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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.09 MB, 1488x939, 1613925809023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5225676 No.5225676 [Reply] [Original]

I've been wanting to get into commissions and I'm wondering what a professional sheet would look like. I found a few examples on /aco/ and would like some feedback.

In pic rel is one I'd like to strive for without the blinding colors. But is it too simple and ambiguous?

>> No.5225680
File: 181 KB, 1200x720, 1613951650819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is a bit the same but there is too much small text, is it better to have more disclaimers and explanations? If so, what's a way to make it less crowded?

>> No.5225685
File: 1002 KB, 3494x2378, 1613982141648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this example it has more text but it's also organized better and they used the same image for each product they're offering. Is it a better idea to use the same picture or multiple artworks?

>> No.5225689
File: 1.11 MB, 5500x1942, 1613979476995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this one there is not a lot of text but many examples. Is this too many examples? I think it is, but please give your opinions.

>> No.5225692

Too cheap.

Bigger text, terms should probably be a different image or on a different part of the image altogether. People don't even read them so it's not that useful. Part of the issue with this is the text and background color being shit along with the alignment issues.

>> No.5225700
File: 85 KB, 640x466, 1612192046666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in all, I will be offering only 4 different products, no nsfw. Sketch, lineart, flat colors, and full render. I also want to be able to print the commission sheet on at least A4 size paper for physical display, and it's annoying to expand a giant file on the internet to have to scroll through to see it all. But if that is more professional I'd do it.
I want it to look professional and communicate clearly so any graphic design and input would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.5225710

Then you should probably do one drawing in the 4 different stages, your terms will simply be "no nsfw", and as far as the A4 size stuff goes, you should keep for yourself and your commissioner the full size, but only post a smaller dpi copy online for viewing. The full size stuff is only worth it if you are someone like Ruan Jia

>> No.5225717

Wtf why you critiquing my commission sheet. Is it too bright tho?

>> No.5225720

Lmao who the fuck would pay for this sub-beg shit

>> No.5225746
File: 323 KB, 867x749, dalbq8z-b182a97e-cabd-4ec2-9a97-b36f664d6c97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many images
Too many options imo
I'll post a few off of google I like

>> No.5225751
File: 194 KB, 1199x1200, EfFRbIvVoAAZQ8_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related could have an extra sentence (not too long) under each section or a few sentences underneath all four sections in a different-coloured section

>> No.5225753

Yo this is clean and nice tho...

>> No.5225756

>no nsfw
Then you don’t need a sheet. Commission sheets are a pornfag convention, normal people have a contact and no commission sheet or slots, you get a brief, you give a price, that’s it.

>> No.5225757

Not OP but that shit is over saturated and im going to sue you for making my eyes bleed.

>> No.5225759

>two weeks
the absolute state

>> No.5225761

bro, this is robbery...

>> No.5225765
File: 645 KB, 1440x725, Screenshot_20210223-194815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel is too long horizontaly and also too many options (imo), but 3 examples of each in same size blocks looks good

>> No.5225766

I am using helvetica for fonts.
I like clean designs. I tested the colors in saturation, it seems fine. Is your monitor 99%rgb? Maybe i will change the color if it is too blinding.

>> No.5225769

Alright, jeez ill fix it tmr. God damm nobody tells me things. XD this is why i am looking for art friend.

>> No.5225775
File: 408 KB, 1920x1094, azalea-commision-sheet-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this one the placing could be slightly tweaked but it's nice overall

>> No.5225776
File: 2.63 MB, 3058x2025, da1w713-884d86f8-ba52-42ef-96c9-9e2649cc7c4e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one personally

>> No.5225781

If only you weren't an art thief, you might have gotten more art friends that way. Nobody is going to want to share their stuff with you when all you do is tracing and paintovers.

>> No.5225783
File: 188 KB, 1471x912, FFB38ECC-734A-459C-B0CE-6FF444405949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were told many times
the sheet is not the problem, the colors are neutral saturation-wise, it’s the images that are a godawful clash of white and very saturated bright colors

>> No.5225788

Ok that's it I didn't find any more that I like

>> No.5225797

>it's not flat

>> No.5225816

These are much more appealing, thanks so much for your input. I will use these when making my sheet, I'll post a rough draft here later on.

>> No.5225826
File: 643 KB, 699x1293, 1613116719050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's up with all the retards undercharging their work
Even if you're a third worlder you shouldn't do that, shit like >>5225776 >>5225775 could easily charge 2-3 times as much

>> No.5225853

No idea. I understand not getting into $300+ commission range when you're a /beg/ but you need to balance your hours worked with your price charged to make sure you're making some kind of profit...

>> No.5225898

I agree, they MUST charge at least minimum wage, so 15usd per hour if they are offering their drawing services on the internet
You shouldnt charge less unless is for some charity or some shit

>> No.5225931
File: 70 KB, 988x498, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You desperate fucks are doing some real damage to the value of art commissions.

>> No.5225934

Minimum wage in the US is still 7.25 until 2024.

>> No.5225981

How do I get paid without the client learning my name? I don’t draw coom or anything, but I just want to keep my personal and professional life separate from art.

>> No.5225988

In third world countries having too much wealth without the means to protect it is dangerous.

>> No.5226170


>> No.5226193

Legally change your name to John smith that way no one will ever know who you are.

