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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 374 KB, 2480x3508, Art Models 1-353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5175015 No.5175015 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do you resist to fap when you find a pic that makes you want to fap?
>pic related
I cut my figure drawing session short because I couldn't concentrate at all.
What the fuck do you guys do?
I've been doing NoFap so shit like this is hard as shit for me because any little thing will put me over the edge.
Wtf do I do bros?

>> No.5175016

>actually showing vajayjay
I didn't think they did that. Picture is still not fapworthy tho.

>> No.5175017

After consuming a lot of anime related content I find real women really low average on the appealing scale so I don't feel the need to masturbate when I do gesture and figure drawing

>> No.5175018

That picture is extremely unappealing, get better taste and self control. But you could always draw models that are unattractive to you, or clothed models.

>> No.5175019

Fap as a reward only after you draw 20 figures
Prombel solved

>> No.5175025
File: 16 KB, 309x600, Blue-eye-girl-with-braces-and-cute-tongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha. I'd rather not Fap at all. It makes me angry and depressed.
I was on a NoFap streak. It took a couple of photos before this one came up appealed to my weaknesses
I wish I could look at figures as just objects
It's in the Art Models book that is in the Artbook Threads. I thought it was pretty common.

>> No.5175030

Guess it depends on the source. You can definitely find a lot of outlets that go out of their way to never show anything other than some bush.

>> No.5175037
File: 19 KB, 500x500, a49RVW2B_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could be true but I don't really think it's the case for me.
For example, I don't find Belle Delphine sexually attractive whatsoever.
You could put her in the most provocative position and my dick will not even give a fuck but you put some juicy, thicc-thighed girl just slightly showing off her plumpness and I've already given into the coom.
Maybe I should just draw Belle Delphine.
Anyone have her photosets?

>> No.5175038

coom before you draw. Post nut clarity will make you just blaze through this.

>> No.5175039

after some time without porn it should reduce your cravings.

try http://www.senshistock.com/sketch/ or something like, it is not as good as a naked body but at least it shouldn't trigger your addiction

>> No.5175040

unironically have sex. a steady outlet is the best remedy for a young man's libido, short of taking boner killing medications

>> No.5175042

draw old men

>> No.5175045
File: 25 KB, 410x500, b181394a1b76f2ab666eca1d3705b3d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men are harder to draw and I'm trash already at drawing which makes me feel even more like shit.
Plus, I kind of feel like after a few male drawings, the next step after that is to become gay.
But seriously, I just don't find men appealing or interesting enough to want to draw them.
I'm a hugless, kissless, handholdless virgin.
I'd rather use a Fleshlight though, tbqh.
I completely forgot about Senshi. Thanks for reminding me.
Yea, cutting porn and Fapping was the best thing I did for myself back when I was able to. I remember feeling like a king. Now, it just feels even harder for some reason.
I wish I could completely kill my libido until I have to have sex.
I'd rather avoid cooming but yes, this actually worked for me a year ago.

>> No.5175048

You can probably find a mega somewhere.

>> No.5175051
File: 16 KB, 400x500, 50906fe6af2cfedb170b7618812dc378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making me do the work

>> No.5175066

By figure drawing session, do you mean actually doing it IRL and just running out of the room when you start feeling bothered?
Or do you only draw from photos?
In that case I recommend going to a live (irl, public) drawing sessions. I know those can be hard to find with covid restrictions and everything, but generally I feel far less inclined to masturbate if I'm surrounded by people and in full view of everyone. Don't know about you, maybe it's different for you. And since the selection of models is curated by someone else you get more of a variety of models and they're less likely to be selected by your horny brain.

Other than that, the only thing that comes to my mind is simply taking a break, walking off, doing something else until you cool down and then return to work trying to see the reference in as objective and clinical way as possible. Just a collection of bones, fat, muscle and skin. Lines and shapes.

>> No.5175082
File: 16 KB, 375x500, 1538850340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, of course it's just from photos. I'd be in jail otherwise.
I don't have a car so going to one of these is extremely inconvenient since the only one I could find is 25 miles away.
Walking away could help but I just find it really hard not to give into the coom.

>> No.5175083

ywn be a cute girl pretending to be an anime girl, anon

>> No.5175085

Everyone's psyche is different when it comes to nudity. When I observe a naked lady, I feel zero arousal and infatuation. I'm attracted to women, but nude poses do nothing for me

I only start to become infatuated if I'm observing a female cartoon character naked. And then I have to leave if it's a fat version of a naked female cartoon character

>> No.5175088
File: 8 KB, 222x227, 15388503401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if I should feel disgusted or impressed.

>> No.5175091

you are a dickbrain, you can't really do much about it. NGMI

>> No.5175092
File: 20 KB, 332x358, steamuserimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but Mark Crilley said we're all gunna make it

>> No.5175095

Then I don't know man.
I suppose you could get a similar social pressure going by simply making sure there's someone like a friend or a family member in the room while you draw but I guess it would be very hard to bring up something like this to anyone you know and it would be too easy for them to take it the wrong way.
As judgemental as ever I see. How's life been treating you?

>> No.5175105
File: 52 KB, 400x500, 3f14aebe91e65aad7672b4b53515a85c75037924r1-720-900v2_uhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to alleviate my masturbation problem and simultaneously increase my aptitude in the arts, I have nominated you to be my watchman and faithful companion in my endeavors to become a GMI
>"how did you get in here?"

>> No.5175108


>> No.5175115

>As judgemental as ever I see. How's life been treating you?
Keeping it real. Sorry for bursting your bubble, dickbrain. Not all people are created equal. Sucks, I know.

>> No.5175116

Another idea if you have the money - cut the middle man and hire a model directly. Yeah it's possible that you both get horny and end up doing something sexual instead of drawing but in that case you probably wouldn't regret it too much

>> No.5175226

Read this

>> No.5175269

>ive been abstaining from sexual release wtf bro why am i constanly horny???
just fucking jerk off you loser. it only becomes a problem if you jerk off all day every day

>> No.5175275

Oh nooooo I have no control over my peepee

>> No.5175288
File: 1.46 MB, 320x181, SK4f6N.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5175310
File: 90 KB, 250x202, 58EE95B6-7E8B-4112-BAD6-EE17BDB0F387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5175318

What a stupid face. Is this supposed to turn me on?

>> No.5175443
File: 12 KB, 208x359, HOTDOGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5175449

just get youself a gf, virgin.

>> No.5175522
File: 33 KB, 445x500, 6529c0f5505f67f9123148461036ef15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a lot of work.
Plus, how can I make art gains with distractions like that?
Belle Delphine has no sex appeal so I don't know if it really mattered either way.
It's as if this 5% of my body controls the other 95%!!!
True but I do like how I feel when I abstain from Fapping for more than 3 days.
I feel happy and energetic.
But then the coom becomes inevitable after 3-6 days...
Makes me depressed sometimes...

>> No.5175523

Not OP, but I tried to read the first chapter of that and I just don't understand at all what I'm reading. Why is the writer first assuring you that he's not trying to shame or guilt you into quitting but the rest of the chapter is just filled with hysterical lies about how harmful and evil porn supposedly is?
And why would I even want to quit in the first place? Do people seriously feel "guilt" after fapping? I don't really feel anything even after fapping to gore and I would think that's probably more morally suspect activity than just using porn. Porn isn't even particularly time-consuming as far as "addictions" go. Like I get horny, spend a few minutes looking at titties, orgasm, and then I'm done for the rest of the day. It's not like video games, where I can make the mistake of starting a game of Civ and then spend the entire rest of the day until small hours pressing end turn.
The whole thing reads like something written by a retard with zero self-control whose head is filled with bizarre neurotic american ideas about how bad nudity and sex are. Like, I guess good for him for getting rid of something in his life he couldn't handle but maybe he could have just tried getting his head fixed.

