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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5187967 No.5187967 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread to discuss all kinds of digital drawing hardware: non-display graphics tablets, pen display tablets, portable tablets and more.

>What should I buy?
State your:
>Type (display? non-display? portable?)
>Size (in inches)
>Other information
>Previous equipment

If you have any additional questions, ask them.

>Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3 - Best budget tablet.
Intuos Pro M - The best non-display tablet.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite - Budget portable display tablet. Very solid drawing experience with Wacom EMR tech.
Used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9" - Best option for a display tablet.
Galaxy Tab S7+ - Good premium alternative to an iPad Pro
Used Cintiq Pro 24 - Big tablet for big budgets


XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand - Poor build quality, lackluster pens, broken tilt, struggles to register light pressure, horrible customer support and the displays are not calibrated. All Chinese brands are basically the same because they're all centralized. Also watch, Chinese companies shill HARD on /ic/; they do a lot of samefagging. Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
Microsoft Surface Pro - The N-Trig digitizer means you will always get wobbly lines.
Lenovo - Bad drawing performance.

Previous: >>5162720

>> No.5187972

Congratulations, schizo. You win this round.

>> No.5187978

Price and controls (buttons, wheels, touch bars). Deco pro may have a rougher surface than the two others.

>> No.5187980
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, chinesetabs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
This is why you never buy Chinese tablets. Webm related is one of the most recent and expensive chinese tablets you can buy right now, and its horrible.

>> No.5187984

>does anyone happen to know what are the biggest differences between the huion hs611, xp pen deco v1 02 and the xp pen deco pro?
Same cheap Chinese garbage, same pressure issues.

>> No.5187993

Professionals use Wacom or iPad.

>> No.5188000

I use XP-Pen

>> No.5188009

>Previous thread is still at page 1.
Nice try schizo.

>> No.5188022

>Intuos 3
what do I do if I buy one and find pubes and cumstains from the previous owner all over it?

>> No.5188026

better than non-pro wacom crap.

>> No.5188044

the only one that i could find pressure issues with was the hs610 which is not one of the ones i was asking about

>> No.5188046

get in here bros

>> No.5188058

Why isn't this called the Wacom/iPad general? It is not for general drawing tablets

>> No.5188071

Every thread without fail. What are you afraid of, OP?

>> No.5188077

There can be another thread for tablets nobody uses, pushed by youtube paid review farms.

>> No.5188138

What are you talking about? It's just a webm highlighting that even the most expensive XP-Pen tablet is complete garbage.

>> No.5188140

So this is the thread for expensive tablets pushed by youtube paid review farms?

>> No.5188145
File: 1.22 MB, 4032x3024, image0-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the 5th gen ipad pro

>> No.5188156

The trash.
Never ever buy new iPads fresh after release. Only buy used.

>> No.5188161

Nice try, retard. Everyone knows YouTube reviewers push Chinese garbage harder than anything else.

>> No.5188162

>Only buy used
Why would I get a second hand old device when I've been intentionally waiting and saving for the new one.
You guys shill the second gen pad but that will be quite old soon

>> No.5188182

>giving money to apple
>paying the laughable premium they charge

>You guys shill the second gen pad but that will be quite old soon
and by that time, good deals on the third gen should start becoming more frequent on ebay.

This is the smart way to buy iPads.

>> No.5188187

there's no smart way to buy Ipads

>> No.5188189

>implying wacom shills dont exist
Its almost like you are one of them

>> No.5188190

>giving money to apple
I could care less where my money goes as long as I have the product I want
>giving your money to microsoft, amd, xp pen, huion, wacom!!
>laughable premium they charge
Only a few hundred bucks over an old used tablet someone probably wiped their dick on and dropped several times. Second hand devices that have a lot of hands-on use disgust me, sorry.

>> No.5188191

t. xing zhuang

>> No.5188193

Sure, I'm shilling on behalf of Wacom by recommending used tablets on eBay like the Intuos 3.

You really are a moron, Chang.

>> No.5188194

>I could care less where my money goes as long as I have the product I want
Good, continue being a corporate bootlicker at your leisure, but the OP is only going to provide good advice.

>> No.5188196

>intuos 3
so the pubes and cumstains are yours?

>> No.5188198

Why did you make a new thread for your chinese garbage, only to continue posting here? With your exact same chinese posting style as well.

Chang, you clearly fear the used market.

>> No.5188200

>I don't care who my money goes to as long as I get the product new
I hope your PC is made up of hand-me down parts you got from Goodwill else you're licking boots too. Also put on your tinfoil so the illuminati doesnt get you

>> No.5188203

>a decade out of warranty at least
You just want to fuck people over so they cant get help or repairs when their old ipad or wacom breaks.

>> No.5188206

This is the difference between being smart with your money, and being retarded. You fall into the latter category.

In terms of drawing functionality, none of the latest iPads can top a 2nd gen pro yet. Taking that into account, that's all most people will ever need.

>> No.5188211

for him paying $100 for a 17yo intuos 3 (with cumstains and all) is better than getting a new tablet for $60

>> No.5188212

holy shit what even goes on in this thread. its like three people crying about shitg

>> No.5188213

>repairs when their old ipad
Funny you say that, Chang. One of the best parts of an iPad is the fantastic after-market support.

If your Huion or XP-Pen breaks (which it will), you have to send it back to China and pay for the postage. With an iPad, it's extremely easy to find relatively cheap repairs.

