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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 197 KB, 2999x2249, twitterlogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5197498 No.5197498 [Reply] [Original]

So let's talk about Twitter as a platform for Art, using are five categories
Freedom. What Artists are allowed to post
Distribution. how easy is it to upload your work, and what options do they have for posting
Reach. how easy is it to reach people with your work
Visibility. how visible is your Art on the platform
And most importantly, Community. how are the users on the platform
let's discuss

>> No.5197500

Just post on multiple platforms, cross link them and stfu

>> No.5197506


>> No.5197507


>> No.5197509

Why would you say that though, most Artist I see, tend to use this and insta, can you please elaborate?

>> No.5199090


>> No.5199096

This guy should be the fucking mod of this board

>> No.5199102


>> No.5199110

these guys knows when to ascertain the thematic discussion closure of a thread, /thread

>> No.5199132

/thread, am I right?

>> No.5199133

Does no ones really have anything to say about this platform?

>> No.5199151

Twitter sucks. It crops your art in shitty ways, and your art will only get likes if someone popular somehow sees it and retweets it. I've gotten more likes and attention with art on Tumblr, and we all know Tumblr is bullshit.

Instagram will get you the most visibility, but that it shitty too. The fact is that there is no good platform for posting art so we have to deal with what we got.

Post to all major platforms.

>> No.5199160

Alright, thank you

>> No.5199163

lurk moar

>> No.5199182

it's popular because it's densely populated and you have a good chance of finding people that like your stuff, eventually. it's not at all suited (and wasn't built for) art accounts. I like how you laid out your questions, lemme give them my inexperienced take
Freedom; pretty much anything legal is allowed.
Distribution; pretty good for posting multiple images (2x2s are quite common) or even posting an entire thread for cartoons and shit
Reach; depends entirely on hashtags used (and if those hashtags are 'hot' and actively searched) and followers, who can increase the reach if they have active followers themselves when they retweet your stuff.
Visibility; twitter is dense af and so old stuff gets pushed away really quickly, a really good piece will get its fifteen minutes of fame then the attention drops off, naturally
Community; personally, I don't like it because it's not an constructive community. it's generally a hugbox, communication is through overused memes, and getting useful crits is pretty unusual, you'd want a separate kind of community for that
most importantly ask yourself why you want twitter/some art community. if it's for crits, try a forum or discord. if it's for attention, post there, pixiv, newgrounds, etc, depends on what you wanna post. dunno what else to tell you, except what others already have; post everywhere, for now anyway

>> No.5199206

>Twitter sucks
Don't forget that they screw with the resolution as well

>> No.5199216

Try taking your own advice

>> No.5199218
File: 30 KB, 800x532, 6893763858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet thank you for the advice, and thank you very much for using the format

>> No.5199389


How can I separate this piece of string from its spool?


>> No.5199695

>Community; personally, I don't like it because it's not an constructive community. it's generally a hugbox
And it's full of entitled pussies who will try to exile you if you're not left of Marx.

>> No.5199699

Twitter is literally the worst platform for anything but crybullying.

>> No.5199703
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/open thread
Sorry boys.

>> No.5199711

I hate twitter so fucking much. When it dies I was hoping Baraag woudl take over but then I realize it was just pedo safe space from being canceled from Twitter

We seriously need a real art gallery site. I'm tired of normies needed a safe space of poltalk and chatrooms just to coom to my shit. It's a fucking cluttered mess where all of your work gets lost in a sea of new posts meaning art becomes reactionary instead of a moral of talent.

>> No.5199716
File: 738 KB, 498x278, 1612116897942.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping pillowfort takes off. It's got all the comfy things about tumblr with none of the sjw culture. we gotta set up it's culture before tumblr does

>> No.5199770

Well this is like an open question, (And maybe a thread could be made for this) if /ic/ was to make a Website what would we want?

>> No.5199776

How do i grow on twitter? So far i have 0 likes 0 followers

>> No.5199777

/ic/ doesn't even draw, let alone gather together to create an entire site

>> No.5199798

post your work

>> No.5199809

Well let's change that, there is a good Art community, maybe even a great Art community here, put we need to roll up are sleeves and make it so

>> No.5199810

Fuck no, because they don't listen to any feedback whatsoever.
Their designers have their heads so far up their asses its unbelievable.

>> No.5199822

Well I think part of the problem is, just like a lot of social media, they are designing more and more for mobile users, since it's the fastest growing market

>> No.5199824

popular with normies does not equal best, especially not best for artists.

>> No.5199826

how would we even start?

>> No.5199850

Good question, I'd say first part would be is quit feeding the lower end threads, (Like the "how can I get gud without trying", and the endless NSFW threads, that people only use for free porn) have more threads talking about high end Art, Art Studies, topics about about how Art effects culture, and even master studies threads I think would be a great help, self policing, get the mods to remove people just causing disruptions. I think these should be the first steps to fixing this place up, sometimes this board feels so dead and it should be a heaven for free expression, and the freedom to create whatever people want without the fear of censorship.
Things on the internet will only get worse, we need a place where Artist's need not fear persecution, just because some one drew a character with a slightly lighter skin tone, or because they gave them an outfit that isn't from there culture, you get what I'm saying, but this won't happen if this just seems like a porn board

>> No.5199855

I remember a while ago few anons wanted to make a art site
They even gathered some data
Wonder what happened to them now

>> No.5199859
File: 15 KB, 400x400, lulz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using twitter as an art platform
Enjoy activist trying to dox you and get you fired from your job because you didn't drew enough PoCs.

>> No.5199862

Hopefully they are still working on it, but the beauty of the internet.com is space is unlimited, idk about you all but I miss the days of when there where dozens of new website, unlike today where there is only a handful of populated sites, that just funnels everyone into it

>> No.5199872

Would love to see some work posted to back this up

>> No.5199938

Baraag can be like French Pixiv without censorship

>> No.5199943

>expecting mods to clean up
we already hit a wall

>> No.5199953

Back what up? All I said was to use multiple sites and stfu

>> No.5199972

Illegal or slightly offensive stuff results in suspension.
Twitter's video compression is awful. Images are ok, but there isn't much freedom with options, basically having no categorization.
Reach is dependant on your followers, hashtags, and retweets.
On twitter, art is something people scroll onto, glance at, and leave. It's a brainless feed of content, but good for getting yourself out there.
By far the worst part of the site. Everyone is bat shit insane. 90% of the site seems completely made up out of degenerate porn. You cannot do anything without someone getting offended and stirring up a shitstorm. There are literal hordes of people that have nothing better to do than go around ruining people's careers for random shit they said years ago. This makes the site nearly useless for anyone not one with the twitter brain.