>> No.5175524
File: 25 KB, 400x500, f48f521f6778f3ec863559d19b33a2b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, anon. I will read it in a few minutes.
I'm a virgin and would rather lose my virginity in a much better way than giving it away cheaply.
But I'm not even interested in sex right now.
I just want to get rid of this horny problem.
Which race is the best race?

>> No.5175526

>Porn isn't even particularly time-consuming as far as "addictions" go.
Anon, I have 2-hour-long masturbation sessions so I can't really say I can relate.

>> No.5175528

I have those too but only if I'm doing something like edging on Omegle. The moment I decide to actually use porn is when I usually just get it over with.

>> No.5175531

Keep reviewing this kind of pics and you'll get used to not get horny, or just masturbate less, it's not like nofap does something it only helps chronic masturbators

>> No.5175537

>I'm a virgin and would rather lose my virginity in a much better way than giving it away cheaply.
The second part of that post was more a joke than anything else. It's unlikely art models would offer themselves for sex for some virgin loser. Like maybe there's a non-zero chance but still very low.
It was more that the presence of the model would likely prevent you from doing anything like jacking off instead of simply focusing on drawing.

>> No.5175545
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 80926c14165b8ce5bf53d6627eaad5a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I am a virgin beyond virgin.
I don't think I could handle a nude bod.
Not to mention that I'm poor so that option is completely off the table anyway.
Maybe over-stimulation could help.
I don't know.
I don't really Fap for the orgasm. I do it for the feels and always prefer 1-2 hour sessions of stroking than a quick 5-10 minute nut.

>> No.5175555

> I do it for the feels and always prefer 1-2 hour sessions of stroking
I can sort of relate and I sometimes do something similar but don't you think doing the quick nut would be a rather simple solution to the problem. You'll get several hours of not being distracted by sex things in any way.

>> No.5175558

I have a Gf and Jack off with and without a fleshlight on top of regularsex. Sometimes she poses for me. You'll be fine anon, pick a good one.

If anything having regular sex improves gains because sex boosts testosterone iirc. It also just puts you in a better mood.

Creativity flows when you are relaxed, nofap introudces tension which in my opinion is more distracting than just having sex.

>> No.5175571
File: 54 KB, 540x535, 16a5ddef9667b46118bc4f4963fa14e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. Well.
Does Fleshlight have the same relaxation feeling as sex but without the draining feel of fapping?
>nice quads
Yea but like I said earlier, it makes me angry and depressed.
I like it better when I am energetic and motivated to do shit while on NoFap than fapping to temporarily get rid of this problem.
Not to mention that I can't really do that anyway as I find myself having to Fap multiple times a day to make my horiness really go away which basically ruins the whole point.

>> No.5175572

Ew men are weak

>> No.5175573

are all the girls posted ITT different girls? I can't tell...

>> No.5175575
File: 95 KB, 735x875, 3b272e71ae7398f26a4c3f86442910ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so.

>> No.5175578
File: 741 KB, 1024x640, some_daft_punks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it makes me angry and depressed.
Is it guilt that makes you feel that way?
For me it's kind of the opposite, the more time I spend not jacking off the more angry and irritable I become. After cumming, I am clear of mind and peaceful as Buddha.

>> No.5175584

I think they're all Belle Delphine, a famous e-girl and someone whose life's mission appears to be to cover her face in so much makeup she becomes a real life cartoon character.

>> No.5175595
File: 27 KB, 599x600, be960c213f289eeae48f20c96dd21cd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a few of them are Belle.
The others are just random cosplayers I found on Google.
No, it's the chemicals in my brain.

>> No.5175613

No it doesn't, masturbation does not compare to sex. I'm not a doctor but I suspect there is something hormonally different with real sex.

You would think porn would be better than real sex because you can get a new partner with a few clicks and keep spiking your pleasure. But for me this is not the case and I prefer sex, masturbation seems to be pleasurable in a unique way that is unrelated to sex.

The relaxation from sex is not an exhaustive draining feeling. I'd describe it as a restful alertness, similar to what you'd get after a good lifting session.

>> No.5175617

maybe start by no replying to everything with corny coomer shit with no relevance to things said

>> No.5175619
File: 17 KB, 477x607, Wig-K-Isana-Yashiro-cs-071a-anzujaamu-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured.
I heard someone talking about how your brain knows the difference between a Fap and Real Sex.

>> No.5175620
File: 15 KB, 236x314, 685986442239c515d432e030bdfe5d43--anzujaamu-cosplay-kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

point out the irrelevance

>> No.5175625

Damn, if only we could figure out what the difference is. It couldn't possibly be that one involves another human being? No, that would be too obvious.

>> No.5175629
File: 15 KB, 400x600, a3af4d2d1b8a7c099a92bd33d826b53f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be the temperature.

>> No.5175630

clearly your life revolves around women. How is that irrelevant to your masturbation addiction? Clear your hard drive of stupid shit and just draw, are you 15 or something?

>> No.5175637

I agree masturbation results in kind of weak orgasms compared to sex. Interestingly, as a VR user I've noticed that using VR porn causes me this long lasting euphoria more reminiscent of what I felt the few times I had sex IRL. The experience in general is much closer to real sex due to the realistic sense of presence, even though touch is obviously missing.
But I'm still not really addicted to it, actually I've ended up using VR for porn very rarely, like maybe once in a month due to how much effort it takes compared to 2D, having to put on the headset and all.
But it does seem like the realism of the visual stimuli seems to play a part in how much the brain is tricked into believing the sex was real and worth rewarding you. Interesting stuff and something some science guys should research maybe.

>> No.5175645
File: 23 KB, 481x600, 62f4bbf60bce6d300e9ecb691c623b3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wonder why your brain punishes you for Fapping.
I'm honestly thinking of getting one of those torso fleshlights once I can afford one and see if it's the same.
Just draw what, exactly?
My OP stated that I had a relapse due to a figure drawing reference.
Am I to just doodle my whole life instead of using references?
Not to mention that I never had hard drives full of anything. That's why the internet exists...

>> No.5175652

>I just wonder why your brain punishes you for Fapping.
I'm not sure it's a punishment so much than just the fact that sexuality is more than just pumping some body part. Feeling the closeness of another person, the intimacy, the eye contact, all the subtle movements, it all feels more realistic in VR.

>> No.5175668
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, E23B7E9E-07AC-4A68-87D9-2B1C63AE399C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these faggots unable channel their vril to make soulful art

>> No.5175672
File: 59 KB, 500x667, aa19ff67c524e48e95d6b4a8eb056cb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I even had the money to afford VR I wouldn't even be worried about all this BS
show me the wae sempai

>> No.5175684

She looks like she has really bad allergies.

>> No.5175686

Read the book you retard. Masturbation kills your energy and makes you a neurotic wreck. Not even quoting the book, that's how I feel. Stop being a retarded coomer you freak.