Again, you're just a worthless chinese idiot and a salesman who is here to shill worthless garbage that still can't get pen pressure right.

>> No.5188216

>If your Huion or XP-Pen breaks (which it will), you have to send it back to China and pay for the postage.
what makes you think this exact sentence doesn't apply to wacom products?

>> No.5188217

On top of your samefagging, you keep re-using the exact same words like the braindead chinese shill you are.

>> No.5188218

It's something I'll be using daily for years. A few hundred bucks that I made with my art does not bother me

>> No.5188219

Please tell me where in the US you can get an out of warranty wacom repaired. Because every place I have called near me says they don't know how to work on them and refuse to do it.

>> No.5188222

Ah, backpedaling away from iPads now are you?

Of course, Wacoms don't have great aftermarket support, but they're still the best option if you absolutely want a screenless or a large screen tablet. It all comes down to good, consistent pen pressure, even on an old Intuos 3.
Many japanese artists in the industry still use their Intuos 3 because it's so reliable.

>> No.5188224

nobody uses intuos 3 anymore retard

>> No.5188227

See >>5188222

>> No.5188229

You were asking why the latest iPad Pro isn't in the OP, and I answered.
The OP does not conform to your corporate bootlicking habits. It's that simple.

The 4th gen iPad Pro was literally the 3rd gen with a better, more expensive camera, but that wouldn't stop consoomerists like you from getting it anyway.

>> No.5188234

>You were asking why the latest ipad pro isnt in the OP
When? I was asking where is the darn announcement for it because its expected this year

>> No.5188237
File: 41 KB, 740x493, Soejima-Tablet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody uses intuos 3 anymore retard
>His PC is a Windows 7, Intel Core i7 - 6700 32GB memory at 3.4 GHz. Soejima's favorite pen tablet is an "Intuos 3" from 10 years ago. A good workman does not blame his tools!

Well, that takes care of that, moron.

>> No.5188241

>all my other mates use much newer gear
retard wacom nigger

>> No.5188243


>> No.5188247

Yes, newer Wacoms like Cintiqs, not chinese rubbish.

You will never see a Huion in a professional production pipeline.

>> No.5188252

>A good workman does not blame his tools!
COOL I'll be buying a xp-pen deco then, thanks!

>> No.5188262

Of course you will, Li Xiang.

Of course, you own them already.

>> No.5188264
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Let me guess, you need more?

>> No.5188265

>50 replies
>10 posters

>> No.5188268
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>> No.5188274

post a drawing made with your wacom tablet schizobro

>> No.5188275

a friend of mine has an ipad and a "paperlike"(offbrand) screen protector that makes it feel very good.
I have an s6lite. are there protectors like that for it too?

>> No.5188277

drawing tablet market is stagnant so there’s nothing to add but shitposts

>> No.5188279

Pure soul. They should have stuck with this design and just updated the buttons.

>> No.5188283

that would be $549 + vat sire

>> No.5188285

I would buy it (but not really).

>> No.5188344

Those issues have been fixed. Someone posted a pressure test in the last thread

>> No.5188349

>He can't answer the question

I'm asking about repair places. I already know where I can go to pay out the ass for an ipad repair.

>> No.5188380

He won't lol

>> No.5188383

Very unprofessional of you

>> No.5188386


>> No.5188572

Less than $120
Don't really care.
Never used a drawing tablet before, so I want to get the hang of digital before I invest more money.

>> No.5188586

Wacom Intuos Pro Medium

>> No.5188598

ya'll were right a small tablet can fuck up my wrist. I just bought mine but i still have to get used to the UI of clip Studio paint meanwhile I'll be drawing on my phone lole

>> No.5188616

>ya'll were right a small tablet can fuck up my wrist
Told you so. Sell it and get a bigger one.

>> No.5188685

No, XP-Pen is chinese, retard.

>> No.5188686

Who the fuck are you talking to

>> No.5188718

Intuos 3.

>> No.5188794 [DELETED] 


>> No.5188882

It is as chinese as Wacom

>> No.5188888 [DELETED] 
File: 723 KB, 1200x1200, l(mao).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont mind me, just reminding everyone.

>> No.5188898

Delusional, Chang.

>> No.5188903

>Wacom, manufactured in Shenzheng, QA in Shenzheng
>OMG based! industry standard YAS QUEEEN
>XP-Pen, manufactured in Shenzheng, QA in Shenzheng
>wtfffff is this chink shit fuck off chang

>> No.5188910

There's a difference, chinese moron.

XP Pen was founded by chinese in japan. Their tablets and pens are chinese designed, using chinese technology, by chinese people. That's why the have the exact same pen as Huion's, complete with the long, wobbly nib compared to the Pro Pen 2's firm, shorter nib.

Wacom manufactures in China, but the tablets and technology are not founded in China. I know this upsets you, but it's true, Chang.

>> No.5188919

bitch im not chinese, im korean

>> No.5188921 [DELETED] 

Ahahaha, reporting the pic with tears in your eyes, delicious.

It will never, ever go away.

>> No.5188958


>> No.5189194

How come the Intuos 3 still works after all these years?

>> No.5189488
File: 50 KB, 1500x1000, wacom 850 large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi everybody, a guy is selling the Wacom PTH-850 Large for 50 bucks on an online site. Here's a picture of it, is it worth getting? Is the 850 the pro version?

>> No.5189728

>for 50 bucks
Something's wrong. They usually cost 300$ used and abused.