Conclusion: Twitter is kinda shit. If you make actually good art, mainly post it elsewhere, and link to it on twitter for exposure. And most importantly; do not use twitter for political discussion, whatever you say could be used against you in years time and alienates people that enjoy your artwork.

>> No.5199978

Well then not feed these people, trolls only have power if you give it to them, things in the world are going to get worse as time goes on, and Artists need a place to go

And thank you for using the format, greatly appreciated

>> No.5199989

Also off topic but are general chat threads allowed on this board? I've never seen one, so idk if you are allowed to make one

>> No.5200494

Is there an artists' community that is just comfy? I don't care about followers, actually I want to stay away from big crowds. I just want none of that political drama, no porn everywhere, or at least tagged in a respectful way. I just want to meet creative people trying to make friends.

>> No.5200504
File: 282 KB, 284x188, 85B1EC55-D1EF-4821-B5B2-F05C31C54974.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threads closed sorry boys /thread

>> No.5201374

Maybe Art station, but I'm not sure, that's why I'm thinking maybe it needs to be made

>> No.5201379

>it should be a heaven for free expression, and the freedom to create whatever people want without the fear of censorship.

So i can draw lolis all i want? based if true

>> No.5201386

I'd say yes, people should be allowed to draw anything they want, all I would say is just have it be properly label and in a adults only section, but otherwise yes

>> No.5201420

Artstation is good because the drama is low, as many industry veterans scroll through there. There are exceptions to the rule though, when a cgi designer posted his official art of the lead antagonist from the last of us 2, the comments became bombarded with arguing towards the game's rather than talking about the art.

>> No.5201430

Well nothing is perfect, but yeah I've heard it's a lot better since the business side of the Art world goes there

>> No.5201447

Very based, and agreeable
Someone make the site already

>> No.5201534
File: 51 KB, 1182x632, gallery chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't judge me on the design/colors, I just slapped this shit together a while ago for similar thread discussions. I do know of at least one image board like this but I think it's mostly used as a storage place, like a booru, rather than for personal gallery use.

>> No.5201557

Artstation makes me panic. It feels super professional and super competitive and everyone is trying to get a job, not make friends. I know it's stupid but i feel massively out of place there. I don't even want to work in the game industry and my art is just not good enough for this context. The UI is terrible too.

>> No.5201779

Hey I actually like this design, what I'm thinking is there is a gallery part, but with a part for forums/chat system kinda like a mix of /ic/ and twitter style functionality, with the option for being anonymous or using a name , and for the gallery have an adults only section, and maybe if it would take off, then add an animation section and music section

>> No.5201784

The reason artists moved from art gallery social media sites that were actually better for artists to use is because those sites are so niche that the only userbase will be other artists. Sites like instagram and twatter are general social media sites for everyone so the userbase will be larger.

I still miss 2010 when everyone was still on deviantart though.

>> No.5201790

Well the issue nowadays is getting people to use the website, then how to monetize it, even if you are not trying to make a profit, you still need to cover server costs, so you ether gotta charge for membership for sell info, or adds, I say do what somethingawful does, in order to up load, you pay a one time payment to upgrade your account to for uploads, but you can have a free account that just can't upload, idk what do y'all think?

>> No.5201791

you'd be hard pressed to find a comfy corner like that on the internet these days. you either put up with the necessary evils and find some cool people along the way, or just don't bother.

>> No.5201793

The thing I don't like is they need you phone number or a facebook or linkdin,

>> No.5201796
File: 1.25 MB, 192x144, 1359690751519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna vent here, cause I got no where else to do it.
Long story short, Fuck Twitter.
It has got to be the worst place for Art. You think the hours, weeks, years mean anything on this site? No. You can spend hours honing your craft only to get ignored because someone posted some poorly drawn sex image or some pandering LGBT garbage and they could've started yesterday. You have to spend so much time throwing artwork away into the void and hope that one gets retweeted by a bigger artist or goes viral.

I have about 250 followers and the ones that had 100+ retweets or likes were ones of my naked women , ones I drew out of frustration because I wanted people to check out my work. I'm done I think. Gonna close the account and draw like I use to and hope one day another site comes around that doesn't have politics or LGBT trash involved.

>> No.5201797

no, is dogshit

some picture get decompressed randomly and you cant even chose the thumbnail

>> No.5201798

And that's the big problem, weather we like it or not, we need normies to come, but not compromise on freedoms of the Artists, ether that or have the users crowd fund it

>> No.5201807

I think the biggest issue is that most people don't go to twitter for Art, so most people will just look for porn, and it really sucks, since it narrows what Artists can make, that's why I feel we need a new site, but that is a huge undertaking, just look how many Youtube competitors basically have there own graveyard

>> No.5201816

>pandering to degenerates for attention and statistics
you know that once you start the habit of drawing that kind of stuff, that's the only shit that these degenerates are going to expect from you right? why not just draw what you want to be known for in the first place, you'll have a more organic and natural audience that way. fuck the numbers. if you're really good, you will stand out regardless.

>> No.5201819

I somewhat agree, but the issue is that getting noticed has the same chance of hitting a jackpot on a slot machine, and if you want it, you need to work stuff that has a higher chance of hitting it

>> No.5201820

> most people will just look for porn, and it really sucks, since it narrows what Artists can make

You pretty much nailed it on the head. Porn is the quickest way to get views and followers though its extremely competitive. Artists who don't draw porn have a much harder time getting notice and even harder if their style doesn't have mass appeal. You have to ask yourself are you willing to change your style for these degenerates and weebs or spend years trying to find a fanbase that likes your work, while watching others get four or 10 times the views and followers you have with less work.

No argument here. Just be prepared to disappointed many many times.

>> No.5201822
File: 94 KB, 423x350, 1587086864848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just look how many Youtube competitors basically have there own graveyard
>You know realize any site that strives to work for a community for a balance of normies and artists will just get corp'd by some rich execs to profit off of it and then ruin it by injecting useless shit changes that kills the site's quality control forever like with Youtube

I hate humanity...

>> No.5201835

Twitter seems to be full of low effort procreate trash.

>> No.5201844
File: 29 KB, 600x410, Whiplash-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's not humanity, its just how the internet is, costs are rising even as we speak, but we can make it better, anything worth doing is hard, but if you can persevere, it can be done
that's why I like this site so much, if you look at the internet as a whole, all it does is push people more and more into tiny bubbles, look at reddit, look at discord, even eightchan (rip) you can make your own little bubble and block everyone you don't like, this site proves there is a market for sites that aren't just millions of tiny rooms, we can do this, it just won't be easy

>> No.5201849

I blame Twitter for people thinking commissioned artwork is worth about $20.

But the entirety of 4chan is fucking generals now days.

>> No.5201852

>I blame Twitter for people thinking commissioned artwork is worth about $20.

I think deviantart was the one that started that shit first.

