked the soul out of me. I eventually stopped doing my hobbies, stopped talking to my friends.
Honestly, even if my therapist didn't recommend me to quit, I had already planned to do it. It was risky because I did need the money and I didn't even have a solid plan of what I'd do after quitting. But at the same time, I didn't want to waste any more of my life dreading to wake up for a job that I didn't care for and living my life aimlessly.
Anyway. Sorry, that wasn't really much of an advice. But if I were to give you anything at all, I'd say try spending some time to really, really think about what you want to do in your life. Like figure out what would give you some sense of purpose, as cheesy as that sounds. It might help you on your work situation--whether your job is still salvageable or not.
And if you can, do try to reach out to a proper therapist.

>> No.5236281

True, although it was just made for planning the zine but using discord is a red flag anyways. Might as well sell my soul for the clout...

>> No.5236302

>>If it's about workload, try talking to your manager to have some of your work transferred
>>If it's about being bored of your work, you can try asking for new projects that might interest you
>>If you have a case of mild burnout, taking a few weeks off might help
This is some old school boomer shit. New age employers don't give af about any of this. If you bring these problems, your career is dead. If your job is low skilled enough, you are already being replaced.

In a society where employers, when coerced to provide employees with healthcare, would rather cut the hours of said employees so they won't qualify as a full time and thus can avoid paying benefits, workers today are seen more as disposable cogs than human.

>> No.5236318

Thanks anon, that helps.

>> No.5236325

I wrote those (as they were the advices I typically encountered), but you know what, I agree with you. Especially with this
>workers today are seen more as disposable cogs than human
That's why I personally decided to quit, even if it was risky.

>> No.5236328

what are you doing now after leaving?

>> No.5236334


>> No.5236337

unless its pron you'll have 4 subs

>> No.5236343

Drew for 10 hours today. It's cool and all i was so motivated, but i didn't really like anything i made. I actually ended up restudying the head and eyes for the majority of it. I feel unsatisfied that i didn1 have anything i really wanted to draw.

>> No.5236345

u ungreatful pizza shit, you dont deserve to eat!

>> No.5236356



>> No.5236358

>see nice drawing
>copy it exactly
>mine looks like shit
>even though its more technical
>my brain automatically decides anything I draw is shit
this sucks

>> No.5236363

don't assume you're disappointing them by not responding, i've found they usually understand. twitter is good in this way because it allows you to at least acknowledge a comment even if you don't have time to write a reply, although if you only ever do this it starts to feel fake. I say this as someone who's been on both sides of this exchange btw.

also, even if it is directly from interacting with them, you should never project your social exhaustion on your fans/blame them for it, at least not open. it's just bad form unless your whole image is like, being mean to your fans and they like it or whatever. i know some artists get away with that but usually because they draw bdsm/coom shit.

>> No.5236375

How the FUCK does anyone enjoy drawing? Either you're doing studies therefore drawing garbage repeatedly until it looks less garbage, or you draw finished pieces which look garbage because you didn't do the study.

Its like learning to drive by constantly crashing and buy new cars

>> No.5236382

think of it like gambling, where there's a 3% chance you produce something non-shit each attempt.

>> No.5236399

i enjoy problem solving. art is nothing but problems, also i'm addicted to pain

>> No.5236415

I'm just happy to physically manifest the things I love into this dimension. Even if they don't look exactly how I wanted, they were in my head and now they're in front of me. They're my creations and I am their god. Maybe we're all just someone's drawings.

In other words you have to be at least a little mentally ill.

>> No.5236437

I'm never going to me make it. I just don't have the patience to finish anything. I just want to scribble shit.

>> No.5236442

is there actually any reason you need to 'make it' instead of just scribbling stuff?

>> No.5236449

Yeah this basically. When you love to draw, it's not about the drawing. It's nice if it turns out good obviously, but that's not the point. It's all about the journey, the making, the creating. That's the real fun part.

In other news, I drank some green tea after reading some advice that it would help with my upset stomach. It made it worse, and I can't fucking sit down for 30 minutes before I have to go to the bathroom again.

>> No.5236476

Would be nice to make some extra imcome off of art. (Even tho in have no passion for it)

>> No.5236539

My mental illnesses are wearing at my brain to where I can’t draw anything coherent and I’ve forgotten many techniques

Even in the past month I’ve regressed tremendously
Should I consider anti-psychotics?

>> No.5236618

>well renowned art instructor
>uses low res stock photos with obscuring watermarks in demos for his paid course
how can you be this lazy?

>> No.5236639
File: 69 KB, 500x500, 1609746044271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up to a very specific pose in mind
>actually manage to somewhat put down a simple gesture on canvas expressing what I had in my head, foreshortening and all
I'm an absolute beg and know the final result will be shit but this made me happy, practicing gestures is paying off.