For 50$ it either has to be broken or he murdered somebody with it and tries to get rid of the evidence

>> No.5189786

You should ask for a real picture of it bro that is not $50 condition
$50 is "cords are busted and I lost the pen, heavy wear, maybe use it for parts"

>> No.5189791

Does the founding matter? Lmao its all made in china now so who cares about how good the company was 30 years ago

>> No.5189847
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I'm being forced to get a job now after being a hikineet for two years

What color should my iPad pro be?

>> No.5190004

Xp pen deco v2

>> No.5190178

for those who have used it, what do you guys think of the xp-pen artist 12? i''m looking to upgrade from my wacom bamboo that i've been using for years. I primarily want to use it for animation, but I also want to draw

>> No.5190192

Never ever will I buy a screen tablet. I feel like I have to take care of it because of how fragile I heard they are, meanwhile my chink screenless tablet survived multiple spills, and despite having noticeable wear over the years it still reads my pen perfectly.

I'm forever scared of even having a coffee while drawing.

>> No.5190205

I just feel like it'll help miles with my art digitally, because my art on paper is so much more precise and clean than on tablet because i can actually see where i'm putting my pen

>> No.5190320

Don't know about the 12 but I have the 15.6 pro, its still alive and well coming up on 2 years of use soon. 12 is probably a little small, youve got to remember that screen space will be taken up by your UI so keep it in mind when choosing a screen size.

But yeah xp is a solid cheap tablet aside from the low contrast level in these. Going to get a newer/larger one soon with that sweet sweet 1000:1

>> No.5190328

Which is better of the kamvas 16 pro and the kamvas 16 (2021)? I heard the pens before pentech 3.0 aren't the best but the etched glass sounds nice.

>> No.5190330

New version is better. Pen 3.0 is an insane improvement over the shitty old pens. I know etched glass sounds nice but the old pen is so fucking awful. Don't do that to yourself man.

>> No.5190334

I didn't know they were that bad. Guess I'll go for the newer one then. Thanks man

>> No.5190366

>Does the founding matter?
Clearly, because it's reflected in the drawing performance. Chinese garbage like XP Pen still can't get pressure right.

>> No.5190633

Wacom still cant get drivers or build quality right lmao

>> No.5190644

Still better than your chinese garbage, especially in terms of drawing performance.

>> No.5190754

Riiiiight, keep telling yourself that and I'm sure repeating it will make it true some day

>> No.5191064
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>> No.5191124

ive used the same bamboo tablet for like 7 years and am genuinely surprised it has survived this long

>> No.5191146

Holy fucking shit. Tablet schizo. 4-months schizo. Pixel Schizo. Japanese Schizo. /ic/ is home to crazier people than /x/

>> No.5191155
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>> No.5191238

Does a glass screen protector on the Tab S7+ put a damper on the drawing experience or is it the same? Thank you.

>> No.5191246

Thank you :)

>> No.5191282

A lot of people are going crazy right now, they can't handle the neet life they've been thrust into. A lot of boards are getting an influx of schizos. Just ignore them.

>> No.5191301 [DELETED] 
File: 219 KB, 675x675, Screenshot_2021-01-28 US $2 77 29% OFF Childen Schreiben Zeichnung Tablet 8,5 Zoll Notizblock Digitale LCD Grafik Bord Hand[...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-b-but i heard 5 years ago that IPS is the only solution if you need colour accuracy. I need colour accuracy!! Im an artist help
Happy help friend ching chong IPS FOREVER DOUBLE IPS MORE LAYERS
I want blacks to be grey I want white to be greyish I want purplish fog to be grey I can crank up saturation in post no issue IPS FOREVER IPS FOREVER >>5191282

And if Budget really is no issue go straight for OLED. Only use it with moving content, never have static sidebars or anything on it for its entire lifetime. If you do that you can enjoy it for a long time
OLED has burn in issues, but only if you use it for browsing on high brightness like an absolute moron

>> No.5191304
File: 98 KB, 450x511, CIExy1931_Rec_2020.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, EW3270u is the top end for monitors in the current time. If you want a better monitor you unironically have to spend 1500$ on an OLED or decide to spend insane amounts for 144hz and or curve / ultra slim
Thanks friend please leave another review

>> No.5191321

I've been using microsoft surface pro (which is in "Avoid"), with its own pen for a while now, I don't think it's that bad, but maybe only because I'm used to it.
Do you suggest trying/buying something else?
My pc is kind of old so I don't know if something like photoshop or clip studio paint works well on it, for this reason I preferred something like a tablet, instead of something without display, or with a display but that you have to attach to the pc.

>> No.5191324
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dtk-2200. >>5191064

>> No.5191343

Doesn't that need to be attached to a pc/mac?

>> No.5191401

I just bought xp deco o1 v2. First tablet, no experience with digital art at all. Say something nice about my new possession.

>> No.5191512

glass is glass
consider getting the spigen ez fit

>> No.5191591

nice refresh rate retard

>> No.5191597

post your setup

>> No.5191665

Is Paintstorm worth getting now? Glancing at the forums it seems like it's been abandoned or is soon to be an abandoned project. Worth the $20 they're asking for?

>> No.5191857

Budget: £100
Location: bong
Type: It'll always be on my desk
Size: As big as possible
Other information: I'm still a beginner artist
Previous equipment: WACOM Bamboo Fun CTH-661 - it has no screen, and the sensitivity is iffy

>> No.5192274 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5192334
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>Worth the $20 they're asking for?