>> No.5201886

But that's a good thing, echo chambers don't help, and the beauty is make your own thread if you want some specific topic, and I feel like having both would be great, kinda imagine a wildwest section where anything goe's type area, idk just spitballing

>> No.5201896

No, it's garbage. There is a reason japanese artists have began moving to Federation platforms.



>> No.5201914


hmm interesting, could you give a qrd on these places?

>> No.5201941

Think of the Federation like decentralized social media; instead of one big centralized instance being in control of everything (Twitter), you have thousands of different instances federating with each other (in other words, they share the same public feed).

Some servers are strongly SJW/safespace, and only federate with other SJW instances. Others Federate with the entire network and have a no-censorship, porn allowed policy.

On top of having thousands of different instances to register for, you also have the option of self-hosting your own instance.

There are multiple different software platforms that can be run on an instance too. There's Pleroma, Mastodon and Misskey, which resemble twitter in design, diaspora and Friendica which resemble Facebook, Pixelfed which resembles Instagram, etc.

Here is an example of an instance that Federates with the whole Federation network with no censorship. This is the public timeline:


>> No.5201950


Alright thank you, I'll do a look around to see how it is

>> No.5202137
File: 2.51 MB, 225x225, 7cf169baa668306ba48927f0c375b9bc44036041be7ae5490479819a89e73da3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I do notice from people who complain that they don't have followers, are you actually making shit worth looking at? Like is there a point to it? What are you doing with your art that gives it purpose and makes me want to look at it? Porn at least has a purpose, it gives me something to jack off too.
Are you expressing something, are you telling a story, or are you just drawing nice pictures, some random character or some random landscape, a great artist can get away with that because a great artist will attract views by their skill alone, but if your art is nothing special and you have nothing special to express with it it shouldn't be a surprise no one is caring to look at it.

>But the entirety of 4chan is fucking generals now days.
Absolutely this.
The problem with generals is they're made by people that can't let a topic go, or give it a moment to breathe before you come back to it. The amount of content to talk about becomes outweighed by the number of threads so the discussions turns to shit. The threads end up as circle jerks of people talking about their personal lives with their avaterfagging/namefagging internet friends.

>> No.5202234

Twitter is much livelier and more active than Instagram for art.

Art on Instagram is dead. The algorithm doesn’t favor art posts.

>> No.5202273

>One thing I do notice from people who complain that they don't have followers, are you actually making shit worth looking at?
For a long time I thought like this, mostly because the porn artists in the community love to say this. Honestly at the time I was less competent and not as mature as today (and I still have work to do) but looking back at what I posted there were nice things I still like. I pieced up together that 1) I was not getting any impressions to begin with, before not getting "likes" or other clicks probably because I didn't draw fanart or other things that guaranteed views 2) Even when I would make full paintings every other day and tryhard I got sub 5 likes from silent people / bots while I saw horrid porn sketches with 2000 likes over an hour. Generally there are a lot of artists who draw soft porn and cheese cake with huge butts and I find it really distasteful and it all looks the same, same art style, same smug face/humor, same franchises. I find that really boring and while I don't like space marines either I find those much more interesting to look at because at least there is some skill or vision behind them. So I think your question is loaded, you just think that other art isn't interesting. This is probably what average people also think so no hard feelings I just packed it up and left social media. People just don't care.

>> No.5202372
File: 110 KB, 1024x580, 1612917831068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn anon, you sound like you're trying sell renaissance paintings to weebs
What do you draw usually?

>> No.5202379

It's the little things in your comment that get on my nerves. Frankly I don't believe in you. If you were making paintings every other day I bet they were probably mediocre and meaningless. Even if what you were drawing was amazing, again I ask if there was a point? You're saying this is about what art I find interesting, I'm asking you why any audience would care about looking at whatever it is you're making.
Let's take space marines hypothetically. If you want to talk about numbers, yes obviously a space marine image is less likely to be searched and seen by people then a well known ip or porn, maybe someone will see you on the front page or in someone else's favorites or something. So you're down to people that care about space marine art, does your art stand out among other space marine art in artistic skill, in originality and creativity, is your space marine art expressing something that would capture a person's attention and inspire them to think or feel something, bearing in mind that a shitty stick figure drawing of a space marine crying over his dead comrade could be seen as being more interesting then an immaculately drawn space marine just standing around looking cool, are you making a space marine comic that someone would give a shit about, or are you just drawing some decent looking space marines that don't stand out and mean nothing? Would I get everything that I could out of your space marine picture by seeing it as I scroll past it? You want people to comment on your work, what do people have to comment about other than telling you how good your shit is?
Exposure is a factor, getting your art seen and finding your audience is a struggle, but the internet has shown there's an audience for everything.
Maybe I'm completely wrong about you anon, maybe your work was amazing and the people just didn't get it, didn't see it, or didn't appreciate it cause they have shit taste, but I fucking doubt it.

>> No.5202393

>It's the little things in your comment that get on my nerves. Frankly I don't believe in you.
I know I shouldn't continue then since you are unlikely to accept anything I say because you assume it will be insincere. But my art wasn't remotely perfect nor I feel like I was entitled to fame and glory, but when I made high effort pieces they were ignored just the same and I feel that subject matter played a much bigger role than whatever the art was.
Maybe I am misguided and my judgment is warped and I got nothing at all from social media because of my character or something else, but I have seen objectively far worse, low effort drawings get a lot of exposure easily, and far as "meaningless" goes that is entirely subjective. Maybe fat asses or space marines mean a lot to someone, maybe they don't to me, I know the art I made was meaningful to me.
As I said I just decided to pack it up and leave because it was not for me. I honestly think if I started again I would get even less engagement despite being better at drawing and making more polished things. Maybe, again, I'm just embittered and I lost faith and I think everything's very narrow minded, but that's what the evidence I got over the years told me anyway.
>are you making a space marine comic that someone would give a shit about, or are you just drawing some decent looking space marines that don't stand out and mean nothing?
I usually made story heavy art with backgrounds and my drawings that got more engagement than normal (even ignoring likes, they were RTd more consistently so more well liked) were (female) characters just standing there doing nothing. Honestly I see far more evidence that the story thing is even less interesting because it takes time to process, it's harder to get people to look at it unless they know exactly what they're getting etc. I don't know for sure since I never did the math or bothered with the meta-mechanics of art appreciation but that's what I saw.