>> No.5236641
File: 65 KB, 720x759, 1602939419102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good, keep it up anon. Don't forget to finish your pieces to really put you gesture studies into practice.

>> No.5236647

question cause im /beg/ and i see a lot of people saying that finishing pieces is important; i sketch with a ballpoint pen since its way easier to look back on my studies and see what i did right and wrong for structue, but that means that most of them wont be finished. how much do i lose vs gain from this?

>> No.5236657

im killing myself tonight
m 33 years old. i was discouraged from drawing all my life from when i was doodling and drawing comics as a kid to doodling in highschool. i studied stem because people told me to. i ended up hating it and im unemployable with my computer science degree. i work at a cashier for the last five years. throughout my life ive started and stopped trying to learn to draw over and over. at this point i've developed such a complex over being unable to draw and the fact that art communities think people like me are cute and laughable that i cant even set my pencil to paper anymore. every time i try i am filled with insane self hatred for wasting my life and lose all patience with myself. i'm worse than /beg/ tier. all my life i just wanted to be good at drawing but didnt know it and now its too late

>> No.5236674

post your work so I can see

>> No.5236699

Nevermind then. I haven't had anything to vent in a while but I'm tired of reaching out my hand to anons who think I'm not being genuine. If you want to kys in minecraft, do it.

>> No.5236702 [DELETED] 

i have no work because it all ends up in the trash and aforementioned total meltdowns at myself whenever i try to draw anything

>> No.5236705

abruptly lost interest in one of my favorite things that I always drew. I get no emotional satisfaction out of it anymore. i want to like it again but... i can't force myself. feeling super lost because I have no passion for anything and I have no idea of things to draw that are actually emotionally rewarding. just drifting around totally lost right now
also feel bad for abandoning social media

>> No.5236707

Your issue isn't drawing, go see a therapist and focus on improving your mind first.
I have a friend in his 30's who started drawing late and his art is great, I'm also close to my 30's and only started drawing seriously recently after only the occasional stickman-tier doodles but I improved a lot with discipline.

>> No.5236727

>first demo of the drapery course
>the model on the compressed, low resolution watermarked stock photo has a black striped shirt for maximum lack of clearity

>> No.5236729

kpop is based, retard. good luck with the zine

>> No.5236769

>hello this is my twitter and i'm an artist uwu
>99% of posts are shitty cartoon screenshot memes
Why do "artists" flood their feed with this garbage? Get some actual friends to share memes privately with.

>> No.5236776

If all you draw are studies then you will end up getting stuck in studies and only be able to draw unfinished ballpoint sketches.
You should be drawing what you want to do first and supplement it with sketches and studies, not the other way around.

>> No.5236778
File: 301 KB, 600x600, 1601522882694.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think a loose pose sketch looks good
>the more defined I make it the worse it gets
>realize it wasn't actually good or accurate, it was just my mind filling in the blanks

>> No.5236805

get some actual friends to complain to privately

>> No.5236839

>interested in how backgrounds for cartoons are painted
>try to search walkthroughs/recorded paintings of some
>fuckall for any modern cartoons, a couple of classic animation oil painting and just literally a glance of someone in the process doing a few strokes

>> No.5236851

Sometimes I get this will to socialize but it takes me literally 5 seconds of looking at social media feeds to feel disgusted with humanity. This is how people express themselves and I hate every shred of it with all of my heart. There is so much shit I hate I can't even think of tolerating it to any degree. And for what? To make friends with these people? To get praise from them? To sell them the things they want, to be of service to them? Fuck no, I'd rather die alone.

>> No.5236861

You need real friends if you think social media represents real people. I've been there too though, thankfully I managed to find a group of friends from 4chan to break out of my alienation.

>> No.5236862

then perish

>> No.5236870

>I managed to find a group of friends from 4chan
I consistently hated the people I met from this site even more. The people here were the absolute worst I have met online.

>> No.5236876

Naturally you should avoid the attention whoring trannies who beg you to add them or whatever. Find people through shared interests, organizing some matches of online games can be useful for example.

>> No.5236907

>organizing some matches of online games can be useful
I hate videogames.

>> No.5236922

Then find whatever you think will help you make friends that isn't social media whoring, and stop trying to dissuade yourself into doing something you want to do like finding friends because your mentality is not helpful nor makes you approachable to people who aren't desperate trannies.

>> No.5236926

I have tried every option I could think of. The internet is all the same everywhere you go anyway. It doesn't matter if you're on social media or 4chan or obscure websites or someone's private IRC server. It's all the fucking same. Consume-addicted degenerates with the same shit in their heads every single time.