>> No.5226223

That’s like 4 times what some jobs that require a degree and hard physical labor pay.

>> No.5226236

Trump will not win again

>> No.5226237

You do understand it's $30 for hours of work, not $30 per hour, right?

>> No.5226240

2024 is when Biden's 15/hour minimum wage kicks in you retard. It was signed but it doesn't go into effect until 4 years from now. How stupid can you be?

>> No.5226241

all of that is traced so it's actually too expensive

>> No.5226243

It literally says $30 per hour you mongoloid

>> No.5226247

>a degree and hard physical labour only paying $7.5/h

nice degree hahahahahahaha

>> No.5226254


>> No.5226297
File: 46 KB, 911x262, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb fuck.

>> No.5226308

>That’s like 4 times what some jobs that require a degree and hard physical labor pay.
which ones? archeological digging without a sponsor?
I was getting $25 on my first job after like a week of training operating heavy machinery and I had literally no experience beforehand, got brought in to do retard monkey labour, they saw I’m not completely retarded and made me an operator

>> No.5226310

I just got my forklift operator license last year, making almost $45/hr

>> No.5226312

this is why the underage shouldn't be on the internet.

>> No.5226333

What industry gets you 45 to operate a forklift? most guys I know run around 20

>> No.5226349

Is this true?
it takes me 6-8h on average and I charge more than 20$/h

>> No.5226352

>Taking 15 hours to draw a full body fully rendered character

>> No.5226358

If you're faster than that fool you should charge more than them

>> No.5226363

yeah, what a dope. haha. a total ngm. what a neanderthal.

>> No.5226364

Depends somewhat on your style and if you spend enough time working on a pic you can bump it up beyond your actual skill level.

>> No.5226368

but also same

>> No.5226375
File: 142 KB, 1024x768, state wage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the federal minimum that states must meet, most states have higher rates than that as the government of that state mandates.
People really need to understand the difference between federal and state laws.

>> No.5226378

The forklift industry. I use my forklift to lift other forklifts.

>> No.5226381

there’s little chance you render out an entire figure in 6 hours unless you’re a) shit, b) drawing naked animu or c) both
they don’t mean rendered to mean what
etc take it to mean (ie just airbrush the cells lmao)

>> No.5226386
File: 33 KB, 240x240, E7E62DC8-A1F5-4B10-A2DC-2A25B88D4EBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5226388

I don’t see $15/h on that map

>> No.5226390

Probably higher risk work.

>> No.5226392

dumping bodies

>> No.5226395

And I'm telling you that the FEDERAL minimum wage rise to $15/hour is not going to happen over night. It is a gradual rise up that is going to take 4 years at least to get up to that amount.

Do you read laws or do you just skim articles about them? Don't be stupid.

>> No.5226398

That's because it's two years old California is going to at 14 this year with bumbs coming regularly and many other states are aiming for 15 over the next few years too.

>> No.5226400

And I'm saying the federal is not the one that matters, it's the state rate.

>> No.5226423

not to mention, 15 in cali is not the same as 15 in florida. these laws are retarded

>> No.5226432

My guess is that they aren't. Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it. If the market is saturated, prices are going to drop.

>> No.5226437

Fucking commie-retards don't know how basic market works for fuck's sake

>> No.5226441
File: 125 KB, 261x302, Captura de tela 2021-02-23 193041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5226443
File: 6 KB, 253x199, denton_try_getting_a_job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither of them matter, unless you're actually working for a wage. If you're self-employed, you can starve yourself as hard as you want.

>> No.5226444

I doubt they tried to see if people would pay more, I often see people start low and never raise even if demand is good.

>> No.5226447

your guess is wrong, because you underestimate how much the purchaser is willing to pay

>> No.5226450

Commission sheets are for debiantart kids and losers who can't do business.

>> No.5226451

Hi. Occasional buyer here, here's a quick rundown:
>doesn't look like a Deviantart or Geocities page, surprisingly many artists have no actual taste or eye for layout
>not overcrowded to look zany and fun but not full of negative space either
>use a standard poster font or write simply and legibly if handwriting, more than one heart as punctuation and I stop looking, I'm not interested in flirting ruth the artist unless you're a hot girl who will be filming yourself working on the piece while naked. If the lettering looks like cum you need to stop.
>have dos and don'ts, if you have "maybe"s or "ask"s I am not going to bother contacting, if you have a general "just ask" I am not going to
>if you have an "extra charge" keep it short and snappy with the amount right there on the sheet, I probably still won't want to pay it or work with someone who hates what they're drawing anyways, but better it's up front
>anything you say to ask about that's not style details or something makes me think you want to keep a "clean" smut identity while drawing things that don't go with your own branding for more money privately, or that you're going to try to scam or extort
>if you're not explicit about if you draw pedophile stuff I'll assume you do and scroll past
>accept crypto, it's easier to use than ever, appreciates like mad once you get paid in it, can easily be converted to cash, preserves privacy more or less, and you can't get chargebacked like with credit or Paypal
>whatever your don'ts are, stick to them, unless you get an ungodly overpay, also stick with your do's
>a week with no word, I assume you ghosted, if you're not done and insecure about sending progress, just say you're still working on it, ez short email
>I don't want every possible combo of sketch, color type, linework, shading unless I specifically ask about it, because I'm not an artist. Just b&w sketch, lineart, and colored/shaded lineart should be the tiers
>examples should be video game waifu nudes

>> No.5226456
File: 23 KB, 480x679, necro4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious what they mean too
This took me 6h45min, including time looking for refs and emails back and forth.