>> No.5175688

get your test levels checked unironically

>> No.5175701
File: 35 KB, 466x650, gzybufrx8r441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's beautiful.
From my experience, Fapping does kill my energy and make me less motivated to do shit.
When I went on a two week streak a few months ago, I felt like I could draw for 8 hours and still do some other shit.
Now, I'll be lucky if I can force myself past 2 hours.

>> No.5175717
File: 55 KB, 400x456, 69F54D16-5D56-47A9-91A5-438AE20EF88A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don’t Coom. Hide your pronz folder. Draw cold academic studies of female muscle and fat distribution. Cut off the supply, your brain seeks endless novelty in mates and you will never be satiated, so to get some groundwork done remove the sexual aspect while you isolate the other fundies.

Then, only then, introduce sexual aspects... but from your subconscious, hindbrain, the divine, whatever you call it. Do not reference. Start sexualising your academic figures. Still keep the porn far away! Have fun exaggerating, doodling, seeing what smut comes from your soul. Again, keep away from the porn!

After you’ve developed art from your own psyche, using the hard work you did on the mechanics of the human form, you can compare against what you find sexy in porn and what the general consensus on fit, beautiful or coomworthy bodies and poses are, and adjust if your stuff is too niche... but the important part is
>Coom must come from the soul, not the material world. Turn off the Coom reference when you are designing, only use it at the end to course-correct and increase relatability to normies
Follow this and you’ll tap into soul, and ascend

>> No.5175721

>Be drawing nudes
>Get hornier and hornier as I go
>Tits and ass/thighs start getting larger and more ridiculous
>Fap and come back
>My figure is a hideous coomer abomination
>Erase and start again
Such is life

>> No.5175723

Just imagine she's ripping big greasy farts to kill your boner. But if that's your fetish this won't work.

>> No.5175731

Are you mutants or something? Masturbation doesn't do anything of the sort to me.

The only thing I gained from doing no fap years ago aside from irritability was a little bit of more motivation to chase real women which led me to losing my virginity to a prostitute. While I don't regret it it also sort scared me off from doing nofap for a while. I've been thinking of trying it again but with the added rule of "no prostitutes" and this time I'd go for a serious relationship. But only after the covid thing is over, there's no point in it if I'm just suffering in my home.

>> No.5175734
File: 33 KB, 499x665, acccef0916ef6b20003d5de1a5d8ed5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost started levitating when I read this.
That's hilarious but I don't think it will work well in the heat of the moment.
I would never put my pure virgin penis into a dilapidated snatch.
I never understood why people actually did this.
The risk of infection is enough to keep me away.

>> No.5175744

I mean that's pretty much the reason I stopped nofap. I was afraid whores would become a habit to me. I seemed to reach levels of horniness that just clouded my judgement too much, at least when combined with alcohol. But I also drink less nowadays.

>> No.5175749

>True but I do like how I feel when I abstain from Fapping for more than 3 days.
>I feel happy and energetic.
>But then the coom becomes inevitable after 3-6 days...
moderation, bro. it's not like your only options are "complete abstinence" and "jacking it 8 times a day".
you've been posting nothing but slutty girls the whole thread. knock that shit off if you actually want to get better.

>> No.5175753
File: 22 KB, 450x600, 5a44c5ee15777eeac809cd5496002dd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girls aren't slutty or sexually appealing which is why I post them.
I would be an angel if I didn't fap.
I don't drink, smoke or watch anime.
But this damn penis.
If only there was a way to have it hidden until it needs to be used.
Why couldn't our penis' grow from outside of our bodies through our wills?
It's just not right.

>> No.5175759

It's weird because most animals are only horny during a short mating season, outside of it they have no interest in sex. But humans are a weird exception that is horny nearly all the time.

>> No.5175767
File: 28 KB, 480x600, 808e98a5c097f7ebce227bd432d0b5d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be because of our oversexualized culture.

>> No.5175773

>I don't watch anime.
Well, at least you’re not autistic then so you’ve got that going for you

>> No.5175779

all look the same

>> No.5175789
File: 24 KB, 388x600, d27e598a3a5a4550bfb3aa0fa6ac0598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh. Maybe. But I can see some differences.
Yea. Anime was one of those things that probably caused me mental illness.
Now that that is out of my life, all I really have left to deal with is this Fapping problem.

>> No.5175823

I'm just spitting out whatever comes to mind at this point and this might be a dumb idea but what if you scoured gore sites (or /b/) for images of dead women? Due to my "fetish" I've talked to a lot of people about it and I've found most men claim they can't really feel anything sexual about those images. Yet anatomically they're more or less the same as living bodies. The fact they're dead might help with seeing them more as "cold academic studies" than something sexual to lust over (if you're not fucked up in the head in the specific way I am). The dead are pretty much where medical students also learn anatomy from.

>> No.5175828

kek based

>> No.5175872
File: 17 KB, 368x600, 5359cfa3e37015ba36b3b1efb9ddfd4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it would make more sense to just look at Senshi stock, like another Anon mentioned.
Those women on there are very unattractive but their bodies are pretty close to most models that you might find sexually attractive.
I don't know.
I just don't think it's good for your soul to look at dead bodies.
People who fought in wars see dead bodies and shit like that and look at how fucked up they end up after it.

>> No.5175886

I thought the whole point of studying the fundies was that your art becomes infinitely better after your soul is thoroughly destroyed.

>> No.5175921

>Those women on there are very unattractive but their bodies are pretty close to most models that you might find sexually attractive.
That's pretty close to how most of the models look like at the live drawing sessions I go to. It helps, I guess, that the hiring is not done by horny fucks.
Maybe what /ic/ needs is a reference thread specifically for images of women that are as unsexy as possible but still kind of fit and worthy of being studied from. I'm not someone who overly hates sexual stuff but maybe it's true there are too many ref threads that are basically just /s/ in disguise.

>> No.5175932

Do they ever use smoking hot babes?

>> No.5175935
File: 18 KB, 400x600, d2f99b62df40ce022a5a53016d3cfb2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kind of want my soul
probably a good idea, why not.
it's usually the same girl but sometimes there are other guests who are not attractive either

>> No.5175947

I meant at the live drawing sessions that anon goes to.

>> No.5175948

The kind you would see on the pages of Playboy? Basically never.
Closest I remember was a young chick with a very muscular physique and nice round butt, looked like she may have been a gymnast or something similar. That was literally ONE model and I've going there for years. And you do also get young women in general just not exceptionally hot ones. Most are just your average 30-50 year old women, most definitely not selected for their good looks. And male models, of course, though at that place the majority were female. The males rarely look particularly good either. Fat, old, ugly people are kind of the norm.

>> No.5175952

Interesting. I wonder if it's more about the applicants or if it's just to not attract the "wrong crowd".

>> No.5175963

this is a beginner's question

>> No.5176027
File: 31 KB, 573x562, rwby___blake_belladonna_by_shazzsteel_d7mwfqh-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish these were near me. Just being around other people will also motivate me to just draw more, possibly.

>> No.5176040

You're not suppose to think of them as actual people's when you draw, they should be no different than fruits in a bowl.
Your brain is not in study mode.

>> No.5176044

Like, I coom daily but when it comes to nudes I need to actively be imagining sexual things.
Still images are just anatomical bodies to me now.

>> No.5176067

This way of teaching art has of course long traditions. I guess they figured out a long ago that using models with too distracting looks wasn't good. Back in the days before the internet and TV and all that people had even more limited access to lewd material and you had to somehow teach horny teenagers how to draw the human form.
The poses they use also tend to be very neutral, and not really erotic or seductive in any way.
A kind of stark difference from /ic/ ref threads where most of the images seem to be taken from porn sites.

