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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5216713 No.5216713 [Reply] [Original]

How do you avoid this, i have seen a lot of people never progressing that far despite drawing frequently like in the drawthreads, how do you know you are not just drawing in vain

>> No.5216719

You don’t give a fuck and you just draw because you like it and you ignore shitty threads like this one.

>> No.5216725

saying "just draw" is like telling some incel "just be yourself". It's a joke answer. The issue inherently is that you start off being bad. Being bad more often isn't the solution, solving the issue is. being critical and analytical of your own work is how you move past stagnating for years on end

>> No.5216727

there's actually a lot of progress in that picture, maybe stop crabbing

>> No.5216731

I agree, right looks a lot better! Now they just need to start coloring

>> No.5216734

Lack of any intelligence, curiosity and life force perhaps?

>> No.5216739
File: 69 KB, 604x559, 1583184269571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong, 2 years for that much is terrible since he never drew full bodies and theres just as many mistakes in both pics

>> No.5216751

Draw consciously

>> No.5216762

The right pic is better than the left one T. B. Desu but you’re right that it’s reasonable to expect more for two years’ worth of work.
I think the most important thing is to just be ambitious in your drawings. Do different characters doing different things in different settings, don’t just always do the same floating anime head.

>> No.5216771

unironically with an art mentor

>> No.5216772


>> No.5216785

>2 years for that much is terrible since he never drew full bodies
So then it isn't progress, it's drawing the same picture maybe three times a month and then wondering why there isn't any improvement.
The answer to the OP is doing focused, devoted studies and not just random, off the cuff drawing for ten minutes shoved between dinner and gaming. You're not going to improve if you're not making an effort to learn.

>> No.5216793

You stop drawing and you will magically improve.

>> No.5216915


>> No.5216916


>> No.5216921
File: 38 KB, 524x480, 1540435121882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5216925

Not pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. If you only do the same thing you'll get better at only doing that thing.

>> No.5217084

Comfort zoning. Having to put yourself in a situation to learn means you have to be bad at something again. So they struggle to learn new techniques and revert back to the things they are better at because they know how to get some sort of success with it rather than trudging through the period of learning a new thing. Sometimes the issue gets compounded if they get some accolades for the thing they do know which means they would have to look vulnerable in a way, looking weaker or incompetent if they try to further their skills.

>> No.5217099

Step out of your comfort zone, you only learn by trying harder things, the same way you build more muscle lifting heavier weights.

>> No.5217153

>2 years
yeah but how many hours did he put in? that is what matters.

>> No.5217179

Stagnation comes from:
>not practicing fundies
>not practicing on a regular basis
>drawing only one type subject (humans,animals etc)
>not using more than one medium
>not asking other artists for critique
>not doing studies

>> No.5217242

Doing something other than fucking weebshit.

>> No.5217304

simply improve

>> No.5217380

Have fun with a pencil you retard

>> No.5217692

if the artist used that time to make the jump from traditional to digital, having his work look exactly the same is not that bad for 2 years
but jfc those shoulders. i wonder the improvement would have been more obvious had he tried to recreate them

>> No.5217761

Always aim to draw like a photograph and never settle. You should never be satisfied with any of your drawings.

>> No.5217847

If you rely on grid lines/ following a 'formula' for drawing, you'll never get progress past a certain plateau. All you have to do is draw what you see, it's not hard

>> No.5217915

wrong, cuz OP is just comparing those two pictures, nobody says anything about being able or not to draw bodies. Stop being crabs.

>> No.5217937


Stagnation is good if your art in general is good, ive seen peoples artstyles get worse over time.

>> No.5217940

Are you saying that art is good?

>> No.5217994

NTA but that guy is known and used to be a regular here, he's dentist-kun. He's never drawn anything but these wide floating faces, that's all he would post, and his rare drawings showing bodies weren't good either.

>> No.5218734

repeat it forever

>> No.5218740

I agree with the sentiment, but just because it could be worse doesn't mean that it is good.

>> No.5218919


>> No.5219768

/beg/ is for progress /draw/ is for crabbing and shitposting

>> No.5219989
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>drawing only one type subject (humans,animals etc)
>not using more than one medium
>not asking other artists for critique
Literally me right now. Fuck my life familia

>> No.5220000

is he a real dentist?

>> No.5220006

Looks better than what you can make

>> No.5220141


>> No.5221278
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>> No.5221390
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>> No.5222067

Buy denim clothing made in the orient.

>> No.5222845

>this guy runs everyday for years but never won an olympic medal! fucking loser lol.

>> No.5223586

No but he’s getting fit and/or faster

>> No.5224198

draw more than floating anime heads every other week

>> No.5224221

Pic somewhat unrelated but J get where you are going.
The path to moving forward is to pushing and trying hard things constantly, not just doing.
Think of it like reps at the gym. If you never push for higher weights, better form, or more reps, or different muscle groups you will reach a ceiling of how much you can do after the initial gains.