>> No.5226460

If your asking price is significantly too low, you should be getting completely swamped with commissions to the point where you have to turn down work because you simply lack the time to do it all. I'd expect most people to raise prices at that point.
If someone doesn't, that probably means they never cared about the money that much.

>> No.5226516

With this much money here in brazil i would be gaining more than 10x minimun wage

>> No.5226527

Socialists do not understand currency or currency exchange. That said drawing porn for spoiled first world degenerates is a good way to get some cash. If you get paid in crypto you can avoid getting taxed on it except when you actually cash out whatever you need for bills or whatever.

>> No.5226532

>wtf only 22k/year to work a light part time job from home?

>> No.5226546

>accept crypto

>> No.5226551

>socialists do not understand currency exchange
>with this much money i would be making 10x minimum wage in uganda!

go back to whatever shithole you crawled from lmoa, pyw before you go

>> No.5226559
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, davinci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they seem pretty fair to me
unless the illustrations unique or have some sort of story, why would you overpay for something you could learn in a few years?

>> No.5226648

Every artist is a theif. We steal from nature. Whatever biological belief system you believe in, god, dna or aliens. You steal from them. Because you dont create, you steal what they created. Be like Newton, stand on the shoulders of giants. If you believe in the matrix, then you are simply rearranging what is already made.

>> No.5226650

I love hyper saturated colors lololol i dunno why, it just feel so sweet for me.

>> No.5226654

>hurr durr nothing is original so I can freely profit off the work of others

End yourself chinkoid

>> No.5226665

Good idea, i should start hiring artists to make a profit out of them. Why do all the tracing and rendering myself... good idea thanks !

>> No.5226677

should have taken more time breh

>> No.5226728

whatever, fuck it
dont charge less per hour than 15usd per hour dont undervalue your time, if you feel like you should charge less use that time to get better at your craft or to market yourself
fuck crypto
yeah why would you pay someone to do something you could learn in a few years,
craft your own furniture, sew your own clothes, grow your own food, manufacture your own computer,etc you will sure have enough time leftover to draw

>> No.5226757

This is why all races unite against the chinaman

>> No.5226878

Im not from china, you dense motherfucker hahahahaha it is like saying all white people are from UK.

>> No.5226879

oh shit asian jeans? pyw

>> No.5226901
File: 761 KB, 1079x1593, Screenshot_20210223-205311_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5226907

ah.... nevermind

>> No.5226911

Lmao btfo

>> No.5226977

Why must all artists be terrified of things they don't understand, and understand almost nothing?
You know exchanging crypto for USD is incredibly simple, right? But no, I'm sure you don't.

>> No.5226985

Back to biz, champ

>> No.5227001
File: 69 KB, 750x1000, E780264D-A5AB-463A-B350-472EFF87EDAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5227002

I will pay you for your work. Do you accept speculation?

>> No.5227006

Unless you absolutely need money its better to get clout/popularity first and then only take commercial work or high cost commissions. You can grind out to 50k followers in a year if you can consistently post above average work 3-4 times a week (just look at how a few of the 100k+ /ic members got popular in 1-2 years). After that you can charge considerably more and go the Patreon route too.

Commissions are absolutely terrible for increasing your follow base, and if you do too much of that you'll find it way too hard to grow, and thus stuck charging under minimum wage forever.

>> No.5227011

then exchange it for usd and pay me you fucking goon

>> No.5227012
File: 1.76 MB, 420x236, 1613754875638.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He only accepts an unlimited supply of fiat currency that would be essentially worthless if it wasn't backed by OPEC and is printed at will by a private institution that isn't even part of the government

Good goy, trust the Dollar don't be like those evil racist sexist domestic terrorists that own Bitcoin, a finite supply that isn't run by centralized banks and is peer to peer which means you would have complete control of your capital without our middle men intervening every transaction you make to make sure you're a patriot and don't even think about trading in an asset without a public ledger you NEED us to monitor every transaction to make sure you're a good goy heheheheh

>> No.5227020

you could've posted this on biz instead

>> No.5227031

Only reason people will use your meme coin as payment if they are doing something shady. And the average person commissioning us won't use retarded shit like that.

>> No.5227037

No really, why are artists so fucking retarded? This isn't 2011.

>> No.5227050

You're not from around here, the cunts you are replying to are in fact Femoids as this board is mostly comprised of Roasties they do not posses the capacity to have the thought process necessary to be financially independent. They only know how to spend and follow the herd with group think dynamics. You're beating a dead horse, let them be.

>> No.5227056

kek. keep shilling your shitcoins, we're here to draw retard

>> No.5227058

I highly doubt you're drawing. Post your work

>> No.5227060

You don't even draw, get the fuck out of here, trannies.

>> No.5227065

Post your work faggot

>> No.5227081
File: 36 KB, 200x125, pys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now post yours

>> No.5227092

Apply yourself

>> No.5227096

mfw he posts work but the cryptoniggers can't

>> No.5227101

You sound like an anal commissioner, drop your contact info so I can avoid you.