>> No.5202409

>You want people to comment on your work, what do people have to comment about other than telling you how good your shit is?
This is another thing, I only ever got commented on from a technical standpoint. Like, wow your art is really good, amazing technique and other things like that, but it's as if nobody really cared that much about the subject matter. Generally I got positive feedback, but when I got criticism I would see that the person criticizing would pick over, idk, some anatomy issue or perspective, or whatever, all legit criticism but then he would fawn over some anime girl picture with massive issues in it that would have gotten me trashed they happened in my own work.
And I think that has to do with subject matter, if you like a thing and fundamentally care about what you see you'll see less mistakes in it. Does that mean my art is unappealing shit? Probably, but I cannot blame technique because terrible art gets praise and attention based on subject matter, I cannot blame meaning because I see meaningless art get praise and attention based on subject matter, I cannot blame story because I see story-less art get praise and attention because of subject matter.
>maybe your work was amazing and the people just didn't get it
You keep loading my statements, at least don't do that. I never said my art was the best thing under the sun. Actually I said that I wasn't mature at the time and I still have work to do. I just said that even if I were much better, I doubt I would have gone any further. I feel like I have less chances now than when I did in my first years of drawing where I drew more broadly appealing things. Subject matter and even before that, being in a context with a lot of eyes so fanart etc. does matter more than anything else and sometimes people don't like it just because you draw the wrong stuff. There are exceptions of course but I see fewer and fewer of them as the years go by.

>> No.5202458

Yeah pillowfort is nice, but it's mobile UI and search is kinda clunky and unintuitive.

>> No.5202470

>you assume it will be insincere.
I don't doubt your sincerity I doubt your work.
>You keep loading my statements, at least don't do that. I never said my art was the best thing under the sun.
I'm saying I don't know your work, and unless it was anything other than amazing it probably got the amount of attention it deserved for what it was.

>> No.5202474

So porn scribbles are amazing art.

>> No.5202495

I'm not saying porn has to be amazing to get attention, I'm saying if you're appealing to a smaller audience you're gonna get a smaller amount of views, and if your work is nothing special, on top of not attracting views in general, you probably won't attract many views from the smaller audience of people that care about the subject matter you're appealing to.

>> No.5202512
File: 42 KB, 600x338, 354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see anon, the problem with loli is that it's huge normie filter
If you let in loli then say goodbye to advertisers, normies, and even some /ic/ posters, you see if you let one loli be posted, lolicons will flood the site and you'll forever be known as that pedo website and that's not counting possible legal issues you and the website will face
Nothing against lolicons but it's huge headache that's better avoided, it's getting more hard with normal porn already

>> No.5202517

Fuck pedos nuke them all

>> No.5202533

But your idea of nothing special is what I don't see. You said that if my art didn't get any traction it was probably "mediocre" and "meaningless", or it was probably a space marine standing, and it needed to "stand out" within its category of boring space marine art (which is a loaded example to begin with, because space marine art almost exclusively stands out for technical reasons and very rarely for story or whatever)
It was exactly my most boring and uninspired stuff that got the most feedback for me, and the common denominator was subject matter. And technically worse, lower effort art, made by me in the past, same person, worse skills, worked better than better art made later that scored higher on everything (story, skill, meaning, what have you). Why? Subject matter.
And even before I could fail on subject matter, I wasn't even reaching anywhere because the tags/fandom were missing to begin with. There may be an audience for everything online, but that's like expecting someone to find water in the desert (it's technically there, you just have to look harder).

>> No.5202542

It's a wasteland of celeb culture, but also seems like the only place that influential normies hang out. I can't think of a better platform for a fine artist trying to build publicity for work made under RL name.

t. boomer with a 200 follower twitter account and tweets that are nothing but links to his wordpress

>> No.5202552

One thing you guys are forgetting about Twitter is that not everything is "popular" with the normies. Now the word popular has a different meaning on twitter. I'm a huge fan of Warhammer and even if I draw a extremely well done picture of a marine purging shit, it doesn't mean its going to get 2k views a hour. The generic anime sexual shit is still going to be much more popular.

Certain artstyles appeal to certain fandoms plus you can't draw whatever you want and expect mass exposure unless you're already a huge artist who can draw anything they want. It sucks because like previously mention, it really limits at what you can draw and forces you to draw in a style that has appeal to normies.


>> No.5202564


You can do it the hard way and post art regardless and you WILL get followers who appreciate your work, but its going to take you years to even get a fraction of followers some of the big guys have.
Another thing to remember is that alot of these "followers" for these huge artists are fake. Many of them opportunists, looking for work or taking advantage of some political (99% Liberal SJW Shit).

No one actually cares if you can draw good on Twitter. It all comes down to "Can I coom to it? or does it reinforced my political agenda?" If you wanted a fanbase of people who like your work without the heavy restrictions Twitter has, that window of opportunity passed years ago.

>> No.5202656

>But your idea of nothing special is what I don't see.
Well apparently the audience saw it, or they didn't see it, but I haven't seen your work so I don't really know. I suspect your work was mediocre and meaningless because you said at one point you were pumping art out every other day, that you claimed you worked really hard on, but unless you were really talented and or had a lot of interesting ideas that could allow you to put good content out at that rate, I doubt those pictures were very good, and the fact that you say all that content you were putting out wasn't gaining traction further suggests that.
>it was probably a space marine standing, and it needed to "stand out" within its category of boring space marine art (which is a loaded example
The space marines was just a hypothetical. But to address your point about technical skill being more important with the space marine audience, that doesn't mean you still couldn't appeal to that audience, or a wider audience, by making up for you lack of technically skill in other creative areas, if your work is good enough, which I gave examples for with story and whatever.
>It was exactly my most boring and uninspired stuff that got the most feedback for me, and the common denominator was subject matter.
Subject matter matters, but everything else matters and can matter just as much as subject matter, if you're good. You can also sometimes stand out more by being worse, but let's not make this conversation more complicated.
>There may be an audience for everything online, but that's like expecting someone to find water in the desert
It is hard, but it's easier if you're good, and being good can mean more than being a talented artist.

It is what is. I feel like we're about to start going in circles. I gotta head out for a bit.

>> No.5202691

>if you got nothing ur art was bad!
yeah w/e

>> No.5202830

>You have to post work along side anything you say, even along side the most common sense thing
How about you post your work, dumbfuck?

>> No.5202909

Learn2paragraph. I actually feel bad for phoneposters and I'm on a computer reading this.

>> No.5202925

>I actually feel bad for phoneposters
you should never feel bad for phoneposters

>> No.5202933

This but also with furries.
It's a real pain when you draw a character that isn't stock human but it's like the only one of its kind like it while the rest of your interests are stock human but just because you like the one exception now everyone thinks you must be a furfaggot as they demand you pander to them with more furfaggotry and less stock human shit.

>> No.5202936

which is the best fediverse to join for artists? only one I'm aware of are for spicy politics and I don't want to lose my current clients.

>> No.5202960

It's also much easier to find other people, viewing images is much easier, and it isn't garbage on desktop

>> No.5202962

Warhammer is one of these communities that don't really thrive on social media it seems afaik, it's sad.
What you said applies to most everything SFW

>> No.5202981


Remember to read the server rules for each so you know what to expect.

