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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.92 MB, 960x1250, foidenjkfnosivf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5174872 No.5174872 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most likes you've gotten on one your artworks before /ic/? You have hit at least 10k likes, right /ic/?

>> No.5174890
File: 481 KB, 480x640, 1592912817842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like 150 something lol

>> No.5174896


>> No.5174917
File: 9 KB, 287x183, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what the fuck is /ic/'s problem with twitter
It's so damn easy to gain followers even only posting oc comms

>> No.5174929
File: 40 KB, 640x373, 1602717310421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know exactly what my problem is, I'm bad.

>> No.5174945


>> No.5174947

i dont get twitter at all,
i use tags, post at specific hours, and none seems to see it

>> No.5174948

No, I use a small forum to share my work and that's enough to sustain probably 5 or more people monthly living in a big city. I will never understand /ic/'s need for internet evaluation

>> No.5174956

got a pic or two to 10k

>> No.5174958

Are New Delhi living costs really that low?

>> No.5174982

I don't know, you tell me. I'm not the one trying to convert a big percentage of likes into money

>> No.5174989

Imagine willingly using twitter.

>> No.5174992

Neither am I, so answer my question.

>> No.5174996

What question?

>> No.5175001

This one >>5174958

>> No.5175003

>I don't know, you tell me
Oh, I didn't know I was talking to one of those "slow" people

>> No.5175009

Haha, fucking OWNED BRO! XDD

>> No.5175011


>> No.5175012


>> No.5175021

Are New Delhi living costs really that low?

>> No.5175027 [DELETED] 

Are talking about weebshit/fanart/booba right? twitter commoners who won't help you grow.
You need a big boy artist and some midsize fandom accounts to retweet your stuff.
That anon who got his first commission for $90 has around 2,5k followers and his drawings often get 1k-3k likes

>> No.5175029

Just man up and draw loli while getting 500$ each commission ffs, who cares about normie's likes

>> No.5175036

Are we talking about weebshit/fanart/booba right? twitter commoners have <100 followers and won't help you grow.
You need a big boy artist and some midsize fandom accounts to retweet your stuff.
nsfw doesn't matter, you being big on Pixiv/insta doesn't matter, FOTM only attracts commoners
That anon who got his first commission for $90 has around 2,5k followers and his drawings often get 1k-3k likes

>> No.5175072

it's either that or some slav shithole

>> No.5176499
File: 45 KB, 300x300, 16488211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 and it wasnt even finished

>> No.5176505

two replies in a draw thread

>> No.5176507
File: 349 KB, 1080x822, 20210201_211927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most amount of likes i got was 70 because a larger account shared my post.
Ironically it was probably one of the worse drawings I had posted

>> No.5176515
File: 132 KB, 301x1114, 1458064295912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never even broken 40

>> No.5176544
File: 351 KB, 1064x659, 02800BC2-B99B-4506-AF3B-BF4339C6F418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the closest I’ve ever gotten to breaking 300 with ~1.5k followers. I usually get maybe 30 likes per drawing which is a 2% conversion rate. I don’t know why people follow me if they don’t like any of the drawings, but I don’t mind much. I only draw for myself. I’m not going to change what i draw.

My only beef is when 100+ people like pages of shitty hand sketches, but don’t enjoy seeing well crafted cow udders sewn onto the ass of a rat. There is literally no creativity in hand studies, drawn in 3min, meanwhile i was thinking about udders and nipple placement on rat butts for like a week straight. I did research and studies, and they were nicely inked and colored with a little story and some science facts detailed in.

>> No.5176581

66. I normally average about 3 likes.

>> No.5176590

125 on a simple, short fan comic of a game. Funnily enough it was probably was one of the lowerst effort pieces I made when it came to the art itself.

>> No.5176594

40k for some coom drawing of a fotm anime bitch

>> No.5176615
File: 102 KB, 800x800, IMG_20200317_175919_921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

160 on this almost a year ago

>> No.5176622
File: 822 KB, 2354x1854, pZUuqbL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

332, not my best

>> No.5177342
File: 3.18 MB, 300x300, CCA66BEF-0B40-4AD8-BF36-DB7B9B30D2C1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Running out of options, may need to delete my save and roll a new character so to speak

>> No.5177346

I don't use social media.