>> No.5227105

word, nothing worse than a minimum price poorfag

>> No.5227111

What exactly is "private commission?" Does that mean the artist won't post it on social media? Or that the buyer can claim it's theirs and not credit you at all?

>> No.5227115

It means the buyer can't use that artwork to sell shirts and shit.

>> No.5227122

more accurately personal commission, means it's not commercial but instead directly made for a single individual

>> No.5227123
File: 1.09 MB, 1731x891, Illustration5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5227127

Oh it's just mikufag. No wonder you want to shill the use of memecoin.

>> No.5227130

Literally who?

>> No.5227133

Just some retard, that's all.

>> No.5227136

Apply yourself

>> No.5227196
File: 358 KB, 2188x1823, Commissions 2021 350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whipped this up just now

>> No.5227219

looks like an internet meme about artists

>> No.5227264

Traced from who this time? This took zero effort or creativity from you, lazy hack

>> No.5227276

You should be taking notes

>> No.5227279

I wouldnt want this not even for free, you have zero appeal and low skills and im a dirty coomer consumer

>> No.5227284

keked hard

>> No.5227285

Stay poor.

>> No.5227288

Make sure you don't rope yourself when your meme currency drops again.

>> No.5227290

what payment services do you guys use? paypal? do you have problems with it?

>> No.5227293

paypal, like any normal human being, only schizos and human whales use cryptoshit to buy anime titties, lmao, they literally want to get rid of their failed pajeetcoins, imagine paying for porn with a chunk of bitcoing that despise the plunges is still rising in price, this mongos are seekign to shove you link or some bullshit like that

>> No.5227299
File: 45 KB, 448x570, 1550375960270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paypal accepts Crypto, will you be calling that a scam too? Just because you do not understand something doesn't necessarily mean it is inherently bad. Stop being so ignorant.

>> No.5227313

>implying people want to trust paypal with their meme coins
You fags wanted to avoid services like paypal in the first place, even when paypal was advertising about accepting crypto, loads of retards like you were crying that you will get scammed.

>> No.5227323

Oh so the crypto retard turns out to be the flip pedo, color me surprised

>> No.5227358

Don't know where you saw that, we are pushing for adoption. The more point of sales and acceptance for Crypto the more it becomes legitimized and we are already taxed up the ass since the currency is seen as property by the IRS. Conglomerates such as Amazon Web Services, Google cloud and franchises such as Starbucks have started to use blockchain technology to facilitate transactions and have invested in the concept behind tokenization to provide microtransactions. The technology is here and it is not going away, eventually you will have to use a form of Crypto since we have emerging patents such as Microsoft's biometric blockchain to use your seething sorry ass as a method to mine the cryptocurrency.

This is just the beginning we're at the tip of the iceberg if you believe we've hit the top you haven't seen anything yet since the scarcity of Bitcoin and the devalued dollar that keeps being printed will continue to increase the price along with the continuing adoption. We're leading you to water but you're too dumb and stubborn to drink.

>> No.5227416

Dont you have something better to show

>> No.5227435

Why are these price points linearly distributed from $0 to max? And why is the sketch dirt cheap?

Shouldn’t the sketch be priced higher with some geometric distribution at the top? The sketch is the most valuable part of the drawing, something that I wouldn’t want to give away since it encapsulates the idea.

And a fully completed piece should be = (Sketch*Sketch)*0.5

>> No.5227439

>unlimited supply
What's with this meme? Of course you print more money. If you don't have any inflation, people are going to hoard your money and use it for market speculation. That makes it harder to use for ordinary transactions, since there isn't as much in circulation, and highly prone to sudden crashes.
Imagine if people outside the US were buying US dollars en masse, only to all sell them all at once when the value dips down a bit. You can't run a domestic economy like that.

>> No.5227485
File: 3.87 MB, 2984x2772, 1495099_weskgon_peridot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5227488

I just hope you're better at rendering cloth and hair better than the artist in OP

>> No.5227490

>posts her work
>no replies
never change ic

>> No.5227552

>Only reason people will use your meme coin as payment if they are doing something shady
Are you retarded
Dude crypto is pretty good for investing, that's pretty much a good enough reason to accept crypto as a payment.

>> No.5227587

>crypto as a payment
noob here but where can I start with this? I don't even know how/where to buy crypto, which one of the thousands? bitcoin?
I've been reading some stuff about NTFs, I barely understand it but it seems its only for ethereum?

>> No.5227630

You can buy crypto from coinbase, binance, paypal and robinhood also have crypto to buy. And there are more than just bitcoin and ethereum to buy.

>> No.5227641

all the talent in here and they chose to draw furry shit to make money

makes me sad

>> No.5227660

why are non-artists are like this?

>> No.5227817
File: 1.19 MB, 800x791, 1609359605049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really good advice, thank you anon. And I never thought of
>And a fully completed piece should be = (Sketch*Sketch)*0.5

>> No.5227825

i fucking loved tis cartoon

>> No.5227848

Pros don’t do these cookie cutter commission sheets for a reason, it’s always third world begs who will work virtually for free who do this

>> No.5227867

Except they do.

