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5171643 No.5171643 [Reply] [Original]

Can learning to draw trigger schizophrenia?

I became unemployed so I have a lot of time to practice. I try to put in at least 4 hours a day, and I have been noticing that I see faces in everything now. It is like those threads where someone posts a crumpled up tissue and then you draw what you see, but it is happening constantly. I just got out of the shower and my towel looked like an angel spiraling up into heaven with the head of a lovecraft squid monster, and I thought to myself that if I could capture this in a drawing as I am seeing it then it would look nice. This happens all the time, if I look at a carpet, the wall, anything that has any texture at all

Is this normal when learning art or did I go crazy?

>> No.5171654

its normal it happens to me too.

>> No.5171658

>Can learning to draw trigger schizophrenia?
Imagining the torrent of scathing, bitter "zingers" and other belittling non-criticism will have me replace Israel with this board for the reason why I can't succeed.

>> No.5171666
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That's called developing an imagination, OP.

>> No.5171667

those are signs you're gmi

>> No.5171677

This is how a lot of artists make art. I believe that any artist who starts with a lot of scribbling is doing something like this. I know Marco Bucci just throws random colors around and then “sees” a composition in it that he then brings out. I’ve seen vilppu do this with a chamois and I think his gesture is just a refined version of this. I know for sure that this is how cavemen made art

>> No.5171682

you are paying attention to these things for the first time.
This has been the case for me my entire life, I see little goblins and monsters in the patterns on the tiles in the bathroom, sometimes in the carpet as well.

>> No.5171689

>This has been the case for me my entire life, I see little goblins and monsters in the patterns on the tiles in the bathroom
for me the bathroom tiles look like Greek pottery art. Little warriors lined up battling with each other

>> No.5171769

It is the sign

>> No.5171789

Fuck man, I have no idea. but I know a guy who got involuntarily locked up in a mental ward for schizo shit. He stayed in for months and is now on disability, so now he can just stay home and paint crazy shit all day. So maybe being schizo is good for artists?

>> No.5172173

it's not schizo, that's pretty normal
your brain likes to pick out patterns from chaos even if it doesn't really make sense

>> No.5172649


>> No.5172652

>Can learning to draw trigger schizophrenia?
Dealing with the art world and the reality of art and social media has made me depressed and suicidal and I'm sure it gave me psychosis.

>> No.5172657

It’s called pareidolia and it’s normal. Mine got worse when I used to do a lot of drugs though. It eventually went back to normal when I stopped. Stop smoking weed m8 genuinely is the root of it. Harder drugs brought it out, weed kept it there

>> No.5172812

Why would you want to lose this ability though? It’s like free drawing compositions

>> No.5172834

By your definition, anyone who sees a shape in a cloud is a schizo.
Schizophrenia is when you can't distinguish between fantasy and reality and it negatively affects your life. Unless you think your towel is actually a monster that's going to hurt you, you're just expanding your imagination.

>> No.5172886

It's not schizophrenia until the towel faces start talking to you.

>> No.5172892

>Why would you want to lose this ability though? It’s like free drawing compositions

because im not short for ideas. I dont get it when people worry about things like this or like people stealing their ideas. like nigga let them I got more ideas than I know what to do with

>> No.5173406
File: 11 KB, 375x500, creepybathroomfaceshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro this shit in my bathroom always creeped me tf out
>cooming baby

>> No.5173448

you ever try to draw ontop of it to fully bring out the face?

>> No.5173455

Try imagining the triangle shape to be its mouth, instead of the nose - instantly looks 5x less scary! :p

>> No.5173485

that's what I imagine which is why it looks like an infant in a euphoric coom state

>> No.5173487
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>> No.5173547
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Most people have it bro, it's just that your sense of it was dulled because you didn't train it. Now that you work with your imagination, it comes more naturally to you. It's how a lot of artist come up with ideas.

Now, when you can't discern your imagination from reality then it becomes a real problem, and you should get help from a medical professional.

>> No.5173625
File: 329 KB, 1000x730, twins of fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the first one

>> No.5173640

I used to see faces (ie pareidolia) when I closed my eyes. They were always grotesque faces, manifesting from the light spots. They’d morph into other faces, all swirling together. Back then I was a pot smoker and member of TST. But, even then I thought it was weird that they manifested themselves through no effort on my part. I stopped smoking weed and they remained. Only after I left TST and oriented myself and art towards truth and beauty did they go away.

Imagination is something you control, anon. Seeing angels morph into demonic figures through no conscious effort on your own is not “imagination,” it is a symptom of disordered spirituality/demonic oppression. It will continue until you orient yourself towards God.