>> No.5192349

currently have a Cintiq13HD tablet, it's starting to show its age and been thinking about getting the Cintiq 16 but it doesn't even have any buttons and it doesn't have an adjustable stand like the 13HD does, is it worth it?

>> No.5192418
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>is it worth it?

>> No.5192419


>> No.5192422
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>> No.5192443


im going to be very VERY blund about this.
>becauseyouareworthit.jpg >>5191064

>> No.5192449

I still don't get it, you're expecting me to be about autistic as you to understand, it's no wonder people here are paranoid about Huion shills with this level of layered autism

>> No.5192456
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>I still don't get i
I still autistic it's no wonder people here are autism blund

>> No.5192469
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>> No.5192475 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 1476x299, magod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never ever will I buy a screen tablet. I feel like I have to take care of it because of how fragile I heard they are,
Very unprofessional of you

>> No.5192646

I have a Chromebook how good is that

>> No.5192653
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>> No.5192655

So no

>> No.5192766

Yeah sure

>> No.5192785
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>> No.5192806

You want a screen tablet for £100?

>> No.5192816

Where are those bedsheets from? They're legit af m8. I have ones with wacky animals too.

>> No.5192871

I was thinking I'd be okay with buying second hand, but fine, £200.

>> No.5192920

You want a screen tablet for £200?

>> No.5192924

Any used Lenovo/thinkpad tablets with stylus. Might only be good enough for pencil2d but will not cost more than 50€ if you haggle right.

>> No.5193191


>> No.5193331

Congrats your budget now covers an XP Pen Artist 12.

12" is the biggest you are going to get at that price.

>> No.5193366

Kinda wished I got a cintiq pro 16 instead of the 24. I mean I have a separate desk for it's big size, but seems like I don't need the tablet to be this big. A smaller cintiq+2nd monitor would've been a better buy imo for anyone thinking about getting a cintiq.

>> No.5193446

Anyone else have trouble with their cintiq 16 flashing colors? My screen isnt working its just flashing white, red, blue, green, over and over. Turning off and on and unplugging don't work? Please help!!!

>> No.5193465

it's probably broken or maybe the port on your GPU is messed up.

>> No.5193687

The build quality is better than sub $400 tablets being built today. Plus it didn't have to deal with usb port issues. It was built well and relatively simple = longevity. It's a similar concept in a lot of tool design.

>> No.5193843


>> No.5194585
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>> No.5194634

I've thought (kek) about getting a thinkpad, but they just look too thin. I'd be too worried about its safety to use it effectively.

Neat, I'll get one.

>> No.5194643

What are the pros and cons of both screen and screenless tablet?
Price doesn't matter

>> No.5194755

Screen tab pros:
>You can draw directly on it and it's easy to coordinate the location of your eye, hand and pen tip.
>Because of that they're considered better if you want work done quickly.
>Especially considered easier and more efficient for art that uses fine, delicate strokes like lineart.
>Screen tabs are made larger than screenless tabs so it's way easier to work with your elbow and shoulder rather than relying on your wrist.
>More fragile parts, including a glass screen, means that they're more prone to breaking.
>Brightness degrades over time, so the screen gets progressively dimmer.
>Colors don't always match up to what you see on your display, so it might be in need of calibration, if that even helps.
>Communication and software issues such as cursor not aligning/ registering to where the pen tip is.
>Screen tabs can lead to bad posture from spending hours hunched over the screen. The equipment to correct that costs an additional pretty penny.
>They're always more expensive than screenless tabs.

>> No.5194758

Screenless tab pros:
>They're always cheaper than screen tabs.
>Less fragile parts means they're far sturdier, more durable and can last years of use.
>Your computer/monitor is the only display screen so there's no need to worry about calibration.
>Can be considered better for digital painting, especially if you have good hand/eye coordination. Some people feel like their hand and pen block their view when painting on screen tabs, not a problem with screenless tabs.
>Not having to constantly look down or hunch over a screenless tab means better posture as you only have to look straight at your display while the tab is kept flat.
>If you have poor hand/eye coordination you are going to struggle making accurate strokes and will constantly try to look down at your hand. Some people get used to it, others don't.
>They're smaller than screen tabs. This could be another issue with coordination where the drawing area on your tab doesn't correspond to the drawing area on your display, throwing off your hand and eye.
>Screenless tabs are considered slower to work on because of that. It's why most people in visual art industries use screen tabs instead.

>> No.5194768
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>Price doesn't matter

>> No.5194860

>Budget: up to $700 (im flexible)
>Location: NA, East Coast
>Type: Display
>Size: 15 or up
>Other information: not super worried about side buttons as my plan is to continue to use my keyboard shortcuts. Was thinking of the wacom cintiq 16(not the pro version) but i want some opinions and recommendations
>Previous equipment: Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite

>> No.5194945
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>> No.5194990

Screen shills win again, wacom is happy for another day

>> No.5195136
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>> No.5195302

well wacom didn't release anything new at ces this year so chances are a new cintiq 16 isn't coming out for at least a year so go for it.

>> No.5195341

>They're smaller than screen tabs
This is not a con. They're not supposed to be big. In fact, the big ones are far more of a pain to work with than the medium sized ones.

>> No.5195367

Is $30 for a small Wacom Intuos a good deal?

>> No.5195382

S7+ with keyboard case.