>> No.5227882

people usually at least consider the time it takes to make something, and the thing that takes the longest is autistic rendering and polishing so it scales up towards that end. if your work is very stylized and lineart dependent then obviously it's different but if you're a rendermonkey like me the lines take 5% of the time and the the rest is painting.

also nobody cares about the idea with personal commissions lmao, there's no value there - some shitty character design or generic scene made by the specifications of someone who has little taste, it's dime-a-dozen and completely throwaway.

also your equation i think gets unreasonable as you approach $100, people might be willing to then pay $500-1k for a finished piece but $5k? that's a small market

>> No.5227891

What's there to say? It's good. The arms look a bit weird, but I couldn't say why, and it's not like it even matters if the client didn't notice.

>> No.5227892

Some of you are literally working for free
Please have some self respect and don't do this

>> No.5227895

My time is worth literally nothing.

>> No.5227908

realistic pricing

>> No.5227919

kek poorfag

>> No.5227947

so what now, they should starve because raising their prices will most probably turn away the low-tier demographic who are only willing to spend around 30 bucks per artist, and raising it will not make it more appealing for the mid demographic who are looking for something very specific. I think these guys already tried which is why they've set their prices in a way that woks for them, chinks, taiwanese and singapore artists do much more quality work for only 100-150. Meanhile some tumblr cali westerners are asking for 800 or some shit because their onions beach latte costs 30$

>a delusional e-faggots take on the value of money
these guys get everything for free on top of having their behavior and twisted mindset enabled by their drone audience. It just doesn't apply to the normal guy/girl and will probably make them suffer since it'll make new people believe they can make fast easy money with drawing thus oversaturating the market even more.
>but there is room for everybody!
sure, but the algorithm on social media starts filtering stuff more excessively if there is an abundance of a specific tag used aka new fanart etc, which automatically lowers the attraction for everybody (specifically those who are semi successful but don't have a following who can boost their work, meaning it'll gain the same ratio as a beg with a doodle)

>> No.5227959

Not even close.

>> No.5227961

please stop talking out of your ass, the only delusion here is that you think they should shoot at the $30 demographic because nobody is willing to pay more. either you've never done commissions or you're crabbing

>> No.5227972

the problem with your aco pricesheets is that all the faggots there are racing each other to the bottom trying to draw cheap fast coom to make their first commission money from art. it is not representative of the commission market as a whole and it is most certainly not representative of clients on other platforms and the amount of money people are willing to spend on art. the only person you hurt by underpricing is yourself but you really won't get it until you realize you can charge 5x more and still make sales just as easily. all of your theory about muh "can't charge that much people won't pay!!!! " is based on your own limited assumptions and completely detached from reality

>> No.5227975

>raising it will not make it more appealing for the mid demographic who are looking for something very specific
You apparently do not understand the power of value. Just talk to any professional graphic designers about it. Why do you think people pay them thousands or more for some shapes on a screen? You're retarded if you undervalue yourself. People see that big price tag and yes while some poorfags will say "that's too expensive for me", others will say "wow, they must really be in demand and their work must be very valuable! I'd better get this artist to do some work for me before they get too busy!"

The smartest way to do it is to not post a commission sheet at all. You price it depending on:
>if the work is for personal or commercial use
>if commercial, how much is your work going to help them make sales? A new illustration or logo for Nike is going to get them a LOT of money in sales, for a regular person or a mom and pop store, it will do nothing or not much
>If personal or for small business, what is their budget like? How busy are you? Is there a rush fee? Does it meet your requirement for hours worked vs money earned?
You also reinforce with contracts, to make sure that nobody says they're a small business just to be a tightwad, that way if they lie and use your work for an ad or their website you can sue for that cash money.

Is it so hard for people to understand the importance of properly valuing your work?

>> No.5227994
File: 692 KB, 2250x1584, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5227999


>> No.5228001

I didn't think anything could be more eye rape than what is in OP pic, yet here we are.

>> No.5228011


>> No.5228246

>so what now, they should starve
The people complaining about other artists charging "too little" are really just upset about having their own prices undercut. The core problem is that there's too much competition in their market.
The best solution would be for all those competitors to simply disappear.

>> No.5228273

>the only person you hurt by underpricing is yourself
Then what does "racing each other to the bottom" mean? If the art commission market works differently from all other markets, and the commission price has no bearing on whether prospective clients go to you or someone else, then there should be no "race".

>> No.5228280

conversely, the people complaining about those people are just benefit pigs who refuse to spend any more than $20 on a piece of art because they spend their mcdonalds allowance on onlyfans and their mom won't give them any more

the best solution would be for these people to simply disappear. they contribute nothing to the world but expect the world to give them what they want at the cheapest price possible

>> No.5228289

You all must understand. The 3rd world people enjoy suffering. If they dont enjoy suffering, why would they work in a sweat shop. This is why i think artist should charge as low as they want or as high as they want.

Afterall money is not real. Just digits...

>> No.5228303

You assume they understand this. The exact reason there is a race is because they have some basic economics idea of undercutting competition to offer good value, and they think that's ALL there is to it and the be all end all of how they can value their work. you'll notice that this always happens with beginner artists but any experienced commissioner will tell you otherwise, regardless of the quality of their work - you think it's some sort of psyop? They're trying to look out for people who submit themselves to slave labour because they made the exact same mistake when they started. All of this mythical competition exists only at the lowest end of the spectrum, and it is self propagated by the artist as much as the client. And the thing is, the mid-high price market will continue to exist regardless of whether you submit yourself to the low end market - so by all means continue, but if it were me, I'd probably look to be practical about the amount of money I can make instead of living like a third worlder, given the choice. Again, all these ideas of theory are just that, theory - you can believe it as much as you want but it won't affect the fact that there are endless whales out there willing to drop thousands on simple character art

>> No.5228304

>the people who pay me contribute nothing to the world
Okay, Ayn Rand.

