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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 215 KB, 1080x1440, crumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5165108 No.5165108 [Reply] [Original]

Was he in the right /ic/?

>> No.5165149

Sometimes, surely, other times in the wrong. Only human ain't he? That's how it be sometimes. Other times you just can't know, y'know? Who decides? No one can, it's all meaningless at the start, we just declare this and that, here you can have a cow, there and then you couldn't. All subjective I suppose. Mind you I'm just going off tangent a little bit, being a little too vague I suppose. But what's vague anyway? Who's to say I'm not right on the money? No one! It be funny sometimes.

>> No.5165156

literally who

>> No.5165162

looks jewish so no

>> No.5165603

He's a comics god and possibly the greatest American artist of the 20th century. Of course he's right, and most of /ic will never understand.

>> No.5165605

Good god, look at something besides animu, capeshit and artstation, ffs.

>> No.5165726

About everything.

>> No.5165747

Who is this fag

>> No.5165760


>> No.5165804


>> No.5165858

>at least 3 here don't know who Robert Crumb is.
The absolute state of /ic/

>> No.5165863

remember when liberals were more like this guy instead of whatever they are today? in those times conservatives dominated society and, to piss them off, artists would push the boundaries of what was "acceptable" by creating things that were more vulgar, more violent than yesterday. anything to inflame them and make them look like hypocrites. now the roles are reversed and the libshits dominate society. comedians, artists, any of the professions that were previously "off limits", can now get cancelled for taking things too far. i hate this stupid clown world.

>> No.5165870

Nigga, I know who Crumb is, but why the fuck would I know his face?

>> No.5165887
File: 1.17 MB, 1200x1200, Crumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why the fuck would I know his face?
Because his face is probably his favorite subject besides thicc women.

>> No.5165910

Yeah, I would consider myself a leftist in the Crumb/Spain Rodriguez tradition.
Being old enough to remember when right-wingers were the censorious puritans, it’s strange to see ‘liberals’ take on that role.
I still think that free speech is essentially a ‘liberal-left’ position. I’m looking forward to a countercultural left reemerging giving the finger to puritanical retards. It can be found in the podcast world with shows like Red Scare and Fedpost.

>> No.5165914

my mother gifted me a collection of different comic artists (basically an overview over different ones) for my 16th birthday over 10 years ago. There were nice ones like donald duck etc. Then there was Robert Crumb. I think his comics really fucked me up or at least unearthed the upfucking

I don't even like him so much, but it's still interesting

>> No.5165919

I think these positions will not be switched (right progressive vs left conservative), but there will be a new form to call this stuff.

>> No.5167516
File: 167 KB, 874x768, Big_Healthy_Girl_Enjoys_Deep_Penetration_From_Rear-Robert_Crumb-Ink-trampt-279212o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok time for some crumb

>> No.5167518
File: 85 KB, 500x488, vacuum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5167519
File: 171 KB, 775x937, kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5167521
File: 714 KB, 1200x1776, doolittle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5167524
File: 509 KB, 3000x2000, big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5167527
File: 472 KB, 3000x2000, 2017-Crumb-Bible-of-Filth_0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5168896

dude is going balls deep
i like his hatch marks

>> No.5168908

I wish degenerate were more like this, like... This is endearing, it's really just him venting his sexual fantasies

>> No.5168980

>I got traumatised by a sex comic.

>> No.5169048

>I still think that free speech is essentially a ‘liberal-left’ position
There is no indication that free speech is an essential principle of the left wing. They purported to have been in favour of it when they were out of power and now that they rule most of the institutions of power, they can easily do away with it.

You may consider this hypocritical and unfair, but it's business as usual.

>> No.5169126

I watched the documentary about him and find it funny that he acts likes he was such a loser when plenty of wagecucks and incels would kill to have the life that he did.

>making a living doing something you love
>having a bunch of art buddies
>doing tons of drugs
>getting so much hippy pussy that you have multiple gfs at a time

Hardly compares to his brothers who became a suicidal shut-ins and a serial molester.