>> No.5195383

>but it doesn't even have any buttons
use the F keys on your keyboard

>> No.5195385

That shit keyboard concerns me more

>> No.5195389

Yeah but why the fuck would you want a small???

>> No.5195393

Why not? It's available, and anything larger, like a medium or large size is $200-$300

>> No.5195553

not the guy that replied to you but usually smalls are discouraged. It promotes bad ergonomics which can cause injury to your hands. Now, I'm not saying it's impossible, I've known maybe three people in 20 years who used smalls in limited capacity pretty ok.

Just make sure you understand what you're getting into, the active sensor area is about 6 x 3.7 inches (the active area is not the entire body). Cut out a piece of paper and see if you're comfortable drawing within that confinement. $30 isn't a bad price as long as you get the stylus with it. Keep in mind you can find a good intuos 3 or 5 medium on ebay for less than a $100 which will probably last you into a professional career.

>> No.5195600

no idea what you are talking about.
I have an sp pen artist pro 15.6 and dont have any issues whatsoever ... most issues is config and driver stuff and yes, the drivers aren't the best I fully agree here but for that price?
If anyone wants to go full pro he doesn't think about xp pen anyway, they are amateuer tablets and also sell as these

>> No.5195602

>and dont have any issues whatsoever
You're telling yourself that in an effort to rationalize your investment.

XP Pens factually have problems that cannot be fixed, retard.

>> No.5195619

Ignore schizOP. We know the tablets are decent, he posts that shit video every single thread, he does this to sell his used/refurbished ipads, galaxy tablets, and wacom intuos 3/4 tablets on eBay.

>> No.5195621

Do you guys use felt nibs or the standard ones more?

>> No.5195627

You don't speak for the whole board, Chang.

>> No.5195639

pyw i wanna see if those 3000 dollars you spent on pro equipment was spent well

>> No.5195641

meant for
im retarded and gay

>> No.5195648

>he does this to sell his used/refurbished ipads, galaxy tablets, and wacom intuos 3/4 tablets on eBay.
You are so stupid it's funny, Chingchong.

>> No.5195684 [DELETED] 
File: 723 KB, 1200x1200, l(mao).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must suck to have a snapshot of you being utterly destroyed being displayed like this. All you can do is report and hope, but its out there now. You wont even respond to it with your usual routine, youll just quietly ignore it and hope the janny saves you.

>> No.5195687

Actually a good question. I’m a big fan of felt nibs on smooth surface (intuos3). Admittedly I do flip-flop between that and standard nib on paper-tape-over every few months. I enjoy the feel (and sound) of paper running under my palm, but that’s countered by the chore of paper maintenance as it gets dirt/worn.

>> No.5195768

How long do the felt nibs last on yours?

>> No.5195780

He is the good op, chinese brand are bad.

>> No.5195848

The trick is to use smooth Bristol Board paper, can last months, especially when you can flip it over.

>> No.5195850

He won't. He doesn't even own a tablet.

>> No.5195887

So....i got my intuos and i use torrents
Am i going to be fine?

>> No.5196358 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5196693
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wear a diaper just in case

>> No.5196700

budget doesn't matter
s7+ or the ipad pro 12.9?

Prefer android over ipad in general and since both have CSP and Android has Krita too I have no real understanding why iPad is better outside of Procreate which is just inferior to CSP

>> No.5196752

Mobile OS is for cucks.

>> No.5196755


>> No.5196775

If you prefer android apps over ios stick with android.
Performance-wise they're very similar, galaxy tabs are more of a value over ipads, come with more memory and storage for less and the S pen is included in the box. Apple pencil is an additional $100 sold separately.
>no real understanding why iPad is better
Because for a long time android lagged severely behind when it came to drawing tech and apps so apple had no competition and were reliable. This changed over the past few years with samsung in particular catching up with wacom tech, new powerful drawing apps arriving on the android scene such as krita and clip studio (which offers a very generous six month trial if bought from the galaxy store) and pre-existing apps becoming far better than they were. Artists who use and rely on ipads will obviously recommend them in turn, but samsung's galaxy tablets have become strong competition.

>> No.5196869

I'm the guy you replied to. Dunno 4~5 years? Admitted I learned to draw with pencil/paper and spent years shading so I have pretty good pressure control.

I tried it, it's good advice on more current tablets that come with a toothy surface. Mine is smooth naturally so it's not really a good solution for me. Bristol lacks the tooth/pliability of paper but has the maintenance. Again, not bad advice for most but not really my cup of tea.

>> No.5197362

What should I use to clean my screen? Is windex alright? or should I buy something else?

>> No.5197386

Do NOT use windex. Just use a slightly damp microfiber cloth. If your screen is really dirty, get some screen cleaner that is safe for your device.

>> No.5197389

Why do people keep asking this? Is Wacom using their spyware to go after pirates or something? Someone please explain this to me.

>> No.5197702

>Gets wacom cintiq
>Slippery surface makes harder to make lines
>Gets cheap ass huion 420
>Comfortable with surface+advantage of good posture
>Gets xp pen deco
>Stills draws like hot garbage

>> No.5197734

>Bristol lacks the tooth/pliability
Well you don't want too much resistance, I'll even use worn out felt nibs with smooth bristol because the regular nibs are too scratchy still, while felt nibs glide across the paper with decent resistance as if I was drawing with a sharpie.

>> No.5197783
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>> No.5197865

In all earnest, i would consider my hands on a Lenovo Yoga A940 that beast is a must for professionals.
Jfl at wacomfags with their shitty Mobile studio.