>> No.5203038

Seems really dead. Who is there to follow?

>> No.5203072

No one, some schizo anon is trying to shill some dead platform.

>> No.5203079

Just because you're a corporate bootlicking moron doesn't mean everyone has to be.

>> No.5203127

Like clockwork, kek. Shill your dead platform harder, schizo.

>> No.5203135

You're still a complete moron who doesn't understand how Federation protocols work.

You're also shilling twitter more than anything.

>> No.5203139

>no u
Really? Is that all you got?

>> No.5203165

It's all a retard like you is worth.

>> No.5203192

Dude ignore him. I'm fine with a slow forum I just can't find anyone. What are some good artists to follow?

>> No.5203197

>easy to get followers
>but followers tend to be normies who don't care about getting commissions or think a fully colored portrait should be $10 tops

>hard to get followers
>but platform has people who are enthusiastic about purchasing commissions

You could have thousands of followers on Instagram and it means nothing more than clout. However, Twitter followers, even in small numbers, usually genuinely like your stuff and are happy to pay.

>> No.5203240

Your mileage may vary.



>> No.5203245

look through here for something you like:


>> No.5203352
File: 1.09 MB, 2786x1307, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not any of the other anons
but anon Ive been trying to get some support im trying to get a 15 min spot on AS or CC or at least some kind of funding to producing a thriller crime cartoon
checkd also based

any rec on marketing or should i let my art speak for itself?

>> No.5203899

To the discussion earlier about people liking stuff via it's context/quality/etc

What would you consider for this?
>Nearly 10K likes in a hour
I recognize it's well animated, coom art, but unlike most porn loops there's context of how the person cums over time, how the woman on the receiving end reacts to it, makeing it stand out more that any other hentai gifs I typically see

So would you say all this work is why it's liked, or is it just the fact the artist already has 100K followers? Imo, as a artist with 2.5K followers that only gets ~300-400 likes per image, I feel it does have more to do than just quality. I don't consider myself amazing or anything, but I've seen other higher quality artists than me like Eigaka, Gloss, etc that doesn't get that many likes in that short amount of time despite also having "context" in their art as well, as least compared to my work which I feel lacks "narrative" or context in this case which I feel is why I don't get as many likes I'd thought I'd get given the amount of "active" followers I have.

It could also be because it's an animation. Animated stuff usually gets lots more likes over still stuff nowadays.

>> No.5203902

jokes on them, I draw animal people in all colors, shapes, and genitals

>> No.5204016

>spend hours drawing, get a couple likes total
>see someone tweet a napkin drawing or just a single emoji and instantly get insane engagement
i only draw for enjoyment and im happy that anyone likes my posts at all, but holy fuck, sometimes the doomer sinks in hard if i look at twitter for more than a few minutes

>> No.5204035

>So would you say all this work is why it's liked, or is it just the fact the artist already has 100K followers?
>I feel it does have more to do than just quality.

>> No.5204037

Would honestly be a fantastic thing if this existed

>> No.5204315

porn is not art

>> No.5204401
File: 81 KB, 700x700, 1414485352860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I make a seperate account for my art stuff
Or should I keep my personal account which I use to follow and talk to a few artists?
I have a constant fear that someone will notice that Ive said some stupid shit in the past and try to cancel me

>> No.5204421

regular people like low-effort and ugly art because it doesn't challenge them and allows them to fool themselves into maintaining the belief that they're creative. spend any amount of effort on non-fanart and people will feel insecure about their inability to draw.

>> No.5204493

Rly? I found it way easier to get followers on twttr than IG

>> No.5205070

Don't have much to add except, I feel this way too. Funny I had more fun posting art to my friends online and offline than ever posting on twitter. If you don't care about commissions I see no point of having a twitter.

>> No.5206931

How long have you been on Twitter? Do you have a daily routine on there to help boost yourself in the algo?

I can't quite figure Twitter out. Instagram is easy to figure out imo, but nowadays they require a lot of effort from you. It's not like it used to be. If you want to be seen on explore pages you gotta be using reels and doing daily story updates. However it's also easy to lure people in by combing through other artists' followers and liking a few of their posts. Twitter people aren't so receptive to the same method, at least for me.

>> No.5206967

A follower let me know someone reposted my art. What am I supposed to do? I don’t really mind because they didn’t take off my signature or are making money or anything, but I guess reposts without credit are bad etiquette?

>> No.5206973
File: 47 KB, 569x398, cheezburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, porn gets posted and even racist shit sometimes gets through, so seems there's enough freedom. You shouldn't worry about freedom unless you're seriously already on the edges of what any social media site would allow.
I guess this is a question about things like tags? Tags are worthless from what I've seen.
This is the one thing Twitter is good at, but it's very cronyist. If you've got mutuals with big followings, you will reach a large audience faster. Without their help you could post amazing art and nobody will ever notice it.
I see many artists focus on specific image size limits to avoid jpeg artifacting, and posting two images (one a crop of the other) to grab attention with the crop and to show more of the drawing at once with the other. Your art will be as visible as your reach allows it to be. If you retweet often, which is a decent idea when you're starting, make sure to post very few non-art images, so people can check your media tab and find your art right away.
Fuck if I know. People have been nice to me in comments but I'm too non-social around strangers so I don't do the same (yet) on anyone else's art. Often I can't even say much more than "Thanks!" or leaving a like. Nobody DMs me yet. If you integrate into a community you'll integrate into a cronyism network that can benefit you greatly in reaching more people.

>> No.5207083

Thank your follower for letting you know first of all.

It's bad etiquette because in case the post goes viral, I'm telling you right now that people are L A Z Y. They will not look for your signature, type your name in, and try to find your account. They're going to assume the reposter account made it and hit follow without a second thought. Accounts that repost without tagging you in the caption are leeches.

I personally quietly file the DMCA takedown thing. Not worth communicating with the reposter as they'll probably block you anyway.


>> No.5207129

Thanks, I just thanked the follower but am not going to do anything else, the repost probably won’t go viral or anything it already did well when I first posted it

>> No.5207272

That's what artist should do, not making posts or twitter threads about the reposter leech. Talking about them would just give retards like them more attention.

>> No.5207304

Not that anon but I'd used Instagram for around 5 years before switching to twitter and have the same amount of followers I had on these in around a year, with 50% of them coming from the last two weeks after I took a break from art. The easiest way by far is to join a fandom and time your fanart well, after big events happen. Your art can't just look pretty, it doesn't even have to be rendered well as long as it says something interesting that other fanarts don't. Networking is also extremely important, I dm a lot of big artists in my community and befriend them, if your art is good enough they'll probably follow you back and retweet some stuff. Be sure to only do this if you actually want to be friends with them though.