>> No.5177683
File: 98 KB, 449x616, 2021-02-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave up on social media, doesnt make me happy

>> No.5177704

1k on twitter, 5k on pixiv, 15k on reddit

>> No.5177715

I got like 375 on a recent drawing. I was on reddit though. I don't have any dedicated accounts.

>> No.5177732

post your blog faggot and maybe ill give it a like

>> No.5177733

Based over18poster

>> No.5177753

can't speak for anyone else, but i follow you only for uniqueness of the style, not the content of drawings themselves

>> No.5177764


>> No.5177768

The most I got was like 112 likes on twitter, I normally average 30 likes nowadays.

I average around 75 on instagram, I also get more interactions there.

>> No.5177770

please post the rat ass udders.

>> No.5177774

My most liked posts (in the 4-5 hundreds) were from my first couple years of drawing, because I was drawing fanart. Later on I made my own things and I would get ~10 tops no matter how I improved.

>> No.5177818

My most liked was when something got 2-3k when it was reposted by some insta repost account

>> No.5177831

300 on reddit

>> No.5177845

>don’t enjoy seeing well crafted cow udders sewn onto the ass of a rat.
Haha wait what

>> No.5177868

16 likes on dead platform tumblr. big victory

>> No.5177889

i wish you had a creative director. your art is great but your subjects and setting are always so fucking stupid, like you're just trying to be as intentionally edgy as possible to get a couple clicks from the remnants of early-00's hot topic culture adherents.

>> No.5177892

Oh you know, about 1 billion. Heh, I guess you could say I'm pretty popular.

>> No.5177899

>not 7 billion

>> No.5177905

Took me a bit to realize that's Bulma

>> No.5177906

7k helped by a couple of big retweeters

>> No.5177909


>> No.5177910

Lol, there aren't even that many people in the world, friendo :)

>> No.5177984

Got shadowbanned for no reason, so max 50 or so.

Still making money on Patreon

>> No.5178013

I don't use social media so nobody can steal my cool ideas. Nice try, idea-thief.

>> No.5178116

Likes dont matter. What matters is how many paterons and fans you have that is willing to give you money.

>> No.5178149
File: 364 KB, 585x740, rollypeppers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a quick doodle i did

>> No.5178152

You deserve more for pic related no joke

>> No.5178155

how can we compete with ayy lmaos joining the scene with their interplanetary social media?

>> No.5178171

interesting style

>> No.5178183
File: 117 KB, 585x441, twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best one so far.
Give or take 20 years it will get to 10k.

>> No.5178199

I didn't post online before /ic/
I think the most so far is 30+ because I was using a trending hashtag on twitter.
On tumblr though the likes come way easier. I did a chainsaw man piece the other day and it got 20+ likes pretty fast.
Other than that I usually average 1~5 likes from the same people on both platforms which is nice.
As cool as it would be to grow I think it's more important to cultivate followers so that the people following you actually care about your work.
Making fanart for series you actually love and not just ones that trend is a good way to do that I think.
I'm still pretty /beg/ too so I'd like to grow as I get better.

This is great I'd like to follow your blog if you have one

>> No.5178204
File: 63 KB, 613x663, Screenshot_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

120k with a dumb sasuke meme
2nd best was 20k with a flavor-of-the-month anime girl

>> No.5178209
File: 2.15 MB, 1200x1175, 1595398018718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the meme in question? I thought it was pretty good meme

>> No.5178213

pokinha... how does it feel to get 3 digit likes after getting 6 digit likes like that...

you struck gold on that one but why did you stop there man? when are you gonna update your blog

>> No.5178239

what were your tags?

>> No.5178348
File: 323 KB, 938x1280, 2DDBDD9F-9587-4D1F-A147-20D2EBCF1F3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It kinda makes more sense in the context of the other 7 pictures series

After some self reflection, i believe it’s a general lack of aesthetic. I compensate for aesthetics with gross content for value. so it’s like a double nerf. But nice looking drawings are always so boring for me to look at, girl sitting on a bench, city scape etc. Even demizu posuka gets kind of boring after a while. Just giant floating animals and characters hiding in the shadows. I’m not even sure where to find creative content anymore or how to communicate creative content.