>> No.5176075
File: 20 KB, 400x600, a2332eb6d76d3ab619e39723f3606beb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at thicc, juicy thighs kind of makes that a bit difficult.
I used to be like that but I don't know why it became harder for me all of a sudden.
yea, i was a culprit too in gathering refs from pornstars
they weren't haven't sex but they were definitely nude and in provocative positions
needless to say, i didn't even draw during my reference hoarding phase

>> No.5176178

Just stop being a virgin.

>> No.5176222

Just jerk off before you start studying

>> No.5176231


OP, let me guess, you're a coomer artist aren't you? Unironically post your work.

>> No.5176248
File: 28 KB, 645x773, 1610113407725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would never put my pure virgin penis into a dilapidated snatch.
>I never understood why people actually did this.
>The risk of infection is enough to keep me away.

A good escort is 99% cleaner than your average bar or tinder slut. Escorts have a financial incentive to stay clean. I've seen about 100 escorts and never gotten anything. I even get no condom oral regularily. I just see quality women, usually from an agency, or some high end independent girl. Hell, I've had the condom break a few times and we ended up realizing we just fucked bareback for an hour. Got tested, still no stds.

Id honestly fuck the escorts I see rawdog if they'd let me and be confident I'd never get anything.

>> No.5176250

>The girls aren't slutty or sexually appealing which is why I post them.

If that was true why do you have them downloaded? I don't believe you're just randomly saving these from google search to use for this thread, there's too many of them and there's a consistency to them. You must have some mega file on the ready for fapping purposes.

>> No.5176254

>I've seen about 100 escorts
Damn, that's a lot of money.

>> No.5176257

>Damn, that's a lot of money.

Over several years though. I'd usually just go once a month but sometimes I'd binge for a bit then take a break.

>> No.5176296
File: 35 KB, 800x600, img_7918edit2017-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My virginity is my only asset at this point!
It could help. But then I'd need to constantly Fap because I'd get boners multiple times a day that are distracting.
No, just a simple /beg/ trying to learn figure drawing.
Are you happy?

>> No.5176304
File: 33 KB, 400x600, 57df08e4edd8f67ea656400c398b2d20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I just look up "cosplay girl" or something like that and just look around for the most appealing.
I delete them afterwards. Not that I need to as these don't really do anything for me.
I just figured I'd keep the theme that I started without realizing it.
That sounds like it would suck my soul (and probably my dick).

>> No.5176317

>disgusting simp dumping his photoshopped whores collection to attentionwhore by proxy

>> No.5176327
File: 26 KB, 692x500, e2a6b8fd26720acd7dd014cb41033fb059668353r1-997-720v2_uhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>disgusting simp dumping his photoshopped whores collection to attentionwhore by proxy

>> No.5176357

>this is a beginner's question
The more I read this shit I'm thinking that yeah it's exactly just this. It's literally something you 100% will get over. Nudity is 100% something you just get used to over time. You just gotta keep exposing yourself to it. You haven't looked at enough references. You haven't stared at the same reference long enough. You haven't drawn them enough. You have to do it more. Walking off and taking a break is the simplest thing you can do to get over it. If you come back and it still bothers you, then you literally just walk off again. Fucking run circles around the house if you have to but you'll eventually get bored of even looking at the same pic and at that point it will not arouse you anymore. Then you just finish the drawing, move on to the next ref and do the same thing over.

>> No.5176377
File: 16 KB, 500x500, 096ef768afc3787d160b0b15be38250e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking run circles around the house if you have to
wtf i didn't know drawing was supposed to be an olympic sport

>> No.5176434

draw something other than women. just a thought

>> No.5176443

>Are you happy?

No. I've never been happy. I can't even conceive of what happiness must feel like. But i am content.

>> No.5176452

That's like using an instrument for something other than music.

>> No.5176460

there's literally a billion other things you could draw. your analogy is stupid

>> No.5176467

The entire thread is fucking stupid.
Literally just draw and stop thinking about jerking your member, for fuck's sake.

>> No.5176468

wrong anon

>> No.5176470

learn to jerk w/ the hand you aren't drawing with, to maximize gains.

>> No.5176472
File: 22 KB, 480x600, ed25a62042ab8aa57a38d8089e9d1007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But everything else looks boring, anon.
What would you suggest?
Satisfaction is good!
You can't just will yourself to stop thinking about your raging erection?
This might actually work...

>> No.5176477

>You can't just will yourself to stop thinking about your raging erection?
I'm asking you to actually try it. Go back to the last picture that made me feel that way. Just stare at it. Do NOT touch your pants. Do NOT pull out your dick. It's okay if you get an erection. It will pass. Just stare at the picture until you get bored. Then it goes away. Then you realize the picture is kind of boring. It has no novelty anymore.

See. It's not difficult.

>> No.5176482
File: 25 KB, 400x600, WQxRZ2m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, well I can look at the OP post and it will not have the same effect but what do I do with a new photo.
What should I do then?
Willpower only lasts so long.

>> No.5176486

It's the same thing. It's almost all about novelty. Stare at it long enough and it's not all that exciting anymore. That's why when looking at porn we keep looking for new pictures.

>> No.5176495
File: 21 KB, 480x600, 9146476945c7a96e2b6b41f198bceb50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how I could resist the urge to fap even if I did do this.
It just feels really distracting and feels like I have to fap for my mind to clear; which I know is a meme but if I don't fap, my mind is still all over the place.

>> No.5176496


>> No.5176500

I think, if you just decided to put in the conscious effort to not do it you could power through it, but like, fine, you can take breaks if it gets overwhelming. You just go back to looking at it until it doesn't do it for you anymore. At a certain point you can just pick the pencil/tablet/whatever and start drawing. When you're fully focused on drawing it should be easier to avoid those thoughts.

>> No.5176501

just learn the art of the quick nut
i always feel like shit after taking my time in an hour long session, the feeling you get in that hour and forget 1 minute after you nut is never worth the time sink
started doing 10 mins max and i dont have to be plagued by the horny curse til the next day, nofap just causes my mind to be clogged

>> No.5176504

even if you desensitize, it will just make stimulus that cause even less dopamine than booba even more boring.

most likely outcome is seeking out more potent booba.

>> No.5176511
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, as you know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are boners really that much of a problem?
if straight, draw men. if gay, draw women

>> No.5176516

Apparently, drawing is boring to this ngmi if he's not cumming in his pants

>> No.5176534

>angry eunuch will never experience the incredible passion for his subject that a master of hot doga lives and breathes daily

cope harder, basedboy.

>> No.5176535

And this, gentlemen, is why nofap is a fucking meme.

>> No.5176565

Right OP? It is impossible. Just too arousing.

>> No.5176614

waaaaaaghhhhh im coooommminnnggggggg

>> No.5176626

>What would you suggest?
flowers, trees, horses, cats. anything else

>> No.5176640

i dont blame u desu, although i generally just get really horny during the session and then i have a wank once its over

>> No.5176653

what the fuck nigga, if anything masturbating reenergizes me due to the specific pleasant feeling i get for like the hour after i nut, sometimes when i cant start something a wank just lets me get over whatever was stopping and just sitting the fuck down and doing it
do all the anti fap niggas on 4chan just have undiagnosed post coital depression or some shit and never considered it or what

>> No.5176758

This lel
Most real women aren't appealing to me after reading doujins all the time

>> No.5176783

i just knock one out when i feel like it because moderation is the true test of willpower not cold turkey nofap.