>> No.5197867

In all earnest i would consider getting my hands on a Lenovo Yoga A940, that beast is a must have for artists!
Jfl at you wacomfags with ur shitty Wacom mobile studio.

>> No.5197918

In all earnest i would consider getting my hands on a Lenovo Yoga A940, that beast is a must have for artists!
Jfl at you wacomfags with ur shitty Wacom mobile studio.

>> No.5197926

When buying (assuming prices are the same) do you anons tend to buy from the respective brand's site if they have one or from a 3rd party like Amazon/Ebay.

>> No.5197940


Not really, bought my intuos from a classmate a long time ago and my ipad from best buy a few years ago.

>> No.5198255

Thank you. I'll order a pack from the friendly chinese merchant. Apparently they sell genuine 5-packs for $5 shipped.

>> No.5198258

>5 nibs for $5
What a ripoff

>> No.5198260

I think I'll live.

>> No.5198468

fuck off N-trIGGER

>> No.5198538
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>> No.5198654

Is there a better stylus for the iPad besides the pencil?

>> No.5198664
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>> No.5198667
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>> >>5191155

>> No.5198671
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>Lenovo Yoga A940

>> No.5198675

Anything else is for brainwashed consoomertards. Unironically speaking, etrash is the future and stagnation has been a thing for 10 years now.
>b-b--bbut anon what if I get a bad deal and the product doesnt werk!! I have no rights! *poops pants in fear*
>better pay 2x the price on amazon for an inferior product

>> No.5198924
File: 71 KB, 255x250, bulbear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought a new Wacom Cintiq Pro 32 because I like to overcompensate to cope, can anyone recommend any good desks that would support a tablet of this size and a monitor or two? Thinking a corner wrapping setup at this point.

>> No.5198977

not really

>> No.5199018

is the cintiq 16 worth it or are there better options for around the same price?

>> No.5199124

A used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9" on Ebay represents better value. 16" is also a meme size; if you go big, you go up to 22-24".

It's still better than the chinese equivalent by virtue of having a good pen.

>> No.5199136

Galaxy S7+ has a native function to work as a second screen now right?
How well does it work, any lag?

>> No.5199152

So XP pen, Huion, and Gaomon all suck dick. but what about Artisul? i dont think they are chinese

>> No.5199202

Found my old bamboo cth-470 and been trying to learn how to draw.

How much easier would it be if i got a tablet with screen on it (how different is it?) and if the tablet's angled. Currently my tablet's flat on the table.

>> No.5199252
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>> No.5199338

I dont get it

>> No.5199365
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>> No.5199442

Artisul is definitely chinese, same with parblo. The only good thing they make is tablet stands.

>> No.5199505

> learn how to draw

have you considered paper and pencil? a tablet, screen or not, doesn’t make up for undeveloped hand-eye coordination. It’s like getting an F1 race car when you don’t know how to drive. At least see if you have the mental discipline to get out of beg first before you throw hundreds of dollars into a hobby. I’d rather put that much money in a new hobby towards an RC car. At least the gratification is instant.

>> No.5199559

Artisul is US designed and Taiwan is their HQ not China. dont know how much of a difference that makes, Chinese are yellow jews but how do Taiwanese compare?

>> No.5199583

but wacom are manufactured in china...

>> No.5199597

uh...most likely has pubes and cumstains on it. Definitely the OP schizo's wacom tablet.

>> No.5199606

Why is 16" not a good size?

>> No.5199608

that's because you left it inside the packaging box on the shelf and never actually used it.

>> No.5199900
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>> No.5199939

not the guy that replied to you but here’s my take, the 16” is just a bigger version of the 13 (which seems obvious) but the 22 and up are a different line of intuos pro. The quality difference between 13 and 16 is not as significant as 16 to 22. So if you’re going to dedicate the money and desk space might as well go full 22 to get the most bang for your buck.
But on the other hand, I know people who’re happy with their 16s too.

>> No.5199951

I'm thinking about getting the cintiq 16 to upgrade from a screenless tab. Is it better to just get the regular 16 or go ahead and save up for the pro?

>> No.5199983

If your primary computer only drives up to 1080p (ei like most laptops), you’re buying new, and you’re not a professional (yet), i think the 16 is fine.

Here’s an industry secret, no pro has ever bought themselves a 22 or higher. When you get to that level, the studio buys one for you ;)

>> No.5200052

Because it's nowhere near enough of a size difference to justify purchase over a portable tablet, which are better in every way.

>> No.5200161

16" is fine, ignore the losers that dont draw

>> No.5200421

>apple bad because they manufacture their products in china
dumb chink.

>> No.5200461
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>> No.5200471

Taiwan is the same as china

>> No.5200499

what do i get?
a chinese screen tablet, intuos pro or samsung tab s6 lite?

>> No.5200517

Depends. Do you want an easily portable drawing device or are you going to be drawing mostly at a desk? If the latter, are you okay with having a disconnect between your eyes and hand? If yes, get a screenless tablet. If not, get a screen tablet. If you need the portability, get the galaxy tablet.

>> No.5200534

is there any way to use an ipad on a desktop like android with superdisplay?

>> No.5200616

You could use remote desktop, but the performance would probably be poopy.

>> No.5200901
File: 276 KB, 1196x908, Intuos pro large from seller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth getting a second hand Intuos Pro Large (PTH-851/K) for 150 dollars?