>> No.5207312

>I personally quietly file the DMCA takedown thing.
so you draw original work? no fanart?

>> No.5207318


>I dm a lot of big artists in my community and befriend them

Man would I kill for that kind of social energy hahah. I get exhausted by those kinds of online friendships, but they're a necessity to growth.

I'm cool with being mutuals with strangers and replying to each other publicly every now and then to have an acquaintance/buddy thing going on, but dm's seem so personal. It brings on the expectation of checking up on each other and all the other investments that come with friendship, no more distance. imo

>> No.5207332

Yeah, it takes quite a bit out of me but I've made some genuine friends from it. I go to dms if I want someone to remember me, so you don't have to do it too often, I usually just thank them for following because I like their art, sometimes the convo goes on for longer. It's like going to office hours with a teacher so they remember you and write a good letter of recommendation, you don't have to constantly check up, maybe just reply to a tweet everyone ina while and hype them up. Sometimes there are also art discords for certain fandoms and although they can be cancer sometimes it works out and you can get friends there too.

>> No.5207343

different anon here
that behavior raises a red flag for me and begs the rhetorical question;
Are such people really reaching out for others out of the genuine interest or just to get ahead in the game?

We're still on the internet and you never know who's behind the screen.

>> No.5207359

Well I'm gonna be honest and say that it usually starts as wanting to get ahead in the game as well as genuine interest. I think most people would be lying to themselves if they said it was only genuine interest. I think as long as you can genuinely see yourself being friends with the people you talk to it's fine, I've gotten some years long friendships and even met up with artists irl from this. I'm sure for some it can be very artificial but there's a way to balance it.

>> No.5207405

if they're american you can assume they're doing it for the exposure. american social dynamics are so hollow and dishonest.

>> No.5207565

I became friends with one of my mutuals and now I have a crush on her :(((

>> No.5207634

Well, but that's the best case scenario in a vacuum.

I still think that if you approach people with any expectation of "getting ahead", you just shouldn't.
In most cases, the average person is not really considering what's in it for the other and they end up treating each other like entertainment/things rather than real people.
A serious (business) person would try to cut ties with or ghost you if you approached them only to get something out of them or try to butter them up.

But to be fair, the joke's on me; i don't approach strangers anymore and i never get approached by regular and genuine people.
Yeah, just look at this board.
They're all resentful, bitter, insecure and ready to spark petty drama about their own private circles at any time.
>american social dynamics are so hollow and dishonest
It's their culture of sugarcoating anything,virtue signaling, feeling of entitlement and being obsessed with material wealth and recognition.
We wouldn't live through this dystopian post-realism-post-truth consumeristic narcissistic social media nightmare if it weren't for them.
On the other hand, european and asian people aren't any better, they're just less vocal about it because the americans are so goddamn loud.

>> No.5207777


>I still think that if you approach people with any expectation of "getting ahead", you just shouldn't.
I don't really expect anything from it, but it's foolish to think that there's no possibility of it helping. What do you lose by shooting your shot? If it doesn't work out you were being nice and if it does, you have a new friend and someone who can back you up (and vice versa for them).

>In most cases, the average person is not really considering what's in it for the other and they end up treating each other like entertainment/things rather than real people.
This is very true honestly, I think there is nothing wrong with keeping in mind the more numbers based aspects of these relationships online but if you don't treat the other person as a human and consider what you yourself bring to the table, that's when it gets toxic.

>A serious (business) person would try to cut ties with or ghost you if you approached them only to get something out of them or try to butter them up.
Which is why you should only approach people who you think you would actually like, I usually only approach those who have already shown interest in my art and whose art itself I like, something mutually beneficial.

Maybe I lucked out with the people I talk to, but I think it's possible to keep both sides of the coin in mind without things blowing up in your face.

>> No.5207943

First, to get started you need to befriend bigger artists and hope for a retweet. Easiest way to do this is to just draw fanart for an artist with an OC and @them. Make sure they actually retweet fanart of their OC first. This also works with Vtubers (don't go for the more popular ones they're flooded at this point) and even some e-thots. This is the most reliable way of getting from 0 followers to 1000 followers.

The most consistent method for growth seems to be consistent posts. Post at least times a week if possible. Mondays seem to be the best. I've seen people grow really consistently just by having consistent new art, even if the pieces aren't that great. I've also seen artists who do that then suddenly drop to 2-3 times a month updates and their likes/retweets drop significantly. Also make sure to have somewhat consistent topic and styles. If you do fanart of a series do more fanart of that series. Don't switch to doing landscapes if people followed you for character pinups.

If you follow this strategy you can easily go from 0 to 10k followers in a year.

>> No.5207955

Other stuff to keep in mind: Try to only retweet your mutuals and always leave a comment when you do. If you don't interact in any with with your mutuals eventually they'll stop seeing your updates in their timeline, which will prevent them from liking/retweeting your art. Leaving a comment will usually get them to like it or respond to it in addition to the retweet.

Manually crop your pictures. Most people just scroll through their feed and don't bother to expand the picture, even for pics they like (i've seen my analytics and there are way more likes than people who expand pics even when the pic doesn't contain the face or important parts). This means that if you do not have a good crop (twitter auto crop sucks) you'll severely hamper your interaction rate. In addition to manually cropping it to twitter's preview aspect ratio, you can crop a close up and then put both the original image and the closeup in the same post, this will cause the preview to show 2 portrait aspect ratio pics.

Retweeting your own post is pretty useless at this point. Don't do it more than once within 24 hours.

If you're making an 18+ account make sure to set your account to 18+ in the settings, you don't want twitter doing this for you. Also if you do a mix of nsfw and sfw pics, make sure to manually change your account settings just for the 18+ ones. If you don't you can get your entire account shadow banned for a while.

Its much easier starting off with fanart. However, try to stick to a small subset of fandoms. You get more repeat interaction from your existing fans that way. Don't bother jumping on a hot #hashtag unless you can push something out within 24 hours. After a day its pretty much going to be the big artists dominating the #hashtags

>> No.5207964

No its not the best. i cant interact with tons of artists because of their DNI list and i also dont want to be cancelled one day so I haven’t made an art twitter yet.

>> No.5208183

>always leave a comment when you do. If you don't interact in any with with your mutuals eventually they'll stop seeing your updates in their timeline, which will prevent them from liking/retweeting your art. Leaving a comment will usually get them to like it or respond to it in addition to the retweet.
Thanks for this advice anon. Maybe I should start commenting on people's art. I hate the idea of it though.

>> No.5208830
File: 63 KB, 1024x577, Thank-You-Pictures-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much for this, not used to the whole social media stuff, so I do greatly appreciate the help

>> No.5208944

you are beyond disgusting

>> No.5209326

you can blame the death of tumblr for all that

>> No.5209376

Ok 4chan virtue signaler

>> No.5209466

>hope one day another site comes around that doesn't have politics or LGBT trash involved.
I wouldn't count on it... I would be happy if I found a tight knit community of artists who like the same things I'm into, but I haven't had any luck.