It’s like I can finally form sentences now, but I’m just writing various penis and fart jokes in all caps. Meanwhile everyone else is writing the same haikus that I find incredibly banal. Or they write 4 pages to describe something when one sentence could suffice.

>> No.5178358

>I’m not even sure where to find creative content anymore or how to communicate creative content.
Don't rely too much on outside forces.
As much as inspiration can come from things you see others do, it can also come from within.
Just draw what you would want to see.

>> No.5178370
File: 60 KB, 512x512, SF3_N029(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to be making nasty ass abominable shit like that you might consider going for horror monsters outright, people love that kind of shit. Pic related is some thing i found from a brief googling, roughly the right idea.

>> No.5178410

> Just draw what you would want to see.
I feel like i do for the most part. It’s just hard to describe the process of generating the idea in the single drawing without any context. Like for the cow pictures it went something like
>lots of giant boob cow drawings on feed
>triggered because it’s not even CNY
>MORE COW DRAWINGS with even bigger boobs
>want to draw opposite of cow drawing
>>draw small boobs with milk machine
>>>draw cow eating people
>>>>still year of rat, draw rat x cow
>>>>>try to conjure grossest cow rat possible
>>>>>puts udders on rat butt
It came out exactly as I intended it to... but i feel like nobody was on the same page as me. A well drawn big breasted cowgirl would have been better received, but it’s not a very thoughtful drawing, and there were already a thousand of them made. So why would you want to see me draw another one?Wouldn’t you want to see something that has never been made or experience the thought process that created the drawing?

Ya, i considered it. Monsters are cool because you can guess how they were derived from something you know. Maybe funny monsters would be my thing.

>> No.5178415

how do you get bigger accounts to RT you though?
i usually get like 20-40 RTs on all my art but theyre all from people with like max 400 followers

>> No.5178422

i get the most likes on reddit (couple hundred to 3k) followed by pixiv (100-300) and than twitter (3-70)

>> No.5178432

I think part of the issue there with nobody being on the same page is that it requires them to have the exact same context as you. For me, I never saw the flood of big titty cow drawings, don't know anything about the correlation between cows and rats and new years, and accordingly see only "conjure the grossest cow rat possible".

So, since I basically don't "get" the joke it just seems like a pointlessly gruesome mess though there's no denying that you probably came up with the nastiest rat cow possible. "Cow with big titties" is easy to comprehend and doesn't really rely on any twitter-art-cultural context.

>> No.5178437

Yeah, i get that whole
>i want to be unique and i don't want to draw what's already been done
but don't force it upon yourself. It only limits you.
>So why would you want to see me draw another one?Wouldn’t you want to see something that has never been made or experience the thought process that created the drawing?
Because people just want the same thing over and over but in a slight different flavor.
Do you want to draw dem big titty uwu anime grills? Do it then.
Do you want to draw rat-cow ass on head abominations? Then go for it.

Maybe your latest work hasn't been well received because it went in a too bizzarre way than your other stuff.
>nobody was on the same page as me
Welcome to life, senpai.

>> No.5178440

3-4 of my drawings have hit 1.3k likes recently, with my usual like count around 600-900 per art post.

>> No.5178504

I agree, i kind of figured out that it is my responsibility as the content provider to provide the context to consume the drawing. It’s like yelling QUEEF in the face of the grocery store cashier and not understanding why there’s no laughter. But you could say “I’m going to need bigger bags” and you might get a chuckle.

I’m going to try to make little comics to provide context for my abominations so that they can be well received. It’s like have a special needs kid with no friends, but you know he’s a good kid and people would like him if everyone saw the same things that you see.

Likewise, you are blinded by the fact that he’s your kid, and you should really just put him out of his misery and put him up for adoption when he’s 8.

>> No.5178511

i mean. it could just be that most people don't enjoy seeing animals being tortured.

it could just be a simple detail like that.

>> No.5178543
File: 24 KB, 444x409, 1571496472916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m going to try to make little comics to provide context for my abominations so that they can be well received
I mean, it's a good idea to stay productive and if you think it'll help, try it out.
You'll be sure to get feedback on that.