>> No.5201022

Is a wacom cintiq 13 worth it for around 250? It's barely used and close by but I wanted to ask since it's not a new model and such

>> No.5201063
File: 705 KB, 3304x3317, 1612802855491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently deciding between a Wacom Intuos5 Touch and an XP-PEN Artist12. Screenless tablets seem to last forever but I'm wondering how hard it'll be to learn how to draw while not staring where your hand is. Whatever I choose will be my first tablet.

>> No.5201224

what is this outdated shit? huions pentech3 is much better, only issue is needing a higher activation to make marks than wacom but that can be learned with muscle memory

>> No.5201584

do you like your s6 lite? I was thinking about getting one bc the pricepoint is hard to beat and it would be nice to not have to sit at a desk to draw

>> No.5201609


>> No.5201846

Deco 01 v2 stinks, drops inputs when you try to draw lightly, are all budget tablets like this?

>> No.5201892

That's what you deserve for being conned by the chinese shill.

>> No.5202097

Yes. I have that.

>> No.5202340


>> No.5202397

Something is fucked up with yours. Mess with your drivers pressure curve and check your stylus.

>> No.5202411

What I-pad should i get for drawing and what pen? If i have the money is it worth just shelling out for the biggest and latest one and should you just go with the apple pencil or with something like the Adonit touch stylus?

>> No.5202472 [DELETED] 

I currently found a used wacom cintiq companion (i think it's the oldest model) for cheap are those any good? Or should I just get a wacom one

>> No.5202485

I currently found a used wacom cintiq companion (i think it's the oldest model) for cheap are those any good? Or should I just get a wacom one.

Are the wacom one tablets bad? I could've sworn OP had a line saying to avoid them but now I'm not sure

>> No.5202492

>I currently found a used wacom cintiq companion (i think it's the oldest model) for cheap are those any good? Or should I just get a wacom one.
They're trash. Don't get one if you want a portable tablet pc because the battery sucks ass and you will find yourself needing to plug it in after 20 minutes.

>Are the wacom one tablets bad? I could've sworn OP had a line saying to avoid them but now I'm not sure
Yes they are shit and yes the old /dtg/ OP advised against them. We have been taken over by an idiot that works for wacom

>> No.5203138 [DELETED] 


>> No.5203258

If he worked for Wacom, he wouldn't recommend used tablets, retard.

>> No.5203909

Is a display really better? What advantage, aside from comfort, does a cintiq have over and intuos?

>> No.5204093

>Is a display really better?

>> No.5204126

It's more like drawing on paper. Do you feel more comfortable doing trad work or drawing without your hand in the way?

>> No.5204162


>> No.5204793

I personally save time by actually placing the lines where i want vs having to kinda guess the stroke then undoing/redoing a couple times. I guess I just never could really get that hand-eye coordination.

>> No.5204821

>be sick yesterday
>sneeze a lot
>now whole screen is filled with dry saliva

guess I'll have to get some screen cleaning solution...

>> No.5204823


>> No.5204898

West coast US
Display, non portable
Greater than 6" by 4", other than that don't care
>Previous equipment
Wacom CTL 460

I'm also using a bootleg version of toonboom, but it keeps crashing.

>> No.5205093

a screenless tablet will handicap ur art.

>> No.5205348

Tryed a 16" cintiq, shit was blurry as hell no way near the quality of my monitor.

Went back to my intuos.

I guess i ll have to wait 20 years before before a decent sceen tablet is released.

>> No.5205372

>Check out the webm
What webm?

>> No.5205375

I have the Huion 640p non-display tablet and haven't had any issues. Got it for $40 on Amazon.

>> No.5205378

>Chinese companies shill HARD on /ic/
Lol what? What company is gonna pay someone to shill on a board with likely less than 300 regular users?

>> No.5205502

wacom 16 pro has uhd (3840 x 2160) resolution

>> No.5205532

>UHD on a 16" tablet
Useless. At that point you might as well save up for a bigger tablet with 2k+ resolution

>> No.5205536
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My huion pen80 started hover drawing and the pen replacement would take too long to arrive. Decided to get a new tablet
250$ but might go a little higher if it's really worth it
non-display, unless you think displays are better for a professional
Preferably around 10 x 6
>Previous equipment
Huion new 1060 plus

All suggestions are appreciated.

>> No.5205558

Intuos Pro Medium
Deco pro v2
Huion HS611

>> No.5205629

Thanks. So far the intuos looks like it has the most quality out of three but I'll research them a little more

>> No.5205630
File: 43 KB, 500x500, Wacom_MTE450_Bamboo_Tablet_Small_Black_520800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this Wacom Bamboo WTE450 I bought like 10 years ago. It works fine, but some of the buttons don't seem to do anything in Clip Studio Paint and I can't rebind them either. The pen brings up the eraser when I turn it around which is super useful. The "eraser" itself is a button that simply maxes out the pressure which is super weird. On the side one button is the eyedropper, but the other slows down my pc when I hold it down (and just now I somehow managed to zoom out with it).
I'm just a noob. Could someone please tell me if it's working as intended? I'm not too concerned but it would be cool to know what these things are supposed to do.

>> No.5205656

Do you not have drivers installed for that thing?

>> No.5205673

Windows installed drivers when I plugged it in, but I also tried with some old drivers from Wacom's website. I'll try restarting again just in case though.