>> No.5210002
File: 176 KB, 596x680, 1601338880820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, i want to try to make really shitty doodles and pretend to be a made up sexuality and see how far it goes as a standalone artist without any organization or group backing me up, just to see if the game is rigged or not.

>> No.5210040

Just start your own discord or join one with common minds

>> No.5210048

This makes me think of when you're a teenager and you're like YESS ANARCHY RULEZ, FIGHT DA POWA. Except now you assume it's adults doing it. Well there are adults doing it but they're just Che Guevara tee sellers.

>> No.5210083

Perhaps as artist we should stop trying to make it as a stand alone artist and work with our community or within other communities
it seems to be working for all other forms of artist.
Musicians, actors, comics, mangas, etc

>> No.5210182

Interesting Idea, but how would we, and what platform would we use to organize with one another?

>> No.5210238

Youre asking the right questions anon
That would be up to us to decide
Have you all looked into what the new blockchain technology can provide for us as artist in the future ? pretty interesting things are coming to the digital space. lots of opportunities
however everones objectives will be different so expect people to branch off to create their own visions and we have to be okay with that.

>> No.5210412

hmm well the issue I've found is that getting in to the fediverse is difficult, since you can't (as far as I can tell) just start an account, I fell like making are own place, a place that can be for both niche users and normies will be what we need, since we need a place with freedom to create, and a place to reach people who want to see are Art, or for us to create someone's dream, that is why I kinda want to make a new site, but not sure how to run it or monetize it, but these are just musings of mine

>> No.5213183

we're on to something
just need cooperation, planning, and execution.

>> No.5213196

Good to hear, I fear for the Future, I think a long shadow will be cast over the world, like it did when the Roman Empire fell, and I don't want us to lose what we have gained, Art is sacred and I don't want it to become lost to the ages

>> No.5213598

Literally just signed up for twitter a few hours ago
wat now?
just post art with relevant hashtags?

>> No.5214376

Look at this post

>> No.5214593
File: 150 KB, 331x334, 34465344556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if somehow section 230 gets changed to be more anal, that's going to fuck a lot of content creators because of heavy censor ship which would make people want to move to some kind of decentralized network. With the downfall of tumblr in late 2018 all those woke sjw cultist immigrated to twitter/youtube etc... the internet landscape you see now has turned into an ocean of piss. From looking at the big picture tumblr acted like a quarantine zone. One example of a decentralized network in the works right now is Pawoo hosted by Pixiv, I think it has a total of 500000 users.

>> No.5214677

We can't it even get it right on /ic/; i highly doubt it will work well on a bigger scale.

If somebody doesn't get the attention they feel entitled to; they will start drama.
If somebody feels entitled to better treatment because they're better than any other; they'll start drama.
If someone feels jealous of the attention someone gets; they'll start drama.
Not to mention that if someone might make it, the crabs will start to pull down.

What it can realistically turn out is just everyone using each other for relevancy.
What happens if two work together but only one gets to make a profit?
The other one will turn bitter.
Did you make the mistake of saying the wrong word? You're cancelled.
Did you offend anyone by drawing what they don't like? Cancelled and banned from the community.
Did you have the grave misfortune of encountering an autistic person? Run.

yada yada yada
Artist are way too immature to cooperate with each other.

I thought of something like this myself, but seeing how everyone behaves and is basically a snake, it's not worth putting any effort into it.
People in general are not worth even indirectly getting involved with anymore.

Just rt, like, and be courteous to each other like artists have always done.
It works for the japs.

>> No.5214724

>Freedom. What Artists are allowed to post
Doesn't it make you sick? As an American especially, how such a beautiful word has come to mean how low you can get?

>> No.5214774

that what I suggested howver the defi networks are early and not everyone understands it
we just have to wait for the exodus to occur
Twetch seems to be the defi twitter

>> No.5214794
File: 63 KB, 375x455, 1606827372876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50 walls of texts
>19 pictures
This is not how you post on an imageboard, this is not engaging at all because I don't have a visual anchor to what you are saying.

>> No.5214801

I fucking hate this type of advice, because I keep getting low effort ""fanart"" from assholes with few followers trying to leech off me. It's so fucking blatant and you're a tool

>> No.5214814


>> No.5214952

Thank you for this thread anons, very insightful

>> No.5214953
File: 115 KB, 942x719, gazc-zOD1Iq9nGEZNOMd9ckwrvBYl0dPUUR71mb6aZ0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust me, I have a pain in the pit of my stomach, that grows every time I hear about censoring peoples Freedom of speech or Freedom of creativity,
When I heard that Ken Akamatsu was afraid of Anime/Manga being censored in the USA, I honestly wanted to put my fist through a Wall, that fact that foreigners fear that from America, is truly the sadist fact in the World

>> No.5215021

Stopped reading there, Mr. Culture.

>> No.5215034
File: 16 KB, 384x366, 3568780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If somebody doesn't get the attention they feel entitled to; they will start drama.
>If somebody feels entitled to better treatment because they're better than any other; they'll start drama.
As long as people are doing what they love I dont find this being an issue desu. If everyone helps everyone in their immediate group with their projects what's there to be envious about?
>I need background artist
>oh i know anon is good and enjoys doing it, >"heres a few bitcoin anon if youre interested, thanks for the BG for my project.

>Just rt, like, and be courteous to each other like artists have always done.
It works for the japs.
exactly, You said there, and when japs start utilizing the blockchain they will succeed even further than they already have.

>> No.5215079
File: 14 KB, 236x354, f870df673123092626c3508c161deebe--english-men-english-gentleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I say Ole Boy, we are the Artistic types, we should bloody well Act like it, after all Art has a big influence on culture, pip pip cheerio Lad

>> No.5215083

What I meant is you are illiterate and can't opine on culture.

>> No.5215093
File: 461 KB, 2007x2950, web3-top2-miyazaki-z-20130903-e1378099803486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I think one of the big things that help the Japanese's is a strong culture of directors, look at most projects they work on, you can probably name quite a few of them, but I think that is the big issue with the West, we have a bit too much of an individualist streak to us, but I think if we want to collaborate we need to have a strong leader, or it will fall apart

>> No.5215095

How so?

>> No.5215099


>> No.5215126


>> No.5215156

Is this really the only way to get noticed on twitter?
Hashtags are completely useless?

>> No.5215175

Hashtags seem to be useless at this point. The algorithm is fucked.

