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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 29 KB, 600x600, 28xp-pepefrog-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5205304 No.5205304 [Reply] [Original]

What if I told you getting a following on social media isn't about your art?

Its about your personality

>> No.5205306

I feel like alot of people on this board don't know about how to go about social media and assume just being "Good" will get you attention on platforms.

The trick is to actually talk to people!

You guys got this i believe in you!

>> No.5205311

I'm down to talk about how to start getting attention on social media!

Not very popular myself but i feel like im getting somewhere!

>> No.5205350

>The trick is to actually talk to people!
>You guys got this i believe in you!

choose one

>> No.5205353

That is true.

>> No.5205354

It's an autistic trait that a lot of creatives have where they think that the world is a meritocracy and that just being better than someone else will get them work. In reality nobody wants to work with some stuck up cunt or some antisocial weirdo. Only after you've been in an industry for decades are you entitled to be a dick and people will still give you work because you're established and worth dealing with. The hardest pill for musicians, artists, etc to swallow is that you can be leagues better than someone else and still lose to them because they know how to market themselves and have a magnetic personality that draws people to them.

>> No.5205355
File: 813 KB, 598x448, dinozo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, no.
People on here have no good qualities and they have to compensate by trying to be godly at art.
In a year or so when I'm high beg, I'm going to make a YouTube account teaching people how to draw and I'm going to get half a million subs and you kids here are going to seethe and post my channel here wondering how the hell this /beg/ even has a following and I'll smirk when they I see that shit knowing that the rest of you negative faggots will never make it; not because you're trash at drawing but because you haven't taken the personality-pill.

>> No.5205356

None of that matters if my comic on webtoons does well :D

>> No.5205357

Please, do elaborate on your methods. I find it extremely mind-numbing to shill myself out to random people constantly and hoping someone will follow me back or acknowledge me. I'm more than happy to engage someone who engages me, but getting people to see that I'm there is the hardest part.

>> No.5205360

This and wider appeal are hard for a lot of people to deal with. Look at music. There are tons of underground bands who are musically way better than anything on the shitty radio, but normies don't give a fuck and just want something catchy and stylish. You basically have to choose whether you want your career to be a labor of love that doesn't pay much but is what you want to do or sell out and have an easier time. The problem is the creative 'market' is flooded with literally millions of people all thinking they are an artist, a musician, a singer, etc. Back when our parents were kids, there weren't as many people doing the same thing as there are now. Just like everyone wants to be a streamer but realistically the economy can only support like 200k streamers or some shit and there are millions trying to do it who will never succeed in the flood.

>> No.5205362

The way I see it, I don't have to be the best drawfag on /ic/ or Twitter or Instagram, I just have to be the best drawfag on the /vg/ generals I frequent.

>> No.5205373

a /beg/ teaching others sounds horrible. You would be fucking over who ever watches you.

>> No.5205384
File: 644 KB, 500x514, 1573681462310.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, bro.
High Begs can teach Low Begs much better than any pro.
Pros have the expert blindspot while previous /beg/s know exactly what it's like to start drawing without any previous experience.

At least that has been my experience.
I have learned more from artists who are a little bit better than me moreso than some professional like Feng Zoo or Kim Jung Gi or any artist that started drawing when they were little kids.

>> No.5205387


>> No.5205413

Personality is a big factor, but I'd wager the main thing is indeed the art. Not the 'skill' in its making, as many seem to think, but the content in it.
People want something entertaining/relatable first and foremost, and something skillfull secondly.

>> No.5205424
File: 6 KB, 236x214, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5205449

But what about someone like cutesexyrobutts who only posts images?
from what I see it comes down to 2 things:
>quality of art
>quality of coom

>> No.5205451

good artists let their art speak for them

>> No.5205454

Thats what I was thinking right now. CSR can carry just by having outstanding artwork.

>> No.5205458


>> No.5205459

pyw or shut up

>> No.5205467

this is outstanding

>> No.5205470

that's not a cute anime girl

>> No.5205471

indeed, anime isn't art

>> No.5205480

Yes, can you blend like that?

>> No.5205482


>> No.5205484

I wanna see, if you can unironically do that holy shit. no crabbing

>> No.5205494
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>> No.5205509

No way you are fucking shexo, but if you are, Hope you learned from being to obvious with the photobashing/tracing. I don't mind seeing you use reference but photobashing/tracing is pretty bad since you can tell how the stretching of the muscles don't align well. I stopped following because of that. I don't wanna get my eyes used to inaccuracies like that. Even if its you.
Like I said, no crabbing. Just my 2 cents.

>> No.5205514

Whatever you say, this place is a dumpster fire of ngmis

>> No.5205517

How did you make it without descriptions on your shit? its weird seeing csr and you do it. I haven't even made my social yet. Def not a beg myself(and ofcourse not a pro) but I wanna start a social and not talk to others aswell.

>> No.5205521

Its not hard just let go of your ego

I agree, its just a hard pill to swallow. I met amazing artist who have no presents, on any platform because they have such a high opinion of themselves. Which i understand, but its not comming out of love but more out insecurities
Its a compensation for their inability to socialize

oh sweet child... i hope the best for you

good on you!

You are the prime example. I get it, people are hard to deal with, but you have to find your place and people! I know you can do it, you just gotta accept rejection above everything else! not everyone is gonna like you and thats okay, just keep learning to be a better artist and person!

That is true!
But unfortunately no one will listen to them!

>> No.5205542

Well what your hoping for is artist to follow you

Thats not what you want. you want people who don't draw to follow you. Artist can find your mistakes and understand the process and effort, while non-artist won't.