>> No.5228312

You faggots are making me realize I'm charging way too little

>> No.5228320

Good. Charge more and experience the increase in number of commissions, it is glorious.

>> No.5228326

They don't pay me anything, I hate working with them because they're always much more picky than people willing to pay more. The quality of my clients increased exponentially when I raised my prices and I'd never go back, they can find someone else to wage for them

>> No.5228330

50hr per hour. Lets go.

>> No.5228344

Do it

>> No.5228355

>there are endless whales out there
How is that possible, though?
I mean, yeah, I freely admit that everything I've posted is just abstract theorizing, based on the clearly false assumption that humans will act rationally in their own self interest. I don't know shit about how the real world works. But I don't see how there could be ENDLESS whales. Surely, there ought to be a limited demand for simple art commissions, like there is a limited demand for virtually everything else. And surely, if you're in the market for a simple art commission, it would be sensible to hire the cheapest artist who produces good enough work. WHY doesn't it work like that?

>> No.5228363

Because of value.

High price comes off as high value.
Low price comes off as low value.

When money is no problem for you and it's all didposable anyways, saving money isn't on their minds. It's all about the value.

>> No.5228367
File: 46 KB, 600x603, for free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't pay me anything
>I hate working with them
Are you saying that you're working with people you hate for free?

>> No.5228376

>those people are just benefit pigs who refuse to spend any more than $20 on a piece of art because they spend their mcdonalds allowance on onlyfans
Dude, no Norma person pays 60$ for art.
You can get a game for that price.
Come on

>> No.5228378

what's also hilarious is that there's an inverse crab bucket mentality to this, especially in a place like aco. they'll view people raising their prices as a reduction in competition, and encourage it because they think it benefits them, but it's kind of a case of telling people to shoo from their trashpile so they can have it all to themselves.

at the end of the day, when a client looks at your work, if they don't like it, it doesn't matter if you charge $5 - they won't pay you. but the moment your art develops some appeal - the fundies aren't obviously broken and there's something a normie might like about it - that very moment, it swings towards being a seller's market, and you can charge much more and still attract clients. as you develop a brand and get good word of mouth, this effect only multiplies, and this is on top of the price-becoming-value that other anon described above

but that's the thing - these are people with disposable income, not people who are trying to hire the cheapest artist to produce "good enough" work. if they like what you make, they'll pay your price - it's that simple. it's not a matter of comparing pc parts and looking for a bargain when they all do the same thing - and even THERE, people with disposable income couldn't care less about saving a few pennies - but the value of art is, ultimately, completely subjective.

>> No.5228385

but they will lmao, i can vouch for the fact that people are willing to pay 4 figures for a picture. whether you consider that normal behaviour or not doesn't matter when they put their money where their mouth is. and again, disposable income is a completely different world, anon

lol no, i'm saying i don't work with them anymore, hence they don't pay me anything. i DID, though, because i did the same thing when i started - assumed i had to undercut and charge $25 for an illustration

>> No.5228393

bro the common price for an anime fullbody is 75 dollarinos

>> No.5228400

>no Norma person pays 60$ for art.
You don’t even draw, faggot. People are paying $300 every month for pics of women’s asses on onlyfans and donating lots of money to streamers when all they do us sit on their asses and either watch other people’s content or eat food.

>> No.5228492
File: 222 KB, 820x820, valuestudy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I've been considering adding these (greyscale headshots) to my commission lineup, but when I initially had a sale for them ($35) some people told me it was too much, so I was hoping to get input here.

>> No.5228517

$30/hr non negotiable

>> No.5228522

This >>5228517
If they say it's too much then they can draw it themselves.

>> No.5228525

My favorite thing to do when people say it’s too much is refer them to artists that draw worse and charge more then block them lol

>> No.5228549

Raise the price more. How many hours did that take you? If it was one hour then your price is ok but then again if you can do that in an hour it means you are experienced and fast, and should charge way more.

The shitters that tell you it's too much can suck it. When you raise your price you attract a better clientele anyways.

>> No.5228551

because all degenerates like you belong on a cross

>> No.5228564

This. Listening to low ballers is a shortcut to burn out. Ignore them. Most of the people that complain about your pricing weren’t going to commission you anyway. And even if they do, they’ll likely not be repeat customers and will fuck your entire business model for future customers.

>> No.5228587

I usually charge $25 for all my commissions. Full color, no sketches. Depend on if the commissioner want full or half. It a hobby for me right now.

>> No.5228670
File: 274 KB, 1194x1300, Screen Shot 2021-02-24 at 12.19.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commercial art easily goes to 4 figures+

>> No.5228691

Yep. In my experience, the low ballers try to haggle you down to even shittier prices, are extremely picky and try to put you through as many revisions as possible (they are the reason I have a revision limit and extra charges after the limit), and generally turn out to be pretty toxic and insufferable. I've had some pay my 50% up front and ghost me after they get low res watermarked thumbnail sketches, only to find they paid someone else waaay cheaper to expand the image they liked, trace lineart over it, and color it. That's when I learned contracts are important and cancellation fees are nice. Some of those cheapos are just nice poorfags but once you explain that you need to make a living they understand. Like, bro im gonna be poor too if I don't get paid my rates, I have bills and I need to eat!