>> No.5169892
File: 59 KB, 460x349, Crumb_to Feminists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no indication that free speech is an essential principle of the left wing.
Let's distinguish liberalism from leftism, two distinct traditions.
Free speech is definitely essential to liberalism. The Enlightenment thinkers affirmed freedom of speech as an inalienable right.
In leftism—which critiques capitalism and exalts the worker—the relationship to free speech is more complicated. But Marx himself supported freedom of the press, and leftists like Rosa Luxemburg were free speech absolutists. Only later did authoritarians like Stalin deviate from formative leftism.
Current wokies and the Democratic Party are totally different animals. I wouldn’t even call them ‘the left’. Dems are funded by Wall Street, and most wokies are bourgeois puritans. Wokies aren’t very liberal either. Yes, they are hypocrites.
Anyway, to stay on topic, attached Crumb exercising free speech.

>> No.5169912
File: 292 KB, 1640x1135, crumb_sex_obsessions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish degenerate were more like this
Yeah, he's great. And proof that smut can be Art.

>> No.5169916

his shit is so badly drawn, i doubt he'd even manage to be popular among modern nazis.

>> No.5169919
File: 472 KB, 991x1346, 1604416980369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but if you aren't able to laugh about yourself or see your own shittyness, you'll never make it in life

>> No.5169931

You have bad taste.
And you're right he wouldn't be popular among 'modern nazis.' He's truly subversive and makes art, not just memes. And 'modern nazis' tend to like neoclassical kitsch and the worst animu that appeals to their fascism fetish. They have no taste.

>> No.5169944

subversive? nnnah, you're definitely confusing that with transgressive.

unless you mean his "low brow" style of drawing itself, but being weak at technique isn't really subversive. most comics of his era were pretty weak.

>> No.5169956
File: 390 KB, 900x1200, Crumb Daddy Stovepipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weak at technique
wtf? dude's technique is top tier.
what's the problem? not enough 3D model paintover, photobashed fantasy landscapes or animu sameface for you? artstation is thataway --->

>> No.5169967

None of the above. I even like Bakshi.

Its just that his work is aesthetically bland.

>> No.5170014

>aesthetically bland
Bland? Wot? Okay, we all like what we like.
I like Bakshi too, but Bakshi's success was both derivative and dependent on other artists. Crumb is the most obvious one, and his work on Wizards was influenced by (some would say ripped off of) Vaughn Bode and Wally Wood's Wizard King work. Working closely with artists like Mike Ploog, Ian Miller, and John K. (yeah, I know) fleshed out Bakshi's work as well.
Though I love his work, left to his own devices Bakshi lacked the coherent vision and discipline of someone like Crumb.

>> No.5170072
File: 1.44 MB, 2048x1692, jpcrumb-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5170163

That's why I mentioned him. He was clearly a disciple, to the extent his biggest success was a rendition of Crumb's earlier (better) work.

His technique is just poor.

>> No.5170181

I’d like to see the rest of this

>> No.5170186

holy shit I thought this guy died decades ago.

>> No.5170194
File: 2.40 MB, 1242x1720, 8BFF5D98-B55F-497A-A35C-E3E4776FF3A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not right about this clearly

>> No.5170197

To be fair, Cumb himself is a leftist (which is part of why he moved away from the USA), but picrel is more of a reaction to how hippies and other movements were starting to claim him as a "hero" of their generation. Before Crumb got really degenerate, he would be celebrated by women and feminists for being "body positive" in his work (back then, the ideal of beauty was a near anorexic girl like Twiggy)... He started to make art that was mean spirited on purpose just to get back at those people.

>> No.5170201

he's still alive, but has lost faith in drawing because he got tired of giving drawings away to people and them getting dollar signs on their eyes, when it was supposed to be just a kind gesture

>> No.5170204

I find this amusing because crumb is a literal star in the American art world yet most American posters probably don’t know who crumb is or what he does

>> No.5170208
File: 2.63 MB, 1242x1734, F49EE6DC-A0E8-494B-B912-FDC0D6D2A0A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is funny as shit. Why does he do this? 1

>> No.5170211
File: 2.59 MB, 1242x1746, CF13E5A7-06EF-4078-BE5D-13E7A7A45AE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5170212
File: 2.62 MB, 1242x1745, 146D7460-71D8-4AD4-94E6-5A71D6631353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5170213

He’s a fucking shitlord i love his stuff. My visual arts teacher showed us his work and some woke retards started to complain of course. What do you know these people then do a presentation about Steven universe and the rat jew who made it sayin how wonderful it was. So yeah crumb for life

>> No.5170215
File: 1.55 MB, 1238x1546, Crumb_selfies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crumb's earlier (better) work
Technique-wise, his later work is much better. His early work may have been more inspired but in his later years his cross-hatching has become more refined.
See >>5169956 for another example.