>> No.5176797

I kneel

>> No.5176844
File: 22 KB, 480x600, DJrIZ9j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea. Especially that ass and thighs. Feet are nice too.
Nah. It really helps. You just have to not be an impulsive little shit like I am.
When I went 2 weeks on NoFap, I felt like a god.
A little.
Maybe if I drew naked it could help.
True. I could try to desensitize the shit out of myself.
Quick nuts make me depressed and demotivated.
The hour long sessions have less of an affect but they are still noticeable.
Yea. I'm working to get to that level.
I need to learn the art of the zone.

>> No.5176855
File: 32 KB, 400x600, da3pblp-99cc9f0e-536f-4c89-9ae0-9a8d95b601ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't doing it when you feel like that the opposite of willpower?
But you're probably in some strange phase where it can be beneficial to you.
Most of the time, it just aggravates negative emotions and makes you more 'bored' and lazy.
Good taste.
Have I been making you guys think that I'm a fag or something?

>> No.5176936

as an hobbyist photographer who sometimes shoot nudes, I have to nut before the photoshoot when I know there will be alot of good looking models, and sometimes some of them do lesbian shoots.

>> No.5176938

I jerk off before doing a figure drawing session. works for a couple hours.

>> No.5177006

why did janny leave this thread to live?
it's just one mentally ill spammer begging for attention

>> No.5177119

>grind loomis
>grind loomis
>grind loomis
you get use to it coom bro
just draw while masturbating
you have two hands, right?
one for pen, the other for coom

>> No.5177128

>tfw you never finish sketch after cooming

>> No.5177142

Jannies don't give a shit anymore. I've made bunch of threads with boobas asian chicks as the OP and the jannies don't even sweat.
This board has more shizo coomer retards than 2 years ago.

>> No.5177144

censorship is good, actually

>> No.5177208
File: 452 KB, 1000x1472, 924_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much good and practical advice has already been given, surely some if it is something that could work if you just seriously gave it a try instead of just shrugging it off and dismissing it out of hand? Can you blame people if they start seeing you as some troll who just wants to keep the gig going?

Most of these things you feel just come from not being exposed enough to seeing nudity that you automatically associate the entire sight of it with sexual excitement, and maybe your collection of references just contains too much stuff you selected on the basis of it giving you boners.
Like maybe just collect your pics with more discretion, and if it's something that you find immediately erotic just discard it? Maybe something like picrelated would be tame enough that it works for you? Does it have to be women pointing their vaginas directly at you?

If not, maybe give a second thought to the dead chicks idea, I wouldn't worry too much about soldiers getting PSTD or whatever, there's so much more to the horrors of war than just seeing some dead bodies. Members of the medical profession see death and gore all the time without turning into soulless wrecks with thousand yard stares, they just sort of get used to and desensitized to it just like they do to nudity itself. This just seems to me like something that legit could work to someone like you as a way to get used to seeing female nudity in a context that isn't sexy at all. The worst that can happen is that you get some kind of necro fetish and then living women will hopefully seem less exciting in comparison so it's still a win.

Another idea, visiting nudist colonies could also be one way to desensitize yourself to nude people and while it might also be a drive away, you could probably spend more time in such a place at one go compared to just some drawing session. Who knows, if you make friends there some of them might even let you draw them?

>> No.5177317

Unironically wear a cock cage.

>> No.5177327

didn’t read hot doga whoops

>> No.5177503

bumping for full front page COOMPOSTS

>> No.5177507

I can't really get horny following action lines on model doing 30second poses because I just started figure drawing last week.

>> No.5177526

They call my cock John McCain

>> No.5177552
File: 391 KB, 1000x1472, polygon_vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true, quick poses forces you to work fast and not really think about the model too much beyond what you need to recreate the gesture and proportions. Using a timer might help. Set it to around 2-5 minutes and try to get the essentials down in that time without getting bogged down in the details.

Something I remembered about my method of copying by sight - you'd be surprised how much of the figure you can recreate just by copying the negative spaces around it. To do that you don't need to directly stare at the body itself. Just fill out spaces with simple shapes like rectangles and triangles (you don't have to actually draw them, just think about them. but you can try drawing them too if that helps) and try to measure their proportions and relations to each other by sight if you can. You'll get a rough estimate of the subject's silhouette and while you still need more work to get a full gesture out of it half of your job is already basically done at this point, all without directly paying attention to the model's nakedness. And frankly if you're not trying to create an exact likeness, once you have a silhouette it shouldn't be difficult to fill it out with detail and shadows from pure imagination as well - can be a fun and useful exercise in itself.

This is not just a useful drawing technique, it does also kind of help with my social awkwardness if it's one of those silly clowngirl models who insist on making eye contact with me.

>> No.5177813

... i forget not everyone is asexual.
its just a person mydude, not porn

>> No.5177846

Asexuals fascinate me, tell me something about yourself
Do you have a favorite gender to draw, even though neither of them presumably does nothing to you sexually?
Do you ever study sexual organs in detail, or do you just avoid them because you have no real reason to draw them?
Nah you don't have to answer if you don't feel like it

>> No.5178177

You're a weak man submitting to self pleasure.
Become great and draw then find yourself a woman and have sex with her. Ask if you can draw her afterwards and if you still find her appealing whilst drawing go for round two and so forth.

>> No.5178690

Nothing's gay about flowers, retard.

>> No.5178772

Where can I find these distracting models? I want to test my focusing abilities, perferrably models with plump pussies

>> No.5178782
File: 643 KB, 2000x3008, 007_0_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just draw dwarves bro

>> No.5178784

those ghost hands are scary desu

>> No.5178786
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>> No.5178789
File: 608 KB, 3008x2000, 003_0_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5178811

>silly clowngirl models
Uh, bros, what did he mean by this?

>> No.5178837

>Which race is the best race?
No idea if that's a thing. Intelligence and genes are a thing tho. You weren't lucky in that department, dickbrain.

(Moving goalpoasts won't make you any less of a dickbrain, so stop trying.)

>> No.5178914

what website are you getting these from? If it was in the sticky then I apologise.

>> No.5179101
File: 47 KB, 400x600, 18076872_1834544273229626_2447754944250994350_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

I have used a combination of all the techniques here and found that if I look at one picture for an extended period of time, any effect that it had would begin to dissipate.

One mistake that I would make would be to scroll through many different images of a set and it would trigger a sort-of porn-like effect as it is similar to how you would view porn (as you do scrolling through images and videos to find the best one).
So what I did was to force myself to limit the scrolling within 2-3 pictures. If I had not drawn within 2 images, I would force myself to concentrate on the 3rd image and draw it regardless of how much gesture it lacks.
This also gets me to become comfortable with the body of the model so that future photos would not become any more sexually appealing than a basket of fruit.

Most of the advice here was to literally just jerk-off before drawing or something of the sort which is terrible advice for most people, especially if you're not artistically inclined.

I'm not saying to blue-ball yourself but to force yourself to ejaculate because of drawing just makes it seem like drawing more adverse affects than it has benefits.

Anyway, the little bit of advice that were practical and sound, I had put to use and I appreciate it.