>> No.5215181
File: 3.08 MB, 4288x3216, 4839538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the biggest issue is how people try to game the system, so they need to keep changing it, if people weren't super desperate to get E-fame I think it would fix both Twitter and Youtube

>> No.5215215

People being desperate to get e-fame is the reason these platforms are thriving though.

>> No.5215230

idk about that, I think most people use it because it's where everything is, just think about Minds, Gab, Bitchute, the only people there are the people who have been banned from the main platforms, because if it was all about E-fame they would use them since much smaller pools, but I don't think most people who get into content creation care about it so much, as they just want to quit there wage slave jobs

>> No.5215249

hashtags are used by people in small fandoms, desperate to see fresh content of their favorite thing. If you're into warhammer, its fans check art tags for it religiously. It's not what got me big but it made me longtime friends

>> No.5215254

hmmmm yes and no.
It promotes activity, but in return it creates an inorganic environment the higher you go in the ranks.
Do you think the most active twitter profile are user genuinely interacting with each other?
No, it's big, corporate profiles advertising and people commenting stupid shit.

>> No.5215261

fuck, this reminds me that i will never ever make it because i don't really like anything that much i want to make art of it

>> No.5215269

What do you make art of? I’m still /beg/ so I do studies and stuff and then throw the features of the flavor of the month on it and collect my likes

>> No.5215277

Twitter is trash. I can't even use the fucking site. and you find an artist who is cool and try to scrol through their feed and it's 99% irrelevant posts, updates on what they ate that day, opinions i don't care about, sjw retweets, etc, and 1% actual art. twitter is fucking cancer.

>> No.5215284

Amen, that is something I freaking hate about, I followed Trever Henderson, now my feed is filled to the brim with stupid crap I don't care about, like hot damn do you people live on Twitter or something?

>> No.5215301

i mostly do art of whatever comes to mind.
i thought of doing fotm but i dunno, i don't really want to open that door and i don't want to draw smut only.

>> No.5215318

I don’t draw coom just fanart

>> No.5215330
File: 1.55 MB, 2129x1208, 1596589731529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time I give the suggestion to join a
small fandom for something you genuinely enjoy I always get this response. Even being into historical stuff, which is copyright free, can get you into an art community. Are you not inspired by anything?

>> No.5215343

oh, ok
I do get inspired, but i tend to always try to go with something more original rather than just replicating what i'm inspired from. If that makes sense to you.
I just can't sit tight into one fandom, because the longer i deal with something, i'll start to see the flaws or notice some things i don't enjoy.
I think i would make myself quickly unpopular if i started tackling or try to talk about the flaws of something. I just can't mindlessly praise anything, that's not how i am.

>> No.5215418

I agree, Twitter is awful for finding other artists. I also hate it because since 99% of other artists are open and share life updates, you basically have to as well or else your followers can't form a parasocial relationship, which is half the reason people follow on there. However it seems like the only platform that's good for getting commissions. Fucking sucks

>> No.5215505

>I do get inspired, but i tend to always try to go with something more original rather than just replicating what i'm inspired from.
I never get excited about making fanart as I do about making my own stuff, but I can appreciate fanworks by other people.

>> No.5215670

I don't mind twitter as a platform, I guess? Like, I only just want a proper tagging system that doesn't clog up the tweet and maybe a preview crop.

Only thing I dislike is artist mutual culture. Idunno about anyone else, but I'm getting seriously tired of wanting to unfollowing someone and they go into my DMs and asking why I unfollowed them... even though we never interacted much? When someone does that to me, I personally accepted it and move on with my life. I rather have few genuine friendships than simply following someone because they made me fanart or that they're "big".

Just seem like busy work, really.

>> No.5215810

>Are you not inspired by anything?
Not him but I am inspired by lots of things. I still draw my own art. I don't understand fanart. When I enjoy something I never feel like drawing that character or scene in my own style, especially if it's something visual. I always think more low level and think of making something of mine with the concepts or elements I liked. All the fanart I draw is sketches of scenes or characters from books I am reading, but I take it more as an exercise than something I do to express that I like the thing.
If I want to show appreciation I usually send some money to the artist in some way.

>> No.5216480

I'm at 10k and I never interacted with anyone. I just draw fanart and silently post it without text.

>> No.5216493

I believe it is important to have a Twitter for your stuff, but you really need a Pixiv, too. Think of Pixiv as the main foundation of your house and twitter as the decoration on top. It is important to try and network with other small or medium artists on the platform to get anywhere. There are also Discord channels where you can post your work.

Regardless of how you go about it, getting recognition will be hard. Especially if you aren't drawing hentai. Hentai is a fast track to followers and commissions.

>> No.5216521

>but you really need a Pixiv, too.
Fuck off weeb, not everyone draws moe shit. Reddit would be a better option compared to that shit.

>> No.5216822

I've found Pixiv, Tumblr, and deviantArt to be the best for my art. Unlike some, I do draw """moeshit""" and understand enough Japanese to use the tags + help with translating the tags. dA needs to fix their shitty tagging already.

>> No.5216887

From what I've been told, you need an Anime style for your work to get any Eye's on your stuff, but I'm not on there so I can't say, idk what do you do when you don't really draw Anime, and you don't draw coom, what do you do then?

>> No.5217193

>what do you do when you don't really draw Anime, and you don't draw coom, what do you do then?
make unappealing works no one cares about

>> No.5217203
File: 164 KB, 720x1323, 56252c2a1200002e007e56a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5218429
File: 648 KB, 667x670, 1486957813076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that even if you managed to make a decent art site specifically JUST for artists, somebody out there will see it as bad competition and will try and destroy it from the inside to make sure the main internet sites stay on top.

either that, or they will squeeze it so hard the owners will be pressured to sell it or to bow down to the mob.

don't expect it to be a walk in the park.

>> No.5218494
File: 93 KB, 800x450, 1591614378707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the place will just be flooded with underage kids desperately seeking attention and spamming shit, pedos posting fetish garbage to groom kids, normies playing the social media game, coomers wanting the coom and regular artist just not really bothering with the site due to the absolute state.
Social media has no competition among themselves, because people use all of them.

It's people, Anon. People ruin everything.

>> No.5218693

i don't have this problem because all the users i follow on twitter are Japanese artist

>> No.5218700

this crab is totally NGMI LOL

>> No.5219772

Who should I follow on Twitter for art. I just made one and know who I should follow.

>> No.5219792

Follow artists you like you dufus. If they tweet too much about random shit or politics and you hate it just unfollow them. It ain’t rocket surgery.

>> No.5219862


>> No.5219878

You still end up with mostly the same problem. I've scrolled through a few Japanese art Twitters, but many of them have dozens of picture involving games they're playing and food they're eating between the picture I actually came to see.

Twitter is just fucking awful for art.

>> No.5219887

Well I think has to do with the algorithm, since you need to post multiple times a day, kinda forces you to do that