>> No.5170216
File: 93 KB, 354x512, 1A2668F6-C1D3-4E1F-B39C-BC20C32F53EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dude really makes me laugh I’m not gonna lie this is completely new to me. Reminds me of reading viz as a kid but better

>> No.5170250

these drawings were made because some random girl sent crumb some of her nudes, telling him she wanted to be immortalized by him via art

>> No.5170383

Thx for the context, i was bewildered why there was modern tech on a crumb drawing.

>> No.5170512

I wonder if he's fucked an instagram chick yet, or if he only fucks his wife now.

>> No.5170824

the original cock crusher

>> No.5170830


>> No.5170835

Yeah but early on he drew the cat. Only thing of note in his career.

>> No.5170842


>> No.5171212

Doubtful. Crumb is a notorious shut-in and hermit, and Aline gatekeeps hims vigorously. He had a brief period when he was in his LSD phase when he was promiscuous, but since meeting Aline, all I've heard is she keeps him on a very, very short lease.
Now? Dude is almost 80, he probably doesn't even jerk off much. Or leave the house.

>> No.5171228

>>making a living doing something you love

Barely, until Aline came along.

>>having a bunch of art buddies

Kind of. Crumb was notorious for being a hermit, and not hanging out.

>>doing tons of drugs

For a short period. And he admitted they fucked him up a bit.

>>getting so much hippy pussy that you have multiple gfs at a time

For a short time, before he met Aline. And he wasn't that big a pussy slayer, he was just single in a time when sex was no big deal, and hippy chicks would fuck you because they were bored.

You're posting like he was like a rock star, which is hilariously not true. You know what he did most of the time, when he wasn't cooped up at home? Wandering around the Bay Area drawing, and not talking to people.

>> No.5171232

This is from 2018, dummy. Crumb's technique has improved over the years, but back when he was doing comics, he was crude - especially compared to his contemporaries. And I say that as a fan. He was not doing work at this level back in the 60's and 70's. Period.

>> No.5171246

>a literal star in the American art world
No, he's not. He's an outlier in the underground world, in that documentaries and shows of his work have appeared, and he's famous in the Juxtapoz world, but the mainstream art world wants nothing to do with him. The only time his work has been near a museum was part of an over-all show on cartooning.

Most people have no fucking clue who he is, or his work.

I'm a fan, and I would never call him "a literal star", because that's just straight up bullshit.

>> No.5171913

I don't like his art style, but he is onto something that maybe with increased age, I too will realize.

>> No.5172570
File: 111 KB, 850x553, b-Model-projections-of-mental-health-by-political-ideology-controlling-for-age-and-sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right dominates society
>left makes *checks notes* porn

>left dominates society
>left makes *squints eyes* porn
>right makes memes, art and counter culture aimed at preserving values, heritage and morals

By brainscans, liberals literally have an underdeveloped disgust reflex. The pedos, furries, cucks, etc will all always be overwhelmingly (100 to 1) leftist for that reason.

pic related

>> No.5172575

>look at coomer "art" SHIT instead

No thanks, I'm good

>> No.5175519

>muh right muh left muh degeneracy
just draw nigger

>> No.5175533
File: 41 KB, 400x400, Barks 20x30 bristol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't GENESIS drawn entirely on 11x14" paper? I would've thought the older comics would be huge, like 20x30" or something

>> No.5175561

He's funny but the art looks like shit dude. I can't believe anybody seriously think it's "good" besides being a wacky vessel for coom jokes. And considering that
is the best he can do actually trying to look realistic apparently I'd say he sucks.

>> No.5175710
File: 907 KB, 1065x851, NotAnAmericanCartoonist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was he in the right /ic/?

Of course he was in the right! What sort of stupid question is that?

The man was a visionary, a true artist that helped to define an entire generation. His work remains just as relevant now as it did when it was fresh. And I mean FRESH. Such amazing work that never fails to resonant with someone the moment that they see it.

I'm not sure how anyone can even think to ask such a question about him being right and still inhabit this board. You really need to search yourself and re-evaluate what the fuck you're doing artistically if you feel the need to postulate such ridicul-

...Sorry, I've just been informed that you aren't talking about Corbusier, but rather some shitty hack of an American cartoonist. Nevermind.

>> No.5175805

way ahead of his time regarding thiccness

>> No.5176698

And Leonard Feininger?