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File: 159 KB, 750x750, 44-49-53-43-4-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5196116 No.5196116 [Reply] [Original]


Did anyone get it?

>inb it's shit and we have Loomis and Vilppu
I don't care. I want someone who can teach in a formulaic way, like literally spoonfeed me "do this, then do this. Now do this 50 times". Besides, his stuff looks cool, I've always been interested in direct drawing, not that bs "gesture is important hurrdurr always start with flowy lines hurrdurr you gotta draw with force brah fast and loose".

The fast approach has NEVER helped me - I learned to draw skulls by literally drawing every bone separately from every angle and then combining them, not starting with "a loose sketch".

The guys that have been truly helpful are the superani artists (KJG), Tom Fox, Will Weston, Peter Han, Karl Kopinski, Frazetta etc.

Anything similar?
Are people interested in any figure drawing course group buys? I'm willing to pitch in like 100usd.

>> No.5196125

Some interesting classes for a potential GB:



>> No.5196128

just learn to draw from observation retard

>> No.5196132

Get a job, loser.

>> No.5196133

I don't want to.

>> No.5196137

then how the fuck you're ever going to learn anything from any course whatsoever if you can't even observe and interpret it to a drawing

>> No.5196142

I want shortcuts. "Just draw brah" is boring - I want to get there faster, use every possible opportunity.

>> No.5196147

Sure let me take my hard earned money and rip the course just for you. Fuck off. Go flip some burgers kid.

>> No.5196149

draw what you see isn't just draw retard, go kys, thread hidden

>> No.5196158

I'm asking if anyone has it, not for someone to rip it lol. I'm also suggesting group buys.

>> No.5196165

Let’s say I had the course (I was going to buy this a while back but hesitated because he’s a literal nobody), this implies you want me to share it with you.

If you want an opinion then fine. But that also implies you save up your patty flipping money for the course.

>> No.5196169

Observation skills alone does not teach you to draw from imagination. You can draw gorgeous portraits and figure drawings and still draw stick men from imagination

>> No.5196179

op wants to draw what someone else shows him exactly what to draw, observation drawing will take care of it

>> No.5196184

No, he said he wants to be given clear assignments. Perhaps your brain is just too miniscule to comprehend the difference.

>> No.5196186

exactly, drawing from observation will take care of it

>> No.5196189

I really don't understand how you people have 2 terabytes TWO TB of courses for FREE and you're still hungry for more shit.

>> No.5196218

There's literally no course out there that teaches this kind of constructive method like KJG etc. uses. Most, if not all courses are this typical "start with gestuuuree, feel the flow" scribble shit. I'm not interested in that nor has it ever helped me.

Hell, when I was a complete beg, freaking Riven Phoenix was the most helpful even though his art is subpar - he was incredibly methodical, technical and didn't do any of that "gesture" bs

I completely agree w/ this guy, it's been exactly like that for me:

>> No.5196226


>> No.5196231

I completely agree with you. I spent the better half of my journey getting pissed off a the wishy/washy gesture method shilled by Hampton/Vilppu/Nacorda/X Art Center Mattessi teachers. None of their "methods" made much seense.

There was one teacher, Ron Lemen, who uses armatures and that's a bit better than other methods but still something is lacking. I like the way asian artists approach the figure. And the good old stickman works as long as you modify it.

>> No.5196235

However, that still doesn't dismiss you guys wanting more shit, group buy or not.

>> No.5196240

them's some wonky skulls

>> No.5196243

Ngmi thread, you could have ALL the tutorials made by mankind, it won't help you draw shit if you don't put in the 12+ hours daily of practice

>> No.5196281
File: 71 KB, 650x600, 1529367250181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool! thanks for sharing, Tom! I'll be sure to pirate it as soon as the lesson finishes!

>> No.5196284


>> No.5196365

No, it won't

>> No.5196563

I'd be interested in a group buy of the Will Weston figure drawing course. How are these things usually organized?

>> No.5196592

We had one a while back (the cheaper ones, composition and class etc.)

I made a new discord if anyone is interested in GB the new figure drawing course.

>> No.5196595

>How are these things usually organized?
On other websites lmao on here broke people just use these sort of threads as an opportunity to larp about their bigbux

hey OP get a job lmao I buy all the courses I want because I have shit loads of cash lmao laughingfrog.jpeg haha

>> No.5196601

It really depends desu. We had one for the cheaper Weston ones.

>> No.5196606

Lol, I have no idea why I wrote "desu". I have literally no recollection of that.

>> No.5196622

Will Weston is shit, don't buy his courses

>> No.5196632

One of the few that have actually helped me

>> No.5196635

the lack of clarity isn't coming from hampton / vilppu. it's coming from your own lack of mileage.

feel the form, motherfucker.

>> No.5196636

It's just that this approach looks and feels like shit.

>> No.5196657

I'm the same way, I prefer to memorize proportions and learn from perspective and anatomy books over the Vilppu, Watts etc shit. I don't get what you're supposed to learn from life drawing.

>I want someone who can teach in a formulaic way, like literally spoonfeed me "do this, then do this. Now do this 50 times".
that would be nice but i dont think it exists

>> No.5196663

I feel your mothers forms instead.

>> No.5196664

>literally spoonfeed me "do this, then do this
that’s literally what vilppu does

>> No.5196674

Tom Fox pretty much does that. As does Riven Phoenix, but his art is.. Not that great lol.


Nope. He's very "artistic" in his approach. I hate the "flowy", "force" stuff.

>> No.5196708

>Tom Fox
I didn't know about this guy, thanks. I wish i could watch his courses lol

>> No.5196845

Yeah, he's pretty interesting. He's apparently making a book.

>> No.5196858

He's pretty amazing, he doesn't seem to be on KJG's level but he's doing something similar. I watched KJG's courses and while they're interesting and learnt from them, he doesn't put much effort or planning into them

>> No.5196867

He's like a "non-talented" KJG who achieved his skill be sheer work.

>> No.5196991

if all you want out of art is Jung Gi bullshit, then just study the way he does shit. Go to the mega and download KJG, and work on that.

Just realize even if you perfectly grasp the approach, you'll never be as overrated as him.

>> No.5196998

I don't care about fame. I just want to be able to draw whatever comes up my mind in any angle without guidelines, for fun.