>> No.5236929

Never feel bad for discarding social media cancer. Real friends will have an ability to keep in contact even if you deleted everything. Everyone else will forget you existed.
As for losing your spark, I've been there. I made the mistake of trying to find fellow fans of something on twitter. Long story short the thing I loved to draw became associated with misery.
What I did was fall back on a big personal project that I always keep on the back burner. I coasted on that until I found a new muse. Time to look inside yourself and build something original out of what you find.

>> No.5236930

You sound as obnoxious as the people you complain about, your nihilism puts you down there as some of my least favorite anon types.

>> No.5236932

the truth pill: you won't ever make any friends online because you've projected this same shit onto all of them. either go outside and meet people that way instead or shut the fuck up and die alone

>> No.5236936

maybe I'm pissed and I'm ranting since this is the purpose of the thread
I could word the rant in a completely different way so it sounds more agreeable but I'm not on reddit and it's not like doing this would achieve fuck all on this shithole
I don't give a fucking shit that you're not entertained

>> No.5236939

>you've projected this same shit onto all of them.
You don't understand what projecting means. Projecting is about assumptions. I draw my conclusions from what I explicitly see. You are biased and you think I am a close-minded person who isn't willing to understand just because I'm making a rant. The truth is that you want me to entertain you even when I'm ranting and you want to tell me. You sure told me. I fucking wish I were projecting.

>> No.5236946

You sound so fun and interesting anon, wanna be friends?

>> No.5236947

I don't want to be friends with people from this site, you only get the worst of me.

>> No.5236952

Good, you dodge the bullet. There is a reason why a lot of people on this site that bitches about having no friends 24/7.

>> No.5236953

i already gave you the truth pill, you don't have to entertain me in any way
if this doesn't sound like assumptions then search me, what the hell are they? just because they're based on a few observed conclusions you've come to doesn't make them any less assumptive. i have no reason to be biased against you, i have no clue who you are and i stand to gain nothing from this. either change your thinking on the matter or rot in total alienation, simple as

>> No.5236956

I'd rather rot. I've tried over and over to swallow this shit, I just can't. I can't stand people's shit no matter how I try.

>> No.5236964

My conclusion from what I'm explicitly seeing is that you are a whiny faggot with serious emotional issues crying about having no friends who can stand your cancerous attitude, at least keep your venting tangentially related to art.

>> No.5236968

I fucked more people and had more friends than you ever will.

>> No.5236971

it's pretty clear that you'd not "rather rot," because you're here complaining about it. given the choice you'd probably like to have some friends who aren't "degenerate coombrain consumers" or whatever. they're out there, believe it or not, and you're just taking the pity party route because you're too obnoxious and unlikeable to find or befriend them. it's really that simple. whether you do something about that or not is your own bed to make, but once you make it, you lie in it

>> No.5236975

also kek at this, such pathetic oneupmanship on an anon board

>> No.5236983

I am the one who rejects people, not the other way around. You have built yourself a narrative and you're sticking to it, and nothing will change it. You don't really give a shit about this either, you're just here to entertain yourself which is why in your mind you're putting me back in my place even though I'm here explicitly to throw up some bile.
I fucking hate how you people think on a basic level, which is why I can't stand making "friends". I could only manage after a lobotomy.

>> No.5236991

It's pretty clear your loneliness is entirely self-inflicted and any behavioral therapist would guide you to deal with your emotional issues first, maybe try getting a pet.

>> No.5236993

and now you're projeting your shit onto me. i'm not putting you back in your place KEK i couldn't care less about my anon status relative to some other literally who anon's status. i'm saying what i'm saying because you COULD fix the problem that you came here to cry about, and i believe the world in and outside of this board would be better for it. but it really sounds like you're a complete narcissist and you don't want to fix it, so by all means carry on - good luck with it

>> No.5237004

Just fuck off. I can't even rant in peace on the rant general without a bunch of asshurt keyboard warriors getting offended. I don't talk like this to people, I dumb myself down and I do just fine. Except it's tiring and I wish I met people whom I didn't loathe.

>> No.5237022

They always do this shit anon, some people assume your lowest point is how you are. The truth is that when we're at our lowest we say and do things that sometimes we ourselves didn't know we were capable of. I don't know what you're usually like, maybe you are an asshole maybe not. But undeniably you make valid points about the state of decay online and social media. The world population is growing increasingly isolated and lonely, it is undeniable. And in their weakness, people succumb to ego, desire, hatred, etc, just to feel something. Maybe it would help you to turn your hatred toward certain people into pity. Of course not everyone deserves pity, but I think more do than we like to acknowledge. Distract yourself from their despair by nurturing the things you love, and not letting yourself decay into a variant of the people you hate.

