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5175973 No.5175973 [Reply] [Original]

100 hours or not
Olson's perspective course is seriously one of the best courses i've ever taken.

>> No.5175983

Schizo Robertson pls

>> No.5175984

tell us more. :D

>> No.5176003

>he needs 100 hours to learn perspective
jesus fucking christ LMAO
Just read Norling, its literally all you need

>> No.5176009


>> No.5176058

Norling doesn't even go over the cone of vision. You don't know what you don't know :/

>> No.5176074

Any links, i got the time for an 100hr corse

>> No.5176081

Perspective is a beg trap lol.

>> No.5176083

look at all the crabs

>> No.5176088

in the mega thread

>> No.5176140

I think it's good apart from the parts where he draws perspective over photos and paintings, I found those parts beyond tedious

>> No.5176145

Watch Marshall’s. 10 hours, all the same points without repeating it 400 times. If you want to watch it again after you can. Not a single person is yet to say a single thing Olson shows that Marshall doesnt and I ask every time it comes up so

>> No.5176151

he's clear

>> No.5176160

mrashall is a great crash course but he doesn't really show you just how much these concepts are used and how they can be
olson does

>> No.5176163

wow Russell Crowe can draw and teach too?

>> No.5176185

Marshall's is incomplete.

>> No.5176188

I disagree, Marshall gives you enough to use your common sense and creativity. Name 1 thing he doesn’t explain how to do. I guarantee it will not be a far throw from what I’m he teaches. You should be able to bridge the gap

>> No.5176192

Vehicle construction. It's not obvious how to draw a perfect car from his videos

>> No.5176201

He shows you how to draw boxes in perspective, tilted planes and ellipses. He shows you how to plan, measure and construct something from a planned 2D front and side view. You need no more than this to construct a car in perspective. After this point go look at a car and try it. The course is not how to design details and parts on a vehicle, it’s how to draw anything in perspective

>> No.5176219

does Marshall teach you how to mirror section lines across a central axis? I think thats the crux of drawing precise cars. I don't know anything about car design but I'm pretty sure precise cars take a lot more than just simple perspective and draft views.

>> No.5176229

I’d say using the methods of measurement Marshall shows you could draw whatever the fuck you want mirrored perfectly. I don’t get what you could not do using it. It’s a very formulaic method of drawing but if you’re autistic enough to sit with a ruler and plan it out perfectly I can’t honestly think of something you wouldn’t be able to draw in regular 1, 2 or 3 point perspective. I’m talking mostly about static objects like cars and buildings etc though. You obviously can’t use a formula to draw moving figures for example but I’d imagine that’s not what Olson goes into either

>> No.5176267

hey man if they work for what you need and you can easily take those concepts for yourself than thats cool
but it is a very abridged version of what perspective is and what i can do

Olson teaches through meticulous demonstrations showing everything you'll need and what perspective can do.
I don't know about you, but every lesson i learn something new and i still took Marshall's course.
if you can't see the benefit in that than i don't know what to tell you

>> No.5176269

I like how marshall says to sketch first, correct and measure later because doing the reverse could potentially kill your creativity

>> No.5176272

Who tf wants to draw cars? I draw PUSSy

>> No.5176276

Honestly I’m not trying to piss on anyone’s parade if you genuinely vouch for the course I’m even open to taking it. It’s on my hard drive right now in my hoarded shit. I just do wonder what exactly I’m missing out on before I get crabbed into taking on a 100 hour course on something I feel like I already understand. Is there really that much missing that can’t be grasped from common sense? Like no offence not in a hostile way at all. Like genuinely

>> No.5176280
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>When half the labia is marginally out of perspective

>> No.5176287

I thought I understood perspective when I went through Marshall's course too, but there's so much more to it. You can go in two directions: Instrumental perspective or freehand. Both of them require hundreds of hours of effort more than what you already put in. I guess for simple illustrations where you need a background, Marshall's is fine, but there's a lot more you can do.

I never went through Olson's, but Ernest Watson's book is crazy hard to work through. that book is all about freehanding everything accurately and ways to practice drawing perfect cubes and basic shapes. perfect cubes are way harder to draw than human figures, but you won't know that if you just learn elementary perspective.