>> No.5228739
File: 130 KB, 236x265, Screenshot_28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5228741
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, 1487562771392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like, bro im gonna be poor too if I don't get paid my rates, I have bills and I need to eat!
Get a real job.

>> No.5228744

This piece took me about 4 hours from sketch to completion.

>> No.5228753

now factor in business talk, waiting for feedback, applying revisions, and ask yourself if you're happy to work for that rate. also
>complex details
how long will it take you? figure out the new rate and ask yourself if you're happy to work for that

>> No.5228865

Good point. My current full bodies are $100... they take me about 10-ish hours not counting all that. Thanks for the input.

>> No.5228996

>craft your own furniture, sew your own clothes, grow your own food, manufacture your own computer,etc you will sure have enough time leftover to draw
dumb nigger, i'm talking about shit that isn't necessary
you don't need a picture of a waifu to survive but you need food, clothes, and shelter
gtfo with your shit analogy

>> No.5228998
File: 35 KB, 550x700, 983209343211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy hecking based

>> No.5229003

you will never make it as an artist lmao

>> No.5229013

>Literally the same as shaded exceptn you pay extra 20 bucks

>> No.5229024

And because sfw shit sells? Unless is weebshit of course

>> No.5229483

>these are the retards complaining about undercharging and poorfags living rent-free in their minds on /ic/ now

>> No.5229487

I have one, dumbshit, I'm a freelancer. It's just a way to explain things to poorfags that they understand. Jesus.

>> No.5229492
File: 1.06 MB, 498x278, 1581982632167.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a freelancer
oh no no no no no no no

>> No.5229516 [DELETED] 

>good art
>under charging
Why? I literally would pay $100 for that easily for style A

>> No.5229521

It’s 2021. Every job is work from home, and there are lots of casual and part time WFH jobs. I’m actually in the price what you think your art deserves camp and don’t go over or under what makes you comfortable, but I just wanted to mention this.

>> No.5229523

ah the joys of being a first worlder speaking on everyone's behalf, fuck off while yes they are charging way too low you have to consider other countries besides your own which i know is hard to do

>> No.5229585

Shouldn't you go find some clean water, shitskin?

>> No.5229597

shouldn't you be trying to starve more artists amerilard oh... wait

>> No.5229605

They do it to themselves by under prdicing themselves lmao.

>> No.5229612

clearly you know nothing about other economies lardtard. even $40 can buy you a lot in another country,

>> No.5229638

Stupid Esl

>> No.5229640

And you could be rich charging burgerland prices. Yet you settle for shit-ass $40 full render commissions :)

>> No.5229652

>thinking im the artist
is it schizo time already?

>> No.5230205

>start patreon since I only draw fanart
>get free money for drawing shit I like
>no commission autism

>> No.5230264

I am aimming for that.

>> No.5230345

do you make coomershit or sfw

>> No.5230396

I'd like to know, too.

>> No.5230927
File: 2.45 MB, 3184x1752, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys im new to commissioning and i was wondering if anyone has some advice on how to price things

>> No.5230992

The lowest you should charge is $30 per hour. Time yourself drawing a sketch, doing lineart, blocking in colors, and rendering. Do the math and you have your price.

>> No.5231230

Several anons in this this thread have said that they started at like $10 per piece, and then at some point multiplied the price by a hundred, and started getting a lot more offers. It's not clear whether the $10 phase is required, though. You could try starting at a thousand dollars, and then lowering the price until someone hires you.

>> No.5231242

you reduce the amount of people willing to buy your shite art if you do this. would you prefer one person buying at 150 or 6-8 people willing to buy at 45-50?

>> No.5231244


>> No.5231249


>> No.5231250

This is a joke, right?

>> No.5231260

Is ok. There are mant paths in this artist route.
Your particular challenge with that is.... that you need to build a consistent audience, so if you are good with that, you have all the rest.

>> No.5231261

Except >>5228378 and >>5228385 claimed that it's the opposite. Sure, it would imply that the corporate clients are fucking retarded, but that's nothing new.

>> No.5231950

Pretty qt desu. You could charge a good amount for it. There’s appeal

>> No.5232812
File: 940 KB, 2822x2399, sheet WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cost nothing to drop this here

>> No.5232818
File: 347 KB, 900x675, sheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5232951

I'm still beg, but I use to mow yards for money. I found doing jobs under 30$ was to little. It didn't matter if it only took ten minutes going to do it and dealing with the customer just wasn't worth it. Charging 30$ for your grey scale is to little if anything. List it for 40$ and see if anyone buys. If 100 poorfags complain and 1 buy person buys keep it at 40$. Remember prices are sticky so you should work your way down in price not up. If you list it at 40$ and do a sale price of 30$ people will be more interested.

>> No.5232954

Raise your rates maybe by 4x

>> No.5232955

I just looked at the image again. Charge 25$ an hour at least.

>> No.5232956

i wouldnt even pay 60 dollars for that

>> No.5232962
File: 210 KB, 1075x867, doggonomics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, at some point it gets too cheap and people stop buying.
there's a whole theory of pricing and that's absurd even for physical goods with simpler accounting involved.
say a guy says he'll do for 5$ what everybody else charges 30 for. Most people will immediately think he's a fraud or something will go wrong, and still go for the 30$ people until another guy comes out and charges 25, which is less but still in the same range, giving the impression customers get the same quality for less.