But i'd rather advice on planning out your work's composition.
The golden rule is; "show, don't tell"
>Likewise, you are blinded by the fact that he’s your kid, and you should really just put him out of his misery and put him up for adoption when he’s 8.
that's oddly specific for a joke

>> No.5178562
File: 105 KB, 768x768, 6324E166-9041-4C43-976A-E118D0CC72AC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around 11 lmao

>> No.5178570

I swear every single thread on 4chan that ends with "right anon?" or the like is fucking designed to make people feel bad about themselves-

>> No.5178574

sucks to be at the bottom, getting absolutely mogged by tit-monsters with 1/10th the skill you have.

>> No.5178582

>tfw you will never be mogged irl by a tit-monster

>> No.5178586

I used to feel bad about myself, now I just feel bad about the world.

>> No.5178677

Once I almost made it to 100. I didn't but I was close

>> No.5178683
File: 1 KB, 286x37, numbaz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biggest numbers on a post I've seen so far, feels good since it wasn't fan art or anything (yes it was smut)

>> No.5178689

What always hurt me was not the disparity in likes, but that if you draw horny things people actually remember you exist and "care" about you. I know it's probably in the attempt to get something out of you, but it still showed me that people are perfectly capable of throwing others a message or interacting and being curious and interested, they just don't do that because they don't care enough to bother.

>> No.5178695

I've gotten DMs from people expressing sympathy for the fact that my sfw drawings don't get as much engagement, I guess it was sweet but it's kinda weird at the same time

>> No.5178712

>I compensate for aesthetics with gross content for value. so it’s like a double nerf. But nice looking drawings are always so boring for me to look at, girl sitting on a bench, city scape etc.
God, I know that feel.

>> No.5178771

are you fucking kidding me

>> No.5178830
File: 35 KB, 128x128, C2446E62-062E-48B6-87EF-9AA17AB784C4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry anon

>> No.5178838
File: 1.90 MB, 1125x1800, 6DAF097E-26D1-45B3-B7A5-1157D1E30B4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my second highest

>> No.5178851
File: 67 KB, 700x510, model_marmalade_mum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is lol
>pokinha... how does it feel to get 3 digit likes after getting 6 digit likes like that...
I wanna say it felt indifferent because that post didn't give me nearly as many followers as posts with 2-5k likes, but it does discourage you when your stuff flops and you don't really know what you did wrong
>why did you stop there man? when are you gonna update your blog
I suffer from le depression (i know) so i have too many hiatuses too often. I am drawing right now and i'll post weekly from now on, hopefully. We're all gonna make it, bros
>what were your tags?
If you're talking about hashtags i don't use them because they don't really work on twitter like they work on instagram. People will pretty much only see you on their feeds if they already follow you or someone they follow retweet you, so there's no point in using it. Plus, it adds cringe to your posts

>> No.5178888

I actually think that bulma drawing is pretty good anon.

>> No.5178925

How the fuck did only 8 people follow you from that tweet when it was retweeted 22k times?

>> No.5178938

It got me 2-3k followers actually, i think

>> No.5179084

>If you're talking about hashtags i don't use them because they don't really work on twitter like they work on instagram. People will pretty much only see you on their feeds if they already follow you or someone they follow retweet you, so there's no point in using it. Plus, it adds cringe to your posts
how do new people stumble upon you then?

>> No.5179222

Like i just found this guy who has 14k people and a 5-10% conversion rate and i feel like we draw similar content that is equally as grotesque https://twitter.com/ohnosam how did he attract these people to enjoy his drawings? Just curious - i feel I showed up the wrong field to play soccer and I’m just kicking empty goals.

People like happy tree friends, and all those old Cartoon Network shows had animals getting harassed. Where are these people?

Yea, i have too much going on in a single drawing. Less is more i think.