>> No.5237030

sounds like the decay already happened lmoa, this faggot is nothing but ego and hatred

>> No.5237033

I always try to understand before hating. I can't pity people who are actively undoing what I think is good, especially since a shown by this little discussion they make no effort at all to do the same work I have taken before reaching the conclusion that they deserve no clemency from me.
It's just that people are trash. I have tried to delude myself time and time again and give another and another show, they're just a giant pile of trash.
I'll take a walk.

>> No.5237036

You should reread my post a few times friend

Take that walk man, hope it helps. If those capable of being a light in the world snuff themselves out because of what they see, the whole world will fall into darkness. It takes having much more strength, and mental fortitude than most people have. Good luck friend

>> No.5237037

The convo started with you getting some basic suggestions about how to find friends and then you exploded into a mess, don't act surprised when people don't tolerate your attitude.

>> No.5237043

>hope it helps.
I always come back home in a worse mood because this town is shit
I just do it for health

>> No.5237057

>this town is shit
>people are all shit
>im a misunderstood genius operating orders of magnitude above everyone else
>im better than you and i made a million friends and fucked them all too btw because i have sex
>why doesn't anyone like me

>> No.5237067

Is he looking for pity or a stroking of his ego?

>> No.5237091

respectfully, anon, I disagree. thank you though

>> No.5237114

>when it takes me 2 weeks to do something that should only take 2 hours because it looks wrong no matter what i do, when it should be something very, very simple to draw
holy fuck

>> No.5237224

The nsfw community seems pretty wholesome hahah, I guess bc it's centered around sexuality people don't feel like there's much left to hide. I only do sfw myself.

That makes me feel a little better. On IG I'll always give likes to every comment, but I don't even want to open DM's because they'll see that I read it, and then there comes the sense of urgency to reply. I love that Twitter allows you to opt out of the seen feature.

Of course, I couldn't even imagine doing that to someone. It would make them feel awful and that's the whole reason why I stress myself out when I ignore messages.

Did you get a lot of new followers or commission inquiries after the zine? Or is it not yet released?

4chan is a real mixed bag. I have some online buddies from here who are always great and nice people, and others who seemed fine but revealed that they're a bitter asshole as they opened up. What I like most about 4channers tho is in my experience, the friendships are never high maintenance.

>> No.5237231

>What I like most about 4channers tho is in my experience, the friendships are never high maintenance.
This websit's culture is built on having zero commitment for anything except stealing shit, I'm not surprised.

>> No.5237265

I sort of agree with that, but how do i make something that isn't a turd when i'm a total /beg/?
yeah it'll look terrible and i'm not that mad about it, but i'm afraid i won't learn anything from it because i'm not using standard methods

>> No.5237300

i'll give you a dollar if you lick both of them.

>> No.5237321

your studies are for making it look less like a turd. keep doing it and keep incorporating studies into your work and you'll find your work improves and you slowly grow out of beg. the test for learning is very simple - DID you learn anything? could you repeat the new information from your head? if not then you mindlessly copied and you need to go back to switch on your brain

>> No.5237328

this mentality is why its so hard for me to draw. Do I want to bet my entire day on this one drawing or play it safe and play some vidya which I know will be fun?

>> No.5237466
File: 493 KB, 443x460, 1592009424929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when I was trash, I would occasionally draw something almost mediocre and be proud of it for months, and look at it and think "I'm gonna make it!"

Now I can draw something that would have taken me hours to do, in just 3 minutes. But I hate everything I do the very next day. I haven't been proud of a drawing in over a year, and now I hate that drawing.

The ride never fucking ends.

>> No.5237493

I'm around 10k followers and draw porn from time to time but when I asked what people want for rewards like 4 people replied and I got 25 likes. I wonder how many people would support me just for my art

>> No.5237528

The invites to all the artists were just sent out yesterday so it's just started really, it's supposed to be made public later on in the year. Some of the big artists followed me though which is cool.

>> No.5237720

fuck you

>> No.5238116

I drew the whole day and forgot to play my games, wtf?!

>> No.5238125

social media is for shitpost, it is where you go to get "closer" to your favorite artists, the real problem is that most artists don't have a professional site anymore. so you are forced to get the whole package or nothing.

>> No.5238128

u me?

>> No.5238230
File: 2.85 MB, 600x338, ezgif-2-9386d6bce4f8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finish drawing I think I did alright on
>imposter syndrome immediately sets in every time

>> No.5238595

>The nsfw community seems pretty wholesome hahah
Imagine acting confrontational when your job is that of a literal whore.

>> No.5238792

It's impostor, why can't Americans spell?

>> No.5238796

pretty sure everyone is asleep in burgerland schizo

>> No.5239326

>looking at social media feeds to feel disgusted with humanity
dont be so melodramatic