And then there's industrial/transportation design. Feng Zhu said drawing precise cars was harder than drawing accurate portraits, and Craig Mullins has spoken at length about how difficult drawing cars are, that they're a whole other beast from simple drawing. Precise measurements in perspective for functional use, like architecture, indsutrial design, etc is probably stuff you won't need but its there.

>> No.5176297

olsen teaches slowly the way he does with simple concepts at first so you're able to build off what you already know to get to more complicated things. if its tedius and boring at first, maybe just speed through the simple stuff so you can get to the complex.
if you feel confident in your perspective already, you can just pick what you need. he does carefully divide each lesson by a subject. (like how often will you need to draw a spiral staircase or stadium)

I'd say what is imperative is being able to get that picture plane and grids into your head so you can just build off that in your future compositions. If you plan to be a comic artist its probably the most important course you could ever take imo

honestly though, why shouldn't a perspective course be this long? Its such a complex subject that a 10 hour course seems like a joke for you to really understand it. And either way its all good milage even if your end goal isn't to draw cars or huge set pieces

>> No.5176298

Yeah Marshall does even say it takes hundreds of hours practice in his course. See that’s something more specific I’d be interested in, More methods for accurate freehand drawing in perspective. I’ll check the book out. I was under the impression that Olson was just going to drag it out to 100 hours for the incompetent from what I did watch of his course, it just seemed like he kept going over and over the same thing.

>> No.5176302

you're gonna struggle for a long time if you don't have an accurate grid in your head
Olson teaches you how to build that

>> No.5176303


Does he go over ellipses and how to freehand them? If so, what section is that?
I know a place where I can get those videos, but I want to be sure its useful to me before I start.

>> No.5176306

Aren't courses that basically teach you how to take the right path to success practice the best? Like giving you the information that you need to put it into practice, rather than dragging out the course with hours of fluff
There is something I noticed in marshalls lectures compared to digital lectures you can buy online, he moves the information at a really good pace and knows how to speak, opposed to some online teachers gasping for air every ten seconds pausing and taking forever to draw out visual examples

>> No.5176312

yes he does
somewhere in part 3 he introduces them as a concept and how to draw them
part 7 and 8 he explains them in more detail

>> No.5176314


Based. Thank you, anon. I'll pick this course up then.

>> No.5176319

Post Your Work

>> No.5176381
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>unironically defending a 100 hour course on perspective
Enjoy grinding those fundies 8+ hours a day I guess

>> No.5176385

Forgot to mention, no i will not post my work

>> No.5176392

fuck you, cars are hot

>> No.5176393

uhhh no marshall's is good but with olson you learn basically everything with at least two examples for each principle

>> No.5176415
File: 88 KB, 500x879, Ancalagon+&+Earendil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5176420

>i watched some bullshit course and now i draw like fucking Piranesi, but i won't pmw, just trust me bro

>> No.5176422


Isnt Ancalagon supposed to be the size of several mountain ranges or something? Still pretty comfy.
Reminds me of all those old 80's paperbacks.

>> No.5176427

Why is the dragons hand so small? It also doesn't even look close enough to her to be that lit

>> No.5176525


>> No.5176546

why shouldn't learning perspective be that long?

>> No.5176592

i used to shill olson and another certain japanese figure drawing book on this place but people always avoid olson and cope with some excuse. /ic/ doesn't deserve olson. i implore all olson-bros stop casting pearls before swine

>> No.5176732

Applefoot pls post more
We miss youuuu :(((

>> No.5176793

Olson was one of my professors in college. I honestly can't think of many people that know more about perspective than he does. Great dude.

>> No.5176803

If I want to learn perspectives I just read How To Draw by Scott Robertson. I don’t need some retarded 100 hours course to teach me how to draw a box.

>> No.5176811

if that works for you then fantastic

>> No.5176849
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Any advice for learning to draw gesture in more extreme perspectives?

>> No.5177162

name of certain japanese figure drawing book please?

>> No.5177676

"learn basic perspective then just model in 3D" is that feasible? do 3d peograms have higher perspective control like fisheye lens?

>> No.5177677


>> No.5177680

assuming there is a plugin for said 3d modelling programs to do it, etc. advance camera controls.

>> No.5178170


>> No.5178260
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>> No.5178730

what's "basic" to you?
also don't forget about composition and how your characters actually exist in the background's perspective
i've seen a lot of times where people making comics decide to use 3D backgrounds but end up making them look to stiff and have their charaters who were drawn in after look painfully out of place