I still like it, but i reposted it too much now it’s over sold. Better to generate new content

>> No.5179225
File: 22 KB, 360x360, 23AB6F28-A589-44E0-9792-40EE6763F8D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They dont

>> No.5179283
File: 10 KB, 200x120, EBAADB28-9E38-45DF-B698-5096C59568CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this one

>> No.5179454

The whole conversion rate probably has to do with people not being on twitter 24/7 and following multiple users.
Even i don't see most of the stuff others post and i don't follow that many.
Pretty often i see posts getting on my timeline after a week or even a month.
His drawings are very comic-y and consistent even when grotesque but doesn't push it, yours are dynamic and bizzarre.
That guy's work just need one look and you know what's going on, on yours you need to focus on the drawing and decipher what is going on most of the time.
The average internet user doesn't like engaging with art thats why he has 50k on IG and only 14k on twitter.
The guy also takes on commission. Many just might follow him to know when to commission him and not because they "like their work".
>Less is more i think

Honestly, just start uploading on NewGrounds.
Twitter might be way too restrictive for you.

>> No.5179537
File: 8 KB, 210x250, 1612207471008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chicken scratched sketch I did under an hour
>friends tell me they find it cute
>finished drawings that take me a long time
>under 30 likes each

>> No.5179540
File: 15 KB, 244x206, AC53F01D-FCDA-4070-8E9D-BEC4395C51C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.5179555

Ive gotten a few thousand notes on undertale skeleton incest porn on tumblr.

>> No.5179589

They literally don't. Either you promote yourself on reddit/twitch/facebook groups/discord servers/etc, or someone big retweets you a couple times until you reach the point where you don't need them anymore

>> No.5180304

One time I got 30 likes!!

>> No.5180313

The truth is that it's common to pay someone popular to mention or retweet you. We've gone full circle to a full blown aristocracy, if you don't have money to pay for connections, advertising and other advantages you're going to stay fucked. All popular level art instruction is just a pyramid scheme, you'll always be at the bottom no matter what.

>> No.5180546
File: 224 KB, 480x368, ea010bbcca416d8566bf2fb265f4b6ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> now it’s over sold.
but was it actually sold

>> No.5183239


>> No.5183248
File: 69 KB, 517x324, 0f727103e0b8cd7c6e62b81c22aee950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is
my most sensational tweet to date

>> No.5183262

one time i got 10 on a stupid little doodle. that was the most.

>> No.5183485

40k+ notes on a pokemon drawing on tumblr

>> No.5183497

181, but it's on inkbunny which has a tiny userbase.

>> No.5183572

i got 25 Yeah!s for a drawing i made on miiverse

>> No.5183589

Yeah but I regret it.
>draw mlp art to cash in on the growing fad
>shit ton of likes and comments, cant keep up
>draw a few more, simple forms and perspective paired with backgrounds is enough to impress these people
>grow tired of it, quit drawing these monsters
>"WHY did u stop drawing pone???"
>"We want to see MORE ponies!!!"
>"Fuck you for using my lifestyle as a scam to get followers! Im unfollowing and i suggest everyone else do so!!!"
>ok bro yeah whatever
>keep drawing other shit
>hop on trends that are interesting, occasionally get the same kind of surge in likes/followers
>people come and go, who cares
>the fucking pony fags are still harrassing me years later

Tldr dont get involved with highly autistic fandoms they will bug the shit out of you

>> No.5185833

2 maybe 3

>> No.5185855

>success is pay-to-win
please no there has to be some kinda way

>> No.5185859

by networking.

>> No.5185864

how do you do that?
most artists dont even accept dms

>> No.5185889
File: 743 KB, 1116x821, ngmi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually get 20 likes on deviantart despite all my posts being either low effort shit and fundies practice I store there for no reason, and all of it is untagged and has weird names.

I suspect either bots or teenage weebs who are so bad they see something I clearly copied from a book, not even well, and think I'm hardcore.

>> No.5185896

I mean, you could probably set your avatar to an eye-catching piece of art, then comment a lot on posts by similar-themed artists famous enough to have some following (but not too famous so your comments would get buried), and then hope for someone curious to click? Of course it would be super slow but I imagine SOME followers would trickle in slowly...

And there's of course shilling on /ic/ too, you can post in the self-promotion thread and hope for some extra follows (especially if you're active with posting your art in other threads).