>> No.5179102

Don't care

>> No.5179104

cared enough to reply kek

>> No.5179107

Didn’t read, god just draw you fucking retard if you’re too much of a coomer retard to not try to fuck your screen just draw people with clothes on. Humans are literally everywhere you go

>> No.5179110

Dont care didnt read

>> No.5179113

>Humans are literally everywhere you go
terrible correlation, try again buddy

>> No.5179116
File: 682 KB, 480x360, gijoe_knowing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad that you took my specific advice and I'm also glad it actually worked for you, as I half feared/hoped it would just spectacularly ruin your nofap.

>> No.5179123

become soap on a rope

>> No.5179134
File: 1.60 MB, 498x273, 1531643105218.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he keeps replying for some reason
>is it part of his insecurities?

>> No.5179136
File: 2 KB, 173x173, 1611963930259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it, all in or all out

>> No.5179145

> all in or all out
Have you never had sex before? Nobody has sex like this. You don’t repeatedly go balls deep then pull the tip out. You put it in and then oscillate back and forth.

That’s like masturbating by only making up strokes.

>> No.5179149 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 503x387, f709a79f54abf422723981338a0476d8 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post refs guys
>post art that inspires you guys
>post comic pages you like guys

>I have a project in mind
>what is your project about anon? maybe we can discuss the storytelling
>it's porn

>so let's discuss art career, how do you go about entering the industry
>just draw porn lol
>draw porn! everyone loves porn! you can draw gay porn, furry porn or loli porn, there's a lot of choice

>post your figure studies guys and let's share critique
>anon posts porn
>wow nice porn omg I want to jerk off so much I can't stop jerking off
>meh tits too big
>meh tits too small
>cute omg
>qt grill!!!!
>add dick pls
>it's not my art lol, it's by shojuchi himewada

>I think this art board is overrun with porn, it's hard to discuss art when everyone just wants to post porn and comment on porn.
>*soi wojak post captioned with strawman/projection*

>> No.5179153
File: 56 KB, 680x386, C36946D1-A18E-49C2-9E7B-D8A392CDE667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5179172
File: 50 KB, 480x600, D8AWZ05WsAEfzsR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i meant the advice of staring at a model until they become a basket of fruit to you
idk what all this sex stuff is about lmao

>> No.5179315
File: 1.13 MB, 540x540, 1593933715120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aceCHADS rise up!

>Asexuals fascinate me
w-we do?
>Do you have a favorite gender to draw, even though neither of them presumably does nothing to you sexually?
personally, cute boys. I can find things sexy though, as a nice aesthetic. thighs, ass and chests of both sexes are fun to draw.
>Do you ever study sexual organs in detail, or do you just avoid them because you have no real reason to draw them?
no interest in them but I'll have to master every inch of anatomy anyway. don't mind studying it since I feel nothing

tell me about normalfags. do you guys really lose your mind over sexy things like the pepe memes? is it really that hard to focus when drawing nudes? how do porn artists compartmentalize their boner?

>> No.5179323

i like drawing men im womens curves are hard for me to draw
female genitals make me feel sick to my stomach and i have no idea why, i still think women are pretty just not that part

>> No.5179350

I'd say yes I'm curious. Or was. At least mildly. Coincidentally I ran into someone saying they were asexual on omegle a few days ago and had an interesting conversation, and I realized I hardly ever think about your kind of people despite knowing you exist.
Although, at the same time, the more I think about it you aren't really that weird. As far as all these different non-standard "sexualities" go, in fact, it's probably the easiest for me to relate to as a hetero normie. If I come up with some specific question about asexuality I quickly realize I can pretty much answer it myself just by relating it to how I see male bodies. I'm asexual towards men. Or, I can think about what it was like to be a kid not interested in sex. We all know what asexuality is like, to some extent.

Still, thanks for answering. I guess "cute" and "aesthetic" are the closest you can get to feeling sexual towards someone. I can also find male bodies aesthetic despite not really getting any particular impulse to stick body parts inside them.

But holy shit I even became aroused just by typing this shit, had to touch myself and ended up going over the 2000 word limit so this is going to be two steamy posts.

>> No.5179352

>tell me about normalfags. do you guys really lose your mind over sexy things like the pepe memes?
It's obviously not quite exaggerated as Tex Avery cartoons (cartoons exaggerate everything) but we can get quite excited! As in heart racing, face blushing, muscles getting tense, heavy breathing and well yes the obvious responses of the sexual organs. Being aroused can be both emotionally and physically intense and it can be difficult to concentrate on anything else. It can cloud your judgment and make your decision making less rational. It's not unlike being under the influence of some kind of drug.

>is it really that hard to focus when drawing nudes? how do porn artists compartmentalize their boner?
Yeah for some people it can be as this thread shows. Seeing someone in the nude (if you're not a nudist or otherwise desensitized to that stimulus) is a common trigger for arousal. Obviously some people have stronger libidos than others and some people are more willing to deal with it simply by fapping until orgasm, which makes you feel pretty asexual for a while afterwards. I think that's the most common way to "compartmentalize" it, and it's the way I deal with it too, and thankfully it's not all that difficult to do. If only we could make hunger go away by squeezing some organ, too.

>> No.5179355

Even though I'm hetero I can sort of relate. As in vaginas aren't super aesthetic to me. Although I can still enjoy the sight of them, it was kind of an acquired taste.

>> No.5179422
File: 1.91 MB, 500x420, 1612291450003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably biased here but being sexual sounds like a lot of trouble; in a way I'm glad to not have to deal with all that. then again both sides have their pros and cons
anyway, it's good that we could find some insight on each other

>> No.5179429

Part of why I'm writing this I guess. You guys must feel like aliens sometimes, but being sexual really is just a bother most of the time. Especially if you're lonely and incelly and it's actively making you angry and sad.

>> No.5179444

based and POW PP Pilled.

>> No.5180318

>water is wet wall of text
>needs advice from 4chan virgin incels
You definitely are a dickbrain.

>> No.5181446

you like the sight of dick, anon?

>> No.5181494

> kind of an acquired taste
I love the taste of some fresh vaggies. It’s a little sweet and kind of savory and warm. The flavor covers your tongue when you lap it up. You press your face into the soft crevice from chin to nose, and open your mouth for the sweet syrup to pour in. You lick it up gently. Your face is covered in saliva and her warm cum as you start slurping up her juicy pussy. As gravy spills out over your chin you greedily gulp it down as to not waste a single drop. There is hot cum smeared all over your cheeks as her hands grip your hair and she presses her clit between your lips. You thrust your tongue out to feel the firm little bean. It’s meaty and taught as you slide your tongue over the tiny bump trying to coax more tasty juice from your decadent nectar pot. Her thighs begin to tighten around your head, there’s a wet seal suctioning your face to her crotch. When you breath in, your face gets sucked in tighter around the lips of her pussy. Your ears are plugged by her thighs clamping down on your head. You can only hear muffled screams, you can’t remember the last time you took a breath. Your mouth is full of fluids, they’re sweet and delicious. Her body heaves and you swallow everything. She tries to pull you away, but you press forward to get one last lick of the sauce oozing from her body. Your face slides off with a sloppy plopping sound, and you give her a big wet kiss.

>> No.5181498

figures like these artistic ones don't trigger me, but if I draw porn in any manner, I just crumble to the coom temptations.

>> No.5181677

Alternately, a high level of background anxiety does wonders for me. I haven’t fapped in a month. Just can’t get into the mood to enjoy it. Fuck.

