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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5228392 No.5228392 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW 10 tb of art courses and still on beg
I have literally every art course possible that is relevant but yet im still doodling absolute garbage, even invested 400 USD of HDDs for storage and bought a cintiq

>> No.5228396

it's almost as if instead of hoarding resources, applying what you learned and actually drawing is the key to tangible improvements

>> No.5228399

here is the problem... you didnt actually do any of the courses. you just have them.

>> No.5228401

you have to watch them my dude

>> No.5228402


>> No.5228405

you already know how to solve this problem. stop running away

>> No.5228407

How is hoarding art courses and drawing well related?
Your next post will be something about how you "should" be drawing well despite doing things wrong, if you are the average beg that makes this kind of thread then you didn't even get rid of basic bitch symbol drawing yet.

>> No.5228409

I’ve downloaded over 10 art books and read half of 2

>> No.5228414

im blk?

>> No.5228425

use those hours of hoarding to draw instead.
just draw
>just draw
loomis nigga

>> No.5228430

post mega

>> No.5228441


>> No.5228524


>> No.5228534


>> No.5228566

Courses maybe account for 0.5% of your improvement, the other 99.5% is just you drawing and analyzing your mistakes and figuring shit out on your own.

>> No.5228579

google ic study torrent

Note: having a bunch of unpaid courses doesn't make you a good artist.

>> No.5228591

pyw ; )

>> No.5228605

Just. Draw.
That's it. You dont need anything fancy. Just some good ol pencil and paper, that's how I did it and I got gud. You cant buy talent

>> No.5228614

this. the final redpill is to just draw;
time spent drawing > time spent doing art study

>> No.5228619

You would probably do better just studying from videos professional artists put on youtube.

>> No.5228624

did you try watching those courses?

>> No.5228662

You beginner, you need at least 20 TB of courses to get good.

Also you need three curved monitors, 22 inch cintiq, and you'll never produce decent art unless feng zhu teaches you the industry methods.

>> No.5228681

Post your work and prove it

>> No.5228683

Jokes on you, I was subbed to NMA for 4 months and also bought some courses, still below /beg/ level.

>> No.5228686

Maybe the amount of time you spent hoarding resources could have been focused on actually drawing, you retard. Just find one resource for one problem you have and focus on that.

>> No.5228721

Ladies first.

>> No.5228853
File: 34 KB, 680x591, 1596698978048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing Bait.
Amazingly based.

>> No.5228873
File: 234 KB, 802x711, gfbj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, lmao. I got a tablet after gaining skill.

>> No.5229354


>> No.5229537

>hoarding elementary school math problem books instead of just taking one and solving it.
Sit and think about why the idiocy in that gor a moment, and make strides to not do that in the future.

>> No.5231325

where the fuck is the share thread with books or courses

>> No.5231408

>10 tb of art

Dude and the porn?

>> No.5231577

How long you been drawing

>> No.5232483

Like 5 years, idk.

>> No.5232517

use 50% of your time for art courses
use the other 50% to just draw

come back in one year