>> No.5185908

You're starting to sound a little bitter about it, not gonna lie. I draw offbeat art too, but I accepted it's not gonna fly off like cute anime girls, and that's okay for me. I'm not gonna hate on cute girl art. You want to have your cake and eat it too, though. You want to cultivate a huge following and reblogs, while at the same time consciously drawing things that most people don't find tasteful.

>> No.5185911

Unironically suck YouTuber cock. Why do you think V-tubers get all that fanart ? People don't draw them all day just because they're all pedophiles, they do so because they're all pedophiles and sometimes their community manager retweets the best ones with accounts loaded with a couple million followers.

There are dozens of non-artists who occasionaly need some stuff done, trade that exposure for a small discount (like 10% or a more lenient payment schedule, working for free is /beg/ ) and that should get the fame train started.

>> No.5185938

I'll try that out

>> No.5186349


>> No.5186418

my most liked thing is some shitpost I made in an hour, otherwise my most liked single drawing is somewhere around 35

>> No.5186423
File: 397 KB, 427x408, 1518501709251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far the highest I've gotten was 10k. I don't really care about likes or reshares these days though since getting popular posts really just boils down to uploading during peak hours. There are shitty art that get 5k likes and genuinely good works that sometimes get left unnoticed.

>> No.5186963

3000+ notes on quick edit of a dumb anime gif, it was pretty much just tracing, anyone could've done it.

>> No.5187141
File: 101 KB, 500x375, 14016807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5187285
File: 262 KB, 1080x1329, 110130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually i get 3-5 likes except when i did several fanarts of a decently popular artist's design who retweeted them, it got me a few followers which was nice

>> No.5188236

The bigger the number goes the less you care about likes. I got 2.5k once and now getting 1k on every drawing feels like slightly better than average

>> No.5188371

around 1200 notes on tumblr, on two different posts i think? maybe three. i am not a consistent artist (i post a picture once a year) so its pretty good all things considered, especially since ive posted on dead tumblr

>> No.5188541

the highest i've ever gotten was around 650 likes. My usual range is around 5 to 30. My follower count is stuck at around 240 for a good while now. I have a friend who doesn;t even consider himself an artist but usually gets hundred of likes and smashed right through my personal goal of 1k likes and even 1k followers without even breaking a sweat. I have another friend who is well on his way to getting 1k followers as well. I really cannot express the despair and anger I feel. I feel like blasting my brains out every day

>> No.5189915

i got a lot from a harry potter thing, which i regret.

>> No.5189932

are you a buncha coomers or do you actually make artwork

>> No.5189951

the hand sketch likes might be explained by having lots of other artists as followers

>> No.5189985

About 500 is my current peak.
You're either lucky or networked a lot more than other people. Are you someone who talks often, or follows a lot of people, or gifts or does raffles or does art trades? Even when I get mutuals notice me, and they start talking to me and retweeting me, they don't really devote to doing it every time I post art, much as I can't do it to them either. And of my mutuals with many followers it's only like under ten who ever notice my art anyway. But I don't do nearly as much networking as people sometimes do. Other than that some people are really lucky and some people are really unlucky.
Dang I have less than 500 followers and don't draw nearly as well as you but I get like 30 likes per drawing regularly now on Twitter. Maybe it's because I don't draw rat cow udders. I never hit 300 likes til I suddenly hit 500 recently-ish. You've been on Twitter less long than I have been so I really don't know why you're not hitting 300 other than your cow udder rats. I wish I already had 1k followers at the minimum, it honestly looks like everyone who puts minimum networking effort has 1k or 2k and I'm sitting here at under 500. A lot of those people don't even draw better than me, or as often.

>> No.5190249

Around 80k for something on tumblr, and 13k on Twitter.

>> No.5192304

what are you acting like a fucking child anon? God damn

>> No.5192352

no u

>> No.5192366
File: 46 KB, 224x168, wojak_gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironically suck YouTuber cock. Why do you think V-tubers get all that fanart?
Sometimes I forget that I'm on this absolute planet
I have not even seen what the fuck a vtuber is yet but I already know it's unspeakable cancer
sounds like the art world went to the shitter far beyond what I can relate to

>> No.5192472


>> No.5192487

I don't share my art, I draw to make my ill sister happy.