>> No.5181871
File: 47 KB, 480x571, 1531432373881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautifully said, anon

>> No.5181930

ever since i joined /ic/, all i can think about is booba :(

should i even bother trying to fight it, at this point?

>> No.5182430

>1-2 hour sessions
thats a lot of wasted time better put towards drawing

>> No.5182435

leave /ic/ before it's too late

>> No.5182650

>her warm cum
Written by a true virgin.

>> No.5183174
File: 346 KB, 1600x900, Venera_Gudkova_women_portrait_face_bare_shoulders-1176830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just need a quick reference for a shoulder and collar bone
>raging hard on

>> No.5183185

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh hehehehe

>> No.5183354
File: 33 KB, 115x118, 1612287908968A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

virgins write the best sex scenes

>> No.5183382
File: 801 KB, 1080x1788, zcamera-20210204_172258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated but I did a quicky out of the ref

>> No.5183386

Same, men too no homo. Real people just don’t do it for me anymore.

>> No.5183425

because that girl has no ass.

>> No.5183462

post your redline

>> No.5183474

frustration usually overrides my libido, especially back poses, reclining poses or just poses i'm weak in

>> No.5183479

most pathetic comment I’ve ever read

>> No.5183494

August simp

>> No.5183621

seething femoid.

>> No.5183632

basically this. not anime specifically but other fetishes. A naked woman is beautiful but it's not going to make me drop what im doing.

>> No.5183636
File: 41 KB, 202x400, 1612092648501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fell hard for the spacenigger propaganda my friend. Come home

>> No.5183641
File: 339 KB, 112x112, 1603716822865.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat it

>> No.5183671

Nice landmarks and forms, I'd say practice a bit more foreshortening though.

>> No.5183743

maybe for virgins

>> No.5184488

it's febuary though

>> No.5184491

virgins are usually the ones that read more

>> No.5185857

use more than 2 braincells at the same time

>> No.5186285
File: 103 KB, 750x1151, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mainly just use softcore

>> No.5186358

You get it out of your system then you continue

>> No.5188987

>porn isn't harmful

>> No.5189005
File: 609 KB, 1242x782, CD4B2F00-326C-4EEC-817F-FACA7112C65B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that watermark
Holy shit you just gave me a flashback to some of my earliest porn experiences

>> No.5189020

How the fuck is this thread still even up?

>> No.5189025

Naked ass OP pic. Try it, make a shitpost with booba on it. Guaranteed max bump limit

>> No.5189040

i unironically have sex in real life

>> No.5189049

>not ironically having sex

>> No.5189060

i only do sumi-e of landscapes anyways

>> No.5189824

I'm OP and I'm wondering the same shit lmao
let this thread die already

>> No.5189831

Wow good job bumping it to first page then.

>> No.5189881

I don't know but i don't get horny when i just see a couple of boobs or asses. Maybe beacuse i've seen a lot of naked women irl.

>> No.5189905

i get motivated by my desire to coom. if i'm not horny i have no desire to practice art.

>> No.5189910
File: 80 KB, 750x1151, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I'm surprise nobody took advantage of the photos they have. I understand this program is a bit niche since the majority of people look at it as malware but downloading photos of the models they had give some good poses.

>> No.5189920

because hoarders dont even draw
go on LOA and actually draw instead of hoarding poses you'll never draw

>> No.5189927

you calling me a hoarder bitch

>> No.5189937

you mean it's not malware?
digital hoarding has none of the drawbacks of actual hoarding. in fact you're performing a service to society by potentially saving some things that could otherwise be lost to time.

>> No.5189941

that wasn't the point
the point is that hoarders are too busy hoarding that they barely put aside time to draw

>> No.5189954 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 1536x1536, 1612729656896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I draw gesture and from my coom folder, I know it looks terrible shut up

>> No.5189962
File: 175 KB, 750x1151, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more like those programs are similar to deskmates not sure if you remember that one but it had 2d girls similar to it but it's not like bonzi buddy where it takes your info in fact they rebranded their names a few times, before it was Virtuagirl HD now it's istripper. They have had some famous soft core and porn models on there like Sunny Leone and Devin Devasquez seen here but of course she was a bit older than the other models. They even had Dillion Harper the uniboob girl too.

>> No.5189963
File: 166 KB, 1536x1536, 1612729656896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I draw gesture from my coom folder, I know it looks terrible shut up

>> No.5189966
File: 96 KB, 1151x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more pose

>> No.5189979
File: 121 KB, 1151x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more for real

>> No.5189984
File: 110 KB, 750x1151, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one for real

>> No.5189989

These aren't terrible but at the same time I feel like they wouldn't help someone like OP much. They're still too obviously erotic.

>> No.5190038

Can't you just jerk off and come back to drawing? You have a refractory period for a reason. When you need to cum again go ahead. Just fucking finish while you're in between the cumming periods.

>> No.5190426

do you not realize how gross it is to talk about masturbating and fappign and how you can't resist doing it? I'm not even reading the thread. Just realize it's fucking disgusting and if you're retarded enough to share your experience on it you're probably going to be a coomer your whole life. Have some self respect and stop being such a faggot. If you think the fact that everyone else does it is a good excuse then go fuck yourself retard and don't even waste time hoping to become an artist

>> No.5190487
File: 17 KB, 400x600, wp5256627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck yourself
but that's what i've been doing this whole time uwu
>don't even waste time hoping to become an artist

>> No.5191653

>thinks anonymous posts are indicative of topics anon would normally bring up

>> No.5191673
File: 133 KB, 510x498, inkportrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ultimate coomer problem. Step 1 stop being such a god damned coomer and get your shit together

But in real advice terms... Get yourself hooked on kratom. In the beginning I had wild sexual impulses. Now Im basically an asexual automaton and nothing triggers me. Plus anytime Im on the green I draw without any interruption

>> No.5191700

No, there's a couple other animals that are like that. More likely, human culture is so sexualized because humans are naturally horny.

>> No.5191712

>What would you suggest?

>> No.5192362
File: 943 KB, 2648x2316, B640AF1B-EDE8-473D-9D85-5DE20CC74F72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5192363

>lmao just get an opiate addiction xdd
fucking druggies

>> No.5192947

why do retards fuck their life up worst than already was?

>> No.5192987

you fucking waste time saving all these girls which are nothing but low tier fap material don't expect to ever do any progress in art. you can't keep your fucking mouth shut about masturbating and would rather spend time here talking shit about nothing instead of drawing. you're better off overdosing on prescription drugs than hoping to ever become an artist. I would suggest that you fuck off this board and start using the coomer boards where you belong

>> No.5192997
File: 100 KB, 310x214, 1531510934717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah kid, calm down
i'm sorry you can't comprehend this problem as you are too young to understand
when you grow up, you will understand grown up things
for now, play with your legos and let the adults handle the situation

>> No.5193135

Reminds me of when I was learning to fap, I literally looked it up on Wikipedia, then looked up "art nudes" because I was too embarrassed to search it... DOMAI and MetArt came up for me, simplenudes.com (it's still up, holy shit lol). Had a bit of a fetish going where I'd print out my favorites on our color Epson, then coom on them until the ink discolored

Gotta say, those had me going for a while, then I switched to Sonic and Mario r34 lol, weird times

>> No.5193224

>bro just do hard drugs!

>> No.5193247


>> No.5193417
File: 77 KB, 224x233, 1560638649498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Bi
I can't escape

>> No.5193420

>How the fuck do you resist to fap when you find a pic that makes you want to fap?
because I'm not a teenager who needs to rub his cock every time he sees a naked woman

>> No.5193440

>how do I not fap
Just don't.