>> No.5205733
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>What should I buy?


east coast us


>Size (in inches)
decent idk

>Previous equipment
wacom intuos pro medium old model

>> No.5205978

Youre not alone there, I don't think I'll ever really get they hand eye coordination down

>> No.5206286

There should be a wacom driver you can open up and mess with settings on. If that isn't present or working then something is up with it.

Your budget is in the XP Pen or Huion range bro, go look at those and see what you like or save up more money. I recommend not going below 15.6"-16"

>> No.5206465
File: 176 KB, 1347x756, foldme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have 2.6k lying around for a drawing toy
take a look at the brand new lenovo thinkpad x1 fold
>Folds into Jacket-pocket size (9,6")
>2048 x 1536
>Cutting edge Oled panel
>runs any desktop OS you want
>Wacom Stylus included

>> No.5206496
File: 206 KB, 822x1276, becauseyouareworthit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mint condition used Cintiq 22HD (Dtk-2200) from ebay.
>Youll never look back or regret it

>> No.5206666
File: 137 KB, 1024x683, 50021443263_062a8d3d86_b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw that the 1440p 24" xppen is currently 200 off its normal $900 price, first time i've seen a sale for it.
considering getting this as a first display tablet, really want to have a higher res than 1080p and it doesn't seem like there's many options for that.
anyone own one of these, or just have any feedback?

>> No.5206700
File: 141 KB, 1649x907, EuI0gPZWgAcZ5kk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I#'d wait one or two years for affordable 4k OLED Drawing Displays if the panel is your main concern.

>> No.5206726


>> No.5206732

Lol the xppens sidebuttons will be randomly pressed whenever you draw because they all poke out
What a fucking joke

>> No.5206937

>folding shit
imagine not being able to use any pressure because it would scratch it

>> No.5206979

>There should be a wacom driver you can open up and mess with settings on
It just doesn't recognize my device. Probably because it's so old. But no worries it works fine just without any extra functionality.

>> No.5207025

>use win 7
>escape the botnet
>working search function in start menu

>> No.5207181

I am going to buy the Wacom One please let me know if it is worth it or I should just let it go. My first display screen and in my country is $100 more expensive. Thank you!

>> No.5207184

It's fine for a beginner tablet. Try getting a used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9" instead if you can.

>> No.5207240

Wacom is trash, sometimes I have this problem with my Intuos Pro M that the tablet is not getting recognized by Windows, so I have to restart the computer or unplug and plug again the USB cable. Fuck this trash.

>inb4 update drivers, firmware, OS, BIOS, etc
it doesn't fucking work

>> No.5207342

>East US
I've tried a non-display tablet but the disconnect always throws me off something terrible. Always preferred lap drawing as opposed to on the table, so maybe portable would work better?

>> No.5207418

>use win7
>visit website
>get exploited with 3 zerodays and mine bitcoin for russian teenagers
you sure showed them

>> No.5207853
File: 192 KB, 1254x1570, EGTJ36xVAAAh2E_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I was looking at the xp pens, but I didnt really like the one my bf had. though thanks for the advice i appreciate it !!
Yeah I was looking at the 22 its crazy ! they are like the same price as the 16 inch and better. (.. still got do research ) I probably will end up going with the 22 inch. As much as wacom are jews their shit is still solid.

>> No.5207967
File: 20 KB, 529x354, wacom_drivers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are Wacom drivers so shit?
I can't even install the drivers for the Intuos because they somehow need to install some admin-level bullshit that crashes at start.
There's no point in having a 4k pressure Intuos if you can't do shit with it.

>> No.5207976

You should ask in the Chinese thread. Non of the people who use those tablets still are in this thread.
Ipad unless you want to waste money on the Wacom One. it's not good enough to recommend but it's in your budget.
Resolution wise it's not worth it but if the pen is in one piece it's a decent deal.

>> No.5208000

Discard Chang: >>5206286

Get a used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9" or a Galaxy Tab S7. Portability will give you a new kind of digital drawing experience, and both have great pen performance, unlike chinese tablets.

>> No.5208055

>4k pressure

>> No.5208086

What drawing app would you recommend for galaxy tab s7? Either free or one time purchase if possible.

>> No.5208089

Are there any downsides to a Intuos Pro Large compared to the Medium besides higher price and taking more physical space? Neither of those are issues for me.

>> No.5208097

Infinite Painter
Ibis Painter
superDisplay (must-have. turns your tablet into a display tablet for your desktop)
Autodesk Sketchbook

>> No.5208106

Big thanks! I'll check them out

>> No.5208125

Clip Studio Paint offers first 6 months free from the Galaxy Store

>> No.5208216


>> No.5208219

Thoughts on wacom paper editions?

>> No.5208220

Are Artisul tablets acceptable?

>> No.5208224

Are you sure?

>> No.5208226

I am getting a Galaxy tab!

>> No.5208228


>> No.5208229
File: 137 KB, 960x640, Wacom Cintiq g3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5208233


>> No.5208234

New thread:




>> No.5208350

a lot more annoying to draw on according to people that have switched their large tablets back to medium ones

>> No.5208681

Infinite painter is my favourite by far. The menu and brushes are amazing!

>> No.5208769

yea I just got a tab s6 and I love it . lol its one of the reasons why I finally wanna get a display tablet.

>> No.5209472

Ibis paint is solid as fuck. Even the paid version is worth it.

>> No.5209512

On a galaxy tab s6 lite and infinite painter keeps crashing on me. Should I hold out or just switch to ibis or artflow or krita?