Non-artist = anything will appeal to them as long as them already have an existing relationship with whatever creation you make

Artist = are people who can pick apart your work.

So my advice is to join some group of people like an existing fandom you like
(nintendo, anime, Esports, Vtubers, Youtubers)
And make alot of fancreation and "leech" off that success until you can stand on your own two feet.
Seems easy but there is alot of luck that is involved.
The beginning is the most difficult part.
You want to prove you actually are in the community and not someone trying to leech

>> No.5206309

I just don't get it how do you get a huge follow right when you start
Do you wait for some trends to start and boom post some crazy mass appeal art with # to ride the wave and get a lof of followers straight up?
like this guy https://twitter.com/dh_k___/media started 2 months ago and has 100k, none of his posts have any # or anything how did people see them?

I don't have a twitter so I've always wondered how this works

>> No.5206519

i kneel shexyo sama

>> No.5206576

>The hardest pill for musicians, artists, etc to swallow is that you can be leagues better than someone else and still lose to them because they know how to market themselves and have a magnetic personality that draws people to them
Also know as, being attractive or having money

>> No.5206589

>is Ching Chong
>draws anime
it truly is that simple m8

>> No.5206593

Ok anon, I am listening, but what does it actually mean to talk with people? Do I suddenly start DMing somebody out of nowhere as if we were friends? Do I keep talking each one of their post? How do you usually turn strangers into friends in places like say.. twitter?

>> No.5206599

Just say hello how you would if you met someone in the street. It’s the same thing except slightly less weird. Don’t just be like


If you’ve never spoken to them before just be like hey I’m a big fan of your work, really like how you X and X etc etc. They’ll just be like thanks for the compliment and you can say I did a drawing of one of your OCs. They will say thank you and if it’s good they’ll follow you and be hyped. If it’s not they’ll just treat you like a nobody fan and be like cool super appreciate it. Expect the latter. Doesn’t mean it’s bad necessarily but what would you say if some kid came up and gave you a picture they drew? Makes a massive difference if the picture is phenomenal

>> No.5206602

Oh shit I thought I was replying to someone else, I mixed up two posts. I thought you were the guy who drew someone’s OC. Don’t just draw everyone’s OCs that’s not a particularly good way to go unless you’re great but the time per individual isn’t worth it unless you’re actually a fan lol. Just like peoples posts, comment on their shit, show support. People like support. Problem is the inherent idea of followers is that you are a “follower”. Nothing but an ego boost for the other person. Most people use it this way and don’t see their followers as their friends. It’s the ultimate narcissistic tool

>> No.5206607
File: 3.05 MB, 2500x2500, Hilfe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I told you its about regurgotating the most useless shit and keeping your videos in a formfactor that has been deemed successful by recursive loops and tampering with "the algorythm"

>> No.5206610

I am in this weird stage where some artists I admire follow me for some reason already, but at best I am just a friendly stranger that sometimes answers to their tweets, how do I get to start a conversation with them without making myself feel pushy or forceful?

>> No.5206615

Send them pictures of your feet

>> No.5206637


Just don’t expect much unless you’re of value to them. Most the time niceness to followers is simply a farce to covince you to keep boosting their numbers. Treat them with as much caution as you would real people. Do your thing, chat to people, dont act like a follower. Remember you’re not trying to be a fan you’re trying to be an associate. Unfortunately this makes “trying” at all pretty hard. In my opinion be good, if you’re not good enough be better. Once you’re of value it will happen. Don’t take this as me being a dick it’s the best advice I could give you. If it’s not happening for you let that motivate you to be better.

>> No.5206703
File: 247 KB, 1754x1240, askmeabboutmyexplanations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw them a picture that prooves your insight into the worlds faggot

>> No.5206716
File: 28 KB, 1041x419, ggaagg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I taught as a dirt shit /beg/ on youtube and udemy starting out and despite all of that I used my personality and it did well for me.

I stopped because yeah I was fucking over peoples progress and felt bad. But I'm going to do teach again one day. As long as you can make your content not like the alphabet soup and different norms will like it. Most of you can't do what I did because you're too chickenshit to be on video.

>> No.5206719

why wouldnt you just watch good courses and spew what you learned into retard format? you cant get sued for stealing someones drawing process, assuming youre not retarded

>> No.5206723

Yeah I was going to do that. My plan was to, at the time, watch expensive courses not uploaded yet online then regurgitate the info but again I needed the money THAT badly because I had no job and had a bad tooth that was making me want to kms (thanks America).

When I took care of that I had no reason to do that and was more focused on my own progress. However I could have made some serious side cash. 1 course is at least $100-$120/month. If you have 10 courses....well that's $1200 to $2000 in the holiday peak season.

>> No.5206749
File: 36 KB, 656x454, Cube world dorf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i really have to suck metric tons of peen for that to happen , or just being nice and understanding will make the deal

>> No.5206783
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 1554760975574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes I put BLM/Antifa/Pronouns in my bio

>> No.5206844
File: 8 KB, 246x205, span.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of you can't do what I did because you're too chickenshit to be on video.
>I stopped because yeah I was fucking over peoples progress
"10 minutes of your existance is worth 2 to 0 cents to me, depending on if you use adblocker or not"

>> No.5206850

It's about lying really fucking hard about everything. Social media is what TV is to real life, your personal footage cannot compete with a movie unless it's edited and shot with hotter people and dramatized and prettified etc.

>> No.5206933

a... amogus!

>> No.5207042

That literally doesn't answer anything
How did he got his posts seen in the first place