If this simple trick doesn't work, then sell your phone and computer, because Internet has made you adhd.

>> No.5193451

study naked saggy grandpa balls then

>> No.5193459

Regular fasting of vices will make you stronger. Fapping will only make you want to associate imagery like that will fapping so it'll become more painful to resist. Every time you resist the urge it will be easier next time, every time you fail it will become more difficult next time.

>> No.5193949

Okay, guys where can i find the lewdest references? All packs from cgpeers already downloaded

>> No.5193973

Hate 3D wamen. You'll only feel the urge to fap to your finished art when you're done.

>> No.5193990

I wish I was a teenager again.

>> No.5194044

I don't really feel anything like that from my own artwork, probably because I've stared at it for hours and am familiar with every detail. Like discussed before, it's lost that novelty.
The closest are those life drawing sketches, probably because I only used a few minutes on each and they have the memory of the real woman attached to them. So I'm really just getting aroused at the thought that I was in a space with them. I can remember the occasional exchange of glances, eye contact... perhaps her smiling a bit at me... their bare feet making that little slapping noise when they walked around during a break... the way their breasts shifted when they changed pose... AWOOGAH

>> No.5194064

What frustrates me is that women will never appreciate the fascination men can have with their bodies (Like what you just described). They just sell their bodies off with no afterthought.

>> No.5194982

>I can remember the occasional exchange of glances, eye contact... perhaps her smiling a bit at me... their bare feet making that little slapping noise when they walked around during a break... the way their breasts shifted when they changed pose...
H-how do I get into life drawing if I'm not literally in art school?

>> No.5195040
File: 253 KB, 335x506, 1599184369814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5195041

Search "life drawing + your city"
Might be a bit quiet during covid, though.

>> No.5195558
File: 45 KB, 718x138, cooooom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R: 267 / I: 78

>> No.5195603

What's so hard about drawing with a boner?

>> No.5195981

this thread has been up for 9 days already
when I make a genuine question and ask for advice, I get ignored and the thread does but when I make some retarded meme shit and then post an ass pic, it becomes the longest lasting thread of the year
why do I even come here?

>> No.5196007

post your ass

>> No.5196014

that thread would die immediately

>> No.5196019

That’s the plan

>> No.5196025
File: 1.21 MB, 1052x790, 70A375A6-9CD5-47CB-80A4-A1A5909928DB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5196375
File: 1.53 MB, 1019x1300, trustYourNose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5196406


>> No.5196431
File: 5 KB, 300x168, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the exact opposite problem , fucking villpu fucked my mind. I can't stop looking muscle forms while watching porn.

>> No.5196553
File: 48 KB, 749x461, animeaddiction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5196707

she looks so soft... i want to rape her

>> No.5196721

Holy based animechad

>> No.5196733

same dude same

>> No.5196919
File: 75 KB, 955x800, Wulfriick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people are pathetic.
I would cuddle in bed with her and show her what her self worth is.
I would explain to her that such a beautiful woman, such as herself, should realize her self worth.
She is degrading herself by posting things like these and sharing them on the internets for creeps to get hard over.
I would stroke her hair and look her directly in the eyes and tell her that because of all of this, she should become my concubine.

>> No.5197075

i believe you are what the kids call a "simp"

>> No.5197230

After realize that I don't have any chance of have sex I stopped having erections.

It's all about your mindset, op.

>> No.5197461


>> No.5197599

>doesn't condone rape
>"lmao simp"
the absolute state of this entire website

>> No.5197653
File: 29 KB, 400x400, c18277bddf17b9759afd7da6f38d3283_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geez i tought i was the only one who got aroused by naked Proko's women.
I fell in love with one of the models back in the day and i was making insane efforts as an incel to get her number.
Dissapointed btw.

>> No.5197721
File: 756 KB, 1440x900, thiccboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sees OP image
>see pic related
oh fucc

>> No.5197756

It's incel hunt boyo

>> No.5197760


>> No.5197903
File: 59 KB, 500x410, what in gods name am i reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, anon. How are you this much creepier than the rape posters?

>> No.5197912
File: 157 KB, 750x1151, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5197913
File: 123 KB, 750x1151, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5198848
File: 16 KB, 400x400, wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It must be the fact that I know what a real woman wants unlike the rest of you virgins.
Women want to feel accepted yet rejected.
Loved yet hated.
Appreciated yet despised.
You wouldn't understand, anon.
I know the inner workings of a woman's heart clearer than she knows her own.
I have been following Belle Delphine for a while now.
I have sacrificed time, money, and people just to understand her better.
I live for her now and I know she will live for me.
It's not a choice.
It's not a suggestion.
I am not asking.
I am not pleading.
I am demanding.
I am expecting.
Then one day, she will bear my children and they too will be sacrificed.
For my love cannot be given to anyone but her.
So for as long as I live, let it be known that any man that does harm to my wife will cease to go to bed at night without seeing me standing there before him.
I will watch him as he sleeps.
I will watch him as he works.
I will watch him as he masturbates.
I will not leave him until death takes him away from me.
Because I love Belle Delphine.
You wouldn't understand, anon.
You haven't found true love.

>> No.5198898
File: 13 KB, 360x518, 204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5198901

Pic related makes me want to vomit, unironically

>> No.5198906
File: 39 KB, 680x383, 1603636508104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After consuming a lot of anime related content I find real women really low average on the appealing scale so I don't feel the need to masturbate when I do gesture and figure drawing

>> No.5198983

the power of autism

>> No.5199005
File: 129 KB, 1024x981, 1604523712301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. autismo
women just want to leech off a man and open their legs to any men who doesn't take shit from anyone

No wonder whores are cashing in mad money when simps are this fucking delusional and pathetic.

>> No.5199217
File: 45 KB, 240x260, get-a-load-of-this-retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wonders how tf you make money off bathwater
>sees this shit

>> No.5199530

I took life drawing in college, after a while it became routine, and I noticed that all human anatomy is basically the same, except for 4 parts. and I got reprimanded by the teacher, because I chose to simply omit it and focus on things like musculature, tone, lighting, even facial differences. The teacher was a closeted horndog tho, so fuck that guy, I got my fundies, and I was out. As a result though I was never really able to see models as "sexy" ever again, just another amorphous human form. (Now my sex drive comes purely from mental stimulation, ego, intellect, intamacy, etc.) But now, someone just naked? Meh...

TL:DR - Overexpose and saturate yourself in nudity, until the urge to fap disappears forever due to sheer burnout, and the human body is only an object to study.

>> No.5199865

yea i'm in this weird place where i can read fantasies and get harder than if i were to see them

idk but maybe it's the fact that seeing it just seems strange to me and kind of nasty but imagining some a red-haired girl with elf ears and dainty hands rubbing her hands against the phallus of my cock and then pulling back my foreskin while grabbing my ass kind of makes me harder than actually seeing it

>> No.5199871

(You) need to go back

>> No.5199879
File: 129 KB, 220x135, imagination.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really the best tool we have.

>> No.5199906

bro why do i even draw then?
i may as well write, desu...

>> No.5200033

it's creepier because you know rape posters are at least somewhat joking but he's probably actually an obsessed fan

>> No.5200037

there are things that can't be expressed in words

>> No.5200053

I'm reasonably sure he's also joking. It's still uncomfortable to read.

>> No.5201364