>> No.5173669

>Seeing angels morph into demonic figures through no conscious effort on your own is not “imagination,” it is a symptom of disordered spirituality/demonic oppression.
I draw monsters all the time and every now and then I get told I'm... cursed. When this lady I met in her house looked at me she immediately said I had the evil eye, she had me sit down and made a mark with olive oil on my brow. A guy told me that my dreams are chock full of biblical stuff (never opened a Bible), and said that I can't sleep because there's something in my house. I'm sure these are weird coincidences because superstitions are so broad, but it's really cool when it happens.

>> No.5173692

When I have no topic just wanna draw I look at cloud pics and it never fails to provide something fun

>> No.5173728

I had a short comic idea where a small gang of art students get into an abandoned asylum as a challenge and take turns locking themselves up in a dark room full of junk, drawing what they see in the darkness. They each draw the monsters in their own way except for one kid who is too scared to draw, and he just makes a brushpen smear when he's startled by the others opening the door once the coutndown is over. They all comment on each other's drawings and the kid goes back home, and every day afterwards the smear becomes a dark figure on the paper. On the last day the kid picks up the sketchbook at his bedside and the blot is gone. He looks up and there's a Junji Ito style splash with a scary ghost crawling on his bed.
I have all the thumbs and character drawings in a drawer but I never bothered putting it up together.

>> No.5173829

What does it mean if you see beautiful things in the pareidolia when you close your eyes? Is that still demonic oppression? Sometimes I see spooky stuff, but 90% it’s animals, landscapes, etc. I believe in Jesus

>> No.5173868
File: 97 KB, 720x576, 225F1AAE-668A-4864-9D39-87B5E15834DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you do figure drawing while listening to Christian music and God helps you bring out the beauty

>> No.5174223

You should tho
it actually sounds pretty good/interesting

>> No.5175244

That sounds really interesting! You should make that

>> No.5175266

>hbubhhb muh god muh satan
based retard

>> No.5175328
File: 11 KB, 255x359, h_r_giger_smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just draw the demons.

>> No.5175493

>mfw I see a basedjak
I need to get the fuck outta here

>> No.5175550

based and jesuspilled

>> No.5175560

congrats you're not one of them >aphantasiafags

>> No.5175771

I can see it become the new art meme, e.g.
>the pareidols you see when you close your eyes are actually just tulpas waiting to be adopted

>> No.5175969

I thought everyone sees goblins when they close their eyes?? It’s demons?

>> No.5177034

Maybe it's my execution but my comics never got any interest beyond the initial encouragement. Last time I made one for fun I got a backseat driver who harped on about what I should have changed until I dropped it. I decided it wasn't for me.

>> No.5178188

not schizo, new anon to thread. i also see weird shit in different textures, most significantly carpets because people scuff it up in different ways as no one position ever stays the same. and it's always faces. and yes, when i close my eyes i see after effects of playing pixeled puzzle games, or rando pattern shit that is full color. i don't do drugs and i'm not diagnosed or undiagnosed with any mental conditions. i think my mind is just firing content at me and i'm doing nothing with it. it gives me a good idea to start doin smthin with it, it's probably all this suppressed creativity i'm harnessing and don't realize i'm wasting good talent. i feel better now that i have seen this, thanks OP.

>> No.5178207


>> No.5178607

i talk to my drawings, its sort of like when bob ross says "maybe this tree had a hard life, maybe hes had a rough couple of years" only im talking to my characters

>> No.5178613

>sort of like when bob ross says "maybe this tree had a hard life, maybe hes had a rough couple of years"
fuck me, I can't tear up while thinking of Bob Ross ffs

>> No.5179140

Based gmi

>> No.5179325

do you expect answers back?

>> No.5179328

>Maybe it's my execution
nigga of course you ain't be able to draw right without no head

>> No.5179536

It's called pareidolia and its a result of evolution. The monkeys with bad pattern recognition couldn't see the face of a lion in the grass got eaten. The monkeys who could see patterns better ran away before the lion pounced. What's worse, seeing a predator where there isn't one and running away? Or not seeing the predators face where there is one and not living long enough to make baby monkeys. So it was more advantageous to be more sensitive to face patterns in abstract shapes. It's normal, you're just being more perceptive. On the plus side, you're less likely to get eaten.

>> No.5181424

I see cute cats when I close my eyes :)

>> No.5181614

I honestly don’t know anymore if this thread is serious, but I’m a schizo and focusing on drawing for hours daily greatly helps me stay in remission so it can only be good for you. But I’ve been seeing faces in everything when I used to feel much worse so maybe make sure to relax once in a while, you might be stressed/sleep deprived.

>> No.5181991

It's normal, and a pretty far cry from schizophrenia, unless they start talking and telling you to do things.

Being unemployed during a pandemic is probably worse for your sanity than learning to draw.