It's like off-brand electronics, there's a dozen chinese companies making fuckhuge TVs for a third of the price Sony or LG want, and while obviously they aren't as good, you'd think the box is full of anthrax given how reluctant customers are to buy them, even poorfags would rather go into debt for a Panasonic than just buy some random TV and maybe an android box to go with it.

>> No.5232963

Someone might.

>> No.5232970

im just starting and i dont have much work

>> No.5232974

People don't go for really cheap shit, cause they will feel like they would get scammed(which is true) or baited by getting an extremely shitty drawing instead.

>> No.5232987

Fuck these faggots ill be your art friend happy boy

>> No.5233008

is that the truth is that I almost never sell anything most of the time :, c

>> No.5233161

The lineart is much better than the coloring. If I was buying pictures of thicc pink women, I'd probably just get four sketches instead of a fully rendered piece. Or buy a sketch and hire someone else to color it.
Try it out! If you're not selling anything anyway, it can hurt your business any further.

>> No.5233189
File: 3.49 MB, 2700x1500, prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since were posting commission prices here are mine is this ok?

>> No.5233224

Nice then when you show him your favorite artist or your own stuff he will be tracing and selling it

>> No.5233227

Way too low. How long do these take you? Bare minimum wage is $30/hr. Do the math and report back.

>> No.5233233

Shouldn't you get good at the things that you require to survive first? Not faulting people who aren't preppers/mountain men but your logic seems off.

>> No.5233260

I kinda just do these whenever I can I work retail most the time so i can't properly tell you how long these take

>> No.5233271

The hours worked only matter if your time is actually worth something, i.e. if there's something else you could be doing that would make you more money. Sure, you could always quit art forever and get a job, but is that really an answer to the question of commission prices?

>> No.5233274

These are really cool.
What's the functional difference between "grayscale painting" and "monochrome painting"?

>> No.5233304

>Bare minimum wage is $30/hr
Not the case at all but ok

>> No.5233327

>Using the sheet Happyboynumber1 uses

>> No.5233341
File: 395 KB, 739x1200, 1613777886152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'll be $30/hr + tip please. ;) This one took me 11.

>> No.5233345

Not, but in fact is just the start base.
People tend to value the work to the minimal, especially in non traditional art mediums.
Is a fact that in any art work, you have to, at least, cover the minimum basic of your spends in the artwork.
For example if you paint, is obvious that you have to put the price higher than the money you used to paint the thing (in paint, formats, used bases or varnishes).
Is common to any job think in the amount of time that you put as a base, then, according to the basics salary of your country (the min. that... in many cases, is a law that determinate the minimum salary), you calculate the same to your job. Because that's what you're doing, a job.
Later you put all the offer and demand, but the minimum has to be equal to the standard, because if not... why are you selling drawings? is because you want money? then why you dont do it for free... if is about the money, then you have to do it, because if not it means that you could do ANY work in your country with a normal employment contract, and earn more in that same time, if you are not charging the hourly minimum.
So yeah you can tell that when you're selling a job, first you put the minimum basic, objective value, and then you put the offer-demand price above, subjective value

Is just a basic economy thing. If you sell a candy in 8, then another person sell the same candy in 7, both could lower the price, but never to the point that they dont gain anything, is the frabic that sell those candies put their cost in 4, then the minimum that people can sell is 5, never lower.

Is just to prevent that people get abused for their work if they are retarded. But again later to that basic you put the subjective value.
You can literally do kids sketches drawings, for 10000000, and if someone but it, that's it.

>> No.5233349

>Thst blatantly obvious porn tracing bottom right

>> No.5233362

Which one? Never traced for my main stuff

>> No.5233371

gmi technique

>> No.5233429

greyscale would be just monochrome without color realistically anyone can just take the greyscale into photoshop put it on a multiply layer and put any color background under it haven't exactly thought it through lololol

>> No.5233458

It probably depends, honestly. If you're a skilled artist but not well known, people will probably be apprehensive if you're too cheap. If you're well known but cheap then people have less reason to be suspicious.

>> No.5233468

That seems incredibly cheap for the sketches, but probably reasonably priced for the color since I don't think the coloring looks great, at least on the character, but maybe I'd change my mind after seeing more examples.
Either way, your style's really cool so I don't think there'd be anything wrong with bumping it up a little.

>> No.5233515
File: 608 KB, 2048x2048, 2BD30D6E-F542-4F0F-BAF3-20FB1ED29FAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some of my color examples

>> No.5233588
File: 150 KB, 503x478, 1569873093692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be third worlder
>probably need money more than first worlder
>decide not to charge twice as much as I could just because
Do retards really? You have no excuse for being so stupid

>> No.5233617

If you can still fill up your schedule with $100 commissions instead of $50, doesn't it make sense to go for the $100? Its basic economics
Looks pretty good to me

>> No.5234203

Ah yes, the self-aware Macfag economics

>> No.5234362

if you draw well you dont need a commission sheet

>> No.5234461

Retards thinking this is a gotcha
No ones going to get a day job just to turn around and draw your shitty sonic inflation oc's for free lmao